Dadi Janki – 24th August 2012 - Shantivan Baba, Murli and Madhuban
Dadi Janki – 25.8.12 – Shantivan Happy, intoxicated and lost in Baba’s love
Greetings from Madhuban
निमित आत्माओं के कर्तव्य
Dadi Janki 19.8.12 morning class
Dadi Janki-August 19, 2012
Dadi Janki - 19.8.12 - GCH (am)
We are becoming complete, so continue to grow and give
When I sit to offer bhog there is the pull to Baba, then the thought that everyone should reach the subtle region. Do you have this feeling of being pulled up there? You are sitting here but have the experience of sitting on top of the globe, serving the world. Are the things that Baba is saying in the murli in my life? Baba says: Be bestowers and not ones who ask for anything. No power should be lacking in the soul; there should be the thought: 'I am the child of the Master Almighty Authority and I have received power from the Father'. We have nothing else to do except be happy and give happiness to others. This happiness never reduces, however much we use it. No thief can steal it. This is eternal and imperishable happiness.
Q: There are a few souls who have the ability to say something and it happens. Do we have to make effort for this stage, or is it a blessing from Baba? How do we attain this?
Dadi says there are few like this but we can become like it. It is not a matter of effort - just to think and do. To develop this quality there needs to be faith and trust in oneself, Baba and the task, then everything happens. The bhavna (pure feeling) makes us feel whatever has happened is very good and whatever is to happen will be even better - then our activity naturally becomes filled with virtues. Our words will be elevated and not ordinary. Deities give the fruit that is desired by the mind. Brahmins who are the children of God emerge words of truth without selfishness. Whatever Baba says happens. Baba said there would be expansion. When Baba became avyakt He said that the murli would be revised. Baba tells us in advance what will happen. Sakar Baba, Incorporeal Baba and Angelic Baba are all with me. Baba says He takes the support of the body, but he made Brahma Baba completely His. Brahma Baba gave the body on loan and Shiv Baba become the master and took over. Brahma Baba said that he would not become a king simply by receiving the rent from the One occupying the body. We sit in front of the tree and the cycle but should we sit in front of Brahma Baba, in whom all knowledge is merged? Churning needs to be so elevated that others will not forget the knowledge. When you come into contact and relationship with others, share these elevated versions. People will not forget. Through an experience of Brahmins and Brahmin life, many take a jump. We have to be the incarnation of truth and honesty. If there is body consciousness there will not be success.
Q: Baba says we have to give visions, is there some special effort we need to make in order to give visions?
One who gives visions becomes Baba's worthy child, because they follow the father. Whatever Baba tells us to do, we put on our head and do that. The results of this are very good. Such a child is always obedient and faithful. No one will be pulled to remember them or will attract them. We are all children of the Supreme Soul. In our actions and relationships, our behaviour reveals that this is godly service and we are all receiving from Baba directly. Automatically people experience Baba through our actions and our relationships with Baba. It is not that anyone has the intention to give visions but through their face and activity they will reveal the Father. It is not just a vision of light but the soul becomes light and receives might. When a soul has visions, they see so much light. This is because we receive light and become powerful and souls then receive this light and are drawn to Baba. They don't have to make effort with the intellect - automatically there is faith.
When service began in the foreign lands we were aware that Baba had taught us for the benefit of the whole world. I value the study so much. We are the children of the Father who is the Bestower of the knowledge of the Gita. Are you intoxicated by this knowledge? What is the difference between intoxication and happiness? With constant intoxication the soul can give visions. With the internal chant of 'Let me live in your lane and die in your lane' there will be a deep feeling.
Q: Often Baba says that each one in themselves is very good but there seems to be a gap of love and respect when we connect with each other. What is the missing link?
Each one should have the feeling from the godly family that this soul is my well wisher – no matter what they are like. Then it will happen. To see someone else's defect or mistake and speak about it is a big mistake for which you will suffer, because no one will see your goodness. Many are experiencing this punishment. Through the happiness that comes through honesty and good relationships we can become bestowers of happiness. Seeing the weaknesses of others denies us this experience. We are becoming complete and everyone has some type of speciality; that is why we are here. Do not forget your personal income and do not get into 'So and so did this 'type of thinking. The ego of 'I' and doubt and suspicion are serious illnesses. We need to become perfect and complete and with an internal chant for this create a beautiful atmosphere in all four directions, then Baba will give us blessings.
If I have good bhavna for service and for my personal stage and have good attention, then, even if there is some weakness in me, Baba will give a signal through someone or another and enable me to remove it. Whom will I smile and laugh with and who will I cry with? My Baba is my Companion and is with me and I am playing my part. So if I have made a mistake I need admit it and then Baba will say: OK, child, forget it. To think 'So what if I said something?' is careless. Another incognito aspect is that I cannot make effort when I compare myself with anyone: 'That one is making good effort and I will make the same.' Baba makes us free and independent. If I am comparing myself with someone in my effort then I have forgotten that I belong to Baba.
Each one is doing what they can. Maintain a merciful and generous heart. Do good and there will be good. Such a slogan does the trick of working on us. If I think badly of anyone, it will manifest in me and we don't see our own weaknesses. Have a pure attitude and vision and then you can become an embodiment of visions and all difficulties will go away. Even if the body is sick, the soul will become well. Baba sacrifices Himself to those with a generous and merciful heart. One who does service with an honest heart is in the heart of the Comforter of hearts - and the intellect feels this too.
Q: Our stage should be such that whoever comes in front of us we should be able to catch what is in their mind. Yet there is often so much rubbish in people's minds. Why should I want to catch this?
If someone throws rubbish outside another's house or on the road, there would be a fine. I am not a dustbin and no one has the power to throw their rubbish at me. To have that much self respect is to have a strong stage. What do waste collectors do? They collect the refuse and then compact it or burn it. So do not keep any rubbish in the self or talk about rubbish. Baba tells us to value our time and thoughts. Do not waste time in useless matters. Who will lose out? I will. It is important that I use my time remembering the things Baba has told me. When I pay attention to my dharna, I become tension free and then I am able to keep attention on what Baba is telling me. Any future service will then be without tension and there is faith that it will turn out well. If even one hour goes by with tension, it will become a habit. Maya takes us into long stories. Make sure the amazing points of knowledge that Baba shares each day are sitting in your intellect, so you are not thinking of things that attract.
Keep your hand with the Hand of The Bestower of Fortune and sit on the globe. Continue to grow and give.
Service and Remembrance - Dadi Prakashmani Ji
mind. Baba has given us this life to be happy and take blessings. Our happiness should finish any trace of sorrow in the gathering. Don't hide any sickness, nor talk to others about it and spoil the atmosphere, but speak to Baba about it and He'll put it right.
There is service in being a good companion. Whatever service is in front, be co-operative in that service. To think of just sitting in one corner having yoga is fine, but the proof of yoga is being co-operative with all. Have a record of giving co-operation throughout your life. You should suit every gathering. Learn everything secretly so that you're
able to do whatever is needed at the time. A yogi soul is free of thinking and talking about problems.
If we quarrel amongst ourselves, how can we show the path to others. If we didn't have this 'army', maya would eat us whole. Those who sulk will remember their lokik home. If there isn't Baba's remembrance, your happiness diminishes. Externally you may look happy, but internally you're not happy. Happiness is a big property.
Dadi Janki- August 17, 2012
Dadi Janki – 17th August 2012, GRC (am)
We are all pilgrims on The Pilgrimage
There is Baba's magic in every murli. Have this experience and let there be such transformation that it is as though magic has happened! Let there be the urge or yearning that something new will happen in all kinds of service. With such enthusiasm our feet do not touch the ground. Baba would ask Dadi if she had done service before having breakfast and would say not to eat dinner without giving the evening class! Once your dharna is good there is naturally enthusiasm to do service and your dharna will be good, if you have absorbed the power of yoga. This is not just a matter of speaking the knowledge but it is to do so with a deep inner feeling to serve.
Today I will clarify what is the power of yoga and the journey of remembrance. With the pilgrimage of remembrance we keep the deep feeling inside that we are leaving. One never looks back on a pilgrimage. Wherever you are going, whether it is Amarnath or Badrinath, the intellect is focused on that place. We are going to Paramdhan and need to focus on this destination. Usually with a pilgrimage there is a return but we will not be returning here but be going onto Satyug, the world of happiness. On this pilgrimage we finish everything. We don't pick up burdens. On a pilgrimage people travel light and don't depend on anyone. We are fellow pilgrims who are travelling together. We are that cause you to waste your time on unnecessary things. You are on the pilgrimage so just keep going! Sometimes gossiping holds us up on the process of pilgrimage. 'Now, we are going Home'.
It is through remembrance that you accumulate the power of yoga. The power to withdraw and pack-up are enabling us to go further on the pilgrimage of remembrance. If we do not pack up, we will not have the experience of the pilgrimage and will not be able to convey the feeling of being on this journey to others. Those who are pilgrims have a lot of love for each other; they are simply together due to the journey and do not have any other connection.
Mama had severe physical illness and yet it was as though she was not in the body. Mama had so much power of yoga. When we visited Mama in hospital Bombay, she made herself completely bodiless and gave such drishti that we couldn't even see her body! Otherwise there would have been attachment. That day and today Mama and Baba give the experience of bodilessness. When Baba camefrom the hospital theatre after an operation, he gave drishti and we all experienced the bodiless stage… This is called the power of yoga. Forget about Maya being the 5 vices, that is already over, but realise that the impact of the force of matter is only transcended with the power of yoga. Through the power of yoga we destroy the attraction of the vices and past karmic accounts and make the past past.
In the present take power through yoga, as yoga gets the work done. Whose power of yoga is it? Yoga means the work is getting done together, and 'I' am not doing anything. We are all together and the work is getting done. It is through the power of yoga that establishment is happening. It is said that it doesn't take long for God to make humans into deities. Before the deity is the Brahmin and in bhakti they bow to the Brahmins and then the deities. We are Brahmins by the actions that we do, not by the name. Those Brahmins get people to do things for them and we are Brahmins because of the work we do. We offer bhog to Baba and give it to others to eat. We prepare the food and give to the people who are householders, not the other way round.
Again and again, it is the power of yoga I am thinking about. When we are on the pilgrimage of remembrance nothing else comes to mind. If something is on our mind it means we are stuck somewhere and the intellect is pulled; maybe by the body or relatives. Do not allow this. With the power of yoga we get the power to judge and discern. In remembrance we need the power to withdraw and pack up. Through yoga we get the power to face and give cooperation. There is so much cooperation going on and a yogi would never say, 'I do not get cooperation'. Remembrance is about my personal effort and yoga is for service; in relationships, through the power of yoga, love does so much work that no one will ever say that they have to tolerate something. It is godly love.
What does it mean when we communicate another's weakness? What would be the stage of one who does this? Yoga mean: how does Baba do things and speak? We have to emulate him and see what kind of answer he would give. Criticising and reporting people is not the stage of a yogi. In remembrance there is no concern for other people. It is a very subtle thing and subtly the power of remembrance pulls us, so the intellect is not pulled here and there. There is a song which goes 'We are going in the direction of the subtle regions and we are pulled by the string of love and no one else can pull us'. We are on pilgrimage. The language of a pilgrim doesn't say they cannot live with this one or that one. The pilgrim is one whose intellect is 'hanging with God', so there is no attachment or attraction – nor are they affected nor drawn to anyone.
This journey of life is very long and so let us move along singing and dancing and not concerned with any other things. As a pilgrim there is a lot of purity and we maintain peace and love. These days of pilgrimage will one day be over. Baba is happy seeing the pilgrimage and gives blessings when He sees one is not disturbed. In happiness we never get disturbed nor disturb anyone else. This time is very valuable and important. We are on a pilgrimage sitting at the Gates of God. At Haridwar the devotees bathe in the morning and in the evening worship the Ganges and the goddesses. In the morning we take the bath of knowledge and progressively throughout the day towards the evening we become more and more worthy of worship. Purity comes through the power of yoga. The heart experiences power through purity. We experience so much regard for Baba, Mama, Didi and Dadiji, who served in such a way that they brought us into remembrance and inspired us to do service.
From the beginning until now I am concerned with the thought: 'Who am I?' We have to go deep into this, then we can send the intellect up above to who we belong to. When we go inside we get the remembrance of Baba and can then go up above. It is through the power of yoga our negative karma is destroyed and power is accumulated to enable us to perform pure karma. This karma was beyond our capacity and we had never even thought about it. Baba has done it through us and people are amazed.
To accumulate the power of yoga we need a good intellect. If the intellect is caught up in ordinary things, the work will get done but our income will not increase. No one will stop the work for me. If I am given service to do and think that someone else can do it, then, of course, someone else can do it - but why should I throw away chance to create my fortune? Service is already fixed and it will get done, but in order to become a god or goddess, I get the opportunity to do service and by doing service I learn many things. Keep a good record of giving regard, because we are all pilgrims on The Pilgrimage. Baba tells us often in the murli not to spoil our register. We cannot have yoga or remembrance, if we get angry, irritated, disturbed or annoyed. If we do, the result of that has to be endured and it takes time to get our original stage back, so there is great loss. With each and every step pay a lot of attention.
If the new world is being created by the power of yoga at least you can maintain your body with the power of yoga! Baba's blessings are contained with the power of yoga. We need to have the intelligence to draw Baba's blessings to ourselves, so we can continue with the power of yoga. In remembrance do not be held back or hold anyone else back. We are all becoming avyakt. If we have full clarity about remembrance and the power of yoga, we will reach the destination and all illnesses will disappear. We have to make sure that our last moment will be accurate and will take us to our destination. That will only be possible when we have had yoga over a long period of time. We can become the 'giving' form like Baba when we move along with Him and it shows that we belong to Him.
God sees the virtues in the ones that the world does not see. One soul who came to Baba, who was never given regard or respect in worldly life, did everything for Baba and, was totally transformed with virtue. It is said the ones with no intelligence are raised, when there is the intelligence to stay with Baba and be with Baba. Cleanliness, honesty and being honourable are virtues Baba likes. It is good to be a sample of living simply. Become so light and free from burden. Only when we are light can we be in remembrance and then Baba clears the way for us.
Om Shanti
Dadi Janki- August 16, 2012
Dadi Janki – GRC – 16 August 2012 - morning class
Be the Practical Form of Rup and Basant
On the day of the Satguru, by remaining especially in Baba's remembrance, there is the powerful attraction of Baba's love – Godly love. Do you experience this? Those who apply the accurate methods, who are filled with love and follow all the principles of the yagya receive tremendous happiness. In many different forms, in order to fill us with love, Baba has created the principles and maryadas of the yagya. Those who take the benefit of these are the ones who understand in a way that others do not understand. Others do not realise this.
Outside our land of Bharat, whatever centres have been opened there is no place where bhog is not offered on Thursdays. Baba has created this very good principle. It is a way for Him to feed us and make sure that everyone receives from the yagya. He has created and sustained the yagya and if we do not offer bhog to Him then we are not guaranteed that we will receive food to the end - it would be a guarantee that would be missing. We are the ones who have pure food – Brahma bhogan, and we have heard the great words of God through the mouth of Brahma through our ears. We will hear these words until the end; we will continue to receive food through our mouths and we will take drishti. Is anyone concerned about whether this will be maintained up until the end? Never be careless about these things.
We value our time. Baba gets us to value our spiritual income but if we do not value our time, we will not be able to earn an income. Value yourselves, value time and value the Father. Only if we recognise all three will we value them. We do have time. Recognise yourselves and Baba. Take happiness from recognising all three. The Power of my life wishes that you hear and realise these things.
What is the happiness beyond the senses? By becoming Baba's child, I can experience super sensuous joy, not the happiness that comes from the five senses. These eyes and ears and the happiness of taste are not what we are talking about. Our tongue will tell us what is nice and what isn't and our ears will tell us what is pleasant and what is not. Gain victory over these. You hear the things of Baba through your ears and this satisfies you and you receive deep, deep happiness. By hearing anything else you become distressed.
Give great importance to the yoga we have while preparing bhog for Baba and also to the yoga with which we offer the food to Baba. There are special songs that we play while offering bhog and here we put a candle on the table too. Prepare and offer bhog from your heart and Baba will give the return from His heart. Baba does not want us to have to ask for anything from Him or beg for anything.
Take so much from Baba that you become a bestower and those who come in front of you become filled with treasures because of the jewels of knowledge that you have inculcated. In order to absorb the jewels of knowledge a clean intellect is needed and by inculcating this knowledge it turns into jewels. Understand these things deeply and you will create the sanskar of churning jewels of knowledge. Don't be even slightly interested in other things and just eat and drink without remembering Baba. Baba wants us to sparkle like a diamond. A diamond can be seen from afar and He wants us to be like that. Mama was the example of this.
The self, Time and Baba have to be recognised and recognised together. Go into the depth of this and be aware of all three together. Time says: "I will give you company and you will be successful".
If your amrit vela is not good, pull your ears because you must have made a mistake. Don't waste your time in manmat or parmat. In the murli today Baba reminded us about shrimat. Follow it at every step and understand the benefits of doing that. This takes courage. Spin the knowledge of the cycle and keep the knowledge in your intellect in this way.
The treasure store of blessings has to be taken in to such an extent that Baba sees us and internally He is giving us a lot of blessings. We do not ask for blessings but He gives us many. Open up your fortune of taking such blessings. Baba is getting everything done. We are not doing anything. Whatever service is being done, Baba is giving us blessings from inside. Blessings are moving us along. Have the wisdom to take the blessings that we are being offered. Blessings do wonderful work. Baba tells us to give Him our burdens and He will take care of them. Stay light. Keep your light lit and go ahead.
Be the practical form of Rup and Basant - the form and the essence. One moment a yogi, one moment playing with the jewels of knowledge and having absorbed the knowledge, wishing that others experience will that and convey to another.
Om shanti.
European Teacher’s Retreat - GRC Oxford - Sovereign Together Questions and then reflections from Dadi Janki
- Even though each one of us is good individually, what is missing link, that doesn't let us come together, so that we can become a rosary?
- There is a lot of enthusiasm, but this sometimes fluctuates when we are in a gathering. What can we do to keep the enthusiasm constant?
- It is painful to bow, bow, die, die, learn, learn. How can increase trust in myself to do this to become a sovereign?
- What does it mean to consider the weaknesses of others as your own?
- What is the main dharna or virtue needed to become a self sovereign?
- What is needed to create a deep sense of equality in a gathering?
- What does it mean to facilitate a real, deep relationship with Baba for someone else?
- What is the best method to bring out everyone's speciality and work efficiently?
- What can I do to create a sense of belonging for myself and the gathering?
- Sometimes there is fear of our ego, fear when we ascend – how to overcome this so that we don't spoil our dharna?
- How can we help others without causing pain and without being critical? How to put right what is being spoilt?
- We collect energy and consume energy – especially in a gathering. What is the method to keep our energy constant?