Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: April 11, 2019: Surrender Gracefully

Contemplation: April 11, 2019: Surrender Gracefully

Image may contain: flower, sky, cloud, plant, nature and outdoor

Surrender Gracefully

We are surrounded by graceful surrender. The geese surrender to the first autumn chills, and think of flying south. The flower surrenders to the night and shuts up shop as the setting sun surrenders to the horizon of another day. A mother surrenders to the needs of her baby, and the child surrenders to the wisdom of the father. These kinds of surrender are sweet and natural. They are graceful movements in a dance to the subtle symphony of life. While we may find moments to surrender to such grace and beauty, if we are not careful, we also tend to allow ourselves to surrender to our appetites, to envy, to greed and then to self centred lifestyles in which we serve only ourselves. No grace there - only the disgrace of self-inflicted slavery. Whatever we surrender our minds to, will eventually shape our character and define the quality of our life. Be careful what you surrender your mind to, even if it's only for a day, or an hour.

relax 7


“God”. It is a loaded word which, for many people seems
incomprehensible. This is unfortunate because there are so many
personal experiences of direct encounters with the One who is the
purest source of truth and love. If we attempt, as some do, to make
our approach to the Source easier by making it an impersonal one, we
deny ourselves the essential richness and nourishment of a personal
relationship. When the meditator practices meditation with purely
spiritual intentions they are aiming to enhance their own level of
enlightenment and create a state of being that is open to receiving
directly the light and love of the spiritual parent whom we all share.
Contrary to some popular beliefs it does not take many lifetimes to
master. However, it is an extremely personal and spiritually intimate
relationship where the energy of God is directly felt.

Controlling Your Emotions

There are five essential steps to emotional control and mastery. Although the complete process will finally happen in a few seconds in real life, it is essential for our learning to break it down and see what is required at every step.

Step One - Awareness
This simply means being aware of the emergence of the subtlest (finest) of emotions, which, if left unchecked, will grow into important disturbances. For example irritation leads to frustration leads to anger leads to rage.

Step Two - Acknowledge
Which means taking responsibility for the emotion by understanding and acknowledging that I am the creator of the emotion, not someone or something else.

Step three - Acceptance
Fully accept the presence of the emotion without resisting (opposing) it in any way. If it is resisted it simply becomes stronger, or is suppressed for another day.

Step Four - Ascend
This is the moment of full detachment from both the emotion and the inner source of emotion. In the process of detached observation the emotion is losing its power. And it is only through detached observation that the emotion will begin to dissolve.

Step Five - Attune
This means returning our attention to the very centre of ourselves where our inner peace and power are to be found. This is the purpose of meditation.

Soul Sustenance

Identify The Filters In Your Life

Like different types and different colour filters on a physical level; on a spiritual level, there are many different types of filters that work in our lives e.g. the jealousy filter, hatred filter, attachment filter, fear filter, greed filter, etc. and many more. Due to these filters, we do not see people and things as they are, but as we are, because the filters are our own self-created ones. If we want to see people and things as they are, we need to check which filters are working most in our lives. Each one of us has different filters working to different extents, depending on our personality e.g. someone might have the jealousy filter working more regularly as compared to the fear filter in his/her life.

Because of these filters, everything that we see is not only coloured by the colour of the filter we are using at that time, but our look is also biased as we choose what to see, what to give more importance, what to be affected by more, what to let through the filter etc. and what not to. We have and form a deceptive vision of the things and people that surround us inside our minds. And the longer this deformed vision lasts, the more we will convince ourself that that is the true image of the world, because our filters continue to process new data depending on what they see that make the image stronger. This reinforcing of the incorrect image builds up our database of incorrect beliefs based on different filters and makes them stronger and stronger as we go through our life journey. Beliefs are fixed ways of looking at reality. Thus, the world that we perceive is no longer the real world, but a world created by our own mind. So in a way we become deaf and blind on a spiritual level towards the world. To heal this deafness and blindness, we do not have to remove each filter one after the other, which may become a difficult task; but we have to discover the pure, original internal self and start seeing everything without the filters, based on the pure-self point of view. As a result of that, gradually our incorrect beliefs start dissolving and correct beliefs start setting in based on our clean unfiltered view.

Message for the day

To be free is to be free even from the bondage of things. 
Expression: The one who is dependent on the presence of a particular thing to succeed in a task is also under the bondage of that thing. Such a person will not be able to put in effort to his full capability since he is always thinking of what is lacking. On the other hand the one who tries to find a way to do the task at hand even when there is nothing available is the one who finds new resources. He is then able to use these resources too for accomplishing the task.

Experience: When I am thinking more about what is to be done rather than thinking about what is lacking, I am able to be content with what I have. I am able to appreciate every small thing that is present in my life that I could use for my own benefit and that of others. I am able to work for what I want to achieve without being caught up only with the desires.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 10, 2019: Silence

Contemplation: April 10, 2019: Silence

Image may contain: outdoor and water

Diver in a cenote near Akumal, Mexico


We have to develop this hobby and practice going into the depths of silence. Practice this, make it your hobby and see how much you then enjoy it. The tiredness of the soul will then be removed. We will feel that we are able to remain carefree and restful. When the soul is tired it is restless and there is a lot of worry; we think I have to do this, that and so we cannot feel restful. All actually I have to do is to remain peaceful and there will be the feeling that everything will be ok...

My Treasures

If we recognize inner treasures we will be able to use them well.
Time, energy and thoughts are one's greatest treasures. The ones who
recognize these treasures are able to look after them carefully and
use them for the benefit of all. None of these inner resources are
ever wasted. When these treasures are used properly and are put to
full use, they bring in the best external treasures too. When I am in
touch with myself and give attention to myself, I am able to recognize
these inner treasures. These treasures keep me rich at all times,
even when external circumstances are not so favourable. Further use of
these treasures makes me only richer and richer.

The Three Roles Of God In The World Drama (cont.)

God as a Destroyer

There are many mythological stories all over the world about a revengeful God, destroying whole armies who dared to stand in the way of His chosen ones. The Mahabharata in India depicts the same, where Lord Krishna helped the Pandavas defeat the Kauravas, because Pandavas had love, devotion and respect for  Lord Krishna and Kauravas did not. We have even gone to war, praising the righteousness of our causes and counting on God's support. Somehow the heart rejects the idea of a violent God who is a destroyer of life. He is the destroyer of evil (and not of life) and the creator of virtue.

The story of the Mahabharata is obviously symbolic. It can be applied to the present moment in the World Drama, when the Supreme Father, the Incorporeal (non-physical) Father is with us and is helping us in our war. Our war is not a physical one, our enemies our not our brothers, but our own weaknesses. The weapons (shastras), which are shown in the Mahabharata in the physical form, are actually the weapons of knowledge and spiritual power acquired through meditation; with which we are able to bring down our enemies, our vices and shortcomings e.g. the discus (chakra) has a spiritual significance. It is shown in a physical form but is actually a discus of self-realization (swadarshan chakra). Swa + darshan means self-realization. Self-realization is achieved when one receives spiritual knowledge. The Supreme Father possesses this discus, which he gives to us, along with other weapons (shastras). We, the chosen ones, the true followers of God, make our path easier for us through His powerful guidance. We leave suffering behind and make the journey to the other side - to a promised elevated world. Our former captors (those who had imprisoned us), our weaknesses, try to follow us in the elevated future but are destroyed completely with God's help.

Soul Sustenance

To Be Aware But Not Judgmental

On the path of Raja Yoga meditation (taught by the Brahma Kumaris) there is a saying, "See, but don't see! Hear, but don't hear!" which means to remain aware of all realities, including the negative, but not to focus on them. We get caught up in the negative because we react and the reactions are expressed in the form of judgement, accusations, criticism, or labeling. As soon as we judge or criticize, we put everything into convenient boxes and, just as convenience foods are not always so healthy, such conveniences at the mental and attitudinal level are a great danger, because we mentally seal (close) the fate (destiny) of the person or situation: they are like this and so must be treated accordingly. Unfortunately, this is often done in an unconscious way, which is why Raja Yoga meditation is used to bring such attitudes and behaviours to the surface, conscious awareness.

When our vision and attitude remain judgemental or critical, they do so because there is no input of positivity from the self to encourage or allow a positive change.

There cannot be a positive output when there is a negative input.

We often work in this way, wanting others to be better in some way, but, instead of helping them, or having faith in them and seeing their good qualities, we hinder (obstruct) them by concentrating on their past, their weaknesses and their mistakes. Our focus is completely negative, but still we expect them to change for the better!

When our awareness is more detached, rather than focusing on what is wrong, we look at how we can put something right by contributing a positive feeling, or attitude. This anonymous (not known to anyone) contribution is a generous act, which offers a solution, instead of the usual complaints by critical and judgmental people.

Message for the day

To receive blessings is to become worthy of them.

Expression: Sometimes there is a desire to receive blessings from God or someone who is considered more powerful. But the one who has truly a thought of winning the love, regard and blessings of the other person is able to put in effort to be worthy of it. So he is constantly trying to be better and better in what he does. Thus he becomes worthy of everyone's blessings.

Experience: When I am constantly making myself more and more worthy, I naturally win the love, trust and blessings from all those I come into contact with. I am committed to whatever I do and know that the blessings of God are with me because I am making effort. I have no fear or insecurity, but go on doing what I have to do with confidence.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 09, 2019: Being Vague

Contemplation: April 09, 2019: Being Vague

Image may contain: flower, plant and nature

Being Vague

Being vague can save time but when communication lacks clear information, it may lead to mistakes or vague results.

Being vague with certain people can limit their interference in our life.  But they may take advantage of unclear expectations and boundaries.

So watch out for vagueness.  Know when to be vague and when not to be.

Be Carefree!

Enjoy a carefree life, renounce the consciousness of I and mine.
The more we surrender our ego, the lighter and easier our life
becomes. The consciousness of I and mine either makes us arrogant or
weak. It creates a lot of conflicts in relationships and finishes the
beauty of life. When we consider everything we have as God's property
then our responsibilities become His responsibilities. He fills us
with extra specialities and powers to carry out His task no matter
however daunting it may seem. When we surrender our will to Him
everything happens for the best.

The Three Roles Of God In The World Drama (cont.)

God as a Sustainer

We need to understand God's role clearly as a sustainer. We have to understand the difference between physical and spiritual sustenance. We may think that God is the sustainer in the sense that He gives us our goods, wealth, health, food, water, air and so on. If that were so, why should He give more of these things to some and not to others? Why do poverty, starvation and disease exist if God is a sustainer and provider of all in the physical sense?

Whatever I do or do not possess I have earned for myself. It is not God who pays us our salaries. Whatever fruits I earn are the results of my own efforts. As a spiritual sustainer, He fills us with His power and virtues like peace, bliss, purity and happiness. He also shares with us spiritual knowledge and bestows his love and blessings on us, all of which help us in our spiritual effort, so that we can transform (change) ourselves and does not provide us with food and wealth.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Meditation – Obstacles Faced By Beginners

Concentration has been described as holding the mind to one thought so that it takes the shape of that thought.

Raja Yogameditation (as taught by the Brahma Kumaris) means to collect together the scattered forces of one's thoughts, establish them in the real self and then connect with the Supreme Soul. Initially when a practitioner begins to practice Raja Yoga, it can be difficult to concentrate the mind on the self and God for more than a few seconds, because thoughts are easily distracted. This happens naturally. During the initial attempts, the moments of concentration are bound to be few, short and erratic, but even a single moment of concentration is extremely valuable because it gives a taste of that inner bliss which sustains further concentration. This should be treated as a period of test and trial.

Negative sanskars will come to the surface. Thoughts of one's physical identity and burdens will create hurdles. Any attempt to drive them out will merely encourage them more intensely. The practitioner should take it cheerfully and transform the interfering thoughts by thinking about positive points of spiritual knowledge. When the mind experiences a flow of powerful, pure thoughts, then the pure experience of the soul's qualities is possible. Some meditation practitioners try to forcibly create a mental void by driving out all thoughts in an attempt to control the negative and excessive ones. Such a mental vacuum is only temporary and expels the good thoughts also along with the bad ones. Pure thoughts are nourishment for the soul which leads to a practical meditation experience.

Message for the day

The best way to get respect is to give respect to the self.

Expression: There is always an expectation of getting respect from those around. The one who is totally dependent on others for their own sense of well-being tends to react to situations, even if they are very insignificant ones. On the other hand, the one who is able to give respect to the self gives respect to others too and so gets respect himself.

Experience: When I am able to see my own specialities I am able to have respect for myself. Then I am not dependent on external sources for my inner state of mind. I remain free from all external influences, and am able to become a source of influence for those around me. I constantly enrich my own internal state with each thing that happens.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 08, 2019: Perfect Patience

Contemplation: April 08, 2019: Perfect Patience

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Perfect Patience

Infinite patience achieves instant results! How can this be true? It is - but you'll need to meditate on it to see it! When you do, and you can see it, you will have walked through the gates of paradox and rediscovered truth. Repeat after me...infinite patience achieves instant results.


Responsibility is being willing to be accountable for what you do and
also what you do not do yourself. It means accepting credit when
things go well and also correction if things go wrong. It is the
ability to respond ably. I practice Responsibility when I take my
agreements seriously, focus on what is required by me and not on
someone else's part, when I am ready and willing to clear up
misunderstandings. I give my best to all that I do and keep my
promises. I welcome praise and correction for my actions.

The Three Roles Of God In The World Drama 

God as a Creator

Logic tells us that spiritual and material energy in the form of souls and matter didn't just suddenly appear out of nothing. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can't be either created or destroyed. Matter itself is a form of condensed energy. Souls are also conscious points of energy. Both are uncreated and therefore eternal. The Second Law shows us that energy, when in use, moves from a potential state, in which energy is available, to a spent state in which it is no longer available. Putting both laws together we have what appears to be a system in which the basic components have neither beginning nor end. They move towards a state of energy exhaustion (entropy). If time were linear (a straight line) and there were no external intervention, then over an unimaginably long period of time the universe would just fizzle out.

Fortunately for both the souls and the elements of matter, there is one supreme energy source which is external to the process of entropy (unaffected by the process) and thereby retains its original potency or power. When things reach a certain stage of weakness and chaos, the Supreme Soul plays out His role of re-energizing the souls. The recuperation (recovery) to their original state, in turn, has a direct effect on matter. It also comes back to its own original state of perfection. If, as has been shown above, God's presence, power and knowledge are purely spiritual, then creation has to be a spiritual act and not a physical one. Creation can be understood as the regeneration or reshaping of what is already there and not one of creating something physical or non-physical out of nothing. God recharges the souls' spent spiritual energy.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Focus, Will Power And Capabilities

In order to bring about a fundamental (major) change three elements need to exist simultaneously:

Focus: A clear sense of purpose in life and clear goals to guide your life's activities.
Will: The motivation and enthusiasm to introduce and sustain the actions.
Capabilities: The skills and abilities to fulfill your purpose and goals.

But where do you start? There is definitely a right place to begin and that is with your focus. Why? Because if your focus is powerful and based on a very deep sense of your inner most purpose in life, then that will provide you with the will power you need to keep going. Then if you have a clear driving focus in life and lots of will power to back it up, you will soon develop the skills and capabilities you need to make it happen. You may not have them yourself, but your enthusiasm and passion will certainly inspire others who do have them to join you. 

Message for the day

The one who has the aim to be perfect is the one who learns from obstacles.

Expression: The higher the aim, the more the obstacles that comes one's way. Just as a perfect idol is one that has been chiseled a great deal, each obstacle comes to remove some or the other defect from within. The one, who understands this little secret, is able to use each obstacle as a beautiful learning for growth, and a chance to express the best qualities from within.

Experience: When I am committed to bringing out my own inner perfection, I am never deterred by the temporary situations that come my way. I move on with confidence, taking time to look within and recognize the hidden potential within me. I am able to get closer and closer to the perfection that I always seek.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 07, 2019: Clean & Honest Heart

Contemplation: April 07, 2019: Clean & Honest Heart

No photo description available.

Clean & Honest Heart

Deceptive love is love where there is no honesty in the heart. It creates dependency, and looks more like a deal than a relationship. This kind of love has become like a drug. We don’t want love that is going to make us dependent. Love should be such that it makes honesty and truth grow. It is honesty that shows us what love is and real love shows us what honesty is. The way to free ourselves from dependency on false love is to experience the fullness, the sweetness, of love that is true. Replace poison with nectar and it will be easy to recognize the worthlessness of false love. We should not just accept whatever love comes our way - from here, there, everywhere. If somebody wants to give you love, first see what kind of love they are offering. Your intuition should realize very quickly what kind of love it is. To experience true love we should ask: Is my heart clean? Is it honest? Is it open? If it isn't, if my heart is still broken, I will not be able to experience true love.


We should have courage to work on the self is to find the beauty
within. Situations come that challenge one's own strength. At such
times the mind tends to become weak displaying weaknesses. Then there
is no courage to look within. The one who is able to be introspective
at that time is able to find a new learning. He is thus able to
express the beauty that is lying within. When we understand that at
each step of our life, situations come to bring out some quality from
within, we'll never be afraid of situations. we'll have the courage
to challenge our own assumptions and move forward based on the
learning that we get and the beauty that we have been able to

Communication (cont.)

Here are some more common reasons for blocks to communication:

* Lack of sincerity. When our thoughts and feelings are honest and respectful, then the hearts of others will open to us. A positive highway of trust is built and communication flows positively.

* Creating negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions about others i.e. how we visualize or label them. Such emotions, no matter how well hidden, are finally always communicated to others on a subtle (non-physical), non-verbal level, and create an atmosphere of tension and unease.

* Not letting go of negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions. The only method to revive our relationship with others is to let go of negativity on a daily basis, to prevent it from building up. Far too often, the build-up happens without us even noticing it and, we wonder why positive feedback is not coming from the other side.

* Lack of silence. To go deep into the self and put our thoughts and feelings into silence enables them to become positive. The silent relaxation defuses (reduces) anger and the blame and complaints that often go with it.

Soul Sustenance

Projection of Mental Energies in Relationships

Sometimes in relationships, you believe that the other person is hurting you because they do not meet your desires, but in such cases how can you know if it is really true? Let’s go a step ahead; does the belief that they are going to hurt you influence the situation until in the end it happens? Perhaps they won't hurt you. Your belief that the other is going to hurt you is not so powerful that it will necessarily affect the other person. But it affects you yourself. They may not hurt you at all finally, but you will end up hurt, you will become emotionally ill, even psychically ill sometimes. The symptoms will begin to show themselves and you will say: "Did you see? I feel hurt, I keep telling you so." So your belief caused you to get hurt and not the other.

The other person isn't you. In relationships, a moment comes when you don't know if it is their fault or yours, if it is their responsibility or yours, if that person has caused the irritation inside you, or if it was you, if that person began the argument or it was you, if they created the conflict or if it was you, because we project (throw) our energies onto each other. All of this drives us to frustration. A lot of power, negative or positive, is needed for a person to be able to influence others with their consciousness, it is easier to influence ourselves. This is a basic principle of human relationships, which we don't understand. We don't understand, and the reason is that we don't see ourselves, because we are always looking at the other, putting the responsibility onto them, blaming them, criticizing them.

Message for the day

True change brings benefit to all.

Expression: When there is someone who is behaving in a way that is not right, the usual reaction is to have negative feelings for that person. All words and actions based on this negative attitude will naturally create negativity. Instead it is good to see what could be done to benefit the other person. Raising complaints only takes away inner peace.

Experience: When I bring about a change that benefits even the person who is making the mistake, I am able to remain in peace with all types of people. I am not worried about why a person is behaving in a particular way, but I am able to see what is to be done in order to remove that particular negativity. The hatred is not for the person but for the negativity itself.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 06, 2019: Be Reluctantless!

Contemplation: April 06, 2019: Be Reluctantless!

Image may contain: 1 person 

APJ Abdul Kalam:11th President of India from 2002 to 2007.  Aerospace engineer in the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Also known as the Missile Man of India 

Be Reluctantless!

We have a tendency to make significant choices in our lives and then forget that we actually made the choice. Work is such a choice. If we forget to choose the work we do then each day of our life can easily be an experience of continuous reluctance. Would you choose to live your life reluctantly? Every time you use the words ‘have to’ you are telling the universe you would rather not be where you are and you’d rather not do what you are doing at that moment. And if you keep thinking in this way in one area of your life, it becomes a habitual thought pattern which you soon find turning up in your attitude everywhere in your life. And if you keep thinking, feeling, saying and living with this pattern of reluctance you can be absolutely sure the universe will eventually grant your recurring wish. But you will like the result even less. Nothing positive, fulfilling or empowering was ever created with the energy of reluctance. Don’t be reluctant about anything in your life today. Re-affirm your presence and your choices every day.


Humility brings excellence. Humility means there is no expectation of
being perfect always. So whatever is done comes naturally. There is
no feeling of threat about others' opinion, but the one who is humble
is able to express inner talent without any fear and expectations. So
humility takes one forward towards excellence: When I am humble, I am
able to stabilize myself in my state of self-respect always. This
naturally is felt even when I am not able to bring perfection in my
actions or even when others are not satisfied with me. Internally
there is a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I am constantly
learning and moving forward.


A great deal of our communication is non-verbal and we rarely realize the effect that it has on others. Our tone of voice, our body language (particularly our eyes and face), our attitudes and our feelings, are constantly in communication with others, expressing anger, fear, love, trust, rejection - in fact, all our feelings and emotions. We cannot hide what we mean; we may do so for a while, but finally the truth emerges.

Communication is not just with others, but also with the self, with the Supreme Being and even nature. Being still, focused and open enables us to tune in to others so that we can respond in an appropriate and meaningful way, not simply in a mechanical way.

Here are some common reasons for blocks to communication:

* Too many thoughts, and an overload of words and actions, results in us being unable to think clearly. We lose the essence of what is trying to be conveyed (transmitted) by the other.

* Being lost in our own feelings or ideas. In such a state we do not listen attentively to others.

* Remembering the past in a negative way. This does not allow us to tune in properly to our present and future. When we do not communicate properly with the needs of the present time, we loose opportunities.

(To be continued tomorrow....)

Soul Sustenance

What Should We Value More - The Soul Or The Body?

When the soul leaves the body, it's not just the body that dies but it's as if all the connections with the world of that individual are simply switched off. Not only the relationships but all specific plans, projects and desires suddenly have no further means (medium) through which they can be expressed or put into practice. The powers of thinking, deciding and the personality traits (sanskaras) connected with the life that is being left behind, stop and get hidden momentarily to emerge again in a new body, a new life. All the material things that belonged to that particular individual are passed on to others.

It's interesting to note that even when the body is sick it can only be treated when the soul is still present. If we take out the soul no one remains to look after the body.

On the other hand, the body is a truly marvelous vehicle for the soul to express itself through. No manufactured machine could hope to compete. For example, it is calculated that in just one day, the brain is able to complete a hundred times more connections than the entire telecommunications system of the planet. Or compare the human eye with any manufactured camera or the heart with any manufactured pump. The body's importance cannot be played down or not taken into account. 

Message for the day

The best comparison is the comparison with oneself.

Expression: The one who is comparing oneself with what he was and seeing how he can improve or how he has improved is the one who is constantly bringing about progress in his own life. On the contrary the one who is comparing himself with others is the one who is constantly finding excuses and leaving behind the opportunities that he gets for bringing about a change.

Experience: When I am free from excuses and free from comparison with others, I am able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not caught up with my own mistakes or those of others, but am able to constantly add on to my treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 05, 2019: Think Big

Contemplation: April 05, 2019: Think Big

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, outdoor and nature

Think Big

Rise above little things. Be a big thinker. You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, dream big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, image big, love big, live big. Carry that list and you’ll start feeling big. Be a believer and you’ll be an achiever.


Whenever we are faced with a problem, we naturally begin to worry.
This worry makes us have a lot of waste thoughts. We don't find the
solution, yet we can't stop worrying. A worried mind filled with waste
thoughts cannot find the right solution. The only way to find the
right solution is to keep the mind free from worry. For this we need
to first have the faith that there is a solution and we will find it.
When we thus keep our mind free, our intuition works well and we are
automatically able to take the right decision.

The Cyclic Functioning Of The Three Faculties Of The Soul

The soul consists of three faculties - the mind, intellect and sanskaras.  They work together in a cyclic fashion. How they work together can be illustrated by looking at how habits or sanskaras are formed e.g. if you are used to scolding your children to get them to do their homework, here is what happens when you visit a friend's place and watch, for the first time, how your friend is doing the same to his/her child, you might think (done by the mind): 'I should adopt the same method to discipline my children, they never listen to me '. Your intellect discriminates and judges whether that thought is right or not. Seeing others using the same method, and also seeing that the children are not being affected in any negative way (at least in the short term, not realizing the long term harm) and also seeing them get the desired result, you make a decision to do the same, which leads to the action of scolding your children.  This creates an impression or memory within the soul, somewhat like cutting a groove in a piece of wood.  This groove in the soul becomes a characteristic of your personality and is known as a sanskara .  Within the groove is recorded the memory of, firstly, the action of scolding the children and, secondly, the desired result from the action. Now, whenever your child disobeys you even a little bit, this sanskara is activated and the memory of the action and result associated with it emerge in the mind triggering a thought: 'Let me scold my child, that's the best way to get him to do things'.  The intellect judges the thought, remembering the proof of the scolding, based on past experience, and then makes the decision that it is alright to using anger as a weapon to discipline the child. In this way, the sanskara keeps getting deeper and deeper. The cyclic process explained above, applies to all habits, whether physical or non-physical.

Soul Sustenance

Ways Of Improving Communication - Part 2

We had explained a few ways of improving communication yesterday. Some more are explained below herewith:

* Say what we mean, always. When we speak with courage and a calm self-confidence without force, then communication is honest, open, clear and trusted. Courage doesn't mean to say what we think others want to hear. If we lack courage because of the need for approval and acceptance, or because of a lack of confidence, then communication and the consequent relationship remains superficial and artificial. No one feels satisfied with this situation.

* Learn the language of silence. It is the basis of right intentions, positive feelings and clear attitudes. In this language, there is only one grammar: honesty and kindness. Honesty creates clarity and kindness creates respectfulness.

When we take time to reflect on our level of communication with everyone we meet, the realizations we have in silence will be manifested (displayed) in the higher quality and ease of interaction that we will find in all relations: be it with the self, with others or with the Supreme Source of Light.

Message for the day

To be a leader is to lead by one's own example.

Expression: Everyone knows what is right and what is not. But the one who is able to live by what is right, and shows the same in his words and actions is the one who is able to inspire others to bring about a change. There is then no need to speak a lot of words to inspire others.

Experience: When every action of mine is qualitative , I find that people look up to me for guidance and support. When people look up to me and take inspiration from me, I am able to keep attention on my words and actions so that whatever I speak and do is beneficial for myself and others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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