Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of June 24, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
June 24, 2013
हम स्वदर्शनचक्रधारी आत्माएँ, ज्ञान का शंख बजाकर, गदा से माया पर जीत पाकर कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहनेवाले, संगम युगी अलंकारी ब्राह्मण सो देवता हैं...
By blowing the conch of knowledge, conquering maya with the mace of knowledge and remaining as pure as the lotus flower, we, the souls, the spinners of the discus of self-realization, the decorated Brahmins of the confluence age, become deities…
Hum sw darshan chakr dhaari atmaayen, gyan ka shankh bajaakar, gada se maya par jeet paakar kamal phool samaan pavitr rahnewale, sangam yugi alankaari brahman so devta hain...
Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
These points are especially useful to those learning Hindi or English.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn from the Murli of June 24, 2013

Praise of Baba:

The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...
Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:

The essence of the whole study is coming and going... we, the souls, are detached, immune and free from bondages...we constantly have a very firm practice coming and going, that is, have the happiness in our intellect of going home and then coming to our kingdom...we become stable in the bodiless stage whenever we want and becoming karmateet whenever we want...
We, the very subtle points, understand that the essence of all the points, is to become a point...we stabilize our intellects in one second in a stage of a point in our thoughts, and by having the awareness of the slogans “nothing new” and “everything that happens is beneficial”, “whatever happened, whatever is happening, and whatever is to happen will be good”, with our words and actions, we let the bygones be understanding the reasons for our shortcomings and weaknesses we resolve them... we end the queue of questions of “why, what, when, where, how”and become powerful...we apply a powerful brake to waste thoughts, and finish the force of their flow by putting a full-stop... we finish all complaints with the experimentation of yoga, merge with love easily in remembrance and become easy yogis...
By understanding that the essence of all the points is to become a point, we stabilize our intellects in one second in a stage of a liking solitude, by living in solitude, by stabilizing in a concentrated, economical and a powerful constant stage of the One, by focusing the mind and intellect with a determined thought, we, the true tapasvis, pass fully, and have a right to the first number kingdom…
We, the great souls, fill our words with essence, diplomacy, yoga, power, love, self-respect and awareness (saar-yukt, yukti-yukt, yog-yukt, shakti-yukt, sneh-yukt, swamaan-yukt, and smriti-yukt)...we are the embodiments of knowledge and the embodiments of divine virtues who make every sentence an elevated version, which means, those versions make us elevated... we are the embodiments of cheerfulness, who finish wasteful words, words of expansion, words that waste our time and words that blame others for our own weaknesses... by being clever in the subject of knowledge, we become master oceans of knowledge, knowledge-full and the spinners of the discus of self realization... by being accurate, yukti-yukt and yog-yukt on the pilgrimage of remembrance and thereby attaining the blessings of all powers, we become being the essence-full (saar-yukt) ones who spread the fragrance of all the divine virtues, and by having the spiritual sense of essence (fragrance, saar), we become the embodiments of divine virtues...
By not seeing the expansion, but by looking at the essence and merging it in ourselves, we become double intense this elevated life, we have received specialties as using them for serving through our mind, through words and through deeds, we increase these specialties and receive multifold fruit from one sowing it in the land of service we experience its fruit in the form of success and become the embodiments of success…
Instead of going on the crooked path of a question mark, we put a full stop to every stabilizing in the point form, our awareness, words and deeds become powerful, and our physical senses work according to our orders...we are constantly powerful and experience the form of being essence-full, yogyukt, and yuktiyukt…
By becoming loving and detached, we easily experience success in every action...while going into the expansion of service, we practice being in the stage of essence...we become double light, attain a karmeteet stage, become double crowned and pass with honours just like Father Brahma…
In the Milan of April 05, 2013, Bapdada said:
“Whatever weakness you have, you definitely have to renounce it. Is it firm that you have to renounce it? So whatever thought you have this season should not just be a thought, but you definitely have to do it. No matter what happens, you definitely have to change. Have this determined thought. Ultimately, you have to bring the time close.”
So, let us cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left. Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga ( Jwala swaroop) We have time until the next Milan in October . Let us work on one each day with the following

Yog Commentary:
cremate our old sanskars interrupt, to talk in between….…replace them by being royal….I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of interrupting, talking in between.......I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of interrupting, talking in between. … by being royal....I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an extremely powerful and an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv...
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते!!!

विचार सागर मंथन:June 24, २०१३

बाबा कीमहिमा:
ज्ञान केसागर पतित पावननिराकार परमपिता परमात्माशिव बाबा हैं...मेराबाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्याराबाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालुबाबा... सत बाप...सतटीचर...सत गुरु...बेहद का बाप...सर्वशक्तिमान...सतचित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगतिदाता... नॉलेजफुल...

स्वमानऔर आत्माअभ्यास :

सारे ज्ञान का सार-आना और जाना...हम आत्माएँ, सदा आने और जानेका अभ्यास पक्का कर, जब चाहे तब अशरीरी स्थिति में स्थित , जब चाहे कर्मातीत बन, बुद्धि में घर जाने और राज्य में आने की खुशी वाले, सदा न्यारे , निर्लिप्त बन्धनमुक्त हैं...
हम अति सूक्ष्म बिंदी मिसल आत्माएँ, सभी पायंट्स का सार पॉइंट बनना समझकर, वाचा और कर्मणा से बीती सो बीती, नथिंग न्यू, जो हुआ, जो हो रहा है, जो होगा अच्छा होगा, जो होता है वो कल्याणकारी है”, के स्लोगन से, एक सेकण्ड में बुद्धि को एकाग्र करनेवाले, मन्सा में बिंदू स्वरूप में स्थित रहकर , अपनी कमियों, कमज़ोरियाँ के कारण को समझकर निवारण करनेवाले, “क्यूँ, क्या, कब कहाँ कैसेकी क्वेश्चन की क्यू को समाप्त कर व्यर्थ संकल्पों को पावरफुल ब्रेक लगाकर बहाव के फोर्स को फुल स्टॉप लगानेवाले, हर कम्प्लेन को योग के प्रयोग से समाप्त कर स्नेह से सहज याद में समानेवाले, सहज योगी हैं…
एकान्तप्रिय होकर, एकान्त वासी बन, सभी पायंट्स का सार पॉइंट बनना समझकर, एक सेकण्ड में मन और बुद्धि को दृढ़ संकल्प से एकान्मि कर, पावर फुल स्थिति में एकरस, एक्टिक, एकाग्र बनानेवाले, एकनामी बनकर फूल पास, फर्स्ट नंबर के राज्य अधिकारी, सच्चेतपस्वी हैं…
हम महात्माएँ के बोल, सार-युक्त, युक्ति-युक्त, योग-युक्त, शक्ति-युक्त, स्नेह-युक्त, स्वमान-युक्त, और स्मृति-युक्त हैं.....हर वाक्य को महवकया, यानी महान बनानेवाले, ज्ञान मूर्त, दिव्य गुण मूर्त हैं...व्यर्थ बोल, विस्तार करनेके बोल, समय व्यर्थ करनेके बोल, अपनी कमज़ोरियों द्वारा औरों को संग दोष में लानेवाले बोल समाप्त करनेवाले हर्षित मूर्त हैं... ज्ञान के सब्जेक्ट में प्रवीण, मास्टर ज्ञान सागर, नॉलेज फ़ुल, स्वदर्शन चक्र धारी हैं...याद की यात्रा में यथार्थ युक्ति-युक्त, योग युक्त रीति चल, सर्व शक्तियों का वरदान प्राप्त करनेवाले, पावरफ़ुल हैं... दिव्य गुणों की खुश्बुएँ फैलानेवाले इसेन्स फुल(सार-युक्त) हैं..दिव्य गुणों की खुश्बू की ईसेन्स वाली रूहानी सेन्स के ईसेन्स फुल हैं...
विस्तारको देखे बिना सार को देखकर स्वयं में समानेवाले, डबल तीव्र पुरुषार्थी हैं...इस श्रेष्ठ जीवन में जो जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार के रूप में विशेषताएँ मिली हैं, उन्हे मन्सा सेवा वा वाणी और कर्म की सेवा में लगाकर विशेषता का विस्तार करनेवाले, एक बीज से अनेक फल प्रगटानेवाले, सेवा की धरणी में डालकर फल स्वरूप अर्थार्त सिद्धि स्वरूप अनुभव करनेवाले, सिद्धि स्वरूप हैं
क्वेचन मार्क के टेढ़े रास्ते पर जाने के बजाय हर बात में बिंदी लगानेवाले, बिंदू रूप में स्थित होकर, सर्व कर्मेन्द्रियों को ऑर्डर प्रमाण चलाकर, स्मृति, बोल और कर्म समर्थ कर सार युक्त, योग युक्त, युक्ति युक्त स्वरूप का अनुभव करनेवाले, सदा समर्थ हैं…
न्यारे और प्यारे बन सेवा कर हर कर्म में सहज सफलता का अनुभव करनेवाले, सेवा के विस्तार में जाते सार की स्थिति का अभ्यास करनेवाले, डबल लाइट बन कर्मातीत स्थिति को प्राप्त कर डबल ताजधारी बन, ब्रह्मा बाप समान पास विद आनर हैं...
अप्रैल 5, 2013, के मिलन में बापदादा ने कहा था के :
जो भी कमी है उसको छोड़ना ही है | छोड़ना ही है, यह है पक्का? इस सीज़न में जो संकल्प कर रहे हो, वो संकल्प नहीं,पर करना ही है | कुछ भी हो जाए, बदलना ही है | यह दृढ़ संकल्प करो | आख़िर समय को समीप लाना है |”
तो ज्वाला मुखी अग्नि स्वरुप ोग की शक्ति से संस्कारों कासंस्कार करो ; सिर्फमारना नहीं, लेकिन जलाकरनाम रूप ख़त्मकर दो.... अक्तूबर पहले सारे अवगुण औरपुराने संस्कार जलादेना ...हररोज़ एकलेंगे और जलादेंगे...
योग कोमेन्ट्री:..
पूरने वा अवगुणो का अग्नि संस्कार ६९ ... दो के बिच में बोलना ...... बदलकर मैं आत्मा रोयल हूँ ........... मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ ..... शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ .... समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ ..... सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ .... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ .....मास्टर महाकाल हूँ ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड हूँ..... अकालतक्खनशीन हूँ ....अकालमूर्त हूँ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम और बीजरूप हूँ ........ मैं आत्मा जागती ज्योत अथक निन्द्राजित कर्मयोगी धर्मात्मा महात्मा देवात्मा पुण्य आत्मा हूँ ........ शक्तिसेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... शक्तिआर्मी सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ........ रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी .... ज्वालास्वरूप.... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... मैं आत्मा.... दो के बिच में बोलना .......... के संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ .... जला रही हूँ ...... भस्म कर रही हूँ...... मैं आत्मा आत्मा रोयल हूँ ........
.....मैं आत्मा महारथी हनुमान महावीर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा अवगुणों का भस्म करने वाली देही अभिमानी, आत्म-अभिमानी, रूहानी अभिमानी, परमात्म अभिमानी, परमात्मा ज्ञानी, परमात्म भाग्यवान ...... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न .......सोले काला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी..... मर्यादा पुरुशोत्तम ....... डबल अहिंसक हूँ ......डबल ताजधारी विश्व का मालिक हूँ ....... ताजधारी तख्तधारी तिलकधारी दिलतख़्तनशीन डबललाइट सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर महाबली महाबलवान, बाहु बलि पहेलवान .....अष्ट शक्तिधारी ..... अष्ट भुजाधारी ..... अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी ..... शक्तिमूर्त ...... संहारनीमूर्त..... अलंकारीमूर्त ...... कल्याणीमूर्त ...... श्रुन्गारीमूर्त ..... अनुभवीमूर्त और लाइफ में सदा प्रेक्टिकलमूर्त शिवमइ शक्ति हूँ .........

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: June 24, 2013
Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba... Meetha Baba... Pyaara Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap... Sarv shakti maan...Sat Chit Anand Swaroop...Beejroop...Sadgati Data... Nolej ful...
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Sare gyan ka saar-aana aur jaana...Hum atmaayen, sada aane aur jaaneaka abhyaas pakka kar, jab chaahe tab ashareeree sthiti men sthith, jab chaahe karmateet ban, buddhi men ghar jaane aur rajy men aane ki khushi wale, sada nyaare , nirlipt bandhanmukt hain...
Hum ati sukshm bindi misal atmaayen, sabhi points ka saar point ban na samajhkar, vacha aur karmana se “beeti so beeti, nathing nyoo, jo hua, jo ho raha hai, jo hoga achcha hoga, jo hota hai vo kalyaankaari hai”, ke slogan se, ek sekand men buddhi ko ekaagr karnewale, mansa men bindoo swaroop men sthith rahkar , apni kamiyon, kamjoriyaan ke kaaran ko samajhkar nivaaran karnewale, “kyun, kya, kab kahan kaise” ki kweshchan ki kyoo ko samaapt kar vyarth sankalpon ko paavarful brek lagaakar bahaav ke fors ko full stop lagaanewale, har kamplen ko yog ke prayog se samaapt karnewale sneh se sahaj yaad men samaanewale, sahaj yogi hain…
ekaant priy hokar, ekaant wasi ban, sabhi points ka saar point ban na samajhkar, ek sekand men man aur buddhi ko dridh sankalp se ekaanmi kar, paavar ful sthiti men ekras, ektik, ekaagr banaanewale, eknaami ban newale ful paas, farst nambar ke rajy adhikaari, sachche tapasvi hain...
Hum mahaatmaayen ke bol, saar-yukt, yukti-yukt, yog-yukt, shakti-yukt, sneh-yukt, swamaan-yukt, aur smriti-yukt hain.....har vaaky ko mahavakya, yaani mahaan banaanewale, gyan moort, divy gu n moort hain...vyarth bol, vistaar karneke bol, samay vyarth karneke bol, apni kamjoriyon dwara auron ko sang dosh men laanewale bol samaapt karnewale harshit moort hain... gyan ke sabjekt men pravin, mastar gyan sagar, nolej ful, sw darshan chakr dhaari hain...yaad ki yaatra men yathaarth yukti-yukt, yog yukt reeti chal, sarv shaktiyon ka vardaan praapt karnewale, paavar ful hain... Divy gu non ki khushbuyen failaanewale isens ful(saar-yukt) hain..divy gu non ki khushboo ki isens wali ruhaani sens ke isens ful hain...
vistaar ko dekhe bina saar ko dekhkar swayam men samaanewale, dbl tivr purushaarthi shreshth jeewan men jo janm siddh adhikaar ke roop men visheshtaayen mili hain, unhe mansa seva va vaani aur karm ki seva men lagaakr visheshta ka vistaar karnewale, ek beej se anek fal pragtaanewale, seva ki dharni men daalkar fal swaroop arthaart siddhi swaroop anubhav karnewale, siddhi swaroop hain…
kwechan mark ke tedhe raaste par par jaane ke bajaay har baat men bindi lagaanewale, bindoo roop men sthith hokar, sarv karmendriyon ko order pramaan chalaakar, smriti, bol aur karm samarth kar saar yukt, yog yukt, yukti yukt swaroop ka anubhav karnewale, sada Samarth hain...
nyaare aur pyaare ban seva kar har karm men sahaj safalta ka anubhav karnewale, seva ke vistaar men jaate saar ki sthiti ka abhyaas karnewale, dbl laait ban karmateet sthiti ko praapt kar dbl taaj dhaari ban, brahma baap samaan paas wid aanar hain...
Aprail 5, 2013 ke milan men bapdada ne kaha tha ke:
“Jo bhi kami hai usko chhodna hi hai. Chhodna hi hai, yah hai pakka? Is sizan men jo sankalp kar rahe ho, vo sankalp nahin,par karna hi hai . Kuch bhi ho jaaye, badalna hi hai. Yah dridh sankalp karo. Aakhir samay ko sameep lana hai.”
To jwala mukhi agni swaroop yog ki shakti se sanskaaron ka sanskaar karo; sirf maarna nahin, lekin jalaakar naam roop khatm kar do...aktoobar pahle saare avgun aur puraane sanskar jala dena...haroz ek lenge aur jala denge...
Yog Kometry:
Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar.... ke beechmen bolna…..badalkar.... mai atma royal hun….mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun... do ke beechmen bolna........avguno ka asuri sanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi do ke beechmen mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun...mai atma royal hun …mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti hun...
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.
Wisdom, the third eye of knowledge, is the basis of happiness and peace in life.

Song: Aaj andhere me hai insaan... आज अन्धेरे में हैं इन्सान People of today are in darkness...

Blessing: May you be a constantly contented soul who remains free from illness of the body and mind with blessings and medicine.

Sometimes, even if the body is ill, your mind should not become disturbed with that illness. Constantly continue to dance in happiness and your body will become fine. Make the body function with happiness in the mind and both exercises will then be carried out. Happiness is the blessing and exercise is the medicine. With blessings and medicine, both your mind and body will become free from illness. With happiness you will even forget your pain. If you want to remain constantly content with your body and mind, then do not think too much. Time is wasted by thinking too much and your happiness disappears.

Slogan: Practise seeing the essence in the expansion and your stage will remain constantly stable.

24-06-13प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति ''मातेश्वरी'' रिवाइज:24-4-65मधुबन

यह महावाक्य मातेश्वरी (मीठी जगदम्बा माँ) के स्मृति दिवस पर प्रात:क्लास में सुनाने हैं)
ज्ञान का तीसरा नेत्र (विजडम) ही लाइफ में सुख और शान्ति का आधार है'' गीत: आज अन्धेरे में हम इंसान...

वरदान:-दुआ और दवा द्वारा तन-मन की बीमारी से मुक्त रहने वाले सदा सन्तुष्ट आत्मा भव

कभी शरीर बीमार भी हो तो शरीर की बीमारी से मन डिस्टर्ब हो। सदैव खुशी में नाचते रहो तो शरीर भी ठीक हो जायेगा। मन की खुशी से शरीर को चलाओ तो दोनों एक्सरसाइज हो जायेंगी। खुशी है दुआ और एक्सरसाइज है दवाई। तो दुआ और दवा दोनों से तन मन की बीमारी से मुक्त हो जायेंगे। खुशी से दर्द भी भूल जायेगा। सदा तन-मन से सन्तुष्ट रहना है तो ज्यादा सोचो नहीं। अधिक सोचने से टाइम वेस्ट होता है और खुशी गायब हो जाती है।

स्लोगन:-विस्तार में भी सार को देखने का अभ्यास करो तो स्थिति सदा एकरस रहेगी।

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 24, 2013: Change

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 24, 2013: Change

Monet’s Garden, Giverny, France

It is wise to bend rather than to break. Those who change will get spiritual wisdom. Conversely, those who have wisdom will decide to change. Change is the first law of Nature.
With the right balance between discipline and love you will not waste your energy through words.
When you have to give directions to others or correct someone's mistakes, check if you are using more words than necessary and if you have the right balance between discipline and love. The right balance is to use words in a firm way, at the same time to have an attitude of love. When giving directions to someone, make sure you have the practice of having the right attitude towards that person. Where the attitude is of love, you'll find yourself accomplishing what you have to with few words.
Experiencing Freedom In Relationships

How much are you influenced by what others think of you and how they see you? The degree to which you act on the basis of what you think others want and expect of you, allows them to have power over your inner and outer world.

Important aspects are how you think others see you, how you want them to see you and how you see yourself. The person who is not conditioned by how others see them, and doesn't even think about how they would like to be seen, but who rather is comfortable with themselves, has a presence that generates comfort. Others feel fine around that person.

Let us learn to free ourselves from the conditionings that generate the thinking of how we want others to see us. Let us feel the freedom to let ourselves be how we want to be.

Try it and you will see that the results are amazing. That way, as you go along, you will take off the masks that you wear due to the fears of what others will say and think.
Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Fears

We are all afraid of something. We all have fears at some point or other during our lives, and one fear brings about other fears. For example, the fear of death brings about the fear of illness or the fear of accidents. The fear of rejection comes from the fear of being perceived as different. The fear of success or standing out comes of the fear of relating to people. From the fear of failure comes the fear of making mistakes; the fear of taking on risks; the fear of taking decisions, the fear of not being recognized at work. The fear of others includes the fear of the anger and aggressiveness in others, fear that they might reject you, fear that they might judge you.

Eliminating fears and liberating the mind requires a broad knowledge of how our mind and spirit work. Our spiritual conscience has to awaken for us to realize what the origin of our fears is and how to overcome them from the root. Fears are like a tree; we can cut off a branch, but then other branches or fears will grow. We have to go to the root and, even, the seed, to overcome the fears.

Tomorrow we shall list out some of the common fears.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day
To understand and accept people's ideas is to increase the power of unity.

Expression: When one suggests something and the other accepts, it gives power to the gathering. So instead of expecting others to accept suggestions, it is better to understand and provide with what the other person needs. The more something is given with generosity there is happiness for the one who is receiving and for the one who is giving. And there is power because of being together in the task.

Experience: If I take something with force I find that others give it to me only temporarily. Instead if I give with happiness, I find that others are able to share with me with happiness. So what I give, I find, remains with me permanently. So there is an experience of fullness and the happiness of having attained even while giving. And with this I am able to experience the power of unity, and the joy of doing things together.

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 23, 2013: The Secret

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 23, 2013: Secret
On the Edge, Trolltunga, Norway..
The Secret
The secret is to want nothing.
Within us we have the possibility of observing and intervening (interfering) when we wish to;
that is, maintaining the balance between being an observer and acting; playing between forming part of the audience and being the actor. On being actors, sometimes we can lose ourselves in the acting of the other in his or her or their dramas; we get in so deep with what is happening to the other that we lose distance. We get mentally and emotionally involved in the other's stories. When our awareness gets lost in those stories, we stop being the creators of our own life and of our own story. This habit exhausts us; we lose energy; we lose our concentration and control over our thoughts and our emotions. We lose our inner peace and we begin to look for it again.

We can choose to observe the dance of ideas, images and acts of others, and not get involved in their complications. Only thus will we be at peace with ourselves and with the world. Remember that you create your own story. If you want to live in peace and exercise a positive influence on the people around you, don't try to control or to change the stories of others. In order to enjoy a painting you do not poke your nose onto it; you remain at a certain distance so you see it with greater clarity. The same thing occurs with the painting of life. By learning the art of being a detached observer and then intervening, of keeping a healthy distance, we manage to be connected with what is essential without losing ourselves in the waste and superfluous (excessive). That way, our intervention does not arise out of a reaction which has shades of frustration, anger and negative judgements. We are then the creators of spaces of trust and love in relationship.
Understanding The Inner Mechanism Of Anger

If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born. Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only 'think' anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them.
Soul Sustenance
The Law of Surrender

According to what or whom your mind thinks consistently of, you will take on the form of the object or the person to which you have surrendered. We can see this in children, when they transfer their minds to actors they see on television, and then begin to behave like them.

What is the highest form to which we can surrender our self? There may be several answers to this question in our mind. Choose the truth from among them. So what is the truth?

Spirituality gives us answers to questions like: Who am I? Who is the Supreme Being? What is my relationship with him? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my existence? What is the importance of the present time? How can the Supreme Being empower me at the present time?

The answers to these questions show us the way to surrendering our mind to the Supreme Being, which is the highest entity to which we can surrender. When we do that, gradually we get colored by his knowledge, virtues and powers.
Message for the day

The power to merge brings success in relationships.

Expression: The speciality of the ocean is to merge. The most beautiful pearl is made of the dirt that is thrown into the ocean. So also the power to merge actually allows one to look at the positivity in spite of the obvious negativity that is expressed by the other person. So the relationship with the other person is only with their positivity.

Experience: When I am able to merge the negativity of others, and look at the positive aspect in them instead, I can automatically experience being light and positive within. Also I find others relating to me with their positivity. I am able to be successful in my relationship with others, however difficult the personality traits of the other person may be.


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