Contemplation: December 18, 2019: Best time for Meditation
Best time for Meditation
Is there a best time for meditation - a time just for you, when no one and nothing has priority on your time? The solution you’ll most likely find is early in the morning, when everyone else is asleep. Create the habit of waking up early. Early morning meditation gives you energy, mental clarity and strength. It prepares you for the day.
Pause a Moment
During the day, when you're really, really busy,
it's not really possible to block out ten minutes to stop,
sit down and meditate, is it?
Here is an expression of hope to all the busy people:
before making a phone call, answering an e-mail or starting your car - pause.
Take a brief pause; it can even be for just a moment. Breathe deeply, calm your mind and create a pause.
Within each pause there is peace.
Achieve a quick meditative state and then continue with what you were doing.
it's not really possible to block out ten minutes to stop,
sit down and meditate, is it?
Here is an expression of hope to all the busy people:
before making a phone call, answering an e-mail or starting your car - pause.
Take a brief pause; it can even be for just a moment. Breathe deeply, calm your mind and create a pause.
Within each pause there is peace.
Achieve a quick meditative state and then continue with what you were doing.
Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 2)
The foremost method to break the cycle of negative energy exchanges with another person is one of self-transformation.
The most basic level of self-transformation is that I don't react verbally to the other person with words. But, I mention the negative energy received from the other, in the physical forms of negative expressions, vision, words and actions, to others and create an atmosphere of negativity and also give birth to negative perceptions of the person in others' minds. In such cases, damage occurs on a physical level and damage control has to be done later, which sometimes is too late to do, since relationships have already been harmed. This is because those who we pass on negative information to pass on the information received from us, to others and sometimes even to the person who seemingly harmed us in the first place.
The second and little deeper level of self-transformation is where I not only don't react but I don't talk against the person to anyone, even to people who are close to me, but I continue to think negatively about the other person. In such cases, damage is reduced but still happens, unknowingly and invisibly, behind the curtains of physical eyes and ears, as my thoughts and emotions are not completely under my control and they are led to a direction, which is incorrect as per the basics of spiritual wisdom - sometimes willingly and sometimes I do not want them to be led there but they go in that direction unwillingly due to a lack of inner strength. These negative thoughts and emotions do reach the other person on a subtle level, harming relations with that person.
The third and deepest level of self-transformation is where I develop the power to change the quality of my thoughts and feelings as well. I am emotionally empowered enough to remove the flaw (weakness) in my own character that was at the root of my reactions, so that what used to pinch me so much will not do so anymore. Also, relationships get protected by doing that, which is something each one of us desires. This is the power of accommodation and self-transformation in action, at its best and possesses the potential to stop negative energy exchanges with the other.
(To be continued tomorrow ...)
Soul Sustenance
The Significance Of The Power Of Thought In Meditation
Meditation is not a process of emptying the mind of thought. In meditation I use the natural power of the soul – the power to create thoughts, as a take-off point (or as a spring-board) to finally experience the consciousness of the true self. In meditation, I climb a ladder of well-prepared, positive and spiritual thoughts and eventually climb beyond the ladder into the pure experience of what I really am. Pondering over these pure and real thoughts can occupy the soul for long periods of time.
In the most basic stage of Rajyoga meditation, first comes the realization: I am a soul, the energy of consciousness made up of a mind, an intellect and a collection of sanskars. My eyes, ears, nose, mouth are just the organs, which when used correctly, help me, the soul, enjoy life. I now possess the knowledge that will free me from my cage. I have the key, spiritual knowledge is the key - I am a soul, a being of light, a bird which has the power to fly freely. Knowing this, I am not bound by physical laws. I can detach and fly at the speed of a thought, to the soul world, where I can easily experience my original state. I must realize that it is impossible to have peace of mind if I cannot detach from the body. I must look upon all my family members, friends, colleagues, also as souls which have come from the soul world. We are all fellow souls.
Meditation is not a process of emptying the mind of thought. In meditation I use the natural power of the soul – the power to create thoughts, as a take-off point (or as a spring-board) to finally experience the consciousness of the true self. In meditation, I climb a ladder of well-prepared, positive and spiritual thoughts and eventually climb beyond the ladder into the pure experience of what I really am. Pondering over these pure and real thoughts can occupy the soul for long periods of time.
In the most basic stage of Rajyoga meditation, first comes the realization: I am a soul, the energy of consciousness made up of a mind, an intellect and a collection of sanskars. My eyes, ears, nose, mouth are just the organs, which when used correctly, help me, the soul, enjoy life. I now possess the knowledge that will free me from my cage. I have the key, spiritual knowledge is the key - I am a soul, a being of light, a bird which has the power to fly freely. Knowing this, I am not bound by physical laws. I can detach and fly at the speed of a thought, to the soul world, where I can easily experience my original state. I must realize that it is impossible to have peace of mind if I cannot detach from the body. I must look upon all my family members, friends, colleagues, also as souls which have come from the soul world. We are all fellow souls.
Message for the day
To have the spirit of sharing is to be constantly happy.
Expression: There are lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others. The more there is the consciousness of giving there is the ability to give and share these inner resources with others. New treasures are discovered and used for the benefit of all and also for the self.
Experience: There is constant satisfaction in my life when there is the spirit of giving. There are no expectations from others, but only an awareness of what I have. Life becomes more and more satisfactory and I feel richer for having given unconditionally. There are also constant good wishes that I receive from others.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris