Essence of Murli
(H&E): September 17, 2014:
Essence: Sweet children, the mantra to
control Maya is: Manmanabhav. All specialities (khubiyaan) are merged in this mantra.
This mantra makes you pure.
Question: What is the number one method of
safety for the soul and how?
The pilgrimage of remembrance is the number one method of safety because it is
through this remembrance that your character is reformed and you conquer Maya.
By having remembrance, your impure physical organs become quiet. It is through
remembrance that you receive power. There has to be the power of remembrance (yaad ka jowhar) in the sword of
knowledge (gyan
It is only by having remembrance that you become sweet and satopradhan and do
not upset anyone. Therefore, do not become weak in the pilgrimage of remembrance.
Ask yourself to what extent you stay in remembrance.
for dharna:
1. Create such a sweet atmosphere that no one
can get upset. Make effort to become as bodiless (videhi) as the Father. Make
your nature sweet and your physical
organs quiet with the power of remembrance.
2. Always maintain the intoxication of now
being confluence aged (sangamyugi) and not iron aged (kaliyugi). The Father is
teaching you to make you into the masters of the new world. Finish all impure thoughts.
Blessing: May you have pure and positive
thoughts for the self (sw chintak) and transform
yourself by thinking about your subtle (sukshm) weaknesses.
Simply to repeat points of knowledge, to
relate them and speak about them is not having pure and positive thoughts for
the self. However, to have pure and positive thoughts for the self means to
think about your subtle weaknesses, your small mistakes and then to finish them
or transform them. This is what it means to be one who has pure and positive
thoughts for the self. All the children churn knowledge very well, but to use
the knowledge for yourself and transform yourself and become an embodiment of
dharna will bring you marks for the final result.
Today, from the blessing we also can infer:
what you preach. Be an example. The first thing in transformation is to have
the awareness of your own weaknesses, your defects, your faulty habits and your
deep core vices. You may think you behavior is impeccable, but others may not
concur with your opinion. There are certain annoying things you may be doing
without realizing. It is a good practice to ask your Brahmin family to point
out your errors, and when they do, thank them and improve on them.
Slogan: Remember Karankaravanhar Baba at every
step and there cannot be any arrogance of the self.
Points to churn from the slogan:
Father is the Karavanhar (the One who inspires) and we, the souls, are
karanhars (the ones who do) renouncing the word “I”, by becoming soul
conscious and by being in the awareness-“I am a soul”, and using the word “I”,
we automatically remember the Father...we are the children who constantly remain in the combined form
with the Father...
are the karanhars (ones who perform) who finish the consciousness and the ego
of the body with the awareness of the Karankaravanhar (the One who inspires)
... we are merged in the remembrance of the Father, absorbed in love and being
free of obstacles, forget ourselves... by being lost in the love of the Father,
by being merged in the remembrance of the Father, we become merged and equal to
the Father...
remembering the Comforter of Hearts with a lot of love, we are with the Father,
close to the Father, personally in front of the Father, equal to the Father,
and safe under His canopy...we are the knowledgeable and yogi souls, the karanhar
(the ones who do) children, combined with the Karanhar (the One who inspires)
Father, who experience His constant company... we are the pure, polite, humble,
ego less instruments...( nirmal, namr, nirmaan, nirhankaari nimitt hain)
Points from the Murli:
Only the one Father is bodiless and has come to make you
bodiless. This is the mantra with many specialities that He first gives to you.
This is the mantra with which to control Maya. It is also the mantra with which
you become pure.
There has to be very good power of remembrance in the sword
of knowledge, so that the arrows of knowledge (gyan ka baan) strike and make them
die alive (marjeeva) and belong to the
You remain very, very safe by having the pilgrimage of
remembrance. You will have happiness and very good manners because you become
pure and reform your character.
Physical organs become quiet when you reach your karmateet
stage. With the power of yoga all the physical organs quieten at a young age.
Always remember that you are becoming the masters of the
new world. This is pure pride (shuddh ahankaar) whereas the other is impure pride (ashuddh ahankaar).
“मीठे बच्चे - माया को वश
करने का मन्त्र है मन्मनाभव, इसी मन्त्र में सब खूबियां समाई हुई हैं,
यही मन्त्र तुम्हें पवित्र बना देता है”
प्रश्न:- आत्मा की सेफ्टी का नम्बरवन साधन कौन-सा है और कैसे?
उत्तर:- याद की यात्रा ही सेफ्टी का नम्बरवन साधन है क्योंकि इस याद से ही तुम्हारे कैरेक्टर सुधरते हैं । तुम माया पर जीत पा लेते हो । याद से पतित कर्मेन्द्रियां शान्त हो जाती हैं । याद से ही बल आता है । ज्ञान तलवार में याद का जौहर चाहिए । याद से ही मीठे सतोप्रधान बनेंगे । कोई को भी नाराज नहीं करेंगे इसलिए याद की यात्रा में कमजोर नहीं बनना है । अपने आपसे पूछना है कि हम कहाँ तक याद में रहते हैं?
के लिए मुख्य सार:-
ऐसा मीठा वातावरण बनाना है जिसमें कोई भी नाराज़ न हो । बाप समान
विदेही बनने का पुरूषार्थ करना है । याद के बल से अपना स्वभाव मीठा और
कर्मेन्द्रियां शान्त करनी हैं ।
सदा इसी नशे में रहना है कि अभी हम संगमयुगी हैं, कलियुगी नहीं ।
बाप हमें नये विश्व का मालिक बनाने के लिए पढ़ा रहे हैं । अशुद्ध ख्यालात समाप्त कर
देने हैं ।
वरदान:- अपनी सूक्ष्म कमजोरियों को चिंतन करके परिवर्तन करने वाले स्वचिंतक
भव !
सिर्फ ज्ञान की प्याइंटस रिपीट करना,
सुनना वा सुनाना ही स्वचिंतन नहीं है लेकिन
स्वचिंतन अर्थात् अपनी सूक्ष्म कमजोरियों को, अपनी छोटी-छोटी गलतियों को चिंतन करके मिटाना,
परिवर्तन करना - यही है स्वचिंतक बनना ।
ज्ञान का मनन तो सभी बच्चे बहुत अच्छा करते हैं लेकिन ज्ञान को स्वयं के प्रति यूज
कर धारणा स्वरूप बनना, स्वयं
को परिवर्तन करना, इसकी
ही मार्क्स फाइनल रिजल्ट में मिलती हैं ।
स्लोगन:- हर
समय करन-करावनहार बाबा याद रहे तो मैं पन का अभिमान नहीं आ सकता ।
Om shanti. You sweetest
spiritual children definitely have to be cautioned every day. Which caution?
Safety first. What is your safety? You remain very, very safe by having the
pilgrimage of remembrance. This is the main thing for you children. The Father
has explained: You will have happiness and there will be very good manners to
the extent that you children remain engaged in the pilgrimage of remembrance,
because you have to become pure. You also have to reform your character.
yourself: Is my character such that it causes sorrow for others? Do I have any
type of body consciousness? Check yourself in this very carefully. The Father
sits here and teaches you children. You children study and then also teach
others. The unlimited Father just teaches you; all the rest are bodily beings.
The whole world is included in this.
the one Father is bodiless. He says to you children that you also have to
become bodiless. I have come to make you bodiless. Only after becoming pure
will you go back there. He will not take back those who are dirty. That is why
this is the mantra that He first gives to you. This is the mantra with which to
control Maya. It is also the mantra with which you become pure. Many
specialities are merged in this mantra. It is through this mantra that you will
become pure.
have to change from human beings into deities. We definitely were deities.
Therefore, the Father says: If you want to remain safe, if you want to become
strong mahavirs, then make this effort. The Father continues to give you
teachings, even though He continues to say that it is the drama. Everything is
moving along absolutely accurately according to the drama, and He will continue
to explain to you for the future too.
mustn't become weak in the pilgrimage of remembrance. Gopikas in bondage (baandheli) who live outside
remember the Father even more than those who live with the Father do because
they are desperate to meet Shiv Baba. The stomachs of those who have already
met Him become full (satisfied). Those who stay in remembrance a great deal can
claim a high status.
has been seen that the main ones who look after very big centres are weak in
the pilgrimage of remembrance. There has to be very good power of remembrance.
Because there is no power of remembrance in the sword of knowledge, the arrow (teer) doesn't strike
anyone; they don't die completely. Children try to shoot arrows of knowledge (gyan ka baan) and make them die
alive (marjeeva) and belong to the
Father. However, if they don't die, there must definitely be something wrong
with the sword of knowledge.
Baba knows that the drama is moving along absolutely accurately, He still
continues to explain to you for the future. Each one of you can ask your heart:
To what extent do I stay in remembrance? It is only by having remembrance that
you will receive power. This is why it is said that there has to be power in
the sword of knowledge. Knowledge can be explained very easily.
more you stay in remembrance, the sweeter you will continue to become. When you
were satopradhan, you were very sweet. You now have to become satopradhan
again. Your nature has to be very sweet. You must never get upset (ranj). Let the atmosphere
not be such that someone becomes upset (naaraaz). Make effort for this, because this service of
establishing a Godly college is very elevated.
are many world universities remembered in Bharat. In fact, they are not that.
There is only the one world university. The Father comes and gives everyone liberation
and liberation-in-life. The Father knows that all the human beings of the whole
world are to die. You have invited the Father to come and end the dirty world
and establish the new world. You children also understand that the Father truly
has come.
is so much pomp of Maya now. They show
the play, "The Fall of Pompei". They build so many big buildings etc.
That too is pomp. In the golden age, they won't build buildings with so many
stories. They build such buildings here because there is very little land where
people can live. When destruction takes place, all the tall buildings will
fall. Previously, they didn't make such tall buildings. When the bombs are
released, the buildings will fall like a pack of cards (taash ke patte). This doesn't mean
that only those in the buildings will die and that others will still remain.
No, wherever they are, whether they are at sea, on land, in the sky, on the
mountains or flying, everyone will be destroyed.
is the old world. All the 8.4 million species will end. There, in the new
world, none of this will remain. There won't be so many human beings or
mosquitoes or germs and insects etc. Here, there are so many of them. You
children are now becoming deities, and so everything there will be satopradhan.
Here, too, when you go to a wealthy person's home, you find great cleanliness.
are becoming the greatest deities of all. You cannot be called important people
now. You become very elevated deities but this is not something new. You also
became this, numberwise, 5000 years ago. There won't be so much rubbish etc.
there. You children should become very happy that you are becoming very
elevated deities. Only the one Father is teaching us and making us very
a study, they always have a numberwise position. Some study less and others
study more. Children are now making effort and opening big centres so that the
eminent people find out about this. "Ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat" has
also been remembered. People abroad especially are very keen (utsukta) to study Raja Yoga.
It is the people of Bharat who have tamopradhan intellects.
others have tamo intellects. This is why they are keen to study the ancient
Raja Yoga of Bharat. Ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat is very well known for it was
through this that Bharat became heaven. Very few of those who come understand
fully. Heaven has passed and it will definitely exist again. Heaven, that is, Paradise, is the greatest
wonder of the world. Heaven is glorified so much. Heaven and hell, the Temple
of Shiva (Shivalay) and the brothel (vaishyaalay). You children now
remember, numberwise, that you now have to go to Shivalaya.
order to go there, you have to remember Shiv Baba. He is the Guide who will
take everyone back. Devotion is called the night and knowledge is called the
day. This is an unlimited matter. There is a lot of difference between
something new and something old. Children desire to teach such an elevated
study in big buildings, so that eminent people will come. You have to sit and
explain to each one individually.
fact, there are places of solitude for study. The ashrams of the brahm gyanis
are always far away from the cities and they always live on the ground floor.
They don't stay on the higher floors of such tall buildings. Now, because they
are tamopradhan, they have pushed their way into the cities. That power has now
finished. At this time, everyone's battery is empty. How can the battery now be
one, except the Father, can charge the battery. It is only by charging your
battery that you children receive strength. For that, the main thing is
remembrance. It is in this that there are obstacles of Maya. Some tell the
Surgeon the truth whereas others hide something. You have to tell the Father
about the weaknesses within you. You should tell the imperishable Surgeon the
sins you have committed in this birth. Otherwise, your conscience will continue
to bite. After telling Baba about them, your conscience will not bite. To keep
them inside you is also harmful.
who become true children tell the Father everything: These are the sins I have
committed in this birth. Day by day, the Father continues to emphasize that
this is your final birth. Those who are tamopradhan must surely be committing
sin. The Father says: I enter the one who has become number one impure at the
end of his many births, because he is the one who then has to claim number one.
lot of effort has to be made. You have committed sins in this birth too. Some
don't even realize what they are doing; they don't tell the truth. Some do tell
the truth. The Father has explained: Children, your physical organs will become
quiet when you reach your karmateet stage, just as when people become old,
their physical organs automatically quieten down. Here, all the physical organs
should be quietened at a young age. If you keep the power of yoga with you very
well, all of those things will end.
there are no dirty illnesses or rubbish or anything like that. People remain
very clean and tidy there. There, it is
the kingdom of Rama, whereas here, it is the kingdom of Ravan. So, there are
many types of bad illnesses here. In the golden age, none of them will exist.
Don't even ask! The very name is so first class: heaven, the new world. There
is a lot of cleanliness there.
Father explains: It is only at this most auspicious confluence age that you
hear all of these things. Yesterday, you didn't hear any of this. Yesterday,
you were the masters of the land of death and today, you are becoming the
masters of the land of immortality (amarlok). You have the faith that you were in the land of
death (mrityulok) yesterday, and that,
by coming into the confluence age, you are now making effort to go to the land
of immortality.
You have now found the One who can teach you.
Those who study well also earn a good income. The greatness would be said to be
of the study. It is the same here, too. You claim a very high status through
this study. You are now in the light. No one else, apart from you children,
knows this. You too repeatedly forget this. You go back to the old world. To
forget means to go to the old world.
confluence-aged Brahmins now know that you are not in the iron age. Always
remember that you are becoming the masters of the new world. The Father is
teaching us so that we can go to the new world. This is pure pride (shuddh ahankaar) whereas the other is
impure pride (ashuddh
You children should never have impure thoughts. At the end after efforts have
been made the result will be announced. The Father explains: Until that time,
all are effort-makers. When the examination takes place, souls pass,
numberwise, and are then transferred.
Yours is an unlimited study which only you know.
explain so much. New ones continue to
come to claim their inheritance from the unlimited Father. Although they live
far away, they develop faith in their intellects by listening to this. You
should also come personally in front of such a Baba. You should definitely
personally meet the Father who educates you children. It is only when souls
understand that, they come here. Some haven't understood anything, but then,
when they come here, they are able to understand.
Father says: If you have anything in your heart and you are unable to understand,
then you may ask. The Father is the
Magnet (Chumbak). Those who have it in their fortune are able
to grasp this very well. If it is not in
their fortune, then everything is over. They simply ignore everything they have
heard. Who sits here and teaches you? God. His name is Shiva. It is Shiv Baba
alone who gives us the sovereignty of heaven.
which study would be better? You would say that Shiv Baba, from whom we receive
sovereignty for 21 births, is teaching us. By explaining in this way, you can
then bring them to Baba. Some are unable to do that much service because they
don't understand fully. They are totally caught up in the chains of bondages (bandhan ki janjeer).
the beginning, you simply freed yourselves from the chains and came here, just
like those who are totally intoxicated (mastaane). It was also a part of the drama that there was
that pull. The furnace (bhatthi) had to be created in the drama. You died
alive, and then some went back to Maya. The war continues. Maya sees that you
have shown great courage, and so she also hits you to test whether you are
strong or not. Children were looked after so well. Everything was taught to
children look at those albums, but you cannot understand anything simply by
looking at photos. Who would sit and explain about what used to happen? Look
how you were in the bhatthi, and then how some came out of it in different
ways! Similarly, when rupees are printed, some of them would be faulty.
This is also the Godly mission. God sits here
and establishes religion. No one knows this. They call out to the Father, but
they are like crazy people who don't understand anything. They ask: How is this
possible? Maya, Ravan, makes them totally like that. People worship Shiv Baba
and then they say that He is omnipresent! If you speak of Shiv Baba, how can He
be omnipresent? People worship a lingam and call it Shiva. They do not say that
Shiva is sitting in it. They say that God is in the pebbles and stones. Does
that mean that all are God? God cannot be unlimited in that way. So, the Father
explains to you children. He also
explained in the same way in the previous cycle. Achcha.
To the sweetest,
beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning
from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the
spiritual children.
spiritual children says namaste to the spiritual Father.
शान्ति |
मीठे-मीठे रूहानी बच्चों
को रोज-रोज सावधानी जरूर देनी होती है । कौन सी? सेफ्टी फर्स्ट । सेफ्टी क्या है?
याद की यात्रा से तुम बहुत-बहुत सेफ रहते हो
। मूल बात ही बच्चों के लिए यह है । बाप ने समझाया है-तुम बच्चे जितना याद की
यात्रा में तत्पर रहेंगे उतनी खुशी भी रहेगी और मैंनर्स भी ठीक होंगे क्योंकि पावन
भी बनना है । कैरेक्टर्स भी सुधारना है । अपनी जांच करनी है-मेंरा कैरेक्टर किसको
दु :ख देने जैसा तो नहीं है! मुझे कोई देह- अभिमान तो नहीं आ जाता है?
यह अच्छी रीति अपनी जाँच रखनी है । बाप बैठ
बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं । तुम बच्चे पढ़ते भी हो तो फिर पढ़ाते भी हो । बेहद का बाप
सिर्फ पढ़ाते हैं । बाकी तो सब हैं देहधारी । इसमें सारी दुनिया आ जाती है । एक बाप
ही विदेही है । वह तुम बच्चों को कहते हैं कि तुमको भी विदेही बनना है । मैं आया
हूँ तुमको विदेही बनाने । पवित्र बनकर ही वहाँ जायेंगे । छी-छी को तो साथ ले नहीं जायेंगे
इसलिए पहले-पहले मन्त्र ही यह देते हैं । माया को वश करने का यह मन्त्र है ।
पवित्र होने का यह मन्त्र है । इस मन्त्र में बहुत खूबियां भरी हुई हैं,
इनसे ही पवित्र बनना है । मनुष्य से देवता
बनना है । जरूर हम ही देवता थे इसलिए बाप कहते हैं- अपनी सेफ्टी चाहो,
मजबूत महावीर बनना चाहो तो यह पुरूषार्थ करो
। बाप तो शिक्षा देते रहेंगे । भल ड्रामा भी कहते रहेंगे । ड्रामा अनुसार बिल्कुल
ठीक ही चल रहा है फिर आगे के लिए भी समझाते रहेंगे । याद की यात्रा में कमजोर नहीं
बनना है । बाहर रहने वाली बांधेली गोपिकाएं जितना याद करती हैं,
उतना सामने रहने वाले भी याद नहीं करते हैं क्योंकि
उनको तड़फन होती है शिवबाबा से मिलने की । जो मिल जाते हैं उन्हों का पेट जैसेकि भर
जाता है । जो बहुत याद करते हैं, वह
ऊंच पद पा सकते हैं । देखा जाता है- अच्छे- अच्छे, बड़े-बड़े सेंटर्स सम्भालने वाले मुख्य भी याद
की यात्रा में कमजोर हैं । याद का जौहर बहुत अच्छा चाहिए । ज्ञान तलवार में याद का
जौहर न होने कारण किसको तीर लगता ही नहीं, पूरा मरते नहीं । बच्चे कोशिश करते हैं ज्ञान
का बाण लगाकर बाप का बनायें वा मरजीवा बनायें । परन्तु मरते नहीं,
तो जरूर ज्ञान तलवार में गड़बड़ है । बाबा भल
जानते हैं-ड्रामा बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट चल रहा है, परन्तु आगे के लिए तो समझाते रहेंगे ना ।
हरेक अपनी दिल से पूछो-हम कहाँ तक याद करते हैं? याद से ही बल आयेगा इसलिए कहा जाता है-ज्ञान
तलवार में जौहर चाहिए । ज्ञान तो बहुत सहज रीति समझा सकते हैं ।
जितना-जितना याद में
रहेंगे उतना बड़े मीठे बनते जायेंगे । तुम सतोप्रधान थे तो बहुत मीठे थे । अब फिर
सतोप्रधान बनना है । तुम्हारा स्वभाव भी बहुत मीठा चाहिए । कभी रंज (नाराज़) नहीं
होना चाहिए । ऐसा वातावरण न हो जो कोई रंज हो । ऐसी कोशिश करनी चाहिए क्योंकि यह
ईश्वरीय कॉलेज स्थापन करने की सर्विस बहुत ऊंची है । विश्व-विद्यालय तो भारत में
बहुत गाये जाते हैं । वास्तव में वह हैं नहीं । विश्व विद्यालय तो एक ही होता है ।
बाप आकर सबको मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति देते हैं । बाप जानते हैं सारी दुनिया के जो भी
मनुष्य मात्र हैं, सब
खत्म होने हैं । बाप को बुलाया भी इसलिए है कि छी-छी दुनिया का खात्मा और नई
दुनिया की स्थापना करो । बच्चे भी समझते हैं बरोबर बाप आया हुआ है । अभी माया का
पाम्प कितना है । फॉल ऑफ पाम्पिया का खेल भी दिखाते हैं । बड़े-बड़े मकान आदि बना
रहे हैं-यह है पाम्प । सतयुग में इतने मंजिल के मकान बनते नहीं हैं । यहाँ बनते हैं
क्योंकि रहने के लिये जमीन कम है । विनाश जब होता है तब सब बड़े-बड़े मकान भी गिर पड़ते
हैं । आगे इतनी बड़ी-बड़ी बिल्डिंग नहीं बनती थी । बाम्बस जब छोड़ेंगे तो ऐसे गिरेंगे
जैसे ताश के पत्ते गिरते हैं । इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि वही मरेंगे बाकी दूसरे रह
जायेंगे । नहीं, जो
जहाँ होगा चाहे समुद्र पर हो, पृथ्वी
पर हो, आकाश में हो,
पहाड़ों पर हो, उड रहा हो...... सब खत्म हो जायेंगे । यह
पुरानी दुनिया है ना | जो भी 84 लाख योनियां हैं, यह सब खत्म हो जानी हैं । वहाँ नई दुनिया में
यह कुछ भी होगा नहीं । न इतने मनुष्य होंगे, न मच्छर, न जीव जन्तु आदि होंगे । यहाँ तो ढेर के ढेर
हैं । अब तुम बच्चे भी देवता बनते हो तो वहाँ हर चीज सतोप्रधान होती है । यहाँ भी बड़े
आदमी के घर में जायेंगे तो बड़ी सफाई आदि रहती है । तुम तो सबसे जास्ती बड़े देवता
बनते हो । बड़े आदमी भी नहीं कहेंगे । तुम बहुत ऊंच देवतायें बनते हो,
यह कोई नई बात नहीं है । 5 हजार वर्ष पहले भी
तुम यह बने थे नम्बरवार । यह इतना किचड़ा आदि वहाँ कुछ भी नहीं होगा । बच्चों को बड़ी
खुशी होती है-हम बहुत ऊंच देवता बनते हैं । एक ही बाप हमको पढ़ाने वाला है जो हमको
बहुत ऊँच बनाते हैं । पढ़ाई में हमेशा नम्बरवार पोजीशन वाले होते हैं । कोई कम पढ़ते
हैं, कोई जास्ती पढ़ते हैं । अब
बच्चे पुरूषार्थ कर रहे हैं, बडे-बड़े
सेंटर्स खोल रहे हैं इसलिए कि बड़ों-बड़ों को मालूम पड़े । भारत का प्राचीन राजयोग भी
गाया हुआ है । खास विलायत वालों को जास्ती उत्सुकता होती है-राजयोग सीखने की ।
भारतवासी तो तमोप्रधान बुद्धि हैं । वह फिर भी तमो बुद्धि हैं इसलिए उन्हों को शौक
रहता है भारत का प्राचीन राजयोग सीखने का । भारत का प्राचीन राजयोग नामीग्रामी है,
जिससे ही भारत स्वर्ग बना था । बहुत थोड़े आते
हैं, जो पूरी रीति समझते हैं ।
स्वर्ग हेविन पास हो गया सो फिर होगा जरूर । हेविन अथवा पैराडाइज़ है सबसे वन्डर ऑफ
वर्ल्ड । स्वर्ग का कितना नाम बाला है । स्वर्ग और नर्क,
शिवालय और वेश्यालय । बच्चों को अब नम्बरवार
याद है कि हमको अब शिवालय में जाना है । वहाँ जाने के लिए शिवबाबा को याद करना है
। वही पण्डा है सबको ले जाने वाला । भक्ति को कहा जाता है रात । ज्ञान को कहा जाता
है दिन । यह बेहद की बात है । नई चीज और पुरानी चीज़ में बहुत फर्क होता है । अब
बच्चों की दिल होती है-इतनी ऊँच ते ऊँच पढ़ाई, ऊंचे ते ऊंचे मकान में हम पढ़ायें तो बड़े-बड़े
लोग आएंगे । एक-एक को बैठ समझाना पड़ता है । वास्तव में पढ़ाई वा शिक्षा के लिए
एकान्त में स्थान होते हैं । ब्रह्म-ज्ञानियों के भी आश्रम शहर से दूर-दूर होते
हैं और नीचे ही रहते हैं । इतने ऊपर की मंजिल पर नहीं रहते हैं । अभी तो तमोप्रधान
होने से शहर में अन्दर घुस पड़े हैं । वह ताकत खत्म हो गई है । इस समय सबकी बैटरी
खाली है । अब बैटरी को कैसे भरना है-यह बाप के सिवाए कोई भी बैटरी चार्ज कर न सके
। बच्चों को बैटरी चार्ज करने से ही ताकत आती है । उसके लिए मुख्य है याद । उसमें
ही माया के विघ्न पड़ते हैं । कोई तो सर्जन के आगे सच बतलाते हैं,
कोई छिपा लेते हैं । अन्दर में जो खामियां
हैं, वह तो बाप को बतलानी पड़े ।
इस जन्म में जो पाप किये हैं, वह
अविनाशी सर्जन के आगे वर्णन करना चाहिए, नहीं तो वह दिल अन्दर खाता रहेगा । सुनाने के
बाद फिर खायेगा नहीं । अन्दर रख लेना-यह भी नुकसानकारक है । जो सच्चे-सच्चे बच्चे
बनते हैं, वह सब बाप को बतला देते
हैं-इस जन्म में यह-यह पाप किये हैं । दिन-प्रतिदिन बाप जोर देते रहते हैं,
यह तुम्हारा अन्तिम जन्म है । तमोप्रधान से
पाप तो जरूर होते होंगे ना ।
बाप कहते हैं मैं बहुत जन्मों
के अन्त में जो नम्बरवन पतित बना है, उनमें ही प्रवेश करता हूँ क्योंकि उनको ही
फिर नम्बरवन में जाना है । बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ती है । इस जन्म में पाप हुए तो हैं
ना । कइयों को पता ही नहीं पड़ता है कि हम यह क्या कर रहे हैं । सच नहीं बतलाते हैं
। कोई-कोई सच बतला देते हैं । बाप ने समझाया है-बच्चे,
तुम्हारी कर्मेन्द्रियां शान्त तब होती हैं,
जब कर्मातीत अवस्था बनती हैं । जैसे मनुष्य
बूढ़े होते हैं तो कर्मेन्द्रियां ऑटोमेटिकली शान्त हो जाती हैं । इसमें तो छोटेपन में
ही सब शान्त हो जाना चाहिए । योगबल में अच्छी तरह रहे तो इन सब बातों की एन्ड हो
जाए । वहाँ कोई ऐसी गन्दी बीमारी, किचड़पट्टी
आदि कुछ नहीं होता है । मनुष्य बड़े साफ-शुद्ध रहते हैं । वहाँ है ही राम राज्य ।
यहाँ है रावण राज्य, तो
अनेक प्रकार की गन्दगी की बीमारियां आदि हैं । सतयुग में यह कुछ होती नहीं । बात
मत पूछो । नाम ही कितना फर्स्टक्लास है-स्वर्ग, नई दुनिया । बड़ी सफाई रहती है । बाप समझाते हैं-इस
पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग पर ही तुम यह सब बातें सुनते हो । कल नहीं सुनते थे । कल
मृत्युलोक के मालिक थे, आज
अमरलोक के मालिक बनते हो । निश्चय हो जाता है कल मृत्युलोक में थे,
अभी संगमयुग पर आने से अमरलोक में जाने के
लिए तुम पुरूषार्थ कर रहे हो । पढ़ाने वाला भी अब मिला है । जो अच्छी रीति पढ़ते हैं
तो पैसा आदि भी अच्छा कमाते हैं । बलिहारी पढ़ाई की कहेंगे । यह भी ऐसे हैं । इस पढ़ाई
से तुम बहुत ऊंच पद पाते हो । अभी तुम रोशनी में हो । यह भी सिवाए तुम बच्चों के
और कोई को मालूम नहीं है । तुम भी फिर घड़ी-घडी भूल जाते हो । पुरानी दुनिया में
चले जाते हो । भूलना माना पुरानी दुनिया में चले जाना ।
अभी तुम संगमयुगी ब्राह्मणों
को मालूम है कि हम कलियुग में नहीं हैं । यह सदैव याद रखना है हम नये विश्व के
मालिक बन रहे हैं । बाप हमको पढ़ाते ही हैं नई दुनिया में जाने के लिए । यह है
शुद्ध अहंकार । वह है अशुद्ध अहंकार । तुम बच्चों को तो कभी अशुद्ध ख्यालात भी नहीं
आने चाहिए । पुरूषार्थ करते-करते आखरीन पिछाड़ी में रिजल्ट निकलेगी । बाप समझाते
हैं इस समय तक सब पुरूषार्थी हैं । इम्तहान जब होता है तो नम्बरवार पास हो फिर
ट्रॉन्सफर हो जाते हैं । तुम्हारी है बेहद की पढ़ाई जिसको सिर्फ तुम ही जानते हो ।
तुम कितना समझाते हो । नये-नये आते रहते हैं बेहद के बाप से वर्सा पाने के लिए ।
भल दूर रहते हैं फिर भी सुनते-सुनते निश्चय बुद्धि हो जाते हैं-ऐसे बाबा के सम्मुख
भी जाना चाहिए । जिस बाप ने बच्चों को पढ़ाया है, ऐसे बाप से सम्मुख तो जरूर मिलना चाहिए ।
समझकर ही यहाँ आते हैं । कोई नहीं समझे हुए हैं तो भी यहाँ आने से समझ जाते हैं ।
बाप कहते हैं दिल में कोई भी बात हो, समझ में नहीं आती हो तो भल पूछो । बाप तो
चुम्बक है ना । जिसकी तकदीर में है वह अच्छी रीति पकड़ सकते हैं । तकदीर में नहीं
है तो फिर खलास । सुना- अनसुना कर देते हैं । यहाँ कौन बैठ पढ़ाते हैं?
भगवान । उनका नाम है शिव । शिवबाबा ही हमको
स्वर्ग की बादशाही देते हैं । फिर कौन-सी पढ़ाई अच्छी?
तुम कहेंगे हमको शिवबाबा पढ़ाते हैं जिससे 21 जन्मों की बादशाही मिलती है । ऐसे-ऐसे
समझाते-समझाते ले जाते हैं । कोई तो पूरा न समझने कारण इतनी सर्विस नहीं कर सकते
हैं । बन्धन की जंजीरों में जकड़ें रहते हैं । शुरू में तो तुम कैसे अपने को
जंजीरों से छुड़ाकर आये । जैसे कोई मस्ताने होते हैं । यह भी ड्रामा में पार्ट था
जो कशिश हुई । ड्रामा में भट्ठी बननी थी । जीते जी मरे फिर माया की तरफ कोई-कोई
चले गये । युद्ध तो होती है ना । माया देखती है-इसने बड़ी हिम्मत दिखाई है । अब हम
भी ठोक कर देखते हैं कि पक्के हैं वा नहीं? बच्चों की कितनी सम्भाल होती थी । सब कुछ
सिखलाते थे । तुम बच्चे एलबम आदि देखते हो लेकिन सिर्फ चित्र देखने से भी समझ न सकें
। कोई बैठ समझाये कि क्या-क्या होता था । कैसे भट्ठी में पड़े थे,
फिर कोई कैसे निकले,
कोई कैसे । जैसे रूपये छपते हैं तो भी
कोई-कोई खराब हो पड़ते हैं । यह भी ईश्वरीय मिशनरी है । ईश्वर बैठ धर्म की स्थापना
करते हैं । यह बात किसको भी पता नहीं है । बाप को बुलाते भी हैं परन्तु जैसे तवाई,
समझते ही नहीं । कहते हैं यह कैसे हो सकता है
। माया रावण एकदम ऐसा बना देती है । शिवबाबा की पूजा भी करते हैं फिर कह देते
सर्वव्यापी । शिवबाबा कहते हो फिर सर्वव्यापी कैसे होगा । पूजा करते हैं,
लिंग को शिव कहते हैं । ऐसे थोड़ेही कहते कि
इसमें शिव बैठा है । अब पत्थर-ठिक्कर में भगवान को कहना तो क्या सब भगवान ही भगवान
है । भगवान अनलिमिटेड तो नहीं होंगे ना । तो बाप बच्चों को समझाते हैं,
कल्प पहले भी ऐसे समझाया था । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति
मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को
नमस्ते ।