Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 11, 2014

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Essence of Murli (H&E): October 11, 2014:

Essence: Sweet children, Baba has come to make you children renounce the land of sorrow. This is unlimited renunciation (behad ka sanyaas).

Question: What is the main difference between the renunciation of those sannyasis and your renunciation?

Answer: Those sannyasis leave their homes and families and go to the forests, but you do not leave your homes and families and go to the forests. Whilst living at home, you consider the whole world to be a forest of thorns. You renounce the whole world from your intellect.

Essence for dharna:

1.      In order to receive a scholarship, practise remembering the Father for at least eight hours whilst living at home with your family. Only by having the practice of remembrance will your sins be cut away and will you receive a golden-aged throne.

2.      Have unlimited disinterest in this land of sorrow and remember your original place of residence: the lands of peace and happiness. Do not become body conscious and thereby cause anyone sorrow.

Blessing: May you be a sensible soul (samajhdaar atma) who bids farewell to any waves of carelessness (albelaapan) and who constantly maintains zeal and enthusiasm (umang aur utsaah).

When some children look at others, they then become careless themselves. They think: This happens all the time, it is fine. Is it sensible if you see someone stumble you also begin to stumble out of carelessness? BapDada feels mercy for those who remain careless in this way, because the moments of repentance (pashchaataap) will be very difficult for them. Therefore, be sensible and bid farewell with your mind to any waves of carelessness and waves of looking at others. Do not look at others, but just see the Father.

Today, from the blessing we can also infer:

Follow the Father, not others. Others have not reached their stage of perfection. You goal is to become complete and perfect, and that will certainly not happen by following imperfection. Zeal and enthusiasm are the breath of Brahmin life. Do not get discouraged. Keep your spirits high. Follow shrimat, not manmat or parmat.

To attain your perfect stage, renounce the childish games of carelessness and weakness and become strong by wearing the armour of tolerance to protect yourself from all obstacles. By constantly having zeal, enthusiasm and happiness, become victorious over obstacles.


Check yourself with an honest heart with accurate glasses for self progress and see only the Father and yourself. By having the only concern of having to change the self, become examples for others and remain free from carelessness.

Whether the Father is faraway or close, remember only the one Father. Make effort to burn your sins in the fire of yoga, earn a huge income and a very high status.  By considering yourself to be a soul, and by remembering the Father every day, day and night, you become the sensible children who have visions through the intellect of knowledge (gyan buddhi).

Slogan: Prepare heir-quality souls (vaaris) and the drums of revelation (pratyakshta ka nagaada)  will beat.

 Points to churn from the slogan:

Like the Father, we, the souls, are tireless servers...with broad and unlimited intellects, we make plans for unlimited service, create mike and heir quality souls and make them instruments for service... we make the  form of  service vast and unlimited by serving many others through our thoughts...with our power of discernment, we emerge souls for spiritual service, well-known for their qualities and activities...with this fast speed of service, we enable many to be shot by one arrow...we are the serviceable and the worthy children who give proof of the broad and unlimited service, claiming a right to a royal status...

We are the Shravan kumars and kumaris who sit on the pyre of knowledge, make friends and relatives sit on the scales of knowledge and uplift them..we are the spiritual Brahmins who break and make others break the bracelet of the pyre of lust, and thereby create heirs, mikes and subjects... we fill ourselves with the sanskars of ruling with an intense speed of effort by having knowledge of body, mind, wealth and people...with the power of yoga we make preparations before the drums of completion start to beat...

We  are powerful world benefactors  making the atmosphere powerful with spiritual (atmic) bombs...we spread the vibrations from the bhatti (oven) of the fire of love in all four directions and attract many souls... with unlimited disinterest we leave an impact on the ground of their practical lives and easily have an expansion of the subjects... we glorify the name of the Father...we are the sweet long lost and now found children of the Brahmin clan, who give the Father’s accurate communication, message, instruction, introduction, identification though advertisements in newspapers and  magazines, distributing flyers, giving  radio and TV programs, posting over the internet, sending e-mails,  spreading  the sound and bringing about the revelation of the Father...

Points from the Murli:

1.   The Father comes every cycle and gives you the knowledge of the kalpa tree because He Himself is the Seed, the Truth and the Sentient Being.

2.   The Father is always the Ocean of Peace and Happiness.  You receive happiness and peace from the one Father. There is the land of happiness, the land of peace and this then is the land of sorrow. Remember the land of happiness and continue to forget this land of sorrow. Let there be disinterest in this.

3.   Peace is also called liberation. Then, there is liberation-in-life and also bondage-in-life. From being in bondage-in-life you are now becoming liberated-in-life. Liberation is the land of peace and salvation is the land of happiness.

4.   In the golden age, you receive a very first-class throne, which is called the golden-aged throne. Then, that soul receives silver, copper and then iron-aged thrones. So, if you want a golden-aged throne, you definitely do have to become pure.

5.   Renounce the land of sorrow. This is called unlimited renunciation. Sanyasis who leave their homes and families and go to the forests have limited renunciation. They do not know that the whole world is a forest. This is the forest of thorns. This is the world of thorns and that is the world of flowers. That is also called a family ashram.


सार:-  मीठे बच्चे - बाबा आया है तुम बच्चों से दुःखधाम का सन्यास कराने, यही है बेहद का सन्यास”
प्रश्न:-   उन सन्यासियों के सन्यास में और तुम्हारे सन्यास में मुख्य अन्तर क्या है?

उत्तर:- वे सन्यासी घरबार छोड़कर जगल में जाते लेकिन तुम घरबार छोड़कर जंगल में नहीं जाते हो । घर में रहते हुए सारी दुनिया को कांटो का जंगल समझते हो । तुम बुद्धि से सारी दुनिया का सन्यास करते हो । 

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. स्कॉलरशिप लेने के लिए गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते कम से कम 8 घण्टा बाप को याद करने का अभ्यास करना है । याद के अभ्यास से ही पाप कटेंगे और गोल्डन एजड तख्त मिलेगा ।  

2. इस दुःखधाम से बेहद का वैराग्य कर अपने असली निवास स्थान शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम को याद करना है । देह-अभिमान में आकर किसी को दु:ख नहीं देना है । 

वरदान:- अलबेलेपन की लहर को विदाई दे सदा उमंग-उत्साह में रहने वाली समझदार आत्मा भव !

कई बच्चे दूसरों को देखकर स्वयं अलबेले हो जाते हैं । सोचते हैं ये तो होता ही है.... चलता ही है... क्या एक ने ठोकर खाई तो उसे देखकर अलबेलेपन में आकर खुद भी ठोकर खाना - यह समझदारी है? बापदादा को रहम आता है कि ऐसे अलबेले रहने वालों के लिए पश्चाताप की घड़ियाँ कितनी कठिन होंगी, इसलिए समझदार बन अलबेलेपन की लहर को, दूसरों को देखने की लहर को मन से विदाई दो । औरों को नहीं देखो, बाप को देखो ।  

स्लोगन:-  वारिस क्वालिटी तैयार करो तब प्रत्यक्षता का नगाड़ा बजेगा ।

Om shanti. The spiritual Father sits here and explains to you spiritual children every day. Because you have been senseless for half the cycle, He has to explain every day. First of all, human beings want peace.

Souls are originally residents of the land of peace. The Father is always the Ocean of Peace. You are now receiving your inheritance of peace. People say: O Bestower of Peace, take us from this world to our home, the land of peace; that is, give us our inheritance of peace. People go and say in front of the deity idols and Shiv Baba, "Give us peace!" because Shiv Baba is the Ocean of Peace. You are now taking your inheritance of peace from Shiv Baba. You definitely have to go to the land of peace whilst remembering the Father.

Even if you don't remember Him, you will definitely go there. You remember Him so that the burdens of sins can be removed from your heads. You receive happiness and peace from the one Father because He is the Ocean of Peace and Happiness. This is the main thing. Peace is also called liberation. Then, there is liberation-in-life and also bondage-in-life. From being in bondage-in-life you are now becoming liberated-in-life. In the golden age, there are no bondages. It is remembered: Easy liberation-in-life and easy liberation and salvation. You children have understood the meaning of both. Liberation is the land of peace and salvation is the land of happiness. There is the land of happiness, the land of peace and this then is the land of sorrow. You are sitting here. The Father says: Children, remember the land of peace, your home.

Souls have forgotten their home. The Father comes and reminds you of that. He explains: O spiritual children, you cannot go back home until you remember Me. Your sins will be absolved by having remembrance. Souls will become pure and go back to their home. You children know that this is the impure world; there isn't a single pure being here. The pure world is called the golden age and the impure world is called the iron age; the kingdom of Rama and the kingdom of Ravan. The impure world is established in Ravan's kingdom. This is the predestined play. The unlimited Father explains this. He alone is called the Truth. Only at the confluence age do you listen to the true things and you then go to the golden age. Then, in the copper age, the kingdom of Ravan begins. Ravan is the devil, and the devil can never speak the truth. This is why it is said: Maya is false and the body is false. The soul is false and the body is also false. The sanskars are recorded in the soul. There are the four metals: gold, silver, copper and iron.

All the alloy is removed with the power of this yoga and you become real gold. When you are in th e golden age you are real gold. Then, when silver becomes mixed you are called the moon dynasty. Then, in the copper and iron ages the alloys of copper and iron become mixed. Then, the alloys of silver, copper and iron that became mixed in you are removed with yoga. At first, all of you souls are in the land of peace, and then you are the first ones to go to the golden age, and that is called being golden aged; you are real gold.

All the alloy is removed with the power of yoga and only real gold is then left. The land of peace is not called the golden age. The golden, silver and copper ages are said to be here. In the land of peace, there is just peace. When a soul first takes a body, it is called golden aged, and the world itself becomes the golden age. At that time, the body is made of the five satopradhan elements. When a soul is satopradhan, the body too is satopradhan. Then, at the end, you receive an iron-aged body because alloy is mixed in the soul. So, it is this world that is called the golden and silver ages. So, what do you children now have to do? You first have to go to the land of peace and this is why you have to remember the Father, because only then will you become satopradhan from tamopradhan. This takes as much time as the Father stays here. He doesn't take any part in the golden age. When a soul receives a body, it is said: This one is a golden-aged human soul.

It wouldn't be said, "a golden-aged soul". No, it is a golden-aged human soul, and it then becomes a silver-aged human soul. So, you are sitting here and you have peace and also happiness. So, what should you do?

Renounce the land of sorrow. This is called unlimited renunciation. Those sannyasis who leave their homes and families and go to the forests have limited renunciation. They do not know that the whole world is a forest. This is the forest of thorns. This is the world of thorns and that is the world of flowers.

Although they renounce everything, they still go and live in the forests, far from the cities, in the world of thorns. Theirs is the path of isolation whereas yours is the family path. You were pure couples and you have now become impure couples. That is also called a family ashram. Sannyasis come later. Those of  Islam and the Buddhists also come later. They come a little earlier than the Christians. So, you have to remember this tree and also the cycle. The Father comes every cycle and gives you the knowledge of the kalpa tree because He Himself is the Seed, the Truth and the Sentient Being. This is why He comes every cycle and explains to us all the secrets of the kalpa tree. You are souls, but you wouldn't be called oceans of knowledge, oceans of peace or oceans of happiness. This praise belongs to only the one Father who makes you like that. This praise of the Father is for all time. He is always pure and incorporeal. He simply comes here for a short time to purify you. There is no question of omnipresence. You know that the Father always resides there. People on the path of devotion always remember Him. In the golden age, there is no need to remember Him. You begin to shout out in the kingdom of Ravan. He alone then comes and gives you peace and happiness. So, you definitely remember Him at times of peacelessness. The Father explains: I come every 5000 years. For half the cycle, there is happiness and for half the cycle, there is sorrow. It is only after half the cycle has passed that the kingdom of Ravan begins. The first number, the root of all vices, is body consciousness. Only after that do all the other vices come. The Father now explains: Consider yourself to be a soul and become soul conscious. Recognition of the soul is needed. People simply say: The soul sparkles in the centre of the forehead. You now understand that that is the immortal image. This body is the throne of the soul, the immortal image. The soul sits in the forehead. This is the throne of the immortal image. All are living, immortal thrones; not the wooden, immortal throne that people have made in Amritsar. The Father has explained: All human beings have their own immortal thrones. A soul comes and resides here. Whether it is the golden age or the iron age, this human body is the throne of the soul. So, there are so many immortal thrones. All human beings are the thrones of the immortal souls.

A soul leaves one throne and immediately takes another. First of all, the throne is small and then it grows larger. This body, the throne, becomes small and large, but the wooden throne that the Sikhs call “The Immortal Throne” cannot become larger or smaller. No one knows that the foreheads are the immortal thrones of all human beings. Souls are immortal and are never destroyed. Souls receive different thrones.

In the golden age, you receive a very first-class throne, which is called the golden-aged throne. Then, that soul receives silver, copper and then iron-aged thrones. So, if you want a golden-aged throne, you definitely do have to become pure. Therefore, the Father says: Constantly remember Me alone and the alloy in you will then be removed. You will then receive a deity throne. You now have the throne of the Brahmin clan. You souls have the throne of the most auspicious confluence age and you will then receive the deity throne. People of the world do not know these things. It is only after becoming body conscious that people continue to cause sorrow for one another. That is why this is called the land of sorrow. The Father now explains to you children: Remember the land of peace which is your real place of residence.

Remember the land of happiness and continue to forget this land of sorrow. Let there be disinterest in this.

It isn't that you have to renounce your home and family like the sannyasis do. The Father explains: On the one hand, that is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. Everything of yours is good. Their hatha yoga is good and also bad because, when the deities go on to the path of sin, purity is definitely needed to support Bharat. So, they help in that too. Bharat alone is the imperishable land. It is here that the Father comes.

So, the place where the unlimited Father comes is the greatest pilgrimage place of all. Only the Father comes and grants salvation to everyone. This is why only Bharat is the highest-on-high land. The main thing that the Father explains is: Children, stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. The word “manmanabhav” is also mentioned in the Gita, but the Father does not explain anything in Sanskrit. The Father tells you the meaning of manmanabhav: Renounce all bodily religions and have the faith that you are a soul. Souls are imperishable and never become larger or smaller. They have imperishable parts recorded in them. The drama is predestined. Souls who come later have very small parts. For the rest of the time, they live in the land of peace. They cannot go to heaven. Those who come later experience a little happiness and a little sorrow. Just as on Diwali so many mosquitoes emerge, and if you look in the morning all the mosquitoes are dead, so it is the same for human beings. What value would those who come later have? It is just like the life of animals. So, the Father explains how this world cycle turns and how the human world tree becomes big from small and small from big. In the golden age, there are very few human beings, whereas in the iron age, there is so much growth and the tree becomes big. The main thing that the Father has given a signal for is: Whilst living at home with your family, constantly remember Me alone.

Practice staying in remembrance for eight hours. By having remembrance, you will eventually become pure and go to the Father and also receive a scholarship. If any sins are left, another birth will have to be taken here. Punishment is experienced and the status is reduced. Everyone has to settle their karmic accounts.

All human beings continue to take birth even now. At this time, you can see that the population of Christians is larger than that of the people of Bharat. They are also sensible. The people of Bharat were 100% sensible, but they have now become non-sensible, because they are the ones who receive 100% happiness and then they are the ones who receive 100% sorrow. The others come later. The Father has explained what the connection is between the Christian dynasty and the Krishna dynasty. The Christians took away your kingdom and you are to receive it back from the Christian dynasty. At this time, the Christians are stronger. Bharat receives help from them. Bharat is now starving and so return service is taking place. They took a lot of wealth, diamonds and jewels from here. They became very wealthy and so they continue to send that wealth back. They are not going to receive anything. No one recognizes you now. If they were to recognize you, they would come and take advice from you. You are the Godly community who follow God's advice. You are the ones who will change from the Godly community to the deity community. Then, you will become the warrior, merchant and shudra communities. At this time, we are Brahmins, and we will then become deities and then warriors. Look how good the meaning of "hum so" is. This is the game of the somersault and it is very easy to understand, but Maya makes you forget and puts devilish traits into you. Previously, you had divine virtues. To become impure is a devilish trait. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.
ओम् शान्ति |
रूहानी बाप बैठ रूहानी बच्चों को रोज़-रोज़ समझाते हैं क्योंकि आधाकल्प के बेसमझ हैं ना । तो रोज- रोज समझाना पड़ता है । पहले-पहले तो मनुष्यों को शान्ति चाहिए । आत्मायें सब असुल रहने वाली भी शान्तिधाम की हैं । बाप तो है ही सदैव शान्ति का सागर । अभी तुम शान्ति का वर्सा प्राप्त कर रहे हो । कहते हैं ना शान्ति देवा... अर्थात् हमको इस सृष्टि से अपने घर शान्तिधाम में ले जाओ अथवा शान्ति का वर्सा दो । देवताओं के आगे अथवा शिवबाबा के आगे यह जाकर कहते हैं कि शान्ति दो क्योंकि शिवबाबा है शान्ति का सागर । अभी तुम शिवबाबा से शान्ति का वर्सा ले रहे हो । बाप को याद करते-करते तुमको शान्तिधाम में जाना है जरूर । नहीं याद करेंगे तो भी जायेंगे जरूर । याद इसलिए करते हो कि पापों का बोझा जो सिर पर है वह खत्म हो जाए । शान्ति और सुख मिलता है एक बाप से, क्योंकि वह सुख और शान्ति का सागर है । वह चीज ही मुख्य है । शान्ति को मुक्ति भी कहा जाता है और फिर जीवनमुक्ति और जीवन बन्ध भी है । अभी तुम जीवनबन्ध से जीवनमुक्त हो रहे हो । सतयुग में कोई बन्धन नहीं होता है । गाया भी जाता है सहज जीवनमुक्ति वा सहजगति-सद्गति । अब दोनों का अर्थ तुम बच्चों ने समझा है । गति कहा जाता है शान्तिधाम को, सद्गति कहा जाता है सुखधाम को । सुखधाम, शान्तिधाम फिर यह है दु:खधाम । तुम यहाँ बैठे हो, बाप कहते हैं-बच्चे, शान्तिधाम घर को याद करो । आत्माओं को अपना घर भूला हुआ है । बाप आकर याद दिलाते हैं । समझाते हैं हे रूहानी बच्चों तुम घर जा नहीं सकते हो जब तक मुझे याद नहीं करेंगे । याद से तुम्हारे पाप भस्म हो जायेंगे । आत्मा पवित्र बन फिर अपने घर जायेगी । तुम बच्चे जानते हो यह अपवित्र दुनिया है । एक भी पवित्र मनुष्य नहीं । पवित्र दुनिया को सतयुग, अपवित्र दुनिया को कलियुग कहा जाता है । राम राज्य और रावण राज्य । रावण राज्य से अपवित्र दुनिया स्थापन होती है । यह बना-बनाया खेल है ना । यह बेहद का बाप समझाते हैं, उनको ही सत्य कहा जाता है । सत्य बातें तुम संगम पर ही सुनते हो फिर तुम सतयुग में जाते हो । द्वापर से फिर रावण राज्य शुरू होता है । रावण अर्थात् असुर । असुर कभी सत्य नहीं बोल सकते, इसलिए इसको कहा जाता है झूठी माया, झूठी काया । आत्मा भी झूठी है तो शरीर भी झूठा है । आत्मा में संस्कार भरते हैं ना । 4 धातुयें हैं ना - सोना-चांदी-तांबा-लोहा सब खाद निकल जाती है । बाकी सच्चा सोना तुम बनते हो इस योगबल से । तुम जब सतयुग में हो तो सच्चा सोना ही हो । फिर चांदी पड़ती है तो चन्द्रवंशी कहा जाता है । फिर तांबे की, लोहे की खाद पड़ती है द्वापर-कलियुग में । फिर योग से तुम्हारे में जो चांदी, तांबा, लोहा की खाद पड़ी है, वह निकल जाती है । पहले तो तुम सब आत्मायें शान्तिधाम में हो फिर पहले-पहले आते हो सतयुग में, तो उसको कहा जाता है गोल्डन एजड । तुम सच्चा सोना हो । योगबल से सारी खाद निकलकर बाकी सच्चा सोना बचता है । शान्तिधाम को गोल्डन एज नहीं कहा जाता है । गोल्डन एज, सिलवर एज, कापर एज यहाँ कहा जाता है । शान्तिधाम में तो शान्ति है । आत्मा जब शरीर लेती है तब गोल्डन एजड कहा जाता है फिर सृष्टि ही गोल्डन एज बन जाती है । सतोप्रधान 5 तत्वों से शरीर बनता है । आत्मा सतोप्रधान है तो शरीर भी सतोप्रधान है । फिर पिछाड़ी में आकर आइरन एजड शरीर मिलता है क्योंकि आत्मा में खाद पड़ती है । तो गोल्डन एज, सिलवर एज इस सृष्टि को कहा जाता है ।
तो अब बच्चों को क्या करना है? पहले-पहले शान्तिधाम जाना है इसलिए बाप को याद करना है तब ही तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बन जायेंगे । इसमें टाइम उतना ही लगता है, जितना टाइम बाप यहाँ रहते हैं । वह गोल्डन एज में पार्ट लेते ही नहीं । तो आत्मा को जब शरीर मिलता है तब कहा जाता है यह गोल्डन एजड जीव आत्मा है । ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे गोल्डन एजड आत्मा । नहीं, गोल्डन एजड जीवात्मा फिर सिलवर एजड जीवात्मा होती है । तो यहाँ तुम बैठे हो, तुमकी शान्ति भी है तो सुख भी प्राप्त होता है । तो क्या करना चाहिए? दुःखधाम का सन्यास । इसको कहा जाता है बेहद का सन्यास । उन सन्यासियों का है हद का सन्यास, घरबार छोड़ जंगल में जाते हैं । उनको यह पता नहीं है कि सारी सृष्टि ही जंगल है । यह कांटों का जंगल है । यह है कांटों की दुनिया, वह है फूलों की दुनिया । वह भल सन्यास करते हैं परन्तु फिर भी कांटों की दुनिया में, जंगल में शहर से दूर-दूर जाकर रहते हैं । उन्हों का है निवृत्ति मार्ग, तुम्हारा है प्रवृत्ति मार्ग । तुम पवित्र जोड़ी थे, अभी अपवित्र बने हो । उनको गृहस्थ आश्रम भी कहते हैं । सन्यासी तो आते ही बाद में हैं । इस्लामी, बौद्धी भी बाद में आते हैं । क्रिश्चियन से कुछ पहले आते हैं । तो यह झाड़ भी याद करना है, चक्र भी याद करना है । बाप कल्प-कल्प आकर कल्प वृक्ष की नॉलेज देते हैं क्योंकि खुद बीजरूप हैं, सत हैं, चैतन्य हैं इसलिए कल्प-कल्प आकर कल्प वृक्ष का सारा राज समझाते हैं । तुम आत्मा हो परन्तु तुमको ज्ञान सागर, सुख का सागर, शान्ति का सागर नहीं कहा जाता । यह महिमा एक ही बाप की है जो तुमको ऐसा बनाते हैं । बाप की यह महिमा सदैव के लिए है । सदैव वह पवित्र है और निराकार है । सिर्फ थोड़े समय के लिए आते हैं पावन बनाने । सर्वव्यापी की तो बात ही नहीं । तुम जानते हो बाप सदैव वहाँ ही रहते हैं । भक्ति मार्ग में सदैव उनको याद करते हैं । सतयुग में तो याद करने की दरकार नहीं रहती है । रावण राज्य में तुम्हारा चिल्लाना शुरू होता है, वही आकर सुख-शान्ति देते हैं । तो फिर जरूर अशान्ति में उनकी याद आती है । बाप समझाते हैं हर 5 हजार वर्ष बाद मैं आता हूँ । आधाकल्प है सुख, आधाकल्प है दु:ख । आधाकल्प के बाद ही रावण राज्य शुरू होता है । इसमें पहला नम्बर मूल है देह-अभिमान । उसके बाद ही फिर और-और विकार आते हैं । अब बाप समझाते हैं अपने को आत्मा समझो, देही-अभिमानी बनो । आत्मा की भी पहचान चाहिए । मनुष्य तो सिर्फ कहते हैं आत्मा भ्रकुटी के बीच चमकती है । अभी तुम समझते हो वह है अकाल मूर्त, उस अकाल मूर्त आत्मा का तख्त यह शरीर है । आत्मा बैठती भी भ्रकुटी में है । अकाल मूर्त का यह तख्त है, सब चैतन्य अकाल तख्त हैं । वह अकालतख्त नहीं जो अमृतसर में लकड़ी का बना दिया है । बाप ने समझाया है जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं, सबका अपना-अपना अकालतख्त है । आत्मा आकर यहाँ विराजमान होती है । सतयुग हो या कलियुग हो, आत्मा का तख्त है ही यह मनुष्य शरीर । तो कितने अकालतख्त हैं । जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं अकाल आत्माओं के तख्त हैं । आत्मा एक तख्त छोड़ झट दूसरा लेती है । पहले छोटा तख्त होता है फिर बड़ा होता है । यह शरीर रूपी तख्त छोटा-बड़ा होता है, वह लकड़ी का तख्त जिसको सिक्ख लोग अकाल तख्त कहते हैं, वह तो छोटा बड़ा नहीं होता । यह किसको भी पता नहीं है कि सब मनुष्य मात्र का अकाल तख्त यह भ्रकुटी है । आत्मा अकाल है, कब विनाश नहीं होती । आत्मा को तख्त भिन्न-भिन्न मिलते हैं । सतयुग में तुमको बड़ा फर्स्टक्लास तख्त मिलता है, उनको कहो गोल्डन एजड तख्त । फिर उस आत्मा को सिल्वर, कॉपर, आइरन एजड तख्त मिलता है । फिर गोल्डन एजड तख्त चाहिए तो जरूर पवित्र बनना पड़े इसलिए बाप कहते हैं मामेकम याद करो तो तुम्हारी खाद निकल जायेगी । फिर तुमको ऐसा दैवी तख्त मिलेगा । अभी ब्राह्मण कुल का तख्त है । पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग का तख्त है फिर मुझ आत्मा को यह देवताई तख्त मिलेगा । यह बातें दुनिया के मनुष्य नहीं जानते । देह-अभिमान में आने के बाद एक-दो को दुःख देते रहते हैं, इसलिए इनको दुःखधाम कहा जाता है । अब बाप बच्चों को समझाते हैं शान्तिधाम को याद करो, जो तुम्हारा असली निवास स्थान है । सुखधाम को याद करो, इनको भूलते जाओ, इनसे वैराग्य । ऐसे भी नहीं सन्यासियों मिसल घरबार छोड़ना है । बाप समझाते हैं वह एक तरफ अच्छा है, दूसरे तरफ बुरा है । तुम्हारा तो अच्छा ही है । उनका हठयोग अच्छा भी है, बुरा भी है क्योंकि देवतायें जब वाम मार्ग में जाते हैं तो भारत को थमाने के लिए पवित्रता जरूर चाहिए । तो उसमें भी मदद करते हैं | भारत ही अविनाशी खण्ड है । बाप का भी आना यहाँ होता है । तो जहाँ पर बेहद का बाप आते हैं वह सबसे बड़ा तीर्थ हो गया ना । सर्व की सद्गति बाप ही आकर करते हैं, इसलिए भारत ही ऊंच ते ऊंच देश है ।
मूल बात बाप समझाते हैं - बच्चे, याद की यात्रा में रहो । गीता में भी मनमनाभव अक्षर है परन्तु बाप कोई संस्कृत तो नहीं बतलाते हैं । बाप मनमनाभव का अर्थ बताते हैं । देह के सब धर्म छोड़ अपने को आत्मा निश्चय करो । आत्मा अविनाशी है, वह कभी छोटी-बड़ी नहीं होती । अनादि- अविनाशी पार्ट भरा हुआ है । ड्रामा बना हुआ है । पिछाड़ी में जो आत्मायें आती है हैं उनका बहुत थोड़ा पार्ट है । बाकी टाइम शान्तिधाम में रहते हैं । स्वर्ग में तो आ न सके । पिछाड़ी को आने वाले वहाँ ही थोड़ा सुख, वहाँ ही थोड़ा दु:ख पाते हैं । जैसे दीवाली पर मच्छर कितने ढेर निकलते हैं, सुबह को उठकर देखो तो सब मच्छर मरे पड़े होंगे । तो मनुष्यों का भी ऐसे है पिछाड़ी में आने वाले की क्या वैल्यू रहेगी । जैसे जानवर मिसल ठहरे । तो बाप समझाते हैं यह सृष्टि का चक्र कैसे फिरता है । मनुष्य सृष्टि रूपी झाड़ छोटे से बड़ा, बड़े से छोटा कैसे होता है । सतयुग में कितने थोड़े मनुष्य, कलियुग में कितनी वृद्धि हो झाड़ बड़ा हो जाता है । मुख्य बात बाप ने इशारा दिया है-गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते मामेकम याद करो । 8 घण्टा याद में रहने का अभ्यास करो । याद करते-करते आखरीन पवित्र बन बाप के पास चले जायेंगे तो स्कॉलरशिप भी मिलेगी । पाप अगर रह जायेंगे तो फिर जन्म लेना पड़े । सजायें खाते हैं फिर पद भी कम हो पड़ता है । हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू तो सबको करना है । जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं अभी तक भी जन्म लेते रहते हैं । इस समय देखेंगे भारतवासियों से क्रिश्चियन की संख्या ज्यादा है । वह फिर सेन्सीबुल भी है । भारतवासी तो 100 परसेन्ट सेन्सीबुल थे, सो अब फिर नानसेन्सीबुल बन गये हैं क्योंकि यही 100 परसेन्ट सुख पाते हैं फिर 100 परसेन्ट दुःख भी यही पाते हैं । वह तो आते ही पीछे हैं ।
बाप ने समझाया है क्रिश्चियन डिनायस्टी का कृष्ण डिनायस्टी से कनेक्शन है । क्रिश्चियन ने राज्य छीना फिर क्रिश्चियन डिनायस्टी से ही राज्य मिलना है । इस समय क्रिश्चियन का जोर है । उन्हों को भारत से ही मदद मिलती है । अभी भारत भूख मरता है तो रिटर्न सर्विस हो रही है । यहाँ से बहुत धन, बहुत हीरे-जवाहर आदि वहाँ ले गये हैं । बहुत धनवान बने हैं तो अब फिर धन पहुँचाते रहते हैं । उनको मिलने का तो है नहीं । तो अब तुम बच्चों को तो कोई पहचानते नहीं हैं । अगर पहचानते तो आकर राय लेते । तुम हो ईश्वरीय सम्प्रदाय, जो ईश्वर की राय पर चलते हो । वही फिर ईश्वरीय सम्प्रदाय से दैवी सम्प्रदाय बनेंगे । फिर क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र सम्प्रदाय बनेंगे । अभी हम सो ब्राह्मण हैं फिर हम सो देवता, हम सो क्षत्रिय... हम सो का अर्थ देखो कितना अच्छा है । यह बाजोली का खेल है जिसको समझना बहुत सहज है । परन्तु माया भुला देती है फिर दैवीगुणों से आसुरी गुणों में ले आती है । अपवित्र बनना आसुरी गुण है ना । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।


Daily Positive Thoughts: October 11, 2014: Relationships

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 11, 2014: Relationships


Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships. Good feelings are generated in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected through your eyes and smile. Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.

Deaf Ear

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is
inspiring in print but most people would agree that it's very
challenging to live by. Turning a deaf ear to idle gossip, criticism or
insults requires a major shift in thinking. When I surround my mind
with thoughts of self-transformation and more importantly God's
powerful words, I put myself in a secure state of introversion. Only
then am I able to build my self-esteem and the resistance to deflect
unworthy vibrations from the outside world.

The Source Of Pure Love

The highest love is the Supreme Being's (Supreme Soul's) love. This is the love of the perfect spiritual being (soul), the perfect parent towards the imperfect child where the parent does not see the child's weaknesses. Just as the flower turns each morning to absorb the light and warmth of the sun we too need to turn each day to absorb the light of truth and warmth of pure love from the Supreme Being, from the Source. This is not the God of a religious belief system, but the personal god that we all share, the one parent and friend that we all share. This is not a God as a concept, nor is God a belief. If we hold God just as a concept or belief in our minds, which is perhaps what we learned as children, we will never know him, never experience the greatest and deepest love. We cannot receive love from a belief just as we cannot have a real relationship with a concept. Instead, it is necessary to establish a personal relationship with God through a silent conversation of thoughts and feelings (to begin with). Hence the need to practice quietening a busy mind, the need to free our feelings from emotional disturbance. The Supreme Being is available to everyone but few of us know how or where to direct our attention. The connecting and absorbing of the love of God is a personal process called meditation, that never costs anything and can finally become a natural part of living each day.

Soul Sustenance

The Journey of Time
There are two laws governing the journey of time in this world.

• Firstly, the movement of time is cyclic i.e. without a beginning or an end. It is not linear i.e. a straight line with a beginning and an end, and

• Secondly, everything new undergoes degradation and becomes old at some point of time.

These two laws help us to understand the journey of time and why the world is in its present state.

We use time to attempt to measure change. One day is measured by the time taken by the earth to rotate around its axis. One day is our basic unit of measurement of time. One year is measured by the time taken by the earth to revolve around the sun. So the movement of time in our physical world is always cyclical. The cycle of the day, from dawn to daylight to dusk to night, is a movement that repeats with absolute constancy. A larger cycle is that of the seasons - from spring to summer to autumn to winter - which also repeat in the same way. When we become a detached observer and look at the 'big picture' of human history, we see an even larger cycle, the eternal world cycle of time– a cycle that moves from the day of humanity (where everything is positive on a physical as well as spiritual level) to the night of humanity and then back to the day of humanity to repeat again. But to believe and understand that picture completely, we first need to understand the second law of time and also connect it with the first law.

Tomorrow we shall explain the second law of time.

Message for the day

The right solution is found by the mind which is free from worry.

Projection: No matter how hard one worries about a problem, there can be no solution found. When the mind is free from worry, it is able to be calm. Then there will be no struggle but very naturally the right decision is made, which would be for the benefit of the self and that of others too. On the contrary, a mind that is worried would make decisions that are harmful, even after a lot of thinking and rethinking.

Solution: When I keep the mind free from worry in the most difficult situation, I am able to experience inner calm, inspite of the outer disturbance, because there is no disturbance in my natural thinking process. There is a lot of peace within, which enables me to be free from negative feelings for everyone. I also naturally have good wishes for myself and others, so whatever I do would be for everyone's benefit.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 10, 2014

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 10, 2014:

Essence: Sweet children, the more you remember the Father with love, the more blessings you will receive and the more your sins will continue to be cut away.

Question: Which religion does the Father direct you to stay in?

Answer: Baba says: Children, stay in your religion of being without an image (vichitrta); do not stay in the religion of an image (body). Just as the Father is bodiless and without an image (videhi, vichitr), so you children too are without an image and you then enter an image (body) here. The Father now says to you children: Children, become one without an image (bodiless); stabilize in your original religion of the self (swdharm). Do not come into body consciousness.

Question: What is God bound to do by the drama?

Answer: God is bound (bandhhaaymaan) by the drama to purify the children. He has to come at the most auspicious confluence age.

Essence for dharna:

1.      This spiritual study is very high and difficult, so, in order to pass it, you have to claim blessings by having remembrance of the Father. Reform your character.

2.      Do not do anything illegal now. Be one without an image and remain stable in your original religion and follow the legal directions of the Father without an image.

Blessing: May you be constantly victorious on the basis of your determined faith (dridh nishchay) and remain loving to Father Brahma.

Victory for those who have firm faith cannot be prevented because of their faith. No matter how much the five elements or souls oppose you and they will oppose you, on the basis of your unshakeable faith, you will be able to merge that opposition with your power to accommodate. There can never be fluctuation (halchal) in your faith. Only those victorious children who remain unshakeable are loving to the Father. Loving children remain constantly merged in the arms of Father Brahma.

Today, from the blessing we can also infer:

Determination is the key to success. Success is not guaranteed for the undecided and weak. Success is for those who have the dogged determination and stamina and tenacity in pursuing their object, and not giving up on it for any reason whatsoever.

“The souls and the Supreme Soul remained apart for a very long time... a beautiful mela was created when the Satguru met with the dalal (broker, Brahma Baba)”. Have faith in Baba, in the self, in the drama, in the Brahmin family, in the knowledge, in the four subjects, in every word spoken by Baba, and in your future status. By having full faith in the intellect, you will experience the greatness of life, a guaranteed victory and a carefree stage.


You are Brahmins, the mouth-born creations of Brahma. You are the rivers that emerge from the Brahmaputra River (Brahma) at the diamond like confluence, and meet the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. You sit personally in front of the Father and listen to the essence of the Vedas and the scriptures from the mouth of Brahma, and become master oceans of knowledge, like the Father. With faith in the True Father, in the teachings of Raj yoga, in the time of the confluence age, in going to the land of peace with the Father and then going to the land of happiness, you remain constantly merged in the arms of Father Brahma and become the beads of the rosary of victory of Vishnu.

Slogan: In order to attain the key to all treasures (sarv khajaanon ki chaabi), become experienced in God’s love. 

Points to churn from the slogan: 

God Himself has chosen us... we, the souls, having found the Unlimited Father, and by keeping the diamond key of the word “Baba” with us, attain unlimited fortune of the kingdom, and unlimited treasures...with unlimited spiritual intoxication, we experience and give others the experience of super sensuous joy ... with our name mentioned in God’s dictionary of “Who’s who”, we are prosperous, have the fortune of happiness and good kismet that radiates on our face...  


We are the number one moths (parvaane),  the light houses and might houses equal to the Flame (shama)...we adopt the form and powers that are equal to the Father’s, merge all the Father’s treasures within ourselves, that is, we merge in the Father and totally die alive...we do not have concern for ourselves, that is, we have no concern of body consciousness, of day or night, of hunger or thirst, of our own physical comforts, of rest or of anything else...we are the form of light and might, ignorant of the knowledge of desire, who die alive and are constantly merged in the love for the Flame... 


By saying “Baba” from the heart, we attain instant happiness and powers...we are the unlimited great master bestowers full of all attainments, who, by saying “Yes, indeed, my Lord,” make the Lord present, and by constantly saying “Yes, indeed” for service, give the real proof of constantly remaining full of the treasures of powers, virtues, knowledge and happiness, and with the intoxication of being full, we become the incarnation of powers (shakti avtar) , take the contract to straighten the crooked and make the crooked path straight...

Points from the Murli:

1.   God is the Highest on High. He is the Incorporeal One. Shiv Baba is neither a human being nor a deity. He is called the Supreme Soul. He doesn't become impure or pure.

2.   No human being can be the Guru of the world. Only the One is called the Ocean of Knowledge, the Guru of the World.

3.   God alone is called the Purifier. He has to come at the most auspicious confluence age. To make everyone pure is the task of God alone. He also purifies the elements; such is His part in the drama.

4.   The Father becomes the Instrument. He is the Bestower of Salvation for All. When an inauguration takes place, a telegram is sent to people: Before the forthcoming destruction, come and know the unlimited Father and claim your inheritance from Him.

5.   Only the directions of God are said to be legal directions. Human directions are said to be illegal directions. You become elevated through legal directions. The most illegal work is the evil spirit of lust. There is the evil spirit of body consciousness in everyone anyway. Those who defame the Satguru cannot attain a high status.

6.   A blessing is not something to be asked for; it is something for which you make effort. The more remembrance you have, the more blessings you receive, that is, you receive a higher status. 

7.   The Father is bodiless, without an image. Therefore, children too are without images. We souls are without images, and then we enter images (bodies) here. The Father says once again: Become without an image. Stabilize yourself in your original religion. Do not stabilize yourself in the religion of your image. Stabilize yourself in the religion of being without an image. Do not become body conscious.

8.   Salutations to the Supreme Soul Shiva. So, God is the greatest. All flowers including uck flowers are offered to Him. Some of the Father's children become flowers and others become uck flowers. There are those who pass and those who fail.  “Salutations to the Supreme Soul” when referring to human beings is total ignorance.


सार:-  मीठे बच्चे - तुम जितना-जितना बाप को प्यार से याद करेंगे उतना आशीर्वाद मिलेगी, पाप कटते जायेंगे”                      
प्रश्न:-   बाप बच्चों को किस धर्म में टिकने की मत देते हैं?

उत्तर:- बाबा कहते बच्चे - तुम अपने विचित्रता के धर्म में टिको चित्र के धर्म में नहीं । जैसे बाप विदेही, विचित्र है ऐसे बच्चे भी विचित्र हैं फिर यहाँ चित्र (शरीर) में आते हैं । अभी बाप बच्चों को कहते हैं बच्चे विचित्र बनो, अपने स्वधर्म में टिको । देह-अभिमान में नहीं आओ । 

प्रश्न:-    भगवान भी ड्रामा अनुसार किस बात के लिए बंधायमान है?

उत्तर:- ड्रामानुसार बच्चों को पतित से पावन बनाने के लिए भगवान भी बंधायमान है । उनको आना ही है पुरुषोत्तम संगमयुग पर । 

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. यह रूहानी पढ़ाई बहुत ऊंची और डिफीकल्ट है, इसमें पास होने के लिए बाप की याद से आशीर्वाद लेनी है । अपने कैरेक्टर्स सुधारने हैं ।  

2. अभी कोई भी इलीगल काम नहीं करना है । विचित्र बन अपने स्वधर्म में टिकना है और विचित्र बाप की लीगल मत पर चलना है ।

वरदान:- दृढ़ निश्चय के आधार पर सदा विजयी बनने वाले ब्रह्मा बाप के स्नेही भव ! 

जो दृढ़ निश्चय रखते हैं, तो निश्चय की विजय कभी टल नहीं सकती । चाहे पांच ही तत्व या आत्मायें कितना भी सामना करें लेकिन वो सामना करेंगे और आप अटल निश्चय के आधार पर समाने की शक्ति से उस सामना को समा लेंगे । कभी निश्चय में हलचल नहीं हो सकती । ऐसे अचल रहने वाले विजयी बच्चे ही बाप के स्नेही हैं । स्नेही बच्चे सदा ब्रह्मा बाप की भुजाओं में समाये रहते हैं ।  

स्लोगन:-  सर्व खजानों की चाबी प्राप्त करनी है तो परमात्म प्यार के अनुभवी बनो ।

Om shanti. The Father sits here and explains to the spiritual children: When “Om shanti” is said, souls are being given the introduction of their original religion. So, surely, the Father is automatically remembered because every human being definitely remembers God, but it is just that they don't have God's introduction.
God comes simply to give His own introduction and the introduction of the soul. God alone is called the Purifier. God is bound by the drama to make impure ones pure. He has to come at the most auspicious confluence age. He also gives the explanation of the confluence age. The Father only comes between the old world and the new world. The old world is called the land of death and the new world is called the land of immortality. You also understand that the lifespan is short in the land of death and that there continues to be untimely death. That is the land of immortality where there is no untimely death because they are pure.
Through impurity, they become adulterated, their lifespan become short and their power decreases. In the golden age, because they are pure, they are unadulterated and they have greater power. How did they attain their kingdom without power? They must definitely have taken blessings from the Father. The Father is the Almighty Authority. How would they have claimed their blessings? The Father says: Remember Me!
Those who had more remembrance would have claimed blessings. A blessing is not something to be asked for; it is something for which you make effort. The more remembrance you have, the more blessings you receive, that is, you receive a higher status. If you don't have remembrance, you won't receive blessings. A physical father never tells his children to remember him. From his childhood, a child automatically says “mama” and “baba”. His organs are small. Older children would not say “mama” and “baba”. It would be in their intellects that they are their mother and father from whom they are to receive their inheritance. It is not something that has to be said or remembered. Here, the Father says: Remember Me and your inheritance. Renounce limited relationships and now remember the unlimited relationship. All human beings want liberation. Liberation refers to the land of liberation. Salvation means to go once again to the land of happiness. Anyone who comes will definitely first receive happiness. The Father comes just to give happiness. There must definitely be something difficult because this is why it is said to be such a high study. The higher the study, the more difficult it would be. Not everyone can pass. Very few students pass the highest examinations because when someone passes a high examination, the Government also has to give a higher salary. Some students pass a high examination and yet they remain sitting idle. The Government doesn't have enough money to give them a high salary. Here, the Father says: The more you study, the higher the status you will claim. It isn't that everyone will become kings or wealthy people.
Everything depends on the study. Devotion is not called study. This is spiritual knowledge which the spiritual Father teaches. This study is so high! Children find this difficult because they don't remember the Father and they don't reform their character. The character of those who have good remembrance continues to become good. They continue to become very, very sweet and serviceable. If the character is not good, no one likes them. Those who fail definitely have something wrong in their character. The character of Lakshmi and Narayan is very good. Rama is said to be two degrees less. Bharat becomes the land of falsehood in the kingdom of Ravan. There cannot be the slightest falsehood in the land of truth. In the kingdom of Ravan, there is nothing but falsehood. False human beings cannot be called those with divine virtues. This is something unlimited. The Father now says: Do not listen to such false things from others or relate them to others. Only the directions of God are said to be legal directions. Human directions are said to be illegal directions. You become elevated through legal directions. However, not everyone can follow them, and so they become illegal. Some even promise the Father: Baba, until this age, we have done illegal work and we won't do that now. The most illegal work is the evil spirit of lust. There is the evil spirit of body consciousness in everyone anyway. There is body consciousness in people influenced by Maya. The Father is bodiless, without an image. Therefore, children too are without images. This is something to understand. We souls are without images, and then we enter images (bodies) here. The Father says once again: Become without an image. Stabilize yourself in your original religion. Do not stabilize yourself in the religion of your image. Stabilize yourself in the religion of being without an image. Do not become body conscious. The Father explains to you so much; there is a great need for remembrance in this.
The Father says: Consider yourself to be a soul and remember Me and you will become satopradhan and pure. A lot of punishment is received by becoming impure. It is remembered of those who make a mistake after belonging to the Father: Those who defame the Satguru cannot attain a high status. If you don't follow My directions and become pure, there will have to be one hundred-fold punishment. You have to use your conscience. If I am unable to have remembrance, I won't be able to claim such a high status. You have to make time for making effort. When you are asked what proof you have, tell them: The body that God enters is that of Prajapita Brahma who is a human being. The bodies of human beings are given names. Shiv Baba is neither a human being nor a deity. He is called the Supreme Soul. He doesn't become impure or pure.
He explains: By remembering Me, your sins will be cut away. The Father sits here and explains: You were satopradhan and have now become tamopradhan. Remember Me in order to become satopradhan again.
Look what the qualifications of the deities are, and look at those who ask them for mercy! You then wonder what you yourselves were. From falling through your 84 births, you have become completely degraded.
The Father says: Sweetest children, you used to belong to the deity dynasty. Now, look at your behaviour and see whether you are able to become like the deities. Do not think that everyone will become Lakshmi and Narayan. In that case, the whole place would become a garden of flowers. Only roses should be offered to Shiv Baba. But no, all flowers including uck flowers are offered to Him. Some of the Father's children become flowers and others become uck flowers. There are those who pass and those who fail.
They understand about themselves that they will not be able to become kings. They don't make anyone the same as themselves. Only the Father knows who will become wealthy and how. As you children progress further, you will also understand what type of helper of the Father a particular child is. Whatever any of them did in the previous cycles, they will do the same again. There cannot be any difference in that. The Father continues to give you points. You have to remember the Father in this way and also transfer everything. On the path of devotion, you do everything in the name of God, but you do not know God. You only understand that God is the Highest on High. It isn't that He is one with the highest name and form. He is the Incorporeal. Then, the highest-on-high corporeal beings exist here. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are called deities. It is said: Salutations to the deity Brahma, salutations to the deity Vishnu and then they say: Salutations to the Supreme Soul Shiva. So, God is the greatest. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar cannot be called God. People say through their mouths: Salutations to the Supreme Soul Shiva, and so God must surely be one. People bow down to the deities. In the human world, human beings are called human beings.
To say: “Salutations to the Supreme Soul” when referring to human beings is total ignorance. It is in everyone's intellect that God is omnipresent. You children now understand that God is one and that He alone is called the Purifier. To make everyone pure is the task of God alone. No human being can be the Guru of the world. Gurus are pure. Here, all are those who are born through vice. Knowledge is called nectar. Devotion cannot be called nectar. On the path of devotion, there is only devotion. All human beings are on the path of devotion. Only the One is called the Ocean of Knowledge, the Guru of the World.
You now know what the Father comes and does. He also purifies the elements; such is His part in the drama. The Father becomes the Instrument. He is the Bestower of Salvation for All, but how can He explain? Many people come here. When an inauguration takes place, a telegram is sent to people: Before the forthcoming destruction, come and know the unlimited Father and claim your inheritance from Him.
That One is the spiritual Father. All human beings call Him the Father. He is the Creator, and so the creation would definitely receive an inheritance. No one knows the unlimited Father. To forget the Father is also fixed in the drama. The unlimited Father is the Highest on High. He does not give you a limited inheritance. Even though everyone has a physical father, they still remember the unlimited Father. In the golden age, no one remembers Him because they have received their inheritance of unlimited happiness.
You now remember the Father. It is souls who remember Him and then they forget themselves, their Father and the drama. There is the shadow of Maya. Satopradhan intellects definitely have to become tamopradhan. You are now aware that the deities were satopradhan in the new world. No one knows this.
The world itself becomes satopradhan and the golden age. That is called the new world. This is the iron-aged world. The Father alone comes and explains all of these things. Whatever inheritance you receive every cycle, according to your efforts, you will receive that same inheritance. You now also know that you were like that and have now come down. The Father Himself tells you: This and that will happen. Some say: We try a great deal, but we are unable to have remembrance. What can the Father or the Teacher do about this? What can the Teacher do if someone doesn’t study? If the Teacher were to give blessings, everyone would pass. There is a lot of difference in studies. This is a completely new study. Here, it is generally the poor and unhappy ones who come to you; wealthy ones do not come here. It is because people are unhappy that they come here. The wealthy think that they are sitting in heaven. This isn't in their fortune. Those who have it in their fortune instantly have that faith. Faith and doubt don't take time. Maya soon makes you forget. This does take time. There is no need to become confused about this. Have mercy for yourself! You continue to receive shrimat. The Father tells you something so easy: Simply consider yourself to be a soul and remember Me. You know that this is the land of death and that that is the land of immortality. There is no untimely death there. Students in a class sit numberwise. This too is a school.
The teacher is asked: Who is the number one clever child in your class? Those who study well should be on the right side. The right hand has importance. Worship is also carried out with the right hand. You children should continue to think about what will exist in the golden age. If you remember the golden age, you will also remember the true Baba. Baba is making us into the masters of the golden age. There, you won't know how you received your kingdom. This is why Baba says: Even Lakshmi and Narayan don't have this knowledge. The Father continues to explain everything very well. Those who understood it in the previous cycle will definitely understand again. Nevertheless, you still have to make effort. The Father comes to teach you. This is a study and a lot of understanding is needed for this. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.
ओम् शान्ति |
बाप बैठ रूहानी बच्चों को समझाते हैं जब ओम शान्ति कहा जाता है तो गोया अपनी आत्मा को स्वधर्म का परिचय दिया जाता है । तो जरूर बाप भी ऑटोमेटिकली याद आता है क्योंकि याद तो हरेक मनुष्य भगवान को ही करते हैं । सिर्फ भगवान का पूरा परिचय नहीं है । भगवान अपना और आत्मा का परिचय देने ही आते हैं । पतित-पावन कहा ही जाता है भगवान को । पतित से पावन बनाने के लिए भगवान भी ड्रामा अनुसार बंधायमान है । उनको भी आना है पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग पर । संगमयुग की समझानी भी देते हैं । पुरानी दुनिया और नई दुनिया के बीच में ही बाप आते हैं । पुरानी दुनिया को मृत्युलोक, नई दुनिया को अमरलोक कहा जाता है । यह भी तुम समझते हो, मृत्युलोक में आयु कम होती है । अकाले मृत्यु होती रहती है । वह फिर है अमरलोक, जहाँ अकाले मृत्यु नहीं होती क्योंकि पवित्र हैं । अपवित्रता से व्यभिचारी बनते हैं और आयु भी कम होती है । बल भी कम हो जाता है । सतयुग में पवित्र होने कारण अव्यभिचारी हैं । बल भी जास्ती रहता है । बल बिगर सजाई कैसे प्राप्त की? जरूर बाप से उन्होंने आर्शीवाद ली होगी । बाप है सर्वशक्तिमान् । आर्शीवाद कैसे ली होगी? बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करो । तो जिन्होंने जास्ती याद किया होगा उन्होंने ही आर्शीवाद ली होगी । आर्शीवाद कोई मांगने की चीज नहीं है । यह तो मेहनत करने की चीज़ है । जितना जास्ती याद करेंगे उतना जास्ती आर्शीवाद मिलेगी अर्थात् ऊंच पद मिलेगा । याद ही नहीं करेंगे तो आर्शीवाद भी नहीं मिलेगी । लौकिक बाप बच्चों को कभी यह नहीं कहते हैं कि मुझे याद करो । वह छोटेपन से आपेही मम्मा-बाबा करते रहते हैं । आरगन्स छोटे हैं, बड़े बच्चे कब ऐसे बाबा-बाबा, मम्मा-मम्मा नहीं कहेंगे । उन्हों की बुद्धि में रहता है - यह हमारे माँ-बाप हैं, जिनसे यह वर्सा मिलना है । कहने की वा याद करने की बात नहीं रहती है । यहाँ तो बाप कहते हैं मुझे और वर्से को याद करो । हद के सम्बन्ध को छोड़ अब बेहद के सम्बन्ध को याद करना है । सब मनुष्य चाहते हैं हमारी गति हो । गति कहा जाता है मुक्तिधाम को । सद्गति कहा जाता है फिर से सुखधाम में आने को । कोई भी पहले आयेगा तो जरूर सुख ही पायेगा । बाप सुख के लिए ही आते हैं । जरूर कोई बात डिफीकल्ट है इसलिए इनको ऊंच पढ़ाई कहा जाता है । जितनी ऊंच पढ़ाई उतनी डिफीकल्ट भी होगी । सभी तो पास कर न सकें । बड़े ते बड़ा इप्तहान बहुत थोड़े स्टूडेंट पास करते हैं क्योंकि बड़ा इम्तहान पास होने से फिर सरकार को पघार (नौकरी) भी बहुत देना पड़े ना । कई स्टूडेंट बड़ा इम्तहान पास करके भी ऐसे ही बैठे रहते हैं । सरकार के पास इतना पैसा नहीं है जो बड़ा पघार दे । यहाँ तो बाप कहते हैं जितना ऊंच पढ़ेंगे उतना ऊंच पद पायेंगे । ऐसे भी नहीं सब कोई राजायें वा साहूकार बनेंगे । सारा मदार पढ़ाई पर है । भक्ति को पढ़ाई नहीं कहा जाता । यह तो है रूहानी ज्ञान जो रूहानी बाप पढ़ाते हैं । कितनी ऊंच पढ़ाई है । बच्चों को डिफीकल्ट लगता है क्योंकि बाप को याद नहीं करते तो कैरेक्टर्स भी सुधरते नहीं हैं । जो अच्छा याद करते हैं उनके कैरेक्टर्स भी अच्छे होते जाते हैं । बहुत-बहुत मीठे सर्विसेबुल बनते जाते हैं । कैरेक्टर्स अच्छे नहीं है तो कोई को पसन्द भी नहीं आते हैं । जो नापास होते हैं तो जरूर कैरेक्टर्स में रोला है । श्री लक्ष्मी-नारायण के कैरेक्टर्स बहुत अच्छे हैं । राम को दो कला कम कहेंगे । भारत रावण राज्य में झूठ खण्ड हो पड़ता है । सचखण्ड में तो जरा भी झूठ हो न सके । रावण राज्य में है झूठ ही झूठ । झूठे मनुष्यों को दैवी गुणों वाला कह नहीं सकते । यह बेहद की बात है । अभी बाप कहते हैं ऐसी झूठी बातें किसी की न सुनो, न सुनाओ । एक ईश्वर की मत को ही लीगल मत कहा जाता है । मनुष्य मत को इलीगल मत कहा जाता ।लीगल मत से तुम ऊंच बनते हो । परन्तु सब नहीं चल सकते हैं तो इलीगल बन पड़ते हैं । कई बाप के साथ प्रतिज्ञा भी करते हें-बाबा इतनी आयु हमने इलीगल काम किये हैं, अभी नहीं करेंगे । सबसे इलीगल काम है विकार का भूत । देह-अभिमान का भूत तो सबमें है ही । मायावी पुरूष में देह-अभिमान ही होता है । बाप तो है ही विदेही, विचित्र । तो बच्चे भी विचित्र हैं । यह समझ की बात है । हम आत्मा विचित्र हैं फिर यहाँ चित्र (शरीर) में आते हैं । अभी बाप फिर कहते हैं विचित्र बनो । अपने स्वधर्म में टिको । चित्र के धर्म में नहीं टिको । विचित्रता के धर्म में टिको । देह-अभिमान में न आओ । बाप कितना समझाते हैं - इसमें याद की बहुत जरूरत है । बाप कहते हैं अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझे याद करो तो तुम सतोप्रधान, प्योर बनेंगे । इमप्योरिटी में जाने से बहुत दण्ड मिल जाता है । बाप का बनने के बाद अगर कोई भूल होती है तो फिर गायन है सतगुरू के निदक ठौर न पाये । अगर तुम मेरी मत पर चल पवित्र नहीं बनेंगे तो सौ गुणा दण्ड भोगना पड़ेगा । विवेक चलाना है । अगर हम याद नहीं कर सकते तो इतना ऊंच पद भी नहीं पा सकेंगे । पुरूषार्थ के लिए टाइम भी देते हैं । तुमको कहते हैं क्या सबूत है? बोलो, जिस तन में आते हैं वह प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो मनुष्य है ना । मनुष्य का नाम शरीर पर पड़ता है । शिवबाबा तो न मनुष्य है, न देवता है । उनको सुप्रीम आत्मा कहा जाता है । वह तो पतित वा पावन नहीं होता, वह समझाते हैं मुझे याद करने से तुम्हारे पाप कट जायेंगे । बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं तुम सतोप्रधान थे, अभी तमोप्रधान बने हो । फिर सतोप्रधान बनने के लिए मुझे याद करो । इन देवताओं की क्वालिफिकेशन देखो कैसी है और उन्हों से रहम मांगने वालों को भी देखो वन्डर लगता है - हम क्या थे! फिर 84 जन्मो में कितना गिरकर एकदम चट हो पड़े हैं ।
बाप कहते हैं - मीठे-मीठे बच्चे, तुम दैवी घराने के थे । अभी अपनी चाल को देखो यह (देवी-देवता) बन सकते हो? ऐसे नहीं, सब लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनेंगे । फिर तो सारा फूलों का बगीचा हो जाए । शिवबाबा को सिर्फ गुलाब के फूल ही चढ़ायें । परन्तु नहीं, फूल भी चढ़ाते हैं, अक भी चढ़ाते हैं । बाप के बच्चे कोई फूल भी बनते हैं, कोई अक भी बनते हैं । पास नापास तो होते ही हैं । खुद भी समझते हैं यह राजा तो बन नहीं सकेंगे । आप समान ही नहीं बनाते हैं, साहूकार कैसे, कौन बनेंगे वह तो बाप जाने । आगे चल तुम बच्चे भी समझ जायेंगे कि यह फलाना बाप का कैसा मददगार है । कल्प-कल्प जिन्होंने जो कुछ किया है वही करेंगे । इसमें फर्क नहीं पड़ सकता । बाप पॉइंट्स तो देते रहते हैं । ऐसे-ऐसे बाप को याद करना है और ट्रांसफर भी करना है । भक्ति मार्ग में तुम ईश्वर अर्थ करते हो । परन्तु ईश्वर को जानते नहीं हो । इतना समझते हो ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान है । ऐसे नहीं कि ऊंच ते ऊंच नाम रूप वाला है । वह है ही निराकार । फिर ऊंच ते ऊंच साकार यहाँ होते हैं । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को देवता कहा जाता है । ब्रह्मा देवताए नम:, विष्णु देवताए नम: फिर कहते हैं शिव परमात्माए नम: । तो परमात्मा बड़ा ठहरा ना । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को परमात्मा नहीं कहेंगे । मुख से कहते भी हैं शिव परमात्माए नम: तो जरूर परमात्मा एक हुआ ना । देवताओं को नमन करते हैं । मनुष्य लोक में मनुष्य को मनुष्य कहेंगे । उनको फिर परमात्माए नम: कहना-यह तो पूरा अज्ञान है । सबकी बुद्धि में यह है कि ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी है । अभी तुम बच्चे समझते हो भगवान तो एक है, उनको ही पतित-पावन कहा जाता है । सबको पावन बनाना यह भगवान का ही काम है । जगत का गुरू कोई मनुष्य हो न सके । गुरू पावन होते हैं ना । यहाँ तो सब हैं विकार से पैदा होने वाले । ज्ञान को अमृत कहा जाता है । भक्ति को अमृत नहीं कहा जाता । भक्ति मार्ग में भक्ति ही चलती है । सब मनुष्य भक्ति में हैं । ज्ञान सागर, जगत का गुरू एक को कहा जाता है । अभी तुम जानते हो बाप क्या आकर करते हैं । तत्वों को भी पवित्र बनाते हैं । ड्रामा में उनका पार्ट है । बाप निमित्त बनते हैं सर्व का सद्गति दाता है । अब यह समझावें कैसे । आते तो बहुत हैं । उद्घाटन करने आते हैं तो तार दी जाती है कि होवनहार विनाश के पहले बेहद के बाप को जानकर उनसे ही वर्सा लो । यह है रूहानी बाप । जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं सब फादर कहते हैं । क्रियेटर है तो जरूर क्रियेशन को वर्सा मिलेगा । बेहद के बाप को कोई भी जानते नहीं । बाप को भूलना - यह भी ड्रामा में नूँध है । बेहद का बाप ऊंच ते ऊंच है, वह कोई हद का वर्सा तो नहीं देगा ना । लौकिक बाप होते भी बेहद के बाप को सब याद करते हैं । सतयुग में उनको कोई याद नहीं करते क्योंकि बेहद सुख का वर्सा मिला हुआ है । अभी तुम बाप को याद करते हो । आत्मा ही याद करती है फिर आत्मायें अपने को और अपने बाप को, ड्रामा को भूल जाती हैं । माया का परछाया पड़ जाता है । सतोप्रधान बुद्धि को फिर तमोप्रधान जरूर होना है । स्मृति में आता है, नई दुनिया में देवी-देवतायें सतोप्रधान थे, यह कोई भी नहीं जानते हैं । दुनिया ही सतोप्रधान गोल्डन एजड बनती है । उसको कहा जाता है न्यू वर्ल्ड । यह है आइरन एजड वर्ल्ड । यह सब बातें बाप ही आकर बच्चों को समझाते हैं । कल्प-कल्प जो वर्सा तुम लेते हो, पुरूषार्थ अनुसार वही मिलने का है । तुमकी भी अभी मालूम पड़ा है हम यह थे फिर ऐसे नीचे आ गये हैं । बाप ही बताते हैं कि ऐसे-ऐसे होगा । कोई कहते हैं कोशिश बहुत करते हैं परन्तु याद ठहरती नहीं है । इसमें बाप अथवा टीचर क्या करे, कोई पढ़ेंगे नहीं तो टीचर क्या करे । टीचर आर्शीवाद करे फिर सब पास हो जायें । पढ़ाई का फर्क तो बहुत रहता है । यह है बिल्कुल नई पढ़ाई । यहाँ तुम्हारे पास अक्सर करके गरीब दु:खी ही आयेंगे साहूकार नहीं आयेंगे । दु:खी हैं तब आते हैं । साहूकार समझते हैं हम तो स्वर्ग में बैठे हैं । तकदीर में नहीं है, जिनकी तकदीर में है, उनको झट निश्चय बैठ जाता है । निश्चय और संशय में देरी नहीं लगती है । माया झट भुला देती है । टाइम तो लगता है ना । इसमें मूँझने की दरकार नहीं है । अपने ऊपर रहम करना है । श्रीमत तो मिलती रहती है । कितना सहज बाप कहते हैं सिर्फ अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझे याद करो ।
तुम जानते हो यह है ही मृत्युलोक । वह है अमरलोक । वहां अकाले मृत्यु नहीं होता । क्लास में स्टूडेंट नम्बरवार बैठते हैं ना । यह भी स्कूल है ना । ब्राह्मणी से पूछा जाता है तुम्हारे पास नम्बरवार होशियार बच्चे कौन से हैं? जो अच्छा पढ़ते हैं, वे राइट साइड में होने चाहिए । राइट हैण्ड का महत्व होता है ना । पूजा आदि भी राइट हैण्ड से की जाती है । बच्चे ख्याल करते रहें - सतयुग में क्या होगा । सतयुग याद पड़ेगा तो सत बाबा भी याद पड़ेगा । बाबा हमको सतयुग का मालिक बनाते हैं | वहाँ यह पता नहीं है कि हमको यह बादशाही कैसे मिली है । इसलिए बाबा कहते है हैं इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण में भी यह ज्ञान नहीं है । बाप हरेक बात अच्छी रीति समझाते रहते हैं जो कल्प पहले वाले समझे हैं वही जरूर समझेंगे । फिर भी पुरूषार्थ करना पड़ता है ना । बाप आते ही हैं पढ़ाने । यह पढ़ाई है, इसमें बड़ी समझ चाहिए । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।


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