Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: Barriers to Love

 Contemplation:  Barriers to Love

Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature

Barriers to Love

Whatever is in your heart that is not clean, not true, will ultimately begin to act like a wall, obstructing the natural flow of love. People who say that there is no love in their life, are being blocked by this wall. Actually there is love, but they just cant accept it. Ego is the clearest example of this. Ego limits the flow of love by placing conditions on the love you give and receive. Ego uses love to satisfy its own needs and desires. It produces a love which is deceptive, one which brings only temporary satisfaction. Ego does not allow you to experience true love or share it. If fact, ego is capable of destroying your ability to feel love altogether

The one who recognises the needs of others is the one who gives real

I usually make a lot of effort to give in some way or the other to
those around me. Yet I sometimes find that people are not able to be
happy with me. What I give is usually based on what I feel the other
person needs. I continue to give in this way and begin to expect from
others too, and find myself disappointed when I am not appreciated. I
need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need
to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this
I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on
the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too

Understanding What Is Real Happiness

Real happiness is not an external stimulation by watching an action movie or eating out or buying a new dress; it is not the result of acquiring something - whether it be a new car or a position, or of receiving some good news. True happiness is not relief from suffering - whether from an illness or a difficult situation, nor is it the achievement of a goal - whether personal or professional. All these are externally dependent, where happiness is confused with stimulation, excitement, achievement, acquisition or relief. Happiness is not all of these. You also know that happiness is not a future promise. It can only be experienced now.

So what is spiritual happiness - perhaps a better way to describe spiritual happiness is contentment. This comes from a complete awareness and acceptance of the self as we are now at an internal level, and an acceptance of 'what is' at an external level. Sounds difficult? The highest happiness is bliss which can be experienced only when the soul/self is totally free of all attachment and dependency. Sounds even more difficult? But this is a spiritual understanding and definition of happiness, which is not difficult to accept and make a part of our life, once there is a deep understanding and absorption of spiritual knowledge, but spiritual knowledge which is accurate and complete in all aspects. Spiritual happiness is a direct result of spiritual knowledge. Without complete knowledge of the self, one cannot remain ever and truly happy (happy as per the definition above).
Soul Sustenance 

Effect of Food On The Mind (cont.)

Three categories of foods are defined corresponding to the particular energy that exists in them.

The first is Satwik or sentient food (explained yesterday).

The second group is Rajasik or mutative food - it contains a mutative energy of restlessness, constant movement or change. When this force is consumed, the mind and body become agitated and nervous, unable to calm down and relax. These foods include caffeinated drinks such as coffee and many teas, hot spices, fermented foods and some medicinal drugs.

The third group is Tamasik or static food - this type of food has a static force of dullness, inertia, intoxication, and attraction towards sensuality (body-consciousness), decay and death. Death occurs when the other two energies (sentient and mutative) are spent and the static force is the only dominant force. Static foods include meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Message for the day 

To be a master is to be free from one's own weaknesses.

Projection: We are usually under the control of our own weaknesses in a negative situation. We first respond to the situation with our weakness and then try hard to change our thoughts. But we don't find ourselves succeeding and the weakness gets the better of us.

Solution: We need to develop the consciousness that we are a master and the weakness within us, our creation, and so it is totally in our control. When we develop this consciousness we will be able to win over our weaknesses easily.

Contemplation: Scattered Thoughts

Contemplation:  Scattered Thoughts

Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

Scattered Thoughts

Uncontrolled, scattered thoughts are like a speeding car. Unless you brake you'll crash. We need to put on the brakes if our minds are to work naturally. A natural mind is peaceful and a peaceful mind brings clarity.

Be like an elastic band

When something comes along and gets under your skin, what do you do?
Do you hook onto it?  Does it tug, pull and stretch you to the point
of tension or breaking point?
All you have to do is, let whatever is bothering you go, let it go.
It wasn't holding onto you, you were holding onto it.

Observing But Not Absorbing

To observe means we take a new, appropriate mental position in whatever situation, or in whatever relationship, we find ourselves. Observation is a silent skill -- a skill we need to learn if we are to assess clearly what positive changes are needed to be made in the self in a particular situation or relationship.

If we fail to learn this art of observing, we are likely to react and absorb ourselves in the negativity of the person, or event. We get lost in the quicksand of what's wrong? which prevents us from putting things right.  As we absorb and fill ourselves with negative emotion, we become heavy and remain helplessly rooted  to  the ground.  The gravity of overload does not allow us to rise above a situation and to understand the reality of what is happening. As a result, we lose perspective and overreact.

If we wish to understand how the mental position of observation gives us the power of perspective, we can look at the example of the bird and the ant. The ant, extremely busy, running here and there, scrambling over everything in its rush to find and collect food, will see only what is in front of its nose. The bird, on the other hand, leaves the earth and, as it flies higher and higher, starts to see the bigger picture, compared to when it was on the ground, or on the branch of a tree. Seeing the whole picture, it has a completely different perspective. It is only then that it can truly see where to go and what to do. When we get absorbed in a situation or relationship, we lose perspective, we are like the ant, we get too involved in the details, missing the obvious, and cannot imagine, or think of other possibilities.

Soul Sustenance 

Effect of Food On The Mind 

All foods have their own subtle (non-physical) vibrations or energy levels. Food feeds more than the stomach; it not only affects the working of the body but its subtle energy influences the mind. Consumption of food allows the energy levels to have an effect on our system, for better or worse. 

Experimenting with the effects of different foods, three categories were defined corresponding to the particular energy that existed in them. 

The first is Satwik or sentient food – this type of food if filled with vibrations of purity, self-awareness, love, peace and joy. This category of food includes fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, grains, milk and dairy products. It helps our emotions and mind to remain in a stable and peaceful state. This in turn affects our thoughts, attitudes and behaviour. 

(To be continued tomorrow .... ) 

Message for the day 

The combination of lightness and seriousness gives the best results. 

Projection: When we are working seriously on something, we usually find ourselves getting very serious and grim. We cannot be light at such circumstances. At the same time, lightness is sometimes seen as being careless. So we are encouraged to continue in that way and we can rarely be light while fulfilling our responsibilities. 

Solution: We need to remind ourselves that while working at some important task we need to make effort to maintain our own internal lightness even while doing our best for the success of the task. This lightness will enable us to bring perfection to our task, as we do not feel the burden.

Contemplation: Great Wealth

Contemplation: Great Wealth

Image may contain: house, outdoor and nature

Great Wealth

Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great wealth.

Our actions sometimes are not according to our life’s purpose

when we lack the proper connecting value or we are unable to express it
correctly. These values help us in bringing our purpose into action.
They bring purpose into life. Values are the fuel. In any situation
where these values are awakened they will decide my course of action
and are the basis of all important choices and decisions.
Reinforcement of these values means that you can operate
successfully in any situation. If your identified purpose is what you
are meant to be doing, then your values are the back-up to do it.

How will we know which values are important to connect to our purpose?
We don't need to make an attempt to create our values. They are
already there. We just have to detect them by looking inwards and then
use them to fulfill our purpose.

The True Self And The False Self (cont.)

The illusory (false) self is made up of desires that, even when fulfilled, fail to add value, or a sense of worth to the self. In fact, quite the opposite process happens.

Let us examine some of these illusions and how they give us a mistaken sense of value.

Illusion (False emotion): Ego
Thought: I know, I am
Result: Arrogance, inflexibility, controlling others

Illusion (False emotion): Anger
Thought: I expect
Result: Force, aggression

Illusion (False emotion): Attachment
Thought: I own, It's mine
Result: Insecurity, possessiveness, jealousy

Illusion (False emotion): Greed
Thought: I want, I need
Result: Emptiness, wanting, dissatisfaction

Illusion (False emotion): Lust
Thought: I desire
Result: Exploitation, misuse, emotional dependence

These are the five fires that burn away the quality of human life: uncontrolled emotions that once, in their original pure state, gave happiness and peace to the individual but now create only emptiness and sorrow.

Soul Sustenance 

Fear And The Law Of Attraction

You should be careful with what you are afraid of, because you can invoke (call for or attract) it.

Fear is like a magnet. If you are afraid that something will happen to you and you get obsessed about it happening, you are effectively invoking it to happen.

If you are very afraid that something might happen to you and you begin to visualize that it might happen or how it might happen, this terrifies you and it closes you into a phobia and a state of fear. What you are doing is invoking it to happen, because the power of the mind and visualization is very great. If you are afraid that you might be robbed, or of meeting with an accident, or of losing, you are invoking the robbery, the accident and the loss. Fear of rejection produces rejection.

That is how extraordinary the power of our mind is. That does not mean to say that we should not take the necessary precautions. An aged woman knows that to fall can mean her bones might break more easily. She should not be preoccupied with a fear of falling; she simply needs to apply attention and precaution when walking. But when precaution is confused with fear, it is not a healthy precaution or one that is free from worries.

Message for the day 

Experience of true peace brings easy success.

Projection: Whenever things go wrong, we find ourselves worrying a lot about the situation or the things that are going on. Then our mind is no longer in peace but is busy worrying and breaking the situation into pieces. We find that we don't find the accurate solution immediately but are thinking in circles.

Solution: While working to find solutions, it is more important to work at our own inner peace before we make an attempt to try and find a solution. With the right state of mind, we automatically find that the right decisions are being made by us thus giving us the right results.

Contemplation: Choose Feelings

Contemplation: Choose Feelings

Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, cloud, outdoor and nature

Choose Feelings

If your days seem filled with unwanted negative feelings, there is only one cure. When they come, choose them. Don't ask why, don't wonder how, don't fight them and never put yourself down for having them. But most of all never blame someone else for how you feel. If you do, it means you are still fast asleep and your choice is to be a victim. When the feelings come, even big disturbing emotional feelings say, "I choose this feeling" and know it comes because of something you have thought or done in the past, perhaps a certain belief that you have learned or an attachment that is threatened. Choice does not mean you want the feelings, but it does mean you are taking responsibility for them. And that is the beginning of self mastery. It is the first step to the healing and resolving of your emotions. But only the first step. Try this today and then ask yourself what the next step might be. If you are really interested to know, you will come to know!

Determination enables you to pass through the barriers of fear,
doubt and insecurities. It's a strength that takes you on the road to

Determination can't make it without patience.

Patience teaches you not to push, but rather to wait and appreciate
the game of life, knowing that everything will change at some point.

The True Self And The False Self

Meditation is an attempt to find the true self. It is this self which holds the identity of what I am, an identity which, when realized, gives fulfillment and direction to our life. This is what we call the consciousness of * I am, which emerges in meditation when there is concentration on the present and we focus on the now of * I am, rather than the past, or the future (* I was, or * I will be).

To remind us of this state, we use the word Om, which means 'I am a soul', the spiritual identity that acts as a key to human consciousness. As we find and realize the true self through meditation, we become aware of the false self and how deeply embedded it is in our lives, both in our way of thinking and being.

When we understand this illusory (false) self then we can begin the process of dissolving its negative effects on the original or true self.

In tomorrow's message, we shall examine the various forms of the illusory or false self and its negative effects on us.

Soul Sustenance 

The Location Of The Soul Inside The Body

The soul has the following basic functions to perform:

• to give life to the body and to maintain life inside it,
• to express and experience its role through the body, and
• to receive the rewards or fruits of past actions performed in previous births, through the body.

These functions are controlled and monitored by the soul via the nervous and hormonal systems from a particular point in the area of the brain which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. This region is known as the seat of the soul, or the third eye. The connection between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) is by the medium of thought energy. Many religions and philosophies place great importance on the third eye, or eye of the mind. When viewed from the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. It's for this reason that Hindus use a tilak, a dot in red or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead. Christians also make the sign of the cross in this region. Even when one makes a mistake or expresses tiredness it's to this region that we put the hands in the gestures of self-dismay or exhaustion. After all the soul subconsciously knows that it makes the mistakes and not the body. When people are concentrating deeply in thought it is this area of the forehead where creases or lines are formed on the skin.

Message for the day 

The balance between firmness and love brings change in others.

Projection: When we want to bring about change in others, we speak with firmness. But sometimes this firmness takes on the form of rudeness because we don't make an attempt at combining it with the right attitude of love and good wishes.

Solution: We need to be firm when we have to work with our authority. But along with it we need to pay special attention to be gentle and sweet while administering our authority. When we take care of this we will be able to bring about the desired result.

Contemplation: True Happiness

Contemplation: True Happiness

Image may contain: cloud, sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature

True Happiness

There is no nourishment like happiness - it's an elixir. There is no sickness like sorrow - it's a poison. The experience of true happiness cures the sickness of sorrow. A cheerful face goes a long way towards making everything better!

If you don't live life on purpose you live life by accident. Why do
some days feel like a motorway pile up? It's because you haven't
sorted out your purpose yet. The highest purpose is always giving, or
serving others, without wanting anything in return. This is why
relaxation is always impossible if we are always 'on the take'. There
is an overall purpose for your life, and each of the many scenes which
fill your day are opportunities to serve your purpose. Take time to
think deeply, listen to your intuition, and with patience, the reason
why you are here, and what you uniquely have to give, will occur to
you. Then you can live your life 'on purpose'.

Meditate on the image of a tree and think about its meaning.
Visualize  the growth of the tree of life from a seed to sapling to a mature
tree. Now label the various parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches,
etc.) with what you think are the specific spiritual qualities which
emerge from within the soul at different stages/phases of its journey
through the time of the drama of life on earth.

In the above exercise, you could identify the roots of the tree with
your childhood when qualities like carefreeness, innocence, obedience,
etc. emerge from within the soul;
the trunk could represent your youth when qualities like courage,
determination, cheerfulness, etc. emerge;
the branches could symbolize your middle-life when qualities like
adaptability, tolerance, co-operation, etc. emerge;
and the leaves could be a symbol for old age, during which qualities
like contentment, humility (egolessness), forgiveness, etc. emerge
from within the soul.

Soul Sustenance 

Thought Management

If we are stuck or trapped in our own thoughts we will not have control over them. When we observe them, we separate ourselves from them and we provide a space, and this is how we can control them and channel them in the direction we wish. In order to have control over something we must look at it from a certain distance, like an impartial observer. This practice helps us to realise the influences, both positive and negative, that there are in our life.

Observing our thoughts (which we do in the process of meditation) is the first step in understanding and, in the last analysis, taking full responsibility for them.

Message for the day 

Where there is enthusiasm, there is the ability to create one's own fortune.

Projection: When things go wrong, or we don't seem to get what we are working for we tend to get disheartened and begin to blame our fate. When we get this feeling we can no longer give our best to improve the situation resulting in a lack of progress in our life.

Solution: We need to remind ourselves that our fate is in our hands. The main thing is not to become passive just blaming our fate but to work with enthusiasm. The more we work with positivity; we will find ourselves making a very high fortune for ourselves.

Contemplation: Positive Attitude

Contemplation: Positive Attitude

Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, grass, outdoor and nature 

Positive Attitude

Your attitude creates an atmosphere that reflects what you are thinking and feeling. It reaches out and touches others around you. Create a positive attitude, filled with good thoughts and feelings, and even just your presence will work wonders in many situations.

All desires end when there is the one desire to experience progress.

It is believed normally that in order to progress one needs to have
desires. But desires are not always fulfilled and unhappiness is
experienced because of it. Then I am not able to appreciate whatever
comes my way. I need to replace all my desires with one desire, i.e.,
the desire to experience progress. With this thought, I will be able
to make the best use of what I get in the right way. When I move
forward in this way making the best use of everything I will be able
to experience constant progress.

Detached Observation

Detachment is the basis of our ability to be positive and affectionate with others while we interact with them. This is what is known as commitment and the relationship of detachment and it begins with what is known as a spiritual skill: the skill of being a detached observer.

On needs to be a detached observer in two dimensions: one within and one outside:
The inner art of detached observation is the ability of separating ourselves from our own thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behavior. On the external level, the art of detached observation is the art of being witness to the scenes that take place around us. While we detach ourselves and observe how the game of life develops, without being active participants, we are able to see the "big picture" with greater clarity. That makes it easier to see clearly what role we have to play and where our contribution lies. We are creators, and our thoughts, emotions and attitudes are our own work.

In reality, detached observation is the first step towards personal strengthening. If we don't manage to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, they will turn into our owners and will consume our energy.

Soul Sustenance 

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Yesterday we had explained it as a process of joining. Today we throw more light on the same:

Joining (cont.)

The Supreme Power is the eternal reference point for all creation, whose task is to recharge and cleanse everything. Being eternally pure and untouched by any trait of selfishness or violence, the Supreme Being is totally benevolent (kind), and through the eternal energies of love and truth is capable of recharging and filling the human soul with all the powers. Of course, each person chooses their own level of cleanliness, recharging or fullness. That personal choice will determine the resulting powers of love, peace, happiness and truth to be found in the individual.

The Supreme Being is like an eternal point of pure Light that resides in the world of eternal silence, beyond time and matter. Through concentrated thought we can reach this source of love and purity. When our mind is synchronized it takes just a second to establish communication. When we reach this place of eternal silence, the world of silent light, we focus our loving attention on the Supreme Being. If our focus is deeply concentrated we can feel the self is filled with the purest peace and love, something we have never felt before in our lives. This is yoga: rejoining the self with the Supreme Being and, in this union, we once again recall all the things of value that had been hidden. So yoga means remembering: remembering the original self, the original and eternal relationship with the Supreme Being and remembering, through experience, the true meaning of love, peace and happiness (as a result of the connection with the Supreme).

Message for the day 

Commitment makes even the most difficult task seem easy.

Projection: Sometimes we find ourselves having to do something in which we are not so interested, because it is part of our job. When we are forced to do something we don't like we find it very difficult to do the task. As soon as we get a thought as to why we should be doing it, it becomes very difficult.

Solution: We need to bring sincerity in whatever we are doing. With sincerity comes commitment and with that comes confidence in our thoughts, words and actions. With this confidence we will be able to do the most difficult task with ease.

Contemplation: See what is special

Contemplation: See what is special

Image may contain: cloud, sky, nature and outdoor

The Wizards Hat of Bandon, Oregon

See what is special

If I listen to and accept defamation of anyone, I lose some of my own value, especially if I then start to interact with others on the basis of what I have heard. It is better to be selective in what we choose to listen to. Let me focus only on what is special about everyone.

Love can never be exclusive. The sun does not choose to shine on some
flowers in the garden and not others. Love is inclusive and has many
faces - caring, listening, sharing from the heart, just accepting
someone for what they are right now, are all acts of love, as long as
you seek nothing in return. It all starts with acceptance of yourself
- you're just fine as you are right now, warts and all. It's not that
you will stay that way for ever - but you might, if you don't accept.
The secret key to the greatest door called love is acceptance. First
your self, then others (especially the ones you currently resist) and
eventually ...all.

The power of silence makes the impossible achievable.

When I am faced with a difficult situation, my mind is flooded with
thoughts. I also begin to talk about it a lot, describing the problem
to all I meet. Then the problem looks so big that I feel I could do
nothing to change it. I need learn the art of silence (mental and
verbal). Internal silence brings the right solutions because my mind
is calm. And when I don't describe the problem too much to people I
will know there is a solution and I will be able to find it too.

Soul Sustenance

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining.
Today we take up:  Joining

We can take the third meaning of meditation from the Sanskrit word yoga. By understanding this word, we learn how to get divine cooperation, or put in another way, a certain external spiritual power that can liberate us and help us to dialogue positively with the self (explained yesterday). The word yoga means "bringing together" or "joining again". Joining again with what or with whom? Firstly, with our original and eternal self: the soul, and secondly, with the eternal Supreme Source of all positive power and energy; this Source helps us to recharge ourselves with energy and to know ourselves.

At this time in the history of humanity, humans have lost the mastery and control over themselves. They do not have continual peace or a sense of purpose, happiness or fullness. The human soul needs to be recharged. Although the soul has great potential in its inner self, it needs a source of external energy for the latent (hidden) powers and virtues to emerge, just as occurs with seeds in nature. The seeds of plants and trees have their own source of inner energy. However, this energy cannot be released without the actions of an external energy source, in this case the energy of the sun. Through the power of sunlight, the seeds in the earth will sprout and flourish. The human body has its own energy, but needs external sources of energy on a daily basis: air, sunlight, water and food. Without these external sources, the human body would die. The external source of power that helps the latent virtues emerge in the human being is not physical, since the human soul is not physical either. This source of power has traditionally been called God or the Supreme Being: in fact it has been given many names.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 

Freedom from one's own weaknesses brings stability.

Projection: Usually when we talk about freedom it is from people or from situations. We expect people or things to change for us so that we will be free. But we don't find that happening because the problem lies more within us than outside.

Solution: Every time we find ourselves caught up and expecting things to get better for us we need to check ourselves. There would surely be some weakness of ours that is making us feel helpless in that particular situation. We need to make effort to remove that weakness. Then our perception towards the situation will change and we'll feel free.


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