Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: May 25, 2019: Peace, Love and Wisdom

Contemplation: May 25, 2019: Peace, Love and Wisdom
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like mother, like daughter-- Hema Malini with her daughters Esha and Ahana
Peace, Love and Wisdom
There is an immaculate eternal and constant space within you hidden under different appearances. In that space there is only peace, love and wisdom. Let go and free yourself from the layers that cover that space and you will uncover the secret of a life of fullness.


The more one is humble, the more there will be success. Humility gives
wings to fly. It gives enthusiasm based on inner truth and we can
easily move forward. When there is no humility we find ourselves being
pulled back again and again by the difficult situations that we
ourselves have created. When I do something, I first have to ensure
that I am enjoying it and keep reminding myself of the joy that I am
deriving out of it. Then I am free from the desire for recognition or
praise. Then I will find myself succeeding in the task that I
undertake and I will be appreciated too.

The Five Spiritual And Five Physical Elements (cont.)

As explained in yesterday's message, in the hierarchy of the three entities around which the whole World Drama revolves - the Supreme Soul is right at the top, the human souls are in the middle and nature is at the bottom. So, the process of restoring the balance of the spiritual and physical elements has to be initiated from the top i.e. by the Supreme Soul. The human souls which are in the middle of the hierarchy benefit from this process directly. The human souls, by transforming themselves i.e. by filling themselves up with the five spiritual elements peace, purity, wisdom, love and joy from the Supreme Soul and restoring their balance in their personalities, then bring benefit to nature which is at the bottom of the hierarchy. This is because their doing this causes the positive energy of the five virtues to spread in nature, which results in the balance restoration of the five physical elements earth, air, water, fire and sky and the five spiritual elements or virtues in the personalities of animals, birds, insects (the same principle as explained yesterday). This entire process, explained above, takes place in the Confluence Age which is a small Age between the Iron Age and the Golden Age, which is again the present time. So, the Confluence Age is an Age in which positive transformation takes place. Thus, at the present moment of time, the two Ages - Iron Age and Confluence Age co-exist.

The Supreme Soul does not bring direct benefit to nature, He does that via human souls, who are intelligent enough to catch his directions and connect with Him and as a result transform themselves. So, the human souls when seen with respect to the Supreme Soul, who is the Creator; are the Creation, who benefit from Him. But the same human souls, when seen with respect to nature can be called the Master Creator and nature can be called as the Creation. Here the phrase Master Creator means children of the Supreme Soul, the Creator, but at the same time those children who possess the power to perform the task of balance restoration for the self as well as the Creation, similar to the Creator, under his guidance and by absorbing power from Him.

We shall explain the actual process of imbibing the five spiritual elements from the Supreme Soul in tomorrow's message, which is the last of this series.

Soul Sustenance
Letting Go of the Branches of the Life Tree

A very common habit that has become deeply embedded inside us is the habit of possessing, to which we succumb repeatedly. We come in contact with different people, material comforts, roles, positions, experiences, achievements and of course our own physical body etc. on an external level and our own thoughts, viewpoints, beliefs, memories, etc. on an internal level etc. throughout our life. All of these are like branches that make up our life tree. Possession is like clinging on to one or the other of these different branches from time to time, as we fly from one branch to another, while covering our life journey. The spiritual point of view on this habit is clear and very straight forward. It is not possible to possess anything. If we do try to do so, we lose our freedom. To experience the freedom, we need to dare to let go of the branches, which does not mean to lose or leave them because the branches are always going to be there. We can return to any of them to rest or pause whenever we want. But, it is about being aware and alert, because the moment a pause on a branch turns into a stop, the stop turns into a brake and, after that, the brake turns into a blockage. As a result, like the bird whose flying agility degrades on a physical level if it does the same; our intellectual and emotional agility starts to degrade.

When we learn to let go of one branch at a time, we are always welcoming new positive and empowering experiences in our life, one at a time. Like the birds, by letting go of one branch, we are then able to spend the rest of your lives trying and discovering many other branches, one branch at a time, and so we can enjoy the view from each new vantage point. We can choose between a life of flying and soaring or be stuck on one or the other branch, seeing others as they fly past and enjoy a life of freedom where they do visit their life tree from time to time and their life does revolve around the tree but they don't try and possess it or any of its branches.

Message for the day

To recognize the uniqueness of one's own role is to be free from negativity.

Expression: When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role. We begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us lose all our enthusiasm. We, then, make no effort to better our role.

Experience: We need to recognize the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes us free from negativity.

Contemplation: May 24, 2019: Look Inwards

X-May 24-Look Inwards.jpgContemplation: May 24, 2019: Look Inwards
Look Inwards

We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when everything is happening 'out there'? Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. What is treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, happiness. You already have what you seek. You already are stunningly beautiful. You are already peaceful and loving. How come you don't know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches. Take a moment to stop, look in and see. Don't rush. Don't search. Just look. And be aware.


Where there is humility, there is benefit to many. Just as the tree
laden with fruit bows down, the one who is full is the one who is
humble. Such a person can bring benefit to all those around. Humility
makes us a giver in all situations, also making it easy for others to
take what we have to offer. In all my interactions with others, It is
more important to see what I can give them, instead of just expecting
from them. Then, even when I have to follow others' directions there
would be no difficulty. Humility helps me to bow very easily.

The Five Spiritual And Five Physical Elements (cont.)

There are three entities around which the whole World Drama revolves - the Supreme Soul, the human souls and nature. Nature includes everything non-living like mountains, rivers, seas etc. and living things like plants, trees etc. It also includes living beings like animals, birds, insects etc. which are souls with a lesser evolved intellect than human ones. The human body also comes under the category of nature. These three entities are in the form of a hierarchy, the Supreme Soul is the most powerful at the top of the hierarchy, in the middle are the human souls and at the bottom of the hierarchy is nature. The Supreme Soul always remains an Ocean of the five virtues peace, purity, wisdom, love and joy and is the only entity in which the balance of these virtues is always maintained right through eternity.

In human souls, as explained yesterday, in the beginning of the world cycle, in the Golden Age, these virtues are in balance. As human souls come down in the birth-rebirth cycle and start becoming influenced by body-consciousness or the five vices - anger, ego, greed, attachment and lust, all spiritual building blocks or virtues - peace, purity, wisdom, love and joy start getting depleted. In each soul, some virtues get depleted more, some less. In each and every soul the depletion is different depending on its actions e.g. in some soul the depletion of peace is immense compared to the other because of picking up sanskaras of anger on its journey and bringing them into actions or in some soul the depletion of joy is immense because of picking up a lot of attachment on the way etc. This depletion of the five spiritual elements or virtues upsets the balance between them. This depletion and imbalance causes negative spiritual energy waves or vibrations of sorrow, anger, impurity, hatred, fear etc. from human souls to spread in nature and starts having a negative influence on the five physical elements earth, air, water, fire and sky and even the five spiritual elements peace, purity, wisdom, love and joy in the souls of animals, birds, insects, etc. upsetting the balance of both. This is because nature (as defined in the above paragraph) is lowest in the hierarchy, lesser powerful and easily influenced by the energy that human souls transmit or radiate. This double imbalance of spiritual and physical elements results in peacelessness, sorrow, illness, poverty, natural calamities, accidents, ecological imbalances etc.  When all of these reach their maximum extent, that Age is called the Iron Age. This is an interesting principle which needs to be understood clearly.

How do we restore the balance of the spiritual and physical elements? We shall explain that in tomorrow's message.

Soul Sustenance
Meditation – Experiencing My Original Home (Part 2)

Along with reading over the following words slowly and silently, make a sincere effort to create images of them in the eye of your mind:

I focus myself on the self, the soul, a golden point of light........
I stay between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead........
I radiate golden rays of peace, purity and love in all directions........
In this awareness of I the soul, with the power of my mind I can travel beyond the limits of my physical organs........
I visualize myself gradually going out from this physical body........
I, the sparkling star like energy, fly into the night sky........
I see myself floating above thousands of buildings and lights........
Slowly I rise higher and higher to enter space........
I am surrounded by millions of stars and planets........
Slowly I see myself flying beyond the world of five elements........
I, the golden star, enter another world, a soft golden-red light world........
A world of sweet silence and peace........
full of peaceful light stretching very very far away........
I feel pure warmth here, surrounded by light........
I the point of light shine in this sixth element........
I am free of all tensions, extremely light.........
This is where I belong,
This is my home........
I recognize this place........
I had forgotten it, but now I have rediscovered it........
Spend a few minutes in this positive experience and then gradually come downwards to take your seat back in the physical body.

Message for the day

The one who is constantly flying with zeal and enthusiasm brings progress in others too.

Expression: Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light. When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too.

Experience: Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress.

Contemplation: May 23, 2019: Lasting Happiness

Contemplation: May 23, 2019: Lasting Happiness
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Lasting Happiness

The real reason why we sometimes experience a lack of real, deep lasting happiness in our lives is dependency. We are taught to make our happiness dependent on some event, condition, person, object etc. This is why we keep delaying our happiness until things are just right in our life. We think we will be happy in the future and then wonder why we are not happy now. But life is never just right, and the future never comes – there is only now! And that's why, in order to be happy we must make our happiness a decision and not a dependency. This may seem slightly difficult in the beginning, because we have just spent our life being dependent on acquiring something or someone, or seeing the result we desired, or wanting some pain to go away, before we allow ourselves to be happy.

Humility comes from an open and clean heart. Humility needs a good
home to dwell in. When the mind is filled with negative feelings or
biased ideas towards anyone, we cannot use humility. So we need to
fill our mind with positive thoughts towards everyone. If I have
negative thoughts towards anyone, I need to make an attempt to remove
them. I need to tell myself that what I don't like about a person is
just one particular aspect and not the person himself. In this way I
will be able to change my own attitude and also will help the other
person also to bring about change.

The Five Spiritual And Five Physical Elements

There are various ancient teachings in the East including India which describe the five physical elements - earth, air, water, fire and sky as the five pillars of Creation or the building blocks of Creation. These teachings suggest that every particle of the physical Creation is made of these building blocks. The human body is also made of these five primary elements. These elements need to remain in balance for the Universe to stay in order and the human body to stay in order or good health. Bad health generally means one or more of these elements is out of place. There are various techniques mentioned in these teachings which are used to create this balance, including ancient Indian mantras. The popular ancient Indian Vedic 'Vaastu' science, used by many to build homes even today, also works on creating a balance between these five physical elements.

According to spiritual principles given by the Supreme Being or the Supreme Soul, in the same way, on a spiritual level, the soul also comprises of five original constituent qualities or building blocks or elements- peace, purity, wisdom (or truth), love and joy. When the soul first comes down from the soul world and starts playing its part on the physical world, there is a complete balance of these five qualities in its personality. This is the reason that at the beginning of the world cycle, in the period that we commonly call the Golden Age or Paradise or Satyuga , there is complete happiness, love and peace within the self and even in relationships. The balance of the spiritual elements in the souls, causes the five physical elements earth, air, water, fire and sky also to remain in complete balance; hence in the Golden Age, there is complete physical prosperity and richness; there is no trace of illnesses and natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, etc. Due to the double balance, nature is not only in order but very very beautiful. Even the physical bodies are not only healthy but very beautiful. Even the animals and birds are completely full of all virtues and live in absolute love and harmony with each other. So the balance of the five virtues in souls reflects itself not only on a subtle level i.e. in the personalities and interactions but also on a physical level i.e. in the physical bodies, flora (plants) and fauna (animals), nature in general, etc.

In tomorrow's message, we shall explain the reason for this.

Soul Sustenance
Meditation – Experiencing My Original Home (Part 1)

In meditation, I focus my mind and intellect on that region which is called by names like soul world, paramdham, nirvandham, shantidham and so on. In fact, this is the region where the soul stays, when it has no body. Here the soul stays in the form of a star-like point of light, untouched by matter (five elements including the body). In this world, there exists neither thought, word nor action; just complete stillness, sweet silence and peace. When I first take a physical body, it is from here that I the soul come down into the material world i.e. the earth, which is the field of action.

With the practice of meditation, my third eye (eye of the mind) opens; and I see and experience my original home as an infinite (very large, unmeasurable) world of very subtle (light) golden-red light, situated beyond the physical world of five elements, beyond the sun, moon and stars.

(To be continued tomorrow .... )

Message for the day

The one who recognizes the needs of others is the one who gives real happiness.

Expression: I usually make a lot of effort to give in some way or the other to those around me. Yet I sometimes find that people are not able to be happy with me. What I give is usually based on what I feel the other person needs. I continue to give in this way and begin to expect from others too, and find myself disappointed when I am not appreciated.

Experience: I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognize the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too.

Contemplation: May 22, 2019: Faith in Life

Contemplation: May 22, 2019: Faith in Life

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Faith in Life

To limit your faith to one set of beliefs or an institutional belief system is to commit intellectual suicide. We shut down the possibility of being enlightened and enriched by others' experiences, which may be derived from their beliefs. We build a barrier between ourselves and our fellow travelers and then feel threatened, even in small and subtle ways, by someone of a different faith. The deepest faith is the intuitive conviction that all is as it should be, despite appearances, and that every human being is intrinsically good, despite appearances. This reminds us to keep our minds open, not take the law into our own hands, and look out for the best in others, regardless of what they say or do. This is faith in life, not faith in a set of learned or inherited beliefs. Have you ever noticed how people don't go to war over their faith in life?

Humility enables people to realize their mistakes and correct
themselves. Real humility results in so much power of truth that we
don't need to say anything at all in words. The very power of our
inner state of being will make the other person realize the error of
their ways. While giving directions or corrections to someone, I need
to check my own attitude, reminding myself of the humility within and
only then say what I have to say. With humility my words will be for
their benefit and this will enable them to learn.

Experiencing Soul Consciousness

Read over the following words slowly and silently. Using the power of visualization, aim to experience them in your mind:

I withdraw my attention away from the physical limbs and sense organs........
I focus on myself........
I am listening through these ears........
I am looking through these eyes........
This instrument of mine, the physical body, is a precious vehicle........
a valuable instrument, a medium........
But, that which is more valuable and more precious is the being (soul) making this instrument function........
Within this assembly of bones and muscles and amazing organs is a being of light........
In the centre of the forehead is a point of light ......
I am this being of light........
I the being of light express myself through this body........
But the body is not I........
I am light........
I spread rays of peace in all directions........
I become aware of the power within this point of light........
Within I the being of light is everything that I am and everything that I have........
Within my own being are my qualities, my powers, my talents........
In the awareness of who I am I radiate this light within........
and in the awareness of this inner light........
I hold my head held high in self-respect........

Soul Sustenance
Soul Power Over Role Power (Part 3)

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the remaining components of soul power are:

The power of good wishes, desires and feelings full of love for others, while coming in contact with them. These type of feelings will bring good wishes in return from the other to you, which will not only empower you, but will also assist your physical role on a subtle level.

The power of complete purity and cleanliness in thoughts, words and actions - A state where one is not under the influence of vices like anger, ego, attachment, greed, hatred, jealousy etc.

The 8 main powers - the power to tolerate, accommodate, face, pack up, discriminate (or discern), judge (or decide), withdraw and co-operate – their implementation on an internal and external level i.e. not only in words and actions, but also on a thought level. Where there is lack of any of the above powers inside me, there will definitely be waste and you will be weakened, which reduces the probability of success of your role.

The power of truth or spiritual wisdom - A state where the self has deeply realized and understood eternal truths of the soul, the Supreme and the Law of Karma and has drawn immense amount of power and experience from that knowledge. The power of physical knowledge would fall under role power, which has been explained earlier.

By focusing on each of the above components of soul power and those explained in yesterday’s message, by giving them more weightage and using them along with the components of the role, which were mentioned in the message before that, one can experience the desired success in any role in any sphere of life very easily without much effort.

Message for the day

To be free from waste questions is to save time.

Expression: When difficult situations come my way I usually have a lot of questions in my mind about it. I continue to ask myself why the situation has come and have no answers. These questions usually bring me no solution for the problems at hand but I continue to have waste thoughts.

Experience: I need to understand the importance of the time that is in my hands. When I recognize the value of my time I will not waste time in unnecessary thoughts but will try to find a solution for the problem. If there is no solution for the problem I at least just stop thinking unnecessarily and just accept it.


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