Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of June 29, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
June 29, 2013
हम आत्माएँ, योगयुक्त बन हर कर्म युक्तियुक्त करनेवाले, सदा अपने को सारथी और साक्षी समझकर चलनेवाले, टेन्शन से परे राजऋषि हैं...
By being yogyukt and becoming yuktiyukt in every action, by considering ourselves to be co-charioteers and detached observers, we, the Raj Rishi souls, remain beyond all tension...
Hum atmaayen, yog yukt ban har karm yukti yukt karnewale, sada apne ko saarthi aur saakshi samajhkar chalnewale, tenshan se pare raj rishi hain...
Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
These points are especially useful to those learning Hindi or English.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn from the Murli of June 29, 2013

Praise of Baba:

The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...

Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:

Slogan: Detached Observer
We, the souls, the complete and perfect Raj Rishis, do not have any attachment to any person or object of the old world...we consider ourselves to have stepped away from the iron-aged world to be confluence-aged...we see the impure souls of the entire world with the vision of mercy and benevolence...we experience ourselves to be servers, same as the Father...we experience ourselves to be victorious in every situation and test...we perform every deed considering the right to victory to be our birthright...we experience ourselves to be sitting on the Trimurti throne... by performing every deed in the trikaldarshi awareness, and by knowing the three aspects of time for every deed, we make every deed an elevated deed and a pure deed....we experience our account of sin to be finished...we experience every task and every thought to be already accomplished...we experience ourselves to be beyond old sanskars and nature... we experience ourselves to be set on the seat of a detached observer...
By considering ourselves to be servers, and by having the awareness of being trustees, we finish the consciousness of‘mine’, and become those with unlimited remaining free from the bondages of attractions of the sweetness of extroversion, we become liberated in letting the past be past, we put a full stop, and stabilise ourselves in the form of a point... we remain free from the impact from those who perform good or bad actions, and are merciful detached observers, true tapasvis, and constant yogis with unbroken yoga...
Just as the lotus flower is detached from the water by being light, we are detached from our lokik and alokik families and are loving to the Father...through our soul conscious and spiritual attitudes, we bring about spirituality in the family, and consider everything to have been entrusted to us... through this the consciousness of “mine” finishes... by destroying all vices, by constantly remaining detached like a lotus flower, we the pure householders, become elevated...
By being beyond prestige and the influence of distress, and by stabilizing ourselves in an elevated stage, and by observing the play of everyone down below as detached observers in a soul conscious state, we become the embodiments of solutions...we remain unshakable in spite of upheavals in the environment, from other people, through relationships, and through lack of essential facilities...
We are content with the self and content with others... we experience all situations of upheaval like a puppet show, and view them as a cartoon show or a puppet show on an unlimited screen...we remain stable in the stage of a detached observer while maintaining our honour and being an embodiment of contentment during the shows of Maya and matter...we are perfect, beyond any type of defect and contented souls...
We are beyond the consciousness of the body, are stabilised in soul consciousness, and constantly have the stage of a detached observer in our consciousness...we are the friends of God (khuda-dost), who make Bapdada our Companion, and observe our own part and the parts of others as detached observers...
We, the souls with a strong stage, are unshakable and immovable mahavirs ...we watch the final scenes as detached observers and shed our bodies in remembrance of the Father...we, the peaceful souls, with peace as our original religion, living in the land of peace and the land beyond sound, playing our parts on the field of action, attain liberation-in-life in one second...
With will-power adopt the form we want whenever we want, we keep a balance of being embodiments of remembrance externally and embodiments of power internally... we merge the form of power within the form of having a stage of being a detached observer, we play our parts accurately...on one hand we merge in the love, and on the other hand we finish the final remaining karmic accounts with the power to tolerate...with the power to accommodate and the power to tolerate, by being beyond the consciousness of the body, we become the destroyers of attachment (nashto moha) and the embodiments of remembrance (smriti labdha)...
Before putting thoughts in a practical form, we stabilize in the incorporeal and the corporeal form , become an embodiment of power, and experience health, wealth and happiness at every moment...we are detached observers who take the nourishing medicine of happiness by being happy due to being free from the suffering of karma for birth after birth in the future...we are carefree emperors of the land free from sorrow who, like the Father, are the removers of sorrow and the bestowers of happiness for all souls...
With faith in the intellect continue to move along while being detached from the consciousness of “mine”...we become stable in the stage of being a detached observer, have alokik feelings for the lokik, continue to give souls co-operation of peace and power, and become double servers and trustees...
We have the connection of the intellect with the Father and a connection with the divine family according to the code of conduct...whatever thoughts we have or actions we perform, we pay attention to correcting ourselves at every moment by being in the stage of detachment, and remain in spiritual maintaining a balance of being loving and detached, we earn an income and show having equanimity we become the embodiments of success..
With an intellect filled with faith, we remain carefree knowing the fixed destiny of every scene...We are maharathis making great efforts...we consider every scene enacted according to the drama plan, feel it to be nothing new, and thus remain beyond the questions of“Why?” and “What?” having the stages of being a detached observer and being trikaldarshi, we experience every scene in our awareness and practically as though we have repeatedly seen it many times matter how fearsome a situation may be, we experience it to be minor, and experience a crucifix to be a thorn...
We stabilize ourselves in the powerful stage of a point form, and consider the past to be past...we have elevated actions, are beyond waste thoughts and thus make the speed of effort intense...we keep the powerful eye open, that is, remain stable in the stage of a detached observer...we are detached like a lotus flower...
We become self-sovereigns by considering ourselves to be co- charioteers and detached observers...we keep in our awareness that we are the co-charioteers making the chariot work, and easily become detached from that chariot, that is detached from the body and any type of body consciousness... by being yogyukt we easily become yuktiyukt in every action... by considering ourselves to be co-charioteers, we keep all our physical senses under control...

शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!


विचार सागर मंथन: June 29, २०१३


बाबा की महिमा:

 ज्ञान के सागर पतित पावन निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप... सर्वशक्तिमान...सत चित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगति दाता... नॉलेजफुल...


स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास :

हम आत्माएँ, पुरानीदुनिया में किसी भी व्यक्ति वा वैभव से लगाव नही रखनेवाले, कलियुगी दुनिया सेकिनारा कर अपने को संगम युगी समझनेवाले, सारी दुनिया की आसुरी आत्माओं को कल्याणऔर रहम की दृष्टि से देखनेवाले, सदा अपने को बाप समान सेवाधारी अनुभव करनेवाले, हर परिस्थित वा परीक्षा में सदा विजयी अनुभव करनेवाले, विजय मेरा जनम सिद्ध अधिकार है, ऐसा अधिकार स्वरूप समझ कर हर कर्म करनेवाले, सदा त्रिमूर्तितख्त-नशीन अनुभव करनेवाले, त्रिकालदर्शी पन की स्मृति में हर कर्म तीनों काल की जान में कर, कर्म को श्रेष्ठ और सुकर्म बनानेवाले, विकर्मों का खाता की समाप्ति अनुभव करनेवाले, हर कार्य, हर संकल्प सिद्ध करनेवाले, पुराने संस्कार और स्वभावसे उपराम, सदा साक्षिपान की सीट पर स्वयं को सेट हुए अनुभव करनेवाले, सम्पन्न और सम्पूर्ण राज-ऋषि हैं...
अपने को सेवाधारी समझ, ट्रस्टी बन, मैं पन ख़त्म करनेवाले, बेहद के अधिकारी हैं...बाह्य मुख़्ता के रसों की आकर्षण के बन्धन से मुक्त, जीवन मुक्त हैं...बीती को बीती करके, फूल स्टॉप लगानेवाले, बिंदी रूप में स्थित होकर, अच्छे बुरे कर्म करनेवालों के प्रभाव के बंधन से मुक्त रहकर, साक्षी और रहम दिल बननेवाले, अटूट योगी, अखण्ड योगी, सच्चे तपस्वी हैं...
कमल पुष्प समान, जल में रहते हुए, हलकेपन से न्यारे, लौकिक या अलौकिक प्रवृत्ति में होते हुए भी निवृत्त और बाप के अति प्यारे हैं...आत्मिक वृत्ति और रूहानी वृत्ति द्वारा प्रवृत्ति में रूहानियत भर अमानत समझकर मेरे पन को समाप्त करनेवाले, पवित्र प्रवृत्ति वाले, विकारों को नष्ट करनेवाले, कमल पुष्प समान साक्षी रहनेवाले, श्रेष्ठ हैं...
शान से परे परेशान के प्रभाव से परे ऊँची स्थिति में स्थित निचे रहनेवालों का खेल साक्षी हो देखनेवाले, देही अभिमानी समाधान स्वरूप हैं...वायुमंडल, वातावरण, व्यक्ति, सर्व सम्बंधों, आवश्यक साधनों की अप्राप्ति की हलचल से परे, अचल हैं....
किसी भी हिलाने वाली परिस्थिति कठपुतली के खेल जैसे अनुभव करनेवाले, बेहद के स्क्रीन पर कार्टून शो वा पपेट शो समझकर, माया वा प्रकृति के शो साक्षी स्थिति में स्थित होकर, अपनी शान में रहकर, संतुष्ट ता के स्वरूप में देखनेवाले, किसी भी प्रकार के डिफेक्ट से परे,परफ़ेक्ट संतोषी आत्मा हैं...
देह की स्मृति से न्यारे, आत्मिक स्थिति में स्थित, साक्षी स्वरूवप की स्मृति सदा रखनेवाले, बाप को अपना साथी बनाकर, अपना और सर्व आत्माओं का पार्ट देखनेवाले, खुदा-दोस्त हैं...
हम परिपक्व अवस्था वाली आत्माएँ, पिछाड़ी की सीन साक्षी होकर देखनेवाली, बाप की याद में शरीर छोड़नेवाली,अचल अड़ोल महावीर हैं...शान्ति के स्वधर्म वाले निर्वाण धाम शान्ति धाम में रहनेवाले, कर्म शेत्र पार्ट बजानेवाले, एक सेकण्ड में जीवन मुक्ति पानेवाले, शान्त आत्माएँ हैं...
हम आत्माएँ, जो चाहें, जिस घड़ी चाहें, वैसा अपना स्वरूप धारण करने वाले विल पावर वाले हैं...बाहर से स्मृति स्वरूप और अंदर से समर्थि स्वरूप का बैलेन्स रखनेवाले, प्रेम-स्वरूप में शक्तिशालि स्वरूप साथ-साथ समानेवाले, एक्यूरेट पार्ट बजाने के साथ-साथ साक्षिपन का स्टेज रखनेवाले, एक तरफ स्नेह को समानेवाले, दूसरे तरफ लास्ट का हिसाब-किताब सहन शक्ति से समाप्त करनेवाले, समाने की शक्ति और सहन करने की शक्ति वाले, अपने शरीर से उपराम, नष्टोमोहा स्मृति स्वरूप हैं...
हर संकल्प को स्वरूप में लाने से पहले निराकारी और साकारी स्थिति में स्थित होकर समर्थी स्वरूप बन हेल्थ, वेल्थ और हैपीनेस का अनुभव हर समय करनेवाले, भविष्य जन्म-जन्मान्तर कर्मभोग से मुक्त होने की खुशी में साक्षी होकर चुक्तू कर, खुशी की दवाई का खुराक लेनेवाले, सभी आत्माओं के प्रति बाप समान दुःख-हर्ता सुख-कर्ता बननेवाले, बेगमपुर के बेफ़िक्र बादशाह हैं...
निश्चय बुद्धि बन मेरेपन के सम्बन्ध से न्यारे बन साक्षिपान की स्थिति में स्थित रहकर शान्ति और शक्ति का सहयोग अन्य आत्माओं को देकर लौकिक में अलौकिक भावना रखनेवाले, ट्रस्टी और डबल सेवाधारी हैं...
बाप के साथ बुद्धि का कनेक्शन और दैवी परिवार के साथ मर्यादा पूर्वक कर्म का कनेक्शन रख हर समय हर संकल्प और कर्म पर करेक्शन का अटेंशन साक्षिपान के स्टेज में कर रूहानी नशे में रहनेवाले, न्यारेपन और प्यारेपन का बैलेन्स रख कमाल दिखाकर कमाई करनेवाले, समानता रखनेवाले सफलता मूर्त हैं...
सब दृश्य को ड्रामा प्लेन अनुसार , नथिंग न्यू समझकर, क्यों और क्या के क्वेश्चन से परे, साक्षिपन और त्रिकालदर्शीपन की स्टेज में स्थित, स्मृति में, प्रैक्टिकल में, अनेक बार देखी हुई सीन रिपीट हो रही है अनुभव करनेवाले, कोई भी विकराल परिस्थिति छोटी अनुभव करनेवाले, सूली को काँटा अनुभव करनेवाले, महान पुरुषार्थ करनेवाले, महारथी हैं...
बिंदू रूप में, अर्थार्त पावर स्टेज में स्थित, बीती सो बीती माननेवाले, व्यर्थ संकल्पों से परे, श्रेष्ठ कर्म करनेवाले, समर्थ आँखें खुली रख साक्षिपान की स्टेज पर रहनेवाले, तीव्र पुरुषार्थी हैं... हरेक आत्मा को रहम की दृष्टि-वृत्ति से देखनेवाले, कमी के वातावरण के प्रभाव से परे, कमल पुष्प समान न्यारे हैं...
इस रथ को चलानेवाली सारथी हैं, इस स्मृति में इस रथ से, वा देह से वा किसी भी प्रकार के देह भान से न्यारे बन नेवाले, योग युक्त बन हर कर्म युक्ति युक्त करनेवाले, स्वयं को सारथी समझ सर्व कर्मेन्द्रियाँ अपने कंट्रोल में रखनेवाले, सदा अपने को सारथि और साक्षी समझकर चलनेवाले, स्व राज्य अधिकारी हैं...
Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar Sagar Manthan: June 29, 2013
Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba... Meetha Baba... Pyaara Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap... Sarv shakti maan...Sat Chit Anand Swaroop...Beejroop...Sadgati Data... Nolej ful...
Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :
Slogan: Saakshi
Hum atmaayen, puraani duniya men kisi bhi vyakti va vaibhav se lagaav nahi rakhnewale, kaliyugi duniya se kinaara kar apne ko sangam yugi samajhnewale, sari duniya ki aasuri atmaaon ko kalyan aur raham ki drishti se dekhnewale, sada apne ko baap samaan seva dhaari anubhav karnewale, har paristhit va pariksha men sada vijayi anubhav karnewale, vijay mera janam siddh adhikaar hai, aisa adhikaar swaroop samajh kar har karm karnewale, sada trimoorti takht-nasheen anubhav karnewale, tikaaldarshi pan ki smriti men har karm teenon kaal ki jaan men kar, karm ko shreshth aur sukarm banaanewale, vikarmon ka khaata ki samaapti anubhav karnewale, har kaary, har sankalp siddh karnewale, puraane sanskaar aur swabhav se upram, sada saakshipan ki seet par swayam ko set hue anubhav karnewale, sampann aur sampoorn raj-rishi hain...
apne ko sevadhaari samajh, trustee ban main pan khatm karnewale, behad ke adhikaari hain...baahy mukhta ke rason ki aakarshan ke bandhan se mukt, jeewan mukt hain...beeti ko beeti karke, ful stop lagaanewale, bindi roop men sthith hokar, achche bure karm karnewalon ke prabhaav ke bandhan se mukt rahkar, saakshi aur raham dil ban newale, atoot yogi, akhand yogi, sachche tapasvi hain...
kamal pushp samaan, jal men rahte hue halkepan se nyaare, lokik ya alokik pravritti men hote hue bhi nivritt aur baap ke ati pyaare hain...atmic vritti aur ruhaani vritti dwara pravritti men ruhaaniyat bhar amaanat samajhkar mere pan ko samaapt karnewale, pavitr pravritti wale, vikaaron ko nasht karnewale, kamal pushp samaan saakshi rahnewale, shreshth hain...
shaan se pare pareshaan ke prabhav se pare oonchi sthiti men sthit niche rahnewalon ka khel saakshi ho dekhnewale, dehi abhimaani samaadhaan swaroop hain...vaayumandal, vaataavaran, vyakti, sarv sambandhon, avashyak saadhanon ki apraapti ki halchal se pare, achal hain......
kisi bhi hilaane wali paristhiti kathputli ke khel jaise anubhav karnewale, behad ke screen par kartoon sho va papet sho samajhkar, maya va prakriti ke sho saakshi sthiti men sthith hokar, apni shaan men rahkar, santusht ta ke swaroop men dekhnewale, kisi bhi prakaar ke difekt se pare, parfekt santoshi atma hain...
deh ki smriti se nyaare, atmic sthiti men sthit, saakshi swarooop ki smriti sada rakhnewale, baap ko apna saathi banaanewale, apna aur sarv atmaaon ka paart dekhnewale, khuda-dost hain...
Hum parpakv avastha wali atmaayen, pichhadi ke seen saakshi hokar dekhnewali, baap ki yaad men shareer chodnewali, achal adol mahavir hain...shanti ke sw dharm wale nirvaan dhaam shanti dhaam men rahnewale, karm shetr paart bajaanewale, ek sekand men jeewan mukti paanewale, shant atmaayen hain...
jo chaahen, jis ghadi chaahen, vaisa apna swaroop dhaaran karne wale wil paavar wale hain...baahar se smriti swaroop aur andar se samarthi swaroop ka bailens rakhnewale, prem-swaroop men shakti shaali swaroop saath-saath samaanewale, ekyooret paart bajaane ke saath-saath saakshipan ke stej rakhnewale, ek taraf sneh ko samaanewale, doosre taraf laast ka hisaab-kitaab sahan shakti se samaapt karnewale, samaane ki shakti aur sahan karne ki shakti wale, apne shareer se upraam, nashto moha smriti swaroop hain...
har sankalp ko swaroop men laane se pahle niraakaari aur saakaari sthiti men sthith hokar samarthi swaroop ban helth, welth aur haipynes ka anubhav har samay karnewale, bhavishy janm-janmaantar karm bhog se mukt hone ki khushi men saakshi hokar chuktoo kar, khushi ki dawaai ka khuraak lenewale, sabhi atmaon ke prati baap samaan duhkh harta sukh karta ban newale, begam pur ke befikr badshah hain...
nishchay buddhi ban merepan ke sambandh se nyaare ban saakshipan ki sthiti men sthith rahkar shanti aur shakti ka sahyog any atmaaon ko dekar laukik men alaukik bhavna rakhnewale, trustee aur dbl sevadhaari hain...
baap ke saath buddhi ka kanekshan aur daivy parivaar ke saath maryaada poorvak karm ka kanekshan rakh har samay har sankalp har karm par karekshan ka atenshan saakshipan ke stej men kar ruhaani nashe men rahnewale, nyaarepan aur pyaarepan ka bailens rakh kamaal dikhaakar kamaai karnewale, samaanta rakhnewale safalta moort hain...
sab drishy ko drama plen anusaar , nothing nyoo samajhkar, kyon aur kyaa ke kweshchan se pare, saakshipan aur trikaal darshi pan ki stej wale newamen sthith, smriti men, praiktikal men, anek baar dekhi hui seen ripeet ho rahi hai anubhav karnewale, koi bhi vikraal parishti chhoti anubhav karnewale, sooli ko kaanta anubhav karnewale, mahaan purushaarth karnewale, mahaarathi hain...
bindoo roop men, arthaart paavar stej men sthith, beeti so beeti maan newale, vyarth sankalpon se pare, shreshth karm karnewale, samarth aankhen khuli rakh saakshipan ki stej par rahnewale, tivr purushaarthi hain... harek atma ko raham ki drishti-vritti se dekhnewale, kami ke vaataavaran ke prabhaav se pare, kamal pushp samaan nyaare hain...
is rath ko chalaanewali saarthi hain, is smriti men is rath se, va deh se va kisi bhi prakaar ke deh bhaan se nyaare ban newale, yog yukt ban har karm yukti yukt karnewale, swayam ko saarthi samajh sarv karmendriyaan apne kantrol men rakhnewale, sada apne ko saarthi aur saakshi samajhkar chalnewale, sw rajy adhikaari hain...
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.

Essence: Sweet children, put a bead in your mouth, that is, stabilize in your original religion of peace and Maya will not be able to do anything.

Question: Only one Shiv Baba is the Innocent Lord; why can no one else can be the Innocent Lord?

Answer: Because only Shiv Baba has no desires for Himself. He comes and becomes the children’s Server. He liberates you children from the slavery of Maya. He makes every child a master ocean of knowledge, similar to Himself. He fills your aprons with the jewels of knowledge. No one else can be an altruistic server like Him. This is why only one Shiv Baba is called the Innocent Lord.

Song: Bholenath se nirala koi aur nahi... भोलेनाथ से निराला...No one is unique like the Innocent Lord …
Essence for dharna:
1. Stabilize yourself in your original religion of peace. In order to be saved from Maya, keep a bead in your mouth.
2. Have unlimited disinterest in the old world. Before destruction, use everything you have in a worthwhile way.
Blessing: May you be an embodiment of happiness who dries the tank of tears with the heat of yoga and becomes cry-proof.

Some children say that they cry because so-and-so causes them sorrow. However, if the other person is causing it, why are you taking it? Their duty is to cause it, but you don’t have to take it. God’s children can never cry. All crying has now finished: crying with your eyes and crying in your mind. Where there is happiness, there won’t be any crying. Having tears of love or happiness is not said to be crying. So, dry the tank of tears with the heat of yoga. Consider obstacles to be a game and you will become an embodiment of happiness.

Slogan: When you have the practice of playing your part as a detached observer, you will remain beyond all tension and automatically pay attention.

मुरली सार:-''मीठे बच्चे-मुख में मुहलरा डाल लो अर्थात् अपने शान्ति स्वधर्म में स्थित हो जाओ तो माया कुछ भी कर नहीं सकती''

प्रश्न:- एक शिवबाबा ही भोलानाथ है, दूसरा कोई भी भोलानाथ नहीं हो सकता - क्यों?

उत्तर:-क्योंकि एक शिवबाबा ही है, जिसे अपने लिए कोई भी तमन्ना (इच्छा) नहीं। वह आकर बच्चों का सेवाधारी बनते हैं। बच्चों को माया की गुलामी से छुड़ाते हैं। हर बच्चे को आप समान मास्टर ज्ञान सागर बनाते हैं। ज्ञान रत्नों से झोली भरते हैं। ऐसा निष्काम सेवाधारी दूसरा कोई भी हो नहीं सकता इसलिए भोलानाथ एक शिवबाबा को ही कहेंगे।

गीत:-भोलानाथ से निराला ...

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
अपने शान्त स्वधर्म में स्थित रहना है। माया से बचने के लिए मुख में मुहलरा डाल लेना है।
पुरानी दुनिया से बेहद का वैराग्य रखना है, विनाश के पहले अपना सब कुछ सफल कर लेना है।
वरदान:-योग की धूप में आंसुओं की टंकी को सुखाकर रोना प्रूफ बनने वाले सुख स्वरूप भव
कई बच्चे कहते हैं कि फलाना दु: देता है इसलिए रोना आता है। लेकिन वह देते हैं आप लेते क्यों हो? उनका काम है देना, आप लो ही नहीं। परमात्मा के बच्चे कभी रो नहीं सकते। रोना बन्द। आंखों का रोना, मन का रोना। जहाँ खुशी होगी वहाँ रोना नहीं होगा। खुशी वा प्यार के आंसू को रोना नहीं कहा जाता। तो योग की धूप में आंसुओं की टंकी को सुखा दो, विघ्नों को खेल समझो तो सुख स्वरूप बन जायेंगे।

स्लोगन:-साक्षी रहकर पार्ट बजाने का अभ्यास हो तो टेन्शन से परे स्वत: अटेन्शन में रहेंगे।

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 29, 2013: Breath

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 29, 2013: Breath

Chicago on the Ledge-Sears Tower
Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born.
Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only 'think' anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them.
The Three Root Causes Of Anger (cont.)

We are at war with our self when we fail to make the world do exactly what we want, or we believe we have let our self down. An e.g. of a war with one self is - Suppose you are standing in a queue waiting for your chance to arrive, only to discover an hour later, just when your chance is about to arrive, that the time for the counter to close has come and the counter has closed. You get upset, but with whom? Perhaps the person at the counter at first and may be with the other people in the queue and then with yourself, for not having found out the time of closing of the counter. There are two failures that make you uneasy here. First you failed to ask someone early enough, which would have saved you the hour time loss. Second, you failed to control your emotions of anger. Although you might not externally admit that you failed, inside you know. Because of these two failures, you then start to get angry with yourself. The thought pattern that goes inside your mind: to fail is to lose, to lose is to be sorrowful, to be sorrowful causes me to become angry, as you look for an external cause of your sadness which, in this case, is initially the person at the counter and the other people in the queue (who would have known the time of closing and could have told you). So you demonstrate to others your justified anger towards them. But deep inside you know it is you yourself that has made you sorrowful.

As the anger builds up inside you, again, after a while, you find someone else outside on whom you vent out your anger. You seem to feel better as a result, but it's only temporary. The next time you become angry; interrupt the pattern of your anger by asking yourself two simple questions: Who are you fighting a war with? Answer: Yourself. Who is suffering the most due to the war? Answer: Yourself. And if your anger is directed at yourself for your own supposed failure then just tell yourself, "There is no such thing as failure, only a different result from the one that I expected and results are not going to be exactly as I want, expect or desire. That is a rule of the game of life."
Soul Sustenance

Transforming (Changing) My Thought Patterns

Why is it that we can't change the pattern of our thoughts so easily? Imagine a bird being so comfortable in its nest that, though perhaps sometimes it stands on the branch of the tree to inflate its chest and adjust its feathers, it never wants to fly and does not even realize it could fly. It never knows the blissful freedom of flight, never feels the wind through its wings. It thinks the other birds that are flying around are unwise or foolish. In much the same way, we never really leave our nests of old thought patterns. Our habitual thoughts become our comfort zone and each repetitive thought pattern is like a twig in the nest, which makes the nest stronger and our stay in the nest seemingly comfortable and permanent. We never experience our true spiritual freedom or flight or feel the breeze of our inner beautiful nature. Even the thought, "I am a soul" has to be realized eventually, so that we can actually experience its deepest truth.

In the world of spirituality, thoughts are like the map, but they are not the territory nor the reality of the experience. Thinking "I am a peaceful soul" or “I am a loveful soul” or “I am powerful soul” is not being soul-conscious, it is only theory or knowledge, but it is definitely an essential start. Maps are important and necessary, until we know the way home to experience. Reaching this final destination of experience makes it easier for us and empowers us to transform or change our old thought patterns.

Message for the day
Courage brings success.

Expression: Even after repeated trials and failures, when one does not lose courage, there is the ability to go on trying till success is achieved. Courage comes with the understanding that there is surely a way out. So a lot more effort is put in to find the right way. Success, which had been eluding for a long time will be finally attained.

Experience: When I have courage, I have hope. I will not give up the task mid way, but will put in continued effort. Because of this there is no difficulty experienced even whilst putting in extra effort but I do everything with enthusiasm and happiness. So nothing seems difficult and I easily move towards success.


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