Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: February 04, 2020: Do Something Different

Contemplation: February 04, 2020: Do Something Different

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Do Something Different

The world is filled with worry and sorrow. Just for today, do something different. Create thoughts and words that give only happiness.

Why do we delay doing what we know we need to do? 

Is it because we feel we 'have to' to do it? Is it because we cannot clearly see the benefits? 
Is it because we will need to move some twigs in the nest of our comfort zone? 
Is it because we fool ourselves into waiting till we feel like doing it? 
Is it because someone else might be more advantaged than us? 
Is it because we are just plain lazy? 

It's probably a bit of all of those. But one thing is for sure - you've already done it in your mind! And as long as there is a gap between your thoughts and your actions then there will be an inner tension which is draining your power - whether you are aware of it or not. Do it, delegate it or dump it!

Life Beyond Life (Part 1)

Have you ever looked at a new born child and glanced at the expressions on his face? Why is there a magnetic aura about a baby’s features that attracts one and all? The innocence, the sparkling smile, the beautiful eyes, the angelic cheeks, the shining forehead, the round, cherubic (pretty) face and the soft whispering sounds makes one wonder what is so special about the spiritual energy inside such a baby that talks to us and tries to convey so much as to move us and even bring tears in our eyes. Such a spiritual energy is in a state of nirvana or a meditative state or a soul conscious state, a state which we as adults, practice to achieve.

We would like to share with our readers that in the nine month gestation (pregnancy) period of a mother, the spiritual energy which has to own a particular physical costume, enters the womb of a mother and adopts the physical foetus (which is semi-developed) as its own in the fourth or fifth month. A wonder of nature is that a spiritual energy that has been exposed to different types of situations and relationships and played different roles as an adult in its previous life in a state which is not really spiritually self-aware, more of a state which is focused towards the gross or material existence, suddenly forgets all that and becomes a very pure and divine being temporarily as soon as it enters the fetus inside its mother’s womb, a being that is cut off from physicality and almost in a thoughtless state of meditation – here by meditation we mean a state that is self-aware or soul conscious, not in body consciousness. It even forgets its past life almost completely and starts adopting itself to the new environment inside the mother. On one side its physical body continues to receive physical sustenance from the mother as before its entry and on the other side it vibrates its mental energy to its physical body which also helps it grow physically. As the personality of the spiritual energy, so is the energy radiated, resulting in a healthy or unhealthy body. Once the baby is born, a few subtle traces of consciousness or remembrance of the past life do remain inside the spiritual energy, because of which sometimes when these remembrances surface inside the minds of babies, they smile or become sombre (serious) or even cry in their sleep, depending on the type of past remembrance. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

The Role Play Of Thoughts In Relationships (Part 2) 

Husband-wife relationships, sometimes, are like castles of sand, extremely pleasing to the eye, but based on weak foundations and susceptible to destruction when challenged by negative tides of clash of opinions, personalities or lifestyles. In such relationships, the castles look good from outside because of energies like acceptance, trust, understanding and letting go existing on the surface i.e. these energies are displayed by both partners to each other in the form of words, gestures and actions but these castles can easily collapse because the foundations of these castles i.e. thoughts and feelings carried by the partners in their minds are filled with expectations, rejection, mistrust, misunderstandings, possessiveness and suspicion at times along with the positive emotions which are displayed in actions. Also both partners feel they have made their respective positive contributions in the relationship and so the same is expected from the other side, which is not fulfilled at times, further increasing the problems in the relationship. At the same time both partners are oblivious (not aware) of the negative emotional, much more powerful forces that exist inside them, which go against the positive contribution and are silently working on the castle of the relationship from below, ready to bring it down anytime. 

Another e.g. - in corporate circles, apart from the external objective of profit making and generation of revenue and jobs, an important internal objective of any good corporate organization is creating a peace, love and happiness filled as well as obstacle free atmosphere in the company, which will be conducive (helpful) to the external objective. One spiritual principle states that the leader or CEO or Managing Director of the organization is like a seed of the organization, whose every thought reaches out to and influences every person of the organization as well as the organization as a whole. A second spiritual principle states that the internal ruling and controlling power of a leader of an organization is directly proportional to the handling (of the people of the organization) power of the leader. If in the inner confines (boundaries) of the leader’s mind, obstacles of waste and negative thoughts exist i.e. the inner atmosphere of the leader’s mind is not full of peace, love and joy, then as per the first spiritual principle, this gets transmitted to the people under the leader and as per the second spiritual principle, such a leader who is lacking in mind ruling power and mind controlling power is automatically lacking in handling power of people under him. Such a leader, due to the application of both these principles, is ineffective in creating a positive environment in the organization. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

True humility comes when you are in your self-respect. 

Expression: When you are full and in your self-respect, you will be able to remain humble in all situations. When there is no self-respect, any comments or criticism hurts your ego and you tend to lose your humility. 

Experience: When you find yourself getting affected by criticism, check whether you are sure of what you are doing. Increase your own confidence in whatever you do and you'll find yourself humble. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 03, 2020: Opportunity

Contemplation: February 03, 2020: Opportunity

No photo description available.

Extreme Walk by Brian Mosby on a Tightrope – Rio de Janeiro


The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Breathe Right

Do you take breathing for granted? Are you so caught-up in activities that you just forget to breathe properly?

Why not post a stick-note with the word 'breathe', near your desktop or on your steering wheel. Then when the computer is slow or you're sitting at the traffic lights, take a minute to breathe.

Breathe in through your nose and hold your breath for three counts. Breathe out through your mouth for a count of five or eight. Pause and repeat. Relax your shoulders and breathe deeply and breathe slowly. Breathe away the tensions and center yourself.

Meditation For Personality Transformation (Part 2)

Decide on a habit that you want to change e.g. impatience. We will focus this meditation on changing impatience. You can apply it to other habits also:

I relax and prepare to look inwards...
I am aware of the unwanted habit of becoming impatient...
As I sit in meditation, I relax my body.
I become the observer of my own thoughts and feelings...
Realizing my true identity as soul - a subtle point of light situated at the center of my forehead, just above my eyebrows, I remember my real nature is one of calmness, peace and power...
I focus on the power of peace, inviting it in and welcoming it into my thoughts and feelings from deep within.... enjoying the calm contentment which it brings...
On the screen of my mind, I begin to visualize patience...
I see myself in a situation where I normally become impatient...
I now see myself as being completely full with the virtue of patience...
I shape my feelings around the idea and image of patience.... unhurried and relaxed... calm and watchful...
If necessary, I can wait... forever.... with patience
I am free of the desire for certain outcomes...
I see how I respond with patience...
I see the effect of my patience in others within the situation...
I now know how I will speak with patience, walk with patience and act patiently in the real life situations...
I maintain this peace, which generates serenity and patience in me...

Soul Sustenance

The Role Play of Thoughts in Relationships (Part 1) 

Relationships can be defined on the surface as a state in which two or more people are connected, the state of being related or interrelated or if the definition is expanded, the way in which two people, talk to, regard and behave towards each other, and deal with each other. Spirituality sees relationships from a deeper perspective – “relationships are not only what we do or say to each other, but are built on the basis of what we think about each other”. So relationships, when seen from a spiritual view point, are an exchange of energy at the level of thoughts and feelings, and then words and actions thereafter. 

Relationships are one of the most important wealth of our lives and one of the most important sources of our happiness. In order to make them successful i.e. to create the wealth of positive relationships and to experience joy through them continuously, it is important to base them on the right belief systems. One major incorrect belief that we carry inside ourselves with regards to our relationships is that relationships are all about behaving and talking in the right manner, because we think people see, know and judge only what we speak and do, they do not sense what we think, and so we don’t give enough significance to our thoughts. But thoughts are more in number and being a more powerful and subtle energy, travel faster than words. When we interact with someone let us take care that along with the right action our thoughts are also right. If we have negative thoughts containing any type of impurity of hatred, greed, jealousy, resentment, selfishness, ego, etc. and we perform pure actions filled with the energy of virtues, neither will we be internally content nor will we be able to satisfy the other person. In all our relationships, it is the intention, the packets of thought energy or vibrations that we transmit, which matter more than the action. Giving significance to the inner intentions while coming into relationships is true transparency in relationships. Performing right actions packaged with thoughts which are coloured with negative emotions, will only transmit pain to the other on a subtle level, even though we did it for their happiness. 

We shall further highlight the significance of thought vibrations in relationships using four examples in the next two days’ messages. 

Message for the day

The power of truth is such that you need never be concerned about proving it.

Expression: Truth is always revealed at the right moment and at the right place. You don't need to be concerned about proving it. You need only to be concerned with being it and living it. Trying to prove truth reveals stubbornness. 

Experience: When you find that someone is not believing what you say, ask yourself if you believe in it. if you do, then you need not be concerned of proving it to others. Where there is doubt in yourself you'll want to prove it to everyone. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 02, 2020: Bring Light

Contemplation: February 02, 2020: Bring Light

No photo description available.

Bring Light

There is some darkness in most human minds today, so there is a darkness component in most scenes and situations. Why else is there so much unhappiness and sorrow in the world? So how much value can be given to someone who is able to bring light and lightness to a place or a moment, where others have brought their dark? Like a crown of sparkling jewels, their presence and their words are priceless. It may only be a gentle smile of comfort, an attitude of genuine interest, some words which diffuse an awkward moment. Those who stay light in spirit while others weave their dark are both illuminated and illuminators. Watch out for such a moment today where you may illuminate. Make that moment momentous!



Your mind is a canvas, your thoughts and feelings are the brushes and the colours. Be bold and take time to imagine.

Go to the next level; turn your imagination into action. Imagine the steps, the solutions, the actual results.
Give yourself benchmarks and a framework, without overestimating your ability.

So what are you waiting for? Put your imagination to work?

Meditation For Personality Transformation (Part 1)

At the heart of every human being or soul there is a spiritual energy, pure, of peace, love, truth and happiness without dependence. Being aware and experiencing this energy provides you with the inner strength necessary for change. Meditation is the method of access in order to allow that energy to come to the surface of your consciousness and in your mind in order to color your thoughts and feelings. In a way very similar to that of a volcano whose melted lava, hot, flows from the centre of the Earth to the surface, we, on meditating, can create volcanoes of power (which emerge in our conscious minds) required for personality transformation.

You can do an exercise, a meditation whereby you choose a habit or sanskar that you don't want, and you will replace it with a characteristic that you would like to incorporate, like a thread, into the cloth of your personality. For example, replace impatience with patience.

Tomorrow we shall explain a meditation with this theme: changing a habit or sanskar.

Soul Sustenance

Checking Myself On The Stage Of Action

Once we become aware of the possible types of thoughts that the mind creates at different times in the span of a particular day, then we are in a position to keep a check on our thoughts and understand where our energy is being wasted. Once we realize that there are patterns of waste and negative thinking at some times during the day, which are usually triggered by certain situations or people, we can apply a brake on the pattern of habitual negative thinking, thereby transforming this energy wastage into something more positive. 

It does happen, that when we are informed about the benefits of meditation for the first time, perhaps in a course or a presentation either in the office, in a center of a spiritual organization or elsewhere; we realize the need for the same but we also feel that, in order to get the house of our minds in order, we need to leave our busy city lifestyles behind and head for the hills. There, we think, we will find the time and the physical and spiritual environment to practice meditation and get our mental state in order, but this is absolutely untrue. While going on an occasional spiritual retreat is certainly useful and recommended for the development of the spiritual self, the real workshop is life itself. Even if I am able to maintain a positive and powerful state of mind in a retreat, it is in our daily actions and relationships with others where the challenge lies, it is on the stage of action orkarma kshetra that we have to check whether we can remain soul-conscious i.e. in the awareness of our spiritual identity. It is here where we have to see whether we can apply the brakes on patterns of negative thinking, establish and maintain patterns of positive thinking and test whether we have reached the stage where, no person or situation, however negative, can disturb our state of mind. 

Message for the day

When you are always truthful, you'll have nothing to fear.

Expression: True courage comes when there is the power of truth within you. When you are constantly truthful, you will have nothing to fear. In all the challenges you face everyday you will be able to maintain your courage because of your power of truth.

Experience: Make sure your actions are based on truth and when things go wrong, you will still be able to maintain your courage. Keep reminding yourself that you have the power of truth with you and you will be victorious, whatever the challenges that come your way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 01, 2020: Think Big

Contemplation: February 01, 2020: Think Big

No photo description available.

Stairway to Heaven Sculpture at Bondi Beach in Sydney

Think Big

Rise above little things. Be a big thinker. You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, dream big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, image big, love big, live big. Carry that list and you'll start feeling big. Be a believer and you'll be an achiever.

Words come from your mindset. 

If you don't want negative words to end up in your conversations, then change your mindset.

Change your thoughts and feelings towards the other person. Develop good feelings and respect for others.

Get positive and your words will follow.

Self Esteem

Self-esteem comes when I really value myself: When I place value on myself, then others, too, will value me. When I don't value myself, how can I expect others to value me? If I continuously put myself down, saying - I'm no good or I am not capable, other people who hear this will start believing it. So what do I do? The key word is consciousness. As I start to make my consciousness positive by creating positive thoughts many times in the day about myself like - I am the most fortunate soul in the universe or I am a victorious soul, I cannot experience failure in any step in life or I am a self sovereign soul, ruler of my sense organs or I am a destroyer of obstacles or I am a spiritual rose flower who spreads the fragrance of divine qualities or similar thoughts, I become spiritually alert, then I am in a position to start valuing my life and as I start valuing myself, I develop self-confidence. The effect of this is that I start valuing others, understanding that everyone has their own position: not higher or lower, just different. Each one's uniqueness has its value.

Soul Sustenance

Serving Through  Silence

In meditation you connect to the experience of silence in which both the mind and the heart are calmed. The mental chatter or noise stops. A gentle flow of slow, clear, transparent and peaceful thought is produced. The organs of the senses and the body are calmed and your emotions become peaceful. In this state you can listen to the voice of your conscience, the voice that guides you. That way you awaken the divine intuition. On listening to that voice, you are strengthened. In this way you start to align your life with your purpose, with what you really want. You begin to have more determination to carry out the things that you really want to do, without fear preventing it. 

With meditation you learn to love the silence. A tender, beautiful and sweet silence. That way you value each word more, given that to not lose that experience of the sweet silence, you try to talk less, to speak with sweetness and gentleness. When you generate the love and pleasure in going to the silence, it helps you express the best of yourself. To help others, sometimes it is better not to speak, not to use words; to use the vibration of your thoughts and good feelings that emerge from that state of silence. That way you will enter the hearts that are trapped in darkness. Those hearts are in darkness, they have lost hope, and they are hurt, wounded, discouraged. From your silence you transmit to them the light with which they can find a way out. To receive it, they have to be willing. But if their time has not yet come, at least they will know that there are people willing to help from a silence that does not judge, does not complain. A silence that accepts, appreciates and loves, generating an atmosphere in which one can be oneself and feel free to change at their own speed, without feeling forced, but rather from understanding and love.


Message for the day

Where there is truth there is victory. 

Expression: As the saying goes, 'the boat of truth may rock but it will never sink.' When you are truthful you might temporarily experience dissatisfaction, but you will ultimately attain victory. 

Experience: When you are going through a time which is difficult for you, remind yourself that the truth within you will ultimately get you victory. This faith will make you face all situations with a cheerful face. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: January 31, 2020:  Power of Truth

Contemplation: January 31, 2020:  Power of Truth

Power of Truth

The power of Truth is such that you need never be concerned about justifying it.  You need only be concerned with being it and living it.  Truth is always revealed at the right moment, at the right place.

To love myself is to be loved by all 

When I love myself, I will use all my qualities without being affected by the external situations. I will then use my capability to the fullest. This self esteem brings respect from others too. Others will continue to see and respect those specialties as I am using them consistently. Today I will pat myself on my back and say to myself "you are special and I love you and am proud of you". Just as we tend to encourage others, we need to encourage ourselves too. This will help us get in touch with our own qualities, which would then be expressed in all we do.

The Consciousness Switchover (Part 2)

Given below are few simple methods which help us in the process of rising above action or role consciousness and make the task of switching of consciousness to a spiritual one, easy.

1. Every hour, stop for a few seconds and note down in a small diary, which you carry with yourself through the day, to what extent, in the hour that has just gone by; you have maintained the light and detached awareness of yourself as a soul, a being of peaceful and blissful light, situated at the centre of the forehead, playing its part through the physical body costume and the physical role costume and seeing others the same way. If you haven't had any awareness, that's fine: the light reminder will help you remain attentive for the next one hour period. This will over a period of time become an easy, natural and enjoyable exercise, which is very relaxing.

2. Every 2-3 hours, stop whatever you are doing for a 3-4 minutes and turn your attention within, creating an awareness and feeling of the soul, but a very deep one. Remind yourself of your spiritual relationship or your relationship on a soul level with the Father of the soul, the Supreme Being or God. Experience the relationship. At centres of the Brahma Kumaris and even at their homes and workplaces, the members of the Brahma Kumaris around the world, follow this exercise. Where it's feasible, music is played at these times to make the break effective and soothing. This exercise is called traffic control, because the peace experienced in this exercise helps you become aware of the traffic of your thoughts and slow it down, reducing the risk of accidents that are caused due to internal mental clashes as well as clashes with the variety sanskaras or personality traits of people whom you come in contact with.

3. Every time you eat or drink something i.e. you nourish the body, along with that sustain the soul with spiritual thoughts, above the mundane or ordinary. These spiritual thoughts could be based on something positive that you have read in the morning at the start of the day.

Soul Sustenance


Reflection (thinking deeply) is a necessary step in digesting knowledge. Reflection is an exercise of the mind and intellect that goes into the depths of understanding an idea, or realization, or point of knowledge with the aim of practicing it in daily life.
Values in my life are a sign that knowledge has been digested; without this, knowledge simply remains a beautiful aspect, appreciated, interesting information in my intellect but without the ability to give me strength because it is still external; it has not been internalised.

All quality action (quality action is that action which is truly appropriate to person, circumstance and the need of the moment), all newness of perception (understanding), all new insights, or vision, require a space for silent reflection as a preliminary step. Normally, we are lost in the business of action, its routine and ritual that make our life so mechanical and hence dull and boring, or demanding and hectic. A mind and intellect that do not give time and attention to reflective silence (meditation) become lazy, though externally there is lots of activity for hours and hours. No new heights are reached because there is no depth of awareness in what we are doing, no reflection on purpose. As a result, we get trapped by routine.

To be dictated to by external situations, which make us run around without stopping internally, brings about unnecessary stress on the mind, which keeps us tied to the strings of the external, like a puppet pulled, pressed and pushed by circumstances. To break free from this force, to relieve the mind of the weight of stress and waste and routine, I need to step inside and reflect (think) on who I am and where I am going and reassess my value system. Otherwise, life becomes like a wheel that keeps spinning faster and faster until we become dizzy - we want to get off but it is going so fast we do not know how. Reflection and taking time to understand spiritual knowledge bring us to the essence of everything.

Message for the Day

Your power of truth will enable you to learn from your mistakes.

Expression: The power of truth within you will enable you to learn from all situations. When things go wrong you will be able to check yourself and improve instead of giving excuses to yourself and others. When you give excuses you will not be able to learn and progress.

Experience: Take any situation that went wrong today. Check within yourself what your part was in the situation because of which things went wrong. Then correct yourself based on this understanding.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: January 30, 2020: Excuses, Excuses

Contemplation: January 30, 2020: Excuses, Excuses

Excuses, Excuses 

If you want to do anything you find a way. 
If you don't want to do anything you find an excuse.


Generosity gives without expectations and gets everything. So avoid attaching strings to any generosity you extend.

Give without wanting anything in return and  simply accept whatever comes back, or doesn't come back!

Actually, what is right and what you need comes to you naturally, at the right time.

The Consciousness Switchover (Part 1)

While we have explained in many of our past messages what body consciousness or attachment to physicality is and how it leads to a creation of lot many different types and shades of vices or weaknesses which tend to creep into our sanskaras, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, words, actions, etc. as a result of which we lose access to our pure, positive inherent nature; another process of subtle attachment to physicality that we get drawn into regularly, which leads to the same result, but on a more subtle level, is karma or action consciousness where there is no over consciousness of the physical body but one gets so engrossed in the role one is playing that one becomes role conscious and experiences bondage and burden and mental freedom is lost. As a result our inner comfort and contentment levels drop, others tend to become discontent with us and we become discontent with them, our relationships suffer, the efficiency in our actions drop, even our physical body is affected and we don't know the reason for the same.

Most of us will experience body consciousness once in a while but we experience karma consciousness every day, something which we don't perceive as negative but it gives a negative result because it is a subtle form of body consciousness, which can accumulate inside us over a period of time and cross the boundaries of subtlety and take a gross form. What is a simple solution for the same? A consciousness switchover from role or karma consciousness to soul consciousness at different points in the day and then returning to playing the part of karma with a revised consciousness. The role remains the same and is to be played, the soul cannot exist without it, but the consciousness is changed.

In tomorrow's message, we will mention a few very simple methods which help us in doing that.

Soul Sustenance

Reversing The Flow Of Love In Relationships

If we ask someone who do they think has caused them the most sorrow in life, most will point out to someone they love or had loved a lot. Why is it so? It happens like that because we believe that the energy of love will come from the outside and will fill us inside. The energy of love from the other will fulfill our inner desire for the experience of love. Due to our own need, we attach ourselves and hold on to a particular person whom we love a lot, believing that they will fill us with the love that they possess inside them, which will make us stronger, fuller and more content. So we start depending on the other person for this need. When he/she is not able to fill us, which happens many times, we experience sorrow. Love is an energy, which exists inside us. It always goes from the inside out and reaches out to the other and brings benefit to the other. It does not come from the outside in.

If we try and reverse the flow of love i.e. we make the energy of love come from outside in, we start depending on the outside for love, which results in the vacuuming effect. When you vacuum to clean your living room, you absorb the good and the bad. If you have dropped something very small, but valuable and of utmost importance to you, on your carpet, the vacuum cleaner absorbs it or takes it away, together with the dust, which is negative and of no value to you and which you do not want inside your home. When you live with the vacuuming effect on an emotional level, you absorb the love, care, concern, virtues, powers, specialties, energy, etc. of the person you love but you also end up absorbing their weaknesses, their worries, their fears, etc. That way, a dependency is generated that is counter-productive and causes emotional pain. That does not mean we become cold and stop accepting love from others, but we are no longer dependent on it for our inner well-being and happiness. Also, on the other hand, we keep radiating or giving love. When we give love, we experience it ourselves first and that's what we want - an experience of love, isn't it? 

Message for the day

When you are truthful, you are loved and trusted by all.

Expression: When you are truthful your words and actions will become equal. You will do what you say and say what you do. Because of this you will continue to receive love and regard from everyone.

Experience: Just take up one thing that you have not been able to fulfill and today take up this thought that you will do it. Tell yourself that you have the power of truth within which makes your words and actions equal.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris 


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