Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of May 24, 2013

Please see the attached pdf file “Points to Churn” to view/download the message in its entirety
Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
May 24, 2013:
हम शक्तिशाली आत्माएँ, हर सेकण्ड, हर श्वास, हर संकल्प, सफल करनेवाले, सम्पूर्णता के समीप, सफलता मूर्त हैं...
We, the powerful souls, the embodiments of success using every breath, every thought every second in a worthwhile way, are close to perfection...
Hum shaktishaali atmaayen, har sekand, har shwaas, har sankalp, safal karnewale, sampoornta ke sameep, safalta moort hain...

Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
These points are especially useful to those learning Hindi or English.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn from the Murli of May 24, 2013

Praise of Baba:

The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...

Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:

Knowledge: In order to take care of ourselves and become free from making mistakes, we, the souls, sit on the pyre of knowledge, and bathe twice every day, at amritvela (pre dawn) and numashaam (evening at dusk) in knowledge...we are the master oceans of knowledge with divine vision, who are clever with the knowledge and accurate in yoga, and who become deities from ordinary human beings...
By drinking the nectar of knowledge, by knowing the beginning, the middle and the end of the cycle, by becoming conscious with the life giving herb of knowledge given by the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul, and by walking along His path, we become the emperors of the golden age...

Yoga: I belong to One Shiv Baba and none other...We, the souls, running in the horse race of the (rajasv ashvmedh yagya) sacrificial fire in which the horse is sacrificed, make this faith firm... we are the fortunate Brahmins, the creations of Brahma belonging to the Godly religion, who become pure in the fire of yoga, surrender ourselves completely to the Father, that is, we become trustees...

Dharna: We, the souls, are the deities of the sun dynasty and the residents of heaven from being the residents of hell... we make effort to become theists from atheists, pure from impure, worth a pound from being worth a penny, and diamonds from being shells...
we are conquerors of Maya and the conquerors of the world...we maintain full precautions with our food and drink, and only accept pure Brahma bhojan...even though tests and storms come we don’t make mistakes through the physical organs, and attain the fortune of a kingdom for 21 births ...

Service: Those who ascend taste the nectar of heaven...We, the souls, inculcate and inspire others to inculcate knowledge, earn a true income and enable others to do the same, and become the sovereigns and masters of the land of truth...

by becoming trustees and by serving with love, we receive full help from Khuda Dost (God, our friend)...we are the special servants of the religio political underground incognito government that has no weapons, and the future sovereigns of heaven...

Blessing: We, the souls, check ourselves with an honest heart with accurate glasses for self progress and see only the Father and having the only concern of having to change the self, we become examples for others and remain free from carelessness...
Slogan: By renouncing any trace or it’s progeny of the pride, ego, intoxication and bossiness of our special sanskars, our special intellect, our special virtues, our special talents or special powers we, the souls, become the incorporeal points and subtle angels, even while being in the corporeal world ... by not having any trace of vice and their progeny in our thoughts and dreams, we become completely vice less... with the volcanic form, we transform all perishable desires into elevated and good wishes...we are constant bestowers like the Father, the Bestower and the Bestower of Blessings...we bestow final and temporary fruit to devotees in the form of being great donors and bestowers and become the perfect angels fulfilling everyone’s desires... by keeping our inner stage happy, we, the hero actors, have our faces beaming with happiness (khushi) instead of being dry (khushk)... we are the flying birds with intoxication of unlimited sovereignty, beyond the bondages of the diamond branches of elevated deeds and the golden chains of limited desires...
In the Milan of April 05, 2013, Bapdada said:
“Whatever weakness you have, you definitely have to renounce it. Is it firm that you have to renounce it? So whatever thought you have this season should not just be a thought, but you definitely have to do it. No matter what happens, you definitely have to change. Have this determined thought. Ultimately, you have to bring the time close.”
So, let us cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left. Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga ( Jwala swaroop) We have time until the next Milan in October . Let us work on one each day with the following

Yog Commentary:
cremate our old tell lies... replace them by speaking the truth, pure words, pearls of knowledge...........I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of telling lies............ I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of ... telling lies.......... by speaking the truth, pure words, pearls of knowledge..........I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an extremely powerful and an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv...

शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!


विचार सागर मंथन: मई  24, २०१३


बाबा की महिमा:

 ज्ञान के सागर पतित पावन निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप... सर्वशक्तिमान...सत चित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगति दाता... नॉलेजफुल...


स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास :         
ज्ञान: हम आत्माएँ, ज्ञान चिता पर बैठ स्वयं को संभालनेके लिए रोज़ अमृतवेले और नुमाशाम दो बार ज्ञान स्नान कर अभूल बननेवाले, ज्ञान योग में तीखे बन मनुष्य से देवता बननेवाले, दिव्य दृष्टि वाले मास्टर ज्ञान के सागर हैं...

ज्ञान अमृत पीकर, सृष्टि का आदि-मध्य-अंत का ज्ञान जानकार, परम पिता परमात्मा की संजीवनी ज्ञान बूटी से सुरजीत बन, उनकी राह पर चलनेवाले, सतयुग के महाराजा हैं...

योग: मेरा तो एक शिव बाबा दूसरा ना कोई...हम राजस्व अश्वमेध यज्ञ में घुड़दौड़ करनेवाली आत्माएँ, इस निश्चय पक्का कर, योग अग्नि से पवित्र बननेवाले, बाप पर पूरी बलि चढ़, अर्थार्त ट्रस्टी बननेवाले ईश्वरीय धर्म के सौभाग्यशाली ब्रह्मा वंशी ब्राह्मण हैं...

धारणा: हम आत्माएँ, नास्तिक से आस्तिक, पतित से पावन, पेनी तुल्य से पाउण्ड तुल्य, कौड़ी तुल्य से हीरे समान बननेका पुरुषार्थ कर नर्कवासी से स्वर्ग वासी बननेवाले, सूर्यवंशी देवता हैं...

ख़ान-पान पर पूरी परहेज रख सिर्फ़ शुद्ध ब्रह्माभोजन स्वीकार करनेवाले, परीक्षाएँ वा तूफान आते भी कर्मेन्द्रियों से कोई भूल न कर 21 जन्म का राज्य भाग्य लेनेवाले, माया जीत सो जगत जीत हैं...

सेवा : चढ़े तो चाखे वैकुंठ रस...हम आत्माएँ, ज्ञान धारण कर औरों को करानेवाले, सच्ची कमाई करने और करानेवाले, सच खण्ड के बादशाह, सच खण्ड के मालिक हैं...

ट्रस्टी बन प्यार से सेवा कर खुदा दोस्त की पूरी पूरी मदद पानेवाले, कोई भी हथियार बिना की रिलीज़ो पोलिटिकल अंडर ग्राउंड गुप्त गवर्नमेंट के विशेष सर्वन्ट, भविष्य के स्वर्ग के बादशाह हैं...

वरदान: हम आत्माएँ, स्व उन्नति का यथार्थ चश्मा पहन सच्ची दिल से स्वयं को चेक कर सिर्फ़ बाप और स्वयं को देखनेवाले, खुद को बदलने की धून में रहकर दूसरों के लिए एक्साम्पल बननेवाले, अलबेलेपन मुक्त हैं...
स्लोगन: हम आत्माएँ, साकार में रहते हुए, देहके संबन्धों को, विशेषसंस्कार , विशेष बुद्धि, विशेषगुण विशेष कलाएँ, विशेषशक्ति का अहंकार, नशाऔर रोब के सूक्ष्म अंश और वंश को त्याग करनेवाले, निराकारीबिंदु स्वरूप हैं, आकारीफरिश्ते हैं... सर्व विकार संकल्प स्वपनमें भी सर्व अंश और वंश सहित नहीं लानेवाले, सम्पूर्णनिर्विकारी हैं... ज्वाला स्वरूप सर्व विनाशी कामनाओं को श्रेष्ठ और शुभ भावना में पर्वितान करनेवाले, भक्तोंको अल्पकाल के अंतिम फल महादानी, वरदानीरूप में देने वाले दाता और वरदाता बाप समान देनेवाले और सर्व की मनो कामनायों को सम्पन्न करनेवाले सम्पूर्ण फरिश्ते हैं... अंदरकी स्थिति खुश रख खुश्क बजाय खुशी के चेहरे वाले हीरो पार्ट धारी हैं... श्रेष्ठकर्म की हीरे की डाली और हद की कामना की सोने की जंजीर के बंधनों और हदों के पार बेहद की बादशाही के नशेवाले ऊड़ते पंछी हैं...
अप्रैल 5, 2013, के मिलन में बापदादा ने कहा था के :
जो भी कमी है उसको छोड़ना ही है | छोड़ना ही है, यह है पक्का? इस सीज़न में जो संकल्प कर रहे हो, वो संकल्प नहीं,पर करना ही है | कुछ भी हो जाए, बदलना ही है | यह दृढ़ संकल्प करो | आख़िर समय को समीप लाना है |”
तोज्वाला मुखी अग्नि स्वरुप योग की शक्ति से संस्कारों का संस्कार करो ; सिर्फ मारना नहीं, लेकिन जलाकर नाम रूप ख़त्म कर दो.... अक्तूबर पहले सारे अवगुण और पुराने संस्कार जला देना ...हररोज़ एक लेंगे और जला देंगे...
योग कोमेन्ट्री:..
पुराने वा अवगुणों का अग्नि संस्कार : ३८ ....झूठ बोलना ... बदलकर मैं आत्मा सत्य वचन, शुभ वाणी, ज्ञान के मोती सुनाने वाली हूँ.................मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ .......शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ .... समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ ..... सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ......मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ .... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ ..... मास्टर महाकाल हूँ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड हूँ ........ अकालतक्खनशीन हूँ ....अकालमूर्त हूँ ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम अथक और बीजरूप हूँ........ शक्तिमूर्त ..... संहारनीमूर्त ...... अलंकारीमूर्त ..... कल्याणीमूर्त हूँ ......शक्ति सेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ...... रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी .... ज्वालास्वरूप .... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... झूठ बोलना .................अवगुणों का आसुरी संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ ........ जला रही हूँ ...... भस्म कर रही हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा महारथी महावीर ........ झूठ बोलना ....................... के मायावी संस्कार पर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ .......... मैं आत्मा सत्य वचन,शुभ वाणी, ज्ञान के मोती सुनाने वाली हूँ.....................मैं देही -अभिमानी..... आत्म-अभिमानी..... रूहानी अभिमानी .....परमात्म अभिमानी..... परमात्म ज्ञानी..... परमात्म भाग्यवान..... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न ..... सोला कला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी .....मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम ...... डबल अहिंसक हूँ..... डबल ताजधारी ..... विष्व का मालिक हूँ ..... मैं आत्मा ताजधारी ..... तख़्तधारी ..... तिलकधारी .....दिलतक्खनशीन ..... डबललाइट ..... सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर ....... महाबली महाबलवान..... बाहुबलि पहलवान ....... अष्ट भुजाधारी अष्ट शक्तिधारी अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी शिवमई शक्ति हूँ .....

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: May 24, 2013
Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba... Meetha Baba... Pyaara Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap... Sarv shakti maan...Sat Chit Anand Swaroop...Beejroop...Sadgati Data... Nolej ful...
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Gyan: Hum atmaayen, gyan chita par baith swayam ko sambhaal neke liye roz amritvele aur numashaam do baar gyan snaan kar abhool ban newale, gyan yog men teekhe ban manushy se devta ban newale, divy drishti wale mastar gyan ke sagar hain...
gyan amrit peekar, srishti ka adi-madhy-ant ka gyan jaankar, param pita parmaatma ki sanjeevni gyan booty se surjeet ban, unki raah par chal newale, satyug ke maharaja hain...
Yog: Mera to e Shiv Baba doosra na koi...Hum rajasv ashvmedh yagya men ghud daud karnewali atmaayen,is nishchay pakka kar, yog agni se pavitr ban newale, baap par poori bali chadh, arthaart trustee ban newale ishwariy dharm ke saubhaagyshaali brahma vanshi brahman hain...
Dhaarna: Hum atmaayen, naastik se aastik, patit se paavan, peny tuly se paaund tuly, kaudi tuly se heere samaan ban neka purushaarth kar narkwaasi se swarg waasi ban newale, devta hain...
khaan-paan par poori parhej rakh sirf shuddh brahmabhojan swikaar karnewale, parikshaayen va toofaan aate bhi karmendriyon se koi bhool n kar 21 janm ka rajy bhaagy lenewale, maya jeet so jagat jeet hain...
Seva : Chadhe to chaakhe vaikunth ras...Hum atmaayen, gyan dhaaran kar auron ko karaanewale, Sachchi kamaai karne aur karaanewale, Sach khand ke badshah, sach khand ke maalik hain...
trustee ban pyar se seva kar khuda dost ki poori poori madad paanewale, koi bhi hathiyaar bina ki rileejo political andar graaund gupt gavarnment ke vishesh sarvant, bhavishy ke swarg ke badshah hain...
Vardaan: Hum atmaayen, sw unnati ka yathaarth chashma pahan sachchi dil se swayam ko chek kar sirf baap aur swayam ko dekhnewale, khud ko badal ne ki dhoon men rahkar doosron ke liye exampal ban newale, albelepan mukt hain...
Slogan: Hum atmaayen, sakar men rahte hue deh ke sambandhon ko, vishesh sanskaar , vishesh buddhi, vishesh gu n vishesh kalaayen, vishesh shakti ka ahankaar, nasha aur rob ke sukshm ansh aur vansh ko tyaag karnewale, niraakaari bindu swaroop hain, aakaari farishte hain... sarv vikaar sankalp v swapan men bhi sarv ansh aur vansh sahit, nahin laanewale, sampoorn nirvikaari hain... jwaala swaroop sarv vinaashi kaamnaaon ko shreshth aur shubh bhavna men parvitan karnewale, bhakton ko alpkaal ke antim fal mahadaani, vardaani roop men data aur vardaata baap samaan denewale aur sarv ki mano kaamnaayon ko sampann karnewale sampoorn farishte hain... andar ki sthiti khush rakh khushk bajaay khushi ke chehare wale hiro paart dhaari hain...shreshth karm ki heere ki daali aur had ki kaamna ki sone ki janjeer ke bandhanon aur hadon ke paar behad ki badshahi ke nashe wale oodte panchi hain...
Aprail 5, 2013 ke milan men bapdada ne kaha tha ke:
“Jo bhi kami hai usko chhodna hi hai. Chhodna hi hai, yah hai pakka? Is sizan men jo sankalp kar rahe ho, vo sankalp nahin,par karna hi hai . Kuch bhi ho jaaye, badalna hi hai. Yah dridh sankalp karo. Aakhir samay ko sameep lana hai.”
To jwala mukhi agni swaroop yog ki shakti se sanskaaron ka sanskaar karo; sirf maarna nahin, lekin jalaakar naam roop khatm kar do...aktoobar pahle saare avgun aur puraane sanskar jala dena...haroz ek lenge aur jala denge...
Yog Kometry:
Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar...38.........jhooth bolna.......badalkar.... mai atma satya vachan, shubh vani, gyan ke moti bolne wali hun... mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun... jhooth bolna...................................avguno ka asuri sanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi mahavir jhooth mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun...mai atma satya vachan, shubh vani, gyan ke moti bolne wali hun..........mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti hun...
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.
Essence: Sweet children, in order to take care of yourself, bathe in knowledge twice a day. Maya makes you make mistakes and the Father frees you from making mistakes.

Question: On the basis of which faith and effort do you receive full help from the Father?

Answer: First of all, there has to be the firm faith: “Mine is one Shiv Baba alone and none other.” Together with this, you have to surrender yourself completely to the Father, that is, become a trustee and serve with love. Such children receive full help from the Father.

Song: Hame un raho par chalna hai... हमेंउन राहों परचलना है... We have to walk along the path where we may fall and rise again…

Essence for dharna:
1. Earn a true income and inspire others to do the same. Even though tests and storms come, don’t make any mistakes through the physical organs. Become a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world.
2. In order to become deities, maintain full precautions with your food and drink. Don’t eat any impure food. Definitely bathe in knowledge twice a day.
Blessing: May you be free from carelessness and become an example by wearing accurate glasses for self-progress.

Children who simply check themselves with a broad intellect’s vision wear the glasses of carelessness. All they can see is that however much they have done so far is a lot: “I am better than those souls! Even the well-known souls have a few weaknesses!” However, those who check themselves with an honest heart with accurate glasses for self-progress only see the Father and themselves. They do not see what a second or third person is doing. They simply have the concern: I have to change! Such souls become examples for others.

Slogan: Finish all limitations with all its progeny and you will have the intoxication of the unlimited sovereignty.
मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे-स्वयं की सम्भाल करने के लिए रोज़ दो बार ज्ञान स्नान करो। माया तुमसे भूलें कराती, बाप तुमको अभुल बनाते''
प्रश्न:- किस निश्चय वा पुरुषार्थ के आधार पर बाप की पूरी मदद मिलती है?
उत्तर:-पहले पक्का निश्चय हो कि मेरा तो एक शिवबाबा दूसरा न कोई। साथ-साथ पूरी बलि चढ़े अर्थात् ट्रस्टी बन प्यार से सेवा करे। तो ऐसे बच्चे को बाप की पूरी पूरी मदद मिलती है।
गीत:-हमें उन राहों पर चलना है...
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
सच्ची कमाई करनी और सबको करानी है। परीक्षायें वा तूफान आते भी कर्मेन्द्रियों से कोई भूल नहीं करनी है। माया-जीत जगत-जीत बनना है।
देवता बनने के लिए खान-पान की पूरी परहेज रखनी है। कोई भी अशुद्ध वस्तु नहीं खानी है। दो बारी ज्ञान स्नान जरूर करना है।
वरदान:-स्वउन्नति का यथार्थ चश्मा पहन एक्जैम्पुल बनने वाले अलबेलेपन से मुक्त भव
जो बच्चे स्वयं को सिर्फ विशाल दिमाग की नज़र से चेक करते हैं, उनका चश्मा अलबेलेपन का होता है, उन्हें यही दिखाई देता है कि जितना भी किया है उतना बहुत किया है। मैं इन-इन आत्माओं से अच्छा हूँ, थोड़ी बहुत कमी तो नामीग्रामी में भी है। लेकिन जो सच्ची दिल से स्वयं को चेक करते हैं उनका चश्मा यथार्थ स्वउन्नति का होने के कारण सिर्फ बाप और स्वयं को ही देखते, दूसरा, तीसरा क्या करता - यह नहीं देखते। मुझे बदलना है बस इसी धुन में रहते हैं, वह दूसरों के लिए एक्जैम्पल बन जाते हैं।
स्लोगन:-हदों को सर्व वंश सहित समाप्त कर दो तो बेहद की बादशाही का नशा रहेगा।

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 24, 2013: Coolness

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 24, 2013

Maintaining a state of inner calm protects me from becoming a slave to my emotions. It also helps me to keep a cool head when I see others becoming heated or angry. Coolness is not to be distant or uncaring; rather it requires that I develop the deeply caring nature of a peacemaker and serve others in the best possible way.
It is only in our relationships that we can truly know ourselves.
We are a mirror for each other. What we give to others at the level of our thoughts, feelings and attitudes is what we give to ourselves, and will finally come back from others. Our relationships are the real workshop, classroom, learning laboratory of our life. Relationship is not simply getting along with others, it is about understanding, building, nourishing and caring. Every interaction carries a lesson. Take one relationship, look at it, explore it and ask yourself what does it tell you about yourself and your life so far. Let your relationships reveal you to yourself. As you do you will naturally learn what makes relationships work, or not work, as the case may be! And the more you get to know yourself in the mirror of your relationships the more easily you will be able to understand others.
Freeing Oneself from Hatred

Take a moment to reflect upon the last time that you hated someone. It might be difficult to see that your rage is created by no one but yourself. Although it seems that the behaviour of the other person is responsible for your emotional state, the truth is that the hate is your reaction. Each response that you create might be a conscious choice. You forget that you have the choice because it seems that the hate comes out of your inside in a natural way. In reality, you are allowing yourself to act driven by your automatic pilot, where your subconscious habits, which are based on your beliefs and your perception, influence, shape and control your conscious thoughts and actions. That is the sign of mental and emotional laziness; in that state, your intelligence sleeps and it is impossible to think with clarity and take precise decisions.

It is said, "It is impossible to get angry and to laugh at the same time," Rage and laughter cannot exist side by side and you have the sufficient power to choose either of the two. Each time that you choose to get angry due to the behaviour of another person, you are depriving them of their right to be what they choose.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)
Soul Sustenance
The Relationship Between My Conscience And Intellect

To act from a state of truth, it is important to realize the relationship between my intellect and conscience and what role these two play in experiencing this state of truth in my thoughts, words and actions. The quality of my thoughts, words and actions is based on the quality of my intellect and conscience. There are three different stages of the intellect conscience relationship.

The first stage is one in which my conscience and my intellect, both are so pure and transparent that whatever is right and true is naturally brought into my thoughts, words and actions and nothing negative or impure manages to enter into my thoughts, words and actions.

The second stage is one in which my conscience acknowledges that which is the truth, but the intellect does not have the strength to be able to bring the truth into practical. The conscience tells me one thing, but my intellect pulls me elsewhere, and it overpowers me. I do what I know I shouldn’t.

The third stage is one in which my conscience is not clean enough or aware enough to acknowledge the truth so the question of it influencing the intellect to bring the truth into practical does not arise. As a result my intellect, which is not at all backed by the conscience in this state, takes complete control of me. I do what I shouldn’t and I am not even aware of it.

When my intellect overpowers my conscience repeatedly, my conscience loses its influence on my intellect. As a result the conscience keeps weakening until its voice is stifled or silenced. As a result of that, I can then no longer discriminate between truth and falsehood. I will feel that there are no fixed ways of defining right and wrong, that each has their own judgment or definition of truth and falsehood. True spiritual knowledge, which gets stored in the intellect, and the experience of meditation, which purifies the intellect as well as my conscience, both together, make me aware of the definition as well as give me an experience of what is the truth and what is false, what is right and what is wrong. As a result of that, I am able to maintain the first stage of the intellect conscience relationship very easily in my day-to-day actions.

Message for the day

To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service.

Expression: To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better.

Experience: When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort


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