Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 21, 2014: Too Quick to Judge

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 21, 2014: Too Quick to Judge

Too Quick to Judge

Are you quick to judge others? Right and wrong become good and bad so fast, as our thoughts jump to negative conclusions about 'the other'. Don't be quick to judge. You don't know the whole story. Exercise an attitude of curiosity. Try to understand what makes others tick and what compels someone to do something a certain way. Remember there is always more than one way and it's not necessarily your way.


While moving towards my destination, I tend to get distracted with even
the little things that happen. Even a small negative or positive
incident is enough to distract my thoughts from my destination. I am
sometimes so busy with such things that my vision moves away from my
destination and I stop moving forward. I need to first clarify my goal.
Once I have done this, I need to take care that my vision is focused on
it. Even when situations come by, trying to distract me I need to
remind myself that these are only side-scenes which are not important
for me. It is more important to keep my energies focused towards the

Creating A Positive Atmosphere

Without a powerful intellect, a weak soul is at the mercy of the surrounding atmosphere whether at the workplace or at home or at any other place. Whatever the atmosphere, so will be the emotions and thoughts in the mind, whether the person enjoys them or not. At such times it is impossible to escape from the effect of the atmosphere. When a soul is so dependant it is unable to choose its thoughts or remain in any desired positive experience.

To be detached from a negative atmosphere and to be instrumental in creating a powerful, positive atmosphere, the soul must:

* have powerful attention to its own true nature.
* use the intellect to clear the mind at that moment.
* look deep into the self and choose the purer, more elevated human emotions of peace, power, contentment, or whatever quality is needed in that particular situation, and retain that in the mind.

Meditation helps us in achieving all of the above.

Soul Sustenance

What Is The Soul World (Incorporeal World)?

The Soul World, which is the sixth element, is filled with golden-red, divine light (experienced during meditation). Over there, the conscient (living entities), the souls, have neither bodies of matter nor bodies of light. There exists neither thought, word nor action; just complete stillness, silence and peace. Just as this world occupies a tiny part of this physical universe, so too the souls occupy just a tiny portion of this infinite world. This is the highest region, the original home of souls and the Supreme Soul, God. This is the region which human beings, irrespective of culture or religion, have tried to reach in thoughts, prayers, etc. It is caIled by various names in various religions - Heaven, Nirvana, Shantidham, Paramdham, Brahmand, etc. Before I came to this earth, I was there with all other souls, brothers. The experience of complete and utter peace, purity and silence is there in my sweet home. There the soul is untouched by matter. Souls reside there as star-like points of light. They remain dormant, with their roles in the physical world latent (hidden) within them. The roles emerge when they the souls appear on earth, the world stage.

(To be continued ….)

Message for the day

The power of cooperation enables the most difficult task to be successfully done.

Projection: To have the power of cooperation means to have the ability to see and use the specialities of others in any task that is to be done. It is the ability to respect and use the suggestions and ideas of each and everyone which contributes for the success of the task. So the one who is able to use this power is able to be successful in any task that he takes up.

Solution: When I am able to give cooperation and take cooperation from those around me, I never experience fear for any task that has to be done, but am able to be at ease, knowing that everything is possible. I am also able to earn the respect of those around me for having made the best use of their specialities, which further facilitates the success of the task.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sakar Murli (H&E): October 20, 2014

Essence of Murli (H&E): October 20, 2014:

Essence: Sweet children, hear no evil! You are sitting here in the company of the Truth (satsang). You must not get into the bad company (kusang) of Maya. By being influenced by bad company, you choke with doubts.

Question: Why can no human being at this time be called spiritual?

Answer: Because all are body conscious. How can those who are body conscious be called spiritual? Only the one incorporeal Father is the spiritual Father, who also gives you teachings to become soul conscious. Only the one Father can be given the title "The Supreme''. No one, apart from the Father, can be called "The Supreme".

Essence for Dharna:

1. Listen very well to what the Father says and imbibe it. Have an interest in relating it to others. Do not just hear it with one ear and let it out of the other. Never yawn at the time of earning an income.

2. Become Baba’s right hand and bring benefit to many others. Do the business of becoming Narayan and making others become Narayan from an ordinary human being.

Blessing: May you be a special soul who reveals happiness (prasannata) on your face with a soul-conscious smile (muskraahat) .

The speciality of Brahmin life is happiness. Happiness means a soul conscious smile. Do not laugh loudly, but simply smile. Even if someone insults you, let there not be any waves of sorrow on your face; always remain happy. Do not think that the other person spoke for one hour and that you just said something for a second. Even to speak or think for a second means that unhappiness came on your face and you failed. You tolerated it for one hour and then the gas exploded from the gas balloon. Special souls who have the aim of an elevated life cannot become like a gas balloon.

Slogan: Yogi souls with cool bodies remain cool themselves and take others beyond with a glimpse of their cool drishti.

Points to churn from the slogan:

We, the souls, are karmayogis, who remember the Father every moment with every breath and every thought while walking and moving around... we keep the awareness of our occupation of being a Raj Yogi right from amritvela and through the day ... we are truthful, transparent, honest, clean, clear, cool and peaceful.... (हम सत्य हैं, सच हैं, स्वच्छ हैं, साफ़ हैं, स्पष्ट हैं, शान्त हैं, शीतल हैं).... by finishing our old sanskars, curbing our mischievous minds and wandering intellects and attaining a constant stage, we become the knowledgeable and enlightened souls with cool and peaceful physical senses....

We are the Godly students who learn health education and character reformation in the Spiritual University...we are the stable and unshakeable Maharathis who keep very calm, cool and collected with all the secrets of the drama in our intellect, and who are looked after by the Father...

We are light in our relationships, connection and stage... in our deeds and in our behaviour, in our nature, sanskars and service we are truthful, honest, clean and clear hearted, transparent, easy, peaceful, cool, tolerant, happy, content, well-mannered, complete and perfect and therefore embodiments of success...we are humble, stainless, polite, brave, free of fear, free of animosity and prove the truth with good manners...

remain alert with our powerful vibrations and fill everyone with the courage of peace and tolerance...we give everyone the light of peace by being a light house...we fill cool water in the burning fire of sorrow... we are the spiritual social workers who give spiritual re-assurance at a fast speed... with cool bodies we remain cool and take others beyond with a glimpse of our cool drishti...

Points from the Murli:

1. God is the Teacher. God is the Preceptor. He is called God, Param Atma, and that means God is the Supreme Soul. Brahma cannot be called "The Supreme”. "The Supreme” means the Highest on High, the purest of all.

2. “The spiritual Father” means the incorporeal Father. You souls are spiritual children. He says: It is the spirit that studies. All good and bad sanskars remain in the soul. Souls perform actions and they receive bodies accordingly. The Father says: Children, may you be soul conscious! Renounce the arrogance of the body.

3. Only He is called the Purifier. People sing: O Purifier, come! Come and make us pure! In that case, why do they consider river water and the ocean to be the Purifier and go and bathe in that? They call the Ganges the Purifier, but where did rivers emerge from? They all emerged from the ocean. All of them are the children of the ocean.

4. There is the difference of day and night between the status of this one (Krishna) and that One. If Krishna were God, anyone would instantly be able to recognize him. The birth of Krishna is not remembered as a divine and alokik birth. He takes birth just through purity. The Father does not emerge from anyone's womb.

5. Here, you children are sitting in the company of the Truth. When you go into bad company outside, they tell you wrong things and you then forget all of these things. By going into bad company, you begin to choke. Our Baba is the unlimited Baba, the Teacher and He also takes us across. You have come here with this faith.

6. There can never be tiredness in earning an income. Yawning (ubaasi) is a sign of unhappiness (udaasi). Those who continue to choke inside about something or other will yawn a lot.

सार:- “मीठे बच्चे - हियर नो ईविल....यहां तुम सतसंग में बैठे हो,तुम्हें मायावी कुसंग में नहीं जाना है,कुसंग लगने से ही संशय के रूप में घुटके आते हैं”
प्रश्न:- इस समय किसी भी मनुष्य को स्प्रीचुअल नहीं कह सकते हैं - क्यों?

उत्तर:- क्योंकि सभी देह- अभिमानी हैं । देह- अभिमान वाले स्प्रीचुअल कैसे कहला सकते हैं । स्प्रीचुअल फादर तो एक ही निराकार बाप है जो तुम्हें भी देही- अभिमानी बनने की शिक्षा देते हैं । सुप्रीम का टाइटिल भी एक बाप को ही दे सकते हैं, बाप के सिवाए सुप्रीम कोई भी कहला नहीं सकते ।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. बाप जो सुनाते हैं उसे सुनकर अच्छी तरह धारण करना है । दूसरों को रूचि से सुनाना है । एक कान से सुन दूसरे से निकालना नहीं है । कमाई के समय कभी उबासी नहीं लेनी है ।

2. बाबा का राइट हैण्ड बन बहुतों का कल्याण करना है । नर से नारायण बनने और बनाने का धन्धा करना है ।

वरदान:-आत्मिक मुस्कराहट द्वारा चेहरे से प्रसन्नता की झलक दिखाने वाले विशेष आत्मा भव !

ब्राह्मण जीवन की विशेषता है प्रसन्नता । प्रसन्नता अर्थात् आत्मिक मुस्कराहट । जोर-जोर से हँसना नहीं,लेकिन मुस्कराना । चाहे कोई गाली भी दे रहे हो तो भी आपके चेहरे पर दु :ख की लहर नहीं आये, सदा प्रसन्नचित । यह नहीं सोचो कि उसने एक घण्टा बोला मैंने तो सिर्फ एक सेकण्ड बोला । सेकण्ड भी बोला या सोचा,शक्ल पर अप्रसन्नता आई तो फेल हो जायेंगे । एक घण्टा सहन किया फिर गुब्बारे से गैस निकल गई । श्रेष्ठ जीवन के लक्ष्य वाली विशेष आत्मा ऐसे गैस के गुब्बारे नहीं बनती ।
स्लोगन:- शीतल काया वाले योगी स्वयं शीतल बन दूसरों को शीतल दृष्टि से निहाल करते हैं ।
Om Shanti

When you children sit here, you know that Baba is your Baba, Teacher and Satguru. There is a need for all three. First is the Father, then the Teacher who teaches you and then, at the end, there is the Guru. Here, you have to have remembrance in this way, because this is something new. He is also the unlimited Father. Unlimited means He belongs to everyone. Anyone who comes here would be told: Keep this in your awareness. If any of you have doubts about this, raise your hand! This is something 'wonderful. For birth after birth, you never found anyone whom you would consider to be your father, teacher and satguru, let alone the Supreme. He is the unlimited Father, the unlimited Teacher and the unlimited Satguru. Did you ever find anyone like that? You cannot find anyone like that at any time other than at this most auspicious confluence age. If any of you have doubts about this, you can raise your hand. Everyone sitting here has faith in the intellect. These three are the main ones. The unlimited Father gives you unlimited knowledge. There is just this unlimited knowledge. You have been studying many types of limited knowledge. Some become lawyers, some become surgeons, because all are needed here: doctors, lawyers, judges; etc. There is no need for them there. There is no question of sorrow there. So, the Father now sits here and gives you children unlimited teachings. Only the unlimited Father gives you unlimited teachings, and then you will not need to study anything for half the cycle. You receive these teachings only once, that is, they are fruitful, that is, you receive the fruit of them for 21 births. Doctors, barristers, judges etc. do not exist there. You have this faith. It truly is like this. There is no sorrow there. There is no suffering of karma there. The Father sits here and explains to you the philosophy of karma. Do those people who relate the Gita tell you this? The Father says: I teach you children Raja Yoga. They have written "God Krishna speaks" in that. However, he is a human being with divine virtues. No one uses the name "Shiva Baba." He doesn't have any other name. The Father says: I take this body on loan. This body, this building, does not belong to Me. It is this one's building. It has windows, etc. So, the Father explains: I am your unlimited Father, that is, I am the Father of all souls. I also teach you souls. He is called the spiritual Father. No one else can be called a spiritual father. Here, you children know that that One is the unlimited Father. A spiritual conference is now taking place. In fact, that is not a spiritual conference. They are not truly spiritual; they are body conscious. The Father says: Children, may you be soul conscious! Renounce the arrogance of the body. They would not be able to say that to anyone. The word ''spiritual'' is only used now. Previously, they just used to call them religious conferences. No one understands the meaning of spiritual. “The spiritual Father” means the incorporeal Father. You souls are spiritual children. The spiritual Father comes and teaches you. No one else can have this understanding. The Father Himself sits here and tells you who He is. This is not mentioned in the Gita. I am giving you unlimited teachings. There is no need there for lawyers, judges, surgeons, etc., because there is nothing but happiness there. There is no name or trace of sorrow there. Here, there is no name or trace of happiness. It is said to have disappeared. They believe that happiness is like the droppings of a crow. They only have a little happiness, and so how could they give the knowledge of unlimited happiness? Previously, when it was the kingdom of deities, there was 100% truth, whereas now there is only falsehood. This is unlimited knowledge. You know that this is the human world tree and that I am its Seed. He has all the knowledge of the tree. People do not have this knowledge. I am the Living Seed. People call Me the Ocean of Knowledge. You receive liberation and salvation in a second through knowledge. I am the Father of all. By recognising Me, you children receive the inheritance. However, there is the kingdom too. There are many different levels of status, numberwise, in heaven too. The Father teaches the same study, but those who are studying are numberwise. There is no need for any other study in this. There is no one ill there. They don't study for an income worth a few pennies. You take from here the unlimited inheritance with you. There, you won't know how someone gave you that status. Only at this time do you understand this. You have been studying limited knowledge, and you have now recognised and come to know the One who teaches you unlimited knowledge. You know that the Father is the Father, as well as the Teacher who comes and teaches us. He is the Supreme Teacher and He teaches us Raja Yoga. He is also the true Satguru. This is unlimited Raja Yoga. Those people would only teach you how to become a barrister or a doctor, because this is the world of sorrow. All of those studies are limited, whereas this is an unlimited study. The Father is teaching you this unlimited study. You also know that that Father, Teacher and Satguru comes every cycle and that He teaches the same study for the golden and silver ages. Then He disappears. Your reward of happiness comes to an end according to the drama. This unlimited Father sits here and explains to you. Only He is called the Purifier. Would you say to Krishna, "You are the Mother and Father" or “the Purifier"? There is the difference of day and night between the status of this one (Krishna) and that One. The Father now says: By recognising Me, you can attain liberation-in-life in a second. If Krishna were God, anyone would instantly be able to recognise him. The birth of Krishna is not remembered as a divine and alokik birth. He takes birth just through purity. The Father does not emerge from anyone's womb. He says: Sweetest, spiritual children! It is the spirit that studies. All good and bad sanskars remain in the soul. Souls perform actions and they receive bodies accordingly. Some experience a lot of sorrow, some are one-eyed, and some are deaf. It would be said that they must have performed such actions in the past and that that is the fruit of them. A soul receives a diseased body, etc. according to the actions that that soul performed. You children now know that it is God, the Father who is teaching you. God is the Teacher. God is the Preceptor. He is called God, Param Atma, and that means God, the Supreme Soul. Brahma cannot be called "The Supreme”. "The Supreme” means the Highest on High, the purest of all. Everyone has a different status. No one else can receive the status of Krishna. No one else would be given the status of Prime Minister. The Father's status is also different from that of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are deities, whereas Shiva is the Supreme Soul. How can they put the two of them together and speak of Shiva-Shankar? Each is separate. Because of not understanding this, they say that Shiva and Shankar are one. They even give such names to people. The Father Himself comes and explains all of these things. You know that that One is Baba, the Teacher and the Satguru. Every human being has a father, a teacher and a guru. When they become old, they adopt gurus. Nowadays, children are made to adopt gurus, because they believe that if the child doesn't have a guru, there will be disobedience. Previously, people used to adopt gurus after the age of 60, the stage of retirement. Nirvana means beyond sound, the sweet silence home, and you have been making effort for half the cycle to go there. However, if no one knows about it, then no one can go there. How can they show the path to anyone else? No one, apart from the One, can show you the path. Not everyone's intellect is the same. Some simply listen to religious stories, but there is no benefit in those; there is no benefit. You are now becoming flowers of the garden. You became thorns from flowers and the Father is now making you into flowers from thorns. You were worthy of worship and then became worshippers. From being satopradhan, you became tamopradhan and impure, while taking 84 births. The Father has explained the picture of the ladder to you. No one knows how you now become pure from impure. People sing: O Purifier, come! Come and make us pure! In that case, why do they consider river water and the ocean to be the Purifier and go and bathe in that? They call the Ganges the Purifier, but where did rivers emerge from? They all emerged from the ocean. All of them are the children of the ocean. So, everything has to be understood very clearly. Here, you children are sitting in the company of the Truth. When you go into bad company outside, they tell you wrong things and you then forget all of these things. By going into bad company, you begin to choke. It is then that you have doubts. However, these things should not be forgotten. Our Baba is the unlimited Baba, the Teacher and He also takes us across. You have come here with this faith. All the rest is worldly education and worldly languages. This is alokik. The Father says: My birth, too, is alokik. I take a body on loan. I take an old shoe. This is the oldest of the old; this is the oldest shoe. The body that the Father has taken is called a long boot. This is such an easy thing. This is not something to be forgotten. However, Maya even makes you forget such easy things. The Father is the Father. He also gives unlimited teachings, which no one else can give. Baba says: You may go outside and see if you receive them anywhere else. All are human beings. They cannot give this knowledge. God only takes the one chariot which is called "The Lucky Chariot". The Father enters this in order to make you multimillion times fortunate. He is the closest bead. Brahma then becomes Vishnu. Shiva Baba makes this one that, and He also makes you into the masters of the world through this one. The land of Vishnu is being established. This is called Raja Yoga to establish a kingdom. Everyone here is listening, but Baba knows that it flows away out of the ears of many, whereas some are able to imbibe it and then relate it to others. They are called maharathis. They listen to it and imbibe it and then also have an interest in explaining it to others. If the person explaining is a maharathi, others will understand quickly. They will understand less from a horse rider and even less from a foot soldier. The Father knows who the maharathis are and who the horse riders are. There is no question of becoming confused about this. However, Baba sees that children continue to become confused and then continue to nod off. They sit with their eyes closed. Would someone nod off while earning an income? If you continue to nod off, how would you be able to imbibe? If someone yawns, Baba understands that he is tired. There can never be tiredness in earning an income. Yawning (ubaasi) is a sign of unhappiness (udaasi). Those who continue to choke inside about something or other will yawn a lot. You are now sitting in the Father's home; this is also a family. He becomes the Teacher and also the Guru to show you the path. You are called master gurus. Therefore, you should now become a right hand of the Father, so that you can benefit many others. In all other businesses there is some loss, whereas, you change from an ordinary man into Narayan - without any loss. Everyone's earnings are finished. Only the Father teaches you the business of changing from an ordinary man into Narayan. So, then, which study should you pursue? Those who have a lot of wealth think that heaven is here. Did Bapu Gandhiji establish the kingdom of Rama? Ah! It is the same tamopradhan world, and sorrow continues to increase even more. How could this be called the kingdom of Rama? People have become so senseless! Those who are senseless are said to be tamopradhan. Those who are sensible are satopradhan. This cycle continues to turn. There is nothing to ask the Father about in this. It is the Father's duty to give you the knowledge of the Creator and creation and He continues to do that. He continues to explain everything through the murlis. You receive a response to everything. So, what else would you ask? No one except the Father can explain, so how can you ask anything? You can also write on a board: Come inside and understand how to become ever healthy and ever wealthy for 21 births. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.

ओम् शान्ति |
बच्चे जब यहाँ बैठते हो तो जानते हो बाबा हमारा बाबा भी है, टीचर भी है और सतगुरू भी है । तीन की दरकार रहती है । पहले बाप फिर पढ़ाने वाला टीचर और फिर पिछाड़ी में गुरू । यहाँ याद भी ऐसे करना है क्योंकि नई बात है ना । बेहद का बाप भी है, बेहद का माना सबका । यहाँ जो भी आयेंगे कहेंगे यह स्मृति में लाओ । इसमें किसको संशय हो तो हाथ उठाओ । यह वन्डरफुल बात है ना । जन्म-जन्मान्तर कभी ऐसा कोई मिला होगा जिसको तुम बाप,टीचर, सतगुरू समझो । सो भी सुप्रीम । बेहद का बाप,बेहद का टीचर, बेहद का सतगुरू । ऐसा कभी कोई मिला?सिवाए इस पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग के कभी मिल न सके । इसमें कोई को संशय हो तो हाथ उठावे । यहाँ सब निश्चय बुद्धि होकर बैठे हैं । मुख्य हैं ही यह तीन । बेहद का बाप नॉलेज भी बेहद की देते हैं । बेहद की नॉलेज तो यह एक ही है । हद की नॉलेज तो तुम अनेक पढ़ते आये हो । कोई वकील बनते हैं,कोई सर्जन बनते हैं क्योंकि यहाँ तो डॉक्टर,जज, वकील आदि सब चाहिए ना । वहाँ तो दरकार नहीं । वहाँ दु :ख की कोई बात ही नहीं । तो अब बाप बैठ बेहद की शिक्षा बच्चों को देते हैं । बेहद का बाप ही बेहद की शिक्षा देते हैं फिर आधाकल्प कोई शिक्षा तुमको पढ़ने की नहीं है । एक ही बार शिक्षा मिलती है जो 21 जन्मों के लिए फलीभूत होती है अर्थात् उनका फल मिलता है । वहाँ तो डॉक्टर, बैरिस्टर, जज आदि होते नहीं । यह तो निश्चय है ना । बराबर ऐसे हैं ना? वहाँ दु :ख होता नहीं । कर्मभोग होता नहीं । बाप कर्मों की गति बैठ समझाते हैं । वह गीता सुनाने वाले क्या ऐसे सुनाते हैं? बाप कहते हैं मैं तुम बच्चों को राजयोग सिखाता हूँ । उसमें तो लिख दिया है कृष्ण भगवानुवाच । परन्तु वह है दैवीगुणों वाला मनुष्य । शिवबाबा तो कोई नाम धरते नहीं । उनका दूसरा कोई नाम नहीं । बाप कहते हैं मैं यह शरीर लोन लेता हूँ । यह शरीर रूपी मकान हमारा नहीं है,यह भी इनका मकान है । खिड़कियाँ आदि सब हैं । तो बाप समझाते हैं मैं तुम्हारा बेहद का बाप अर्थात् सभी आत्माओं का बाप हूँ,पढ़ाता भी हूँ आत्माओं को । इनको कहा जाता है स्प्रीचुअल फादर अर्थात् रूहानी बाप और कोई को भी रूहानी बाप नहीं कहेंगे । यहाँ तुम बच्चे जानते हो यह बेहद का बाप है । अब स्प्रीचुअल कान्फ्रेन्स हो रही है । वास्तव में स्प्रीचुअल कान्फ्रेन्स तो है ही नहीं । वह तो सच्चे स्प्रीचुअल हैं नहीं । देह- अभिमानी हैं । बाप कहते हैं-बच्चे, देही-अभिमानी भव । देह का अभिमान छोड़ो । ऐसे थोड़ेही किसको कहेंगे । स्प्रीचुअल अक्षर अभी डालते हैं । आगे सिर्फ रिलीजस कान्फ्रेन्स कहते थे । स्प्रीचुअल का कोई अर्थ नहीं समझते हैं । स्प्रीचुअल फादर अर्थात् निराकारी फादर । तुम आत्मायें हो स्प्रीचुअल बच्चे । स्प्रीचुअल फादर आकर तुमको पढ़ाते हैं । यह समझ और कोई में हो न सके । बाप खुद बैठ बतलाते हैं कि मैं कौन हूँ । गीता में यह नहीं है । मैं तुमको बेहद की शिक्षा देता हूँ । इसमें वकील,जज, सर्जन आदि की दरकार नहीं क्योंकि वहाँ तो एकदम सुख ही सुख है । दु :ख का नाम-निशान नहीं होता । यहाँ फिर सुख का नाम-निशान नहीं है, इसको कहा जाता हैं प्राय:लोप । सुख तो काग विष्टा समान है । जरा-सा सुख है तो बेहद सुख की नॉलेज दे कैसे सकते । पहले जब देवी-देवताओं का राज्य था तो सत्यता 100 प्रतिशत थी । अभी तो झूठ ही झूठ है ।
यह है बेहद की नॉलेज । तुम जानते हो यह मनुष्य सृष्टि रूपी झाड़ है, जिसका बीजरूप मैं हूँ । उनमें झाड़ की सारी नॉलेज है । मनुष्यों को यह नॉलेज नहीं है । मैं चैतन्य बीजरूप हूँ । मुझे कहते ही हैं ज्ञान का सागर । ज्ञान से सेकण्ड में गति-सद्गति होती हैं । मैं हूँ सबका बाप । मुझे पहचानने से तुम बच्चों को वर्सा मिल जाता है । परन्तु राजधानी है ना । स्वर्ग में भी मर्तबे तो नम्बरवार बहुत हैं । बाप एक ही पढ़ाई पढ़ाते हैं । पढ़ने वाले तो नम्बरवार ही होते हैं । इसमें फिर और कोई पढ़ाई की दरकार नहीं रहती । वहाँ कोई बीमार होता नहीं । पाई पैसे की कमाई के लिए पढ़ाई नहीं पढ़ते । तुम यहाँ से बेहद का वर्सा ले जाते हो । वहाँ यह मालूम नहीं पड़ेगा कि यह पद हमको कोई ने दिलाया है । यह तुम अभी समझते हो । हद की नॉलेज तो तुम पढ़ते आये हो । अब बेहद की नॉलेज पढ़ाने वाले को देख लिया, जान लिया । जानते हो बाप, बाप भी है, टीचर भी है,आकर हमको पढ़ाते हैं । सुप्रीम टीचर है,राजयोग सिखलाते हैं । सच्चा सतगुरू भी है । यह है बेहद का राजयोग । वह बैरिस्टरी, डॉक्टरी ही सिखलायेंगे क्योंकि यह दुनिया ही दु :ख की है । वह सब हैं हद की पढ़ाई, यह है बेहद की पढ़ाई । बाप तुमको बेहद की पढ़ाई पढ़ाते हैं । यह भी जानते हो यह बाप, टीचर, सतगुरू कल्प-कल्प आते हैं फिर यही पढ़ाई पढ़ाते हैं सतयुग-त्रेता के लिए । फिर प्राय :लोप हो जाता है । सुख की प्रालब्ध पूरी हो जाती है ड्रामा अनुसार । यह बेहद का बाप बैठ समझाते हैं,उनको ही पतित-पावन कहा जाता है । कृष्ण को त्वमेव माता च पिता वा पतित-पावन कहेंगे क्या? इनके मर्तबे और उनके मर्तबे में रात-दिन का फर्क है । अब बाप कहते हैं मुझे पहचानने से तुम सेकण्ड में जीवनमुक्ति पा सकते हो । अब कृष्ण भगवान् अगर होता तो कोई भी झट पहचान ले । कृष्ण का जन्म कोई दिव्य अलौकिक नहीं गाया हुआ है । सिर्फ पवित्रता से होता है । बाप तो कोई के गर्भ से नहीं निकलते हैं । समझाते हैं मीठे-मीठे रूहानी बच्चों, रूह ही पढ़ती है । सब संस्कार अच्छे वा बुरे रूह में रहते हैं । जैसे-जैसे कर्म करते हैं, उस अनुसार उन्हें शरीर मिलता है । कोई बहुत दु :ख भोगते हैं । कोई काने, कोई बहरे होते हैं । कहेंगे पास्ट में ऐसे कर्म किये हैं जिसका यह फल है । आत्मा के कर्मों अनुसार ही रोगी शरीर आदि मिलता है ।
अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो-हमको पढ़ाने वाला है गॉड फादर । गॉड टीचर, गॉड प्रीसेप्टर है । उसको कहते हैं गॉड परम आत्मा । उसको मिलाकर परमात्मा कहते हैं, सुप्रीम सोल । ब्रह्मा को तो सुप्रीम नहीं कहेंगे । सुप्रीम अर्थात् ऊंच ते ऊंच, पवित्र ते पवित्र । मर्तबे तो हरेक के अलग- अलग हैं । कृष्ण का जो मर्तबा है वह दूसरे को मिल नहीं सकता । प्राइम मिनिस्टर का मर्तबा दूसरे को थोड़ेही देंगे । बाप का भी मर्तबा अलग है । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु,शंकर का भी अलग है । ब्रह्मा,विष्णु, शंकर देवता है, शिव तो परमात्मा है । दोनों को मिलाकर शिव शंकर कैसे कहेंगे । दोनों अलग- अलग हैं ना । न समझने के कारण शिव शंकर को एक कह देते हैं । नाम भी ऐसे रख देते हैं । यह सब बातें बाप ही आकर समझाते हैं । तुम जानते हो यह बाबा भी है, टीचर भी है, सतगुरू भी है । हरेक मनुष्य को बाप भी होता है, टीचर भी होता है और गुरू भी होता है । जब बुढ़े होते हैं तो गुरू करते हैं । आजकल तो छोटेपन में ही गुरू करा देते हैं, समझते हैं अगर गुरू नहीं किया तो अवज्ञा हो जायेगी । आगे 60 वर्ष के बाद गुरू करते थे । वह होती है वानप्रस्थ अवस्था । निर्वाण अर्थात् वाणी से परे स्वीट साइलेन्स होम,जिसमें जाने के लिए आधाकल्प तुमने मेहनत की है । परन्तु पता ही नहीं तो कोई जा नहीं सकते । किसको रास्ता बता कैसे सकते । एक के सिवाए तो कोई रास्ता बता न सके । सबकी बुद्धि एक जैसी नहीं होती हैं । कोई तो जैसे कथायें सुनते हैं, फायदा कुछ नहीं । उन्नति कुछ नहीं । तुम अभी बगीचे के फूल बनते हो । फूल से कांटे बने,अब फिर कांटे से फूल बाप बनाते हैं । तुम ही पूज्य फिर पुजारी बने । 84 जन्म लेते-लेते सतोप्रधान से तमोप्रधान पतित बन गये । बाप ने सीढ़ी सारी समझाई है । अब फिर पतित से पावन कैसे बनते हैं,यह किसको भी पता नहीं । गाते भी हैं ना हे पतित-पावन आओ, आकर हमको पावन बनाओ फिर पानी की नदियाँ सागर आदि को पतित-पावन समझ क्यों जाकर स्नान करते हैं । गंगा को पतित-पावनी कह देते हैं । परन्तु नदियां भी कहाँ से निकली?सागर से ही निकलती हैं ना । यह सभी सागर की सन्तान हैं तो हरेक बात अच्छी रीति समझने की होती है ।
यहाँ तो तुम बच्चे सतसग में बैठे हो । बाहर कुसंग में जाते हो तो तुमको बहुत उल्टी बातें सुनायेंगे । फिर यह इतनी सब बातें भूल जायेगी । कुसंग में जाने से घुटका खाने लग पड़ते हैं,संशय का तब मालूम पड़ता है । परन्तु यह बातें तो भूलनी नहीं चाहिए । बाबा हमारा बेहद का बाबा भी है,टीचर भी है, पार भी ले जाते हैं,इस निश्चय से तुम आये हो । वह सभी हैं जिस्मानी लौकिक पढ़ाई, लौकिक भाषायें । यह है अलौकिक । बाप कहते हैं मेरा जन्म भी अलौकिक है । मैं लोन लेता हूँ । पुरानी जुत्ती लेता हूँ । सो भी पुराने ते पुरानी, सबसे पुरानी है यह जुत्ती । बाप ने जो लिया है,इसको लांग बूट कहते हैं । यह कितनी सहज बात है । यह तो कोई भूलने की नहीं है । परन्तु माया इतनी सहज बातें भी भुला देती है । बाप,बाप भी है, बेहद की शिक्षा देने वाला भी है,जो और कोई दे न सके । बाबा कहते हैं भल जाकर देखो कहाँ से मिलती है । सब हैं मनुष्य । वह तो यह नॉलेज दे न सके । भगवान एक ही रथ लेते हैं, जिसको भाग्यशाली रथ कहा जाता है, जिसमें बाप की प्रवेशता होती है, पदमापदम भाग्यशाली बनाने । बिल्कुल नजदीक का दाना है । ब्रह्मा सो विष्णु बनते हैं । शिवबाबा इनको भी बनाते हैं,तुमको भी इन द्वारा विश्व का मालिक बनाते हैं । विष्णु की पुरी स्थापन होती है । इसको कहा जाता है राजयोग,राजाई स्थापन करने लिए । अभी यहाँ सुन तो सब रहे हैं, परन्तु बाबा जानते हैं बहुतों के कानों से बह जाता है, कोई धारण कर और सुना सकते हैं । उनको कहा जाता है महारथी । सुनकर फिर धारण करते हैं,औरों को भी रूचि से समझाते हैं । महारथी समझाने वाला होगा तो झट समझेंगे, घोड़ेसवार से कम, प्यादे से और भी कम । यह तो बाप जानते हैं कौन महारथी हैं, कौन घोड़ेसवार हैं । अब इसमें मूँझने की तो बात ही नहीं । परन्तु बाबा देखते रहते हैं बच्चे मूँझते हैं फिर झुटके खाते रहते हैं । आखें बन्द कर बैठते हैं । कमाई में कभी झुटका आता है क्या? झुटका खाते रहेंगे तो फिर धारणा कैसे होगी । उबासी से बाबा समझ जाते हैं यह थका हुआ है । कमाई में कभी थकावट नहीं होती । उबासी है उदासी की निशानी । कोई न कोई बात के घुटके अन्दर खाते रहने वालों को उबासी बहुत आती है । अभी तुम बाप के घर में बैठे हो, तो परिवार भी है,टीचर भी बनते हैं,गुरू भी बनते हैं रास्ता बताने के लिए । मास्टर गुरू कहा जाता है । तो अब बाप का राइट हैंण्ड बनना चाहिए ना । जो बहुतों का कल्याण कर सकते हैं । धन्धे सभी में हैं नुकसान, बिगर धन्धे नर से नारायण बनने के । सभी की कमाई खत्म हो जाती है । नर से नारायण बनने का धन्धा बाप ही सिखलाते हैं । तो फिर कौन सी पढ़ाई पढ़नी चाहिए । जिनके पास धन बहुत है, वह समझते हैं स्वर्ग तो यहाँ ही है । बापू गांधी ने रामराज्य स्थापन किया? अरे,दुनिया तो यह पुरानी तमोप्रधान है ना और ही दु :ख बढ़ता जाता है, इनको रामराज्य कैसे कहेंगे । मनुष्य कितने बेसमझ बन पड़े हैं । बेसमझ को तमोप्रधान कहा जाता है । समझदार होते हैं सतोप्रधान । यह चक्र फिरता रहता है,इसमें कुछ भी बाप से पूछने का नहीं रहता । बाप का फर्ज है रचता और रचना की नॉलेज देना । वह तो देते रहते हैं । मुरली में सब समझाते रहते हैं । सभी बातों का रेसपॉन्ड मिल जाता है । बाकी पूछेंगे क्या?बाप के सिवाए कोई समझा ही नहीं सकते तो पूछ भी कैसे सकते । यह भी तुम बोर्ड पर लिख सकते हो एवरहेल्दी,एवरवेल्दी 21 जन्म के लिए बनना है तो आकर समझो । अच्छा!
मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमोर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।


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