Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: Silence

Contemplation: Silence

Heart shaped Lake Astore Gilgit Balistan


Silence calms your heart. It is a balm that heals the wounds of the soul. It strengthens the spirit and takes you to a world without sound where peace reigns.

Value of Time

For the one who knows the value of time, each moment is valuable to be
spent in a worthwhile way. There is an expression of the inner
potentials and powers with each passing second. Not a moment passes by
without recognizing its worth. When I know to value the time that is in
my hands, the present, I will neither be caught up too much with the
past nor with the future. I will be able to enjoy this moment and so
there will never be a dull moment in my life. I will be able to bring
constant progress with each passing second and experiencing success

Fears And Dependencies In Relationships (cont.)

With dependency in relationships (as discussed yesterday) we enter into an energy of pleasing others so that they might continue to appreciate us. We base our self-esteem and personal security on the appreciation of these people. We stop acting in a natural, free and spontaneous way because we are worried about pleasing the one from whom we are taking mental, emotional or physical support.

Into this energy of dependence enters fear: fear of losing the support of that person, fear they will get angry, fear that they might not like us any more, fear that they might reject us, etc. That fear is a signal that warns us of our emotional weaknesses and of our lack of self-esteem. Fear brings on a greater inner insecurity, which makes us carry on holding on to that dependence.

There are people who, after entering into a energy of dependence and suffering because of it, leave that relationship with the objective of freeing themselves from the pain it brings about in them. Then they begin another relationship, where they generate the same energy. The solution is not in a change of relationship with another person, although on occasions that might help us. If we don't change this energy internally and if we don't learn to have a solid base of self-esteem, we will continue to depend on the appreciation and affection of others in order to appreciate and love ourselves.

Soul Sustenance

Understanding What Is An Angel (Part 2) 

In Christian mythology, angels are commonly shown as small children with wings – this is symbolic of the fact that angels are very innocent and pure, untouched by vices like anger, greed, lust, ego, hatred, jealousy, etc. (so are children). The purity of an angel is depicted in mythology in the form of an aura of subtle light or a halo around the head. 

An angel’s love for humanity is unlimited, yet it is completely detached as the Supreme. An angel experiences that whatever comes through it in the form of thoughts, words or actions has the effect of blessing other souls, as if it is able to perceive or judge immediately or instinctively what each soul needs and cater to their needs. This act of blessing others is depicted in the form of a magic wand. Angels are commonly shown with magic wands in their hands, with which they shower blessings on others. 

An angel’s thoughts, words and actions are all serving others. An angel is a lighthouse, mighthouse, connected with the Supreme; it radiates the spiritual rays of light and might, the love, peace, happiness and power of the Supreme Soul, to others. 

Message for the day

Perfection comes when there is positivity in thoughts. 

Expression: When we are faced with any weakness of ours, we usually think about it so much that it is totally blown out of proportion and it seems bigger than it actually is. This leads to negative thinking, which in turn doesn't let us work on improving ourselves. We will then just remain the way we are, not being able to bring about progress. 

Experience: What we need to do in order to win over our weakness is to change our focus. Instead of thinking about the weakness, we only need to think, "I am not perfect yet, but I am working towards it and I am slowly improving." With such positive thoughts, our negativity will finish. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Simplicity

Contemplation: Simplicity

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water 

Santorini, Greece


Peace is simplicity. Simplicity is beauty. Choose a day as your day of simplicity. Speak little, and listen with attention. Do something incognito and nice for a person you are close to. Eat simple and natural food. Create time periods for not doing anything - just walk, look around, live the moment. Have your mind open to a more profound and silent sensitivity. Appreciate each scene and each person as they are. In the evening, write down your discoveries. Observe the state of your mind.

Looking Within

Usually there is only a desire to change others or the situation, when
something goes wrong. There is generally a feeling of being right. So
instead of looking within and trying to understand what is wrong, there
is only blame. Such words discourage others too as they are constantly
made aware of their negativity. Looking within gives me the ability to
understand the importance of bringing about change for the better in
every situation that I am faced with. I am able to recognize the
message that the situation gives me. I am able to use the situation to
better myself and gradually progress towards the vision of perfection
that I have for myself.

Fears And Dependencies In Relationships

Relationships are a source of support for our life, or at least, they should be. Relationships should ideally be an exchange of happiness and love. Peaceful relationships are the foundation from where we create, generate and carry out shared endeavors (efforts). Thanks to cooperation, we achieve our objectives.

When people are asked about what the different causes of stress, worries and suffering are, one of the main answers is relationships. Relationships have become a cause of ties (bondage) and pain. Instead of trust it seems fear dominates in relationships. In a relationship of love - be it family, be it friendship - due to emotional weaknesses and a lack of self-esteem, in order to learn to love ourselves we need another person or people to value us, to appreciate us, to need us, to love us. Even so, we do not manage to learn to love ourselves and we continue to depend on and worry about the opinion of others, what others might say, think or feel about us. You fear the answer of others; you fear they might say something that hurts you. These fears arise out of the emotional dependence on this person or these people. And they (fears) prevent us from developing and expressing all our potential, meaning that we stop being ourselves and we fear sharing ourselves openly.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Understanding What Is An Angel (Part 1) 

When I have the consciousness that I am a soul, a non-physical being of light, acting through the physical body, even others begin to notice. This is what the angelic stage is. By remaining in this angelic, soul-conscious stage, others will also feel a sense of lightness and upliftment in my company. Angels are thought to be mythical creatures who have a human form with wings, who are always in the company of God and help Him in guarding and protecting other souls. Actually, angels are human beings with divine qualities. 

Angels are always shown with wings. One of the wings of the angel is symbolic of spiritual knowledge, which it has received from God; the other is symbolic of spiritual qualities and powers, which it has inculcated, through the power of meditation or a spiritual connection with God. The wings of an angel also symbolize the lightness and freedom of such souls. With such wings the angel flies constantly in the company of God. Its lightness and freedom is because it has no bondages or attachments in the physical world; all the chains have been broken. Because angels has the absolute and constant support of the Supreme Being they can be the support and protectors of many others, by sharing with them, spiritual knowledge, qualities and powers, which they possesses. 

An angel is the right hand of God in the task of world transformation (change). The language which it uses to bring about this transformation is spiritual silence; positive, powerful and pure thoughts along with sweet words full of spiritual knowledge, all of which have the effect of uplifting others. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day

Faith enables one to bring solutions to problems. 

Expression: When problems come, we tend to overreact to it or exaggerate it to such an extent that it becomes a trap for us. Instead of working on the problem we fall a prey to it making all our thoughts negative. Once we are caught up in negativity we will neither look for, nor find solutions. 

Experience: Each thought of ours is important when working on a problem. Instead of making our thoughts negative, we need to remind ourselves that what we are going through is a test which we must pass with honour. When we have this thought, all our energy will be focussed on working to bring a solution. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Lightness

Contemplation: Lightness

Image may contain: sky, mountain, nature and outdoor 

Double Rainbow Over Great Sand Dunes


By seeing the defects of others you will become tired. By seeing only what is good you will feel light.


The one who is detached is able to watch each and every scene with a
neutral state of feeling. So he is able to act quickly and take the
right decision in a second. He is not caught up with the situation so
he is able to look at things with the right perspective. He is also
able to make use of the available resources to better the situation.
When I am detached I am able to be free from the negativity of the
situation. I am cool and calm even in the worst situation. My
detachment gives me the courage and strength to act to the best of my
ability in the given situation. I neither jump to conclusions nor do I
move away, but am able to give my best.

Meaning And Application Of Virtues

Take one of the following virtues (qualities) per day and spend five minutes thinking about its meaning and its application during the day.

A. Harmony (Unity)
B. Forgiveness
C. Trust
D. Flexibility
E. Courage
F. Gentleness
G. Freedom
H. Understanding
I. Benevolence (Kindness)
J. Patience
K. Enthusiasm
L. Tolerance
M. Serenity (Peacefulness)
N. Co-operation
O. Generosity
P. Humility (Egolessness)

Soul Sustenance
Soul Power over Role Power (Part 3) 

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the remaining components of soul power are: 

The power of good wishes, desires and feelings full of love for others, while coming in contact with them. These type of feelings will bring good wishes in return from the other to you, which will not only empower you, but will also assist your physical role on a subtle level. 

The power of complete purity and cleanliness in thoughts, words and actions - A state where one is not under the influence of vices like anger, ego, attachment, greed, hatred, jealousy etc. 

The 8 main powers - the power to tolerate, accommodate, face, pack up, discriminate (or discern), judge (or decide), withdraw and co-operate – their implementation on an internal and external level i.e. not only in words and actions, but also on a thought level. Where there is lack of any of the above powers inside me, there will definitely be waste and you will be weakened, which reduces the probability of success of your role. 

The power of truth or spiritual wisdom - A state where the self has deeply realized and understood eternal truths of the soul, the Supreme and the Law of Karma and has drawn immense amount of power and experience from that knowledge. The power of physical knowledge would fall under role power, which has been explained earlier. 

By focusing on each of the above components of soul power and those explained in yesterday’s message, by giving them more weightage and using them along with the components of the role, which were mentioned in the message before that, one can experience the desired success in any role in any sphere of life very easily without much effort. 

Message for the day

Self-respect increases when one learns to converse positively to the self. 

Expression: The usual way to talk to the self is to talk to the most superficial aspects of the personality, those which are related to fears (including those of the future), complaints and mindless repetition of things in the past. Such talk to the self only lowers the self-respect to a great extent. 

Experience: Not only when our mind is going towards waste and negative, but at all times, it is important that we talk to the mind with love, as we would talk to a child. Like a mother would lovingly explain to the child, we need to teach our mind with love. This creates true happiness within and our self-respect increases. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Responsibility

Contemplation: Responsibility

Image may contain: sky, ocean and outdoor 


Let me take responsibility for myself and not have expectations of others.


The one who is merciful always has the feeling of helping those who are
in need or in distress. He puts in effort to relieve others of their
pain. He is able to bring about transformation in others too because of
his own pure feelings. He is able to put in effort that becomes a
contribution for the progress of others. When I have mercy for others,
I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide
them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them
courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain
and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able
to keep myself positive under all circumstances.

The Pledge Of Responsibility

A very important aspect of progress in the self and my relationships, which we all desire is restoring a sense of responsibility in my inner world, so that by doing that, I and others around me are benefitted. Even on a physical or non-spiritual level, someone who is responsible while playing his/her role or performing his/her duties either in the family, at the workplace or in some other setting e.g. a club group or a team in a particular sport or a social service group, not only feels content with his/her actions himself/herself but spreads ripples of contentment to others and receives similar energy from each one he/she is involved with. In the same way on an emotional or spiritual level, when I start my day I need to remind myself of my responsibility towards myself.

I need to remind myself that I am responsible for the choices I make in my life which influence and color everyone around me. So do my thoughts, feelings, the way my personality functions internally and externally the whole day and my responses to people and situations, for all of which I am responsible.

It is like taking a pledge of responsibility with the self in the morning that today I will not create a single thought, word or action which is against the texture of my innate, positive nature i.e. irresponsible. And what will provide my pledge the much required strength of determination? An injection of positive thoughts, emotions and sanskaras within me in the morning, using a suitable technique of self empowerment like meditation or spiritual study or some other.

By taking such a pledge of responsibility and by watering it with the energy of my attention from time to time during the day, I am able to implement it and can make a difference to not only the people around me, but to a lot more than that. In this way, as I change, the world around me changes, because the energy I create in my inner world starts flowing into my circumstances, my interactions, my sphere of karmas, etc. to make them positive, which benefits me in return in the form of a cyclic process. As I take this pledge and abide by it for a few days, I start realizing the immense potential that it possesses.

Soul Sustenance

Soul Power over Role Power (Part 2) 

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the various components of soul power are: 

The power of inner silence or the silence of my mind - Silence is a power. The fewer the thoughts in my mind and the more powerful, positive, peaceful and focused they are, the more my mind will contribute to the success of the role on a subtle level. My silence is regularly tested when faced with negative situations or obstacles. The more successful I am in maintaining this stage in such situations, the more is my treasure of silence collected over a period of time and the more positive the influence of this silence will be on my physical role and the success of various tasks connected with the role. 

The power of inner and outer carefreeness, happiness and contentment - Happiness not only inside but also giving others an experience of the same through my face, my eyes, my words and actions full of lightness and enthusiasm, etc. while coming in contact with them. Ensuring I am content with myself and others and also others are content with me. Regular periods of discontentment or unhappiness either within me or in my relationships affect the success of my role adversely. 

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain the remaining components that make up soul power. 

Message for the day

True respect comes not from what one does but how well it is done. 

Expression: Respect is usually associated with what one does, i.e., it is usually associated with position, status etc which is associated with the job. When there is such an attitude, there is a tendency to look at the people around in a superficial way, missing out on recognising their true worth. 

Experience: We need to recognise the fact that true respect comes from doing well whatever is being done. We need to recognise each one's virtues and qualities revealed through the behaviour. This enables us to have true respect for others. We then no longer look at what one is doing as important, but will be able to appreciate each and every one's contribution. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Patience

Contemplation: Patience

Image may contain: cloud, sky, mountain, nature and outdoor 

Lenticular Cloud over Kliuchevskoi Mountain, Russia


Patience teaches you not to push, but rather to wait and appreciate the game of life, knowing that nothing remains the same and everything will change at some point.

Find  Solutions

Usually a lot of energy and time is wasted to find the cause of
something that goes wrong. But thinking about that only wastes the
resources that could be used for finding solutions. So it is not
necessary to understand the causes but to find solutions. So the one
who understands this fact is able to make the best use of the available
resources to correct the situation. By being focused on the solution
rather than on the problem, I am able to use all my inner resources in
the right way. I am free from complaints and am able to put in effort
to do the best in the given situation. I am constantly happy and
content because I know that there is a solution for every problem.

The Art Of Detached Involvement In Relationships

Perfecting the art of 'detachment involvement' is a necessity if we are to meditate successfully. But a newcomer to meditation might wonder how can we become detached? Don't we have to run our homes and offices and interact with people even if we are practicing meditation? Then does detachment not mean that we are withdrawing from our relationships and becoming cold?

In almost all spiritual paths right through the passage of time a lot of significance has been given to the practice of detachment. This is simply because one of the deepest habits all souls have developed in the cycle of birth and rebirth is attachment and we don't realize that whatever we become attached to becomes a trap for our consciousness, for the self, which causes the creation of fear inside us.

So then how do we know that we are attached to someone or something? We know that we are attached when we start thinking about someone or something when they are not present with us and when there is no need to think about them. Sometimes realizing and sometimes without us realizing consciously at that time, our mental energy is being drained and we do not have control over our thoughts and feelings. Whenever we become attached to anything, we automatically invite fear to be present, whether it is to people, objects, position, power, money or even an opinion. Any form of attachment means there will be a fear of damage or loss. Fear then takes many forms like worry, anxiety and stress as it hinders our spiritual growth. Where there is fear, love cannot exist. Detachment is the foundation if we are to remain positive, fearless and loving towards others while interacting with them. This is known as 'detached involvement'.

Soul Sustenance

Soul Power over Role Power (Part 1) 

Every act that we are involved in throughout the day is made possible or real by two entities - role and soul working in conjunction with each other. Although, it is a spiritual fact that the soul is the master and makes the role function, without the soul the role cannot function; while playing any role in our day-to-day life we tend to forget this fact and our entire focus falls on the role that is to be played, forgetting that by doing that, we bring down the probability of success of that role in our personal or professional life. Focusing positively on the soul and its components while playing the role fills the role with soul power and focusing on the role and its components while playing the role fills the role with something you could call role power. We need to create a balance between the role and the soul and a balance in using both role and soul power to bring about the success of the role, the role could be of any type. Even a project that you have to work on in the office which is going to last for a month is an example of a temporary role you have to play. There are many other examples of roles - getting your child’s homework done, preparing food for the entire family, doing charity work at the club together, taking part in an extracurricular activity in school or college, etc. 

Any such or other role will consist of some or all of these components - various tasks, interaction with people or relationships, mediums like wealth and other objects, time, knowledge of everything connected with the role including the components that make up the role, etc. All these components are physical in nature and make up the role. The power that these components possess makes up what we call role power. Now, what happens is that as soon as we step into the role each day or on a particular day, obviously our aim is to bring about success of the role, but to achieve that, our entire focus falls on using the power of the role, neglecting the immense potential that soul power possesses. We spend our day and night in streamlining the role components for the well being of the role, not realizing that this purpose could be more easily achieved, if the focus is more on using soul power, obviously without neglecting role power (without which the purpose cannot be achieved). 

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain the various components that make up soul power. 

Message for the day

To spread the light of happiness is to become a spiritual lighthouse. 

Expression: When we are in situations where there is negativity around or there seems to be no source of happiness, we too naturally tend to feel low and negative. We are totally under the influence of the situation and we can't seem to overcome the feeling at that time. Nothing actually inspires us to make effort to come out of such a feeling. 

Experience: We need to remind ourselves that we are a lighthouse, a source of light to all those around us. This thought will give us the inspiration to remain stable and strong even when we are amidst chaos or difficult situations. We will be able to spread our light across and show everyone the right direction by becoming an inspiration to those around us. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Peace and Stability

Contemplation:Peace and Stability

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Peace and Stability
Every moment is precious. Let me fill myself with so much peace and stability that whoever comes in front of me at any time is at ease and uplifted.


To have self-respect means to be free from the external influences.
The mind does not need any inputs to feel good about itself. To have
respect for the self means to constantly express the positivity that is
within. It means to have the right state of mind and the right way of
working with the self especially when things are not going well. The
basis of my constant experience of progress is the ability to give
respect to myself under all circumstances, i.e., whether others give me
respect or not. Also when I am not able to achieve the desired results
or when I am not able to be successful, at that time I need to be good
to myself. Then I will be able to be the best and do the best with
what I have.

Turning Qualities Into Powers (cont.)

There are interesting spiritual parallels to the way the physical sciences differentiate energy and power. In physical terms, energy is defined as the capacity of doing work. Power is defined as the rate of doing work.

Similarly, we can look upon spiritual energy as our capacity for experiencing the original qualities of the soul. We all have this capacity, but to different degrees. Spiritual power is then seen as the extent to which we put these qualities to work in difficult situations and in our relationships. Spiritual power helps us remain in a state of truth, in the face of the various tests that come. Also, our actions and relationships give us an opportunity to utilize the power we have accumulated.

The qualities of God experienced in meditation are also the original qualities of the soul, but the link with God is essential for us to enhance these qualities inside us. In fact God, too, needs the connection with us, despite having these qualities to the highest degree, in order to exercise his power to restore truth to the world.

There are eight key spiritual powers - power to tolerate, power to adjust, power to face, power to pack up, power to withdraw, power to co-operate, power to discriminate and power to judge and in terms of their application in everyday life - all of which we have discussed and shared with our readers in earlier messages.

Soul Sustenance

Self Empowerment 

We do not realize that we are more than the limits we repeatedly place on ourselves. 

What is it that limits and overshadows us? The prayers and the requests of the human race for many centuries - with I need, I want and I own, people place value on the self by relating to the material, external aspects of their lives. However, this does not work and when people insist on behaving in this way (that is, relating to the outside), then addictive attachments are created. They try to fill themselves, but exactly the opposite happens: the self becomes more and more empty. Unfortunately, the mechanism of need and greed functions in this way: first, there is the illusion of gain and secondly, when this is not realised, depletion (emptiness), instead of enrichment (filling up), occurs. Whatever the addiction is, no matter how camouflaged (hidden) it may be, it quietly but surely, ruins the person. It is a silent illness that only meditation can cure. 

Message for the day

When we are in the elevated company of the One God, no bad company will influence us. 

Expression: Sometimes when we are working for our self-development we sometimes wish for support or understanding from others which we don't always get. We actually look for a role model, whom we could follow or who could be an inspiration for us. When we don't find anyone like that we tend to get disheartened and continue to justify ourselves for not bringing any change in ourselves. 

Experience: The solution lies in becoming a role model and a source of support for others instead of expecting others to do so. For this, we need to pay extra attention to the kind of company we keep. Under all circumstances, if we keep God as our companion we will not be influenced by any other company, however strong they might be. We will then be able to bring about change in ourselves. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: An Angel

Contemplation: An Angel

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, tree and outdoor

Artist- Dona Gelsinger

An Angel

Acceptance gives me the experience of being like an angel: never judging, never criticizing and never worrying.

Unique Capabilities

Each and every human being has capabilities, which are special and
unique. To be aware of one's own specialties is to contribute them
to every task. Such a person is able to cooperate under all
circumstances and with all people. There are no conditions attached to
the contribution of these resources. When I contribute to every task
with my own specialties I have double satisfaction. I have the
satisfaction of having contributed something and I am also free from
expectations from others.

Turning Qualities Into Powers

An important aspect of God or the Supreme Being, remembered throughout history in all cultures and traditions, has been the concept of God being an Almighty Authority. The interpretation of this concept has been varied, however:
Some have conceived a God who is fearsome and revengeful and one who punishes. That is very different from the experience of God, in meditation, as a gentle, benevolent (generous), merciful parent; as a teacher of absolute spiritual wisdom or knowledge, but a wisdom that has total humility, and is free from the demands of ego.

Yet, it is also the experience of the soul that God is the Almighty Authority, the source of all power and strength. When I meditate and connect with the Supreme, I experience a state of truth in which the combination of all the original qualities of the soul -- peace, love, purity, wisdom and happiness -- fills me with a positive power -- a power that overcomes negativity in myself and others, so that those I am connected with become better able to experience their own truth. This power also extends to my physical surroundings, transforming the atmosphere around me.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Freedom From The Dependency On The New (Part 2) 

In the market, there always appears the novelty (newness) of the same product wrapped differently. There always seems to be a new soft drink, a new kind of chocolate, but they are really the same products as always. The only thing that changes is the packaging and their image. Some children, whenever they go to the market, want the new kinds of biscuits, pastries, etc. They always want new things that then stay in the fridge. We encourage this by telling little children that happiness is stimulation, the new is stimulating, and comes from the outside or you get it from the outside. We create an addiction to the new; in this case, to the newness of the packaging. What kind of newness is that! 

When, in order to be happy, you need to go shopping, you try to fill yourself with something that isn't you. You try to find wholeness by filling your life with material things. A soul who is spiritually awake knows that they are already complete and they do not need to depend on the purchase of something new regularly for feeling full internally. The only effort is in remembering and reconnecting with their whole self, their complete self; reconnecting with their inner treasures of spiritual wisdom, virtues and powers. 

Message for the day

To celebrate means to finish all trace of the old. 

Expression: We find that whenever there is an occasion, we are full of zeal and enthusiasm for that day. However this doesn't continue for long and we find ourselves getting caught with our old nature. We then give the excuse to ourselves saying, 'this is how I am, and this is my nature' etc. Once we start working with our old nature we cannot be enthusiastic anymore. 

Experience: Each new festival is an occasion for us to finish something of the old. We only need to take a determined thought to remove something of our old nature. We no longer need to give excuses, but make the firm promise to ourselves to transform. Our zeal and enthusiasm will then never lessen and we will continue to celebrate with constant enthusiasm. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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