Happy Labh Pancham !!!
The final festival during the Diwali period is Labh Pancham on Kartik. It is also known as 'Laakheni Panchmi' and 'Saubhaagya Panchmi'. Pancham is an auspicious day to commence business.
Labh Pancham is considered an auspicious day associated with Diwali celebrations and many shops and businesses which would have been closed for Diwali holidays reopen on this day and start their business. Business people worship Goddess Lakshmi on this day and open their accounts while students worship their books and pray for the wealth of knowledge.Those who have not performed Sharada Puja on Diwali , perform puja on this day of their new ledgers and ritually open their shops and businesses.
Businessmen and shopkeepers do the muhurat puja and pray for a prosperous year ahead on reopeing their shops. It is widely believed that doing good business on this day would fetch great returns throughout the year and hence people book many big orders and keep it in pipeline to execute on this day.It is a unique day of celebration on Diwali where both and Goddess Saraswati are worshipped with equal importance and devotion.
Jains celebrate Pancham or Panchami by worshiping their books and praying for more knowledge. Hindu business men worship Goddess Lakshmi and open their accounts. In the days following Diwali including today, people visit friends and relatives, to renew solidarity. Sweets and other items are offered to guests, symbolically 'sweetening' relations.
'Labh' means benefit. People today usually wish for material 'labh' such as: a good job, good in-laws, riches and so forth. Yet the scriptures and sadhus inform us that the greatest 'labh' is human birth itself. With this one should endeavor for God-realization.
The scriptures define 'labh' as:
Laabhasteshaam jayasteshaam kutasteshaam paraajayaha,
Yeshaam indeevarashyaam hrudayastho janaardanaha.
i.e. He is the true beneficiary and the truly victorious, who has installed the consort of Lakshmi, God, in his heart.
Diwali then, is a festival of inner enlightenment. It is an occasion to eradicate one's inner darkness, by renouncing any addictions, bad habits and 'doshas' - base instincts, by obeying the God.
Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
November 07, 2013
हम देही-अभिमनी अन्तर्मुखी आत्माएँ, गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहकर, हर आत्मा से आत्मिक अटूट प्यार रख स्नेह सम्पन्न व्यवहार करने वाले, सफलतामूर्त स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी हैं...
We, the soul conscious introverted souls, living at home with our families and remaining as pure as a lotus flower, are the spinners of the discus of self-realization who have unbroken soul-conscious love for every soul and interact with them with total love, and thereby become embodiments of success...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: November 07, 2013
Praise of the Father: The Unlimited Father...the Supreme God Father...the Creator...the Highest-on-high...the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...
Knowledge: Prajapita Brahma creates the new world. The new world is created through the New Man. In fact, the first child of the golden age is called the new one. The new man is Shri Krishna and later he becomes the old man Brahma. I am now once again making this old man Brahma into that new man.
A new man is needed for the new world. Where would he come from? The new man is the prince of the golden age. He is known as the beautiful one. This one is ugly; he is not a new man. The same Shri Krishna who takes 84 births is now in his final birth and has been adopted by Baba. He makes old things new. These are such deep things to understand. The new become old and the old become new. The ugly one becomes beautiful and then the beautiful one becomes ugly. The one who is the oldest of all is now becoming the newest of all. You understand that Baba rejuvenates you and makes you new.
The clan of Vishnu does not have the knowledge of being trikaldarshi. The old man is trikaldarshi. These are such tricky aspects. It is the old man who takes knowledge and becomes the new man.
Yoga: Consider yourself to be a soul, a child of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Become soul conscious. We are souls and that One is the Supreme Soul. This should race around in your intellects throughout the whole day. In order to be protected from the attacks of Maya, practise remaining soul conscious. This is self-sovereign yoga. There is also renunciation in this. Whilst living in a household, renounce the consciousness of the body and all bodily relations, and remember the Father. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realization. Create your own stage. Become introverted and come into sound when you want and go beyond sound when you want.
Dharna: Purity comes first. Remain as pure as a lotus flower while living in a household. Stay at home with your families and study Raja Yoga. It is all the work of the intellects; it is the intellect that imbibes these things. By making your intellect broad, understand the deep significance of this knowledge. Churn the ocean of knowledge. You children of Brahma are brothers and sisters. Your attitude should be very clean and pure. Remain extremely cautious about this. We souls are brothers. With this faith, live together with a lot of love for one another by observing this promise of purity. Have unbroken soul-conscious love for every soul and interact with them with total love.
Service: First of all, explain “Salutations to Shiva” and “God Shiva speaks”. This sound should be very loud. Live at home with your families and remain as pure as a lotus flower. With such experience explain this knowledge to others; it makes a very good impression on them, because to be married and yet not have any impure attitude is a very high destination. Make everyone lovely. Make the whole world lovely by receiving purity, happiness, peace, health and wealthfrom the Father and sharing it.
Points of Self Respect: Brahma Kumars and Kumaris...Brahmins, the adopted children of Brahma... sensible ones...ones with broad and unlimited intellect...special children... ones belonging to the clan of Brahma ...ones belonging to the sun dynasty...ones belonging to the Vishnu dynasty...ones belonging to the clan of Shiva...trilkaldarshi... spinners of the discus of self-realization... embodiments of success...introverted...
ॐ शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन:November 07, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : बेहद बाप... सुप्रीम गॉड फादर... रचयिता... ऊँच ते ऊँच... परमपिता परमात्मा...
ज्ञान: प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो नई सृष्टि रचते हैं | न्यु मैन द्वारा नई सृष्टि बनाते हैं | वास्तव में तो सतयुग का पहला बच्चा जो होता है उनको ही न्यु मैन कहेंगे | न्यु मैन है श्रीकृष्ण, वही फिर पुराना मैन ब्रह्मा | फिर पुराना मैन ब्रह्मा को न्यु मैन बनाता हूँ |
न्युवर्ल्डका न्यु मैन चाहिए | वह कहाँ से आये? न्यु मैन तो सतयुग का प्रिन्स है | उनको ही गोरा कहते हैं | यह है सांवरा, यह न्यु मैन नहीं | वही श्रीकृष्ण 84 जन्म लेते-लेते अब पिछाड़ी के जन्म में है, जिसको फिर बाबा एडाप्ट करते हैं | पुराने को नया बनाते हैं, कितनी गूढ़ बातें हैं समझने की | न्यु सो ओल्ड, ओल्ड सो न्यु | श्याम सो सुन्दर, सुन्दर सो श्याम | जो पुराने को नया बनाते हैं, नए ते नया बन रहा है | तुम जानते हो हमको बाबा रिज्युवनेट कर नए ते नया बनाते हैं |
विष्णुवंशी को त्रिकालदर्शीपने का नॉलेज नहीं है | पुराने मैन त्रिकालदर्शी हैं | कितनी अटपटी बातें हैं | ओल्ड मैन ही नॉलेज लेकर न्यु मैन बनते हैं |
योग : अपने को आत्मा,परमपिता परमात्मा की सन्तानसमझना है | आत्म-अभिमानी बनना है | हम आत्मायें हैं, वह परमात्मा है | यह बुद्धिमें सारादिन दौड़ानाहै | माया के वार से बचने के लिए देहि-अभिमनी रहनेका अभ्यासकरना है | यह है ही स्व-राजयोग| इसमें सन्यासहै | गृहस्त व्यवहार में रहते देह सहित देह के सब सम्बन्ध त्याग बाप को याद करना है | स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बन ना है | अपनी अवस्था बनानी है| अन्तर्मुखी बन जिस समय चाहे आवाज़ में आये और जिस समय चाहे आवाज़ से परे हो जाना है |
धारणा : फर्स्ट है पवित्रता | हम गृहस्थ में रहते कमल फूल समान रहना है, राजयोग सीखना है | सारा बुद्धि का काम है | बुद्धि में धारणा होती है| विशाल बुद्धि बन ज्ञान के गुह्य रहस्यों को समझना है, विचार सागर मंथन करना है | तुम ब्रह्मा की सन्तान आपस में भाई-बहन हो, तुम्हारी वृत्ति बहुत शुद्ध पवित्र होनी चाहिए | बहुत-बहुत ख़बरदार रहना है | हम आत्मा भाई-भाई हैं, इस निश्चय से पवित्रता के व्रत को पालन करते हुए आपस में बहुत प्यार से रहना है | हर आत्मा से आत्मिक अटूट प्यार रख स्नेह सम्पन्न व्यवहार करना है |
सेवा : पहले-पहले समझाओ शिवाए नमः, भगवानुवाच | आवाज़ बुलन्द निकलना चाहिए |
जो गृहस्थव्यवहारमें रहते कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहकर, अनुभवी बन, किसी को भी समझाएँ तो उनके समझाने का बहुत अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ सकता है क्योंकि शादी करके भी अपवित्र वृत्ति न जाये – यह बहुत बड़ी मंज़िल है | सबको लवली बनाना है | बाप से पवित्रता, सुख, शान्ति, हेल्थ, वेल्थ लेकर फिर बाँटकर सारी दुनिया को लवली बनानी है |
स्वमान : ब्रह्मकुमार-कुमारियां... ब्रह्मा के एडाप्टेड चिल्ड्रेन ब्राह्मण-ब्राह्मणी... सेन्सीबुल... विशाल बुद्धि... मुरब्बी बच्चे... ब्रह्मावंशी ... सूर्यवंशी... विष्णुवंशी... शिव वंशी... त्रिकालदर्शी... स्वदर्शनचक्रधारी... सफलतामूर्त... अन्तर्मुखी...
Essence: Sweet children, you children of Brahma are brothers and sisters. Your attitude should be very clean and pure.
Question: Which children’s explanation leaves a very good impression?
Answer: Those who live at home with their families and remain as pure as a lotus flower. When such experienced children explain this knowledge to others, it makes a very good impression on them, because to be married and yet not have any impure attitude is a very high destination. Children have to remain extremely cautious about this.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique....
Essence for dharna:
1. We souls are brothers. With this faith, live together with a lot of love for one another by observing this promise of purity. Make everyone lovely.
2. By making your intellect broad, understand the deep significance of this knowledge. Churn the ocean of knowledge. In order to be protected from the attacks of Maya, practise remaining soul conscious.
Blessing: May you have unbroken soul-conscious love for every soul and interact with them with total love and thereby become an embodiment of success.
Just as you have unbroken, constant and very deep love for the Father, and you have elevated feelings and firm faith, in the same way, let there be soul-conscious, unbroken and constant love for Brahmin souls. No matter what someone’s sanskars are like or what someone’s behaviour is like, there is an unbroken relationship with Brahmin souls throughout the cycle and this is a Godly family. The Father has selected every soul and brought each one into the Godly family. When you have this awareness, then because of having unbroken soul-conscious love, your interaction will be filled with love and you will easily become an embodiment of success.
Slogan: An introverted soul is one who comes into sound when he wants and goes beyond sound when he wants.
Question: Which children’s explanation leaves a very good impression?
Answer: Those who live at home with their families and remain as pure as a lotus flower. When such experienced children explain this knowledge to others, it makes a very good impression on them, because to be married and yet not have any impure attitude is a very high destination. Children have to remain extremely cautious about this.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique....
Essence for dharna:
1. We souls are brothers. With this faith, live together with a lot of love for one another by observing this promise of purity. Make everyone lovely.
2. By making your intellect broad, understand the deep significance of this knowledge. Churn the ocean of knowledge. In order to be protected from the attacks of Maya, practise remaining soul conscious.
Blessing: May you have unbroken soul-conscious love for every soul and interact with them with total love and thereby become an embodiment of success.
Just as you have unbroken, constant and very deep love for the Father, and you have elevated feelings and firm faith, in the same way, let there be soul-conscious, unbroken and constant love for Brahmin souls. No matter what someone’s sanskars are like or what someone’s behaviour is like, there is an unbroken relationship with Brahmin souls throughout the cycle and this is a Godly family. The Father has selected every soul and brought each one into the Godly family. When you have this awareness, then because of having unbroken soul-conscious love, your interaction will be filled with love and you will easily become an embodiment of success.
Slogan: An introverted soul is one who comes into sound when he wants and goes beyond sound when he wants.
सार:- “मीठे बच्चे –तुम ब्रह्मा की सन्तान आपस में भाई-बहन हो, तुम्हारी वृत्ति बहुत शुद्ध पवित्र होनी चाहिए”
प्रशन:- किन बच्चों के समझाने का प्रभाव बहुत अच्छा पद सकता है?
उत्तर:- जो गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहते हैं | ऐसे अनुभवी बच्चे किसी को भी समझायें तो उनके समझाने का बहुत अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ सकता है क्योंकि शादी करके भी अपवित्र वृत्ति न जाये – यह बहुत बड़ी मंज़िल है | इसमें बच्चों को बहुत-बहुत ख़बरदार भी रहना है |
गीत:- हमारे तीर्थ न्यारे हैं......
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1) हम आत्मा भाई-भाई हैं, इस निश्चय से पवित्रता के व्रत को पालन करते हुए आपस में बहुत प्यार से रहना है | सबको लवली बनाना है |
2) विशाल बुद्धि बन ज्ञान के गुह्य रहस्यों को समझना है, विचार सागर मंथन करना है | माया के वार से बचने के लिए देहि-अभिमनी रहने का अभ्यास करना है |
वरदान:- हर आत्मा से आत्मिक अटूट प्यार रख स्नेह सम्पन्न व्यवहार करने वाले सफलतामूर्त भव
जैसे बाप के प्रति अटूट, अखण्ड, अटल प्यार है, श्रेष्ठ भावना है, निश्चय है ऐसे ब्राह्मण आत्माओं से आत्मिक प्यार अटूट और अखण्ड हो | किसी के कैसे भी संस्कार हो, चलन हो लेकिन ब्राह्मण आत्माओं का सारे कल्प में अटूट सम्बन्ध है, ईश्वरीय परिवार है, बाप ने हर आत्मा को चुनकर ईश्वरीय परिवार में लाया है, यह स्मृति रहे तो आत्मिक प्यार अटूट होने से स्नेह सम्पन्न व्यवहार होगा और सहज सफलतामूर्त बन जायेंगे |
स्लोगन:- अन्तर्मुखी वह है जो जिस समय चाहे आवाज़ में आये और जिस समय चाहे आवाज़ से परे हो जाए |