Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: April 18, 2019: Miss Everything

Contemplation: April 18, 2019: Miss Everything

Image may contain: 1 person

Miss Everything
You can only be in one place at any moment in time. If you feel you are missing out on something then you are. But it's not the party, or being with another person that you're missing, it's your own life. As long as you are thinking of where you could be, you are marking yourself absent from where you are now. Which means you are nowhere. Many people spend their entire life in 'nowhere'. Not a wise choice!


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our
darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?" Actually, who are you
not to be? You are a child of God! Your playing small doesn't serve
the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's
in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our
own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

The Role Of Emotions In The Functioning Of The Soul

Inside the soul, there are four components - thoughts, feelings, emotions and sanskaras. Thoughts and feelings are present more on the surface of the soul in the conscious. Emotions and sanskaras on the other hand are less easily perceived and lie below thoughts and feelings.

Sanskaras can be defined as the traces left on the soul due to actions performed by it and also due to its interactions with others in relationships.

Emotions, on the other hand, are impulses associated with the sanskaras and are very close to these traces.

The internal functioning of the soul is cyclic - 'thoughts gives rise to actions, actions give rise to sanskaras, and sanskaras give rise to further thoughts'. This description becomes complete, when we add an additional component - emotions. The deepest component inside the soul is the sanskaras. Next up from sanskaras are the emotions, above that are feelings and then finally the uppermost component inside the soul is the thoughts.

Thoughts can be caught instantly. Feelings can be seen and perceived if I stop for a moment and check. Emotions are deeper than both of them and are very close to the sanskaras, and just as its difficult to see all the sanskaras of an individual, we can't always see their emotions.

Feelings, being more towards the surface, can be clearly identified, but you have to go deeper to see the quality of emotions a person is creating and the quality of his/her sanskaras.

Soul Sustenance

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God - Part 3

Continuing from yesterday’s message:

The Zoroastrians worship God as fire (Indian Zoroastrians are called Parsis).

The ancient Egyptians worshiped the sun as God.

A Buddhist sect in Japan focuses the mind on a small oval shape. They call it Karni, the Peace-giver.

The Jews have the Menorah (a candlestick or holder for many candles together) which when lit is a memory of the form of God as light.

It seems therefore that human beings, without realizing, have all been worshipping and trying to discover the same God. There is only one God and His form is light. If union between the soul and the Supreme Soul is to take place, it can only be possible if there is knowledge and experience of that form.

On the basis of our (soul and the Supreme Soul) similarities of form and place of residence, I learn from God of my own original sanskars of peace, purity, love, knowledge, power and bliss. As I tune my thoughts to Him, His influence fills these original qualities in me. He is the perfect and infinite fountain, indeed the ocean, of these qualities. His superiority lies in the depth, clarity and continuity of His divine sanskars. Whilst human souls fluctuate between peace and peacelessness; love and hatred; knowledge and ignorance; sorrow and joy, God is ever constant and above and beyond these fluctuations.

Message for the day

Humility wins hearts.

Expression: The one who is humble is able to put the other person forward. Such a person recognizes, appreciates and uses the specialities of others for the success of any task. So, along with giving the best, he is also able to bring out the best in the other person too. So, he is able to do the best in any task.

Experience: When I am humble, I experience harmony in relationships. I am able to learn from the different experiences and make myself better and better each day. So, I experience success in all I do. I am also able to win the hearts of others and get good wishes from them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 17, 2019: Like the Diamond

Contemplation: April 17, 2019: Like the Diamond

No photo description available.

Archduke Joseph diamond

Like the Diamond

Diamonds are a symbol of endurance;
they're born under intense heat and extreme pressure.

Just like the diamond, we too become resilient and radiant thanks to life's pressures.

"The only thing to fear is fear itself."

As we move toward different wars and calamities, do not fear...instead
have Faith that all things are working as they should. Do not judge
with mortal eyes the tragedies of war, for we do not know the higher
order of things evolving. Instead, pray for Wisdom and Swift
resolution of a war...a war we have no control over. The only thing we
can control however, is our thoughts and what we focus on in each
Precious Moment of our lives. So as the media bombards us with fear
and horror; let us focus on Peace, focus on Love, focus on God's Light
and might.

The Soul Journey

A common question asked by many is - "Do we go back to the soul world, the incorporeal world (non-physical world), the home of all souls, when we die?" When we understand and experience ourselves as souls, as un-destroyable, eternal beings, we realize that death is only a physical phenomenon.   At the death of the body, the soul enters another physical costume and a new chapter in its journey of life begins.    Depending on the soul's karma performed through the body, its new birth is likely to be somewhere in the company of those souls with whom it has been close in previous births.  It is quite a paradox that when a soul leaves a body, the relations which it has left, mourn over the loss of their loved one, and the new relations which it gets attached to celebrate with happiness, over an addition of a new-born entrant in their family.

The soul only leaves the home (the soul world) once in a unique, personal journey. This journey of the soul is not linear i.e. a straight line, with a beginning and an end. But, on the other hand, it is cyclic i.e. a circle, with neither a beginning, nor an end - although both leaving the soul world and going back to the soul world happen once each in every cycle.   This soul journey can be compared to actors who leave home to go to the theatre to play their parts.   They change costumes between scenes - they don't return home at the end of each scene, they return home when the play is finished, only to return the next day to repeat their part in the play. Each birth of the soul that it takes can be compared to a new scene of the play, which consists of many different scenes.

Soul Sustenance

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God - Part 2

Just as a candle flame emerges from a point source and assumes an oval form, mystics and saints throughout the passage of time have had visions of God as a point of self-luminous light with an oval aura.

Most religions have images, idols or memorials, having one name or the other to represent God as light or as an oval shape.

Throughout India there are statues of an oval-shaped image. They are called Shivalingas, and are thought to represent the Creator Himself. The names of the temples of Shiva confirm this: Somnath, the Lord of Nectar; Vishwanath, The Lord of the Universe; Mukteshwara, the Lord of Liberation, etc..

In the Old Testament of the Bible, it is mentioned that Moses had a vision of light as a burning bush in the desert. Jesus also referred to God as light. In some Christian ceremonies, during the ceremonies, an ostensorio is held up. The ostensorio is a golden ball with many rays radiating from it. Perhaps this is a symbolic representation of God.

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism called Him Ek Omkar, Nirakar, the one non-physical (bodiless) being or soul.

According to Islamic legend, when Adam left paradise he came to a low hill upon which he saw a shining white oval stone. Around this stone he circled seven times praising God. He then built the Kaaba. By the time of Abraham it needed to be rebuilt as a temple to honour the one God. The town of Mecca grew around this spot. This oval stone, later called Sang-e-aswad and now ‘blackened’ by the kisses of millions of sinners, so they say, is the only object of worship in the whole of Islam.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

Where there is faith, there is greatness.

Expression: To have faith means to recognize the positivity in the self, in others and in situations. It also means a deep connection with God. The one who has faith is able to bring out the greatness in everything and everyone. So such a person reveals his greatness wherever he is.

Experience: When I have unbroken faith, I have the understanding that everything that happens is for some good cause. So, I am satisfied with everything that happens in my life. So I am creative in my responses to the environment, which in turn, makes me truly great.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 16, 2019: Full of Drama

Contemplation: April 16, 2019: Full of Drama

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, water, outdoor and nature

A pod of 9 dolphins surfing a wave behind a stand-up paddle boarder - talk about an experience! Elouera Beach, Cronulla, Sydney, Australia

Full of Drama

Take life as it is, full of drama and adventure.  Experience the fun and the excitement, if not, it'll turn into melodrama!

So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, add the ingredient of humour and go from feeling heavy to being light.

Lighten up and you'll lighten up the situation; going from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.

Wasteful Thoughts

By having the sanskars or personality of wasteful thoughts, you
increased the duration of a situation. When you have wasteful
thoughts, you understand that they are wasteful, but just as there is
great force of a river or an ocean, so the flow of wasteful thoughts
is so fast that they pull you. No matter how much you try to stop
them, they still continue to flow. You understand and you also think
that it is not right; you understand that it causes a great loss, but
you still continue to allow them to flow. What is the reason for this?
The lack of the power to transformation.

The Filtration Process In The Soul

The mind and its creation i.e. thoughts, in these times, in most people, are controlled by three main factors:
i. their habits or sanskaras
ii. their past experiences, and
iii. information which they are exposed to and which they imbibe.

The intellect is like a filter which has the function of discriminating, of judging the thoughts and deciding which ones to put into practice and which ones not to, basically filtering them. Presently the filter of the intellect has become weakened, confused and unsure; it has become blocked by many incorrect beliefs, due to which this filtration does not take place properly - as a result many wrong thoughts get converted into actions. A lot of times during the day, thoughts become actions so fast, that the filter of the intellect does not even come into play i.e. thoughts become actions bypassing the filter.

The beliefs that we have today are related to our cultural, physical, social, religious, political identity associated with our age, gender, occupation, wealth, role etc. of our body. Beliefs connected to materialism, to having rather than being, are living based on the perception of the sense organs, and not on the intuition and the wisdom of the spirit. There are beliefs that block you, or brake you, others break you, they bring about fears in you and a limited perception of reality and of yourself. However much you try to generate positive thoughts, if you do not change these beliefs, their influence on the intellect will be so strong that it is almost impossible to maintain a positive state of mind. Even if you experience it, it will be short-lived and temporary.

Soul Sustenance

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God - Part 1

There are some universally accepted characteristics of God:

He is the creator and the one who sustains and takes care of the entire world population.
He is the Highest of Highest.
He is the Supreme Father.
He is non-physical.
He is omnipotent (one with unlimited power).
He is a living being.
He is all-loving and possesses complete knowledge.
He is unchangeable.
He is one and He is light.
He is perfect in values and morals.
He is absolutely just.
He is the Supreme Benefactor (the one who brings benefit to everyone).
He is the savior of souls.
He is the purifier.
He is mysterious in His ways.

Even in those religions that believe in and worship many Gods, there is one God who stands above the others. Then there are other faiths who believe God to be one single Supreme Being. Traditions, sacred texts, monuments, sayings and rituals all over the world, point to the existence of and belief in one knowledgeful, all-powerful and merciful being or soul. That being is universally called out to and recognized as the remover of sorrow, the giver of happiness and the savior of the sinful.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To be a master means to win over habits

Expression: Normally habits rule over the person and there is the inability to be a master over them. But to be a master is not to get influenced negatively by the habits but to be a stronger influence. The one who is a master never reacts to situations, but is able to respond to situations positively. Such a person is free from negativity in words and actions.

Experience: When there is inner silence I am able to overcome the negative influence of my habits. Inner silence comes with an experience of positivity. With practice I experience detachment from the situations and am able to feel the inner powers,  which frees me from the negativity of the situation too. So there is victory over the habit.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 15, 2019: Real Renunciation

Contemplation: April 15, 2019: Real Renunciation

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Real Renunciation

On the path mapped out by the true spiritual philosophers and pioneers, there is great emphasis placed on the idea and need for renunciation. It is seen as the way to enlightenment, and freedom from the attachments which we misuse as sources of limited happiness and contentment. Renunciation does not mean giving everything away, shaving our heads, saying farewell to family and friends and finding a Himalayan mountain top. It means seeing our attachments and dependencies, our weaknesses and our evasions, and consciously giving them up. There is no sense of loss. The material necessities still come to us, paradoxically more will come. And when we renounce our own weaknesses and dependencies, there is always a strength and a new freedom to be found hiding underneath. Renunciation is a pathway to a simpler life and a highway to spiritual freedom - one of spirit's deepest yearnings in 'the age of accumulation'. 



To bring about a change within is to bring about a change outside too.
When there are challenging situations, the usual way is to react to
them and expect them to change because of these reactions. But the
only way to change these situations is to bring about a change within
the self. When there is the ability to do this, there is the ability
to use all the resources for this purpose. When I have the commitment
to bring about a change within myself, I am able to be confident and
courageous in all situations. There is neither fear nor the desire
for things to change according to my wish. I am willing to work on
the situation and change the situation.

Understanding What Is Time

We created the concept of time to measure our experience of the space between events. Time passes only because we experience change. What is change? Change is only a series of events. So time is our experience of the speed of events. This explains why time seems to be moving faster today, because both the speed and the number of events are increasing. And it seems even faster if we participate in those events. If the speed and number of events was less, we would experience time to be moving slowly, as it used to be a little earlier in the history of mankind.

Today, sitting in our living rooms and offices, electronic, print and other media allows us to observe hundreds of events from all over the world, every day. To observe them actively is to participate in them. If you want to slow time down, learn to be a detached observer of the thousands of events around you - participate or observe actively only when necessary. If you want to stop time, meditate and be in your original, timeless, eternal consciousness. Meditation is after all an art of shutting down your senses and slowing down. Today, we fear time, as a result we hear ourselves saying many a times, * Hurry up, time is running out! or * I hope to have more time tomorrow! or * I need to save time! Ultimately time, is our life: it cannot be saved or lost, but must be lived now. This is where your will-power is important - we can choose exactly how we spend our time at any moment.

Soul Sustenance

At Peace with Time - The Key To Relaxed Living (Part 4)
You choose whether, each morning, you want to get up and begin with watching television, reading the newspaper over a cup of tea, or you want to get up and meditate, listen to peaceful music, read a couple of pages of spiritual knowledge that inspire you and you begin the day with enthusiasm and by visualizing it positively: today will be a marvelous day, I shall enjoy it … yes!! Such meditative and spiritual practice will give you a feel of time being elastic. In such a consciousness, a minute will seem eternal i.e. time can seem to come to a standstill (if I am surrounded by a positive set of circumstances which are spiritually uplifting) or can seem an instant, i.e. I get a feeling of time passing very fast (if in a negative set of circumstances). Thus, I learn to be a creator of time; living in time without being a slave to it. True freedom lies in being content now. You can be content in the present moment by resolving the inner dialogue that generates stress and conflict in you. When you are content, enjoying yourself and having a good time, you don't realize how time passes. This means that, if we lived in a state of constant happiness, we wouldn't realize how time passes. Time would be at our service. We would be the rulers and controllers of time and not the other way round. 

Message for the day

To perceive the need to change is to bring about change for the better.

Expression: When something goes wrong, there is generally a feeling of being right. There is always a desire expressed to change the situation or the person. So there is no introspection, but only blame. Such words discourage others too as they are constantly made aware of their negativity.

Experience: When I am able to understand the importance of bringing about change for the better in every situation that I am faced with, I am able to recognize the message that the situation gives me. I am able to use the situation to better myself and gradually progress towards the vision of perfection that I have for myself.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 14, 2019: Heart Song

Contemplation: April 14, 2019: Heart Song

No photo description available.

Heart Song

Everyone has a song in their heart. Everyone has a reason for being here and a season for making their highest, greatest most auspicious contribution. No one knows what that is or when that is for anyone else. Only our own heart knows what and when it is for us. Your heart wants to sing. Don’t die with your music still within you. There is a reason for everything and a purpose to your life. Too many fail to listen to the song in their heart and therefore fail to find their purpose and their part. What makes your soul sing and your heart dance? Actually you heart is your soul and you are both! Ask this one question of yourself but don’t be in a hurry to answer it. Live in the question for a day, a week, a month. Let it invite your heart to speak to you. And when you are absolutely sure what your heart is saying is true then begin to invoke the changes necessary in your life so that you live in alignment with your song. Be patient with this.



Just as appearances in life are deceiving, so what we see in within
ourselves during our meditation can also be deceiving. While we have
two eyes to observe the world around us, we have a third eye through
which we can see our inner world of beliefs, experiences, memories,
traits and tendencies. This is the eye of the intellect which is
designed to give us insight (sight inwards). It is a vital aspect of
our consciousness which we need in order to understand ourselves and
others. This insight alone reminds us we are responsible for
everything we think, feel and do, and that we have the power to choose
how we experience and respond to life around us. To someone with a
victim mindset this one insight represents liberation. As meditation
sharpens the focus of our inner eye, a thousand other insights are
possible and enlightenment is never far.

Projection Of Mental Energies In Relationships

Sometimes in relationships, you believe that the other person is hurting you because they do not meet your desires, but in such cases how can you know if it is really true? Let's go a step ahead; does the belief that they are going to hurt you influence the situation until in the end it happens? Perhaps they won't hurt you. Your belief that the other is going to hurt you is not so powerful that it will necessarily affect the other person. But it affects you yourself. They may not hurt you at all finally, but you will end up hurt, you will become emotionally ill, even psychically ill sometimes. The symptoms will begin to show themselves and you will say: "Did you see? I feel hurt, I keep telling you so." So your belief caused you to get hurt and not the other.

The other person isn't you. In relationships, a moment comes when you don't know if it is their fault or yours, if it is their responsibility or yours, if that person has caused the irritation inside you, or if it was you, if that person began the argument or it was you, if they created the conflict or if it was you, because we project (throw) our energies onto each other. All of this drives us to frustration. A lot of power, negative or positive, is needed for a person to be able to influence others with their consciousness, it is easier to influence ourselves. This is a basic principle of human relationships, which we don't understand. We don't understand, and the reason is that we don't see ourselves, because we are always looking at the other, putting the responsibility onto them, blaming them, criticizing them.

Soul Sustenance

At Peace with Time - The Key To Relaxed Living (Part 3)

To live at peace with time is to live it with peace, trust and determination. It is different to living it out of conflict and forcing things. In order to live true freedom of being, we have to make friends with time and stop living stressed in time. We have to trust. Trust that you will arrive on time, that you will do it on time and, if not, that a particular problem will be solved. Don't let time be a stress factor. When we live stressed because of time, we lose the best of life. We stop living what is essential and important, and we get lost in the details: I have to go here, I have to finish this, I have to call up someone, and endless amounts of 'I have tos' that consume our mental energy and make us get lost in the details of the trivial (ordinary). As well, in hurrying, we lose quality. You can do everything, but without losing what is essential; do it with love, with care, with interest, with enthusiasm, with motivation and with focus. That way every small action that you take will have a greater impact, will be more fulfilling and will bear a more positive fruit.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day

To have the ability to listen is to learn

Expression: When there is the ability to listen there is the ability to understand others and what they are saying. So the one who listens is able to learn from every situation and each and every person whom he comes across. So what he does and what he speaks is much more effective.

Experience: When I understand that I am a student for my entire life, I am able to be open to learning. So I am able to listen whole-heartedly. Then, instead of only putting across what I have to say, I am able to pay attention to what others are saying too. I am thus able to enrich myself with new treasures constantly.


In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 13, 2019: Be an Alchemist

Contemplation: April 13, 2019: Be an Alchemist

Image may contain: plant and flower

Be an Alchemist

Like an alchemist, transform something worthless into something precious.  The key to alchemy is in your perception.

Look for the limitless possibilities that surround you. 
See the innate value of everything and turn lead into gold.

Focus on the pure gold within each one.  You may have to overlook the visible lead to seek the hidden gold!

Self Reflection

One of the unique attributes of human consciousness is the ability to
self reflect. Our capacity to reflect on what we thought, felt and did
allows us to learn from the past, change the present and create the
future we want. In meditation we realize we are not our minds, it is a
tool. The mind is like a screen and we can put anything on the screen
i.e. thoughts, images, ideas, concepts. This is where our creativity
begins to take shape. Unfortunately most of us do not learn to self
reflect, but lose ourselves in what is on our mind. This is what leads
to negative emotion where emotion is defined as 'agitation of mind'.
Meditation is the perfect way to learn not to identify and therefore
not lose ourselves in what we put on our mental screen. Only then can
we maintain inner calm and stability, develop our creativity and
consciously check the quality of our own creation.

Going Back To My Original Nature (Personality)

Our present personalities are basically the combined habits of this lifetime (birth), built on the combined habits of previous lifetimes (births), all of which have left their mark (sometimes deep and sometimes not so deep) on our consciousness.  It may well be that habits such as becoming angry, upset, anxious, stressed, sorrowful or scared, have been with us for so long that, they feel a natural part of our inner world, so natural that when someone says our true nature is not anger but peace, not fear but love, not aggression but acceptance, not anxiety but calm, it does not feel right.  And even if it did feel right for a moment, we have become so attached to our old habitual moods, emotions and behaviors that we do not really want to change. It may even be the case that we have become so weak that we need help to change. It seems much easier to stay the way we are. 

As we begin to meditate and develop our spiritual practice, our views on the above subject will fluctuate. When that does happen, imagine you are having a conversation with yourself and teaching yourself.  Give yourself permission to be peaceful by nature, full of love and joy by nature, naturally content by nature, wherever you are and in whatever you do.  After a while, you won't need to give yourself permission and you will find these states of being are there within you quite naturally at every moment.   They are our original and eternal nature.   Everything else is acquired or learned.  In so many ways introduction to spirituality, like many other approaches to inner awakening, is as much about unlearning (the acquired beliefs) as it is about learning (new beliefs).

Soul Sustenance

At Peace with Time - The Key To Relaxed Living (Part 2)

Not only is your strength reduced by the way that you live the past and project onto the future, but also how you live in this moment. When, for example, you oppose the present and have resistances, these consume your energy and cause you stress. If you accept the present you can flow flexibly without wasting your energy. Accepting does not mean submitting yourself or feeling a victim of what is happening now. From acceptance, you confront and transform. If we learn to live the dimensions of time in a healthy way we will keep up our vitality, we will heal the past and we will feel at peace with it. Accepting the present and trusting in the future helps us to be well.

Accepting the present means stopping comparing yourself with others; you want what the other has, their money, their talents, their beauty, their personality, their achievements, their virtues, etc. So, instead of being grateful for what you have and accepting yourself as you are, you try to have and be like the other. In this way, you are never satisfied. The dissatisfaction causes you a constant unhappiness that reduces your vitality. When you feel happy and satisfied your energy flows more easily. The most important thing that you should do in this moment is to feel content. Next, what is the most important thing? To be content. Therefore, the priority, and what is essential, is that whatever happens in the moment, the most important thing is to be content. So, tell your mind, "Oh, mind, be quiet and don't think so much. Oh, mind, kindly trust that everything is and will be fine." Give your mind the basic instructions and the key thoughts with which to be content. Don't let your own mind create the thoughts that trap you. It is we ourselves who create our emotional cages.
(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day

To make the effort to take and give good wishes is to constantly experience contentment.

Expression: Whatever the kinds of personality of the person, if there is this one aim of taking and giving good wishes, there is positivity in every interaction. Attention is paid to make every word and action full of positivity. Words spoken only give happiness to others and give some kind of support to the other person to be better than what he is.

Experience: When I understand the importance of having good wishes for all, I am able to receive good wishes from others too. I am able to be free from the influence of the negativity of the situations and people. So I constantly experience inner happiness and contentment, even if I don't get something outwardly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: April 12, 2019: Despite Distractions

Contemplation: April 12, 2019: Despite Distractions

Image may contain: people standing and indoor

Despite Distractions

Distractions are everywhere.  No matter how much we try,
it's almost impossible to get rid of all the distractions. How about this: focus despite distractions! Here are a few tips:
- Have music in the background.  Music can tune out the
  distractions around you & keep you engaged & motivated.
- Be energized.  Have enough sleep & stay hydrated.  The more
  energy you have, the less likely you are to get distracted.
- Set email times.  Schedule specific times to check & respond
    to emails.


Every emotion you have ever experienced began as a thought. Your
dominant thoughts are programmed into the unconscious mind and become locked into the nervous system. Think confident thoughts, and you feel confident. Think angry thoughts and you feel angry. It is simply not
true that emotions happen to us in a random and uncontrolled way; we
create them by choosing our thoughts. Top sports stars are very well
aware of this. They know that if they allow their emotions to run
amok, they will disempower themselves and ultimately concede the
match. They are among the most adept at using their thoughts to manage
their emotional states.

The Energy Of Faith

What we believe becomes reality. It has been said that faith can move mountains. The highest mountains are our negative thoughts, feelings and ideas, which block our capacity to rise beyond our limits.

Faith is the energy of understanding that enables us to realize anything is possible even if it is not visible in front of our eyes.

The success that comes from faith is closely linked with 'letting go'. It is only when we let go of what we are used to, or what we have learnt to depend on, that new perceptions and new possibilities will present themselves to us.

All that is needed are a few basic facts and then we can take action. When we drive a car, do we insist on knowing how the engine works in detail before driving it? Do we know the mechanical details of a lift before we use it? Most people are only aware of the basic functions and this is all they need to carry out the action. However, they do have the faith that the car has been correctly constructed to do its job safely and that by pressing a few buttons the lift will raise them to wherever it is they want to go. In the modern life-style, there is a tendency to over-think, to want to control and direct every outcome, but such a life lacks spontaneity and simplicity.

Although we do need a framework, it must be flexible enough to allow space for the unexpected, the unpredictable and the great surprise. Such a space is the window through which the light of innovation can enter. When life is over-planned, we become cemented in, unable to grow, or flow, into new horizons. Faith allows us to realize that optimum results can happen without always having to structure or plan. Such faith is the basis for new vision and allows us to reach beyond our limits; because we believe we are more than what meets the eye. Such faith is the inspirational energy of every pioneer in whatever field.

Soul Sustenance

At Peace with Time - The Key To Relaxed Living (Part 1)
To live in freedom you have to live at peace (harmony) with time; live the dimension of time as a creator of time and not a slave of time; live without being either a prisoner or victim of time. To live at peace with time is to live in harmony with nature, beginning with your inner nature. When you plant a sapling today, you cannot accelerate the process so that the next day you have a tree. When it is summer, you cannot make the earth revolve around the sun quicker or slower for winter to arrive before or later. Everything has its rhythm in nature. We have distanced ourselves from the natural rhythm and our accelerated mind exercises pressure, creates stress and causes anxiety. We plan the future, we are stuck in the past and the present escapes us.

Many worries have to do with how we live time: the past, the present and the future. Worrying about what might happen (future), when the moment has not yet come for it to happen, takes away from us the necessary energy to deal with it when it finally arrives. Living in memories drains our energy; the past already happened and no longer exists, except in our memory. We feed memories, not realizing that emerging the memory in our mind distracts us from the present and weakens us. It is like being a plug that connects to a socket with no current passing through. We lose our energy. We want to relive an experience that already happened, and in the end we feel disappointed, feeling a mental and emotional waste.
(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day

The one way of finishing waste thinking is to find a solution.

Expression: When there is something negative that happens the mind tends to create a lot of waste and negative thoughts. At such a time there is no clear understanding of what is to be done and so there is difficulty in being positive at such a time. But once the problem is identified and the right solution found, i.e., the right explanation is given, there is no more waste thoughts, words or actions.

Experience: When I am able to find the right solution at each step, whenever even negative situations happen, I am able to remain happy and content. I am not worried about the problem at hand but I know instead that this problem has come to increase my own inner strength and capability. Thus I am able to maintain my inner positivity under all circumstances.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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