Daily Positive Thoughts: July 28, 2014: Dive Deep
1,300 year old city submerged virtually intact underneath a man-made lake in China
Dive Deep
The mind that rests only on the surface of things will be tossed about in every storm. Let me dive deep to where peace can always be found.
Whenever there is a difficult situation, the first reaction is usually
negative. In spite of not wanting to, there is a tendency to be carried
away with a storm of waste thoughts. Such waste thoughts are no use and
further take us away from finding the right solution for the problem at
hand. The practice of one positive thought everyday helps us to
maintain stability constantly. It takes a long time of practice in
order to experience stability in a difficult situation, because it is
not possible to bring stability after the waste thoughts have come in
our mind. Our constant practice keeps us ready with the right weapon to
combat the situation.
negative. In spite of not wanting to, there is a tendency to be carried
away with a storm of waste thoughts. Such waste thoughts are no use and
further take us away from finding the right solution for the problem at
hand. The practice of one positive thought everyday helps us to
maintain stability constantly. It takes a long time of practice in
order to experience stability in a difficult situation, because it is
not possible to bring stability after the waste thoughts have come in
our mind. Our constant practice keeps us ready with the right weapon to
combat the situation.
Observing But Not Absorbing
To observe means we take a new, appropriate mental position in whatever situation, or in whatever relationship, we find ourselves. Observation is a silent skill -- a skill we need to learn if we are to assess clearly what positive changes are needed to be made in the self in a particular situation or relationship.
If we fail to learn this art of observing, we are likely to react and absorb ourselves in the negativity of the person, or event. We get lost in the quicksand of what's wrong? which prevents us from putting things right. As we absorb and fill ourselves with negative emotion, we become heavy and remain helplessly rooted to the ground. The gravity of overload does not allow us to rise above a situation and to understand the reality of what is happening. As a result, we lose perspective and overreact.
If we wish to understand how the mental position of observation gives us the power of perspective, we can look at the example of the bird and the ant. The ant, extremely busy, running here and there, scrambling over everything in its rush to find and collect food, will see only what is in front of its nose. The bird, on the other hand, leaves the earth and, as it flies higher and higher, starts to see the bigger picture, compared to when it was on the ground, or on the branch of a tree. Seeing the whole picture, it has a completely different perspective. It is only then that it can truly see where to go and what to do. When we get absorbed in a situation or relationship, we lose perspective, we are like the ant, we get too involved in the details, missing the obvious, and cannot imagine, or think of other possibilities.
If we fail to learn this art of observing, we are likely to react and absorb ourselves in the negativity of the person, or event. We get lost in the quicksand of what's wrong? which prevents us from putting things right. As we absorb and fill ourselves with negative emotion, we become heavy and remain helplessly rooted to the ground. The gravity of overload does not allow us to rise above a situation and to understand the reality of what is happening. As a result, we lose perspective and overreact.
If we wish to understand how the mental position of observation gives us the power of perspective, we can look at the example of the bird and the ant. The ant, extremely busy, running here and there, scrambling over everything in its rush to find and collect food, will see only what is in front of its nose. The bird, on the other hand, leaves the earth and, as it flies higher and higher, starts to see the bigger picture, compared to when it was on the ground, or on the branch of a tree. Seeing the whole picture, it has a completely different perspective. It is only then that it can truly see where to go and what to do. When we get absorbed in a situation or relationship, we lose perspective, we are like the ant, we get too involved in the details, missing the obvious, and cannot imagine, or think of other possibilities.
Soul Sustenance
Creating A Positive Atmosphere
Instead of expecting external situations to always be giving some personal benefit to us, the soul should see how it could give benefit in any situation, thus creating a powerful atmosphere of benefit. Where there is expectation there is always the possibility of disappointment thus creating a negative atmosphere, but where there is an attitude of giving benefit there can never be disappointment. When the soul has the power to maintain its chosen positive experience in the mind, it generates a powerful, pure atmosphere. The more powerful the soul, and the greater the number of other souls experiencing the same, the more powerful the corresponding atmosphere.
The original nature of the soul is to be peaceful. Through Rajyoga meditation, we develop the power to maintain an experience of peace for long periods, even when speaking or performing action, and this very naturally has an effect on the immediate atmosphere wherever we may be; in a room, a office, at home or on the street. Ultimately I can influence the entire world in a positive way.
Instead of expecting external situations to always be giving some personal benefit to us, the soul should see how it could give benefit in any situation, thus creating a powerful atmosphere of benefit. Where there is expectation there is always the possibility of disappointment thus creating a negative atmosphere, but where there is an attitude of giving benefit there can never be disappointment. When the soul has the power to maintain its chosen positive experience in the mind, it generates a powerful, pure atmosphere. The more powerful the soul, and the greater the number of other souls experiencing the same, the more powerful the corresponding atmosphere.
The original nature of the soul is to be peaceful. Through Rajyoga meditation, we develop the power to maintain an experience of peace for long periods, even when speaking or performing action, and this very naturally has an effect on the immediate atmosphere wherever we may be; in a room, a office, at home or on the street. Ultimately I can influence the entire world in a positive way.
Message for the day
True service is to be free and make others free from obstacles.
Projection: When we are involved in a task, we totally think about ourselves irrespective of what effect it has on others. Such an attitude sometimes takes on the form of selfishness to the extent that we become an obstacle for others.
Solution: We need to check ourselves whenever we are involved in a task if what we are doing is effecting others positively or negatively. Whatever we do, only if there is benefit for us as well as for others, can we call it truly successful.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris