Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Amritology Point January 10, 2015 (H&E)

For January 10, 2015

Introverted Soul in Conversation with the Ocean of All Qualities


First Awareness

The moment I open my eyes, I realize:  I am a soul.  I descended from the Sweet Home of Light in order to give radiant light to the world.

Who am I?

I am an introverted soul. Through the power of introversion, I experience with newness the depth of qualities such as peace, love, purity, and bliss.

To Whom do I Belong?

Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. I experience new things when I remain in solitude. My awareness is filled with being with only You and going into the depth of You.  When my mind focuses on the ONE, I become an instrument to experience newness and share it with others. 

Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me. When you reflect on a quality such as peace, and think, “I am peace,” then be sure to experience peace in a new way each time.  For example: When you think, “I, the soul, am a resident of the abode of peace.” – Then this will be your experience.  Or, if you think, “I, the soul, am peace in the Golden Age” – that will be a different experience.  When you are act among souls with no peace, and still you think, “I am a peaceful soul”, this will be your experience.  With various thoughts you will have various experiences. When you think of yourself as peace in the Golden age, you have a different experience than when you think of the peace that comes from residing in the soul world. 

Receiving Inspirations

I take a moment to quiet my chattering mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of Silence. In this silence, I receive from Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for service. 

Receiving a Blessing from Baba

I manifest my angelic form before sweet Baba in the subtle regions.  With much love and powerful drishti, He gives me this blessing:  
You have become a detached observer who strolls through each moment with the Beautiful Companion that all souls have sought through time.  Because of this, you sing the song of your fortune and bubble with joy in the Diamond Age.

Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15 minutes)

I bestow on the world the blessing described above.  I take this blessing from Baba and gift it to the whole world through my pure thoughts.   With my angelic costume, I circle the earth globe and give this blessing to all souls. 

Before Going to Bed

I steady myself in the stage beyond sound. I mentally check: was I disobedient in anyway during the day? If so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb, mentally or physically, to any attractions, attachments, or selfish preferences?  I chart my actions, and remove the impact of faulty actions with 30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a clean and clear heart.

Amrit Vela Soundtracks with points and music - 60min

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English Soundtrack for January 10th

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Spanish Soundtrack Enero 10

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अमृतवेला (पाँचवा सप्ताह – १० जनवरी २०१५)
अन्तर्मुखी आत्मा की सद्गुणों के सागर से रूहरिहान
पहली स्मृति
आँख खुलते ही संकल्प करें कि मैं आत्मा हूँ मैं इस धरा को प्रकाशमय करने के लिये स्वीट लाइट के होम से अवतरित हुई हूँ
मैं कौन हूँ?
मैं अन्तर्मुखी आत्मा हूँ। अन्तर्मुखता की शक्ति से मैं सद्गुणों की गहराई में जाकर नए नए अनुभव कर रही हूँ। मुझे शान्तिप्रेमपवित्रता व आनंद का अनुभव हो रहा है। 
किसकी हूँ?
आत्मा की बाबा से रूहरिहान:
मीठे बाबागुड मॉर्निंग! जब मैं एकान्त में रहती हूँतो मुझे नए नए अनुभव होते हैं। मेरी स्मृति में सिर्फ आपकी ही गहरी याद समाई हुई है। जब मेरा मन एकाग्र हो सिर्फ आप में ही लग जाता हैतब मुझे नए नए अनुभव होने लगते हैं। इन अनुभवों को मैं अन्य आत्माओं को सुनाकर उन्हें प्रेरणा देती हूँ।
बाबा की आत्मा से रूहरिहान:
मीठे बच्चेजागोमेरे साथ बैठो। जब तुम किसी भी गुण का चिंतन करो जैसे किशान्ति कातो ये संकल्प करो कि "मैं शान्त स्वरूप आत्मा हूँ," और हर बार शान्तिको नए नए तरीके से अनुभव करो। जब तुम ये संकल्प करो कि "मैं आत्माशान्तिधाम निवासी हूँतो उस अनुभव में खो जाओ। अगर तुम संकल्प करते हो कि"मैं सतयुगी दुनिया की शान्त स्वरूप आत्मा हूँतो तुम्हारा अनुभव कुछ अलग होगा।अगर तुम शान्त आत्माओं के बीच रहते संकल्प करते हो कि "मैं शान्त स्वरूपआत्मा हूँ," तो वो अनुभव दूसरा होगा। भिन्न-भिन्न संकल्पों का अनुभव भी भिन्न-भिन्न होगा। शान्तिधाम की शान्ति का अनुभव सतयुगी दुनिया की शान्ति से भिन्नहोगा।
बाबा से प्रेरणाऐ:
अपने मन को सर्व बातों से हटा कर बाबा में लगाऐं। बाबा है साइलेन्स का सागर। इस साइलेन्स में मैं बाबा से प्रेरणायुक्त और पवित्र सेवा के संकल्प ले रही हूँ।
बाबा से वरदान:
सूक्ष्म वतन में मीठे बाबा के सामने मेरा फरिश्ता स्वरूप साफ दिखाई दे रहा है। बहुत प्यार व शक्तिशाली दृष्टि से बाबा मुझे वरदान दे रहे हैं 
तुम साक्षी दृष्टा बन हर पल एक साथी के साथ रहते हो। इस कारण संगम युग पर तुम अपने भाग्य के गीत गाकर सदा खुशी में झूमते रहते हो।
बेहद की सूक्ष्म सेवा: (आखिरी के पंद्रह मिनिट प्रातः ४:४५ से ५:०० बजे तक)
बाबा द्वारा इस वरदान को अपने शुभ संकल्पों द्वारावरदाता बनमैं पूरे विश्‍व को दान दे रही हूँ। अपनी फरिश्ता ड्रेस पहन कर मैं विश्‍व भ्रमण करते हुए सर्व आत्माओं को ये वरदान दे रही हूँ।
रात्रि सोने के पहले
आवाज़ की दुनिया के पार जा कर अपनी स्टेज को स्थिर बनाऐं। चेक करें की आजमैंने दिन भर में किसी बात की अवज्ञा तो नहीं कीअगर हाँ तो बाबा को बताऐं। किसी के मोह या आकर्षण मे बुद्धि तो नही फंसीअपने कर्मो का चार्ट बनाऐं। तीस मिनिट के योग द्वारा किसी भी गलत कर्म के प्रभाव से स्वयं को मुक्त करें। अपने दिल को साफ और हल्का कर के सोऐं।

Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 09, 2015 (H&E)

Special homework to experience the avyakt stage in this avyakt month
(9) Let the foot of your intellect not stay on the ground. It is said that the feet of angels are never on the ground. Similarly, the intellect should remain beyond the ground of the body, that is, beyond the attraction of matter. Become those who make matter dependent, not those who depend on it.

अव्यक्त स्थिति का अनुभव करने के लिए विशेष होमवर्क
(9) बुद्धि रूपी पांव पृथ्वी पर न रहें । जैसे कहावत है कि फरिश्तों के पांव पृथ्वी पर नहीं होते । ऐसे बुद्धि इस देह रूपी पृथ्वी अर्थात् प्रकृति की आकर्षण से परे रहे । प्रकृति को अधीन करने वाले बनो न कि अधीन होने वाले ।

Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 09, 2015

1. The Father is the Liberator and the Guide. He liberates everyone from sorrow. The Father has come as the Guide to purify everyone and then take everyone back home. The golden age is also called the Garden of Allah, whereas this age is called a forest. This is why the Father says: It is when defamation of religion reaches its extremity that I come.

2. The Father says: I come in the early morning hours. People abroad have an accurate system of a.m. and p.m. Their intellects are still good. Neither do they become completely satopradhan nor do they become completely tamopradhan. Only the people of Bharat become 100% satopradhan and then 100% tamopradhan. The Father is very accurate. One minute past twelve is the morning.

3. The unlimited Father has now issued this ordinance: Children, become conquerors of lust and thereby conquerors of the world. If you do not become pure, you will be led to destruction. By becoming pure, you claim an imperishable status. You are studying Raja Yoga. It is accurate to write: Be holy and a Raj Yogi. Each home should be a Gita pathshala because you are all the Ganges of knowledge. In every home, people study the Gita.

4. Brahmaris (buzzing moths) are said to be those who set up a home (gharetri); they make a home. You Brahminis are also buzzing moths. You can set up a marquee etc. sit inside it and buzz knowledge to others. Then, some would understand this and change from ants into Brahmins.

5. Just as at Diwali people open their shops, in the same way, you have to open a shop of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. The festival of Shiv Jayanti is, in fact, your true Deepawali (festival of lights). When Shiva, the Father, comes, there is light in every home. You must light very many lamps on this festival and celebrate it with great splendour. You celebrate the true Deepawali. The final celebration will be at the beginning of the golden age when there will be a lamp in every home, that is, the lamp of every soul will be alight.

Slogan: If your intellect or stage is weak, the reason for that is waste thoughts.(vyarth sankalp)

Points to churn from the slogan:

We, the souls, stabilize ourselves in the powerful stage of a point form, and consider the past to be past...we have elevated actions, are beyond waste thoughts and thus make the speed of effort intense...we keep the powerful eye open, that is, remain stable in the stage of a detached observer...we are detached like a lotus flower...we have an attitude and vision of mercy for every soul and are not influenced by the atmosphere of anyone’s weaknesses or defects...

While coming into relationships and connections, we never create and sustain questions that waste time and having a birth control of the queue of questions, we remain beyond all questions and keep constantly happy hearted...

By controlling our words, we save time and energy...we observe silence in the mind of wasteful thoughts and silence of the mouth of wasteful words...we experience ourselves to be an image of true tapasya sitting in the cottage of the forehead, experiencing the alokik sweetness of introversion...

While walking and moving around, we experience ourselves in the angelic form, become angels in a practical way and give visions ....we emerge in the corporeal world and then merge, perform our duty and then disappear...we do not keep our feet in the old world of our body and bodily relations, and close all gates to all attractions and attachments ...we are here but not being beyond the awareness of the corporeal world we do not waste time over trivial matters, which enables us to take a high jump.... by having every thought and taking every step that is the highest and the most elevated and alokik, and by being beyond waste, we become the highest of humans...

Essence of Murli (H&E): January 09, 2015:
Essence: Sweet children, the Father’s part is accurate. He comes at His own time; there cannot be the slightest difference in the time He comes. Celebrate the memorial (yaadgaar)of His coming, Shiv Ratri, with a great deal of splendour (khoob dhoomdhaam).
Question: Which children’s sins are not completely absolved (poore-poore vinaash)?
Answer: Those whose yoga is not accurate. If you are not able to remember the Father, your sins cannot be absolved. If you are not accurately linked in yoga (yogyukt), you cannot have total salvation (sadgati). Some sins would still remain and so your status would be reduced. If you have no yoga, you would become trapped in someone’s name and form and continue to remember that one and remain unable to become soul conscious (dehi-abhimaani).

Song: Ye kaun aaj aya savere savere यह कौन आज आया सवेरे... Who has come here in the early hours of the morning?

Essence for Dharna:
1. Open a shop of the imperishable jewels of knowledge on Shiv Jayanti and do service. Enlighten every home and give everyone the Father’s introduction (parichay).
2. You must be honest with the true Father. Don’t hide from the Father any of the sins you have committed. Become absorbed in yoga so that no sins remain. Do not become trapped in anyone’s name and form (naam-roop).
Blessing: May you have the feelings of a bestower (daataapan) who experiences the stage of being ignorant of the knowledge of desire (ichchha maatram avidya)and so satisfied (tript)soul.
Always have the one aim that as children of the Bestower we have to give to all souls. By having the feelings of a bestower, you will become souls who are full and those who are full are always satisfied. I am a child of the Bestower who gives. To give is to receive: this feeling will make you constantly free from obstacles and make you experience the stage of being ignorant of the knowledge of desire. Your vision should always be on the one aim and that aim is a point (bindoo). While seeing the expansion of anything else, do not see it; while hearing anything do not hear it.
Slogan: If your intellect or stage is weak, the reason for that is waste thoughts.(vyarth sankalp)
सार:- “मीठे बच्चे- बाप का पार्ट एक्यूरेट है,वह अपने समय पर आते हैं,ज़रा भी फर्क नहीं पड़ सकता,उनके आने का यादगार शिवरात्रि खूब धूमधाम से मनाओ
प्रश्न:- किन बच्चों के विकर्म पूरे-पूरे विनाश नहीं हो पाते?

उत्तर:- जिनका योग ठीक नहीं है, बाप की याद नहीं रहती तो विकर्म विनाश नहीं हो पाते । योगयुक्त न होने से इतनी सद्गति नहीं होती, पाप रह जाते हैं फिर पद भी कम हो जाता है । योग नहीं तो नाम-रूप में फंसे रहते हैं, उनकी ही बातें याद आती रहती हैं, वह देही- अभिमानी रह नहीं सकते ।

गीत:- यह कौन आज आया सवेरे सवेरे..
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1. शिव जयन्ती पर अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों की दुकान निकाल सेवा करनी है । घर-घर में रोशनी कर सबको बाप का परिचय देना है ।
2. सच्चे बाप से सच्चा होकर रहना है, कोई भी विकर्म करके छिपाना नहीं है । ऐसा योगयुक्त बनना है, जो कोई भी पाप रह न जाये । किसी के भी नाम-रूप में नहीं फँसना है ।
वरदान:-दातापन की भावना द्वारा इच्छा मात्रम अविद्या की स्थिति का अनुभव करने वाले तृप्त आत्मा भव !
सदा एक लक्ष्य हो कि हमें दाता का बच्चा बन सर्व आत्माओं को देना है, दातापन की भावना रखने से सम्पन्न आत्मा हो जायेंगे और जो सम्पन्न होंगे वह सदा तृप्त होंगे । मैं देने वाले दाता का बच्चा हूँ-देना ही लेना है, यही भावना सदा निर्विघ्न, इच्छा मात्रम अविद्या की स्थिति का अनुभव कराती है । सदा एक लक्ष्य की तरफ ही नजर रहे, वह लक्ष्य है बिन्दु और कोई भी बातों के विस्तार को देखते हुए नहीं देखो,सुनते हुए भी नहीं सुनो ।
स्लोगन:- बुद्धि वा स्थिति यदि कमजोर है तो उसका कारण है व्यर्थ संकल्प ।

Om Shanti

What time is morning? When does He come in the morning, that is, at what time does He come? (Someone said three o’clock, someone said four o’clock, someone else said at the confluence age. Then someone said at midnight.) Baba wants to know the accurate time. Midnight is not called morning. A second, or a minute after midnight is said to be a.m. That means, the start of the morning. That is the real morning. His part in the drama is totally accurate. There cannot be a delay of even one second. This drama is eternally predestined. It can’t be said to be a.m. until a second after midnight. These are matters of the unlimited. The Father says: I come in the early morning hours. People abroad have an accurate system of a.m. and p.m. Their intellects are still good. Neither do they become completely satopradhan nor do they become completely tamopradhan. Only the people of Bharat become 100% satopradhan and then 100% tamopradhan. The Father is very accurate. One minute past twelve is the morning. You wouldn’t keep an account of seconds. You couldn’t tell when a second has passed. Only you children understand these things; the world is in total darkness. All of God’s devotees remember Him at the time of sorrow and call out: O Purifier, come! However, none of them knows who He is or when He comes. They are human beings, but, because they are impure and tamopradhan, they do not know anything accurately. Lust too is tamopradhan. The unlimited Father has now issued this ordinance: Children, become conquerors of lust and thereby conquerors of the world. If you do not become pure, you will be led to destruction. By becoming pure, you claim an imperishable status. You are studying Raja Yoga. You write the slogan: Be holy, be yogi. In fact, you should write: Be a Raja Yogi. The word “yogi” is common. Those who have yoga with the brahm element are also yogis. A child has yoga with his father, a wife has yoga with her husband. Your yoga, however, is Raja Yoga. The Father teaches you Raja Yoga. This is why it is accurate to write Raja Yoga. Be holy and a Raj Yogi. Day by day, you continue to receive corrections. The Father says: Today, I am telling you very deep and good aspects. Shiv Jayanti is now coming. You have to celebrate Shiv Jayanti very well. You can do very good service on Shiv Jayanti. Those who have exhibitions should celebrate Shiv Jayanti very well at their centres or in their homes. They should write: Shiv Baba is the Bestower of the knowledge of the Gita, come and learn the way to attain your unlimited inheritance from the Father. Each of you should light lamps etc. and celebrate Shiv Jayanti in your home. Each home should be a Gita pathshala because you are all the Ganges of knowledge. In every home, people study the Gita. The women are much more involved in devotion than men. There are also many families where everyone studies the Gita. Therefore, you should keep pictures in every home. Write: Come and claim your inheritance from the unlimited Father once again. The festival of Shiv Jayanti is, in fact, your true Deepawali (festival of lights). When Shiva, the Father, comes, there is light in every home. You must light very many lamps on this festival and celebrate it with great splendour. You celebrate the true Deepawali. The final celebration will be at the beginning of the golden age when there will be a lamp in every home, that is, the lamp of every soul will be alight. Here, souls are in darkness; souls have degraded intellects, whereas there, because souls are pure, they have divine intellects. It is souls that become pure and souls that become impure. You souls are now changing from being not worth a penny to being worth a pound. When you souls are pure, you receive pure bodies. Here, souls are impure, and so their bodies and this world are impure. Amongst you, too, there are very few who understand these things accurately and experience happiness inside. Each of you continues to make effort, numberwise. There are omens; sometimes there are the omens of an eclipse of Rahu. They make those who were previously amazed by this knowledge run away. The omens of Jupiter change to the omens of an eclipse of Rahu . When you indulge in vice you come under the omens of an eclipse of Rahu. You have a boxing match (mall yuddh). You mothers wouldn’t have seen that, because you are homemakers. You now know that brahmaris (buzzing moths) are said to be those who set up a home (gharetri); they make a home. Homemaking is a good art. This is why there is the name “homemaker”. Buzzing moths make so much effort. They are also clever homemakers. They make two to three rooms. She brings up three to four moths there. In the same way you Brahminis are also buzzing moths. You can bring one or two, or even ten to twelve, or even one hundred or five hundred here. You can set up a marquee etc. This too would be like setting up a home. You could sit inside it and buzz knowledge to them. Then, some would understand this and change from ants into Brahmins. Some are totally decayed, that is, they do not belong to this religion. Only those who belong to this religion will be touched very well. You are, after all, human beings. Your strength is greater than theirs. You can give lectures to gatherings of two thousand. As you progress, you will also go into gatherings of four or even five thousand. The buzzing moths are compared to you. Sannyasis nowadays go abroad and say that they teach the ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat. Even some women go around dressed in orange robes. They cheat the foreigners so much! They invite them to Bharat to learn ancient yoga. You wouldn’t say: Come to Bharat to learn this. You will go abroad and sit with them there and tell them: Learn this Raja Yoga and you will take birth in heaven. There is no question of you having to change your clothes etc. You just have to forget your body and your bodily relations and consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father. The Father is the Liberator and the Guide. He liberates everyone from sorrow. You now have to become totally pure. Previously, you were in the golden age, but you are now in the iron age. The whole world, the people of all religions, are now in the iron age. Tell whomever you meet from any other religion that the Father says: Consider yourself to be a soul, remember Me and you will become pure. I will then take you back home with Me. Just tell them this much, not too much. This is very easy. It says in your scripture that the message was given to every home. There was one who was left out, and so he complained that no one told him. You must beat the drums and announce that the Father has come. Everyone will definitely come to know one day that the Father has come to give them their inheritance of the land of peace and the land of happiness. At the time of deityism, there were no other religions. Everyone else was in the land of peace. You should have such thoughts and create such slogans. The Father says: Renounce all consciousness of the body and all bodily relationships. When you souls consider yourselves to be souls and remember Me, your Father, you will become pure. At present, all souls are impure. The Father has now come as the Guide to purify everyone and then take everyone back home. All will return to their own section. Then, those of the deity religion will come down here numberwise. It is so easy! Your intellects have to imbibe all of this. Those who do service cannot remain hidden; nor can those who do disservice remain hidden. Only serviceable ones are invited by everyone. Those who are unable to give anyone knowledge are not invited. They defame Baba’s name. People would then say: Is this what the Brahma Kumaris are like? They are not even able to answer questions. Therefore, this is defamation of Baba, is it not? Those who defame Shiv Baba’s name cannot claim a high status. Even here, some are millionaires, some are multimillionaires whereas others are starving to death. Such beggars will also become princes. Only you children understand how Shri Krishna, who was once the prince of heaven, has now become a beggar. He is again becoming a prince from a beggar. He was a beggar, was he not? He earned a little, but that too was for you children. Otherwise, how would he have been able to look after you? None of these things are mentioned in the scriptures. Only Shiv Baba tells you these things. This one really was a village urchin. His name was not Krishna. That is an aspect that refers to the soul, which is why people become confused. Therefore, Baba says: On Shiv Jayanti, serve every home using pictures. Or, you can write: Come and understand how you can claim sovereignty over heaven within a second for 21 births. Just as at Diwali people open their shops, in the same way, you have to open a shop of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Your shop should be very beautifully decorated. They decorate their shops at Diwali whereas you should do this on Shiv Jayanti because it is Shiv Baba who re-ignites all of your lamps and makes you into the masters of the world. People pray to Lakshmi for perishable wealth, whereas, you receive the sovereignty of the world here from the World Mother. The Father continues to explain all of these secrets to you. The Father does not have any scriptures. The Father says: I am knowledge-full. Yes, I know when some of you are doing service very well, and this is why I remember you, but it isn’t that I know what’s going on inside each of you. Yes, I can sometimes tell that someone is impure. They have doubts; their faces wilt, and so Baba sends a message from up above. It is also fixed in the drama for Him to do this for some; but He doesn’t speak about everyone. There are many children who make their faces dirty. Whatever they do, they incur a loss for themselves. If they told the truth, they could at least profit a little. When they don’t tell the truth, they incur an even greater loss. Although you understand that Baba has come to make you beautiful, some of you dirty your faces. This is the world of thorns in which everyone is a human thorn. The golden age is also called the Garden of Allah, whereas this age is called a forest. This is why the Father says: It is when defamation of religion reaches its extremity that I come. Just look what the first Shri Krishna became after taking 84 births. At present, all are tamopradhan; they continue to fight amongst themselves. All of that is fixed in the drama. None of that will exist in heaven. There are many points for you to note down, just as barristers also write down points in their books. Doctors too keep books like this. They consult them and then prescribe the appropriate medicine for each one. Therefore, you children should study very well; you should also do service. Baba has given you the number one mantra of Manmanabhav. Remember the Father and your inheritance and you will become the masters of heaven. People celebrate Shiv Jayanti, but what did Shiv Baba do? He must definitely have given the inheritance of heaven. That was 5000 years ago. That heaven then changed into hell and now hell is to change back into heaven. The Father says: Children, become absorbed in yoga and you will then be able to understand everything very clearly. However, if your yoga isn’t accurate and you don’t remember the Father, you can’t understand anything. Your sins can’t be absolved either. By not remaining absorbed in yoga, you don’t receive as much salvation. Some of your sins will still remain with you and your status will therefore be reduced. There are many who have no yoga at all. They are trapped in the names and forms of others. If you continually remember them, how would your sins be absolved? The Father says: Be soul conscious! Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.

ओम् शान्ति |

सवेरा कितने बजे होता है? बाबा सवेरे कितने बजे आते हैं? (कोई ने कहा 3 बजे, कोई ने कहा 4, कोई ने कहा संगम पर, कोई ने कहा 12 बजे) बाबा एक्यूरेट पूछते हैं । 12 को तो तुम सवेरा नहीं कह सकते हो । 12 बजकर एक सेकण्ड हुआ, एक मिनट हुआ तो ए .एम. अर्थात् सवेरा शुरू हुआ । यह बिल्कुल सवेरा है । ड्रामा में इनका पार्ट बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट है । सेकण्ड की भी देरी नहीं हो सकती,यह ड्रामा अनादि बना हुआ है । 12 बजकर एक सेकण्ड जब तक नहीं हुआ है तो ए .एम नहीं कहेंगे, यह बेहद की बात है । बाप कहते हैं मैं आता हूँ सवेरे-सवेरे । विलायत वाली का ए एम., पी.एम एक्यूरेट चलता है । उन्हों की बुद्धि फिर भी अच्छी है । वह इतना सतोप्रधान भी नहीं बनते हैं, तो तमोप्रधान भी नहीं बनते हैं । भारतवासी ही 100 परसेन्ट सतोप्रधान फिर 100 परसेन्ट तमोप्रधान बनते हैं । तो बाप बड़ा एक्यूरेट है । सवेरे अर्थात् 12 बजकर एक मिनट, सेकण्ड का हिसाब नहीं रखते । सेकण्ड पास होने में मालूम भी नहीं पड़ता । अब यह बातें तुम बच्चे ही समझते हो । दुनिया तो बिल्कुल घोर अन्धियारे में हैं । बाप को सभी भक्त दु :ख में याद करते हैं-पतित-पावन आओ । परन्तु वह कौन है?कब आते हैं? यह कुछ भी नहीं जानते । मनुष्य होते हुए एक्यूरेट कुछ नहीं जानते क्योंकि पतित तमोप्रधान है । काम भी कितना तमोप्रधान है । अभी बेहद का बाप ऑर्डीनेन्स निकालते हैं - बच्चे कामजीत जगतजीत बनो । अगर अभी पवित्र नहीं बनेंगे तो विनाश को पायेंगे । तुम पवित्र बनने से अविनाशी पद को पायेंगे । तुम राजयोग सीख रहे हो ना । स्लोगन में भी लिखते हैं ' ' बी होली बी योगी । ' ' वास्तव में लिखना चाहिए बी राजयोगी । योगी तो कॉमन अक्षर है । ब्रह्म से योग लगाते हैं, वह भी योगी ठहरे । बच्चा बाप से, सी पुरूष से योग लगाती हैं परन्तु यह तुम्हारा हैं राजयोग । बाप राजयोग सिखलाते हैं इसलिए राजयोग लिखना ठीक हैं । बी होली एण्ड राजयोगी । दिन-प्रतिदिन करेक्शन तो होती रहती है । बाप भी कहते हैं आज तुमको गुह्य से गुह्य बातें सुनाता हूँ । अब शिव जयन्ती भी आने वाली है । शिव जयन्ती तो तुमको अच्छी रीति मनानी है । शिव जयन्ती पर तो बहुत अच्छी रीति सर्विस करनी है । जिनके पास प्रदर्शनी है, सभी अपने- अपने सेण्टर पर अथवा घर में शिव जयन्ती अच्छी रीति मनाओ और लिख दो-शिवबाबा गीता ज्ञान दाता बाप से बेहद का वर्सा लेने का रास्ता आकर सीखो । भल बत्तियाँ आदि भी जला दो । घर-घर में शिव जयन्ती मनानी चाहिए । तुम ज्ञान गंगाये हो ना । तो हर एक के पास गीता पाठशाला होनी चाहिए । घर-घर में गीता तो पढ़ते हैं ना । पुरूषों से भी मातायें भक्ति में तीखी होती हैं । ऐसे कुटुम्ब(परिवार) भी होते हैं जहाँ गीता पढ़ते हैं । तो घर में भी चित्र रख देने चाहिए । लिख दे कि बेहद के बाप से आकर फिर से वर्सा लो ।

यह शिव जयन्ती का त्योहार वास्तव में तुम्हारी सच्ची दीपावली है । जब शिव बाप आते हैं तो घर-घर में रोशनी हो जाती है । इस त्योहार को खूब बत्तियाँ आदि जलाकर रोशनी कर मनाओ । तुम सच्ची दीपावली मनाते हो । फाइनल तो होना है सतयुग में । वहाँ घर-घर में रोशनी ही रोशनी होगी अर्थात् हर आत्मा की ज्योत जगी रहती है । यहाँ तो अन्धियारा है । आत्मायें आसुरी बुद्धि बन पड़ी है । वहाँ आत्मायें पवित्र होने से दैवी बुद्धि रहती है । आत्मा ही पतित, आत्मा ही पावन बनती है । अभी तुम वर्थ नाट ए पेनी से पाउण्ड बन रहे हो । आत्मा पवित्र होने से शरीर भी पवित्र मिलेगा । यहाँ आत्मा अपवित्र है तो शरीर और दुनिया भी इमप्योर है । इन बातों को तुम्हारे में से कोई थोड़े हैं जो यथार्थ रीति समझते हैं और उनके अन्दर खुशी होती है । नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ तो करते रहते हैं । ग्रहचारी भी होती है । कभी राहू की ग्रहचारी बैठती है तो आक्षर्यवत् भागन्ती हो जाते हैं । बृहस्पति की दशा से बदलकर ठीक राहू की दशा बैठ जाती है । काम विकार में गया और राहू की दशा बैठी । मल्लयुद्ध होती है ना । तुम माताओं ने देखा नहीं होगा क्योंकि मातायें होती हैं घर की घरेत्री । अब तुमको मालूम है भ्रमरी को घरेत्री अर्थात् घर बनाने वाली कहते हैं । घर बनाने का अच्छा कारीगर है, इसलिए घरेत्री नाम है । कितनी मेहनत करती है ' वो भी पक्का मिस्री है । दो-तीन कमरा बनाती है । 3 - 4 कीड़े ले आती है । वैसे तुम भी ब्राह्मणियॉ हो । चाहे 1 - 2 को बनाओ, चाहे 10 - 12 को, चाहे 100 को, चाहे 500 को बनाओ । मण्डप आदि बनाते हो, यह भी घर बनाना हुआ ना । उनमें बैठ सबको भूँ- भूँ करते हो । फिर कोई तो समझकर कीड़े से ब्राह्मण बनते हैं, कोई सड़ा हुआ निकलते हैं अर्थात् इस धर्म के नहीं हैं । इस धर्म वालों को ही पूरी रीति टच होगा । तुम तो फिर भी मनुष्य हो ना । तुम्हारी ताकत उनसे (भ्रमरी से) तो जास्ती है । तुम 2 हजार के बीच में भी भाषण कर सकते हो । आगे चल 4 - 5 हजार की सभा में भी तुम जायेंगे । भ्रमरी की तुम्हारे से भेंट है । आजकल सन्यासी लोग भी बाहर विदेशों में जाकर कहते हैं हम भारत का प्राचीन राजयोग सिखाते हैं । आजकल मातायें भी गेरू कफनी पहनकर जाती हैं, फॉरेनर्स को ठगकर आती हैं । उनको कहती हैं भारत का प्राचीन राजयोग भारत में चलकर सीखो । तुम ऐसे थोड़ेही कहेंगे कि भारत में चलकर सीखो । तुम तो फॉरेन में जायेंगे तो वहाँ ही बैठ समझायेंगे - यह राजयोग सीखो तो स्वर्ग में तुम्हारा जन्म हो जायेगा । इसमें कपड़ा आदि बदलने की बात नहीं है । यहाँ ही देह के सब सम्बन्ध भूल अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करो । बाप ही लिबरेटर गाइड है, सबको दु :ख से लिबरेट करते हैं ।

अभी तुमको सतोप्रधान बनना है । तुम पहले गोल्डन एज में थे, अब आइरन एज में हो । सारी वर्ल्ड, सभी धर्म वाले आइरन एज में हैं । कोई भी धर्म वाला मिले, उनको कहना है बाप कहते हैं अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझे याद करो तो तुम पावन बन जायेंगे, फिर मैं साथ ले जाऊंगा । बस, इतना ही बोलो, जास्ती नहीं । यह तो बहुत सहज है । तुम्हारे शास्त्रों में भी है कि घर- घर में सन्देश दिया । कोई एक रह गया तो उसने उल्हना दिया मुझे कोई ने बताया नहीं । बाप आये हैं, तो पूरा ढिंढोरा पीटना चाहिए । एक दिन जरूर सबको पता पड़ेगा कि बाप आये हैं - शान्तिधाम-सुखधाम का वर्सा देने । बरोबर जब डिटीजम था तो और कोई धर्म नहीं था । सभी शान्तिधाम में थे । ऐसे-ऐसे ख्यालात चलने चाहिए, स्लोगन बनाने चाहिए । बाप कहते हैं देह सहित सब सम्बन्धों को छोड़ो । अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझ बाप को याद करो तो आत्मा पवित्र बन जायेगी । अभी आत्मायें अपवित्र हैं । अभी सबको पवित्र बनाए बाप गाइड बन वापिस ले जायेंगे । सब अपने- अपने सेक्शन में चले जायेंगे । फिर डीटी धर्म वाले नम्बरवार आयेंगे । कितना सहज है । यह तो बुद्धि में धारण होना चाहिए । जो सर्विस करते हैं, वह छिपे नहीं रह सकते । डिस-सर्विस करने वाले भी छिप नहीं सकते । सर्विसएबुल को तो बुलाते हैं । जो कुछ भी ज्ञान नहीं सुना सकते उनको थोड़ेही बुलायेंगे । वह तो और ही नाम बदनाम कर देंगे । कहेंगे बी.के. ऐसे होते हैं क्या? पूरा रेसपॉन्ड भी नहीं करते । तो नाम बदनाम हुआ ना । शिवबाबा का नाम बदनाम करने वाले ऊँच पद पा न सके । जैसे यहाँ भी कोई तो करोड़पति हैं, पद्मपति भी हैं, कोई तो देखो भूख मर रहे हैं । ऐसे कोर्स भी आकर प्रिन्स बनेंगे । अभी तुम बच्चे ही जानते हो वही श्रीकृष्ण जो स्वर्ग का प्रिन्स था वह फिर बेगर बनते हैं, फिर बेगर टू प्रिन्स बनेंगे । यह बेगर थे ना, थोड़ा-बहुत कमाया - वह भी तुम बच्चों के लिए । नहीं तो तुम्हारी सम्भाल कैसे हो? यह सब बातें शास्त्रों में थोड़ेही हैं । शिवबाबा ही आकर बतलाते हैं । बरोबर यह गाँव का छोरा था | नाम कोई श्रीकृष्ण नहीं था । यह आत्मा की बात है इसलिए मनुष्य मुंझे हुए हैं । तो बाबा ने समझाया शिवजयन्ती पर हर एक घर-घर में चित्रों पर सर्विस करें । लिख दें कि बेहद के बाप से 21 जन्मों के लिए स्वर्ग की बादशाही सेकण्ड में कैसे मिलती है, सो आकर समझो । जैसे दीवाली पर मनुष्य बहुत दुकान निकाल बैठते हैं, तुमको फिर अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का दुकान निकाल बैठना है । तुम्हारा कितना अच्छा सजाया हुआ दुकान होगा । मनुष्य दीवाली पर करते हैं, तुम फिर शिवजयन्ती पर करो । जो शिवबाबा सबके दीप जगाते हैं, तुमको विश्व का मालिक बनाते हैं । वह तो लक्ष्मी से विनाशी धन मांगते हैं और यहाँ जगत अम्बा से तुमको विश्व की बादशाही मिलती है । यह राज बाप समझाते हैं । बाबा कोई शास्त्र थोड़ेही उठाते हैं । बाप कहते हैं मैं नॉलेजफुल हूँ ना । हाँ,यह जानते हैं, फलाने-फलाने बच्चे सर्विस बहुत अच्छी करते हैं इसलिए याद पड़ती है । बाकी ऐसे नहीं कि एक-एक के अन्दर को बैठ जानता हूँ । हाँ,कोई समय पता पड़ जाता है-यह पतित हैं, शक पड़ता है । उनकी शक्ल ही मायूस हो जाती है तो ऊपर से बाबा भी कहला भेजता है, इनसे पूछो । यह भी ड्रामा में नूध है । जो कोई-कोई के लिए बताते हैं, बाकी ऐसे नहीं सबके लिए बतायेंगे । ऐसे तो ढेर हैं, काला मुंह करते हैं । जो करेंगे सो अपना ही नुकसान करेंगे । सच बतलाने से कुछ फायदा होगा, नहीं बताने से और ही नुकसान करेंगे । समझना चाहिए बाबा हमको गोरा बनाने आये हैं और हम फिर काला मुंह कर लेते हैं! यह है ही काँटों की दुनिया । ह्युमन काँटे हैं । सतयुग को कहा जाता है गार्डन ऑफ अल्लाह और यह है फारेस्ट इसलिए बाप कहते हैं जब-जब धर्म की ग्लानि होती है, तब मैं आता हूँ । फर्स्ट नम्बर श्रीकृष्ण देखो फिर 84 जन्मों के बाद कैसा बन जाता है । अभी सब हैं तमोप्रधान । आपस में लड़ते रहते हैं । यह सब ड्रामा में है । फिर स्वर्ग में यह कुछ नहीं होगा । प्याइंटस तो ढेर की ढेर हैं,नोट करनी चाहिए । जैसे बैरिस्टर लोग भी प्याइंटस का बुक रखते हैं ना । डॉक्टर लोग भी किताब रखते हैं, उसमें देखकर दवाई देते हैं । तो बच्चों को कितना अच्छी रीति पढ़ना चाहिए, सर्विस करनी चाहिए । बाबा ने नम्बरवन मन्त्र दिया है मन्मनाभव । बाप और वर्से को याद करो तो स्वर्ग के मालिक बन जायेंगे । शिव जयन्ती मनाते हैं । परन्तु शिवबाबा ने क्या किया? जरूर स्वर्ग का वर्सा दिया होगा । उसको 5 हजार वर्ष हुए । स्वर्ग से नर्क, नर्क से स्वर्ग बनेगा ।

बाप समझाते हैं-बच्चे, योगयुक्त बनो तो तुम्हें हर बात अच्छी तरह समझ में आयेगी । परनु योग ठीक नहीं है, बाप की याद नहीं रहती तो कुछ समझ नहीं सकते । विकर्म भी विनाश नहीं हो पाते । योगयुक्त न होने से इतनी सद्गति भी नहीं होती हैं,पाप रह जाते हैं । फिर पद भी कम हो जाता है । बहुत हैं, योग कुछ भी नहीं है, नाम-रूप में फँसे रहते हैं, उनकी ही याद आती रहेगी तो विकर्म विनाश कैसे होंगे? बाप कहते हैं देही- अभिमानी बनो । अच्छा !

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग । रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 09, 2015:Healthy Swaps

Daily Positive Thoughts: January 09, 2015:Healthy Swaps

Healthy Swaps

Changing habits can be a challenge! How many times have you tried to stop doing something, only to slide back into the habit?

You might just find it easier to swap than to stop. Swap one unhealthy habit with a healthier habit that works for you.

Swap: a chocolate bar with an apple; 10 min walk rather than jumping on the bus; crunchy veggies instead of greasy snacks.


Determination is an essential quality to nurture if we are to continue
on our spiritual journey. No matter how much enthusiasm we have or how
clear our aim is, without determination we will give up sooner or
later. In times of challenge, we take care that determination does not
lead to stubbornness; then we can let go of resistance and not oppose
anyone or anything with our mind. Instead, we take time for meditation,
reflect on the most compassionate way to deal with situation, and
quietly wait for an approach to present itself.

Meditation On Experiencing Deep Peace

Consider your mind as a stage, and each thought, feeling, emotion as a scene in the film of your life... Relax... Don't try to control anything... Observe how your thoughts pass through your mind... Don't identify with any of them... Only observe... Look where they take you... Observe what happens inside you... Do not judge... The thoughts flow through your mind as if they were clouds that are crossing the sky until everything is clear and open... The mind is becoming calm, making itself peaceful... like the surface of the sea when it is serene...

Now, be conscious of the sounds that are produced around you... Stay here and now as an observer who sees and feels everything from a point of light, a point of calm and peace, behind these eyes... Feel the calm... the tranquility... that comes from within you... Look around you... Observe without interpreting or judging... Feel the silence that is created through the power of concentration. Consciously, create a positive, peaceful, elevated thought that you repeat slowly in your mind, leaving a space of silence between one thought and another, while you keep the focus on that point...

I am a being of peace... I am at peace... I feel the peace... I am light... I am a being of light... My nature is of light... peace and silence... I am feeling the silence between one thought and the next... I listen to the peace... a silent peace... calmed... full... This peace and silence attracts the ocean of peace... I feel the attraction towards my home of silence and peace... a world full of soft golden light, beyond the sun, moon and stars... In this peace and silence, I strengthen myself... my mind rests in that calm and quietness...

I experience a light, the Supreme Light, the Supreme Soul who fills me... he recharges me... renews me... heals me... frees me... I am free... completely free... now I am at peace... I leave my mind in silence, as if I were floating on a sea of peace for a few minutes...

Soul Sustenance

The Art Of Stepping In And Stepping Out In Relationships (Part 1)

For any activity, or relationship to remain peaceful and successful, we must know how far to step in and how far to step out. It is like a gardener who sows seeds at the right time, steps in to plant and water them and then steps out of the picture to allow nature to carry on with her work. However, from time to time, he steps in again to see if there is enough water, if any insects are attacking the plants, if any food is needed. His role is to find the appropriate space for the potential beauty and uniqueness of the seeds to emerge; he does not create the flowers but facilitates their expression. The gardener does not step in too much; that would be called interference. After planting the seeds, he does not demand an immediate result; he does not dig them up next day to see if they have sprouted. He plays his role, fulfils his duty, but lets go because he understands the blooming of the flowers is not dependent on him. Nor does he let go too much. If he did, then the plants would die from lack of care, or the insects and weeds would destroy them. He does not let go so much that he isolates himself from the process. Instead, by knowing when to step in and when to step out, he creates a respectful partnership or relationship with nature.

Tomorrow we shall apply this example to real life relationships.

Message for the day

To bring newness into actions means to contribute for the betterment of the self and others.

Expression: There is a constant desire to do something better that makes a contribution to oneself and to others too. So the one who thinks of newness can bring about such a contribution. There will not be something different that can be done. But the same thing can be done in such a way that there is benefit visible.

Experience: When I am able to bring newness in the way I do things, I am able to experience constant progress. There will also be the satisfaction of bringing about newness and creativity even in ordinary actions. Along with this will also be the satisfaction of making a contribution in every action of mine.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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