Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: October 02, 2018: Cherished Soul

Contemplation: October 02, 2018: Cherished Soul

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Cherished Soul

Greet life with enthusiasm and confidence by constantly maintaining the awareness of how cherished you are.

Joy in Giving

We usually expect from others and rarely think of giving. We are also
not able to give unconditionally. We normally think of what we are
going to get out of giving. So we lose the joy of giving. We usually
don't get what we expect and when we don't, we usually experience
negative feelings. There is true joy in giving. When we find someone in
negativity and if we are able to recognize what they need, we can give.
When we give we are able to have the satisfaction of giving. This
enables us to get in touch with our innate qualities and we are able to
use these qualities for the benefit of everyone.

Anger Management

Keep a daily chart for one week for the questions below, the answers to which will help you manage emotions of anger, irritation, frustration, etc. more effectively. Review your progress at the end of each day and then at the end of one week. Having made your observations, make improvements for the next week. Keeping this chart for a month, will help you manage and overcome your anger much better.

1. During which event today did you get angry or irritated...even a little?
2. What was the type of your thoughts at that time?
3. Which negative thought/thoughts contributed to your stress the most?
4. What positive thoughts helped you to regain your calmness and composure?
5. How long did it take to regain your calmness?
6. Why did it take so long to regain your peace?
7. What would you do differently and more appropriately if the same scene happened tomorrow?

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Peace

In meditation l begin to think about my true identity. l let thoughts about the soul and its qualities fill my mind. Initially it doesn't matter how fast the thoughts are arising as long as they are moving in the right direction. lf my thoughts wander away, gently, l bring them back again to peaceful thoughts of the self. As l become involved in the experience of such thoughts, they will gradually start to slow down and soon l will be able to savour (taste) them. Just as when l am given something special to eat, l eat it slowly, appreciating each mouthful (its flavour and texture), so I begin to appreciate the experience contained in each positive thought. The simple phrase, ‘I am a peaceful soul', comes to life as l begin to experience it. 

Message for the day

To transform the self means to receive blessings.

Projection: The one who brings about transformation in the self learning from all situations, attains victory constantly. He will naturally be able to take the learning from all situations and move on inspite of negative situations. He is also successful in his relationship with others, as he knows to mould himself.

Solution: When I am able to bring about transformation in myself according to time, without just expecting others to change, I am able to get the love and good wishes of all. Because of the ability to mould myself, my thoughts too would be easy and light. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: October 01, 2018: Listening to Your Conscience

Contemplation: October 01, 2018: Listening to Your Conscience

Image may contain: one or more people and swimming

Listening to Your Conscience

Our conscience is our in-built awareness of what's true and what the 'right' thing to do is. When we do the 'wrong thing,' and go against our conscience, our conscience will nudge us and remind us that we're our of alignment without truth. At this point, we can listen to our conscience and re-orientate ourselves. There are times we may ignore it or just not hear it because it's drowned out by all that noise in our heads. Next time before you jump into action, just - shhh! - become quiet and listen to your conscience to discover what its saying.

It is easy to speak negatively when we do not like something about
someone. We first react to them in our mind and so tend to get angry.
Our words and behaviour would then naturally be negative and insulting
too. This further widens the gap and breaks the relationship. When
someone does something undesired, we first need to try and understand
his behaviour. Every person has a reason to behave the way he does. If
we can't understand at that time, we at least need to give it time.
The more we react to the other person and his behaviour, the greater
the distance that is created. So we need to begin the first step of
positivity by recognizing some positivity in him.

Resisting False Attractions In Actions

All that glitters (shines) is not gold. Life presents you with many illusionary scenes, scenes in which what may be visible may not be the truth. These scenes cause desires to be born inside you to achieve something unnecessary for your prosperity or other types of fulfillments. These can be illusions that make you believe that you will gain something from a situation or person, without the same being true. Thus, you waste time going down a path that not only leads you to disappointment; but you also waste the resource of your thoughts and energy and as a result you tire yourself out emotionally and mentally.

If the intellect is polluted, you make incorrect judgments and are easily deceived by situations or people. Thus, you will make incorrect choices, dishonest or illogical decisions. You will justify dishonesty and improper actions and you will be incapable of differentiating between the real and the imaginary. A person with a pure, clear, clean and powerful intellect will act with honesty and sincerity. When your intellect is polluted, you may act against your own conscience or against your better judgment; you also may be insensitive. A person with a doubtful intellect will always justify a dishonest act. Meditation is the process of purifying and cleaning the intellect, because in meditation we connect with the purest intellect, the intellect of the Supreme Soul or God. Meditation is also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of your conscience. Being awake means to realize, and being strong means to act according to what you have realized.

Soul Sustenance

Mind, Intellect and Personality

Just as electrical energy produces heat, sound or light depending on the device through which it passes, similarly, the energy of consciousness functions through three different but closely connected entities, the mind, intellect and personality.

The Mind
With the power of the mind, one imagines, thinks and forms ideas. The non-physical mind should not be confused with the heart, the physical organ that maintains blood circulation.

The Intellect
The intellect understands, reasons, memorizes, discriminates and makes decisions. The non–physical intellect should not be confused with the physical brain, which is the physical focus of the nervous system.

The Personality
Habits and sanskaras are all embedded in the soul in the form of impressions as a result of every action performed. The most fundamental feature of every soul, its personality, is determined by such stored impressions. 

Message for the day

Honesty brings success in relationships.

Projection: Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the other person.

Solution: When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own life and others are benefitted too with my own self-progress. I am able to maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with them and I find myself successful in my relationships.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: September 30, 2018: Don't Worry, Be Happy

Contemplation: September 30, 2018: Don't Worry, Be Happy

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, outdoor and water

Adam Cooper in Singin' in the Rain at the Palace Theatre

Don't Worry, Be Happy
When we worry, we make problems bigger than they really are. Don't worry. Be happy.

Did you know that singing improves your mood? So, sing, sing, sing your worries away.

Accept whatever you have no control over.
Prepare whatever you can. Keep the thought: at the right time, the right things will happen.

Performing A Spiritual Audit At The End Of The Day (cont.)

Yesterday we had explained how self evaluation at the end of the day is extremely vital to one's progress and development. A useful exercise in this regard is keeping a daily chart for about 3 personality traits or points and filling it up every night (lesser than 3 is also fine, but not more , because then you might feel lazy in keeping the chart after a few days and also you might lose focus and the personality traits may not transform as much as you want). You could either evaluate yourself with a yes or no or perform a percentage wise evaluation like 50% or 90% for e.g. We have mentioned below, some of the common traits from which you could select the traits to keep a daily chart for. You could incorporate some other specific traits (not mentioned in this list), which you want to change or develop, depending on your personality:

In the entire day, today; not only in my words and actions, but also in my thoughts:
* Did I see everyone's specialties and keep good wishes for each one, in spite of obvious weaknesses being visible?
* Did I remain free from all forms of anger, like irritation, frustration, grudge, revenge, etc.?
* Did I ensure that I neither give nor take sorrow, hurt, pain from anyone?
* Did I remain free from waste and negative?
* Did I remain ego less?
* Did I remain untouched by name, fame, praise, insult?
* Did I remain stable?
* Did I remain free from judgments, criticism, jealousy, comparison, hatred, etc.?
* Did I keep a conscious of serving each one whom I met?
* Did I bring the 8 main powers into practice and experience being powerful?
* Did I remain in self-respect and give respect to everyone?
* Did I practice being soul-conscious in actions and interactions?
* Did I take a one minute break every hour to reflect, meditate and control the traffic of thoughts in the mind?


The crux of communication is wastage. In writing, the search for
expression, the sensitivity to its reception, the pressure of time,
drains away the energy of thought at its conception. When it arrives,
it is diluted (or exaggerated); it may come late or the reader is busy.
"Might" is read as "won't", sorry for "can't", "love" for "much love".
In speech, instead of doing, doing is spoken of, and the gap between
the two takes action away until instead "love" means "leave me alone";
"thanks" means "hurry up"; silence means "I'm tired" or "busy". Moments
when speech meets action; and both spring out of a single thought into
clear expression are rare. There are gaps of darkness; semi-openness;
semi-honesty. Funny people convey truth in humour and serious people
seek out quality in their friendship.
A day will come when what you think, do and say, will all be equal
expressions of one force. And the force will be you. Not a mixture of
conscience and impulse, duty and desire. Just you. You will just live.
And what you are living will be part of the river that will run through
everyone. The landscape of your mind will be unique, but the water will
be the same and it will be clean.
What will words be then? Words will explain things that would take too
long to show, like how to climb a mountain. Words will represent
things. Words will be destinations, not journeys. They will be like
palaces not tents. There would be no point in decorating a tent because
it is always being moved. But a palace is fixed, traditional, rich.
There will be no irony, sarcasm, no ambiguity for these destroy value.
Instead words will be filled with depth, age, and above all resonance,
because they will be places of meeting and enjoyment, free from ego of
debate or discussion. You cannot learn to communicate like that from a
human being. For a human is filled with the past and every word spoken
is weighted by that. Love felt deeply has desire in it somewhere. You
have to learn it from God. It is called yog.

Soul Sustenance

Simple Exercise To Identify Your Hidden Fears

If you want to overcome and overpower fears that exist inside you, you have to first take a look at your feelings and hidden emotions. After realizing your feelings and emotions, you have to know how to manage them and finally correct or overcome them. Given below is a simple exercise that will help you to achieve that. This exercise will help you identify the conscious and sometimes sub-conscious (very subtle) fears that lie inside you. Choose an area of your life that you feel is negative and needs some improvement. Now, ask yourself these three questions:

1. What do I really want, what is my aim and objective?
2. What obstacle/obstacles are stopping me from achieving my objectives?
3. What prevents me from dealing with or overcoming that obstacle?

For each fear that comes to you in response to the question no. 3, ask yourself the following questions:
A. What is the worst that can happen, if what I fear occurs?
B. What is the best possible result for me and for others, if I do it even though I feel afraid of doing it?
C. Keeping in front of you the answer to question B and comparing it with the answer to question A will inspire you to overcome the fears that lie inside you.

Message for the day

To forgive the self is to have the ability to forgive others too.

Projection: I sometimes find it very difficult to forgive the mistakes committed by others. I do try to understand but am not able to understand the other person's behaviour and so find it difficult to forgive them.

Solution: When I have love for myself and am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to forgive myself. When I know to do this, I can understand the other person too from his perspective and can easily forgive him.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: September 29, 2018: Self-Limiting Beliefs

Contemplation: September 29, 2018: Self-Limiting Beliefs

Image may contain: outdoor

The Tibetan Bridge in Claviere, Piedmont, Italy

Self-Limiting Beliefs

How often do you hear yourself say, "I can't", "I'm not able" or
"I never will"? Can you identify self-limiting beliefs you have about yourself?

Can you then challenge them and say: "I can", "I'm able", "I will"? Choose self beliefs that work for you, beliefs that give you a chance to succeed.

Innate Nature

When something negative happens that negativity tends to colour the
surroundings too. We tend to react negatively to that situation. We
forget to use our virtues and react with some negative trait. So the
impact is obviously negative too. To recognize the truth is to bring
about beauty in each and every word and action. To recognize truth is
to appreciate our true innate nature. When we are able to be aware of
and use our innate nature, we are able to maintain sweetness, however
difficult or challenging the situation might be.

Performing A Spiritual Audit At The End Of The Day

Our normal day at the office or/and at home is filled with lots of actions and interactions. On a normal day, without realizing consciously, we create almost 30,000-40,000 thoughts. So, not only are we active physically but extremely active on a subtle or non-physical level also. Imagine sleeping with all this burden of thoughts, words and actions which have been created throughout the day, many of which have been waste and negative in nature. What would be the resulting quality of my sleep? So it is extremely important to perform a spiritual/emotional audit or evaluation at the end of each day.

In a lot of professional sectors of life today, people recognize the need for reflection and audit, not only of financial records but also a general evaluation of the respective sector, to maintain and improve both the service to customers and the job satisfaction of people working in the sector. Checking my own behavior, as a daily exercise; not just checking, but also bringing about respective changes for the next day, enables me to continue to develop and grow, as a human being and in the quality of my work and personal and professional relationships. Have gone through the self-evaluation, it is also advised to become completely light by submitting the mistakes made and heaviness accumulated in the day to the Supreme Being. Doing this helps me put a full-stop to the same and settle all my spiritual accounts at the end of the day. I need to put an end to all commas (when looking at scenes that caused me to slow down and reduced the speed of my progress), question marks (when looking at scenes which caused a why, what, how, when, etc.... in my consciousness) and exclamation marks (when looking at negative or waste scenes, which were unexpected and surprising) which were created in the day's activities. Along with remembering what all good happened during the day, what did I achieve and what good actions did I perform, there is lots to forget at the end of the day, which should not be carried into my sleep at any cost. Disturbed, thought-filled, unsound sleep, will result in a not so fresh body and mind the next morning, which will cause my mood to be disturbed, adversely affecting the following day.

(To be continued tomorrow...)

Soul Sustenance

Repairing the Engine of Your Consciousness

You can spend your life driving a car and never know what's wrong when it breaks down. You are then completely at the mercy of others to repair it. At that moment you probably think to yourself, "God, I wish I knew how this thing works..." Sounds familiar? Unfortunately, God cannot help with car mechanics!

It's almost the same with your inner self. The presence of any stress, or any form of mental/emotional pain, is a signal that something has broken down inside the engine of your consciousness. If at that moment you don't know who you are, and how you work, how will you repair things in the inner self when they break down? We are not talking about the body here. If you have something seriously wrong with your body you obviously need to see a doctor. But even then, if you are a little enlightened spiritually, you know that the original cause of your physical disease lies within your consciousness, your state of mind, your feelings and emotions, which, in turn, lies in your beliefs, most of which lie deep down in your subconscious. So, if repairs are to be carried inside your consciousness (to keep the mind and body functioning smoothly) you need to know certain things - essential things - about your spirit, mind and heart. That's what spiritual knowledge is all about. Spiritual knowledge is the complete knowledge of the spirit (or soul) and how it works. Fortunately, the Supreme Spirit (or God) can help us with this knowledge that he alone possesses! 

Message for the day

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all.

Projection: When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible.

Solution: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: September 28, 2018: Respect-worthy

Contemplation: September 28, 2018: Respect-worthy

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and shoes 

To harmonize your ideas with the ideas of others and to give everyone respect is the means to become respect-worthy.

Imbibing Virtues

When there are specialties seen in someone, we tend to admire them and
describe them to others too. We really like those virtues in the other
person, but rarely do we put in real effort to imbibe them in
ourselves. Just describing them does not bring any improvement in us.
Whenever I see some specialty in any one I need to understand that I
like that particular virtue in the other person because it is subtly
working within me too. When I work on it more consciously, I will be
able to emerge it easily.

Harmonizing The Mind And The Intellect

The intellect is the faculty of the soul that judges thought and determines its quality, its ethical purity, its truthfulness, its usefulness, its appropriateness, whether it is necessary, right or wrong. The intellect is backed by the conscience. In fact, the conscience expresses itself through the intellect. If you have a positive thought, the intellect should approve it and allow it to be put into practice. If a feeling of doubt accompanies the positive thought, the intellect should take it into account and remove that doubt, before the thought gets converted into action. When the faculties of the mind and intellect are pure and strong, and they cooperate in harmony; they support one another and there is no inner conflict. If the intellect is weak, the mind feels confused and it will generate many unproductive thoughts. There will be an inner conflict and in the end the intellect will lose, because the power of influence of the intellect is less. Then, the intellect will not have the power to prevent them from going into action. Actions will be performed that are negative or unproductive, in opposition to the conscience, and they will as a result create negative habits.

The intellect is the most important faculty of human consciousness to bring about personality change. If the quality of the intellect is good, the capacity and quality of the intellectual processes through which you perceive and live reality will be higher. If the intellect is clean and pure, you will differentiate what is real and authentic from what is unreal and false. You will be able to judge if a situation is beneficial or wasteful, useful or useless.

Soul Sustenance

Personality Radiation

Each thought that we create, every word we speak and every action we perform is responsible for the radiation of non-physical energy or vibration into the universe; towards other people, to the surroundings or the atmosphere as well as to physical nature. A very important aspect of our consciousness which influences the quality of this vibration is the intention or hidden meaning behind each thought, word and action. When the intention is pure, positive and unconditional, positive packets of the energy of peace, love, good wishes, happiness and truth get transmitted. People who experience this positive energy from us are reminded of their personal positive qualities, even if these qualities are different from ours, and get inspired to imbibe the same and put them into practice, although this may not even be our conscious intention in the first place, but we just have a general pure, positive, intention towards everything and everyone around us. But this giving of inspiration happens automatically. On the other hand, when the intention is negative and impure, it is as if we bring other people, surroundings and nature down i.e. in a way we absorb positive energy from these entities, instead of filling them. People, without realizing, will come down from their positive personality state on receiving this energy and become inclined to thinking and speaking against their basic, positive nature; thus it is a negative inspiration. Both are energy exchanges, but one is positive and the other is negative.

The above process happens even when we are quiet, not creating any thoughts and not speaking or performing any actions. Depending on the kind of nature or personality we have, those type of vibrations keep getting emitted from us all the time. The higher the quality of the activity inside the mind and intellect during the day and in general in our life, even if they are inactive at a particular point of time, the higher the quality of the energy radiated at that time. It’s as if we are constant spiritual energy radiators and radiate our personality all the time, even while we sleep. The purer our personality, the purer this radiation is.

Message for the day

Where there is contentment, problems finish.

Projection: Contentment enables one to have a positive outlook towards life. So the one who is content always works towards solutions, as he is never disturbed with situations, but is always relaxed. This automatically brings the ability to contribute to others and give them the support to bring progress within them. Such a person works for his own self-progress too.

Solution: When I am content with everything that is happening, I am able to be light in all situations. So even in the biggest difficulty, I am never caught up with the problem, but am always thinking of the solution. My mind is busy with finding the solution, so internally I remain unaffected with the problem.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: September 27, 2018: The Game of Life

Contemplation: September 27, 2018: The Game of Life

Image may contain: shoes

The Game of Life

By seeing life as a game, your lightness of spirit will make problems seem easier.

Playing the Game

Sometimes, we take life far too seriously. We forget that life is a game, a play, in which we receive an opportunity to be creative and playful. And each scene invites us to 'play' a different role.

Understanding that we have the capacity to authentically play all the roles, in the right way, at the right moment - allows us to approach life's scenes creatively and effectively.

Discover your Spirit

The theatre of life has it's own script. This can be understood as a
fixed destiny. Yet each instant is unique because we have the option to
live each moment as if it were the most important of all. With this
awareness you can enjoy every moment and feel peaceful within. You will
discover your spirit and the treasure within. Your spirit is full of
peace. Your spirit IS peace.

Stress Management

Worry is triggered by any negative memory of the past. It means, you are suffering, and you are probably under the illusion (false belief) that you are enjoying your suffering. It also means you are not living now. You are missing your own life by living in your worries, which are always in the past and in the future. Your worry habit has trapped you in the past where you get the raw material for your worries, and a non-existent future, where you focus that material, and the result is you miss your life now. All this won't change until you choose to change the worry habits that you have recorded in your consciousness (mind). That will require the removal of the illusion (false belief) that you hold inside that it's good and necessary to worry. It's a waste of time and energy. It means replacing the desire to create images of negative futures with positive responses to what is happening in your life right now. Otherwise your 'worry karma' will keep you in permanent pain (sorrow).

Soul Sustenance

Recharging Our Spiritual Battery

Each day we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become scattered, and decisions are filled with doubt. Power is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the center of our consciousness, pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. However it is now blocked by our attachments, the record of all our life experiences and many negative beliefs and perceptions (way of looking at situations). Outside us we have the Supreme Soul, the source, the Supreme Being, invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind on him. Meditation connects us to both sources of power - that's why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that the soul longs for. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge.

Message for the day

Introversion brings out the positivity within.

Projection: Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need.

Solution: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: September 26, 2018: Peace Is Not Passive

Contemplation: September 26, 2018: Peace Is Not Passive

Image may contain: one or more people, mountain, outdoor, water and nature

Golden Bay, New Zealand

Peace Is Not Passive

Peace is not a passive attitude; it is an active state. It requires having constant attention in order to live and to respond as a peaceful being to any upset in life.

Training the Mind

Whenever we need to think positive in a situation, we try to force the
mind to think in that way. We try to force the mind into thinking what
we desire. Yet the mind, at that time, is not capable of doing that.
So we don't find any positive result of our attempt and in fact, we
find ourselves more into negativity. We need to be a mother to our
mind. We need to teach our mind to think the right kind of thoughts. Even when everything is going fine, we need to train the mind. A
positive thought taken every day and spending time with it brings good
results. This training makes the mind obedient to us at the time of
need and we are able to be positive in the most negative situation.

Inculcating Powers Though Meditation -
The Power To Pack Up (cont.)

As I progress on my spiritual journey, even thoughts that waste the precious resources of the mind come to be seen as a barrier. Turning a scene over in my mind repeatedly is an example of waste, that will rob me of the mental concentration and emotional stability I need to keep moving forward. Sometimes we do get stuck, like a broken record, in such mental grooves, without realizing what we are doing.

The power of pack up means I recognize the damage caused by such waste, and put an end to it. As I renew the awareness of myself as a soul, in relationship with the Supreme Soul, the needle of my attention is lifted above the groove, letting me come fully into the present.

I also learn to be selective in what I choose to remember or forget from the past. This is not dishonest; in fact, it is being honest to my task. Human beings in any case have highly selective memories. We not only see and understand differently, according to our individual interests and agendas, but our attitudes and perception also determine the memories we choose to store.

Meditation enables me to exercise this option quite deliberately, picking up those scenes from the past that nourish me and help me move forward, and rejecting memories that pollute my mind and slow me down.

Soul Sustenance

The Fifth Phase/Age Of Humanity (cont.)

When we see and realize the significance of this current Age, the fifth Age or the Confluence Age (Sangamyug), we also find greater clarity in our life's purpose. It becomes obvious that the world will not become a better place through more resistance or conflict; this only adds to the sum of fear and anger in the world. To fight for peace is a false belief which has taken over the human mind. To think that peace comes from conflict, or that conflict is necessary to achieve peace, is to think right comes from wrong. Deep change is an incognito process (process which cannot be seen) within individual souls. Through meditation or yoga (union), we awaken and restore our true, peaceful selves; we absorb the light of truth and love from the Supreme and we are spiritually empowered. This we can then share with others. As we radiate our spiritual energy and reflect the light of God into the world in gentle and humble ways, the effects of our self-change reach out to other souls as an invitation to do the same.

The nagging questions which must enter most minds at least once in a lifetime (such as * Why me? * Why here? and * Why now?) are answered - our highest purpose is to help others know themselves as they truly are i.e. souls and to help in reconnecting them to the Supreme. This is why simply sitting in meditation, generating and radiating vibrations which are peaceful and loving, can help to heal others and the world itself. That is our primary responsibility at the Confluence Age. When we take up this responsibility we assist the Supreme in his task at the Confluence Age, i.e. bringing about the Golden Age. 

Message for the day

To recognise the uniqueness of my own personality is to be free from negative influence.

Projection: The one who is aware of one's own uniqueness is able to create a strong influence on others of his own personality. So, such a person is not negatively influenced by anyone's personality traits. Even when there is a person with a very strong personality, he is still able to be free from negative influence.

Solution: When I am able to recognise and use the specialities that are within me, I am able to remain powerful within. In all circumstances and with all people I experience this innate power. Because I am constantly in touch with my own specialities, I am able to be light and happy.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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