Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Essence of Murli (H&E): July 25, 2014:

Essence of Murli (H&E): July 25, 2014:

Essence: Sweet children, body consciousness means a devilish character. Change that and imbibe a divine character and you will be liberated from the jail of Ravan.

Question: How does each soul experience punishment for his sinful actions and what method should you use to be liberated from that?


Answer: Each one experiences punishment in the jail of a womb for his sins and, secondly, he also receives many types of sorrow in the jail of Ravan. Baba has come to liberate you children from these jails. In order to be liberated from them you have to become civilized.

Essence for Dharna: 

1. Never allow your stage to be spoilt by believing the rumours you hear. Have cleanliness within. Don't burn inside on hearing lies. Take God’s directions.

2. Make full effort to become soul conscious. Do not defame anyone. Whilst paying attention to benefit, loss and honour, completely finish the criminal eye. Listen with one ear to whatever the Father tells you, but don't let it out of the other!

Blessing: May you be co-operative with everyone and with your elevated awareness, create an elevated stage and an elevated atmosphere.

Yoga means to stay in an elevated awareness. I, an elevated soul, am a child of the elevated Father. When you have such awareness your stage becomes elevated and an elevated atmosphere, which attracts many souls towards you is automatically created through an elevated stage. Wherever you souls stay in yoga and perform actions, the atmosphere and environment there will help others too. Such co-operative souls are loved by the Father and the world.

Slogan: You will receive the throne of a kingdom by sitting on the seat of an unshakeable stage.

सार:-  मीठे बच्चे - देह- अभिमान आसुरी कैरेक्टर है, उसे बदल दैवी कैरेक्टर्स धारण करो तो रावण की जेल से छूट जायेंगे

प्रश्न:-    हर एक आत्मा अपने पाप कर्मों की सजा कैसे भोगती है, उससे बचने का साधन क्या है?

उत्तर:- हर एक अपने पापों की सजा एक तो गर्भ जेल में भोगते हैं, दूसरा रावण की जेल में अनेक प्रकार के दु: उठाते हैं बाबा आया है तुम बच्चों को इन जेलों से छुड़ाने इनसे बचने के लिए सिविलाइज्ड बनो


धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-


1. कभी भी सुनी-सुनाई बातों पर विश्वास करके अपनी स्थिति खराब नहीं करनी है अन्दर में सफाई रखनी है झूठी बातें सुनकर अन्दर में जलना नहीं है, ईश्वरीय मत ले लेनी है


2. देही- अभिमानी बनने का पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है, किसी की भी निंदा नहीं करनी है फायदा, नुकसान और इज्जत को ध्यान में रखते हुए क्रिमिनल आई को खत्म करना है बाप जो सुनाते हैं उसे एक कान से सुनकर दूसरे से निकालना नहीं है


वरदान:- श्रेष्ठ स्मृति द्वारा श्रेष्ठ स्थिति और श्रेष्ठ वायुमण्डल बनाने वाले सर्व के सहयोगी भव !


योग का अर्थ है श्रेष्ठ स्मृति में रहना मैं श्रेष्ठ आत्मा श्रेष्ठ बाप की सन्तान हूँ, जब ऐसी स्मृति रहती है तो स्थिति श्रेष्ठ हो जाती है श्रेष्ठ स्थिति से श्रेष्ठ वायुमण्डल स्वत: बनता है जो अनेक आत्माओं को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करता है जहाँ भी आप आत्मायें योग में रहकर कर्म करती हो वहाँ का वातावरण, वायुमण्डल औरों को भी सहयोग देता है ऐसी सहयोगी आत्मायें बाप को और विश्व को प्रिय हो जाती हैं


स्लोगन:-  अचल स्थिति के आसन पर बैठने से ही राज्य का सिंहासन मिलेगा   



Daily Positive Thoughts: July 25, 2014: Feelings

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 25, 2014: Feelings

 Rainbow over Lavender Fields


If your days seem filled with unwanted negative feelings, there is only one cure. When they come, choose them. Don't ask why, don't wonder how, don't fight them and never put yourself down for having them. But most of all never blame someone else for how you feel. If you do, it means your choice is to be a victim. When the feelings come, even big disturbing emotional feelings say, "I choose this feeling" and know it comes because of something you have thought or done in the past, perhaps a certain belief that you have learned or an attachment that is threatened. Choice does not mean you want the feelings, but it does mean you are taking responsibility for them. And that is the beginning of self mastery. It is the first step to the healing and resolving of your emotions. But only the first step. Try this today and then ask yourself what the next step might be. If you are really interested to know, you will come to know!

True victory

Victory is usually associated with being victorious over situations or
people. We generally wait for situations to change and for everything
to get all right. We also tend to expect people to behave according to
our desire and requirement. We tend to perceive victory in having the
last word. Yet we find that we are not able to experience being
victorious. True victory lies in first winning over our own internal
weaknesses. We can win over situations or people only when we win over
our own negativity. Situations and people become instrumental in
enabling us to discover our own weaknesses. When we work to remove
these weaknesses, instead of blaming others for what is happening, we
can experience true victory.

Detached Observation

Detachment is the basis of our ability to be positive and affectionate with others while we interact with them. This is what is known as commitment and the relationship of detachment and it begins with what is known as a spiritual skill: the skill of being a detached observer.

On needs to be a detached observer in two dimensions: one within and one outside:

The inner art of detached observation is the ability of separating ourselves from our own thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behavior. On the external level, the art of detached observation is the art of being witness to the scenes that take place around us. While we detach ourselves and observe how the game of life develops, without being active participants, we are able to see the "big picture" with greater clarity. That makes it easier to see clearly what role we have to play and where our contribution lies. We are creators, and our thoughts, emotions and attitudes are our own work.

In reality, detached observation is the first step towards personal strengthening. If we don't manage to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, they will turn into our owners and will consume our energy.

Soul Sustenance

Is It Possible To Manipulate The Law Of Karma?

Human laws can be adjusted, manipulated and even ignored by some, but no one can do the same with the Law of Karma. On the physical level, there is no time interval between an action and its reaction. If I throw an object in the air, it falls back immediately with the same force. With the Law of Karma, however, there can be a delay between the action and its result or fruit. The seeds of certain actions (negative or positive) bring immediate fruit. Others can take years or even many births to bear fruit. If I eat too much ice-cream, I will see the result or karmic effect of the negative karma of greed within a space of ten-fifteen minutes in the form of a headache or after two days in the form of a cold and flu. This is an e.g. in which we realize the working of the Law of Karma, we realize clearly the cause and its effect, but on a subtle level, when we see the effects of actions, we do not realize that the cause may have actually been in a previous life. There is a total connection between the cause and the effect.

When we analyze a natural calamity such as a major earthquake that uproots buildings and trees, overturns vehicles and kills thousands of people. The physical cause may be tectonic activity associated with faults inside the earth’s surface but at the same time, we realize that such a calamity could have its roots in a process initiated by human beings a few hours, days or months ago – an e.g. being testing of nuclear weapons. On a personal level, I can say that there is nothing which happens to me for which I am not responsible. Whether I remember what I did to make it happen or not, whether I realize it or choose to ignore it, I am ultimately responsible.

Message for the day

The method to overcome weaknesses is to remind ourselves of our positive qualities.

Projection: When we make a mistake we usually realize the need to remove that weakness but our identification with that particular weakness is so much that we are not able to overcome it.

Solution: Instead of reminding ourselves again and again about our weaknesses we need to remind ourselves of our positive qualities. The more we do that we will slowly be able to emerge these qualities and work with them and slowly we'll be able to overcome our weaknesses.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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