Essence of Murli
(H&E): July
09, 2014:
Essence:Sweet children, only
the one Father is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. He alone
removes all your sorrow. No human being can remove anyone's sorrow.
Question: What is the cause of
peacelessness in the world? How is peace established?
Answer: The innumerable religions are the cause of
peacelessness in the world. When there is diversity at the end of the iron age,
there is peacelessness. The Father comes and establishes the one true religion
and then peace is established there. You can understand that there was peace in
the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. There was the pure religion and pure
action. The benevolent Father is once again creating that new world. There is
no mention of peacelessness there.
Essence for Dharna:
1. The study of Raja
Yoga is a source of income because it is through this that we become kings of
kings. You have to study and teach others this spiritual study every day.
2. Always have the intoxication that we Brahmins are the
true mouth-born creation. We have moved away from the iron-aged night and come
into the day. This is the most auspicious, benevolent confluence age in which
we have to benefit ourselves and everyone else.
Blessing: May you be free from
any attraction and become a conqueror of matter by remaining detached from all
material possessions.
If any material possession
disturbs your physical senses, that is, if it makes you feel attracted to
something, you cannot then become detached. Desires are a form of attraction.
Some people say that they do not have any desires (ichcha), but that they do
like (achcha) something. That too is a subtle form of attraction. Check that
that material possession, that is, that facility of temporary happiness is not
attracting you in a subtle way. Material possessions are facilities of matter
and when you are not tempted by those, that is, when you remain detached, you
will then become a conqueror of matter.
Slogan: Leave the chaotic problems of the consciousness of “mine” and stay in the unlimited and you will be said to be a world benefactor.
सार:- “मीठे बच्चे
- दु:ख हर्ता सुख कर्ता एक बाप है,
वही तुम्हारे सब दुःख दूर करते हैं, मनुष्य किसी के दु:ख दूर कर नहीं सकते”
प्रश्न:- विष्व मे अशान्ति का कारण क्या है? शान्ति स्थापन कैसे होगी ?
उत्तर:- विष्व में अशान्ति का कारण है अनेकानेक धर्म । कलियुग के अन्त मे जब अनेकता है, तब अशान्ति है । बाप आकर एक सत धर्म की स्थापना करते है । वहाँ शान्ति हो जाती है । तुम समझ सकते हो कि इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण के राज्य मे शान्ति थी । पवित्र धर्म, पवित्र कर्म था । कल्याणकारी बाप फिर से वह नई दुनिया बना रहे हैं । उसमें अशान्ति का नाम नहीं ।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1. राजयोग की पढ़ाई सोर्स ऑफ इनकम है क्योंकि इससे ही हम राजाओ का राजा बनते है । यह रूहानी पढ़ाई रोज पढ़नी और पढानी है ।
2. सदा नशा रहे कि हम ब्राह्मण सच्चे मुख वशावली हैं, हम कलियुगी रात से निकल दिन में आये है, यह है कल्याणकारी पुरूषोत्तम युग, इसमें अपना और सर्व का कल्याण करना है ।
वरदान:- सर्व पदार्थो की आसक्तियों से न्यारे अनासक्त प्रकृतिजीत भव
अगर कोई भी पदार्थ कर्मेन्द्रियो को विचलित करता है अर्थात् आसक्ति का भाव उत्पन्न होता है तो भी न्यारे नही बन सकेगे । इच्छाये ही आसक्तियो का रूप है । कई कहते हैं इच्छा नही है लेकिन अच्छा लगता है । तो यह भी सूक्ष्म आसक्ति है
- इसकी महीन रूप से चेकिंग करो कि यह पदार्थ अर्थात् अल्पकाल सुख के साधन आकर्षित तो नही करते है? यह पदार्थ प्रकृति के साधन हैं, जब इनसे अनासक्त अर्थात् न्यारे बनेगे तब प्रकृतिजीत बनेगे ।
स्लोगन:- मेरे-मेरे के झमेलों को छोड बेहद में रहो तब कहेंगे विष्व कल्याणकारी ।
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