Daily Positive Thoughts: March 30, 2017: Good Relationships
Good Relationships
In order to create good relationships... - with your mind, think about what you have to learn from others, - with your eyes, look into good qualities of others, - with your words, recognize, value and appreciate their accomplishments, - with your actions, cooperate and do something for others.
The Benefits Of Togetherness Over Isolation
Nowadays, there are more and more people who are choosing to live alone. Perhaps the reason for that are experiences in the past of pain, peacelessness, rejection, disappointment or failure when living together, in a relationship or even more than one relationship. As a result, the preference for living alone sets inside them. Perhaps, it is their alternative search for peace, happiness and success that leads them to make this decision. Also, the belief that if you live alone, you are free and you can do what you want, when you want and without having to explain yourself to anyone. But are we, as human beings, basically by nature, meant to live together or to live alone? Each human being has the need to belong and provide that feeling to others. You can belong to a family, a group of friends, a bunch of close school or college students, some office colleagues, a club, a community, a religious group etc. The mere presence of others; the participation, communication and collaboration with others; the assistance provided to others and received from them and the sharing of positive energy with others in a group; inspires and challenges us and others immensely. The same can happen, if we are staying alone, but to a limited extent. Greater inner spiritual empowerment takes place inside those who live and work together, not those who distance themselves from others. In a group, we broaden our limits and make our heart bigger when we do things for others that we wouldn't do for ourselves.
Each human being is a source of love for others. It is a basic human nature to love and be loved, which is not possible unless there is some kind of unity or mutual belonging. Distancing or isolating oneself implies an absence of love, neither given or shared, neither received.
I'm Sorry
"You were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry." Can you willingly apologize when you're wrong?
Being right doesn't really matter. But what does matter is acknowledging when you're wrong, taking responsibility and apologizing humbly.
Admitting you are wrong not only helps you to be more open-minded but it also enhances the quality of your relationships.
Message for the day
To remove waste is to ensure there is power to transform.
Thought to Ponder: We do want to bring about a change in our lives, but most times we are not able to do so. This is because; a lot of thought energy is getting wasted in unnecessary things. Any thought which is not brought into action in the right way is waste. So, we need to check and change such thoughts, so that there is power to change.
Thought to Ponder: We do want to bring about a change in our lives, but most times we are not able to do so. This is because; a lot of thought energy is getting wasted in unnecessary things. Any thought which is not brought into action in the right way is waste. So, we need to check and change such thoughts, so that there is power to change.
Point to Practice: Today I will check the quality of my thoughts from time to time (at least 5 times today). If I find myself thinking something that is not useful (it may not necessarily be a negative thought), I will change it with a nice positive thought. This practice will help me recognize what is waste, and then work to change it too.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Brahma Kumaris