Daily Positive Thoughts: March 28, 2017: Truly Precious
Two Humanitarians for the Ages:
Saint Teresa of Calcutta:
Died September 5, 1997 &
Diana, Princess of Wales:
Died on August 31, 1997
Truly Precious
More valuable than the things we give to each other are the gifts of virtues we pass on quietly to others through our selfless and noble actions. These gifts are truly precious because they are imperishable and they multiply the more we share them.
Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 5)
To conclude, we all know that every individual is inherently good. A little shade of the incorrect or improper personality exists inside each one, however light the shade is. We also know that this shade was not there originally in the soul but is an acquired one. And also the person with the shade does become aware of it in times of solitude and also is making an effort to remove it so that no discomfort or sorrow is caused to anyone because of it. Along with the negative shades every person possesses many positive personality traits which are their strengths. Now when we are having an exchange of negative energies with such a person, what does a spiritually sensible person do, look at those light shades of negativity which are coming into action at that time or focus on so many positive colours of the personality of the other, colours that we have seen or heard about from others many times in the past. Also, an accompanied realization that even I have my share of negative shades which I am working on erasing, makes this vision easy to practice.
Practiced consistently, this kind of positive vision accompanied by a deep hearted appreciation of the positive personality colours of the other person is mercy in action, which is a shade of pure soul-to-soul love. Such appreciation makes it easier for others to reflect on and see what they need to do to change. But the first impact of this appreciation is on me, in keeping me free of negative and waste internally. So appreciating the other’s strengths in my mind and emerging them in my consciousness at such a time is very important as this not only keeps my perception, which is susceptible to being influenced by the negative at that time, clean, but also reaches the other person on a vibrational level and he/she is inspired and empowered to bring those strengths into action, as a result playing his/her part to end the negative energy exchange. This is spirituality at its most magical. I'll not only have removed a source of pain, which is the negative shade of the other’s personality in this case, which is coming into action; I'll have grown spiritually as well.
Make the problem smaller and you'll find solutions easily.
Problems come and go. Keep thinking about a problem again and again, and you make it bigger and more challenging than it really is!
So instead of magnifying, downsize your problems.
Think: The situation will pass. I am bigger than whatever is happening. I can handle it.
Message for the day
To learn the art of controlling is to steer through life's situations easily.
Thought to Ponder: When I am driving, the road is not always straight. Yet, I know when to apply a brake or when to turn the steering wheel. In the same way, in life's situations I need to understand that everything will not go as I plan. Instead, I need to learn the art of knowing when to stop (apply brakes) and when to turn my thinking in a direction which is more constructive.
Point to Practice: Today I will have a mental traffic control system for myself. From time to time, I will have a signal for myself to stop and check if I am going in the right direction. If I find myself in the wrong way, I will immediately change my thoughts in the right direction or just postpone the thoughts.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Brahma Kumaris