Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 05, 2017: Addicted To Praise

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 05, 2017: Addicted To Praise


Addicted To Praise

We all want to be liked, valued and appreciated. There's no doubt that we're motivated by praise from those who matter to us. But it's easy to become addicted to praise. Savour compliments without needing them. Enjoy performing well even if no one notices. Give your best without expecting validation.

Understanding The Mechanism Of The Virtue Of Peace (Part 1)

Each and every human soul's original trait or characteristic is peace. Before each soul comes down on the earth to take its first physical body, the soul is in a state of complete peace, residing in the soul world. In the soul world, the two faculties of the soul – the mind and intellect are complete inactive or dormant and the third faculty, the sanskara or spiritual personality is only that of eternal peace and purity and no other virtue like happiness, love or knowledge. The mind is completely silent, not creating a single thought or emotion or feeling nor possessing an attitude. The intellect which possesses the power to discriminate right thoughts, words or actions from the wrong ones does not exercise its power because there are no thoughts, words or actions in the soul world, so there is nothing there to discriminate. The sanskaras (as mentioned above) are also inactive to a certain extent – there are no thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes, words or actions to be created or processed, which would be based on the sanskaras or personality.

When the soul first takes a physical body on the world stage, it creates thoughts and feelings which are few in number and they are only positive and its words and actions are also limited and completely positive. Its discrimination power is active and completely accurate and its sanskaras or personality come into an active mode (sanskaras other than peace also become active) but only for a positive purpose to create positive thoughts, words or actions. As a result of this, the soul experiences immense peace, but the extent of the peace is lesser than that of in the soul world, where it is completely still and experiences dead silence or peace. It is never peaceless though at this stage. As the soul starts coming into the process of birth and rebirth, it starts losing its energy slowly; its mind, intellect and sanskaras start functioning negatively or incorrectly, it begins to succumb to the vices, leading to the creation of thoughts, words and actions, which are not only large in number but they are mostly waste or negative in nature. As a result, the soul gradually begins to lose its peace, which it experienced in the soul world (eternal peace) and at the start of its journey on the physical world and starts becoming peaceless.

Tomorrow we shall explain how we can return to our original state of peace.

Generosity is the act of giving.

Giving things, giving time, giving encouragement, giving opportunity.....

Generosity increases everything we have, and gives us everything we need.

Take the initiative, lead the way and be more generous.

Message for the day

Integrity is to make thoughts, words and actions equal. 

Thought to Ponder: We normally have a lot of thoughts for our own progress. We do speak about it to others too. But when I want to put it into practice, I lose the determination. Then I need to question myself if I really want to do it. Integrity and honesty to myself means I am able to translate thoughts into actions, thereby making my thoughts, words and actions equal.

Point to Practice: Today I will pick one thought which is good for me and bring it into action. I will make a conscious effort to do this. When I make this practice, I will be able to progress steadily. I will also find the quality of my thoughts improving. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 04, 2017: Spiritual Progress

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 04, 2017: Spiritual Progress

Spiritual Progress

There is benefit for you in every situation. If, that is, you know how to look for it. The idea behind steady spiritual progress is to see every circumstance and situation (particularly those that challenge you) as a tailor-made lesson in your personal plan for self-development. For example, in a situation where hurtful or angry words were exchanged, why not see it as the chance either to perceive things about your own character which need changing or to rehearse some virtue or quality that you need to put into practice more often? Actually, we should be grateful for the opportunity to evaluate ourselves. In this way you can transform anything into a constructive lesson. Never think that you've learned enough and now can stop. You should love it when people try to correct you or give you advice. It keeps you alert and gives you plenty of opportunity to put your truth into practice. It's a sign of great danger to be unable to accept criticism and instead use your understanding to criticize others. Realize deeply the significance of every moment, and your spiritual progress will be assured.

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 3)

Remember that in every relationship the person who keeps the other ahead is the one who leads the relationship although it may seem otherwise. Keeping the other ahead means saying yes to the other person even if at times you do not agree with the other person’s opinion in a particular matter of common interest. Very often in offices and in homes; you will see at some places, people are so closely knit together. At some other ones, there are negative energy as well as negative word exchanges due to different ways of how people manage the relationships. At one place, the two office colleagues have such a beautiful bond with each other where a day at the office is like a smooth ride and they will never quarrel with each other. On the other hand, in another office, two different people just cannot work with each other and cannot see eye to eye. The main reason for this is simple – I am smarter than you or I am more efficient or I work harder than you or I am more intelligent etc. Such thoughts spoil the relationship and don’t let it become a beautiful bond full of love and closeness.

They say - forget the differences and become friends. But an important point to note that differences between any two people will always exist. There are no two people with exactly the same view points and ideas. But these differences have to be forgotten. In other words they have to be resolved. That is the key to success. Success in an office is not measured only by your talents and how well you perform alone but also by how well you handle your relationships or how sweet and humble you are. Such people are respected immensely in a workplace. People want to be in their company much more than the ones who are egoistic and extremely rigid in their views and are unable to bow down or sacrifice the ego when required. Remember life is short. So why not enjoy each day with your parent, your spouse, your office friend, your mother-in-law, whoever it may be. They all matter to you and you all matter to them. So cherish their blessings by making the ego sacrifice.

I'm Possible
If you think or say, something is impossible, it probably will be. 'Impossible' disempowers you and stops you finding a way to make things possible.

As Audrey Hepburn said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" So change 'Impossible' to 'I'm Posssible'.

Break through your self-limiting thinking and all things remain possible. When you are open to all possibilities, you will find a way to make things possible.

Message for the day

To love myself is to be loved by all. 

Thought to Ponder:  When I love myself, I will use all my qualities without being affected by the external situations. I will then use my capability to the fullest. This self-esteem brings respect from others too. Others will continue to see and respect those specialties as I am using them consistently. 

Point to Practice: Today I will pat myself on my back and say to myself "you are special and I love you and am proud of you". Just as we tend to encourage others, we need to encourage ourselves too. This will help us get in touch with our own qualities, which would then be expressed in all we do. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 03, 2017: Patience

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 03, 2017: Patience



Patience is a reflection of the peaceful mind. My peaceful mind is able to cope with all situations without becoming disturbed and agitated. It calmly accepts the resolution of circumstances and, with this patience acquires the power to deal with all situations.

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 2)

Whenever you come into contact with another person, see to it that you are yourself but at the same time you give the other person space by letting him or her be themselves. What that means is that let the other person express themselves in a way they want to and not necessarily in a way that you want them to express or act. They shouldn’t be a puppet in your hands. Tell them, guide them, but always be ready to sacrifice your opinion, your view point, attachment to your virtue or particular sanskara which you think is absolutely right and perfect. Also be ready to let the other person’s opinion rule the situation involving the two of you. Some people find this as the most difficult thing to do in a relationship and this requires spiritual power and also a lot of love inside you for the other person. Also, we need qualities like humility and contentment, which are extremely important. We are talking about any relationship - at home or in your friend circle or anywhere else; with the opposite gender or with the same gender; with your child or with your boss, with a friend or with your spouse.

There is a fine line between remaining in a high self-esteem about what you think is right and what you know about a particular situation and letting the other person also contribute in that thought process. What that means is you need to allow the other person to enter that personal space of your thought process. Very often we construct walls around our thinking process and don’t let the other person enter it because of the fear that the other person might dominate that space and also the attachment to one’s own space. Remember the ones who bow down and are comfortable with people’s views and give them as much respect as their own opinions and viewpoints are the rulers of everyone’s hearts. People are not ruled by power but their hearts are filled with love to get their love and respect in return. And that happens by keeping the other ahead of you in interactions not only on a physical level but also on a thought level and the level of emotions.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Take time

Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. 
Take time to think, it is the source of power. 
Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom. 
Take time to love and be loved, it is a God-given privilege. 
Take time to work, it is the price of success.

Message for the day

To be full of all powers is to be giving according to need. 

Thought to Ponder: If I do not have all powers or if I am not able to recognize the need, I cannot provide what is needed. If I give even variety food to someone who is thirsty, he will not be satisfied. In the same way, I need to understand what power or virtue the other person needs and give accordingly. It is not what I think he needs but I need to understand and recognize what he really needs. 

Point to Practice: Today I will give one person a quality, virtue or power that he needs. I will pay attention not to judge or have negative thoughts. Instead, I will give. This practice will help me give instead of just expecting. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 02, 2017: Remaining focused

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 02, 2017: Remaining focused


Famous debate moment: Bush, Sr. checks his watch in 1992


Remaining focused

Many of us have the tendency to postpone even the most important things to the last moment. We assume we will be able to get things done later. But sometimes the unexpected intervenes and everything collapses under the added strain.
When I remain focused I am able to prioritize. I understand that small tasks can be as important as the larger ones, and I make sure I get them done at the right time. I make sure I leave time for the unexpected, too. This lifts the pressure and allows me to give my best in every situation.

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 1)

Relationships are life’s primary treasure but they go the wrong way when there is a development of ego in either person in the relationship. You will find that people are always satisfied with those who are humble. Also the relationships of the ones, who are egoless, are problem-free and free of differences of opinions. It is also said that the relationship in which either person learns to sacrifice his or her ego at the right time and when required, is the one in which there is continuous peace and goodwill. Very often the only reason for blockages in a relationship is the inability to sacrifice the I, the me and the my. It sometimes seems very strange but love is lost in so many relationships because of the inability to mould and sacrifice the ego and become as the other person expects you to be. Differences of opinions are often seen in all relationships but to be able to solve them and rise above them is the challenge which actually every human being has to face at some point of time or the other. All of us desire for love filled relationships but are we able to make that much needed sacrificial bow? What that means? Something like – I lose or I am not always right or Please go ahead of me or You take charge or even accepting that - You are better than me.

Sometimes it is seen in many different types of relationships in the family or in the office, that at first everything is fine and then as time passes and two people come closer to each other, there are misunderstandings. The relationship becomes like a boat without a rudder and it loses its direction. Why does this happen and why not right at the beginning? Initially the hearts are close and everything is easy like making the sacrifice and becoming the less dominant person in the relationship. But slowly the two people will start understanding becomes filled with thorns of sorrow and personality clashes, taking each other for granted and what seemed a 
beautiful relationship full of  love.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Transform regrets into realizations

and therefore ensure that what could become waste is made into something worthwhile.

Message for the day

As is the aim so is the qualification.

Thought to Ponder: If I have a high aim, I will set high standards for myself. I will make efforts to reach that aim. So the qualities that I imbibe will be of a great standard too. So, it is important that I constantly set high standards for myself and make my life qualitatively better.

Point to Practice: Today I will, in any one aspect, set an aim for myself. I will then check to see if I can do a bit better than what I think I can do right now. I will make sure I will set an aim for myself a bit higher than what I normally do. This will increase my qualities and will automatically keep me prepared for higher things.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 01, 2017: Look for Goodness

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 01, 2017: Look for Goodness

Look for Goodness

In everything, goodness is there. Our goal is to find it. In every person, the best is there. Our job is to recognize it. In every situation, the positive is there. Our opportunity is to see it. In every problem, the solution is there. Our responsibility is to provide it. In every setback, the success is there. Our adventure is to discover it. In every crisis, the reason is there. Our challenge is to understand it. By seeing the goodness, we'll be very enthusiastic and our lives will be richer.

Maintaining Your Self Esteem In Relationships

When a person is in love with another human, the marvelous thing about being in love is that it is a totally positive projection. There is a person who projects on to you all that is positive: you are marvelous, you are unique, you are indispensable, you are a treasure. That positive projection generates a euphoric state, of bliss, of wellbeing, whereby you are flying. You feel loved, cared for, needed and valued. That positive projection lasts for a time until, with the dependencies and expectations, the negative projection begins. You should have called me, you should have told me, you should have come at this time, you should be more like this, you should be less like that, you should have done this or that.

With these expectations, demands and dependencies, that positive projection and flying state disappear. The other has started interfering in your personal space and the harmony that was there previously is lost. One needs to learn to have a positive vision of oneself. You are marvelous, you are unique; don't depend on them telling you so. This does not mean you need to feed your ego, but that you need to make the most positive emerge from within you. Resort to all your creative, positive, spiritual capacity, so that you do not depend on others having to project positive things onto you in order to feel good. On feeling good in an independent and autonomous way, you will be able to share with others peace, love and positivism. You won't be in the state of a victim but will be true rulers and controllers of your own life with solid self-esteem.

How do you choose to see yourself?

See yourself as incapable and you won't know where to start.  

See yourself as awkward and you'll get nervous.  

How you see yourself is very important because it affects how you project yourself.  And as a result, it creates your reality.

So change how you choose to see yourself.

See yourself as confident and you tap into courage.  See yourself as capable and you'll make the best use of opportunities.

Message for the day

Love for positivity brings progress.

Expression:  When I have love for positivity, I will not be able to have negative thoughts for a long time. I will naturally put in effort, both internally and externally to come back to positivity. So this positivity spreads around to others too and serves in creating a positive environment.

Experience: Because of my love for positivity, I begin to enjoy creating and maintaining positive thoughts. When there is experience of positivity within, there is the natural desire to sustain it. Then no negative thoughts or feelings are encouraged. Slowly I find myself being only positive. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 31, 2017: Harmony

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 31, 2017: Harmony


All things have their time. All things have their answers. All things have their right to be. Accepting this reality, all things come into harmony.

Overcoming Sorrow By Regaining My Original Texture Of Purity

Unless the soul regains its original sanskars of purity, it cannot escape suffering and grief. Purity is the foundation of peace and bliss. And for purity the soul requires the removal of every trace of negativity. Souls are burdened with the accumulated negative sanskars of their previous births, the extent of which varies from soul to soul. According to the law of karma, the soul has to experience suffering as a result of its wrongful acts. A pure soul does not suffer. The evidence that most human beings are bearing sorrow in some form or the other shows that nowadays souls are carrying a load of negative sanskars resulting from wrong actions committed in this and their past lives.
A question can be asked - Can a soul be relieved of all its past negative actions through suffering for the same in its present life?Not really, because due to the cyclic nature of the thought process there is a cumulative effect of negative sanskars which forces the soul to perform more negative actions than it can clear through suffering. That is why the degrees of purity of the soul decrease continuously. The downfall becomes steeper due to the cumulative effect of vices. Negative sanskars give rise to negative thoughts which lead to negative actions, resulting in the formation of still more negative sanskars. Thus, souls are caught in a downward spiral from which they are unable to release themselves. Meditation, however, opens the door to God, and through rising above all physical laws, one can set oneself free from the effects of all wrong actions. Through connection with the purest Supreme Soul, the sanskars of the soul are automatically purified and it moves further towards its original state of purity, peace and bliss.

Be Carefree

There is a crown of light on those who are carefree. 

If you are worrying about anything you carry the baskets of burden on your head. 

Which do you prefer? Do you prefer the basket or the crown of light?

Message for the day

Patience brings contentment.

Thought to Ponder: When I am patient with life's situations and people, I am able to appreciate the beauty of everything that is happening in my life. I am not caught up with the future, but am able to enjoy this moment and use it well. This automatically brings contentment in my life, without making me lazy.

Point to Practice: Today I will make patience my companion. When anything happens that I don't like, I just have to remind myself that I need to enjoy this moment and work to make my future better. I need not worry about what will happen or have fear of it.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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