Daily Positive Thoughts: March 23, 2017: Unique Gifts
Unique Gifts
Becoming aware of own gifts and those of others fills life with beauty. When I am aware of others' unique gifts, I can encourage them to develop them. Using my own gifts enriches others as well as myself. At times of need, I am able to draw on these qualities.
The Physical And The Non-Physical
In life many happenings cannot be explained only in material or physical terms. At certain points of crisis (negative) or inspiration (positive), there are deep emotional and spiritual experiences which separate us from the world around. We look inwards at such times; we look into religious or philosophical books, into rituals or symbols, in order to understand these experiences.
We are subject to a continuous commentary on life around us from our own thoughts, feelings and deductions. These faculties of thinking and forming ideas, desiring and deciding (and all the different aspects which constitute our individual personality) are non-physical, yet nevertheless real – we cannot deny their existence. Indeed, anything perceivable to us comes from two sources; that which is detected by the physical senses and that which arises from impressions recorded on these subtle (non-physical) faculties (mentioned above). The things that we can see, taste, hear, smell and feel, as well as the body itself are formed of matter. But the subtle faculties of mind, intellect and personality make up what we call consciousness.
True respect does not come from what we do,
as much as how well we do it.
This means we are shown respect according to the virtues and qualities revealed through our behaviour.
Message for the day
When promise is combined with determination, there is transformation.
Thought to Ponder: When there is a desire for transformation, we make promises. But such promises are usually momentary are forgotten as time goes by. But when the promise is combined with determination, we are able to remind ourselves again and again of the promise made. We need to ensure promises are not forgotten. Only then will there be transformation.
Point to Practice: Today I will take up something that I want to change in myself. I will keep reminding of this again and again. And I will not give up till I achieve it. For this to happen, I will also make a checklist that will remind me of this change that I have promised to myself.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Brahma Kumaris