Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: May 14, 2019: Optimistic Outlook

Contemplation: May 14, 2019: Optimistic Outlook

Image may contain: indoor

Door of the Upper Courtyard at Dar Jamaï Museum, Meknès, Morocco

Optimistic Outlook

Optimism opens a door in difficult or hopeless situations. No matter what the crisis, an optimist maintains the outlook that it is a sign, time for a different way of thinking, or of doing things. Sometimes the signal has to be very clear even harsh, otherwise we may continue in self-delusion and not wake up. Of course if we lack optimism, instead of taking this signal as a step towards renaissance, complaint, resentment or even desperation will emerge.

Power of Truth

The power of truth within you will enable you to learn from all
situations. When things go wrong you will be able to check yourself
and improve instead of giving excuses to yourself and others. When you
give excuses you will not be able to learn and progress. Take any
situation that went wrong today. Check within yourself what your part
was in the situation because of which things went wrong. Then correct
yourself based on this understanding.

Being Dependent On The Look Of The Other

We have to trust that, being ourselves, we will be well-received and loved by the world. If we are here, why have we been incarnated on Earth? To satisfy the look of the other or to bring what is unique and exceptional in us? We all have two eyes, a nose and a mouth but no face is the same. We are all a being of conscious energy, a soul, but each one has a colour, an art, a creativity and something different to contribute. Let us trust in ourselves and use our talents to bring our difference.

You can be your best friend. Imagine that someone accompanies you in your life, values everything that you do and finds it to be great: what you do, what you say; you are the best; extraordinary; a shining being; a star. Now imagine that you have that person next to you day and night. How do you feel? On top form and you are fine. This happens in relationships. When someone loves you very much, they practically only think about you; they ring you, they send you text messages, maybe they write you letters or emails. You feel unique, special and loved. But this does not last forever and, nowadays, it lasts less and less. The difficulty is that if you depend on the look of the other to feel fine, sometimes you will be fine if the person looking at you does it well, but if not, you won't be fine.

How do you look at yourself? This unconditional friend that loves you so much and that supports you is what you have inside. You can be your best friend. This gives you security and trust. If someone else likes you or doesn't like you and criticizes you, you won't collapse within because to be fine you do not depend on the look of the other.

Soul Sustenance

The Inner Awakening Wave

Our beliefs either put us to sleep or cause us to remain awake. Even if are awake on a physical level, when we are asleep internally, without even realizing most of the time; we don't see others, situations and the world as a whole in their true light. We see, perceive and interpret reality incorrectly, which causes us pain. We perceive any sort of pain on the mental or emotional level to be normal and think that others and circumstances are responsible for the pain. All this, because of the incorrect beliefs that we carry inside us, the most important one being that we are physical bodies and not spiritual energies or souls. Only when the subtle pain becomes intolerable, do we look for a remedy for the same, or think we have to do something about it. Most of us go through life asleep and hence in pain. An inner awakening is one in which we realize the incorrect beliefs and are not scared to challenge them. Once we do that, our pain starts receding. We then very naturally look to wake up others, so that they are relieved from their pain.

The present time in the history of humanity is such that while the sleep of some souls is getting more and more sound and pain increases in the world, on the other hand, an inner awakening wave is taking many souls in its tide as more and more souls are waking up from their deep slumber and waking up others. This is the time when late night and early morning exist side by side. It is the same time, but late night for most and early morning, a time of getting up, for a few. This is happening due to a consciousness shift or shifting of beliefs inside many through spiritual knowledge. Such souls, whose number keeps increasing everyday, are experiencing more and more happiness in their lives. Both these groups of souls have similar circumstances and people in their life but the shifting or correction of beliefs inside the second group is causing souls in the group to remain stable amidst these circumstances, free from spiritual pain, depending on how much the shift is.

Message for the day

Inner satisfaction brings creativity.

Expression: Quite often I find myself trying to keep pace with the things that I have always been doing. I seem to be caught up in the routine to the extent that I experience monotony. I then cannot think of any newness that I can bring in my life.

Experience: It is only with my inner satisfaction that can I bring creativity in my life. For this, while doing the routine jobs that I am involved in throughout the day, I need to make special effort to keep myself content with the things that are going on and also think of new ways of doing what I am already doing. Then I will never experience boredom in my life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 13, 2019: Character

Contemplation: May 13, 2019: Character

Image may contain: one or more people and nature


Self-control is not about suppressing emotions or tolerating the pressure of circumstances. Self-control is to be the creator of your thoughts and feelings to be creative and find new answers. This helps you to remain calm and cool.

Unselfish Love

When you are constantly having love for everyone, you'll have no
negativity. Your unselfish love will make you have only positive
thoughts and you'll find yourself in constant happiness. Start your
day with thinking of all the people you come into contact with. Then
take a thought in your mind that you have love for all of them. This
thought will help you throughout the day. You'll find yourself
accepting others as they are and having good wishes for them.

Realizing Our Natural Nature Of Peace

If we look at nature, we will notice that everything in nature - plants, flowers, etc. do everything they do peacefully - they grow, flourish, decompose and die in peace. We get an obvious impression from them that peace is their natural nature. Even the five elements - earth, wind, water, fire and sky are mostly peaceful by nature. It's only when we try and exercise control over them and interfere with their balance that they lose their peace. Most of us, irrespective of our age, even in these stressful and hurry filled times, act peacefully and express our peaceful nature in relationships by means of peaceful thoughts, words and actions, unless something is wrong in the relationship. We instinctively like peaceful relationships. If something is wrong in a relationship and it lacks peace even to a small extent, we do not feel good or comfortable about it. All this proves to us that we, like nature, are essentially peaceful by nature. That is our basic personality.

Most of us have, at some time in our lives and even more frequently in the case of many of us, experienced and expressed our peaceful nature. It's so natural, we are not even consciously aware of it. What we are more aware of is when we are distanced from the natural i.e. we are unnatural - worried, scared, irritated etc. But these unnatural phases always pass and we finally return to our peaceful self. There are some people who are permanently grumpy and tight with someone or the other, because of something or the other. On some days we also feel as if we are continuously living on the edge and continuously succumbing to frustration and anger. But even then, away from everyone's eyes; everyone, the compulsive angerholic (one who cannot live without anger) and you also, will, at some stage, look inwards, relax and have an inner personal spiritual retreat in which they will find relief by experiencing their true nature of peace.

Soul Sustenance

Going Beyond …

If the quality of my thoughts can influence my physical health, the atmosphere around me and my relationships, it will definitely affect my relationship with God. Unlike physics in which dissimilar forces (positive and negative) attract each other, the basic principle of spirituality is that similar forces attract each other.If my mind is caught up in cycles of negativity, the dissimilarity between me and God will create distance between me and Him. With the awareness of being a soul, a being of spiritual energy, spiritual light, I begin to have a certain amount of mastery over my own thoughts and their quality. Also, the process of finishing negativity is accelerated. Just stepping away from the limited consciousness of the body and bodily connections (not leaving them) stops negative thinking in the same way as by just putting a switch on, a light is turned on and darkness finishes.

If explorers had never ventured beyond their home countries, they would have remained firm in the belief that the rest of the world simply didn't exist. In the same way, if I allow myself to stay only within the physical and limited sphere of thinking, then I would declare that there is nothing beyond. It is when I make the effort to go outside the boundaries of my previous thinking, that I have the chance of discovering more. The quest for a source of love, truth and beauty – the Supreme eventually brings me to the necessity of looking beyond not only my own body, but also other human beings and matter itself. Through the practice of seeing the self as an eternal soul and disciplining my mind I create the possibility of discovering the existence and nature of God and having a deep relationship with that One.

Message for the day

With the balance of love and discipline, energy can be saved while speaking.

Expression: Throughout the day I find myself having to give explanations or corrections to so many people. When I do this I find that I have to spend a lot of words. In the process I tend to lose a lot of my energy and find myself tired.

Experience: In order to save my energy and to use fewer words I need to have the balance of love and discipline. Discipline will enable me to give the right directions while love will make my directions effective. So I find that just a few words would be enough to get my message across.

In Spiritual Service,

Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 12, 2019: Love All

Contemplation: May 12, 2019: Love All

Image may contain: fruit and food

Love All

Love can never be exclusive. The sun does not choose to shine on some flowers in the garden and not others. Love is inclusive and has many faces - caring, listening, sharing from the heart, just accepting someone for what they are right now, are all acts of love, as long as you seek nothing in return. It all starts with acceptance of yourself - you're just fine as you are right now, warts and all. It's not that you will stay that way for ever - but you might, if you don't accept. The secret key to the greatest door called love is acceptance. First your self, then others (especially the ones you currently resist) and eventually ...all.

God, the Companion

Your love for God will make you experience His companionship in
everything you do. Where there is love there is never a moment of
loneliness. Thus you will be able to move forward with courage in all
the challenges that life brings. Think of one situation where you have
found yourself failing. Now think that God is with you to help you in
this situation. When you believe this, you will find that you'll get
the courage to accept and face the situation. Then you can also work
and bring about a change in the situation.

The Power To Discriminate

Meditation gives me a discriminating eye - an ability to discriminate between truth and falsehood. It does this by helping me maintain a consciousness that helps me rise above competing claims to truth - the different ideologies and opinions, reasons and analyses, justifications and stories related to a situation - which can be so confusing.

The image of discrimination is the jeweler, who, with the help of his eyeglass, sorts out real diamonds from false. Meditation opens my third eye, the eye of pure consciousness. When I look at the world through this eye, truth is not just an intellectual idea, but an experience of the heart. When I think and act in ways that maintain and deepen this experience of truth, I know I am moving in the right direction. Conversely, I discover that thoughts and behaviours that cloud or hide the experience of truth are coming from falsehood, no matter how much I or others may try to justify them. So, meditation gives me a reliable basis for discriminating the value in different courses of action: will this help me recover my truth, or take me further into falsehood? Will it maintain the flow of love, peace and happiness in my heart, or will it cause a blockage? Previously, I may have been easily swayed by other people's demands and opinions, or by illusory ways of thinking arising from my own negativity. Like a good lawyer, the intellect is very clever at arguing its case, regardless of where the truth may lie. But, when truth is experienced in and from the heart, there is no arguing with it. Deeply experienced truth clears my mind of irrelevancies created due to possessiveness, greed, desires and ego. As I learn to create pure, positive thoughts, and connect with the divine, it is as though a flow of clear, fragrant water gradually displaces the mud and rubbish in my intellect, enabling me to see reality or truth again.

Soul Sustenance

Maintaining Your Self-Esteem In Relationships

When a person is in love with another human, the marvelous thing about being in love is that it is a totally positive projection. There is a person who projects on to you all that is positive: you are marvelous, you are unique, you are indispensable, you are a treasure. That positive projection generates a euphoric state, of bliss, of wellbeing, whereby you are flying. You feel loved, cared for, needed and valued. That positive projection lasts for a time until, with the dependencies and expectations, the negative projection begins. "You should have called me, you should have told me, you should have come at this time, you should be more like this, you should be less like that, you should have done this or that."

With these expectations, demands and dependencies, that positive projection and flying state disappear. The other has started interfering in your personal space and the harmony that was there previously is lost. One needs to learn to have a positive vision of oneself. You are marvelous, you are unique; don't depend on them telling you so. This does not mean you need to feed your ego, but that you need to make the most positive emerge from within you. Resort to all your creative, positive, spiritual capacity, so that you do not depend on others having to project positive things onto you in order to feel good. On feeling good in an independent and autonomous way, you will be able to share with others peace, love and positivism. You won't be in the state of a victim but will be true rulers and controllers of your own life with solid self-esteem.

Message for the day

The one who is a giver, has attention constantly on giving fully.

Expression: When the system that I am working in doesn't let me give maximum benefit to the people around me or deprives them of their natural right, I tend to react negatively. I tend to become upset which doesn't help either of us in anyway.

Experience: When I remember and maintain the awareness that I am a giver, instead of complaining about the restrictions that society or people around me impose I continue to give those around me something that will make them happy. This could be in the form of kind and supportive words or at least an understanding smile. When I give in this way, it will make others too free from negative thoughts.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 11, 2019: Health Challenges

Contemplation: May 11, 2019: Health Challenges

No photo description available.

Health Challenges

When you're facing a health challenge, whether it's flu or something more serious, give the body time to rest and recuperate.

As well as medical care, nourish the mind with positive thoughts; keep your head calm and your heart happy. 
This will help the body's healing process.

Unselfish love

The one way to change others is to deal with them with love. When you
have love for others, you will have good wishes for them. Your desire
to change them will then be for their good and not for your own
selfishness. Others will quickly respond to your unselfish love and
you'll find them changing. Think of one person you want to bring about
a change in. Before you think of changing that person let there be a
lot of love for that person in your mind. Also make sure the change
you want in the other person is for his own good and not for your own
selfish reason.

To Complement And Not To Compete (cont.)

We all have a place within this beautiful embroidery of life; let us know it, enjoy it, express it as our right, but never overdo it because we feel our role or position is more advanced, or better than others. Sometimes, when there is a sense of personal or collective emptiness, there is the need to be recognized, which creates attachment to your own talents, role or virtues.

We have to learn to complement rather than compete. Nature works on the principle of complementarity. This can be seen with the seasons, day and night, the continual cyclical process of birth, growth, maturity, decay, death and rebirth. Even our bodies work on this principle. Look at the face! Each face has two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, all in the right position and functioning in an appropriate way. Which of these is more important? Would you say the eyes are more important, so you would prefer to have three eyes and no nose? Or would you say the nose is more important, so you would prefer to have three noses and no ears? We cannot think like this because it is absurd and illogical. Each feature has equal value and when we recognize the equal value of all things, then we stop being illogical - comparing, competing, feeling superior or inferior, or striving to be what we are not. In a society that functions, can everyone be a doctor, an engineer or a farmer? Everyone has different talents and positions because different tasks have to be fulfilled if the whole society is to run well. If we examine life carefully, we realize that the recognition of this principle of complementarity is the basis of creating a peaceful and happy coexistence, because the vision of equality respects and honors the differences.

Soul Sustenance

Self Empowerment

To fill your self with a quality or power, which you feel you do not have or one, which is lacking inside you, try the following exercise. Suppose you feel that you lack contentment (satisfaction). To increase this quality inside you, sit comfortably in a pleasant room with your eyes open.

Withdraw (remove) energy mentally from everything around you – turn your attention inward. You might think of how a tortoise withdraws into its shell to detach itself from the outside world, but carrying the experience of the world with it inside its shelter.

Create a point of consciousness. Focus on the centre of your forehead. Think of this point as a bright star, a sparkling jewel, a flame or a being of light. This will radiate positive energy, making you feel good about yourself.

Affirm (strengthen) this positive energy through positive thoughts and images about yourself such as * I am a contented soul, I shower everyone whom I meet with the quality of contentment, * I am a jewel of contentment, or * I am the child of the Supreme Soul, the Ocean of Contentment.

Focus your energy on contentment, and let this become the object of your meditation. As you focus, you will give contentment life, turning a thought into a feeling.

Experience this feeling by giving your conscious attention to it.

During the entire day, you could visualize yourself performing each action in the canopy (shelter) of the Ocean of Contentment.

Now perform this exercise for different virtues like cheerfulness, courage, humility (egolessness), tolerance, forgiveness, determination, etc. especially for the ones you think are lacking inside you. For the qualities already existing inside you, you could use this exercise to strengthen those features of your personality and bring them more into your actions and interactions. 

Message for the day

To live in the present is to be free from the influence of the past.

Expression: Many times the past keeps coming back again and again in the mind, influencing the present too. The present is lost in thinking about the past. So there can be nothing done to enjoy the present. All words and actions then are totally coloured by the past. Instead the one who is able to free himself from the influence of the past is able to move positively towards the future.

Experience: To be free from the influence of the past it is important to have a powerful consciousness of the present. To be able to be free from the influence of the past is to forget the past. Because there is the understanding that it is gone. Also there is no worry about the future. When I am able to learn to live in the present I am able to discover how full it is of peaceful moments.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 10, 2019: Smile Back

Contemplation: May 10, 2019: Smile Back

Image may contain: 1 person, flower and closeup

Smile Back

A smiley person is one whose heart seems to radiate through their teeth. ..
And when they smile, it's almost impossible not to smile back....
So even if you don't feel like it, smile anyway.  It'll make you feel better.
And when you smile, chances are, the person receiving your smile will smile back, and you'll feel even better.

Love & Forgiveness

It is only when you have love for yourself that you can forgive
yourself. Love gives you the power to forgive. Just as you find it
easy to forgive a person you love, when you have love for yourself you
can forgive yourself too. It is only then can you find yourself
learning and progressing without making yourself heavy. When you find
yourself making a mistake, remind yourself that if you have to
progress you have to forgive yourself. Learn from your mistake in such
a way that you never repeat it and forgive yourself. Then you'll be
able to move forward with lightness.

To Complement And Not To Compete

Harmony, well-being and the fulfillment of individual purpose are only possible when our consciousness is universal or inclusive (taking everyone into consideration) in the sense that we can recognize and appreciate the purpose and necessity of all things in life and, therefore, give them the space to express their basic right to be. When people, either on an individual or collective level are no longer universal or they are exclusive (no longer taking everyone into consideration), that is, when the foundation of their identity is based on ego and superiority, then harmony, peace and certainly love are lost both in the individual and in society.   Individuals, societies, nations, religions and politics all do not remain universal when they are gifted a particular specialty, talent or position. While it is healthy and necessary to value who you are, it becomes most unhealthy and violent to become attached to your special qualities, making others feel inferior because they do not possess those same qualities. The reason for conflict, on any level, is nearly always this sense of right to dominate or suppress others because we feel we are better in one way or another. Unfortunately, in modern society, the idea of outdoing others in order to prove the value of the person, or idea, has overtaken the basic principle of life, which is complementarity. When we learn to complement rather than compete, there will be peace and, above all, self-respect. Self-respect means to recognize myself as I am and thus fulfill my purpose without injury to, or comparison with, others.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Transforming The Other’s Anger

In meditation, when I connect with God, I absorb His spiritual love and peace, which causes my own original qualities, which are present in me, the soul, in my pure state when I begin the playing of roles through physical bodies on the world stage, to come to the forefront or to the surface, to emerge in the conscious from the sub-conscious. As a result, now, where previously there would have been conflict, I have a greater capacity to remain peaceful when another person behaves in an unpleasant way with me. I have the power to stay mentally and emotionally stable when someone provokes or insults me. This power is enormously valuable in life, enabling me to cool heated situations, and even remove another person's anger altogether.

Instead of focusing on the anger on a person's face, I focus my attention to the non-physical, star-like being or soul within the person, which was peaceful and loveful in its original, pure state. This increases my tolerance and acceptance power. Also, through my meditation, I am actively aware of the spiritual bond all human beings share, as souls who have a common home of peace, the incorporeal (non-physical) home, from where all of souls come and a common connection with the One Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Through this knowledge, I connect with the goodness in the other soul and my love for the soul is maintained. I realize that this goodness is a deeper reality than the anger. The truth is that if I can hold this soul-conscious vision steady for long enough, I radiate positive energy to the other soul, which works like magic and awakens the goodness within the other person. Then, my tolerance bears fruit and peace really does prevail between the two of us.

Message for the day

To bring in light is to finish darkness.

Expression: Usually when there is any negativity seen, there is a lot of attention paid to it. All the positivity remains hidden and only the negativity is highlighted. So the one who is caught up with a negative attitude colours all his words and actions too with this negativity and will naturally create a world of negativity for himself.

Experience: When I am able to see the positivity even in both positive situations and negative situations, I am able to influence others with my positivity. Others' negativity will not influence me in a negative way, but I will be able to remain powerful in all situations. I will experience inner growth constantly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 09, 2019: Mind Matters

Contemplation: May 09, 2019: Mind Matters

Image may contain: flower, plant, outdoor and nature

Mind Matters

The most important part of you is your mind (not your brain - the brain is the hardware and the mind creates the software). Care for your mind, make friends with it, always feed it healthy food, engage it in positive activity, exercise it with knowledge and wisdom. Like a garden returns fragrance and beauty according to the care invested, so your mind will repay you with thoughts, ideas and visions of great beauty when tended and invested with care. Your mind is not made of matter but it does matter what you give it and what you create with it. Where your mind goes, you go. What your mind creates becomes your destiny.

Love Your Work

If something is difficult, it means there is no love. Where there is
love, even a task as difficult and big as a mountain becomes as easy
and light as cotton. Love makes work easier and lighter. Today is the
day to love your work. Whatever you are doing, remember that you love
your work. Experiment with one thing that you have been finding it
difficult to do with a reminder to yourself that you love it and that
is the reason you are doing it.

The Location Of The Soul Inside The Body

The soul has the following basic functions to perform:

* to give life to the body and to maintain life inside it,
* to express and experience its role through the body, and
* to receive the rewards or fruits of past actions performed in previous births, through the body.

These functions are controlled and monitored by the soul via the nervous and hormonal systems from a particular point in the area of the brain which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. This region is known as the seat of the soul, or the third eye. The connection between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) is by the medium of thought energy. Many religions and philosophies place great importance on the third eye, or eye of the mind. When viewed from the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. It's for this reason that Hindus use a tilak, a dot in red or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead. Christians also make the sign of the cross in this region. Even when one makes a mistake or expresses tiredness it's to this region that we put the hands in the gestures of self-dismay or exhaustion. After all the soul subconsciously knows that it makes the mistakes and not the body. When people are concentrating deeply in thought it is this area of the forehead where creases or lines are formed on the skin.

Soul Sustenance

The Two Dimensions Of Being A Detached Observer

There are two dimensions of being a detached observer - the inner dimension and the outer one.

Let us look at the inner dimension of detached observation. It is the ability or the technique to stand back from or observe in a detached way our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes and behavior. We are creators and our thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes are our creation. In fact, this is the first step to becoming a ruler of the self and making the self powerful. If we fail to detach from our thoughts and emotions then they will be our masters, they will go out of control and will, as a result, leak away or waste our energy. Practice simply being the witness of whatever you are thinking and feeling. This is an important aspect of any good spiritual practice and after a while you will find it an experience that both, frees you and empowers you.

The external dimension of detached observation is the technique of being a witness to or an observer of the scenes, of the world around us. As we stand back and watch the scenes of life being played, on the world stage around us, without being actively involved, we can see the 'big picture' more clearly. This makes it easier to judge clearly what is the most suitable contribution that we can make and the most suitable role we can play - through our thoughts, words and actions.

Message for the day

To make the aim and qualification equal is to bring perfection.

Expression: To have an aim that is high is to naturally bring about the desire to do the best in everything. But also important is to make effort to bring about those qualifications that are needed to fulfill this aim. So the one who has the desire to make the aim and qualifications equal is the one who is able to bring beauty to every action.

Experience: When I am able to make constant effort to bring in those qualities that are necessary for my aim I am able to bring perfection. I am able to experience the satisfaction of bringing a lot of change in a short time. I experience constant progress as I continue to make effort to move on towards my aim.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: May 08, 2019: That Gift Called 'Faith'

Contemplation: May 08, 2019: That Gift Called 'Faith'

Image may contain: sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature

That Gift Called 'Faith'

When I am continuously being battered by the storms of life, and my very spirit is ebbing away, then all I need to do is hang onto that gift called 'Faith', that one support which will weather the storms. Faith does not depend on a clever head, only belief: belief in the self and the strength that lies within. Faith is the seed of victory and the foundation of making the impossible possible.

True love

True love is free from expectations. When you discover the love within
you, you can continue to give. Whether the other person gives or not,
true love enables you to give unselfishly. Let today be the day for
discovering and giving others the love within you. Make sure you do at
least one act that shows your love towards anyone around you. Feel the
love flowing from within to the ones around you.

Fulfilling Desires By Changing Your Belief System (cont.)

We have been holding a lot of incorrect beliefs as to what can lead us to back to our eternal and original state (these states were discussed in yesterday's message) and many of our actions are based on these beliefs. We have mentioned a few examples of incorrect beliefs below. There are many more, which you could reflect on.

Lust and attachment increases love in a relationship.

Anger is necessary for success in relationships and is important for getting work done and gaining respect. It provides a mental upsurge of energy.

Greed attracts physical prosperity and brings happiness.

Ego is power; a person with no ego is generally timid or submissive.

Worry prepares us for the worst, worrying for someone close is expressing our love for them.

Being emotional and crying for our loved ones in bad times, is expressing love for them. Being emotional and crying in good times is expressing and experiencing joy. 

Gossiping increases social bonding and gives one an experience of joy.

Jealousy inspires us to do better and achieve more.

The Supreme Teacher changes our belief system and not only makes us aware of these incorrect beliefs but reconditions us by incorporating correct beliefs inside us so that we start performing karmas or actions based on them and start progressing towards our eternal and original state.

Soul Sustenance

Discover Your Inner Mentor (Guide) – A Meditation

If you can become your own mentor (guide), a mentor that you would always have liked to have, then you will experience life as an exciting adventure. What would happen if you had someone in your life that walked with you each step of your way, loved you unconditionally and supported you without putting conditions, even when you were wrong? What would happen if you felt absolutely safe, secure, cared for and loved? Would you be more willing to accept the challenges that life brings forth in front of you? Would you take on your life with greater responsibility and confidence?

Your internal mentor is a part of you and is always present, always kind, always loves you, is always there for you. If you still haven't met it, take a moment to guide yourself through this meditation exercise:

1. Relax your body and allow yourself to be fully present, here, reading these words, listening to the sounds around you, feeling what you feel. Read slowly!

2. Now send love to each part of your body: your feet, your lungs, your back, your face, your eyes, your nose, until you feel the love from your feet to your head.

3. Now send love to each thought that appears on the screen of your mind, visualize how your energy is concentrated at the inner part of the centre of your forehead. See the screen of your mind, and try to make each thought that you generate full of the energy of love that is slowly invading you. The energy of love is present in each thought that appears in your mind.
Love what you yourself create: each thought.

4. By practicing the above exercise, you emerge sanskars inside yourself of giving unconditional love and support to your own self. This is a way to awaken your inner mentor. As you practice spending time with yourself in this way, you will start to see that your insecurity and your fears begin to disappear and new possibilities open up in front of you. 

Message for the day

To appreciate variety is to harmonize.

Expression: When there is recognition that each human being is unique with his own unique set of capabilities, there is the ability to respect him for what he is. Then all attempts are made to harmonize with him instead of trying to make him just like oneself. So energy is channelized in the right direction and one becomes an inspiration for others too.

Experience: To appreciate variety means to see the beauty and specialities of each and every individual. It means to appreciate the natural positive qualities in everyone and learn to blend my own qualities with theirs. This gives me the satisfaction of the beauty of relationships, because there are no expectations and no disappointments.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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