Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: October 12, 2013

Day 8
Navaratri is celebrated five times a year. They are Vasanta Navaratri, AshadhaNavaratri, the Sharad Navaratri, and the Paush Navaratri and MaghaNavaratri. Of these, the Sharad Navaratri of the month of Puratashi and the Vasanta Navaratri of the Vasanta kala are the most important.
The Navratri abstinence is observed from the first day to the ninth day. Some people confine to milk and fruits during the nine days/nights. Most devotees take a single meal during the day. Non-vegetarian food is totally avoided. Many people also avoid the consumption of onion and garlic for the entire duration of Navaratri.
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: October 12, 2013
Praise of the Father: The Unlimited Father...the Incorporeal Shiv Baba...The One who makes the impure pure...the Supreme Father...the God Father...Salutations to Shiva...the Beloved...
Knowledge: It is rememberedthat when the Satguru gave the ointment of knowledge, all thedarkness of ignorancewas dispelled. (gyan anjan satguru diya, agyaan andher vinaash) Knowledge and devotion are only remembered in Bharat. Thenthey also speak of the day of Brahma and the night of Brahma. Thereis extreme darknessat night. Human beings have so much ignorancethat they don't even know the Father.
It is said: Incorporeal Shiv Baba. Brahma is also called Baba. Vishnu and Shankar would not be called Baba. Shivais always called Baba. The image of Shiva is separate from the image of Shankar. He is the Father of all souls. Shankar and Vishnu are not incorporeal.
Yoga: I belong to One Shiv Baba and none other. Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father. Connect the yoga of your intellect with the Father, the Beloved. Free frombondage means bodiless. Bodiesor bodily relationships should not pull your intellecttowards them. There is bondage in body consciousness. Become soul consciousand all bondages will end. To die alive is to become free from bondage. It should remain in your intellects that it is now the final period and that theplay is about to end. We are going to our Father's home and so we will become free from bondage. By remembering the Father, your mercury of happiness will rise, and the rust you are covered with will be removed.
Dharna: God speaks:Lust is the greatestenemy. Conquer it and become pure. The Father’s orders are: Become pure and you will become the masters of heaven.
First, become the conquerors of attachment. Have all relationships with the Father and your bondages will end. Remove your attachment from everything including your body and make full effort to become bodiless. Observe as a detached observer the part of every actor. Become free from bondage. Go beyond this old world. (upram) Talk to yourself: I now have to return home. It is now the end of the old world. My part has now come to an end. Become flowers from thorns. Instead of making requests, (arji) remains constantly happy and content.(raaji). Be very clever and also have dharna.
Service:Become pure and serve with your body, mind and wealth. Be an instrument, a karanhar, with the awareness of Karavanhar and do everything and the greatest of all tasks easily.
Points of Self Respect: Actors...the masters of heaven...karanhar...knowledgeable souls...
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते!!!
विचारसागरमंथन:October 12, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : बेहद का बाप.... निराकार शिवबाबा... पतितों को पावन बनाने वाले.... परमपिता... गॉड फादर... शिवाए नमः... मात-पिता... प्रीतम...
ज्ञान : गाया भी जाता है ज्ञान अंजनसतगुरु दिया,अज्ञान अन्धेरविनाश | भारत मेंही गयाजाता है ज्ञान और भक्ति, फिरकहते हैंब्रह्मा का दिन और ब्रह्मा की रात | रात मेंघोर अन्धियारा होता है | मनुष्यों मेंइतना तो अज्ञान है जो फादरको भी नहीं जानते|
शिव को निराकार शिवबाबा कहेंगे | ब्रह्मा को भी बाबाकहते हैं,विष्णु वा शंकर को बाबा नहींकहेंगे | शिव को हमेश बाबाकहते हैं| शिव का चित्र अलग,शंकर का चित्र अलगहै | वह है सभी आत्माओं का बाप| शंकर वा विष्णु निराकार तो नहींहैं |
योग : मेरा तो एक शिवबाबा दूसरा कोई | अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझ बाप को याद करो | बाप से अथवा अपने प्रीतम से बुद्धि का योग लगाओ | निर्बन्धन अर्थात् अशरीरी | देह सहित देह का कोई भी सम्बन्ध बुद्धि को अपनी तरफ खींचे | देह-अभिमान में ही बन्धन है | देहि-अभिमानी बनो तो सब बन्धन समाप्त हो जायेंगे | जीते जी मर जाना ही निर्बन्धन बनना है | बुद्धि में रहे अब अन्त का समय है, नाटक पूरा हुआ, हम बाप के पास जाते हैं तो निर्बन्धन बन जायेंगे | बाप को याद करते रहें तो ख़ुशी का पारा चढ़े | तुम पर जो जंक लगी है वह उतर जायेगी |
धारणा : भगवानुवाचकाम महाशत्रु है, उन पर जीत पाकर पवित्र रहना हैं | बाप का फ़रमान है पवित्र बनोतो स्वर्गका मालिकबनोगे |
पहले नष्टोमोहा बनना है | बापसे सर्वसम्बन्ध रखोतो बन्धनख़लास हो जायेंगे | देह-अभिमानमें नहीं आओ | देह सहित सबसे मोह  निकाल विदेही बनने का पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है | हर एक्टरका पार्ट साक्षी हो देखना है | बन्धन-मुक्त बनना है |
इस पुरानी दुनिया से उपराम होना है, अपने आपसे बातें करनी है कि हमेंतो अब वापस जानाहै | अब पुरानी दुनिया के अन्त का समय है, हमारा पार्टपूरा हुआ| कांटे से फूल बननाहै | अर्जी डालनेके बजाएसदा राज़ीरहना है | बड़ी होशियारी चाहिए, धारणा चाहिए |
सेवा : पवित्र बन तन-मन-धन से सेवा करनीहैं | निमित्त करनहारबन करावनहार की स्मृतिद्वारा बड़ेसे बड़ेकार्य को सहज करनेहैं |
स्वमान : एक्टर्स... स्वर्ग का मालिक... करनहार ...ज्ञानी तू आत्मा...

Essence: Sweet children, have all relationships with the Father and your bondages will end. Maya ties you in bondage whereas the Father liberates you from bondage.
Question: Who issaid to be free from bondage? What is the method to become free from bondage?
Answer: Freefrom bondage means bodiless. (nirbandhan arthaarth ashareeree) Bodies or bodily relationships should not pull your intellect towards them. There is bondage in body consciousness. Become soul consciousand all bondages will end. To die alive is to become free from bondage. It should remain in your intellects that it is now the final period and that theplay is about to end. We are going to our Father's home and so we will become free from bondage.
Song: Storms and hurricanes can do nothingto those whose Companion is God. (Jiska saathi hai bhagwaan)
Essence for dharna:
1. Remove your attachment from everything includingyour body and make full effort to become bodiless. Observe as a detached observerthe part of every actor. Become free from bondage.
2. Go beyond this old world. (upram) Talk to yourself: I now have to return home. It is now the end of the old world. My part has now come to an end.
Blessing: May you be an instrument, a karanhar, who does everything and the greatest of all tasks easily with the awareness of Karavanhar.
BapDada, Himself, as the Karavanhar is accomplishing the biggest of all tasks that of establishment, through the instrumentchildren who are karanhar(one who does). The Father andthe children are combinedin the expression "Karan-karavanbar". It is the children's hands and the Father's task. It is only the childrenwho have receivedthe golden chance to extend their hands, and yet the experience you ave is that the One who gets everything done is makingyou do it, and makingyou move as instruments. The Father in the form of Karavanhar is your Companion in every task.
Slogan: A gyani soul is one who instead of makingrequests, (arji) remains constantly happy and content.(raaji)
Song: Jiska saathi hai bhagwan.. जिसका साथी है भगवान.....What can storms do to those whose Companion is God?
सार:- “मीठे बच्चे – बाप से सर्व सम्बन्ध रखो तो बन्धन ख़लास हो जायेंगे, माया बन्धन में बांधती और बाप बन्धनों से मुक्त कर देते हैं”
प्रश्न:- निर्बन्धन किसे कहा जाता है? निर्बन्धन बनने का उपाय क्या है?
उत्तर:- निर्बन्धन अर्थात् अशरीरी | देह सहित देह का कोई भी सम्बन्ध बुद्धि को अपनी तरफ न खींचे | देह-अभिमान में ही बन्धन है | देहि-अभिमानी बनो तो सब बन्धन समाप्त हो जायेंगे |जीते जी मर जाना ही निर्बन्धन बनना है | बुद्धि में रहे अब अन्त का समय है, नाटक पूरा हुआ, हम बाप के पास जाते हैं तो निर्बन्धन बन जायेंगे |
गीत:- जिसका साथी है भगवान.....
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1) देह सहित सबसे मोह निकाल विदेही बनने का पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है | हर एक्टर का पार्ट साक्षी हो देखना है |बन्धन-मुक्त बनना है |
2) इस पुरानी दुनिया से उपराम होना है, अपने आपसे बातें करनी है कि हमें तो अब वापस जाना है | अब पुरानी दुनिया के अन्त का समय है,हमारा पार्ट पूरा हुआ |
वरदान:- करावनहार की स्मृति द्वारा बड़े से बड़े कार्य को सहज करने वाले निमित्त करनहार भव
बापदादा स्थापना का बड़े से बड़ा कार्य स्वयं करावनहार बन निमित्त करनहार बच्चों द्वारा करा रहे हैं | करन-करावनहार इस शब्द में बाप और बच्चे दोनों कम्बाइन्ड हैं | हाथ बच्चों का और कम बाप का | हाथ बढ़ाने का गोल्डन चान्स बच्चों को ही मिला है | लेकिन अनुभव यहीं करते हो कि कराने वाला करा रहा है, निमित्त बनाए चला रहा है | हर कर्म में करावनहार के रूप में साथी है |
स्लोगन:- ज्ञानी तू आत्मा वह है जो अर्जी डालने के बजाए सदा राज़ी रहे |

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 12, 2013: Good Software

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 12, 2013: Good Software
Good Software

Positive thoughts are like good software that helps us to perform to the best of our abilities.
Respect means Acceptance
Love is the strength that gives you life. When you receive love you
lose fear and you can give the best in you. The practical form of love
is respect. Respect means acceptance of the fact that we are all
different and unique and at the same time, we all have something
important and valuable to share.
The Hurting Of The Ego (cont.)

Continuing from yesterday's message, we commonly use the terms - my ego got hurt or I think your ego got hurt. 'You hurt my ego' is nothing but you hurt or harmed the image that I carry of myself (as discussed yesterday) with me each second everyday. Because I carry it with me all the time, I have become attached to it. e.g. If, on a particular day, you reach home late from office and your wife, who is angry with you, accuses of not being a family man and one who doesn't give enough time to her and the children. Your reasons for reaching home late may be genuine or not, your wife may be right or wrong on that particular day. In either case, you carry an image of yourself, all the time, as being a very loving, caring father and husband, who has been responsible for the all-round growth and development of the family in all respects since the family was created. Your wife's words basically pinch that invisible image, as a result of which you feel insulted and hurt and you react angrily, not necessarily in front of your wife, but it could be in front of someone else or even just internally. This phenomenon happens many times, in various different situations with different people throughout the day and every day.

The image that we all carry of our selves is made of various traits or characteristics, obviously the characteristics of each one's self-created image are different. These characteristics of the image may or may not actually exist inside the real self, but whenever someone challenges any of those characteristics or tries to suggest to us that one of those characteristics is not ours or does not exist inside us, we react.

Soul Sustenance

Being a Lighthouse For The World (Meditation)

Sit in silence and visualize the following thoughts:

In a deep meditative state see yourself sitting in front of the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Being of Light, in the soul world. I a point of light, experience golden rays of spiritual light and bliss descending on me... and through me into the whole world (globe) below... I feel these rays charging the atmosphere with vibrations of purity, love and spiritual calm... I am bathing in golden light... strong currents of spiritual might are radiating from me in all directions... I am a spiritual lighthouse... I have the deep realization of being separate from my body. .. I feel that I am a brilliant point of light with rays of very high intensity bursting and darting forth from the soul for the service of the whole world. .. There is no feeling of my body and no conscious thought except that of being absorbed in the peace and bliss of the Supreme’s love... I feel completely filled and that I have obtained the ultimate... the final and highest destination – satisfied that through this stage of fulfillment, I serve others.

Message for the day

To judge others is to take law into our hands.

Projection: When we see anyone doing something wrong, we immediately begin to think about it and judge them based on whatever we have seen. When we bring any such negative thoughts we will not be able to help in any way to overcome the weakness.

Solution: We need to remind ourselves that we have no right to judge others. The only thing we need to do is to see if we can help them out in anyway to overcome their weakness. If not, we need not think or talk about it, i.e., we need not take the law into our hands.


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