Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 25, 2015: Changing Others' Behaviour

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 25, 2015: Changing Others' Behaviour

Changing Others' Behaviour

Can we change another person's behaviour?

We can make them aware of their behaviour and make a
polite request for them to change. When they don't make
the necessary changes, accept that you can't change others.

The only person you can change is yourself. Adapt, be flexible, and adjust your expectations to accommodate their behaviour.

When there is change in yourself, you can become a catalyst for changes in those around you, but don't expect others' to change.
Divine help

Many times people report the feeling of divine help and strength when
they come close to breaking point. Actually divine help is always
there, but we are usually so busy doing things in our own little way
that we only look for it when we face absolute defeat. The tranquil
nature of enlightened souls comes from their ability to take God's
help constantly. A state of true surrender will lead to feeling of
victory in everything we do.

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas

Very often in a group or team, whether social or official, while moving towards a common goal or objective or purpose, different people in the group or gathering give their opinion to make the objective of the team possible. While giving their opinion, one very commonly sees two different categories of people. The first category contains type of people who are attached to their ideas (to different extents) while presenting them to the group and the other contains type of people who are extremely active, positive and authoritative in giving their ideas, when they are required to do so, but are able to keep a relationship of detachment with their ideas.

If someone is attached to his/her idea and it is not accepted, he/she might react emotionally (internally) or even physically (externally). He/she:
* might even start creating disharmony in the group by talking against or creating ill-feelings for the person who objected to his idea or
* might stop co-operating with the remaining members of the group or
* sometimes may just disassociate or distance himself/herself from the group, which is a quiet way of non co-operation and can cause ripples of negative thoughts and feelings in the others.
These and others are some of the common reactions of someone whose idea/ideas are not accepted.

So the right balance of authority (while giving the idea) and humility (while accepting the result of the idea, the result could be rejection or even acceptance of the idea) has to be maintained. Humility comes very naturally to someone who is detached to his/her idea.

(To be continued tomorrow...)

Soul Sustenance

Playing My Part As A Hero Actor (Part 2)

In yesterday’s message we had discussed how we possess the potential in our hands to write the scripts of our lives, our destinies. Some of us do not like this idea because we have been taught since we were small that life is all about luck, but this incorrect belief does not let us realize the immense internal power or potential that we possess of shaping up our destiny, our future. By resigning ourselves to a life of luck, we do not use our potential and conveniently avoid doing the inner work of becoming awake and aware of who we are as spiritual beings and the masters of our own destiny.This is why waking up from the sleep of this wrong belief is the first step towards empowering ourselves, towards taking responsibility for our life, for our present, our future.

Also there are some of us who hold the belief that the course taken by each one of our lives is not written by luck but is decided by God, so it is egoistic on our part if we believe that we can write our own scripts, interfering with the plan that God has in his mind for us. So in times of challenges in our lives, although its not wrong to pray to God at those times, we commonly use words like ‘if God would like it, I shall overcome this obstacle or I will be successful in this particular task or my health will get okay or I will pass this exam etc.’ In times of happiness, although it’s not wrong to thank God at those times, we completely submit ourselves to God’s will, thinking that it is he and he alone responsible for what good that is happening in my life. In the case of the sorrow we forget that although God can help us to some extent, whether we will surpass the sorrow or not is very largely dependent on our past actions which are influencing the present situation. In the case of the happiness, we forget that though God’s blessings do help and work, our past actions are a very important dominant factor which is creating situations of positivity in our present lives.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day

The one who is victorious never withdraws till victory is attained.

Expression: When challenges, either in the form of situations or people, come one's way, the one who aims for victory never withdraws. If there are excuses given to either withdraw or move away from the situation, there can never be victory. To be victorious means attempts are repeatedly made so that there is a constant and steady progress towards success.

Experience: Temporary failures, challenges or difficult situations don't bother me, when I have the aim of being victorious. My only focus would be to attain victory and I would experience victory both in defeat and in victory. Also I will never consider myself to be alone as I continue to receive help. I would naturally experience the support and companionship of those around me.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 24, 2015 (H&E)

Special homework to experience the avyakt stage in this avyakt month
(24) You are spiritual, royal souls and you must, therefore, never let wasteful or ordinary words emerge from your lips. Let every word be yuktiyukt and be beyond gross intentions and filled with avyakt intentions and you will then be able to enter the royal family.
अव्यक्त स्थिति का अनुभव करने के लिए विशेष होमवर्क
आप रूहानी रॉयल आत्मायें हो इसलिए मुख से कभी व्यर्थ वा साधारण बोल न निकलें । हर बोल युक्तियुक्त हो । व्यर्थ भाव से परे अव्यक्त भाव वाला हो तब रॉयल फैमली में आयेंगे ।

Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 24, 2015
1. The unlimited Father is the Purifier, the Ocean of Knowledge. The task of the highest-on-high Father is also highest. It is not that God is so all powerful that He can do whatever He wants; no. This drama is eternally predestined. Everything happens according to the drama. The Truth means the One who speaks the truth.
2. This is the tower of silence, the holiest of holy towers. The Holiest of Holy Fathers sits here and makes the whole world holy. No one impure can come here. However, the Father says: I have come to purify all those who are impure. I too have a part in this play.
3. The Father sees the ones who are benefiting many others. They are concerned day and night to bring benefit to many. To bring benefit to many means to benefit yourself. It is those who bring benefit to many who will win a scholarship. This is the business of you children. You have to become a teacher and show the path to many.
4. The Father has explained that you will attain your karmateet stage at the end. Baba can very quickly tell whether your chart is accurate or not. By seeing your personality, your behaviour, the service you do and your happiness, Baba can very quickly understand what your chart is like.
5. It is only now that you can receive God’s directions. The Father says: You now have to return home. Now claim your unlimited inheritance of happiness. These directions are not common.
6. When you have become pure, you will definitely need a pure world. At the end, because it will be the time of settlement, everyone’s accounts will be settled. I have to inaugurate the new world for you, and then you continue to open branches. No one, except the Father, can lay the foundation of the new world of heaven.
7. Although many become Brahmins, not all of them will come in the golden age; they will come at the end of the silver age. Baba has explained that there is no need for advisers there. Lakshmi and Narayan received shrimat through which they became that and so they would not take advice from anyone. Then, when they become impure, there is one adviser for one king and queen.
Slogan: Be a server and do altruistic (niswaarth) service and you will definitely receive the fruit of service (seva ka meva).
Points to churn from the slogan:
The Lord is pleased with an honest heart...We, the elevated souls, are truthful, honest, clean, clear and transparent in our relationships and connections, thoughts and words, and are successful by being beyond wasteful and the our every step, every moment, and in every vision, we only see altruistic service for all souls...we do service while awake or asleep, while walking or moving around, and even in our dreams, and fulfill all the desires of all souls... we become victorious by making the elements subservient and our being tireless and unshakable servers, we become seated on BapDada’s heart-throne, with a guarantee of claiming the throne of the kingdom of the world...
We are the embodiments of knowledge, the embodiments of yoga and the embodiments of dharna, and so are the embodiments of understanding the knowledge of the soul, the Supreme Soul and the drama accurately, we are never deceived...whether in a mela (fair) or in a jhamela (chaos), with clean and clear intellects we always remain double light ...we are the clean, polite, selfless, tireless, and unshakeable servers and the humble instruments of world renewal...we are the Godly students who show and use all the signs of the four subjects in a practical form...
By combining yoga with service, and with the consciousness being clean, humble and constructive instruments, we make plans for service with plain intellects, with good wishes and pure feelings for all... we do true service with love, service with everyone’s blessings, with benevolent feelings, and do the number one service of revealing the Father through our faces and behaviour...we receive service from matter with the depths of the heart and with a lot of love.... by doing service with a big heart, we become the selfless world servers who sacrifice the consciousness of “I”, attain huge instant fruits in service, and become world benefactors...

Essence of Murli (H&E): January 24, 2015:

Essence: Sweet children, keep a chart of remembrance. The more you imbibe the habit of staying in remembrance, the more your sins will be cut away and the closer you will come to your karmateet stage.

Question: Which four things can indicate whether you have written an accurate chart or not?

Answer: 1) Your personality 2) Your behaviour 3) Your service 4) Your happiness.(aasaami, chalan, service aur khushi)From looking at these four aspects, BapDada can tell whether you are writing your chart accurately or not. The chart of the children who do service in museums and exhibitions, those whose behaviour is royal and who experience limitless happiness, will definitely be good.

Song: O man, see your face in the mirror of your heart... Mukhda dekh le praani... मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी...

Essence for Dharna:

1. Look at your own chart and check yourself: How much charity have I accumulated? To what extent has the soul become satopradhan? Settle all your accounts by staying in remembrance.

2. In order to claim a scholarship, become serviceable and benefit many and be loved by the Father. Become a teacher and show the path to many others.

Blessing: May you be altruistic and merciful (nishkaam and rahamdil) and free every soul from wandering and begging (bhatakna aur bhikhaaripan).

Many souls become aware in a second of their spiritual form and the destination of the spirit through the merciful thoughts of the children who are altruistic and merciful. From those thoughts of mercy, beggar souls will be able to see a glimpse of all the treasures, and wandering souls will see in front of them the shores and the destination of liberation and liberation-in-life. You will play the parts of removers of sorrow and bestowers of happiness for all and will always have a method or means like a magic key of making unhappy souls happy.

Slogan: Be a server and do altruistic (niswaarth) service and you will definitely receive the fruit of service (seva ka meva).

सार:- मीठे बच्चे- याद का चार्ट रखो, जितना-जितना याद में रहने की आदत पड़ती जायेगी उतना पाप कटते जायेंगे, कर्मातीत अवस्था समीप आती जायेगी

प्रश्न:- चार्ट ठीक है वा नहीं, इसकी परख किन 4 बातों से की जाती है?

उत्तर:- 1-आसामी, 2-चलन, 3-सर्विस और 4-खुशी । बापदादा इन चार बातों को देखकर बताते हैं कि इनका चार्ट ठीक है या नहीं? जो बच्चे म्युजियम या प्रदर्शनी की सर्विस पर रहते, जिनकी चलन रॉयल है, अपार खुशी में रहते हैं, तो जरूर उनका चार्ट ठीक होगा ।

गीत:- मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी..

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. अपने चार्ट को देखते जाँच करनी है कि कितने पुण्य जमा है? आत्मा सतोप्रधान कितनी बनी है? याद में रहकर सब हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू करने हैं ।

2. स्कॉलरशिप लेने के लिए सर्विसएबुल बन बहुतों का कल्याण करना है । बाप का प्रिय बनना है । टीचर बन बहुतों को रास्ता बताना है ।

वरदान:- हर आत्मा को भटकने या भिखारीपन से बचाने वाले निष्काम रहमदिल भव !

जो बच्चे निष्काम रहमदिल हैं उनके रहम के संकल्प से अन्य आत्माओं को अपने रूहानी रूप वा रूह की मंजिल सेकण्ड में स्मृति में आ जायेगी । उनके रहम के संकल्प से भिखारी को सर्व खजानों की झलक दिखाई देगी । भटकती हुई आत्माओं को मुक्ति वा जीवनमुक्ति का किनारा व मंजिल सामने दिखाई देगी । वे सर्व के दुख हर्ता सुख कर्ता का पार्ट बजायेंगे, दुखी को सुखी करने की युक्ति व साधन सदा उनके पास जादू की चाबी के माफिक होगा ।

स्लोगन:- सेवाधारी बन निःस्वार्थ सेवा करो तो सेवा का मेवा मिलना ही है ।

Om Shanti
You children heard the song. You should also understand the meaning of it as to how many sins still remain and how many charitable acts you have accumulated, that is, how long the soul has to become satopradhan. You can understand to what extent you have become pure. Some write in their charts that they stayed in remembrance for two to three hours and some write that they stayed in remembrance for one hour. This is very little. If you have less remembrance, you will have fewer sins cut away. There are still a great many sins that have not yet been cut away. Souls are called living beings. Therefore, the Father says: O souls, now ask yourselves: Taking this into account, how many of your sins have been cut away? You can understand from your chart to what extent you have become a charitable soul. The Father has explained that you will attain your karmateet stage at the end. By staying in remembrance, it will become a habit and then more of your sins will continue to be cut away. You have to check yourself as to how long you stay in remembrance of the Father. It is not a question of telling lies in this, but you do have to check yourself. If you write out your chart and give it to Baba, Baba can very quickly tell whether your chart is accurate or not. By seeing your personality, your behaviour, the service you do and your happiness, Baba can very quickly understand what your chart is like. Who are the ones who stay in constant remembrance? Those who remain busy in service at the museums and exhibitions. There is constant coming and going at the museums. In Delhi, many continue to come, and so you have to give the Father’s introduction again and again. For example, when you tell some that very few years remain before destruction, they say: How can that be possible? You should tell them instantly that it is not we who are saying this, but that it is God who says this. God’s versions would definitely be the truth. Therefore, the Father explains: Keep telling them again and again: This is Shiv Baba’s shrimat. We are not saying this; this is His shrimat. He is the Truth. Firstly, you definitely have to give them the Father’s introduction. This is why Baba has told you to write on every picture: Versions of God Shiva. He tells us everything accurately. We did not know this. We are telling you because the Father has told us this. Sometimes, it is published in the newspapers that so-and-so has predicted the future and said that destruction will come very soon. You are now the children of the unlimited Father. There are the unlimited Brahma Kumars and Kumaris of Prajapita Brahma. You can tell them that you are the children of the unlimited Father. He is the Purifier, the Ocean of Knowledge. You first have to make them understand this aspect firmly and then move on. Shiv Baba has said that the intellects of the Yadavas and the Kauravas have no love for God at the time of destruction. You children will benefit when you continue to mention Shiv Baba’s name and continue to remember Him. Continue to explain to others that which the Father has explained to you. The charts of those who do service would be good. They remain busy serving for eight hours throughout the day and they must be taking one hour’s rest. At least, they remain busy serving for seven hours. You can understand that a lot of their sins are being absolved. The Father would surely have love for the serviceable children who give the Father’s introduction repeatedly to many. The Father sees the ones who are benefiting many others. They are concerned day and night to bring benefit to many. To bring benefit to many means to benefit yourself. It is those who bring benefit to many who will win a scholarship. This is the business of you children. You have to become a teacher and show the path to many. First of all, you have to imbibe this knowledge completely. If you do not bring benefit to anyone, it is understood that it is not in your fortune. Children say: Baba, free us from having to go to work so that we can become engaged in service. Baba then sees whether you are really worthy of doing service and whether you are free from bondage. Only then would He say that it is better for you to become engaged in service and bring benefit to many rather than earning 500 to 1000 rupees, but only if you are free from bondage. Then, Baba would only give this advice if He sees that you are serviceable. Serviceable children are invited here, there and everywhere. Students study at school. This too is a study. These directions are not common. The Truth means the One who speaks the truth. We are explaining this to you according to shrimat. It is only now that you can receive God’s directions. The Father says: You now have to return home. Now claim your unlimited inheritance of happiness. You have been claiming your inheritance every cycle because heaven is established every cycle. No one else knows that this world cycle lasts for 5000 years. Human beings are in total darkness, whereas you are now in total light. Only the Father establishes heaven. It has been remembered that even when the haystack was set ablaze, people still continued to sleep in the sleep of ignorance. You children know that the unlimited Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. The task of the highest-on-high Father is also highest. It is not that God is so all powerful that He can do whatever He wants; no. This drama is eternally predestined. Everything happens according to the drama. So many people die in war. That too is fixed in the drama. What can God do about it? When earthquakes take place, people cry out a great deal: “Oh God!” but what can God do? You called out to God to come and destroy the world. You invited Him to come into this impure world. You invited Him to establish the new world and to destroy the old. I do not do this; it is fixed in the drama. There is bloodshed without cause. There is no question of saving anyone from this. You told Him to make the world new, and so, surely, all the souls who are impure will have to leave. Some don’t understand anything at all. They don’t even understand the meaning of shrimat. They don’t know who God is; they don’t understand anything. When some children don’t study well, their parents say that they have stone intellects. They will not say that in the golden age. In the iron age, there are only those with stone intellects. There cannot be anyone here with a divine intellect. Just look what human beings are doing nowadays! They remove someone’s heart and replace it with another. They put in a lot of effort to achieve that, but what is the benefit of it? Maybe they will be able to keep that one alive for a few days longer. Many people learn occult powers, but there is no benefit in that. People remember God for Him to come and make them into the masters of the pure world. They say: We are experiencing a great deal of sorrow in this impure world. In the golden age, there is no question of illness or sorrow. You now claim a very high status through the Father. Human beings here also receive a high degree by studying. They remain very happy. You children know that they will only live for a few days more. There is a huge burden of sin on everyone’s head. They will experience a great deal of punishment. Although they do consider themselves to be impure, they don’t think that it’s a sin to indulge in vice, and they become sinful. They say that the family ashram path has continued from the beginning. It is explained to them that it was a pure household path in the golden age and that there weren’t any sinful souls at that time. Here, all are sinful souls; this is why they are all experiencing sorrow. Here, there is only temporary happiness. People become ill and die. Death is standing with an open mouth. People suddenly have heart failure. The happiness here is like the droppings of a crow. There, you have limitless happiness. You become the masters of the whole world. There will be no sorrow of any kind. It will not be too hot or too cold; it will constantly be Spring. Even the elements remain in order. Heaven is heaven! There is the difference of day and night. You call out to the Father to establish heaven, to come and establish the new world and to make you pure. Therefore, “God Shiva speaks” should be written on every picture. Through this you will repeatedly remember Shiv Baba whilst giving knowledge to others. In the service you do at museums and exhibitions, yoga and knowledge are combined. By staying in remembrance, you will have intoxication. You become pure and make the whole world pure. When you have become pure, you will definitely need a pure world. At the end, because it will be the time of settlement, everyone’s accounts will be settled. I have to inaugurate the new world for you, and then you continue to open branches. No one, except the Father, can lay the foundation of the new world of heaven. Therefore, you should remember such a Father. When you have a museum inaugurated by an eminent person, the sound will spread. People will think that that person will also be there. Some say: You write it down and I will say that. That is wrong. If they first understand everything and then speak orally, that is good. Some write down their speech beforehand and speak it so that it is accurate. You children have to explain orally. The entire knowledge is in you souls and you then give it to others. The number of people continues to grow; the population continues to increase. Everything continues to increase; the whole tree has become completely decayed. Those who belong to your religion will emerge. All are numberwise. Not everyone can study to the same extent. Some only claim one mark out of a hundred. If you only hear a little and receive one mark, you will still come to heaven. This is an unlimited study that the unlimited Father teaches. Those who belong to this religion will emerge. Firstly, all of you have to return home to your land of liberation. Then you will continue to come down numberwise. Some will continue to come down, even until the end of the silver age. Although many become Brahmins, not all of them will come in the golden age; they will come at the end of the silver age. All of these matters have to be understood. Baba knows that a kingdom is being established and so not everyone would be constant. Variety is needed in a kingdom. The subjects are called outsiders. Baba has explained that there is no need for advisers there. They (Lakshmi and Narayan) received shrimat through which they became that and so they would not take advice from anyone. There are no advisers etc. there. Then, when they become impure, there is one adviser for one king and queen. Now there are many advisers. Here, it is the rule of people over the people. No two people’s opinions are the same. When you have a friendship with someone and ask him to do something, he would do it. If a second one comes and has not understood, he would spoil everything. No two people’s intellects are the same. There, all your desires are fulfilled. You have received so much sorrow here; this is called the land of sorrow. You had stumbled a great deal on the path of devotion. That too is the drama. When you become unhappy, the Father comes and gives you your inheritance of happiness. The Father has opened your intellects so much! People say that it is heaven for the wealthy and that the poor are in hell. You know accurately what is meant by heaven. In the golden age, no one would call out to the Merciful One to come. It is here that you call out to Him and say: Have mercy! Liberate us\ The Father takes everyone home to the land of peace and the land of happiness. On the path of ignorance, you too did not know anything. Those who are number one tamopradhan become number one satopradhan. This one is not praising himself. Only the One should be praised. He is the One who makes Lakshmi and Narayan like they are. God is the Highest on High and He also makes you elevated. Baba knows that not everyone will become elevated. Nevertheless, you still have to make effort. You come here in order to become Narayan from an ordinary man. You say: Baba, we will claim the sovereignty of heaven. We have come to listen to the story of true Narayan. Baba says: Achcha, let there be roses on your lips! Now make effort. Not everyone will become Lakshmi or Narayan. A kingdom is being established. Many are needed in the royal family as well as in the families of subjects. Many come here and become amazed with this knowledge. They listen to this knowledge and also speak about it to others. However, they then divorce the Father. Some still return here. Those who make good progress are able to climb high. It is the poor who surrender themselves. You should not remember your body or anyone else. The destination is very high. If you have a relationship with anyone, you would definitely remember that one. In that case, how would you remember the Father? Your intellect should be in the unlimited throughout the day. You have to make so much effort. The Father says: Even amongst My children, there are the highest, the average and the lowest ones. When others come here, they think that these are of the impure, old world. Nevertheless, because they are serving this yagya, they have to be given regard. The Father is One with many methods. Otherwise, this is the tower of silence, the holiest of holy towers. The Holiest of Holy Fathers sits here and makes the whole world holy. No one impure can come here. However, the Father says: I have come to purify all those who are impure. I too have a part in this play. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.

ओम् शान्ति |

बच्चों ने गीत सुना, इसका अर्थ भी अन्दर जानना चाहिए कि कितने पाप बचे हुए हैं, कितने पुण्य जमा हैं अर्थात् आत्मा को सतोप्रधान बनने में कितना समय है?अभी कितने तक पावन बने हैं-यह समझ तो सकते हैं ना? चार्ट में कोई लिखते हैं हम दो-तीन घण्टा याद में रहे, कोई लिखते हैं एक घण्टा । यह तो बहुत कम हुआ । कम याद करेंगे तो कम पाप कटेंगे । अभी तो पाप बहुत हैं ना, जो कटे नहीं हैं । आत्मा को ही प्राणी कहा जाता है । तो अब बाप कहते हैं-हे आत्मा, अपने से पूछो इस हिसाब से कितने पाप कटे होंगे? चार्ट से मालूम पड़ता है-हम कितना पुण्य आत्मा बने हैं? यह तो बाप ने समझाया है, कर्मातीत अवस्था अन्त में होगी । याद करते-करते आदत पड़ जायेगी तो फिर ज्यादा पाप कटने लगेंगे । अपनी जांच करनी है हम कितना बाप की याद में रहते हैं? इसमें गप मारने की बात नहीं । यह तो अपनी जाँच करनी होती है । बाबा को अपना चार्ट लिखकर देंगे तो बाबा झट बतायेंगे कि यह चार्ट ठीक है वा नहीं? आसामी, चलन, सर्विस और खुशी को देख बाबा झट समझ जाते हैं कि इनका चार्ट कैसा हैं! घड़ी-घड़ी याद किनको रहती होगी? जो म्युजियम अथवा प्रदर्शनी की सर्विस में रहते हैं । म्युजियम में तो सारा दिन आना-जाना रहता हैं । देहली में तो बहुत आते रहेंगे । घड़ी-घड़ी बाप का परिचय देना पड़ता है । समझो किसको तुम कहते हो विनाश में बाकी थोड़े वर्ष हैं । कहते हैं यह कैसे हो सकता है? फट से कहना चाहिए, यह कोई हम थोड़ेही बताते हैं । भगवानुवाच है ना । भगवानुवाच तो जरूर सत्य ही होगा ना इसलिए बाप समझाते हैं घड़ी-घड़ी बोलो यह शिवबाबा की श्रीमत है । हम नहीं कहते, श्रीमत उनकी है । वह हैं ही ट्रुथ । पहले-पहले तो बाप का परिचय जरूर देना पड़ता है इसलिए बाबा ने कहा है हर एक चित्र में लिख दो - शिव भगवानुवाच । वह तो एक्यूरेट ही बतायेंगे, हम थोड़ेही जानते थे । बाप ने बताया है तब हम कहते हैं । कभी-कभी अखबार में भी डालते हैं-फलाने ने भविष्य वाणी की है कि विनाश जल्दी होगा ।

अब तुम तो हो बेहद बाप के बच्चे । प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियाँ तो बेहद के हैं ना । तुम बतायेंगे हम बेहद बाप के बच्चे हैं । वही पतित-पावन ज्ञान का सागर हैं । पहले यह बात समझाकर, पक्का कर फिर आगे बढ़ना चाहिए । शिवबाबा ने यह कहा है-यादव, कौरव आदि विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि । शिवबाबा का नाम लेते रहेंगे तो इसमें बच्चों का भी कल्याण है, शिवबाबा को ही याद करते रहेंगे । बाप ने जो तुमको समझाया है, वह तुम फिर औरों’ को समझाते रहो । तो सर्विस करने वालों का चार्ट अच्छा रहता होगा । सारे दिन में 8 घण्टा सर्विस में बिजी रहते हैं । करके एक घण्टा रेस्ट लेते होंगे । फिर भी 7 घण्टे तो सर्विस में रहते हैं ना । तो समझना चाहिए उनके विकर्म बहुत विनाश होते होंगे । बहुतों को घड़ी-घड़ी बाप का परिचय देते हैं तो जरूर ऐसे सर्विसएबुल बच्चे बाप को भी प्रिय लगेंगे । बाप देखते हैं यह तो बहुतों का कल्याण करते हैं, रात-दिन इनको यही चिंतन है-हमको बहुतों का कल्याण करना है । बहुतों का कल्याण करना गोया अपना करते हैं, स्कॉलरशिप भी उनको मिलेगी जो बहुतों का कल्याण करते हैं । बच्चों को तो यही धंधा है । टीचर बन बहुतों को रास्ता बताना है । पहले तो यह नॉलेज पूरी धारण करनी पड़े । कोई का कल्याण नहीं करते तो समझा जाता है इनकी तकदीर में नहीं है । बच्चे कहते हैं-बाबा, हमको नौकरी से छुड़ाओ, हम इस सर्विस में लग जाये । बाबा भी देखेंगे बरोबर यह सर्विस के लायक हैं, बन्धनमुक्त भी है, तब कहेंगे भल 500 -1000 कमाने से तो इस सर्विस में लग बहुतों का कल्याण करो । अगर बन्धनमुक्त हैं तो । सो भी बाबा सर्विसएबुल देखेंगे तो राय देगे । सर्विसएबुल बच्चों को तो जहाँ-तहाँ बुलाते रहते हैं । स्कूल में स्टूडेंट पढ़ते हैं ना, यह भी पढ़ाई है । यह कोई कॉमन मत नहीं है । सत माना ही सच बोलने वाला । हम श्रीमत पर आपको यह समझाते हैं । ईश्वर की मत अभी ही तुमको मिलती है ।

बाप कहते हैं तुमको वापिस जाना है । अब बेहद सुख का वर्सा लो । कल्प-कल्प तुमको वर्सा मिलता आया है क्योंकि स्वर्ग की स्थापना तो कल्प-कल्प होती है ना । यह किसको पता नहीं है कि 5 हजार वर्ष का यह सृष्टि चक्र है । मनुष्य तो बिल्कुल ही घोर अन्धियारे में हैं । तुम अभी घोर रोशनी में हो । स्वर्ग की स्थापना तो बाप ही करेंगे । यह तो गायन है भम्भोर को आग लग गई तो भी अज्ञान नींद में सोये रहे । तुम बच्चे जानते हो बेहद का बाप ज्ञान का सागर है । ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप का कर्तव्य भी ऊँच है । ऐसे नहीं,ईश्वर तो समर्थ है, जो चाहे सो करे । नहीं, यह भी ड्रामा अनादि बना हुआ है । सब कुछ ड्रामा अनुसार ही चलता है । लड़ाई आदि में कितने मरते हैं । यह भी ड्रामा में नूध है । इसमें भगवान क्या कर सकते हैं । अर्थक्येक आदि होती है तो कितनी रडियॉ मारते हैं-हे भगवान, परन्तु भगवान क्या कर सकते हैं । भगवान को तो तुमने बुलाया है-आकर विनाश करो । पतित दुनिया में बुलाया है । स्थापना करके सबका विनाश करो । मैं करता नहीं हूँ, यह तो ड्रामा में नूंध है । खूने नाहेक खेल हो जाता है । इसमें बचाने आदि की तो बात ही नहीं है । तुमने कहा है-पावन दुनिया बनाओ तो जरूर पतित आत्मायें जायेगी ना । कोई तो बिल्कुल समझते नहीं हैं । श्रीमत का अर्थ भी नहीं समझते हैं, भगवान क्या है, कुछ नहीं समझते । कोई बच्चा ठीक पढ़ता नहीं हैं तो मॉ-बाप कहते तुम तो पत्थरबुद्धि हो । सतयुग में तो ऐसे नहीं कहते । कलियुग में है ही पत्थरबुद्धि । पारसबुद्धि यहाँ कोई हो न सके । आजकल तो देखो मनुष्य क्या-क्या करते रहते हैं,एक हार्ट निकाल दूसरी डाल देते हैं । अच्छा, इतनी मेहनत कर यह किया परन्तु इससे फायदा क्या? करके थोड़े दिन और जीता रहेगा । बहुत रिद्धि सिद्धि सीखकर आते हैं, फायदा तो कुछ भी नहीं । भगवान को याद ही इसलिए करते हैं हमको आकर पावन दुनिया का मालिक बनाओ । हम पतित दुनिया में रह बहुत दु :खी हुए हैं । सतयुग में तो कोई बीमारी आदि दुःख की बात होती नहीं । अभी बाप द्वारा तुम कितना ऊँच पद पाते हो । यहाँ भी मनुष्य पढ़ाई से ही ऊंच डिग्री पाते हैं । बड़े खुश रहते हैं । तुम बच्चे समझते हो यह तो बाकी थोड़े रोज जियेंगे । पापों का बोझा तो सिर पर बहुत है । बहुत सजायें खायेंगे । अपने को पतित तो कहते हैं ना । विकार में जाना पाप नहीं समझते । पाप आत्मा तो बनते हैं ना । कहते हैं गृहस्थ आश्रम तो अनादि चला आता है । समझाया जाता है सतयुग-त्रेता में पवित्र गृहस्थ आश्रम था । पाप आत्मायें नहीं थे । यहाँ पाप आत्मायें हैं इसलिए दुःखी हैं । यहाँ तो अल्पकाल का सुख है, बीमार हुआ यह मरा । मौत तो मुख खोलकर खड़ा है । अचानक हार्टफेल हो जाते हैं । यहाँ है ही काग विष्टा समान सुख । वहाँ तो तुमको अथाह सुख है । तुम सारे विश्व के मालिक बनते हो । किसी भी प्रकार का दुःख नहीं होगा । न गर्मी, न ठण्डी होगी, सदैव बहारी मौसम होगा । तत्व भी ऑर्डर में रहते हैं । स्वर्ग तो स्वर्ग ही है, रात-दिन का फर्क है । तुम स्वर्ग की स्थापना करने के लिए ही बाप को बुलाते हो, आकर पावन दुनिया स्थापन करो । हमको पावन बनाओ ।

तो हर एक चित्र पर शिव भगवानुवाच लिखा हुआ हो । इससे घड़ी-घड़ी शिवबाबा याद आयेगा । ज्ञान भी देते रहेंगे । म्युजियम अथवा प्रदर्शनी की सर्विस में ज्ञान और योग दोनों इकट्ठे चलते हैं । याद में रहने से नशा चढ़ेगा । तुम पावन बन सारे विश्व को पावन बनाते हो । जब तुम पावन बनते हो तो जरूर सृष्टि भी पावन चाहिए । पिछाड़ी में कयामत का समय होने के कारण सबका हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू हो जाता है । तुम्हारे लिए हमको नई सृष्टि का उद्घाटन करना पड़ता है । फिर ब्रान्चेज खोलते रहते हैं । पवित्र बनाने के लिए नई दुनिया सतयुग का फाउन्डेशन तो बाप बिगर कोई डाल न सके । तो ऐसे बाप को याद भी करना चाहिए । तुम म्युजियम आदि का उद्घाटन बड़े आदमियों से कराते हो तो आवाज होगा । मनुष्य समझेंगे यहाँ यह भी आते हैं । कोई कहते हैं तुम लिखकर दो, हम बोलेंगे । वह भी संग हो गया । अच्छी रीति समझकर बोले ओरली, तो बहुत अच्छा है । कोई तो लिखत पढ़कर सुनाते हैं, जिससे एक्यूरेट हो । तुम बच्चों को तो आरेली समझाना है । तुम्हारी आत्मा में सारी नॉलेज है ना । फिर तुम औरों को देते हो । प्रजा वृद्धि को पाती रहती है । आदमशुमारी भी बढ़ती जाती है ना । सब चीज बढ़ती रहती है । झाड़ सारा जड़जड़ीभूत हो गया है । जो अपने धर्म वाले होंगे वह निकल आयेंगे । नम्बरवार तो हैं ना । सब एकरस नहीं पढ़ सकते हैं । कोई 100 से एक मार्क भी उठाने वाले हैं, थोड़ा भी सुन लिया, एक मार्क मिली तो स्वर्ग में आ जायेंगे । यह है बेहद की पढ़ाई, जो बेहद का बाप ही पढ़ाते हैं । जो इस धर्म के होंगे वह निकल आयेंगे । पहले तो सबको मुक्तिधाम अपने घर जाना है फिर नम्बरवार आते रहेंगे । कोई तो त्रेता के अन्त तक भी आयेंगे । भल ब्राह्मण बनते हैं लेकिन सभी ब्राह्मण कोई सतयुग में नहीं आते, त्रेता अन्त तक आयेंगे । यह समझने की बातें हैं । बाबा जानते हैं राजधानी स्थापन हो रही है, सब एकरस हो नहीं सकते । राजाई में तो सब वैराइटी चाहिए । प्रजा को बाहर वाला कहा जाता है । बाबा ने समझाया था वहाँ वजीर आदि की दरकार नहीं रहती । उन्हों को श्रीमत मिली, जिससे यह बने । फिर यह थोड़ेही कोई से राय लेंगे । वजीर आदि कुछ नहीं होते । फिर जब पतित होते हैं तो एक वजीर, एक राजा-रानी होते हैं । अभी तो कितने वजीर हैं । यहाँ तो पंचायती राज्य है ना । एक की मत न मिले दूसरे से । एक से दोस्ती रखो, समझाओ, काम कर देंगे । दूसरा फिर आया, उनको ख्याल में न आया तो और ही काम को बिगाड़ देंगे । एक की बुद्धि न मिले दूसरे से । वहाँ तो तुम्हारी सब कामनायें पूरी हो जाती हैं । तुमने कितना दु :ख उठाया है, इसका नाम ही है दुःखधाम । भक्ति मार्ग में कितने धक्के खाये हैं । यह भी ड्रामा । जब दु :खी हो जाते हैं तब बाप आकर सुख का वर्सा देते हैं । बाप ने तुम्हारी बुद्धि कितनी खोल दी है । मनुष्य तो कह देते साहूकारों के लिए स्वर्ग है, गरीब नर्क में हैं । तुम यथार्थ रीति जानते हो-स्वर्ग किसको कहा जाता है । सतयुग में थोड़ेही कोई रहमदिल कह बुलायेंगे । यहाँ बुलाते हैं-रहम करो, लिबरेट करो । बाप ही सबको शान्तिधाम सुखधाम ले जाते हैं । अज्ञान काल में तुम भी कुछ नहीं जानते थे । जो नम्बरवन तमोप्रधान, वही फिर नम्बरवन सतोप्रधान बनते हैं । यह अपनी बड़ाई नहीं करते हैं । बड़ाई तो एक की ही हैं । लक्ष्मी- नारायण को भी ऐसा बनाने वाला तो वह है ना । ऊँच ते ऊंच भगवान । वह बनाते भी ऊंच हैं । बाबा जानते हैं, सब तो ऊंच नहीं बनेंगे । फिर भी पुरूषार्थ करना पड़े । यहाँ तुम आते ही हो नर से नारायण बनने । कहते हैं-बाबा, हम तो स्वर्ग की बादशाही लेंगे । हम सत्य नारायण की सच्ची कथा सुनने आये हैं । बाबा कहते हैं-अच्छा, तेरे मुख में गुलाब, मेहनत करो । सब तो लक्ष्मी-नारायण नहीं बनेंगे । यह राजधानी स्थापन हो रही है । राजाई घराने में, प्रजा घराने में चाहिए तो बहुत ना । आश्चर्यवत् सुनन्ती, कथन्ती, फारकती देवन्ती फिर वापिस भी आ जाते हैं । जो बच्चे अपनी कुछ न कुछ उन्नति करते हैं तो चढ़ पड़ते हैं । सरेन्डर होते ही हैं गरीब । देह सहित और कोई भी याद न रहे, बड़ी मंजिल है । अगर सम्बन्ध जुटा हुआ होगा तो वह याद जरूर पड़ेंगे । बाप को क्या याद पड़ेगा? सारा दिन बेहद में ही बुद्धि रहती है । कितनी मेहनत करनी पड़ती है । बाप कहते हैं मेरे बच्चों में भी उत्तम, मध्यम, कनिष्ट हैं । दूसरे कोई आते हैं तो भी समझते हैं यह पतित दुनिया के हैं । फिर भी यज्ञ की सर्विस करते हैं तो रिगार्ड देना पड़ता है । बाप युक्तिबाज तो है ना । नहीं तो यह टॉवर ऑफ साइलेन्स होलीएस्ट ऑफ होली टॉवर है, जहाँ होलीएस्ट ऑफ होली बाप सारे विश्व को बैठ होली बनाते हैं । यहाँ कोई पतित आ न सके । परन्तु बाप कहते हैं मैं आया ही हूँ सभी पतितों को पावन बनाने, इस खेल में मेरा भी पार्ट है । अच्छा!

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग । रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 24, 2015: The Spiritual Aspect of Healthcare

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 24, 2015: The Spiritual Aspect of Healthcare

The Spiritual Aspect of Healthcare
Silence, happiness, love and blessings are important aspects. Happiness leads to good health. It is only you who can give this medicine to yourself. Some bring illness to themselves through anger, greed, unfulfilled desires, expectations, suppression of feelings and relationships not based on true love. Look in your heart, you will know where your illness comes from. There are three ingredients for a long and healthy life: live with attention but without worry; use time in a worthwhile way; keep your thoughts pure, positive and filled with strength.


Humility grows a little more each time we step away from our own
feelings and opinions and genuinely listen to the experience of another
human being. Humility is dedication to the extent that no
acknowledgement is sought for the self. Only when we have learned to
value others no more no less that we value ourselves can we be said to
be truly humble.

Cooking And Eating With A Spiritual Touch (cont.)

Having prepared food with attention (which we have explained over the last two days), the Brahma Kumaris' practice is then to offer the freshly-prepared meal to the Supreme Soul. We call it offering bhog (or commonly called prasad) to the Supreme Father. As a part of this practice, positive energy or vibrations of love, bliss and peace taken from the Supreme via meditation for 5-10 minutes, is given to the food prepared, by keeping a small portion of the food in a clean vessel kept aside for this purpose only, on a table in front of you. This practice can be followed every day for one main meal at least, or more, depending on how much time you have at hand. It is good to do this exercise in a special corner in the house or even a separate small room kept aside for the purpose of meditation or basically a place where the atmosphere is spiritually empowering as compared to the rest of the house. Charging the food with positive spiritual energy and expressing gratitude to the Supreme in this way serves to increase the spiritual quality of the food and deepen the individual's personal relationship with the Supreme, while also creating a powerful, shared divine experience. On a very practical level, it will also help the body to prepare itself to receive and digest food. Of course, the last step is to eat, and this, too, is best done in a peaceful, unhurried and harmonious state of mind and environment: we are what we eat and also how we eat. It's good to avoid eating along with the television or newspaper. Eating with the family in a positive setting is a good practice. But talking excessively and sharing negative information at that time with each other should be avoided. Talking quite less, talking very slowly, softly and sweetly and talking about positive and constructive aspects of life, with the rest of the family members, should be the norm for meal eating time.

Whether you are a new, aspiring or trained cook, we hope that the information in this and the last two days' messages, with its emphasis on the soul as well as the body, will bring an added dimension to your kitchen and dining table. Cooking, and eating, should be a joyful and significant experience. So cook and enjoy!

Soul Sustenance

Playing My Part As A Hero Actor (Part 1)
While just as beings we reside in the soul world, as human beings we play our many roles through many physical bodies in this beautiful world drama on this amazing, colorful and round stage called planet Earth. Each day is filled with multi-million scenes in different locations on this very big stage. Some scenes are directly related to us, some indirectly and a lot many aren’t related at all. Each scene that we are directly involved is an opportunity to not only play our role in the best possible way but also as a result shape the role in the most appropriate way possible. Therefore, we are all hero actors who by playing our roles as well as possible, create the script of our own life i.e. create our own destiny.

And do remember doing this has a positive influence on others’ scripts also, which rebounds back to us and in return helps us in our making our scripts better. While we have been given a role to live the entire birth right from childhood to old age, we possess the power, the remote control to dictate and control as to how exactly we will live the day, the year and each year of our present birth, our present role. Each day offers us multiple options as to not only how we act but also how we respond to the world around us and our script or destiny gets shaped up according to the options we make. Our destiny is decided not by what happens to us or around us, but by (i) how we act (sometimes the actions are responses to external events and sometimes they are not) and (ii) how we respond to a million events and circumstances which we encounter as we make this complete journey of life.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day

To be happy is to let go through the mind and not just through words.

Expression: Things do not always happen as expected. At such times, the one who is able to let go of expectations from the situation is able to forget it. Such a person will not speak about the situation again and again and describe it to everyone. Nor will there be the need to say, "I let go". Once the situation is accepted as it is, there will not be even a single thought of it.

Experience: When I accept things as they are, I will be able to learn and be richer with every new experience. I will not be mentally troubled by what happened, but will be able to maintain my own inner happiness. I will thus be able to keep my mind clear for whatever is coming up in the future. So I will find freedom from waste and constant progress with the resources that I have.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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