Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
May 16, 2013:
हम आत्माएँ, ज्ञान रूपी बाणों को बुद्धि रूपी तरकश में भरकर माया को ललकारने वाले, महावीर योद्धे हैं...
We, the souls, are Mahavirs, filling the quivers of our intellect with the arrows of knowledge and challenging Maya...
Hum atmaayen, gyan roopi baanon ko buddhi roopi tarkash men bharkar maya ko lalkaarnewale mahavir yodhdha, hain...
Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
These points are especially useful to those learning Hindi or English.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn from the Murli of May 16, 2013
Praise of Baba:
The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...
Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:
Knowledge: The Lord says, “Salutations to the Mothers!” Baba gives knowledge only once and then there is no need for knowledge for 21 births...
The Satguru was found through the agent...We, the souls, the adopted children of Shiv Baba though Prajapita Brahma, are trinetri, trilkakdarshi and trilokianth....by learning the imperishable study from the eternal Father, we receive the third eye of knowledge and fruit for 21 births...
Yog: By being in remembrance of Shiv Baba, we, the souls, the Brahmakumars and the Brahmakumaris, receive a high status...by becoming the spinners of the discus of self realization, we get threaded in the rosary of victory, receive the inheritance of heaven and become the rulers of the globe...
Dharna: By making effort using the force of 20 nails, we, the souls, the gardeners of the Master of the Garden, claim our full inheritance from the unlimited Father...we imbibe and inspire others to imbibe...we change from thorns to beautiful blooming fragrant flowers through Babulnath (the Lord of the Thorns), and transform others...
Service: By being far-sighted and by having an unlimited intellect, we, the souls, the Shiv Shakti Pandava army, give great importance to the locket (badge), which has the essence of all Vedas and Scriptures...by using the locket, we explain the secrets of the life of God, the Father, and give the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the cycle...
Blessing: We, the souls, serve through the mind accurately...we are unlimited servers who have good wishes with soul-conscious feelings, unlimited soul-conscious vision and an attitude of brotherhood...by having benevolent feelings for all, we bring about transformation and definitely receive the fruit...
Slogan: We, the souls, with faith in the intellect, study the murli everyday regularly and punctually, and please the Father and Teacher ...by bathing in knowledge twice a day, we remain fresh, remain safe from the company of those influenced by Maya, remain in limitless happiness and become beautiful flowers...We are the fortunate princes with a jewel studded murli who receive tremendous wealth of knowledge from the Unlimited Father...by churning the ocean of knowledge, we find points that strike us like an arrow, and with knowledge we attain instant fruit and remain constantly cheerful...we are Mahavirs, the spiritual soldiers victorious over Maya, who fill the quivers of the intellect with the arrows of knowledge and challenge Maya...
“Whatever weakness you have, you definitely have to renounce it. Is it firm that you have to renounce it? So whatever thought you have this season should not just be a thought, but you definitely have to do it. No matter what happens, you definitely have to change. Have this determined thought. Ultimately, you have to bring the time close.”
So, let us cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left. Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga ( Jwala swaroop) We have time until the next Milan in October . Let us work on one each day with the followingYog Commentary:
... cremate our old sanskars30......to leave work incomplete and to work without interest........ replace them with putting full heart in the work, working with joy, working perfectly, working with the right method and becoming an embodiment of success....
I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the Father...safe...in the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a destroyer...an embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti troop...an almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a volcano...an embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of leaving work incomplete and working without interest ......I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of ... leaving work incomplete and working without interest ................ by putting full heart in the work, working with joy, working perfectly, working with the right method and becoming an embodiment of success....
......I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an extremely powerful and an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv
16, २०१३
बाबा की महिमा:
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास :
ज्ञान: भगवान कहते हैं वन्दे मातरम!...ज्ञान एक ही बार बाबा देते है फिर 21 जन्म ज्ञान की दरकार नहीं रहती...
सतगुरु मिला दलाल के रूप में...हम आत्माएँ, प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा द्वारा शिव के एडॉप्टेड बच्चे हैं...अविनाशी बाप द्वारा अविनाशी पढ़ाई कर 21 जन्म के लिए फल पानेवाले, ज्ञान के तीसरे नेत्र वाले, त्रिनेत्री त्रिकालदर्शी त्रिलोकीनाथ हैं...
योग: हम आत्माएँ, शिव बाबा की याद से ऊँचा मर्तबा पानेवाले, स्वदर्शनचक्रधारी बन चक्रवर्ती राजा बननेवाले, विजय माला में पिरोनेवाले, स्वर्ग का वर्सा लेनेवाले, ब्रह्माकुमार ब्रह्माकुमारी हैं...
धारणा: हम आत्माएँ, बीस नाख़ून का ज़ोर लगाकर पुरुषार्थ कर बेहद के बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेनेवाले, धारणा कर दूसरों को करानेवाले, बबुल नाथ द्वारा काँटों से खूबसूरत खुशबूदार खिले हुए फूल बन औरों को बनानेवाले, बागवान के माली हैं...
सेवा : हम आत्माएँ, दूरादेशी और विशाल बुद्धि बन सभी वेदों-शास्त्रों का सार वाले लाँकेट की बहुत कदर रख सबको गॉड फ़ादर का रहस्या बताकर सृष्टि का आदि-मध्य-अंत का ज्ञान समझानेवाले, शिव शक्ति पांडव सेना हैं...
वरदान: हम आत्माएँ, यथार्त रीति मन्सा सेवा करनेवाले, सर्व प्रति आत्मिक भाव वा बेहद की आत्मिक दृष्टि, भाई-भाई के सम्बन्ध की वृत्ति से शुभ कल्याण की भावना रख सर्व का परिवर्तन करनेका फल अवश्य पानेवाले, बेहद के सेवाधारी हैं...
स्लोगन: हम निश्चय बुद्धि आत्माएँ, मुरली रेगयुलर और पंकचुअल पढ़कर बाप और टीचर को खुश कर, दिन में दो बारी ज्ञान स्नान कर फ्रेश होकर, माया वी लोगों के संग से बचकर अपार खुशी में रहनेवाले, गुल-गुल फूल हैं... बेहद के बाप से अथाह ज्ञान धन लेनेवाले, विचार सागर मंथन कर कई पायंट्स से तीर लगानेवाले, ज्ञान से प्रत्यक्ष फल पानेवाले, सदा हर्षित, खुशनसीब, तकदीर वान रत्न जडित मुरली वाले प्रिन्स हैं...ज्ञान रूपी बाणों को बुद्धि रूपी तरकश में भरकर माया को ललकारनेवाले महावीर योद्धे, माया पर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हैं...
अप्रैल 5, 2013, के मिलन में बापदादा ने कहा था के :
“जो भी कमी है उसको छोड़ना ही है | छोड़ना ही है, यह है पक्का? इस सीज़न में जो संकल्प कर रहे हो, वो संकल्प नहीं,पर करना ही है | कुछ भी हो जाए, बदलना ही है | यह दृढ़ संकल्प करो | आख़िर समय को समीप लाना है |”
तोज्वाला मुखी अग्नि स्वरुप योग की शक्ति से संस्कारों का संस्कार करो ; सिर्फ मारना नहीं, लेकिन जलाकर नाम रूप ख़त्म कर दो.... अक्तूबर पहले सारे अवगुण और पुराने संस्कार जला देना ...हररोज़ एक लेंगे और जला देंगे...
योग कोमेन्ट्री:..
पुराने वा अवगुणों का अग्नि संस्कार : ३०...........काम अधूरा छोड़ने का संस्कार वा रूचिपूर्वक कार्य न करना......... बदलकर मैं आत्मा हर कार्य दिल से, आनन्दपूर्वक और परफेक्ट करने वाली विधि सो सिद्धिस्वरूप हूँ ......... मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ .......शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ .... समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ ..... सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ......मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ .... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ ..... मास्टर महाकाल हूँ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड हूँ ........ अकालतक्खनशीन हूँ....अकालमूर्त हूँ ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम अथक और बीजरूप हूँ........ शक्तिमूर्त ..... संहारनीमूर्त ...... अलंकारीमूर्त ..... कल्याणीमूर्त हूँ ......शक्ति सेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ...... रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी .... ज्वालास्वरूप .... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... काम अधूरा छोड़ने का संस्कार वा रूचिपूर्वक कार्य न करना................अवगुणों का आसुरी संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ ........ जला रही हूँ ...... भस्म कर रही हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा महारथी महावीर ........ काम अधूरा छोड़ने का संस्कार वा रूचिपूर्वक कार्य न करना................... के मायावी संस्कार पर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ .......... मैं आत्मा हर कार्य दिल से, आनन्दपूर्वक और परफेक्ट करने वाली विधि सो सिद्धिस्वरूप हूँ ......... ......मैं देही -अभिमानी..... आत्म-अभिमानी..... रूहानी अभिमानी .....परमात्म अभिमानी..... परमात्म ज्ञानी..... परमात्म भाग्यवान..... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न ..... सोला कला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी .....मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम ...... डबल अहिंसक हूँ..... डबल ताजधारी ..... विष्व का मालिक हूँ ..... मैं आत्मा ताजधारी ..... तख़्तधारी ..... तिलकधारी .....दिलतक्खनशीन ..... डबललाइट ..... सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर ....... महाबली महाबलवान..... बाहुबलि पहलवान ....... अष्ट भुजाधारी अष्ट शक्तिधारी अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी शिवमई शक्ति हूँ .....
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: May 16, 2013
Baba ki Mahima:
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Gyan: Bhagwaan kahte hain Vande Maatram!...gyan ek hi baar baba dete hai phir 21 janm gyan ki darkaar nahin rahti...
Satguru mila dalal ke roop men...Hum atmaayen, prajapita brahma dwara shiv ke edopted bacche hain...avinaashi baap dwara avinaashi padhaai kar 21 janm ke liye fal paanewale, gyan ke teesre netr wale trinetri trikaal darshi triloki nath hain...
Yog: Hum atmaayen, Shiv Baba ki yaad se oonch a martaba paanewale, sw darshan chakr dhaari ban chakrvarty raja ban newale, vijay mala men pironewale, swarg ka varsa lenewale, brahma kumar brahma kumari hain...
Dhaarna: Hum atmaayen, bees naakhun ka jor lagaakar purushaarth kar behad ke baap se poora varsa lenewale, dhaarna kar doosron ko karaanewale, babul nath dwara kaanton se khubsoorat khushboodar khile hue phool ban auron ko banaanewale, Baagwaan ke maali hain...
Seva : Hum atmaayen, dooradeshi aur vishaal buddhi ban sabhi vedon-shaastron ka saar wale laanket ki bahut kadar rakh sabko god fadar ka rahasya bataakar srishti ka adi-madhy-ant ka gyan samjhaanewale, shiv shakti pandav sena hain...
Vardaan: Hum atmaayen, yathhart reeti mansa seva karnewale, sarv prati atmic bhav va behad ki atmic drishti, bhai-bhai ke sambandh ki vritti se shubh kalyaan ki bhaavna rakh sarv ka parivartan karneka fal avashy paanewale, behad ke seva dhaari hain...
Slogan: Hum nishchay buddhi atmaayen, murli regyular aur pankchual padhkar baap aur teechar ko khush kar, din men do baari gyan snaan kar fresh hokar, baap aur teechar ko khush karnewale, maaya vi logon ke sang se bachkar apaar khushi men rahnewale, gul-gul phoool hain...behad ke baap se athaah gyan dhan lenewale, vichaar sagar manthan kar kai points se teer lagaanewale, gyan se pratyaksh fal paanewale, sada harshit, khushnaseeb, takdeer waan ratn jadit murli wale prins hain...gyan roopi baanon ko buddhi roopi tarkash men bharkar maya ko lalkaarnewale mahavir yodhdha, maya par vijayi ruahaani senaani hain...
Aprail 5, 2013 ke milan men bapdada ne kaha tha ke:
“Jo bhi kami hai usko chhodna hi hai. Chhodna hi hai, yah hai pakka? Is sizan men jo sankalp kar rahe ho, vo sankalp nahin,par karna hi hai . Kuch bhi ho jaaye, badalna hi hai. Yah dridh sankalp karo. Aakhir samay ko sameep lana hai.”
To jwala mukhi agni swaroop yog ki shakti se sanskaaron ka sanskaar karo; sirf maarna nahin, lekin jalaakar naam roop khatm kar do...aktoobar pahle saare avgun aur puraane sanskar jala dena...haroz ek lenge aur jala denge...
Yog Kometry:
Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar...30.....kaam adhura chhod ne ka sanskar va ruchupurvak kaam n karna...badalkar.... mai atma har karya dil se, anand purvak aur perfect karne wali vidhi so siddh swaroop hun........mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...safe hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun... kaam adhura chhod ne ka sanskar va ruchupurvak kaam n karna....avguno ka asuri sanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi mahavir kaam adhura chhod ne ka sanskar va ruchupurvak kaam n karna........ke mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun...mai atma har karya dil se, anand purvak aur perfect karne wali vidhi so siddh swaroop hun........mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti hun...
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.
Essence: Sweet children, make effort using the force of 20 nails and claim your full inheritance from the Father. Imbibe and inspire others to imbibe.
Question: By knowing the value of which aspect can you children become instruments to benefit many?
Answer: The Father has had many beautiful medals (badges) made for you. You children should value them a lot. This badge is your true Gita. By using the badge, you can explain to anyone the beginning, the middle and the end of the world. You should always have this sign with you" Baba has had these things made with a lot of thought. They will be praised a great deal.
Song:Mata o mata Song: Mother, O Mother, you are the Bestower of Fortune for the world!
गीत:- माता ओ माता.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCVnpRv7pZE
Essence for dharna:
1. Baba has come to give us our inheritance. Therefore, apply the fulI force of 20 nails and definitely claim your full inheritance from the Father.
2. By having remembrance of Shiv Baba, become a fragrant flower and also make others that. Be
far-sighted and have a broad intellect and do very good service using the locket.
Blessing: May you be an unlimited servers who brings about transformation by having benevolent feelings for all.
The majority of children keep their desire in front of BapDada that such-and-such a relative of theirs should be transformed or that their family members should become their companions. However, when you have that desire simply considering those souls to be yours, then, because of that limiting wall, your pure, benevolent feelings do not reach those souls. Unlimited servers have
good wishes with soul-conscious feelings, unlimited soul-conscious vision and an attitude of brotherhood and so they definitely receive the fruit of that. This is the accurate method of serving through the mind.
Slogan: Those who fiIl the quivers of their intellects with the allows of knowledge and challenge Maya are mahavirs.
Please see the pdf for the Hindi Murli Essence