Daily Positive Thoughts: April 24, 2016: The No Complaining Rule
The No Complaining Rule
Complaining just wrecks the mood and motivation for ourselves and others. So, today, practice the “No Complaining Rule”. Even if you're having a really bad day, put things into perspective. Look for the silver lining on the cloud. Live in a state of appreciation.
Appreciate at least one thing about each person you meet. Appreciate all that life has to offer, whether it's the chance to breathe in the fresh air or watch the sunset during your commute home. Appreciate all the little events you take for granted.
Appreciate at least one thing about each person you meet. Appreciate all that life has to offer, whether it's the chance to breathe in the fresh air or watch the sunset during your commute home. Appreciate all the little events you take for granted.
A Message From God (Part 4)
- Sweet children, become aware of your original self and connect to me. Remember me and reclaim your inheritance of Peace, Purity, Bliss, Power and Love. I have come to re-energize you so that together we create the New World, a world where:
Peace is the religion
Love is the language
Compassion is the relationship
Truth is in action and
Happiness is a way of living.
A New World Morning for you … your dream … is very soon going to be a reality - .
This is the message of God for all of us and this is our experience at the Brahma Kumaris, expressed in a few words - He talks to me everyday … He loves me sooo much … He has healed all my pain … He teaches me everyday … I know it’s difficult to believe, but He has really come … Do you want to connect to Him … Do you want to experience a personal relationship with Him … He is here and He is mine … He has finally come ... you don’t believe me ... come and experience for yourself.
To know Him more, come over to the nearest Brahma Kumaris centre.
Call … email …
To give regard to one another is to bring unity.
The strength of the gathering will increase when I am able to give regard to one and all. Each one has their unique part to play and I only have to see that uniqueness. When I appreciate the contribution that each one makes, I will be able to use the smallest specialty for the success of the task. This brings about unity and the strength of the gathering increases. Today I will note the specialty of at least 3 people close to me. I will also go up to them and appreciate this quality of theirs. This will help me to use this specialty for the success of tasks. When I develop the habit of seeing the positive aspect of people instead of negative, I am able to bring about unity and strength in the gathering.
Message for the day
The power of cooperation enables the most difficult task to be successfully done.
Expression: To have the power of cooperation means to have the ability to see and use the specialities of others in any task that is to be done. It is the ability to respect and use the suggestions and ideas of each and everyone which contributes for the success of the task. So the one who is able to use this power is able to be successful in any task that he takes up.
Experience: When I am able to give cooperation and take cooperation from those around me, I never experience fear for any task that has to be done, but am able to be at ease, knowing that everything is possible. I am also able to earn the respect of those around me for having made the best use of their specialities, which further facilitates the success of the task.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Brahma Kumaris