Audio MP3 Hindi:
Shanti ! Sakar Murli June 13, 2015
Essence: Sweet children, this study is the basis of
your going into the future elevated clan. Only through this study can you
change from beggars to princes.
Question: In which two ways can you receive a golden
spoon in the mouth?
Answer: One is by giving donations and performing
charity on the path of devotion. The other is by studying this knowledge. When
you donate something or perform charity on the path of devotion, you take birth
to a king or a wealthy person. However, that aspect is limited. By studying
this knowledge, you receive a golden spoon in the mouth. This aspect is
unlimited. You cannot receive a kingdom on the path of devotion by studying.
Here, the better someone studies, the higher the status he claims.
Om shanti.
The spiritual Father sits here and explains to you
sweetest, long-lost and now-found children. This is called spiritual knowledge.
The Father comes and tells you children of Bharat to consider yourselves to be
souls and to remember the Father. The Father has especially given you this
order. Therefore, you should listen to Him, should you not? The shrimat of the
highest-on-high Father is very famous. You children know that only Shiv Baba is
called Shri Shri. He also makes us shri shri. Shri means elevated. You children
now know that it was the Father who made them (Lakshmi and Narayan) become like
that. We are now studying for the new world. The new world is called heaven,
the land of immortality. Many names are used to praise it. People speak of
heaven and hell. They say that so-and-so became a resident of heaven.
Therefore, that means he must have been a resident of hell. People have no
basic understanding of what heaven is or what hell is, of what the new world is
or what the old world is. They understand nothing of that at all. There is so much external splendour. Amongst you children too, only a few
understand that it is definitely the Father who is teaching you. You have come
here to become Lakshmi or Narayan. We will change from beggars to princes.
First, we will go and become princes. This is a study. When you are studying to
become a barrister, it remains in your intellect that you will later have a
home built, that you will do this and that. Everyone is aware of their duties.
You children will go and take birth in elevated families through this study.
The more you study, the more elevated the family you take birth in will be. You
will take birth to a king and then rule a kingdom. It is remembered: “Golden
spoon in the mouth.” Firstly, you receive a golden spoon in the mouth by
studying this knowledge. Secondly, when you donate a great deal and perform a
lot of charity, you take birth to a king. However, that aspect is limited. The
aspect here is unlimited. Understand
everything very clearly. If you can’t
understand anything, you can ask about it. Note down what you have to ask Baba.
The main thing is to remember the Father. If you have any doubt, He puts it
right. You children know that by donating and performing charity on the path of
devotion, you take birth to a wealthy person. When someone does something bad,
he takes birth accordingly. Some who come to Baba have such karmic bondages,
don’t even ask! All of those karmic bondages come from the past. Some kings
have very severe karmic bondages. Lakshmi and Narayan have no bondage at all.
There, creation takes place through the power of yoga. Since we are able to
claim the kingdom of the world with the power of yoga, can babies not be born in
the same way? They have a vision in advance. That is a common thing there.
Bands play with a lot of happiness. An elderly person changes into a
child. A child is given greater respect
than a mahatma (great soul) is because mahatmas grow old whilst passing through
all the stages of life. They know all about vice whereas little children don’t
know anything about that. This is why they are considered to be greater than
mahatmas. There, (in the golden age) all are mahatmas. Even Krishna is said to
be a great soul; he is a real mahatma. Only in the golden age are there great
souls. There cannot be anyone like them here. You children should experience a
lot of happiness inside because you are now going to take birth in the new
world. This old world is to be destroyed. When a home becomes old, you become
happy knowing that you are moving to a new one. Such beautiful homes of marble
etc. are built. The Jains have a lot of money.
They consider themselves to be of a very high clan. In fact, there are no high clans here. When
looking for a marriage partner, they look for a high clan. There, there is no
question of clans, etc. There, there is just the deity clan and no other clans.
For this, at the confluence age, you practise: We are all souls, children of
the one Father. Firstly, there is the soul and then there is the body. Everyone
in the world is body conscious. You now have to become soul conscious. Whilst
living at home with your families, you have to make your stage powerful. Baba
has so many children and such a big household. He must have so many concerns.
This one too has to make effort. I am not a sannyasi. The Father has entered
this one. There are the images of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar and Brahma is the
most elevated of them. So, if you put him aside, who else would the Father
enter? Brahma is not newly born. You can see how he is adopted and how you
become Brahmins. Only you know these
things. What would others know? They
say: Once he was a jeweller and now you call him Brahma! Do such people understand how so many
Brahmins have been created? You have to explain each aspect very clearly. All
of these things are very deep matters. This Brahma is corporeal (vyakt) and
that one (in the subtle region) is subtle (avyakt). This Brahma becomes pure
and then becomes that avyakt one. This one says: I am not pure at this time. I
am becoming as pure as that one. Prajapita (the Father of the People) has to
exist here. Where else would he come from? The Father Himself explains: I enter
an impure body. Surely, this one would be called Prajapita. The one in the
subtle region would not be called that. What would people do there? This one
becomes pure independently. Just as this one is making effort, so you too have
to make your own independent efforts and become pure. You are becoming the
masters of the world. Heaven and hell are totally separate. Everything is now
divided into pieces. It is a matter of 5000 years ago when it used to be your
kingdom. However, those people speak of hundreds of thousands of years. Only those
who understood these things a cycle ago will understand them now. You
see all types of people – Muslims, Parsis, etc. – coming here. They may be Muslims, but they would then give
this knowledge to Hindus. It is a
wonder! For instance, someone who belongs to the Sikh religion teaches Raja
Yoga. Those who have been converted will then be transferred back into the
deity clan. The sapling is being planted. Christians and Parsis come to you.
Buddhists will also come. You children know that when the time comes close,
your name will be glorified everywhere. Many will come to you through just one
lecture. They will all be reminded that this is their true religion. Those who
belong to our religion will definitely come here. It is not a matter of
hundreds of thousands of years. The Father sits here and explains: Yesterday,
you belonged to the deity clan. You are
now claiming your inheritance from the Father in order to become deities once
again. You are the true Pandavas. Pandavas are guides. Those guides are physical.
You Brahmins are spiritual guides. You are now studying with the unlimited
Father. You should have such great intoxication about this. We are going to the
Father from whom we receive our unlimited inheritance. That Father is also our
Teacher. There is no need for tables and chairs here. All the notes you write
are only for your own effort. In fact,
all of this is a matter of understanding.
Shiv Baba does not write with a pen etc.
He picks up a pencil to write to you. You then understand that the
letter in red writing has come to you from Shiv Baba. The Father writes:
Spiritual children! You children also understand that that is your spiritual
Father. He is the Highest on High. You have to follow His directions. The
Father says: Lust is your greatest enemy. It causes sorrow from the time it
starts through the middle to the end. Do not be influenced by that evil spirit.
Become pure! People call out: Oh Purifier! You children receive great strength
in order to rule so that no one can conquer you. You become so happy!
Therefore, you should pay a great deal of attention to this study. We are
receiving our kingdom. You know into what you are changing from what you were.
The versions of God say, “I teach you Raja Yoga and make you into a king of
kings.” No one knows who God is. Souls call out: Oh Baba! Therefore, they
should know how and when He comes. Only human beings would know the beginning,
middle and end of the drama and its duration. By knowing this, you become
deities. Knowledge is for receiving salvation. It is now the end of the iron
age. Everyone is in a state of degradation. In the golden age, there is
salvation. You now know that Baba has come to grant everyone salvation. He has
come to awaken everyone. This is not a graveyard, but everyone is in extreme
darkness. Therefore, He comes to awaken them. The children who awaken from
their deep slumber experience a great deal of happiness knowing that they are
the children of Shiv Baba and that they have no worries of any kind. The Father
is making us into the masters of the world where there is no mention of crying.
This is the world of crying. That is the world of cheerfulness. Look how
beautiful and cheerful their faces are in the pictures! Their features cannot
be created identically here. Your intellects can understand that their features
must be something like that. You sweetest children now remember that you are
becoming the future princes of the land of immortality. This land of death,
this haystack, has to be set on fire. In a civil war, they continue to kill one
another without even realising whom they are killing. After the cries of distress, there will be
cries of victory. There will be victory for you and everyone else will be
destroyed. You will be threaded in the rosary of Rudra and then in the rosary
of Vishnu. You are now making effort to return home. Devotion has spread so
much. Devotion has spread like a tree with so many leaves. The seed is knowledge. The seed is so tiny. The Seed is Baba. You
now know how this tree grows, how it is sustained and how it is destroyed. This
is the inverted tree of the variety of religions. Not a single person in the
world knows this. You children now have to make a lot of effort to remember the
Father so that your sins can be absolved. The people who recite the Gita also
say: Manmanabhav! Renounce all bodily religions, consider yourself to be a soul
and remember the Father! However, no one
understands the real meaning of that.
That is the path of devotion. This is the path of knowledge. A kingdom is
being established. There is nothing to worry about. Those who have heard a
little knowledge will become part of the subjects. Knowledge can never be
destroyed. Those who know this accurately and make effort will claim a high
status. Your intellects understand that we are going to become the princes of
the new world. When students pass their examinations, they become so happy. You
should experience a thousand-fold greater supersensuous joy. You are becoming
the masters of the whole world. You must
never sulk in any situation. If you are
unable to get on with your Brahmin teacher, you then sulk with the Father.
Instead of doing that, connect your intellect's yoga to the Father. Remember
Him with a lot of love. Baba, I will continue to remember You and return home.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love,
remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The
spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. Don’t
worry about anything. Always remain cheerful. Always remain aware that you are
Shiv Baba’s children and that the Father has come to make you into the masters
of the world.
2. In
order to make your stage constant (avastha ekras), make effort to become soul conscious. Remove all your attachment (mamatv) from this old home.
Blessing: May you be a true server who accomplishes the
task of world transformation (vishv parivartan) by doing fast
In order to do
fast service, there has to be collectively the balance of being both “rup” and
“basant”. By being the form of “basant” you carry out the task of giving the
message to many souls at the same time. Similarly, by being the form of “rup”,
that is, with the power of remembrance and the power of elevated thoughts, do
service at a fast speed. Create an invention for this. Together with this,
collectively sacrifice with determination the sesame seeds and grains (til & jau) of old past sanskars, nature and way of behaving for only then
will the task of world transformation be completed, that is, only then will the
sacrificial fire be completed.
Slogan: With
the balance of being a master and a child, put plans into their practical form.
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