Essence of Murli
(H&E): October
04, 2014:
Essence: Sweet
children, along with having remembrance of the Father, become full of the
wealth of knowledge (gyan dhan se sampann). Only when the
entire knowledge continues to turn around in your intellects will you
experience unlimited happiness. It is by having the knowledge of the world
cycle (srishti chakr) that you become the rulers of the globe (chakravarty raja).
Question: Which
children (human beings) are not able to have love for the Father?
Answer: Those who live in the very depths of hell (rowrav nark) and have love for the
vices. Such human beings are not able to have love (preet) for the Father. You
children have recognized (pehchaan) the Father. That is why you have love for the Father.
Question: Who
does not have the right to come into the golden age?
Answer: The Father does not come into the golden age
and death does not come there either. Just as Ravan does not have the right to
come into the golden age, so the Father says: Children, I too do not have the
right to come into the golden age. The Father makes you worthy to go to the
land of happiness and He returns home.
He too has limits.
Essence for dharna:
1. It
should always be retained in your intellect that you are now returning home.
The anchor of our boat (naiyaa ka langar) has been raised from this old world. We are on a
spiritual pilgrimage. Practice this pilgrimage and inspire others to do the
2. Remain
fearless (nirbhay) and don't lose
courage when you speak in front of important people. Instill the habit (aadat) of becoming soul
conscious whilst explaining to others.
Blessing: May
you be an accurate effort-maker (yathaarath purushaarthi) who leaves the shores (kinaara) of any
temporary support and makes the one Father your Support.
Effort does
not mean that you keep making the same mistake again and again and make effort
your support. Become an accurate effort-maker (purushaarthi), that is, be the being (purush) who makes the
chariot (rath) do everything. Now let
go of the shores of temporary supports. Instead of making the Father their
Support, some children make limited shores their support. Whether it is your
nature and sanskars, or adverse situations, all those temporary supports are
just superficial and deceptive (dhokhebaaj). The support
of the one Father is the canopy of protection (chhatrchhaaya).
Today, from the blessing we can also infer:
foundation of a support should be firm; it should be constant, it should be
unwavering, it should be immovable, it should be unshakeable (atoot aur akhand atal achal adol). You would not lay the foundation of a building in sand
would you? You need solid ground in order to feel safe.
Similarly, Baba says, everything in
the corporeal world is tamopradhan, is transforming, is temporary, and is
transitory. You cannot take the support of another human being, who himself is
not complete and perfect. Due to fluctuations in stage, there are bound to be
clashes. God is the only constant in the Universe; why not take His support and
be safe?
Baba has also said, become the
images of support and give support to others. Be a helper in God’s task this
way. By being the images of support, you can also become the images of
upliftment and the images of the right samples and examples (aadhaar
moort, udhhaar moort, udaharan moort). So, instead of
looking for support, become the support.
Consider yourself to be the saplings
of the new tree and the images of support though whom the tree planting
ceremony takes place. You are the roots, that is, the foundation of the new
tree. Become constantly merciful, stable in the stage of being world
benefactors, remain unshakeable and immovable, and maintain good wishes for
self and for others.
Slogan: A knowledge-full soul recognizes Maya from
a distance and makes the self powerful (swayam ko samarth).
Points to churn from the slogan:
Ram is Almighty, Ravan is Almighty and the Drama is also the competition between Ram and Ravan, we, the souls, are
undefeated by the attacks of Maya by remaining in remembrance of the Master...
we are the spiritual victorious army on the battle field of Kurukshetra,
playing our parts on the field of action in the eternal drama that has no
beginning and no having the knowledge of the seed and the Kalpa Tree,
we earn a huge true income and enjoy the reward in the land of Truth...
We are free from the consciousness
of the body, free from the attractions of its connections and relationships,
material possessions, material comfort, facilities and wealth (deh
sahit deh ke sabhi sambandh, sampark,saadhan,
vastu, padaarth vaibhav)...we are the loving
and co-operative children who fill our hearts fully and imbibe the number one
love of Baba’s heart, God’s powers,
God’s love and Godly knowledge (baap ka nambar van dil ka pyar, sampoorn
parmaaatn pyar, parmaatm shaktiyaan, parmaatm gyan) being the
children of the Almighty Authority Father, we are the master almighty
authorities, who are maya proof and free from attachment, inclination and
influence (lagaav, jhukaav, prabhav)...
We are the active, alert, attentive souls, the highest
among human beings, who ignite the flames of destruction and transform the
elements... instead of waiting, we become
conscious and make preparations with full force...with our third eye of
knowledge, we recognize Maya...instead of counting the time, we make ourselves
powerful and stabilize in our stage of
being the most elevated... we make our
stage powerful in order to order the elements, and on the basis of thoughts, we
make the gathering perfect and become
those who have all rights to order the elements...
Points from
the Murli:
The world becomes old from new. Always keep it in your
intellects that you are returning home.
Your anchor (langar) has been raised from this old world; your boat is about to
go across. The Father has come and is holding your hands.
That is called the land of immortality. It is here that you
invite Me. The Father says: I come into this old world and this old body. I too
do not have the right to come into the new world.
There are some whose intellects have no love for God at the
time of destruction (vinaash kaale vipreet buddhi). They don't even
remember the Father. They don't know Shiv Baba at all; they don't even believe
in Him. They are totally eclipsed by Maya. The Father comes to make you into
those with loving intellects (preet buddhi).
The Father's task is to purify you and take you to the pure
world. I only come to purify the impure.
You become pure and then make others pure. You now have to change from beggars
into princes.
The word ''yoga" does not necessarily mean a pilgrimage.
Do not use the word "yoga"; call it the pilgrimage of remembrance. It
is souls that have to go on this pilgrimage.
Baba has explained that to worship one Shiva is
unadulterated devotion. Then there is the worship of the deities and, after
that, there is the worship of the five elements. The worship of the deities is
still better because their bodies are satopradhan, whereas the bodies of human
beings are impure. On the path of devotion they continue to bow their heads in
front of everyone. You can calculate who takes the most births and how the
number of births decreases.
The example of the buzzing moth (bhramri) also refers to you.
You change the insects and make them similar to yourselves (aap samaan), Brahmins. All of
those examples (drishtaant) refer to this place.
You should speak with confidence. You must remain fearless (nidar) when explaining and
not lose courage in front of important people. By having the knowledge of the
world cycle (srishti
chakr), you become the
rulers of the globe (chakravarty raja).
सार:- “मीठे नब्बे - बाप की याद के साथ-साथ
ज्ञान धन से सम्पन्न बनो, बुद्धि
में सारा ज्ञान घूमता रहे तब अपार खुशी रहेगी, सृष्टि चक्र के ज्ञान से तुम चक्रवर्ती राजा
प्रश्न:- किन बच्चों (मनुष्यों) की प्रीत बाप से नहीं हो सकती है?
उत्तर:- जो रौरव नर्क में रहने वाले विकारों से प्रीत करते हैं, ऐसे मनुष्यों की प्रीत बाप से नहीं हो सकती । तुम बच्चों ने बाप को पहचाना है इसलिए तुम्हारी बाप से प्रीत है ।
प्रश्न:- किसे सतयुग में आने का हुक्म ही नहीं है?
उत्तर:- बाप को भी सतयुग में आना नहीं हैं तो वहाँ काल भी नहीं आ सकता है । जैसे रावण को सतयुग में आने का हुक्म नहीं, ऐसे बाबा कहते बच्चे मुझे भी सतयुग में आने का हुक्म नहीं । बाबा तो तुम्हें सुखधाम का लायक बनाकर घर चले जाते हैं, उन्हें भी लिमिट मिली हुई है ।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1. बुद्धि में सदैव याद रहे कि हम जा रहे हैं, हमारी नईया का
लंगर इस पुरानी दुनिया से उठ चुका है । हम हैं रूहानी यात्रा पर । यही यात्रा करनी
और करानी है ।
2. किसी भी बड़े आदमी के सामने निर्भयता
(भभके) से बात करनी है, फंक
नहीं होना है । देही-अभिमानी बनकर समझाने की आदत डालनी है ।
अल्पकाल के सहारे के किनारे को छोड़ एक बाप को
सहारा बनाने वाले यथार्थ पुरुषार्थी भव
पुरुषार्थ का अर्थ यह नहीं
है कि एक बार की गलती बार-बार करते रहो और पुरुषार्थ को अपना सहारा बना लो । यथार्थ
पुरुषार्थी अर्थात् पुरुष बन रथ द्वारा कार्य कराने वाले । अभी अल्पकाल के सहारे
के किनारे छोड़ दो । कई बच्चे बाप के बजाए हद के किनारों को सहारा बना लेते हैं ।
चाहे अपने स्वभाव- संस्कारों को, चाहे
परिस्थितियों को. .यह सब अल्पकाल के सहारे दिखावा-मात्र,
धोखेबाज हैं । एक बाप का सहारा ही छत्रछाया है
स्लोगन:- नॉलेजफुल
वह है जो माया को दूर से ही पहचान कर स्वयं को समर्थ बना ले ।
Om shanti. The spiritual
Father sits here and explains to you spiritual children. Are you spiritual
children sitting here on the pilgrimage of remembrance? You souls have the
knowledge inside you that you are on the pilgrimage of remembrance. The word
"pilgrimage" should definitely enter your hearts. Just as those
pilgrims think of going to Haridwar or Amarnath and that when they finish their
pilgrimage they will return home, so it is in the intellects of you children
here that you are going to the land of peace. The Father has come and is
holding your hands. He holds your hands and takes you across. "Hold my
hand" is said because you are lying in the ocean of poison. Now, remember
Shiv Baba and the home. You should remember internally that you are returning
home. You do not have to say anything through your lips. Simply remember
internally that Baba has come to take you home. You definitely do have to
remain on the pilgrimage of remembrance. It is by having this pilgrimage of
remembrance that your sins are cut away. Only then will you reach that high
destination. The Father explains to you very clearly, just as one would teach
small children. Let it always remain in your intellects that you are
continually remembering Baba and going back.
The Father's task is to purify you and take you to the pure world. He takes you children there. It is souls that
have to stay on the pilgrimage. We souls have to remember the Father and return
home. When you reach your home, the Father's task will be over. The Father
comes to make you pure from impure and take you home. It is here that you
study. By all means, go and tour around etc. but, whatever you do, let your
intellects have remembrance. The word ''yoga" does not necessarily mean a
pilgrimage. Sannyasis use the word "yoga". All of those are the
directions of human beings. For half a cycle, you followed divine dictates and
then, for the other half of the cycle, you followed human dictates. You have
now received God's directions. Do not use the word "yoga"; call it
the pilgrimage of remembrance. It is souls that have to go on this pilgrimage.
That is a physical pilgrimage which you go on with your bodies. You don't need
to use your bodies here. You souls know
that that is the sweet home of us souls.
The Father is giving you teachings through which you will become pure.
You have to become satopradhan from tamopradhan by having remembrance. This is
a pilgrimage. We are sitting in remembrance of the Father because we have to go
home to Baba. The Father comes to purify you because you have to go to the pure
world. The Father makes you pure and then, numberwise, according to the effort
you make, you go to the pure world. This knowledge should remain in your
intellects. We are on the pilgrimage of remembrance. We do not want to return
to this land of death. It is Baba's task to enable us to reach home. Baba shows
you the path. You are now in the land of death. Then you will be in the new
world, the land of immortality. The Father will not let go of you until He
makes you worthy. The Father will not take you to the land of happiness. He has
the limit of only enabling you to reach your home. This entire knowledge should remain in your
intellects. You should not only remember the Father, because you also need to
have knowledge. It is by having
knowledge that you earn an income. By having the knowledge of the world cycle,
you become the rulers of the globe. You have the knowledge in your intellects
that you have been around the cycle, that you will return home and that the
cycle will start again from the beginning. Only when you keep this whole
knowledge in your intellects can your mercury of happiness rise. You have to
remember the Father. You also have to remember the land of peace and the land
of happiness. How can you become the rulers of the globe if you do not remember
the cycle of 84 births? It is the task of sannyasis to remember only one place.
Because they don't know that One, they only remember the element of light. The
Father explains to you children very clearly. By continuing to have
remembrance, your sins will be cut away. First, you have to return home. This is your spiritual pilgrimage. There is a song: We went around searching for
You in all four directions but still remained distant all the time. (chaaron taraf
lagaaye fere fir bhi hardam door rahe) That means, we remained distant
from the Father. You did not know the Father who gives you your unlimited
inheritance. How many times have you been around? People go on many pilgrimages
every year. When people have a lot of money they desire to go on pilgrimages.
This is your spiritual pilgrimage. When the new world has been created for you,
you will go there. That is also called the land of immortality. There, there is
no death to come and take anyone. Death does not have the right to enter the
new world. This is the old world of Ravan. It is here that you invite Me. The
Father says: I come into this old world and this old body. I too do not have
the right to come into the new world. I only come to purify the impure. You become
pure and then make others pure. Sannyasis run away; they completely disappear.
You don't even know where they have gone because they even change their dress
(costume). Similarly, actors change their appearance; sometimes, a male actor
plays the role of a female and sometimes, a female plays the role of a male.
They change their appearance in this way. Such things will not happen in the
golden age. The Father says: I come to create the new world. You children rule
for half the cycle. Then, according to the drama plan, the copper age begins
and once again the deities fall on to the path of sin. There are many dirty
images of them in Jagadnathpuri. There is the Temple to Jagadnath. He (Krishna)
in fact had a kingdom and was the master of the world, yet he is shut away in a
temple and portrayed as ugly! You can explain a great deal at the temple to
Jagadnath. No one else can explain the meaning of this. From being worthy of
worship, it is the deities who become worshippers. In every instance, those
people say that God is worthy of worship as well as a worshipper, that He gives
happiness as well as sorrow. The Father says: I do not cause sorrow to anyone.
This is a matter of understanding. When a child is born, there is happiness but
when the child dies, they cry. They say that God gave them sorrow. Ah! but you
receive temporary happiness and sorrow in the kingdom of Ravan. There is no
question of sorrow in My kingdom. The golden age is called the land of
immortality. This is called the land of death, where they have untimely death.
There, they celebrate in great happiness and their lifespan is also long. The
longest lifespan is 150 years. Here, too, some people live that long. However, this is not heaven. Some look after
their bodies very well and their lifespan becomes longer. There are some who
also have many children. The family continues to grow and expand very quickly
just as branches and twigs emerge on a tree. There might be 50 branches and
then 50 more will emerge from them. A great deal of growth takes place. The
same thing happens here. This is why this tree is compared to a banyan tree.
Although the whole tree is still standing, its foundation does not exist. Here,
too, the foundation of the original eternal deity religion no longer exists. No
one knows when the deities existed. They speak of hundreds of thousands of
years. Previously, you too never thought about this. The Father comes and
explains everything to you. You have now come to know the Father and the
beginning, middle and end of the whole drama and you have also come to know its
duration etc. No one knows how the new world becomes old and how the old world
becomes new. You children are now on the pilgrimage of remembrance. This
pilgrimage of yours should continue regularly. By all means, go on tour but
stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. This is a spiritual pilgrimage. You
understand that you also used to go on those pilgrimages on the path of
devotion. Those who were strong devotees must have been on many pilgrimages.
Baba has explained that to worship one Shiva is unadulterated devotion. Then
there is the worship of the deities and, after that, there is the worship of
the five elements. The worship of the deities is still better because their
bodies are satopradhan, whereas the bodies of human beings are impure. Those
deities are pure. Then, from the copper age onwards everyone becomes impure;
they continue to fall. The picture of the ladder is very good to use for you to
explain. There is the story about a genie. All of those examples etc. refer to
this time. They have all been created about you. The example of the buzzing
moth (bhramri) also refers to you. You change the insects and make them
similar to yourselves (aap samaan), Brahmins. All of those examples (drishtaant) refer to this
place. Previously, you children used to
go on physical pilgrimages. You are now once again studying this spiritual
pilgrimage with the Father. This is a study. Just look what people do on the
path of devotion! They continue to bow their heads in front of everyone and yet
they don't know the occupation of any one of them. You can calculate who takes
the most births and how the number of births decreases. It is now that you
receive this knowledge. You know that heaven definitely did exist. The people
of Bharat have such stone intellects that when you ask them when heaven
existed, they say: It was hundreds of thousands of years ago. You children know
that you were the masters of the world. You were very happy and you now have to
change from beggars into princes. The world becomes old from new. Therefore,
the Father says: Make effort! He also knows that Maya makes you forget again
and again. The Father explains: Always keep it in your intellects that you are
returning home. Your anchor (langar)has been raised
from this old world; your boat is about to go across. People sing: ''Take our
boat across" (naiyaa hamaari paar le jaao), but they don't
know when it's going to go across. Therefore, the main thing is the pilgrimage
of remembrance. Together with the Father, you also have to remember your
inheritance. When children grow older (baalig) they keep
their father's inheritance in their intellects. You are now grown up. You souls understand straightaway that this
is accurate. The unlimited Father's inheritance is heaven. Baba establishes
heaven, and so you have to follow the Father's shrimat. The Father says: You
definitely do have to become pure. It is because of purity that fighting and
quarrelling take place. It is as though people are absolutely in the depths of
hell and are falling even further into vice. This is why they are not able to
have love for the Father. They are the ones whose intellects have no love for
God at the time of destruction (vinaash kaale vipreet buddhi). The Father
comes to make you into those with loving intellects (preet buddhi). There are many
who don't have the slightest love in their intellects. They don't even remember
the Father. They don't know Shiv Baba at all; they don't even believe in Him.
They are totally eclipsed by Maya. They have no pilgrimage of remembrance. The
Father inspires you to make effort. You also know that the sun and the moon
dynasty kingdoms are now being established here. There are no religions
established in the golden or silver age. Rama does not establish a religion. He
becomes that through the establishment that the Father carries out. There is
the difference of day and night in the way that other founders of religions
establish their religions and how the Father establishes a religion. The Father
comes at the confluence age when the world has to be transformed. The Father
says: I come at the confluence of every cycle. However, they have wrongly
written the words that I come in every age. The path of devotion has to last
for half a cycle. Therefore, the Father says: Children, don't forget these
things. Children say: Baba, we forget You. Oh! but even animals do not forget
their father! So, why do you forget? You do not consider yourselves to be
souls. By becoming body conscious you forget the Father. Just as the Father now
explains to you, so you children also have to form the habit of explaining in
the same way. You should speak with confidence. You shouldn't lose courage in
front of important people. You kumaris are the ones who go and explain to great
scholars and pundits, and so you must remain fearless (nidar) when
explaining to them. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love,
remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The
spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual
शान्ति |
रूहानी बाप बैठ रूहानी
बच्चों को समझाते हैं । रूहानी बच्चे याद की यात्रा में बैठे हुए हो?
अन्दर में यह ज्ञान हैं ना कि हम आत्मायें
याद की यात्रा पर हैं । यात्रा अक्षर तो जरूर दिल में आना चाहिए । जैसे वह यात्रा
करते हैं हरिद्वार, अमरनाथ
जाने की । यात्रा पूरी की फिर लौट आते हैं । यहाँ फिर तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि में है
कि हम जाते हैं शान्तिधाम । बाप ने आकर हाथ पकड़ा है । हाथ पकड़कर पार ले जाना होता है
ना । कहते भी हैं हाथ पकड़ लो क्योंकि विषय सागर में पड़े हैं । अब तुम शिवबाबा को
याद करो और घर को याद करो । अन्दर में यह आना चाहिए कि हम जा रहे हैं । इसमें मुख
से कुछ बोलना भी नहीं है । अन्दर में सिर्फ याद रहे-बाबा आया हुआ है लेने लिए ।
याद की यात्रा पर जरूर रहना है । इस याद की यात्रा से ही तुम्हारे पाप कटने हैं,
तब ही फिर उस मंजिल पर पहुँचेंगे । कितना
क्लीयर बाप समझाते हैं । जैसे छोटे बच्चों को पढ़ाया जाता है ना । सदैव बुद्धि में
हो कि हम बाबा को याद करते जा रहे हैं । बाप का काम ही है पावन बनाकर पावन दुनिया में
ले जाना । बच्चों को ले जाते हैं । आत्मा को ही यात्रा करनी है । हम आत्माओं को बाप
को याद कर घर जाना है । घर पहुँचेंगे फिर बाप का काम पूरा हुआ । बाप आते ही हैं
पतित से पावन बनाकर घर ले जाने । पढ़ाई तो यहाँ ही पढ़ते हैं । भल घूमो फिरो,
कोई भी काम-काज करो,
बुद्धि में यह याद रहे । योग अक्षर में
यात्रा सिद्ध नहीं होती है । योग सन्यासियों का है । वह तो सब हैं मनुष्यों की मत
। आधाकल्प तुम मनुष्य मत पर चले हो । आधाकल्प दैवी मत पर चले थे । अभी तुमको मिलती
है ईश्वरीय मत ।
योग अक्षर नहीं कहो,
याद की यात्रा कहो । आत्मा को यह यात्रा करनी
है । वह होती है जिस्मानी यात्रा, शरीर
के साथ जाते हैं । इसमें तो शरीर का काम ही नहीं । आत्मा जानती है,
हम आत्माओं का वह स्वीट घर है । बाप हमको
शिक्षा दे रहे हैं जिससे हम पावन बनेंगे । याद करते-करते तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान
बनना है । यह है यात्रा । हम बाप की याद में बैठते हैं क्योंकि बाबा के पास ही घर
जाना है । बाप आते ही हैं पावन बनाने । सो तो पावन दुनिया में जाना ही है । बाप
पावन बनाते हैं फिर नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार तुम पावन दुनिया में जायेंगे । यह
ज्ञान बुद्धि में रहना चाहिए । हम याद की यात्रा पर हैं । हम को इस मृत्युलोक में
लौट कर नहीं आना है । बाबा का काम है हमको घर तक पहुँचाना । बाबा रास्ता बता देते
हैं अभी तुम तो मृत्युलोक में हो फिर अमरलोक नई दुनिया में होंगे । बाप लायक बनाकर
ही छोड़ते हैं । सुखधाम में बाप नहीं ले जायेंगे । इनकी लिमिट हो जाती है घर तक
पहुँचाना । यह सारा ज्ञान बुद्धि में रहना चाहिए । सिर्फ बाप को याद नहीं करना
चाहिए, साथ में ज्ञान भी चाहिए ।
ज्ञान से तुम धन कमाते हो ना । इस सृष्टि चक्र की नॉलेज से तुम चक्रवर्ती राजा
बनते हो । बुद्धि में यह ज्ञान है, इसमें चक्र लगाया है । फिर हम घर जायेंगे फिर
नये सिर चक्र शुरू होगा । यह सारा ज्ञान बुद्धि में रहे तब खुशी का पारा चढ़े । बाप
को भी याद करना है, शान्तिधाम,
सुखधाम को भी याद करना है । 84 का चक्र अगर
याद नहीं करेंगे तो चक्रवर्ती राजा कैसे बनेंगे । सिर्फ एक को याद करना तो
सन्यासियों का काम है क्योंकि वह इनको जानते नहीं है । ब्रह्म को ही याद करते हैं
। बाप तो अच्छी रीति बच्चों को समझाते हैं । याद करते-करते ही तुम्हारे पाप कट
जाने हैं । पहले तो घर जाना है, यह
है रूहानी यात्रा । गायन भी है चारों तरफ लगाये फेरे फिर भी हरदम दूर रहे अर्थात्
बाप से दूर रहे । जिस बाप से बेहद का वर्सा मिलना है उनको तो जानते ही नहीं ।
कितने चक्र लगाये हैं । हर वर्ष भी कई यात्रा करते हैं । पैसे बहुत होते हैं तो
यात्रा का शौक रहता है । यह तो तुम्हारी है रूहानी यात्रा । तुम्हारे लिए नई
दुनिया बन जायेगी फिर तो नई दुनिया में ही आने वाले हो,
जिसको अमरलोक कहा जाता हैं । वहाँ काल होता नहीं
जो किसको ले जाये । काल को हुक्म ही नहीं हैं नई दुनिया में आने का । रावण की तो
यह पुरानी दुनिया है ना । तुम बुलाते भी यहाँ हो । बाप कहते हैं मैं पुरानी दुनिया
में पुराने शरीर में आता हूँ । मुझे भी नई दुनिया में आने का हुक्म नहीं । मैं तो
पतितों को ही पावन बनाने आता हूँ । तुम पावन बन फिर औरों को भी पावन बनाते हो ।
सन्यासी तो भाग जाते हैं । एकदम गुम हो जाते हैं । पता ही नहीं पड़ता है,
कहाँ चला गया क्योंकि वह ड्रेस ही बदल लेते
हैं । जैसे एक्टर्स रूप बदलते हैं । कभी मेल से फीमेल बन जाते हैं,
कभी फीमेल से मेल बन जाते हैं । यह भी रूप
बदलते हैं । सतयुग में थोड़े ही ऐसी बातें होंगी ।
बाप कहते हैं हम आते हैं
नई दुनिया बनाने । आधाकल्प तुम बच्चे राज्य करते हो फिर ड्रामा प्लैन अनुसार
द्वापर शुरू होता है, देवतायें
वाम मार्ग में चले जाते हैं, उन्हों
के बहुत गन्दे चित्र भी जगन्नाथपुरी में हैं । जगन्नाथ का मन्दिर है । यूँ तो उनकी
राजधानी थी जो खुद विश्व के मालिक थे । वह फिर मन्दिर में जाकर बन्द हुआ,
उनको काला दिखाते हैं । इस जगत नाथ के मन्दिर
पर तुम बहुत समझा सकते हो । और कोई इनका अर्थ समझा नहीं सकते । देवता ही पूज्य से
पुजारी बनते हैं । वह लोग तो हर बात में भगवान के लिए कह देते आपे ही पूज्य,
आपे ही पुजारी । आप ही सुख देते हो,
आप ही दुःख देते हो । बाप कहते हैं मैं तो
किसको दु:ख देता ही नहीं हूँ । यह तो समझ की बात है । बच्चा जन्मा तो खुशी होगी,
बच्चा मरा तो रोने लग पड़ेंगे । कहेंगे भगवान ने
दुःख दिया । अरे, यह
अल्पकाल का सुख-दुःख तुमको रावणराज्य में ही मिलता है । मेरे राज्य में दुःख की
बात नहीं होती । सतयुग को कहा जाता है अमरलोक । इनका नाम ही है मृत्युलोक । अकाले
मर पड़ते हैं । वहाँ तो बहुत खुशियाँ मनाते हैं, आयु भी बड़ी रहती है । बड़ी में बड़ी आयु 150 वर्ष की होती है । यहाँ भी कभी-कभी ऐसे
कोई की होती है परन्तु यहाँ तो स्वर्ग नहीं है ना । कोई शरीर को बहुत सम्भाल से
रखते हैं तो आयु बड़ी भी हो जाती है फिर बच्चे भी कितने हो जाते है । परिवार बढ़ता
जाता है, वृद्धि
जल्दी होती है । जैसे झाड़ से टाल-टालियां निकलती हैं-50 टालियां और उनसे और 50 निकलेंगी, कितना
वृद्धि को पाते हैं । यहाँ भी ऐसे हैं इसलिए इनका मिसाल बड़ के झाड़ से देते हैं ।
सारा झाड़ खडा है, फाउण्डेशन
है नहीं । यहाँ भी आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म का फाउन्डेशन है नहीं । कोई को पता
ही नहीं देवतायें कब थे, वह
तो लाखों वर्ष कह देते हैं । आगे तुम कभी ख्याल भी नहीं करते थे । बाप ही आकर यह
सब बातें समझाते हैं । तुम अभी बाप को भी जान गये हो और सारे ड्रामा के
आदि-मध्य-अन्त, ड्यूरेशन आदि सबको जान गये
हो । नई दुनिया से पुरानी, पुरानी
से नई कैसे बनती हैं, यह
कोई नहीं जानते । अभी तुम बच्चे याद की यात्रा में बैठते हो । यह यात्रा तो
तुम्हारी नित्य चलनी है । घूमो फिरो परन्तु इस याद की यात्रा में रहो । यह ह
रूहानी यात्रा । तुम जानते हो भक्ति मार्ग में हम भी उन यात्राओं पर जाते थे ।
बहुत बार यात्रा की होगी जो पक्के भक्त होंगे । बाबा ने समझाया है एक शिव की भक्ति
करना, यह है अव्यभिचारी भक्ति ।
फिर देवताओं की होती है, फिर
5 तत्वों की भक्ति करते हैं । देवताओं की भक्ति फिर भी अच्छी है क्योंकि उन्हों का
शरीर फिर भी सतोप्रधान है, मनुष्यों
का शरीर तो पतित है ना । वह तो पावन हैं फिर द्वापर से लेकर सब पतित बन पड़े हैं ।
नीचे गिरते आते हैं । सीढ़ी का चित्र तुम्हारे लिए बहुत अच्छा है समझाने का । जिन
की भी कहानी बताते हैं ना । यह सब दृष्टान्त आदि इस समय के ही हैं । सब तुम्हारे
ऊपर ही बने हुए हैं । भ्रमरी का मिसाल भी तुम्हारा है जो कीड़ों को आप समान
ब्राह्मण बनाते हो । यहाँ के ही सब दृष्टान्त हैं ।
तुम बच्चे पहले जिस्मानी
यात्रा करते थे । अभी फिर बाप द्वारा रूहानी यात्रा सीखते हो । यह तो पढ़ाई है ना ।
भक्ति में देखो क्या-क्या करते हैं । सबके आगे माथा टेकते रहते हैं,
एक के भी आक्यूपेशन को नहीं जानते । हिसाब
किया जाता है ना । सबसे जास्ती जन्म कौन लेते हैं फिर कम होते जाते हैं । यह ज्ञान
भी अभी तुमको मिलता है । तुम समझते हो बरोबर स्वर्ग था । भारतवासी तो इतने पत्थर
बुद्धि बने हैं, उनसे
पूछो स्वर्ग कब था तो लाखों वर्ष कह देंगे । अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो हम विश्व के
मालिक थे, कितने सुखी थे अब फिर हमको
बेगर टू प्रिन्स बनना है । दुनिया नई से पुरानी होती है ना । तो बाप कहते हैं - मेहनत
करो । यह भी जानते हैं माया घड़ी-घड़ी भुला देती है । बाप समझाते हैं बुद्धि में
सदैव यह याद रखो हम जा रहे हैं, हमारा
इस पुरानी दुनिया से लंगर उठा हुआ है । नईया उस पार जानी है । गाते हैं ना नईया
हमारी पार ले जाओ । कब पार जानी है, वह जानते नहीं हैं । तो मुख्य है याद की
यात्रा । बाप के साथ वर्सा भी याद आना चाहिए । बच्चे बालिग होते हैं तो बाप का
वर्सा ही बुद्धि में रहता है । तुम तो बड़े हो ही । आत्मा झट जान लेती है,
यह बात तो बरोबर है । बेहद के बाप का वर्सा है
ही स्वर्ग । बाबा स्वर्ग की स्थापना करते हैं तो बाप की श्रीमत पर चलना पड़े । बाप
कहते हैं पवित्र जरूर बनना है । पवित्रता के कारण ही झगड़े होते है । वह तो बिल्कुल
ही जैसे रौरव नर्क में पड़े हैं । और ही जास्ती विकारों में गिरने लग पड़ते हैं
इसलिए बाप से प्रीत रख नहीं सकते हैं । विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि है ना । बाप आते
ही हैं प्रीत बुद्धि बनाने । बहुत हैं जिनकी रिंचक भी प्रीत बुद्धि नहीं हैं । कभी
बाप को याद भी नहीं करते हैं । शिवबाबा को जानते ही नहीं हैं,
मानते ही नहीं हैं । माया का पूरा ग्रहण लगा
हुआ है । याद की यात्रा बिल्कुल ही नहीं । बाप मेहनत तो कराते हैं,
यह भी जानते हो सूर्यवंशी,
चन्द्रवंशी राजधानी यहाँ स्थापन हो रही है ।
सतयुग-त्रेता में कोई भी धर्म स्थापन होते नहीं । राम कोई धर्म स्थापन नहीं करते ।
यह तो स्थापना करने वाले बाप द्वारा यह बनते हैं । और धर्म स्थापक और बाप के धर्म
स्थापना में रात-दिन का फर्क है । बाप आते ही हैं संगम पर जब कि दुनिया को बदलना है
। बाप कहते हैं कल्प-कल्प, कल्प
के संगमयुगे आता हूँ? उन्होंने
फिर युगे-युगे अक्षर रांग लिख दिया है । आधाकल्प भक्तिमार्ग भी चलना ही है । तो
बाप कहते हैं बच्चे इन बातों को भूलो मत । यह कहते हैं बाबा हम आपको भूल जाते हैं
। अरे, बाप को तो जानवर भी नहीं
भूलते हैं । तुम क्यों भूलते हो? अपने
को आत्मा नहीं समझते हो! देह- अभिमानी बनने से ही तुम बाप को भूलते हो । अब जैसे
बाप समझाते हैं, वैसे
तुम बच्चों को भी टेव (आदत) रखनी चाहिए । भभके से बात करनी चाहिए । ऐसे नहीं,
बड़े आदमी के आगे तुम फंक हो जाओ । तुम
कुमारियाँ ही बड़े-बड़े विद्वान, पण्डितों
के आगे जाती हो तो तुम्हें निडर हो समझाना है । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों
प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों
को नमस्ते ।