This palm tree bent over from a hurricane reached for the sun and kept on growing in South Florida
The one who knows how to adjust is the one who knows how to survive.
The Spirit of Giving
To have the spirit of sharing is to be constantly happy. There are
lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others.
The more there is the consciousness of giving there is the ability to
give and share these inner resources with others. New treasures are
discovered and used for the benefit of all and also for the self.
There is constant satisfaction in our lives when there is the spirit
of giving. There are no expectations from others, but only an
awareness of what we have. Life becomes more and more satisfactory and
we feel richer for having given unconditionally. There are also
constant good wishes that we receive from others.
lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others.
The more there is the consciousness of giving there is the ability to
give and share these inner resources with others. New treasures are
discovered and used for the benefit of all and also for the self.
There is constant satisfaction in our lives when there is the spirit
of giving. There are no expectations from others, but only an
awareness of what we have. Life becomes more and more satisfactory and
we feel richer for having given unconditionally. There are also
constant good wishes that we receive from others.
Detached Observation - A Spiritual Skill
Detachment is the basis of our ability to be positive and affectionate with others while we interact with them. This is what is known as commitment and the relationship of detachment and it begins with what is known as a spiritual skill: the skill of being a detached observer.
One needs to be a detached observer in two dimensions: one within and one outside:
The inner art of detached observation is the ability of separating ourselves from our own thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behavior. On the external level, the art of detached observation is the art of being witness to the scenes that take place around us. While we detach ourselves and observe how the game of life develops, without being active participants, we are able to see the big picture with greater clarity. That makes it easier to see clearly what role we have to play and where our contribution lies. We are creators, and our thoughts, emotions and attitudes are our own work.
In reality, detached observation is the first step towards personal strengthening. If we don't manage to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, they will turn into our owners and will consume our energy.
Soul Sustenance
Spiritual Roses Of The Supreme Gardener
The main features of physical flowers are their colour, form and fragrance, by which we judge their beauty. All these characteristics have their own unique importance. Introducing oneself to spirituality is like giving oneself into the hands of the Supreme Spiritual Gardener or the Supreme Being (God). Like a physical gardener who possesses qualities of patience, tirelessness, love, far-sightedness, faith etc. on a limited level, the Supreme Gardener possesses these qualities on an unlimited level, which he uses to bring us up. As we remain under his sustenance and care, over a period of time, we blossom and are transformed into beautiful spiritual flowers, and our thorns fall away. When we look at ourselves as spiritual flowers, our colour symbolizes spiritual knowledge. Depending on how we imbibe the wisdom shared by the Spiritual Gardener and bring it in our day-to-day functioning; in our thoughts, words, actions and relationships; the more beautiful a colour we take. Our form is shaped depending on the quality of our connection with the Supreme Being, the Gardener. The deeper and stronger the connection, the more beautiful the form. Lastly, our fragrance refers to divine qualities like sweetness, humility, tolerance, carefreeness, purity and many more, which we develop. Physical flowers with a good colour, form and fragrance, attract everyone around them. Seeing and coming close to them, gives one an experience of joy. The same holds true for spiritual flowers.
Roses are considered the king of all flowers, with the best possible colour, form and fragrance. Spiritual roses are those souls which continuously remain in a spiritual consciousness and spread the fragrance of that consciousness to others. Their thoughts, words and actions get shaped according to this consciousness. They have a deep relationship with the Spiritual Gardener and are always eager to ensure that others also experience that relationship and become spiritual roses, which is a deep wish of the Supreme Gardener, for every spiritual being. They help him in fulfilling that wish.
Message for the day
You can always be successful when there is a desire to serve others.
Contemplation: At the end of each day, check if you have done anything for others. Also check if there is any consciousness of 'I' in all the things that you do for others. When there is even the slightest trace of a desire for benefit for yourself you cannot experience either contentment or success.
Application: Each day take up at least one thing that would bring benefit to others, irrespective of whether it will get you anything or not. When you serve with no selfishness you will find yourself succeeding in all you do.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris