Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 14, 2014: Letting Go of Sorrow

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 14, 2014: Letting Go of Sorrow

Letting Go of Sorrow

If I allow bitterness and resentment to fester inside, it will make my relationships guarded and unsatisfying. The more I close down to others, the more I become a stranger to myself. By letting go of sorrow and negativity, I can keep my nature open and loving. Remaining open to life, with its constant adventures and opportunities to grow, is the only way to reach my full potential.

Traffic Control

There are times when my mind faces inertia: it can either be that the
fast speed of thoughts is tough to control, or there is a lack of
enthusiasm to think new and differently. An efficient driver has good
control over both the accelerator and brake. Similarly, my day runs
smoothly when I can operate the mind and intellect to maneuver the flow
of thoughts and generate productive thoughts as I wish. The best way to
enhance my mind is to take few minutes out at regular intervals to
clean out unnecessary and waste thoughts, and focus my attention on the
Supreme Ocean of Power and Divinity.

A Beautiful Meditation Experience

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to strengthen your ability to be soul conscious. The practical application of meditation means that you can move into this "soul awareness" wherever you are - while cooking, during a journey, in the middle of a conversation, while working in the office etc. These are the basic steps to practice moving into a state of stillness and focusing your awareness.

Sit in a comfortable but alert position wherever you are right now... Imagine your whole body is surrounded by an envelope of subtle light... See the light draw itself up to a point of focus above and behind your physical eyes...
Be aware that you are that point of focus...

Just as you might stand absolutely still as you look through the windows of your home to see the street or garden outside... look through your eyes now as if they were windows... Be aware that you are not your eyes... you are the still point of awareness, a tiny sparkling star, the soul, looking through your eyes seeing the world 'out there'... Remain still inside...

As you watch people and life moving around you, remain completely still... just watching without thinking about what you see... Then, in one split second 'narrow' your awareness to one small detail in the scene that you see...
Hold that detail for a moment...
Be free of any judgment or assessment of the detail...
Just watch...just be aware...
Then 'expand' your awareness to the entire scene once again... Remind yourself of who you are...the soul looking out through the windows of the eyes...completely still....focused...fully aware.
Soul Sustenance

The Origin of Addictions: How to Overcome Them
Today, the number of addictions and addicts is growing fast. It seems that today human beings can become addicts of almost anything: credit cards, eating, drinking, sweets, lust, smoking, relationships, television, the internet and computer games, football, earning money, spending money, power, work, arguing, war.

In some ways, this shows the presence of an inner void (emptiness) that people try to fill with external things. While a person becomes an addict to any of the above aspects, their willpower is gradually weakened. And if one does not realize what is happening or does not put a stop to it, it is possible to fall into a spiraling series of automatic and compulsive actions that gradually limits our freedom to decide what we want to do with our lives, causing a loss of self-esteem and a state of depression, anxiety and dependency.

The origin of many addictions is due to a desperate need to solve a problem or a spiritual need (which may be a lack of respect, love, peace, attention, consideration) of a materialist form.

Here are a few examples:

* In a cigarette: one looks for peace, calm and relaxation.
* In alcohol: one looks for confidence, determination and security.
* In sugar and chocolate: one looks for love, sweetness and tenderness.
* In coffee and tea: one looks for energy and inner strength.
(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day

True knowledge brings humility.
Projection: True knowledge inspires and encourages one to bring about a practical change in one's life. The one with knowledge naturally imbibes it, which is also revealed in his practical life, because he is humbly willing to learn from all situations. As much as there is knowledge, so much there is divinity revealed in all words and actions.

Solution: When I am able to humbly learn from all situations. I am able to enrich my own knowledge. This knowledge further enables me to become more and more practical. So during all difficult situations, I am able to remain light and internally stable. There will be no fluctuation experienced within, whatever the challenges may be.
In Spiritual Service,

Brahma Kumaris

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 13, 2014

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 13, 2014:
Essence: Sweet children the Father has come to remove you from the depths of hell (kumbhi park nark). It was for this that you children invited the Father here.

Question:  You children are the greatest craftsmen (kaarigar). How? What is your craftsmanship? (kaarigari) 

Answer: You children carry out such great craftsmanship that the whole world becomes new. For this you do not lift bricks and mortar (iint ya tagaari) but you make the world new by having the pilgrimage of remembrance. You have the happiness that you are crafting the new world. You will then become the masters of that heaven.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Listen carefully to everything that the Father tells you and then digest it well. Don’t waste time speaking about worldly matters.  

2. Do not sit in remembrance of the Father with your eyes closed. In order to go to the kingdom of Shri Krishna, you must study well. 

Blessing: May you be a knowledgeable soul (gyani tu atma) who makes your thoughts, the seeds, constantly powerful.

Together with listening to knowledge and relating it, also become an embodiment of knowledge. An embodiment of knowledge means one whose every thought, word and deed is powerful and doesn’t go to waste. Where there is something powerful, none of it can go to waste. Just as light and darkness cannot exist together, so knowledge is light and waste is darkness and therefore, a knowledgeable soul means one whose every thought, every seed, is powerful. The words, deeds and relationships of those whose thoughts are powerful easily become powerful.

Slogan: In order to go to the sun dynasty, become yogis, not warriors (yodhhe).
Points to churn from the slogan:
We, the souls, with purity as our original religion, are free from the fluctuations of the dharna of purity even in our dreams...we are beyond the desire of name, fame & being the children of the Almighty Father, we become master almighty finishing our weak nature and sanskars, we become pure & holy, incorporeal, vice less & egoless, free from anger, free from attachment & free from greed... instead of being warriors (yoddha) we make others worthy (yogya)... by closing all the gates of Maya, we become the true yogis, the constant yogis, the simple yogis, the easy yogis,  the natural yogis with a constant stage... we are yogis who experiment (prayogi), bring greater glorification through less expense and  receive attainments (prapti) by making progress (pragati)...

By becoming complete in the power to pack up and the power to face, we are able to fulfill our promise: “Having one strength and one support, constantly eating with You, sitting with You, speaking to You and listening to You” being ever-ready, we fulfill the promise “Wherever you place me, whichever form you place me in and for and for however long you keep me there, that I will do” being our own judges, we become victorious instead of warriors...

 We are the spiritual warriors of the incognito army, blowing the conch with the explosives and the bombs of knowledge, winning over the enemy Maya, and receiving sovereignty for 21 births... by remembering and having the spiritual intoxication that we came bodiless, claimed our self-sovereignty, listened to the knowledge of the Gita, the jewel of all scriptures from the Father, we become the embodiments of awareness... we are the strong, powerful wrestlers who are victorious in the wrestling match over the  Rustam (powerful warrior) Maya..we are the Godly children who do service and attain a high status...we are the Shiv Shaktis...the social workers...“I belong to the One Father and none other” staying in remembrance, by following  the shrimat of Shri Shri 108, we become the beads of the rosary of victory of 108...  

Points from the Murli:

1.   The Father is the Resident of a land very far away. He comes and gives you children shrimat. It is by following shrimat that you will become elevated deities.

2.   You say: O Purifier Baba, come into this impure old world of Ravan! We are trapped in it up to our necks. No one, except the Father, can remove us from it. Therefore, the Father has come. He is such an Obedient Servant of yours.

3.   The Father says: I am bound to remove everyone from this bog. This bog is called the extreme depths of hell.

4.   The Father says: I am the Lord of the Poor (Gareeb Niwaaz). There is only the one Father who is ever pure and He comes to make us pure. He makes the whole world satopradhan.

5.   The new world is being established and the old world is to be destroyed. You are the ones who are constructing the new world of heaven. You are very good craftsmen. You are constructing heaven for yourselves. You are creating your heaven in an incognito way.

6.   The Satguru takes you from the old world to the new world. The main thing the Father says is: Remember Me and the land of happiness.

7.   No one, except the One, can give you this knowledge. There is salvation through knowledge. The Father alone is the Bestower of Salvation (Sadgati Data). No one can call Shiva Baba Shri, Shri. He does not need a title. They just praise His greatness.

8.   When the path of devotion starts, there is only the worship of One. That is called unadulterated devotion. You were satopradhan, but, at this time, you are tamopradhan. Devotion also becomes adulterated and they continue to remember many. They even worship tamopradhan bodies made of the five elements. Therefore, they are worshipping the tamopradhan evil spirits.


सार:- मीठे बच्चे - बाप आये हैं तुम बच्चों को कुम्भी पाक नर्क से निकालने के लिए, तुम बच्चों ने बाप को निमन्त्रण भी इसलिए दिया है”                      
प्रश्न:-  तुम बच्चे बहुत बड़े ते बड़े कारीगर हो - कैसे? तुम्हारी कारीगरी क्या है?

उत्तर:- हम बच्चे ऐसी कारीगरी करते हैं जो सारी दुनिया ही नई बन जाती है, उसके लिए हम कोई ईट या तगारी आदि नहीं उठाते हैं लेकिन याद की यात्रा से नई दुनिया बना देते हैं । हमें खुशी है कि हम नई दुनिया की कारीगरी कर रहे हैं । हम ही फिर ऐसे स्वर्ग के मालिक बनेंगे ।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. बाप जो सुनाते हैं उसे अच्छी तरह सुनकर फिर उगारना है । दुनियावी बातों में अपना समय नहीं गँवाना है । 

2. बाप की याद में आखें बन्द करके नहीं बैठना है । श्रीकृष्ण की राजधानी में आने के लिए पढ़ाई अच्छी रीति पढ़नी है । 

वरदान:- संकल्प रूपी बीज को सदा समर्थ बनाने वाले ज्ञानी तू आत्मा भव ! 

ज्ञान सुनने और सुनाने के साथ-साथ ज्ञान स्वरूप बनो । ज्ञान स्वरूप अर्थात् जिनका हर संकल्प, बोल और कर्म समर्थ हो, व्यर्थ समाप्त हो जाए । जहाँ समर्थ है वहाँ व्यर्थ नहीं हो सकता । जैसे प्रकाश और अन्धियारा साथ-साथ नहीं होता । तो ज्ञान प्रकाश है, व्यर्थ अंधकार है इसलिए ज्ञानी तू आत्मा माना हर संकल्प रूपी बीज समर्थ हो । जिनके संकल्प समर्थ हैं उनकी वाणी, कर्म, सम्बन्ध सहज ही समर्थ हो जाता है । 

स्लोगन:-  सूर्यवंश में जाना है तो योगी बनो, योद्धे नहीं ।

Om Shanti 
The spiritual Father sits here and explains to the sweetest children. When you leave your villages to come here, your intellects understand that you are going to Shiv Baba’s school. It is not that you are going to have a glimpse of a sage or holy man or to listen to a scripture. You understand that you are going to Shiva Baba. People of the world believe that Shiva resides up above. However, when they remember Him, they do not sit with their eyes open. They sit in meditation with their eyes closed because they have an image of a Shiva lingam in their minds. When they go to a Shiva Temple and remember Shiva, they look upwards, or they remember the temple. Many sit with their eyes closed. They believe that if their vision is drawn towards anyone’s name or form, their spiritual endeavour would break. You children now know that, although you used to remember Shiva Baba, some of you would also remember Krishna, others would remember Rama and others would remember their guru. People make a little locket of their guru and wear that. They also make a locket of a small Gita and wear that. It is all like that on the path of devotion. They remember God whilst sitting at home. They go on pilgrimages whilst in remembrance. They could still keep a picture at home and worship that, but it is a system of the path of devotion to go on pilgrimages for birth after birth. They go to all four corners on pilgrimages. Why do they speak of four pilgrimages? They tour around in all four directions: east, west, north and south. When the path of devotion starts, there is only the worship of One. That is called unadulterated devotion. You were satopradhan, but, at this time, you are tamopradhan. Devotion also becomes adulterated and they continue to remember many. They even worship tamopradhan bodies made of the five elements. Therefore, they are worshipping the tamopradhan evil spirits. However, none of them understands these things. Although they may be sitting here, their intellect’s yoga continues to wander elsewhere. You children must not sit here and remember Shiva Baba with your eyes closed. You understand that the Father is the Resident of a land very far away. He comes and gives you children shrimat. It is by following shrimat that you will become elevated deities. The entire kingdom of the deities is now being established. Whilst sitting here, you are establishing your deity kingdom. Previously, you did not know how it is established. You now know that Baba is your Father, that He becomes your Teacher and teaches you and that He then takes you back with Him and grants you salvation. Those gurus cannot grant salvation to anyone. Here, it is explained to you that that One alone is the Father, the Teacher and the Satguru. You receive your inheritance from the Father. The Satguru takes you from the old world to the new world. Old mothers cannot understand all of these things. For them, the main thing is to consider themselves to be souls and to remember Shiva Baba. You should sit and explain to the old mothers in simple (totali) language: We are children of Shiva Baba and Baba will give us our inheritance of heaven. Every soul has a right to claim his inheritance from the Father. Death is standing in front of you. The old world will definitely become new. Then the new will become old. It takes a few months to build a new house but it takes 100 years for it to become old again. You children now know that the old world is to be destroyed. The war that is to take place now will take place again after 5000 years. The old mothers are not able to understand all of these things. It is the duty of you teachers to explain to them. For them, even one sentence is enough: Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father. You, the soul, are a resident of the supreme abode. Then, you come here and take a body to play your part. Souls play their parts of happiness and sorrow here. The main thing the Father says is: Remember Me and the land of happiness. By remembering the Father, your sins will be cut away and you will go to heaven. The more you now remember the Father, the more your sins will be cut away. Old mothers have the habit of listening to religious stories at spiritual gatherings. They have to be reminded again and again to remember the Father. In a school you study, you do not listen to religious stories. You heard many stories on the path of devotion but there was no benefit in them. You were not able to go from this dirty world to the new world. Human beings neither know the Father, the Creator, nor His creation. They say: Neti, neti (neither this nor that). Previously, you too did not know. You have now come to know about the path of devotion very well. Many have idols in their homes. It is the same thing (whether in a temple or a home). Some husbands tell their wives: Keep the idol at home and worship that. Why do you have to go wandering about outside? However, they have the devotional feeling of going to the temple. You now understand that to go on pilgrimages means to stumble along on the path of devotion. You have been around the cycle of 84 births many times. There are no pilgrimages in the golden and silver ages. There are no temples etc. there either. All of those pilgrimages etc. only take place on the path of devotion. None of those things take place on the path of knowledge. That is called devotion. No one, except the One, can give you this knowledge. There is salvation through knowledge. The Father alone is the Bestower of Salvation. No one can call Shiva Baba Shri, Shri. He does not need a title. They just praise His greatness. They call Him “Shiva Baba”. You call out to Him: Shiva Baba, we have become impure! Come and purify us! People have sunk up to their necks in the bog of the path of devotion. They become trapped in that and then cry out. They are completely trapped in that bog of the poison of vices. They become trapped as they come down the ladder. No one knows what to do, and so they say: Baba, remove us from here! According to the drama, Baba has to come. The Father says: I am bound to remove everyone from this bog. This bog is called the extreme depths of hell. The Father sits here and explains this. Those people do not know this. Just look at the sort of invitation you give the Father! Invitations are generally given for weddings etc.(shaadi muraadi) You say: O Purifier Baba, come into this impure old world of Ravan! We are trapped in it up to our necks. No one, except the Father, can remove us from it. You even say: Shiva Baba, Resident of the faraway land. This is the kingdom of Ravan, every soul has become tamopradhan and this is why they call out: Come and purify us! They sing out loudly: Purifier! Rama of Sita! It is not that they remain pure. This world is impure; it is the kingdom of Ravan and you are trapped in it. This is why you have given this invitation: Baba come and remove us from these extreme depths of hell. Therefore, the Father has come. He is such an Obedient Servant of yours. You children have witnessed limitless sorrow in this drama. Time continues to pass. One second cannot be the same as the next. The Father is now making you become like Lakshmi and Narayan and you will then rule for half a cycle. Bring this into your awareness. Very little time now remains. When death begins to take place, people will become confused. So much will happen in just a short time. Some will have heart failure as soon as they even hear a bang. Some will die in such a way, don’t even ask! Just look! Many old mothers have come. Poor helpless mothers cannot understand anything. When they see others going on a pilgrimage, they too get ready to go. You now understand that the meaning of a pilgrimage on the path of devotion is to descend and become tamopradhan. This pilgrimage of yours is the greatest pilgrimage. It is through this that you go from the impure world to the pure world. So, you should at least remind these children of Shiva Baba. Ask them: Do you remember Shiva Baba? Even if they hear a little, they will go to heaven. They definitely receive this fruit. However, it is through the study that you receive a status. There is a lot of difference in the status. There is the difference of day and night between the highest of all and the lowest of all. There is a vast difference between a Prime Minister and a servant. All are numberwise in a kingdom. There will be a kingdom in heaven too, but there will not be any sinful, vicious, dirty souls there. That is the viceless world. You say that you will definitely become Lakshmi and Narayan. When the old mothers see you raise your hands, they also raise their hands; they do not understand anything. Nevertheless, they have come to the Father and so they will go to heaven. However, not everyone can attain the same status; there have to be subjects too. The Father says: I am the Lord of the Poor. Therefore, Baba is pleased to see the poor ones. No matter how wealthy a great multimillionaire may be, the poor can claim a higher status for 21 births than he can. This too is good. When old mothers come here, the Father is pleased, because they will at least go to the land of Krishna. This is the land of Ravan. Those of you who study well will be able to rock Krishna in your lap. Subjects will not be allowed to enter the palace. They will perhaps have a glimpse, just as the Pope gives a glimpse of himself through a window. Hundreds of thousands of people gather outside to have a glimpse of him. However, why would we want to have a glimpse of him? There is only the one Father who is ever pure and He comes to make us pure. He makes the whole world satopradhan. These five evil spirits will not exist there. The five elements become satopradhan; they will become your slaves. The climate will never be so hot that damage is caused. The five elements function systematically. There is no untimely death there. Now that you are going to heaven, you should remove your intellect’s yoga from hell. It is the same as when you build a new house, the intellect moves away from the old one. The intellect is drawn to the new one. However, this is an unlimited aspect. The new world is being established and the old world is to be destroyed. You are the ones who are constructing the new world of heaven. You are very good craftsmen. You are constructing heaven for yourselves. You are such very good craftsmen that you are constructing the new world of heaven by having the pilgrimage of remembrance. Even if you have little remembrance, you will go to heaven. You are creating your heaven in an incognito way. You understand that you will now shed your present bodies and then go and live in heaven. Therefore, you must never forget such an unlimited Father. You are now studying to go to heaven. You are making effort to establish your kingdom. This kingdom of Ravan is about to be destroyed. Therefore, you should experience such happiness inside. We have created heaven many times before. We have claimed the kingdom and also lost it many times before. Even if you remember this, it is very good. We were the masters of heaven. The Father made us like that. Remember the Father and your sins will be burnt away. You are establishing heaven in such an easy way. So many things have been invented for the destruction of the old world. The whole of the old world will be destroyed through natural calamities and missiles etc. The Father has now come to give you the most elevated directions and to establish elevated heaven. You should keep it in your intellects that you have established heaven many times. You claimed your kingdom many times and you then lost it many times. Let this continue to spin in your intellects and also speak about these things to one another. You must not waste your time speaking about worldly matters. Remember the Father and become spinners of the discus of self- realisation. Here, you children have to listen to all of this very carefully and then digest it well. You constantly have to think about what Baba says. You definitely do have to remember Shiv Baba and your inheritance. The Father has brought heaven for you on the palm of His hand. You also have to become pure. If you do not become pure, you will have to endure punishment and you will receive a very low status. If you want to claim a high status in heaven, imbibe this well. The Father shows you a very easy path. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.
ओम् शान्ति |
मीठे-मीठे रूहानी बच्चों प्रति रूहानी बाप समझाते हैं, तुम जब अपने- अपने गाँव से निकलते हो तो यह बुद्धि में रहता है कि हम जाते हैं शिवबाबा की पाठशाला में । ऐसे नहीं कि कोई साधू-सन्त आदि का दर्शन करने वा शास्त्र आदि सुनने आते हो । तुम जानते हो हम जाते हैं शिवबाबा के पास । दुनिया के मनुष्य तो समझते हैं शिव ऊपर में रहते हैं । वह जब याद करते हैं तो आंख खोलकर नहीं बैठते । वह आंख बन्द कर ध्यान में बैठते हैं । शिवलिंग जो देखा हुआ होता है । भल शिव के मन्दिर में जायेंगे तो भी शिव को याद करेंगे तो ऊपर में देखेंगे वा मन्दिर याद आयेगा । कई फिर आंखें बन्द कर बैठते हैं । समझते हैं दृष्टि कहाँ भी नाम-रूप में अगर जायेगी तो हमारी साधना टूट जायेगी । अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो हम भल शिवबाबा को याद करते थे । कोई कृष्ण को याद करते, कोई राम को याद करते, कोई अपने गुरू को याद करते, गुरू का भी छोटा लॉकेट बनाकर पहनते हैं । गीता का भी इतना छोटा लॉकेट बनाकर पहनते हैं । भक्ति मार्ग में तो सब ऐसे ही हैं । घर बैठे भी याद करते हैं । याद में यात्रा करने भी जाते हैं । चित्र तो घर में रखकर पूजा कर सकते हैं परन्तु यह भी भक्ति की रस्म पड़ी हुई है । जन्म-जन्मान्तर यात्राओं पर जाते हैं । चारों धाम की यात्रा करते हैं । चार धाम क्यों कहते हैं? वेस्ट, ईस्ट, नार्थ, साउथ... चारों का चक्र लगाते हैं । भक्ति मार्ग जब शुरू होता है तो पहले एक की भक्ति की जाती है, उसको कहा जाता है अव्यभिचारी भक्ति । सतोप्रधान थे, अभी तो इस समय हैं तमोप्रधान । भक्ति भी व्यभिचारी, अनेकों को याद करते रहते हैं । तमोप्रधान 5 तत्वों का बना हुआ शरीर, उनको भी पूजते हैं । तो गोया तमोप्रधान भूतों की पूजा करते हैं, परन्तु इन बातों को कोई समझते थोड़ेही हैं । भल यहाँ बैठे हैं परन्तु बुद्धियोग कहाँ भटकता रहता है । यहाँ तो तुम बच्चों को आंख बन्द कर शिवबाबा को याद नहीं करना है । जानते हो बाप बहुत- बहुत दूरदेश का रहने वाला है । वह आकर बच्चों को श्रीमत देते हैं । श्रीमत पर चलने से ही श्रेष्ठ देवता बनेंगे । देवताओं की सारी राजधानी स्थापन हो रही है । तुम यहॉ बैठे अपना देवी-देवताओं का राज्य स्थापन करते हो । पहले तुमको पता थोड़ेही था वह कैसे स्थापन होता है । अभी जानते हो बाबा हमारा बाप भी है, टीचर बनकर पढ़ाते हैं और फिर साथ में भी ले जाएंगे, सद्गति करेंगे । गुरू लोग किसकी सद्गति नहीं करते हैं । यहाँ तुमको समझाया जाता है - यह एक ही बाप, टीचर, सतगुरू है । बाप से वर्सा मिलता है, सतगुरू पुरानी दुनिया से नई दुनिया में ले जायेंगे । इन सब बातों को बूढ़ी-बूढ़ी मातायें तो समझ न सके । उन्हों के लिए मुख्य बात है अपने को आत्मा समझ शिवबाबा को याद करना है । हम शिवबाबा के बच्चे हैं, हमको बाबा स्वर्ग का वर्सा देंगे । बूढ़ी माताओं को फिर ऐसे-ऐसे तोतली भाषा में बैठ समझाना चाहिए । यह तो हर एक आत्मा का हक है बाप से वर्सा लेना । मौत तो सामने खड़ा है । पुरानी दुनिया सो फिर जरूर नई बननी है । नई सो पुरानी । घर को बनने में कितने थोड़े मास लगते हैं फिर पुराना होने में 100 वर्ष लग जाते हैं ।
अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो यह पुरानी दुनिया अब खलास होनी है । यह लड़ाई जो अब लगती है वह फिर 5 हजार वर्ष के बाद लगेगी । यह सब बातें बुढ़ियायें तो समझ न सकें । यह फिर ब्राह्मणियां का काम है उन्हों को समझाना । उनके लिए तो एक अक्षर ही काफी है - अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करो । तुम आत्मा परमधाम में रहने वाली हो । फिर यहाँ शरीर लेकर पार्ट बजाती हो । आत्मा यहाँ दु :ख और सुख का पार्ट बजाती है । मूल बात बाप कहते हैं - मुझे याद करो और सुखधाम को याद करो । बाप को याद करने से पाप कट जायेंगे और फिर स्वर्ग में आ जाएंगे । अब जितना जो याद करेंगे उतना पाप कटेंगे । बुढ़ियायें तो हिरी हुई हैं, सतसंगो में जाकर कथा सुनती हैं । उन्हों को फिर घड़ी-घड़ी बाप की याद दिलानी है । स्कूल में तो पढ़ाई होती, कथा नहीं सुनी जाती । भक्तिमार्ग में तो तुमने ढेर कथायें सुनी हैं परन्तु उनसे कुछ भी फायदा नहीं होता है । छी-छी दुनिया से नई दुनिया में तो जा न सकें । मनुष्य न तो रचयिता बाप को, न रचना को जानते हैं । नेती-नेती कह देते हैं । तुम भी आगे नहीं जानते थे । अभी तुम भक्ति मार्ग को अच्छी रीति जान गये हो । घर में भी बहुतों के पास मूर्तियॉ होती हैं, चीज़ वही है, कोई-कोई पति लोग भी स्त्री को कहते हैं-तुम घर में मूर्ति रख बैठ पूजा करो । बाहर धक्का खाने क्यों जाती हो, परन्तु उन्हों की भावना रहती है । अभी तुम समझते हो तीर्थ यात्रा करना माना भक्ति मार्ग के धक्के खाना । अनेक बार तुमने 84 के चक्र काटे । सतयुग-त्रेता में तो कोई यात्रा नहीं होती । वहाँ कोई मन्दिर आदि होता नहीं । यह यात्रायें आदि सब भक्ति मार्ग में ही होती हैं । ज्ञान मार्ग में यह सब कुछ होता नहीं । उनको कहा जाता है भक्ति । ज्ञान देने वाला तो एक के सिवाए दूसरा कोई है नहीं । ज्ञान से ही सद्गति होती है । सद्गति दाता एक ही बाप है । शिवबाबा को कोई श्री श्री नहीं कहते, उनको टाइटिल की दरकार नहीं । यह तो बड़ाई करते हैं, उनको कहते ही हैं ' शिवबाबा ' । तुम बुलाते हो शिवबाबा हम पतित बन गये हैं, हमको आकर पावन बनाओ । भक्तिमार्ग के दुबन में गले तक फँस पड़े हैं । फँसकर फिर चिल्लाते हैं, विषय वासना के दुबन में एकदम फँस पड़ते हैं । सीढ़ी नीचे उतरते-उतरते फँस पड़ते हैं । कोई को भी पता नहीं पड़ता, तब कहते हैं बाबा हमको निकालो । बाबा को भी ड्रामा अनुसार आना ही पड़ता हैं । बाप कहते हैं मैं बंधायमान हूँ, इन सबको दुबन से निकालने । इनको कहा जाता है कुम्भी पाक नर्क । रौरव नर्क भी कहते हैं । यह बाप बैठ समझाते हैं, उनको पता थोड़ेही पड़ता है ।
तुम बाप को देखो निमन्त्रण कैसा देते हो । निमन्त्रण तो कोई शादी-मुरादी आदि पर दिया जाता है । तुम कहते हो-हे पतित- पावन बाबा, इस पतित दुनिया, रावण की पुरानी दुनिया में आओ । हम गले तक इसमें फँसे हुए हैं । सिवाए बाप के और तो कोई निकाल न सके । कहते भी हैं दूर-देश का रहने वाला शिवबाबा, यह रावण का देश है । सबकी आत्मा तमोप्रधान हो गई है इसलिए बुलाते भी हैं कि आकर पावन बनाओ । पतित-पावन सीताराम, ऐसे गाते चिल्लाते हैं । ऐसे नहीं कि वह पवित्र रहते हैं । यह दुनिया ही पतित है, रावण राज्य है, इनमें तुम फँस पड़े हो । फिर यह निमन्त्रण दिया है-बाबा आकर हमको कुम्भी पाक नर्क से निकालो । तो बाप आये हैं । कितना तुम्हारा ओबीडिएन्ट सर्वेंट है । ड्रामा में अपार दु :ख तुम बच्चों ने देखे हैं । टाइम पास होता जाता है । एक सेकण्ड न मिले दूसरे से । अब बाप तुमको लक्ष्मी-नारायण जैसा बनाते हैं फिर तुम आधाकल्प राज्य करेंगे-स्मृति में लाओ । अभी टाइम बहुत थोड़ा है । मौत शुरू हो जायेगा तो मनुष्य वायरे हो जायेंगे । (मूंझ जाएंगे) थोड़े समय में क्या हो जायेगा । कई तो ठका सुनकर भी हार्टफेल हो जायेंगे । मरेंगे ऐसे जो बात मत पूछो । देखो ढेर बूढ़ी मातायें आई हैं । बिचारी कुछ भी समझ न सकें । जैसे तीर्थो पर जाते हैं ना, तो एक-दो को देख तैयार हो पड़ते हैं, हम भी चलते हैं ।
अभी तुम जानते हो भक्ति मार्ग के तीर्थ यात्रा का अर्थ ही है नीचे उतरना, तमोप्रधान बनना । बड़े ते बड़ी यात्रा तुम्हारी यह है । जो तुम पतित दुनिया से पावन दुनिया में जाते हो । तो इन बच्चियों को कुछ तो शिवबाबा की याद दिलाते रहो । शिवबाबा का नाम याद है? थोड़ा बहुत सुनती हैं तो स्वर्ग में आयेंगी । यह फल जरूर मिलना है । बाकी पद तो है पढ़ाई से । उसमें बहुत फर्क पड़ जाता है । ऊंच ते ऊंच फिर कम से कम, रात-दिन का फर्क पड़ जाता है । कहाँ प्राइम मिनिस्टर, कहाँ नौकर चाकर । राजधानी में नम्बरवार होते हैं । स्वर्ग में भी राजधानी होगी । परन्तु वहाँ पाप आत्मायें गन्दे विकारी नहीं होंगे । वह है ही निर्विकारी दुनिया । तुम कहेंगे हम यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण जरूर बनेंगे । तुमको हाथ उठाते देख बूढ़िया आदि भी सब हाथ उठा देंगी । समझती कुछ नहीं हैं । फिर भी बाप के पास आई हैं तो स्वर्ग में तो जायेंगी परन्तु सब ऐसे थोड़ेही बनेंगी । प्रजा भी बनेगी । बाप कहते हैं मैं गरीब निवाज हूँ, तो बाबा गरीबों को देख खुश होते हैं । भल कितने भी बड़े ते बड़े साहूकार पदमपति हैं, उनसे भी यह ऊंच पद पायेंगे - 21 जन्मों के लिए । यह भी अच्छा है । बूढ़िया जब आती हैं तो बाप को खुशी होती है फिर भी कृष्णपुरी में तो जायेंगी ना । यह है रावणपुरी, जो अच्छी रीति पढ़ेंगे तो कृष्ण को भी गोद में झुलायेंगे । प्रजा थोड़ेही अन्दर आ सकेगी । वह तो कभी करके दीदार करेगी । जैसे पोप दीदार कराते हैं खिड़की से, लाखों आकर इकट्ठे होते हैं दर्शन करने । परन्तु उनका हम क्या दीदार करेंगे । एवर पावन तो एक ही बाप है जो तुमको आकर पावन बनाते हैं । सारे विश्व को सतोप्रधान बनाते हैं । वहाँ यह 5 भूत रहेंगे नहीं । 5 तत्व भी सतोप्रधान बन जाते हैं, तुम्हारे गुलाम बन जाते हैं । कभी भी ऐसी गर्मी नहीं होगी जो नुकसान हो जाए । 5 तत्व भी कायदे अनुसार चलते हैं । अकाल मृत्यु नहीं होती । अभी तुम स्वर्ग में चलते हो तो नर्क से बुद्धियोग निकाल लेना चाहिए । जैसे नया मकान बनाते हैं तो पुराने से बुद्धि जाती हैं । बुद्धि नये में चली जाती है, यह फिर है बेहद की बात । नई दुनिया की स्थापना हो रही हैं, पुरानी का विनाश होना है । तुम हो नई दुनिया स्वर्ग बनाने वाले । तुम बहुत अच्छे कारीगर हो । अपने लिए स्वर्ग बना रहे हो । कितने बड़े अच्छे कारीगर हो, याद की यात्रा से नई दुनिया स्वर्ग बनाते हो । थोड़ा भी याद करो तो स्वर्ग में आ जाएंगे । तुम गुप्त वेष में अपना स्वर्ग बना रहे हो । जानते हो हम इस शरीर को छोड़ फिर जाकर स्वर्ग में निवास करेंगे तो ऐसे बेहद के बाप को भूलना नहीं चाहिए । अभी तुम स्वर्ग में जाने के लिए पढ़ रहे हो । अपनी राजधानी स्थापन करने के लिए पुरूषार्थ कर रहे हो । यह रावण की राजधानी खलास हो जानी है । तो अन्दर में कितनी खुशी होनी चाहिए । हमने यह स्वर्ग तो अनेक बार बनाया है, राजाई ली फिर गँवाई है । यह भी याद करो तो बहुत अच्छा । हम स्वर्ग के मालिक थे, बाप ने हमको ऐसा बनाया था । बाप को याद करो तो तुम्हारे पाप भस्म होंगे । कितना सहज रीति तुम स्वर्ग की स्थापना कर रहे हो । पुरानी दुनिया के विनाश के लिए कितनी चीजें निकलती रहती हैं । कुदरती आपदायें, मूसल (मिसाइल्स) आदि द्वारा सारी पुरानी दुनिया खत्म होगी । अब बाप आये हैं तुमको श्रेष्ठ मत देने, श्रेष्ठ स्वर्ग की स्थापना करने । अनेक बार तुमने यह स्थापना की है तो बुद्धि में याद रखना चाहिए । अनेक बार राज्य लिया फिर गँवाया है । यह बुद्धि में चलता रहे और एक-दो को भी यह बातें सुनाओ । दुनियावी बातों में समय नहीं गँवाना चाहिए । बाप को याद करो, स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनो । यहाँ बच्चों को अच्छी रीति सुनकर फिर बहुत उगारना है, सिमरण करना है, बाबा ने क्या सुनाया । शिवबाबा और वर्से को तो जरूर याद करना चाहिए । बाप हथेली पर बहिश्त ले आये हैं, पवित्र भी बनना हैं । पवित्र नहीं बनेंगे तो सजा खानी पड़ेगी । पद भी बहुत छोटा पा लेंगे । स्वर्ग में ऊँच पद पाना है तो अच्छी रीति धारणा करो । बाप रास्ता तो बहुत सहज बताते हैं । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।


Daily Positive Thoughts: October 13, 2014: Summer's End

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 13, 2014: Summer's End

Summer's End

Summer, it's a time of abundance, to enjoy the summer sun, flowers and fruits ... but, summer, like everything else, doesn't last forever. If summer was forever, all the energy and potential would reach its limits and inertia would set in. And so slowly but surely, the cycle turns; everything moves on. Everything has it's own time; it's own season. Remember, the end of something good, means the start of something also good. All you have to do is be connected and in tune with the natural flow of nature's energies.


Many believe it is ignorant to trust the innate goodness of human
beings, because you will be taken for a ride. But won't this mistrust
gradually affect my own character and perception of life? Is it worth
being insecure at every step just because others are dishonest? It is
only when I have unreasonable expectations of others that I get
disappointed with their inability to reciprocate my love and trust. God
loves me irrespective of whether I am worthy of His love. His faith in
me is so pure and powerful that it transforms me. Let me give as God
gives; let me trust as God trusts.

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships (cont.)

In yesterday's message, we talked about ailments like possessiveness and complexes existing in our family relationships today. Today we explain how meditation can cure these ailments with much ease. As I practice meditation, which is nothing but a practical exercise of experiencing soul consciousness, I carry that experience into my relationships. While interacting with each one of my closest of relations, I start becoming aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the unlimited stage of the world, playing my act through the physical body costume and I see each one with the same consciousness. Also the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one small part of the whole painting of life. I don't know where I was, in which part of the painting and with whom, before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. Depending on the type of relationship, I do have a particular responsibility towards each one of them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within this eternal timeline e.g. as father and child, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow?

In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge spiritual family. Roles will change, but as souls, we only have an unlimited spiritual relation, we are brothers, but have no other permanent physical relation. Becoming aware of this spiritual wisdom protects me against limited feelings of my mother, my husband, my sister and so on, where such feelings cause possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than pure spiritual love filled with equality. All problems are reduced in relationships, when the personality trait inside me that tries to control others, or is controlled by others, is removed. Both of these are negative behaviors, caused due to lack of inner security, not true responsibility or concern. By knowing myself as a soul, my self-respect returns and by seeing others in the same light, my respect for others returns. From this strong soul-conscious spectator point, there is an inner detachment (but not a lack of love) inside me and I'll no longer feel a need to manipulate others or be manipulated by the other, but instead I will radiate pure feelings of genuine love, care and respect into my relationships. This causes the same energy to come back to me from my relationships.

Soul Sustenance

The Journey Of Time (cont.)

In yesterday’s message, we had explained how the Law of Entropy works on a physical level. When the Law of Entropy is applied to spiritual energy, our virtues, to the quality our thoughts, words and actions, we can perhaps begin to see why, as individuals, we feel tired and old in virtues, irrespective of whether we are young or old physically. We can also understand why we succumb to negative thoughts, words and actions more easily than being influenced by the positive. In fact, the entropy of our virtues i.e. the spiritual entropy has followed the same pattern as the entropy of the physical world or the physical entropy (explained yesterday) i.e. the spiritual energy or the energy of the virtues of the world has been reducing (as the world has become older and older) because it has not been renewed or re-energized from a source outside the system. When we accept this movement from new to old, we understand the journey of time in a completely different way.

As we look backwards into the journey of time, we find that although there have been very important scientific discoveries and global communication has improved immensely, which have all contributed to the give everyone an illusion of progress, everyone accepts that we are not enjoying healthier, more loving and peaceful relationships with ourselves, each other or the planet Earth. The reason for this is understood easily by applying the second law of time i.e. everything new becomes old. At the present moment, the source from outside the world system (on a spiritual level) which is required to re-energize it and restore it to its original new stage is the Supreme Soul or God or the Spiritual Sun, who is an ocean of spiritual energy and divine values or virtues. In meditation we, as living beings, who are part of the world system, can absorb this energy or divinity from him and contribute to this process.

Message for the day

Cleanliness of the intellect brings accurate decision making.

Projection: When the intellect is not clear, it is constantly wandering and it becomes tired. A tired intellect is not able to concentrate properly and so whatever decisions are made at that time are not so accurate. When there is cleanliness within there are no waste or negative thoughts and the entire thought power is used in the right way and so the right decisions are made.

Solution: When I am clean within, I am able to experience lightness. Because I am clean and clear within, I find that I do not have any conflict or difficulty in making decisions. Instead I will be able to find the flow of thoughts moving in the right direction very naturally. So I find things also moving in the right direction.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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