Happy Deepavali !!!
May the lamps
of love and devotion burn brightly in your hearts
May the light of
understanding shine in your minds
May the light
of harmony glow in your homes
May the bright
rays of service shine forth ceaselessly from your hands
May your smile,
your words, and your actions be as sweet as the sweets
of this festive season
May Maha Lakshmi bring you the true wealth of peace, health, happiness, and love ...
May Maha Lakshmi bring you the true wealth of peace, health, happiness, and love ...
Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan:
Swaroop Bano
November 13, 2012:ज्ञान की ज्योत से ज्योत जगाते चलो, प्रेम की गंगा बहाते चलो....शुभ दीपावली !!!
With the Ganges of love flowing within you, ignite the lamps of
knowledge of others with your own....Happy Deepavali !!!
Gyan ki jyot se jyot jagaate chalo, prem ki ganga bahaate
chalo....Shubh Deepavali !!!
Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi
written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
Song: Jaag sajaniya jag जाग सजनियां
Awaken o brides, awaken! The new age is about to come.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn from the Murli of November 13, 2012
Praise of Baba:
The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father...the Most Beloved... the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness...Trilokinath...Knowledge-full...the Master of Hearts...the Master Gardener...
Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:
Knowledge: As
long as we live, we have to study...We, the souls, attain knowledge as the
fruit of devotion...we are the Godly students who become the mouth-born
creations of Brahma, and drink the nectar of knowledge till the end...
By knowing the past, present and the future, by knowing the three aspects of time, we become Trikaldarshi...by knowing the history and geography of the past, we know the future, and by knowing the future, we know the past and the present...we are knowledge-full...the past is the iron age, the present is the confluence age, and the future is the golden and the silver age...
We are the cows of Shiv baba’s cowshed...
Yoga: By keeping the
awareness of the knowledge of the Seed and the tree in our intellects, by
repeatedly remembering the Father and the Father’s creation, we attain
happiness and become the rulers of the globe...
We now have to go home...we are the decorated brides returning home with the One Bridegroom Shiva...
By being the embodiments of remembrance, we attain the inheritance of swarg, heaven, Paradise, bahist, the new divine world, the 21 births of the self sovereignty in the new age of Deepmala, from the very sweet God Father, and become princes from beggars...
We are the spiritual roses of the garden of the Master Gardener...
Dharna: We, the souls, make the
effort of attaining the fortune of a kingdom in the new world on the basis of
shrimat ...by checking ourselves, we destroy our vices and weaknesses, look at
others with a sweet vision and see only their virtues...we are Brahmins who
become deities...
we are gardeners who look after the saplings very well, make a fragrant garden, and earn a high income...
we are the masters of Vaikunth who make effort like mamma and baba and attain a high status...
Service: With the Ganges of love flowing within you, ignite the lamps of knowledge of others with your own....We, the souls, become the Father’s helpers and inspire everyone to make effort for the new world, make them knowledge-full like ourselves....we are the ignited lamps who transform from ugly to beautiful, and from thorns to flowers...
Blessing: We, the souls, hold a court everyday of our
co-operative workers...with the power of knowledge, we check and change our
mistakes and control our physical senses...we are the successful masters of the
self who keep all souls who come in contact with us content and become worthy
of everyone’s gratitude...
Slogan: With the special
blessing of the confluence age, we, the souls, make the impossible
possible...instead of thinking “how (kaise) will it happen?” we think that “it
will happen like this (aise)!” ... with faith and a determined thought that it is already
accomplished and we have to put it in a practical form and repeat it, we attain
success easily...we are the karanhars (ones who perform) who finish the
consciousness of “I”, the consciousness and the ego of the body with the
awareness of the Karankaravanhar (the One who inspires) ...we are the masters
of the world of the golden age with ignited lamps, where there is constant
happiness and celebration of diwali...
ॐ शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: नवंबर 13, 2012
बाबा की महिमा:
ज्ञान के सागर पतित पावन निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप... मोस्ट बिलवेड ... दुःख हरता सुख करता...त्रिलोकिनाथ...नॉलेज फुल...दिल का मालिक...बागवान...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास :
ज्ञान : जब तक जीना है, तब तक पीना है...हम आत्माएँ, भक्ति का फल ज्ञान पाकर, ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण बन अंत तक पढकर ज्ञान अमृत पीनेवाले, गॉड्ली स्टूडेंट हैं...
पास्ट, प्रजेंट, फ्यूचर को जाननेवाले, तीनों कालों की नॉलेजवाले, त्रिकालदर्शी हैं...पास्ट की हिस्ट्री जाँग्राफी जानकार फ्यूचर जाननेवाले, फ्यूचर को जानकार पास्ट और प्रजेंट जाननेवाले, नॉलेजफुल हैं...पास्ट है कलियुग, प्रजेंट है संगम युग, और फ्यूचर है सतयुग और त्रेता युग...
शिव बाबा की गौशाला की गाय हैं...
योग: हम आत्माएँ, बीज और झाड़ की नॉलेज स्मृति में रख, बाप को और बाप की रचना को मीठी नॉलेज को सिमर सिमर कर सुख पानेवाले, चक्रवर्ती राजा हैं......
अब घर जाना है... एक शिव साजन के साथ वापिस घर जानेवाली, सजी हुई सजनियाँ हैं...
मीठे ते मीठे गॉड फ़ादर से स्वर्ग, हेवीन, पैराडाइज, बहिष्ट का वर्सा पानेवाले, नई दैवी दुनिया स्व राज्य 21 जन्म दीपमाला वाले, बेगर से प्रिंस बननेवाले, स्मृति लब्धा हैं...
बागवान के बगीचे के रूहानी गुलाब हैं...
धारणा: हम आत्माएँ, श्रीमत पर नई दुनिया में राज्य भाग्य लेने का पुरुषार्थ करनेवाले, अपनी खुद की चेकिंग कर अवगुणों नाश करनेवाले, मीठी दृष्टि से सब के गुण देखनेवाले, ब्राह्मण सो देवता हैं...
पौधों की अच्छी संभाल कर खुशबूदार बगीचा बनानेवाले, ऊँच पघार वाले माली हैं...
मम्मा बाबा सदृश्य पुरुषार्थ कर ऊँच पद पानेवाले, वैकुंठ के मालिक हैं...
सेवा: ज्ञान की ज्योत से ज्योत जगाते चलो, प्रेम की गंगा बहाते चलो.... हम आत्माएँ, बाप के मददगार बन सबको नई दुनिया का पुरुषार्थ करानेवाले, आप समान नॉलेज फुल बनानेवाले, श्याम से सुंदर, काले से गोरे, काँटों से फूल बन औरों को बनानेवाले, जागती ज्योत हैं...
वरदान: हम आत्माएँ, हर रोज़ अपने सहयोगी सर्व कर्मचारियों की राज्य दरबार लगाकर नॉलेज की शक्ति द्वारा ग़लतियाँ चेक और चेंज कर कर्मेन्द्रियाँ पर शासन करनेवाले, अपने संपर्क में आने वाली सर्व आत्माएँ संतुष्ट रखनेवाले, सर्व के शुक्रिया के पात्र, सफल स्व राज्य अधिकारी हैं...
स्लोगन: हम आत्माएँ, संगम युग के विशेष वरदान से असंभव को संभव करनेवाले, कैसे होगा के बजाय ऐसे होगा सोचनेवाले, यह हुआ ही पड़ा है, सिर्फ़ प्रैक्टिकल में लाकर रिपीट करना है का निश्चय रखकर, दृढ़ संकल्प से सहज सफलता प्राप्त करनेवाले, सदा करनकरावनहार बाप की स्मृति में रहकर मैं पन, देह का भान और अभिमान समाप्त करनेवाले करनहार, जागती ज्योत और सदा दीवाली और खुशी मनानेवाले, सतयुग में विश्व के मालिक हैं...
Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: Navambar 13, 2012
Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap... Most Bilved... Duhkh Harta Sukh Karta...Trilokinath...Nolej ful...Dil ka Maalik...Baagwaan...
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Gyan : Jab tak jeena hai,
tab tak peena hai...Hum atmayen, bhakti ka fal gyan paakar, brahma mukh
vanshaavali brahman ban ant tak padkar gyan amrit peenewale, godly student hain...
prajent, fyuchar ko jaan newale, teenon kaalon ki nolej wale, tri kaal darshi
hain...paast ki histry jaangraaphy jaankar fyuchar jaan newale, fyuchar ko
jaankar paast aur prajent jaan newale, nolej ful hain...paast hai kaliyug,
prajent hai sangam yug, aur fyuchar hai satyug aur treta yug...
Baba ki gaushaala ki gaay hain...
Yog: Hum atmayen, beej aur jhaad ki nolej smriti
men rakh, baap ko aur baap ki rachna ko meethi nolej ko simar simar kar sukh
paanewale, chakrvarty raja hain......
ghar jana hai... Ek Shiv saajan ke saath vaapis ghar jaanewali, saji hui
sajaniyaan hain...
te meethe God Fadar se swarg, hevin, pairadaaij ka varsa paanewale, nai daivy duniya sw rajy 21 janm deep mala
wale, beggar se prins ban newale, smriti labdha hain...
ke bagiche ke ruhaani gulaab hain...
Dharnaa: Hum atmayen, shrimat par nai duniya men rajy bhaagy lene
ka purushaarth karnewale, apni khud ki cheking kar avgunon nash karnewale,
meethi drishti se sab ke g u n
dekhnewale, Brahman so devta hain...
ki achchi sambhaal kar khushboodaar bagicha banaanewale, oonch paghar wale
maali hain...
baba sadrishy purushaarth kar oonch pad paanewale, vaikunth ke maalik hain...
Seva: Gyan ki jyot se jyot jagaate chalo, prem ki
ganga bahaate chalo.... Hum atmayen, baap ke madadgaar ban sabko nai duniya ka
purushaarth karaanewale, aap samaan nolej ful banaanewale, shyaam se sundar, kale se gore ban kaanton se
phool ban auron ko banaanewale, jaagti jyot hain...
Vardaan: Hum atmayen, har roz apne sahyogi sarv karm
chaariyon ki rajy darbaar lagaakar nolej ki shakti dwara galtiyaan chek aur
chenj kar oarmendriya par shaasan karnewale, apne sampark men aane wali sarv
atmaayen santusht rakhnewale, sarv ke
shukriya ke paatr, safal sw rajy adhikaari
Slogan: Hum atmaayen, sangam yug ke vishesh vardaan
se asambhav ko sambhav karnewale, kaise hoga ke bajaay aise hoga sochnewale,
yah hua hi pada hai, sirf praiktikal men laakar ripeet karna hai ka nishchay
rakhkar, dridh sankalp se sahaj safalta
praapt karnewale, sada karan kara van haar baap ki smriti men rahkar main pan, deh
ka bhan aur abhimaan samaapt karnewale karan haar, jaagti jyot aur sada deewali
aur khushi manaanewale, satyug men vishv ke maalik hain...
Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special
Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are more than 200
countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from
Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history
and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...
With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's
blessings, let us continue
World Service Tour: November 12 2012: ☆ Greenland ☆

Capital (and largest city) Nuuk (Godthåb)
64°10′N 51°44′W
language(s) Kalaallisut
Other languages: Danish
Ethnic groups 89% Greenlandic Inuit 11% Europeans
Demonym : Greenlander Greenlandic
Government: Parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy
- Queen Margrethe II
- High Commissioner Mikaela Engell
- Prime Minister Kuupik Kleist
Legislature Landsting / Inatsisartut
Area - Total 2,166,086 km2 (12th) 836,109 sq mi
- Water (%) 83.1
Population - 2012 estimate 56,749
Other languages: Danish
Ethnic groups 89% Greenlandic Inuit 11% Europeans
Demonym : Greenlander Greenlandic
Government: Parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy
- Queen Margrethe II
- High Commissioner Mikaela Engell
- Prime Minister Kuupik Kleist
Legislature Landsting / Inatsisartut
Area - Total 2,166,086 km2 (12th) 836,109 sq mi
- Water (%) 83.1
Population - 2012 estimate 56,749
Essence: Sweet children, become the Father's helpers
and inspire everyone to make effort for the new world. Just as you have become
knowledge-full, continue to make others the same.
Question: What awareness must you children now have? What is the wonder of this awareness?
Answer: You children have to maintain the awareness of the knowledge that you have received of the Seed and the tree. The wonder of this awareness is that, by having it, you become rulers of the globe. The Father reminds you children of the awareness: Children, now remember that you have been performing devotion for half the cycle. I have now come to give you the fruit of devotion. You are once again becoming the masters of Paradise. Just as the Father is sweet, so His knowledge is also sweet. By remembering this knowledge you will attain happiness.
Question: What awareness must you children now have? What is the wonder of this awareness?
Answer: You children have to maintain the awareness of the knowledge that you have received of the Seed and the tree. The wonder of this awareness is that, by having it, you become rulers of the globe. The Father reminds you children of the awareness: Children, now remember that you have been performing devotion for half the cycle. I have now come to give you the fruit of devotion. You are once again becoming the masters of Paradise. Just as the Father is sweet, so His knowledge is also sweet. By remembering this knowledge you will attain happiness.
Song: Awaken o brides, awaken! The new age is about to dawn.
Essence for dharna:
1. Become very sweet like the Father. Look at everyone very sweetly. Don't look at the defects of anyone.
2. Maintain the happiness of your Godly student life. You have to study every day for as long as you live.
Blessing: May you be a successful master of the self who knows how to control your physical senses with the power of knowledge.
Hold a court every day of all your co-operative workers and
check that none of the physical senses or workers are repeatedly making a
mistake. By your doing something wrong again and again, that sanskar becomes
firm. Therefore, together with checking with the power of knowledge, also
change for only then will you be said to be a successful master of the self.
Those who come into contact with the ones who are successful in making their
own kingdoms function all remain content with them. They become worthy of
everyone’s gratitude.
Slogan: Remember Karankaravanhar Baba at every moment and there won’t then be any arrogance of the consciousness of “I”.
मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे-बाप के मददगार बन सबको नई दुनिया का पुरूषार्थ कराओ - जैसे खुद नॉलेजफुल बने हो, ऐसे औरों को भी बनाते रहो''
प्रश्न:- तुम बच्चों को अभी किस स्मृति में रहना है? स्मृति की कमाल क्या है?
उत्तर:- तुम्हें अभी बीज और झाड़ की जो नॉलेज मिली है, उस नॉलेज की स्मृति में रहना है। इस स्मृति से तुम चक्रवर्ती राजा बन जाते हो - यही है स्मृति की कमाल। बाप बच्चों को स्मृति दिलाते हैं - बच्चे स्मृति आई तुमने आधाकल्प बहुत भक्ति की है। अब मैं तुम्हें भक्ति का फल देने आया हूँ। तुम फिर से वैकुण्ठ का मालिक बनते हो। जैसे बाप मीठा है - ऐसे बाप की नॉलेज भी मीठी है, जिसका सिमरण कर सिमर-सिमर सुख पाना है।
गीत:- जाग सजनियाँ जाग....
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1) बाप समान बहुत मीठा बनना है। सबको मीठी दृष्टि से देखना है। किसी का भी अवगुण नहीं देखना है।
2) गॉडली स्टूडेन्ट लाइफ की खुशी में रहना है। जब तक जीना है पढ़ाई रोज़ पढ़नी है।
वरदान:- नॉलेज की शक्ति द्वारा कर्मेन्द्रियों पर शासन करने वाले सफल स्वराज्य अधिकारी भव
रोज़ अपने सहयोगी सर्व कर्मचारियों की राज्य दरबार लगाओ और चेक करो कि कोई भी कर्मेन्द्रिय वा कर्मचारी से बार-बार गलती तो नहीं होती है! क्योंकि गलत कार्य करते-करते संस्कार पक्के हो जाते हैं, इसलिए नॉलेज की शक्ति से चेक करने के साथ-साथ चेंज कर दो तब कहेंगे सफल स्वराज्य अधिकारी। ऐसे स्वराज्य चलाने में जो सफल रहते हैं उनसे सम्पर्क में आने वाली सर्व आत्मायें सन्तुष्ट रहती हैं, वे सर्व की शुक्रिया के पात्र बन जाते हैं।
स्लोगन:- हर समय करन-करावनहार बाबा याद रहे तो मैं पन का अभिमान आ नहीं सकता।