Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of June 20, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
June 20, 2013
हम आत्माएँ, माया के बूदबूड़ों को बेहद के स्क्रीन पर कार्टून वा पपेट शो समझकर साक्षी स्थिति में स्थित होकर देखनेवाले, मास्टर सर्वशक्तिवान हैं
We, the souls, are master almighty authorities, watching the bubbles of Maya on an unlimited screen as detached observers, and considering them to be cartoons or puppet shows…
Hum atmaayen, maya ke boodboodon ko behad ke screen par kartoon va papet sho samajhkar saakshi sthiti men sthith hokar dekhnewale, mastar sarv shaktivaan hain…

Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
These points are especially useful to those learning Hindi or English.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn from the Murli of June 20, 2013

Praise of Baba:

The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...
Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:
Blessing: We, the full and overflowing souls, go from the jungle of thorns to the happiness of flowers…with the flower garden of the flowers of divine virtues in our lives, we constantly give the fragrance of the flowers of divine virtues to everyone coming in our contact… by seeing the happy state, by experiencing the powers, others become powerful and happy and we become ever-happy…

Ram is Almighty, Ravan is Almighty and the Drama is also the competition between Ram and Ravan, we, the souls, are undefeated by the attacks of Maya by remaining in remembrance of the Master... we are the spiritual victorious army on the battle field of Kurukshetra, playing our parts on the field of action in the eternal drama that has no beginning and no end... by checking ourselves in a very subtle way and becoming vice less, we make our wireless powerful ... we are the enthusiastic and courageous master almighty authorities who conquer the fives vices of Maya, the five vices of Ravan and the five elements, and easily overcome the fearsome forms and the powerful situations and the unexpected calamities of nature...
We are number one in the subject of love, are seated on Bapdada’s heart-throne, and remain safe from the storms of Maya and matter under His canopy of protection… we are the spiritual warriors of the incognito army, blowing the conch with the explosives and the bombs of knowledge, winning over the enemy Maya, and receiving sovereignty for 21 births…
By being gyanyukt, yogyukt, dharnayukt and yuktiyukt, we become obstacle-proof... we are the strong, powerful wrestlers who consider Maya to be a game and a paper tiger, the attacks of Maya to be gifts, the storms of Maya to be gifts and overcome obstacles…by being detached observers we become master almighty authorities, who are constantly victorious over Maya…
We study the easy Raj Yoga and get the knowledge at the school, or at the college or at the University of the Ocean of Knowledge...we are the powerful knowledge-full yogis who, with the incognito study, fight the attacks of Maya, earn an imperishable income and claim a kingdom... we are the conquerors of the mind and the conquerors of Maya, who remain immovable and unshakeable in upheavals when the water of the seas shows its influence or when the earth shows its influence...we watch all games as detached observers and become the conquerors of matter and so the conquerors of the world...
We experience all situations of upheaval like a puppet show, and view them as a cartoon show or a puppet show on an unlimited screen...we remain stable in the stage of a detached observer while maintaining our honour and being an embodiment of contentment during the shows of Maya and matter...we are perfect, beyond any type of defect and contented souls... by being filled with all attainments by the unlimited Bestower, we claim a right to all the three worlds... by being the children of the Almighty Authority Father, we become the master almighty authorities who are maya proof and free from attachments, inclinations and influences...
With the power of remembrance, we can focus our intellect and remain in a constant stage in any situation of upheaval, in a tamoguni atmosphere, and during the attacks of being powerful and with our controlling power, we transform the storms (toofan) of waste thoughts into gifts (tohfa) in one second ... we are the decorated Brahmins of the confluence age who become deities... we spin the discus of self realization by remembering the cycle, blow the conch of knowledge, remain as pure as the lotus flower, and conquer maya with the mace of knowledge...
We are cautious careful and wise wrestlers, who constantly hold on to the Father’s hand through the storms of powerful Maya, through problems and obstacles, through various forms of tests, and through the upheavals in nature and the world... we are Shiv Shaktis, not afraid of the attacks of Maya, showing fearless in a practical form... by remaining cautious, alert and attentive, we win the boxing match with following shrimat accurately and by following BapDada’s advice, we remain safe from Maya the alligator, become pure from impure, attain liberation-in-life from bondage-in-life in one second, and claim full inheritance ...we are the masters of imperishable land of Bharat, the imperishable birth place of the Father, the land of truth, and the greatest pilgrimage place of all...
In the Milan of April 05, 2013, Bapdada said:
“Whatever weakness you have, you definitely have to renounce it. Is it firm that you have to renounce it? So whatever thought you have this season should not just be a thought, but you definitely have to do it. No matter what happens, you definitely have to change. Have this determined thought. Ultimately, you have to bring the time close.”
So, let us cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left. Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga ( Jwala swaroop) We have time until the next Milan in October . Let us work on one each day with the following

Yog Commentary:
cremate our old sanskars seek credit in service, to be attached to a particular service…replace them by considering myself to be an instrument of the Father…I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of seeking credit in service, being attached to a particular service….......I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of seeking credit in service, being attached to a particular service........ by considering myself to be an instrument of the Father… ….....I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an extremely powerful and an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv...
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते!!!

विचार सागर मंथन:June 20, २०१३

बाबा कीमहिमा:
ज्ञान केसागर पतित पावननिराकार परमपिता परमात्माशिव बाबा हैं...मेराबाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्याराबाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालुबाबा... सत बाप...सतटीचर...सत गुरु...बेहद का बाप...सर्वशक्तिमान...सतचित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगतिदाता... नॉलेजफुल...

स्वमानऔर आत्माअभ्यास :
वरदान: हम सदा खुशहाल, भरपूर सम्पन्न आत्माएँ, काँटों के जंगल से फूल की खुशहाली में आनेवाले, जीवन में दिव्य गुणों के फूलों की फुलवाड़ी वाले, सम्पर्क में आनेवालों को दिव्य गुणों की खुश्बू देकर खुशहाली दिखाकर शक्ति का अनुभव कराकर खुशी में लाकर शक्तिशाली बनानेवाले, एवर हैप्पी हैं

राम सर्व शक्तिमान, रावण सर्व शक्तिमान , और ड्रामा भी सर्व शक्तिमान ...हम आत्माएँ, राम और रावण के काँपीटीशन में, उस्ताद को याद कर माया के वार से हार खाकर, कर्म क्षेत्र पर आदि अंत वाले अनाड़ी ड्रामा में पार्ट बजाने वाले, कुरुक्षेत्र के युद्ध के मैदान के रूहानी विजयी सेनानी हैं... महीन रूप से स्वयं को चेक कर वाइसलेस बन वायरलेस को तेज करनेवाले, पाँच माया रूपी विकार, पाँच रावण रूपी विकार, पाँच तत्वों और प्रकृति द्वारा विकराल रूपी शक्तिशालि परिस्थितियाँ और विशेष आपदाओं के वार को पार करनेवाले, हिम्मत और हुल्लास वाले मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान हैं...
हम स्नेह में नम्बर वन, माया और प्रकृति के तूफानों में बाप की छत्रछाया में सेफ रहनेवाले, दिल तख्त नशीन हैं… ज्ञान के बारूद और गोले की शंख ध्वनि करनेवाले, माया दुश्मन पर जीत पानेवाले, २१ जन्मों की बादशाही लेनेवाले, गुप्त सेना के रूहानी योद्धे हैं...
हम ज्ञान युक्त, योग युक्त, धारणा युक्त, युक्ति युक्त बन, विघ्न प्रूफ हैं...माया को खेल और पेपर टाइगर, माया के वार को उपहार, माया के तूफान को तोहफा समझकर विघ्नों को पार करनेवले ताक़त वान, बलवान पहलवान हैं.... साक्षी होकर देखनेवाले, माया पर सदा विजयी, मास्टर सर्व शक्तिमान हैं...
ज्ञान सागर बाप की पाठशाला, कॉलेज, वा यूनिवर्सिटी में सहज राज योग और ज्ञान सीखनेवाले, गुप्त पढ़ाई द्वारा माया की चढ़ाई से लड़ाई कर अविनाशी कमाई पाकर राज़ाई लेनेवाले, शक्ति शालि ज्ञान योगी हैं... मनजीत और मायाजीत बन, समुद्र के जल के प्रभाव से और धरणी के हलचल में अड़ोल और अचल रहनेवाले, सदा साक्षी होकर सब खेल देखनेवाले, प्रकृतिजीत सो जगतजीत हैं...
किसी भी हिलाने वाली परिस्थिति कठपुतली के खेल जैसे अनुभव करनेवाले, बेहद के स्क्रीन पर कार्टून शो वा पपेट शो समझकर, माया वा प्रकृति के शो साक्षी स्थिति में स्थित होकर, अपनी शान में रहकर, संतुष्ट ता के स्वरूप में देखनेवाले, किसी भी प्रकार के डिफेक्ट से परे, परफ़ेक्ट संतोषी आत्मा हैं... बेहद के दाता द्वारा सर्व प्राप्ति सम्पन्न बन, तीनों लोक के अधिकारी बननेवाले, सर्वशक्तिमान बाप के संतान, मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान, लगाव, झुकाव, प्रभाव मुक्त माया प्रूफ हैं…
याद की शक्ति से परिस्थिति की हलचल में, तमोगुणी वायुमंडल में, माया के वार में अपने को एकाग्र, एक्टिक, एकरस बनानेवाले, व्यर्थ संकल्पों के तूफान को अपने कंट्रोलिंग पावर से एक सेकण्ड में तोहफा बनानेवाले, शक्तिशाली हैं...चक्र को याद कर स्वदर्शनचक्र फिरानेवाले, ज्ञान का शंख बजाकर कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहनेवाले, गदा से माया पर जीत पानेवाले संगम युगी अलंकारी ब्राह्मण सो देवता हैं...
रुस्तम माया के तूफ़ानो में, समस्या और विघ्नों में, अनेक प्रकार की परीक्षाओं में, पृथ्वी और प्रकृति के हलचल में, बाप का हाथ सदा पकड़नेवाले, खबरदार, होशियार और सावधान रहनेवाले, पहलवान हैं… माया के वार से निर्भय, निर्भयता प्रैक्टिकल में दिखानेवाले, शिव शक्तियाँ हैं... सावधान, खबरदार होशियार रहकर माया की बॉक्सिंग मेच में जीतनेवाले, श्रीमत पर एक्युरेट चल बाप दादा की राय लेकर माया अजिगर से बचनेवाले, एक सेकण्ड में जीवन बँधी से जीवन मुक्ति पानेवाले, पूरा वर्सा लेकर, पतित से पावन बननेवाले, अविनाशी भारत, बाप की अविनाशी जन्म भूमि,अविनाशी खण्ड, सच खण्ड, बड़े ते बड़ा तीर्थ भारत के मालिक हैं...
अप्रैल 5, 2013, के मिलन में बापदादा ने कहा था के :
जो भी कमी है उसको छोड़ना ही है | छोड़ना ही है, यह है पक्का? इस सीज़न में जो संकल्प कर रहे हो, वो संकल्प नहीं,पर करना ही है | कुछ भी हो जाए, बदलना ही है | यह दृढ़ संकल्प करो | आख़िर समय को समीप लाना है |”
तो ज्वाला मुखी अग्नि स्वरुप योग की शक्ति से संस्कारों कासंस्कार करो ; सिर्फमारना नहीं, लेकिन जलाकरनाम रूप ख़त्मकर दो.... अक्तूबर पहले सारे अवगुण औरपुराने संस्कार जलादेना ...हररोज़ एकलेंगे और जलादेंगे...
योग कोमेन्ट्री:..
६५...... सेवा में मैं पन लगाना ...... बदलकर.... मैं आत्मा बाप की सेवा निमित्त समझ कर करने वाला हूँ ......... मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ ..... शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ ....समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ ..... सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ.... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ ..... मास्टर महाकाल हूँ ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड हूँ ..... अकालतक्खनशीन हूँ ....अकालमूर्त हूँ ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम और बीजरूप हूँ ........ मैं आत्मा जागती ज्योत अथक निन्द्राजित कर्मयोगी धर्मात्मा महात्मा देवात्मा पुण्य आत्मा हूँ ........शक्तिसेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... शक्तिआर्मी सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ........रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी .... ज्वालास्वरूप .... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... मैं आत्मा..... सेवा में मैं पन लगाना ........... के संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ .... जला रही हूँ ......भस्म कर रही हूँ...... मैं आत्मा बाप की सेवा निमित्त समझ कर करने वाला हूँ ......मैं आत्मा महारथी हनुमान महावीर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा अवगुणों का भस्म करने वाली देही अभिमानी, आत्म-अभिमानी, रूहानी अभिमानी, परमात्म अभिमानी, परमात्मा ज्ञानी, परमात्म भाग्यवान...... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न ....... सोले काला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी ..... मर्यादा पुरुशोत्तम ....... डबल अहिंसक हूँ ......डबल ताजधारी विश्व का मालिक हूँ ....... ताजधारी तख्तधारी तिलकधारी दिलतख़्तनशीन डबललाइट सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर महाबली महाबलवान, बाहु बलि पहेलवान .....अष्ट शक्तिधारी ..... अष्ट भुजाधारी ..... अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी ..... शक्तिमूर्त ...... संहारनीमूर्त .....अलंकारीमूर्त ...... कल्याणीमूर्त ...... श्रुन्गारीमूर्त ..... अनुभवीमूर्त और लाइफ में सदा प्रेक्टिकलमूर्त शिवमइ शक्ति हूँ .........

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: June 20, 2013
Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba... Meetha Baba... Pyaara Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap... Sarv shakti maan...Sat Chit Anand Swaroop...Beejroop...Sadgati Data... Nolej ful...
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Blessing: Hum sada khush haal, bharpoor sampan atmaayen, kaanton ke jangal se phool ki khush haali men aanewale, jeewan men divy gunon ke phoolon ki fulwaadi wale, sampark men aanewalon ko divy gunon ki khushboo dekar khush haali dikhaakar Shakti ka anubhav karakakar khushi men laakar shaktishaali banaanewale, evar haippy hain…
Ram sarv shaktimaan, Ravan sarv shaktimaan , aur Drama bhi sarv shaktimaan ...Hum atmaayen, Ram aur Ravan ke kaampeeteeshan men, Ustaad ko yaad kar maya ke vaar se haar n khaakar, karm kshetr par n adi n ant wale anadi drama men paart bajaane wale, kurukshetr ke yuddh ke maidaaan ke ruhaani vijayi senani hain... maheen roop se swayam ko chek kar vaaisles ban vaayarles ko tej karnewale, paanch maya roopi vikaaar, paanch Ravan roopi vikaar, paanch tatvon aur prakriti dwara vikraal roopi shakti shaali paristhitiyaan aur vishesh apdaaon ke vaar ko paar karnewale, himmat aur hullas wale mastar sarv shakti maan hain...
Hum sneh men nambar van, maya aur p rakriti ke tofaanon men baap ki chatrchaaya men sef rahnewale, dil takht nasheen hain... gyan ke baarood aur gole ki shankh dhwani karnewale, maya dushman par jeet paanewale, 21 janmon ki badshaahi lenewale, gupt sena ke ruhaani yoddhe hain...
Hum gyan yukt, yog yukt, dhaarna yukt, yukti yukt ban, vighn proof hain...maya ko khel aur pepar taaigar, maya ke vaar ko uphaar, maya ke toofaan ko tohfa samajhkar vghnon ko paar karnewale, taakat vaan, balwaan, pahalwaan hain…sakshi hokar dekhnewale, maya par sada vijayi, mastar sarv shaktimaan hain...
gyan sagar baap ki paathshaala, kolej, va yunivarsity men sahaj raj yog aur gyan seekhnewale, gupt padhaai dwara maya ki chadhaai se ladaai kar avinaashi kamaai paakar rajaai lenewale, shakti shaali gyan yogi hain...
man jeet aur maya jeet ban, samudr ke jal ke prabhaav se aur dharni ke halchal men adol aur achal rahnewale, sada saakshi hokar sab khel dekhnewale, prakriti jeet so jagat jeet hain...
kisi bhi hilaane wali paristhiti kathputli ke khel jaise anubhav karnewale, behad ke screen par kartoon sho va papet sho samajhkar, maya va prakriti ke sho saakshi sthiti men sthith hokar, apni shaan men rahkar, santusht ta ke swaroop men dekhnewale, kisi bhi prakaar ke difekt se pare, parfekt santoshi atma… behad ke data dwara sarv praapti sampann ban, teenon lok ke adhikaari ban newale, sarvshaktimaan baap ke santaan , mastar sarv shaktimaan, lagaav, jhukaav, prabhav mukt maya proof hain..
yaad ki shakti se paristhiti ki halchal men, tamoguni vaayumandal men, maya ke vaar men apne ko ekaagr, ektik, ekras banaanewale, vyarth sankalpon ke toofan ko apne kantroling pavar se ek sekand men tohfa banaanewale, shaktishaali hain… chakr ko yaad kar sw darshan chakr firaanewale, gyan ka shankh bajaakar,kamal phool samaan pavitr rahnewale, gada se maya par jeet paanewale sangam yugi alankaari brahman so devta hain…
rustam maya ke toofaano men, samasya aur vighnon men, anek prakaar ki parikshaaon men, prithvi aur prakriti ke halchal men, baap ka haath sada pakadnewale, khabardaar, hoshiyaar aur saavshaan rahnewale, pahalwaan hain... maya ke vaar se nirbhay, nirbhayta praiktikal men dikhaaewale, shiv shaktiyaan hain...saavdhaan, khabardaar hoshiyaar rahkar maya ki boxing mech men jeetnewale, shrimat par ekyuret chal baap dada ki raay lekar maya ajigar se bachnewale, ek sekand men jeewan bandhi se jeewan mukti paanewale, poora varsa lekar, patit se paavan ban newale, avinaashi bharat, baap ki avinaashi janm bhoomi, avinashi khand, sach khand, bade te bada tirth bharat ke maalik hain...
Aprail 5, 2013 ke milan men bapdada ne kaha tha ke:
“Jo bhi kami hai usko chhodna hi hai. Chhodna hi hai, yah hai pakka? Is sizan men jo sankalp kar rahe ho, vo sankalp nahin,par karna hi hai . Kuch bhi ho jaaye, badalna hi hai. Yah dridh sankalp karo. Aakhir samay ko sameep lana hai.”
To jwala mukhi agni swaroop yog ki shakti se sanskaaron ka sanskaar karo; sirf maarna nahin, lekin jalaakar naam roop khatm kar do...aktoobar pahle saare avgun aur puraane sanskar jala dena...haroz ek lenge aur jala denge...
Yog Kometry:
Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar.... 65....seva men mai pan lagaana....badalkar.... mai atma baap ki seva nimitt samjhkar karnewala hun….mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun...seva men mai pan lagaana.........avguno ka asurisanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi mahavir seva men mai pan mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun...mai atma baap ki seva nimitt samjhkar karnewala hun……mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti hun...
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.
Essence:Sweet children, just as the Father has mercy for everyone and doesn't feel dislike for anyone, in the same way, you children, too, mustn't dislike anyone. Become merciful.

Question: What one plan does the merciful Father have for the whole world?

Answer: To make all human souls and the elements pure from impure and give the inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life is the only plan the Father has. You children are the Father's helpers. You first have to have mercy on yourselves. Follow shrimat and make yourselves pure. Then serve to remove everyone from the rubbish of all the vices.

Song: Kaun aaya mere man ke dware कौन आया मेरे मन के द्वारे.. Who came to the door of my mind with the sound of ankle bells?

Essence for dharna:
1. Study very well, follow shrimat, become pure and have mercy for yourself. Never become merciless.
2. Don't dislike anyone. Become an ocean of love, like the Father.
Blessing: May you remain ever happy and experience happiness in your life through the garden of flowers of divine virtues.

To remain constantly happy means to be full and overflowing. Previously, your life was in the forest of thorns and you have now come into the happiness of flowers. The flower garden of the flowers of divine virtues is constantly in your life now. Therefore, whoever comes into contact with you will continue to receive the fragrance of the flowers of divine virtues. Then seeing this happy state, others will also become happy and experience power. This happiness makes others powerful and brings happiness and this is why you say that you are ever happy.

Slogan: A master almighty authority is one who plays with the bubbles of Maya instead of being afraid of them.
मुरली सार:-''मीठे बच्चे-जैसे बाप को सभी पर तरस आता, नफ़रत नहीं आती, ऐसे तुम बच्चे भी किसी से नफरत मत करो, रहमदिल बनो।''

प्रश्न:- रहमदिल बाप का सारे विश्व के प्रति एक ही प्लैन है, वह कौन सा?

उत्तर:-सभी मनुष्य आत्माओं को तत्वों सहित पतित से पावन बनाना, मुक्ति और जीवन्मुक्ति का वर्सा देना। यह एक ही प्लैन बाप का है। तुम बच्चे बाप के मददगार हो। तुम्हें पहले अपने पर रहम करना है। श्रीमत पर चल अपने को पावन बनाना है। फिर सभी को विकारों रूपी गन्दगी से निकालने की सेवा करनी है।

गीत:- कौन आया मेरे मन के द्वारे...

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
अच्छी रीति पढ़कर, श्रीमत पर चल पावन बन अपने आप पर रहम करना है। कभी भी बेरहमी नहीं बनना है।
किसी से भी नफ़रत या घृणा नहीं करनी है। बाप समान प्यार का सागर बनना है।

वरदान:-जीवन में दिव्यगुणों के फूलों की फुलवाड़ी द्वारा खुशहाली का अनुभव करने वाले एवरहैप्पी भव

सदा खुशहाल अर्थात् भरपूर, सम्पन्न। पहले कांटों के जंगल में जीवन थी अभी फूलों की खुशहाली में गये। सदा जीवन में दिव्यगुणों के फूलों की फुलवाड़ी लगी हुई है, इसलिए जो भी आपके सम्पर्क में आयेगा उसे दिव्यगुणों के फूलों की खुशबू आती रहेगी और खुशहाली देख करके खुश होंगे, शक्ति का अनुभव करेंगे। खुशहाली औरों को भी शक्तिशाली बनाती और खुशी में लाती है इसलिए आप कहते हो कि हम एवरहैप्पी हैं।

स्लोगन:-मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान वह है जो माया के बुदबुदों से डरने के बजाए उनसे खेलने वाले हैं।

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 20, 2013: Why Worry, Have Faith.

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 20, 2013: Why Worry, Have Faith.

Fantastic temples of Ta Prohm/Angkor in Cambodia
Why Worry, Have Faith.

I can make a hobby out of worrying. I worry about the noise and then complain when it is too quiet. I worry about having too many sunny dry spells and then complain when it rains. I may even be worried about worrying too much. It is essential to take an honest interest in what goes on around me, and of course it is always wise to analyze a situation and take the necessary precautions to avoid being influenced by anything negative. However, when all is said and done, my tense and burdened mind will not be able to function clearly enough to arrive at a suitable solution to a problem. Maybe I should just do the best that I can and beyond that leave it in the hands of God. To have faith in the self, faith in God and faith in God's plan is a sure way to remain clear and free of burdens.
Have the power of realization and you will be able to change yourself easily.
When something goes wrong, check if you are only blaming others for the mistake. Also check if you are able to realize your own mistake, however small it may be. Each time something goes wrong, make sure you make time to look at yourself. Realize your own part in the situation and tell yourself what you should be doing to make the situation better, for only when you change does the situation change.
Understanding Different Types Of Actions

There are essentially three types of actions or karmas:

Negative actions (vikarmas) are actions done under the influence of the consciousness of the body. When we identify with our body and think we are only our physical form, we think happiness is a physical experience and we seek self-satisfaction and fulfillment through physical experiences. Our sense organs like eyes, ears, etc. are designed to consume external sources of stimulation or excitement, so we develop the habit of taking and forget that everything we take must be given back some day in some way. The resulting dependencies give rise to tension and anxiety, generating thoughts like, "Can I have more?" or "What if I don't get more?" Dependencies then get converted into addictions. Any physical addiction traps the soul, inner freedom is lost and real happiness is impossible. There is always the possibility that whatever we become used to being able to take or consume may finish, or stop being available, and so fear is ever present. It is here that we find the birth of stress in its most common forms.

When our sense of self and our security are both based on our position, possessions, pay or another person, then life's daily events can easily represent a threat to any of these things, thereby affecting our sense of security in the world. The resulting fearful and angry thoughts and the negative actions which follow cause a negative karmic debt to be accumulated.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)
Soul Sustenance
The Distinction (Difference) Between Human Souls And The Supreme Soul (God) – cont.

Human Souls: They have physical bodies.
Supreme Soul: God's form is incorporeal (point of spiritual energy).

Human Souls: They cannot liberate humanity.
Supreme Soul: God is the uplifter of all.

Human Souls: They become impure through body-consciousness.
Supreme Soul: God is the purifier.

Human Souls: They are caught up by the present, have distorted (misunderstood) knowledge of the past (since they come in the process of birth and rebirth) and no accurate knowledge of the future.
Supreme Soul: God is the knower of the three aspects of time (past, present and future).

Human Souls: They are takers.
Supreme Soul: God is the giver, He takes nothing.
Message for the day
To fail means there is the need to work a little harder.

Expression: To fail doesn't means to be a failure but it only means that it will take a little longer before success can be reached. It gives an indication that more effort has to be put in. So when things are done in a different way, it becomes possible to move towards success. Failure in a particular task is a process of strengthening that leads to success.

Experience: During the time of failure, when I understand the significance behind the incident, I am able to be free from negative feelings of fear or disheartenment. Then I am able to learn the right lesson from it and move ahead. So in the worst failures I am able to experience constant progress and thus I find that I am moving on towards success.


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