Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Essence of Murli (H&E): July 02, 2014:

Essence of Murli (H&E): July 02, 2014:


Essence:   Sweet children, you have to return home on time. Therefore, increase the speed of your remembrance. Forget this land of sorrow and remember the land of peace and the land of happiness.    

Question:   What deep secret should you tell people so that there is upheaval created in their intellects?

Answer:     Tell them the deep secret of a soul being a tiny point and having a part recorded in him forever and how he continues to play his part. A soul never gets tired. No one can receive eternal liberation. When people see a lot of sorrow, they say that it would be better if they were to receive eternal liberation. However, imperishable souls cannot remain without playing their parts. On hearing this aspect, there will be upheaval in their intellects. 


Essence for Dharna:


1. Just as the Teacher who is teaching you is bodiless and doesn’t have any consciousness of the body, become bodiless in the same way. Continue to renounce the consciousness of the body. Change your criminal eye and make it civil.

2. Make your intellect broad and unlimited. In order to be liberated from punishment, have regard for the Father and the study. Never cause sorrow. Do not spread peacelessness.

Blessing:  May you be a charitable soul who is full of the treasure of happiness and gives unhappy souls the donation of happiness.    


At this time in the world, there is sorrow at every moment, whereas you have happiness at every moment. The greatest act of charity is to give unhappy souls happiness. People of the world spend so much time and money for happiness whereas you have easily found the treasure of imperishable happiness. Now, simply continue to share what you have received. To share means to increase it. Let whoever comes into connection with you experience the happiness of the elevated attainment that you have received.

Slogan:  An experienced soul can never be deceived by anything. Such a soul is constantly victorious.   



सार:-  मीठे बच्चे – तुम्हें टाइम पर अपने घर वापस जाना है इसलिए याद की रफ्तार को बढ़ाओइस दुःखधाम को भूल शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम को याद करो”   


प्रश्न:-   कौन-सा एक गुह्य राज तुम मनुष्यों को सुनाओ तो उनकी बुद्धि में हलचल मच जायेगी?

उत्तर:- उन्हे गुह्य राज सुनाओ कि आत्मा इतनी छोटी बिन्दी हैउसमें फार एवर पार्ट भरा हुआ हैजो पार्ट बजाती ही रहती है कभी थकती नहीं  मोक्ष किसी को मिल नहीं सकता मनुष्य बहुत दु : देखकर कहते हैं मोक्ष मिले तो अच्छा हैलेकिन अविनाशी आत्मा पार्ट बजाने के बिना रह नहीं सकती इस बात को सुनकर उनके अन्दर हलचल मच जायेगी


धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. जैसे पढ़ाने वाला टीचर विदेही हैउसे देह का भान नहींऐसे विदेही बनना है शरीर का भान छोड़ते जाना है क्रिमिनल आई को बदल सिविल आई बनानी है  

2. अपनी बुद्धि को विशाल बनाना है सजाओं से छूटने के लिए बाप का वा पढाई का रिगॉर्ड रखना है कभी भी दुःख नहीं देना है अशान्ति नहीं फैलानी है


वरदान:- खुशियों के खजाने से सम्पन्न बन दुःखी आत्माओं को खुशी का दान देने वाले पुण्य आत्मा भव!   


इस समय दुनिया में हर समय का दुःख है और आपके पास हर समय की खुशी है तो दुखी आत्माओं को खुशी देनायह सबसे बड़े से बड़ा पुण्य है दुनिया वाले खुशी के लिए कितना समयसम्पत्ति खर्च करते हैं और आपको सहज अविनाशी खुशी का खजाना मिल गया अब सिर्फ जो मिला है उसे बांटते जाओ  बाँटना माना बढ़ना जो भी सम्बन्ध में आये वह अनुभव करे कि इनको कोई श्रेष्ठ प्राप्ति हुई है जिसकी खुशी है


स्लोगन:- अनुभवी आत्मा कभी भी किसी बात से धोखा नहीं खा सकतीवह सदा विजयी रहती है   

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 02, 2014: Look for Goodness

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 02, 2014: Look for Goodness

Look for Goodness

In everything, goodness is there. Our goal is to find it. In every person, the best is there; our job is to recognize it. In every situation, the positive is there; our opportunity is to see it. In every problem, the solution is there; our responsibility is to provide it. In every setback, the success is there; our adventure is to discover it. In every crisis, the reason is there; our challenge is to understand it. By seeing the goodness, we'll be very enthusiastic and our lives will be all the richer.


There is usually a tendency to postpone things to the last moment. When
the situation demands that I finish the job and at the same time if
unforeseen things come up, I tend to feel pressurized. I then am not
able to do the job well and begin to wish that I had more time. I need
to understand the importance of time and do the job needed to be done
immediately. I need to understand the fact that if I lose this moment,
there is no chance of getting it back again. If I use the time at hand
fruitfully, I'll always be able to remain light and be available to
things that come up suddenly.


Awakening Your Intuition

In real life, we are faced with many situations when important decisions have to be taken, a particular path to move ahead has to chosen. At such times, our mind is filled with various different voices or influences like the influence of people surrounding us, who give their different opinions regarding the particular situation; they say something, our mental logic along with knowledge of people and things, says something else, then there is the influence or memory of our past experiences which colour our perception of the present situation differently. Also there is the influence of the outside world in general - all that we see, hear and read. There are also our attachments, selfish desires, fears, mental biases towards a particular person or situation, emotions like jealousy and hatred, beliefs etc. which influence our perception. Our mind is full of all these influences, many of them even conflicting each other, and we experience complete turmoil or indecisiveness inside ourselves, we don't know what to do.

In such cases it is sometimes extremely wise to keep all these influences aside, sit in silence and listen to what our intuition is saying to us.There are many situations, in which after the situation is over, we realize that all the influences mentioned above would have taken us on the wrong path, but it was our intuition, our inner voice of wisdom, alone which gave us the right solution and took us safely to our destination.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance
The Location Of The Soul Inside The Body

The soul has the following basic functions to perform:

• to give life to the body and to maintain life inside it,
• to express and experience its role through the body, and
• to receive the rewards or fruits of past actions performed in previous births, through the body.

These functions are controlled and monitored by the soul via the nervous and hormonal systems from a particular point in the area of the brain which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. This region is known as the seat of the soul, or thethird eye. The connection between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) is by the medium of thought energy. Many religions and philosophies place great importance on the third eye, or eye of the mind. When viewed from the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. It's for this reason that Hindus use a tilak, a dot in red or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead. Christians also make the sign of the cross in this region. Even when one makes a mistake or expresses tiredness it's to this region that we put the hands in the gestures of self-dismay or exhaustion. After all the soul subconsciously knows that it makes the mistakes and not the body. When people are concentrating deeply in thought it is this area of the forehead where creases or lines are formed on the skin.

Message for the day

To become worthy of blessings means to make success easy.

Expression: Thinking of benefit for the self increases to such an extent that it sometimes takes on the form of selfishness. When we are selfish we stop thinking about others or the effect that our action is going to have on them. Then we are not able to move forward with lightness because the good wishes and blessings of others are not with us.

Experience: In each and every action of ours we need to first check if it is going to be beneficial for us as well as for others. As much as there is benefit for others too in the task that we are doing, that much the good wishes of others will be there for the task. With these good wishes we will be able to move forward much faster and achieving success will be easy.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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