Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: February 21, 2020: Gently Right

Contemplation: February 21, 2020: Gently Right

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Gently Right

Determination makes you sit up straight and love everything, because it's all part of moving forward. Day and night you have the feeling that you only have to seek and can touch the hard core of wisdom that rests inside each moment. You can focus on that, let the toughness be in seeking that and then action is automatically as it should be. Gently right.

Use the present moment well

When the mind continuously dwells on the past, we miss out on the opportunities of the present.

So, if you're still thinking about something you don't need to be thinking about - stop!

Remind yourself: time is too precious to waste on time-wasting thoughts.

Become present and take the opportunity to use the present moment well.

Loving The One (Part 1)

Discovering the love hidden within every spiritual being for the One who has performed thousands of favours for us from the time we experienced a life devoid of love and happiness goes beyond prayers and hymns, devotional songs, chanting of mantras, reading of scriptures and idol worship. Instead of asking for love, peace and happiness from Him, always called by the male gender, whom we have called out to in many phases of the life and death, birth and rebirth cyclic story, in which we lost our way many times, we need to know a method of connecting with Him in such a way so as to empower our inner selves completely to bring about changes inside us that would fill us with what we were searching. There will always be love for this One since He brings with Him thousands of love filled surprises which the soul does not even believe it can expect from God, but He being the One with the most number of enchanting and pure treasures, will always be remembered as the highest One whom the world looks up to in times of trouble.

If we look back at our present birth, we will remember thousands of times when God has hugged us and taken us beyond sorrowful circumstances and trying problems. We have thanked God so many times that remembering the same brings us into tears and we realize that we owe a lot to this One who goes out of his way to forget his remaining children for that one moment, which we feel is our own personal moment with Him, as we continue to fall in love with His continuous favours that he showers on us and we promise Him again and again to be faithful to Him by sharing all that He brings into our life, with those children of Him who search for Him and are sometimes disheartened when they feel lonely or disappointed, when things are not as pleasurable as they desire.  So let us celebrate our long lasting loving relationship with not only thousands of loveful gratitudes but also by giving humane inspirations to His loving children so that they unite with this One, the amazing One.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 1) 

When you free yourself of guilt, you live in peace within. You take on responsibility and stop sentencing (punishing) yourself internally with feelings of guilt. Taking on responsibility is constructive; it allows all your potential to remain awake and flow. You feel free and unburdened. When you get it wrong, you can find different methods to relieve yourself of the burden that it might imply. For example, being sorry for or feeling sad for something that you have done means that you are aware that you have acted against your own wellbeing or that of another. Realizing it is good; it is the base for any positive change. The important thing is not to sentence (punish) yourself. Learn the lesson. Say sorry, if it is the right thing. Put it right. 

Remember that yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed. You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already happened and stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over and over again; doing that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed behind. Learn from the error and commit yourself to you and to your life, promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You will think about it before speaking or acting. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

Happiness is earned by those whose actions and attitudes are pure and selfless. 

Expression: When the actions are pure and selfless there is no trace of negativity. Where there is no negativity, the mind becomes free from feelings of guilt, fear etc. This automatically ensures constant happiness. 

Application: If there is no happiness, there is definitely some kind of negativity. So check the actions that you perform. Let them be not only for your benefit but also for the benefit of all and you will find that you are able to be in constant happiness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 20, 2020: An Ancient Peace

Contemplation: February 20, 2020: An Ancient Peace

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An Ancient Peace

There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude. There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost. There is a love you have missed for so long and will always come back to.


Remove the confusion that comes from too many options and too much information by sharpening your focus.
Just as a photographer decides where and what to focus the lens on, we too must select what really matters and what doesn't.
Whilst capturing the overall picture and all the details, put the spotlight of your focus on one particular thing.
And just as a photographer adjusts the camera to each picture they take, know when to redirect and adjust your lens of focus.

The Limitless Mind

If we compare the two entities – mind and matter – the most obvious difference between the two that comes to the forefront is that one is non-physical and the other is physical. Another very important difference between the two is that whereas on one hand, matter has limits, in the sense, that’s its fixed in time and spaceThe mind, on the other hand, is beyond limits, in terms of physical parameters. It’s not fixed in time and space.

When we take a close look at what is going on in our mind, its power becomes visible to us. Since its not fixed in space, it can link me to a friend in, as far as, Washington or Singapore in less than a second. My mind can even move in many different directions at once. Since the mind is not fixed in time, I can think about yesterday, or about fifteen years ago; about tonight, or the next three years. That’s the reason we can say that the mind is limitless, hence powerful.

Thoughts also have different levels of power. Sometimes they fly past the mind leaving hardly any impact on us. At other times, they are accompanied by such feelings so as to influence our entire perception, even our complete inner mental state. Thinking about a visit to Kashmir I made last year, for e.g., I could find myself carried back mentally into the beautiful experience and its attached emotions. Filled with happiness, I will even radiate this happiness to others nearby, through my thoughts, facial expressions, words and actions. On the other hand, thoughts about the death of my close relative a few years ago will have an opposite impact on me in the present moment.

Soul Sustenance

Being An Observer And An Actor – Maintaining The Balance 

In relation to the other, we have the possibility of observing and intervening (interfering) when we wish to; that is, maintaining the balance between being an observer and acting; playing between forming part of the audience and being the actor. On being actors, sometimes we can lose ourselves in the acting of the other in his or her or their dramas; we get in so deep with what is happening to the other that we lose distance. We get mentally and emotionally involved in the other's stories. When our awareness gets lost in those stories, we stop being the creators of our own life and of our own story. This habit exhausts us; we lose energy; we lose our concentration and control over our thoughts and our emotions. We lose our inner peace and we begin to look for it again. 

We can choose to observe the dance of ideas, images and acts of others, and not get involved in their complications. Only thus will we be at peace with ourselves and with the world. Remember that you create your own story. If you want to live in peace and exercise a positive influence on the people around you, don't try to control or to change the stories of others. In order to enjoy a painting you do not poke your nose onto it; you remain at a certain distance so you see it with greater clarity. The same thing occurs with the painting of life. By learning the art of being a detached observer and then intervening, of keeping a healthy distance, we manage to be connected with what is essential without losing ourselves in the waste and superfluous (excessive). That way, our intervention does not arise out of a reaction which has shades of frustration, anger and negative judgements. We are then the creators of spaces of trust and love in relationships. 

Message for the day

The method to stay in constant enthusiasm and to keep others enthusiastic is to see specialities in others. 

Contemplation: Many times while I am sincerely working towards my task, I find myself losing my enthusiasm. I also might find people not very happy with me or my work. I do make an attempt to understand their feelings but fail to do so. Such negative responses further reduce my enthusiasm. 

Application: I need to develop the art of looking at specialities in people. The more I am able to see their positive qualities, the more I am able to relate to them with that speciality. This encourages the other person further to use that speciality. This will naturally keep me constantly enthusiastic. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 19, 2020: Miss Nothing

Contemplation: February 19, 2020: Miss Nothing

Image may contain: 1 person

Miss Nothing

Being enlightened means being self aware. Awareness of yourself means you don't miss anything inside. You are aware of things like the quality of your thoughts and feelings, of how you sometimes give your power to others, and how your self-esteem occasionally fluctuates. You don't miss anything because you know that knowing yourself is vital to being comfortable with yourself. Are you comfortable with yourself? No! Then be with yourself, talk to your self, listen to your self today. Take a few moments out and have a meeting with yourself. Put yourself in your diary. Put yourself at the top of your to list. And write next to it, 'being with myself'. Miss nothing in yourself.


Do you usually walk fast - everywhere?

Not because you're running late but just because it's a habit!

If you're feeling rushed all the time, try to walk at a slower, leisurely pace. Let your rushed thinking slow down and let ideas and creativity flow. Discover how life's much better when unrushed!

When you are in a rush, walk fast, walk briskly, not because you're in a hurry, but because you value the exercise for your legs and heart.

Becoming Aware Of What Is Ego

All of us are familiar, to different extents, with the emotion of ego. All of us don’t even define it in the same way. We are also aware to different extents, about the negative repercussions (effects) of the emotion of ego on us and on others. Depending on how aware we are about the effects, we work to eradicate the emotion from our daily lives, so that it neither disturbs us nor others. Some of us even consider it a positive emotion and feel it contributes positively to our personal and professional progress. To be aware completely of the negative effects of ego and to realize clearly whether it is a positive emotion or not in the first place, it is important to first become aware of what it is exactly. So, how can we define ego?    

Ego is attachment, inside my consciousness, to an incorrect image of my self which I then mistake for myself. When the attachment takes place, you lose your sense of identity in theimage of the object of attachment which you create on the screen of your mind. That object can be something physical like your body, your physical personality, a relationship, a material possession, your status, money, a particular skill, respect from others, etc. or something non-physical like a belief; an opinion; a  mindset, a memory, a particular virtue, specialty, power or a sanskar (positive or negative), etc. Therefore ego is the self attaching to and identifying with an image that is not the self. This process takes place entirely within our consciousness many times in the day, on the screen of the mind. E.g. When we say this is my salary package (something physical) or my opinion (something non-physical), we are (without being aware about it) creating an image of the salary package or the opinion inside our consciousness and becoming attached to it, so that we lose our self identity in the salary package or the opinion, believing that I am the salary package or the opinion. So at that time, the salary package or the opinion becomes an incorrect image of the self to which I am attached. This is ego. If while thinking, feeling or speaking about my salary package or my opinion, we do not become attached to or do not lose our self identity in either of the two, then that is not ego.

Soul Sustenance

Worry Confused With Concern (Part 2)

We are all linked together at a subtle, invisible level, and communicate with others invisibly. We not only send but also pick up the energy that others radiate, especially the ones that we are close to. We demonstrate with an example how this can work positively as well as negatively when we find ourselves in negative situations in our practical lives. 

Suppose the class teacher of your child (we take the example of your son) calls up and says that while playing in the school playground, your son has injured himself. She doesn’t explain much but says there is nothing to worry. She requests you to come and pick him up from the school. At this point of time your son is radiating his own spiritual energy which is most probably the negative energy of fear, stress, anxiety and sorrow (although the teacher has informed you that he is fine). At the same time he is also picking up your subtle spiritual or mental energy. You are driving to his school to pick him up. At this point of time, you only have a rough idea of what situation he is in exactly at that moment because you are physically far away from him. Guessing about the exact situation is making assumptions and is a waste of your mental energy. If you make negative assumptions i.e. you worry and are scared, then you are sending him the same vibrations of fear, a negative energy, which he is going to pick up and it is not going to empower or help him in anyway but is more likely to weaken and disturb him and even disturb you in your driving. You have been told that there is nothing to worry but still you know he is in a slightly difficult emotional situation and only he knows how he will come out of it. What will help him? He needs your support, but what will support him the most - we are talking about subtle support, because you are going to take some time to reach the school and provide him physical support? Your negative vibration of fear which you may mistakenly call concern or care as you imagine something bad has happened? Or the positive vibrations of your unconditional love and your good wishes, which is true concern or care? What will you send him to support him from far away? Worry vibrations or the vibrations of love in the form of your good wishes for them? Vibrations of love will keep you also in a positive state as you drive through the city. Besides, what is care or concern? It is you sending your positive inner spiritual light to help another and worry is definitely not that. 

Message for the day

Faith in others enables them to be powerful. 

Contemplation: Faith in others is usually mistaken for blind faith - observing helplessly, only hoping for the best in our heart. We, then, don't consciously do anything but just hope for the best. In such a situation we subtly experience fear or tension. But this is not true faith nor is the outcome usually right. 

Application: Faith in others means to remain alert to what is going on and then to fill the other person with the strength of our faith to such an extent that they feel able to do whatever needs to be done. Our faith will fill them with confidence and they will be able to give their best to the task. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 18, 2020: The Influence Of Gossip

Contemplation: February 18, 2020: The Influence Of Gossip

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Artist: Helena Nelson Reed

The Influence Of Gossip

I cannot afford to overlook the influence that other people have on me. There are cases where people quarrel, fight and even commit murder because they are influenced by gossip, influenced by the words of others. To what extent do I check that I am not being influenced by gossip? Negativity in the mind is like poison. Negative thoughts are the seeds of negative actions. It might seem like a simple everyday occurrence - my friends tell me in the strictest confidence that such and such a person is like this and does so-and-so. I listen and accept without question because of the friendship. My attitude and actions now become influenced by my friends words, and I find myself acting and reacting in accordance with the information fed to me. Gossip and guessing bring sorrow, heaviness and distrust. Poison can come in many disguises, but poison is poison whether from an enemy or a friend.

Be positive now and you'll generate more positivity.

That means, in all that you do, do it with a positive intention and feeling.
The more positive you are, the more your inner strengths get nurtured.
Even when something goes wrong, or someone behaves negatively towards you, it's your choice how positive you are.

The Power To Transform Emotions (Part 2)

Thoughts may be temporary. Feelings (either positive or negative), accompanying repeated thought-patterns, stay a bit longer inside us. But when a soul suffers a major setback, loss or failure in life that it is not able to deal with, it becomes emotionally damaged and the results of that can be extreme.

Suppose I lose a loved one all of a sudden. If the feelings that come to me because of this loss can be taken care of at that time, through any means like the remembrance of God, meditation, developing a positive hobby to divert my mind, spending more time in the positive company of other family members, etc.; I will deal with the feelings and move on. If however, I am unable to deal with my feelings through any of the means mentioned, the experience of loss I feel is going to cause a lot of deep damage on the emotional level. Then it will not just be a feeling of loss, but it will actually have wounded the soul emotionally. Until that wound has healed, I'll carry it with me long after the loss has suffered. The emotions linked to it will come to the surface repeatedly, though I may have no idea where my sorrow is coming from. Due to the emotional wound, I'll be unable to stay happy, no matter how positive my circumstances may be today.

Meditation does not require me to go into the subconscious roots of my pain. Instead, through thought, meditation enables me to take conscious control of my feelings and emotions, so as to displace the negative, which brings sorrow; with positive, which brings happiness.  It helps me experience pure, powerful emotions and loveful feelings to such an extent that the wounds left by past experiences are healed. Raja Yoga means royal union - it means having a loveful relationship with God. The experience of God’s love is a soothing balm for my emotions, and a remedy for the emotional pain the soul feels.

Soul Sustenance

Worry Confused With Concern (Part 1)

One of the most incorrect beliefs that we have acquired since childhood is that to worry is to care, worrying is caring. Our parents are the people whom we grow up with and are closest to in our childhood. As soon as we are born, in fact even before we are born, even when we are in our mother’s womb, they start transmitting the energy of this belief through their thoughts and later on when we are physically present in front of them, through thoughts, words and actions; to us, which we catch, because we being a spiritual energy, not only transmit or radiate but also absorb energy. As we grow up, this false belief keeps reaching us from everyone on a subtle as level as physical level from whom we meet and are close to including our friends, siblings (brothers and sisters), spouse etc. and slowly we start accepting this belief as being completely true and lead our lives according to it and even transmit the same to others. That is why it is extremely difficult to find a single person today who does not live according to this belief or does not bring it into their daily lives to some extent or the other. 

A very common example of the above belief which we all have gone through sometime or the other is when we are late by just a few minutes in coming back home from office. On reaching home, we are asked a thousand questions and by our family members, perhaps our parents or spouse or children about where we have been and why hadn’t we bothered to call and also informed about another thousand negative assumptions they had made in that much time. Why? Because they had been worried for us. We are normally surprised with the fact they are worrying, because 9 out of 10 times we are late because of a not so serious reason, but our family members explain that we were worrying for you because we care for you. But worrying is not caring. Worry is fear or anxiety and care is love or concern, they are two opposite emotions which can never exist together at the same time. 

In tomorrow's message, we shall demonstrate how on a subtle energy level, true love and concern is more beneficial than worry in coming out of negative situations, in which we find ourselves every now and then. 

Message for the day

Problem solving is to work at the roots of a problem.

Contemplation: When a problem comes up we usually try to work at removing the problem at hand by trying various methods based on the understanding we have. We don't go deep into the actual cause of the problem and so find it repeating again and again. Unless we understand the root cause of the problem we will not be able to get rid of it fully. 

Application: The trick to problem solving is to go to the root, i.e. to find the actual cause. When we find and work at removing the actual cause of the problem we will never find it repeating. For example, if the actual problem might be inability to finish everything in time, the cause behind might not be lack of sufficient time, but my own carelessness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 17, 2020: Soul Reflections

Contemplation: February 17, 2020: Soul Reflections

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Soul Reflections

Turn your mind away from distractions and have it face inwards to the inner being.  Like a perfectly calm lake when all whispers of wind have stopped, the inner being shimmers, quietly reflecting the intrinsic qualities of the soul.

Mastery over mind is the ability to concentrate thoughts. 

The practice of concentrating the mind on one thought even whilst being busy is being truly victorious over the mind. This practice helps in using all powers and qualities that are in me. Today I will take a thought and remind myself of it from time to time. A simple thought like "I am the creator of my thoughts and so the master of my mind" or "I am powerful" or "I am special". Such thoughts, when reminded from time to time in my busy schedule, helps me practice mastery.

The Power To Transform Emotions (Part 1)

As with feelings, when emotions are aroused, there are physical changes inside the body in the form of chemical and electrical activity. In fact, strong emotions don’t just affect the body; they also have an impact on the soul. When the soul suffers emotional trauma, from which there is lasting impact, the emotional trauma brings about an immense strain on the brain and body. Brain chemical production is likely to be affected, and there may also be feelings of depression and tiredness. But the real trauma at the root of these physical effects is at a deeper level within the soul itself, and the resulting emotional sensitivity will also arise from the soul.

e.g. I suffer a series of losses or setbacks in my business that causes a lack of confidence and self-respect inside me. A sanskara of low self-esteem is created inside. As a result I become emotionally unstable and sensitive. I'll show a tendency to react emotionally with extreme sorrow (may be in the form of depression) or extreme anger (sometimes in the form of an outburst) whenever there is a similar setback that touches this sensitivity. A person who has not suffered similarly in the past and does not have a sanskara of low self esteem, and as a result does not have this tendency, will not react in a similar fashion under similar circumstances.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing The Stage Of Being A Detached Observer 

Experience the stage of being a detached observer by gradually creating the following thoughts: 

I am aware of the present moment and of time... The whole world is out there... I let go for a moment of what is happening around me... It is as if the world continues to turn, but I have stopped for a few minutes and turned into an observer... Mentally, I take a step back... I look around me as if I were in the inside of a room... the room of my mind... In this place, I can be with myself... at peace... calm... free... Here I do not have pressures, or worries, or fears... Nothing and nobody can influence me... I can think... see things as they really are... 

I am sitting like an observer, seeing through two windows... These windows are my eyes... I am not my eyes... I am aware of who is looking through these eyes, a tiny sparkling star like energy, the soul... I am different from everything I am seeing... I perceive that separation between the observer and the observed... I observe the things that surround me without judging, without analyzing... I simply observe, remaining at peace with myself... 

I see this world as a stage of a great unlimited theatre play... each human being is an actor, a soul playing their own role via their physical body... I simply observe from my inner room... things come and go... nothing is permanent... I do not need to worry about anything or anybody... I let things be... flow... I am at peace... calmed... I share this vibration of peace with all that surrounds me. 

Message for the day

When you have the faith that things will turn out to be the best you can enjoy whatever life brings your way.

Contemplation: Throughout the day you will come across a lot of seemingly difficult situations. But if you have the faith that whatever happened was good, and whatever is happening is better, you will be able to enjoy each and every moment. You will also be able to learn from your mistakes. 

Application: At the end of each day think of all those things that happened wrong and see what you have learnt from them. When you are sure that you have learnt something you will understand what has happened was for the good. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: February 16, 2020: Balance In Life

Contemplation: February 16, 2020: Balance In Life

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Dervish Whirling Dance, Sufi Whirling in Konya Turkey

Balance In Life

The indication of balance in life is a sense of well-being, optimism and a clear conscience. The foundation for achieving this is to look after myself spiritually - making my mind peaceful, loving and thoughtful at all times. Then I will instinctively know how much time to spend on my own well-being and how much on fulfilling other responsibilities. I can only give my best to others when I am myself at my best.


When things go wrong, our first thought is often about controlling the situations or people involved. But since neither the situations nor people are in our hands, there is no success guaranteed with this way of thinking, which only increases the negativity. Instead of trying to control something I have no control upon, I need to start with myself. The more I am able to control myself with constant attention, checking and changing, the more I will have everything under control.

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships (Part 2)

In yesterday's message, we talked about ailments like possessiveness and complexes existing in our family relationships today. Today we explain how meditation can cure these ailments with much ease. As I practice meditation, which is nothing but a practical exercise of experiencing soul consciousness, I carry that experience into my relationships. While interacting with each one of my closest of relations, I start becoming aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the unlimited stage of the world, playing my act through the physical body costume and I see each one with the same consciousness. Also the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one small part of the whole painting of life. I don't know where I was, in which part of the painting and with whom, before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. Depending on the type of relationship, I do have a particular responsibility towards each one of them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within this eternal timeline e.g. as father and child, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow?

In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge spiritual family. Roles will change, but as souls, we only have an unlimited spiritual relation, we are brothers, but have no other permanent physical relation. Becoming aware of this spiritual wisdom  protects me against limited feelings of my mother, my husband, my sister and so on, where such feelings cause possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than pure spiritual love filled with equality. All problems are reduced in relationships, when the personality trait inside me that tries to control others, or is controlled by others, is removed. Both of these are negative behaviors, caused due to lack of inner security, not true responsibility or concern. By knowing myself as a soul, my self-respect returns and by seeing others in the same light, my respect for others returns. From this strong soul-conscious spectator point, there is an inner detachment (but not a lack of love) inside me and I'll no longer feel a need to manipulate others or be manipulated by the other, but instead I will radiate pure feelings of genuine love, care and respect into my relationships. This causes the same energy to come back to me from my relationships.

Soul Sustenance

Being Impressed By Others – Is It Beneficial?

To keep our self-esteem intact, we need to make sure that we do not have an impressionable intellect. Being impressed by people, in itself, is not bad, but we can fall into the tendency of staying trapped in the superfluous (excessive and unnecessary) and in appearances. What impresses us influences us and even moulds our awareness at that moment. We lose the ability to create our thoughts and feelings and these are influenced by the impression that we have allowed the other person to leave on us. Sometimes the impression is such that we completely give ourselves to it. We give up our power to the other, and we allow them to dominate our emotional world. The results of allowing oneself to be impressed are varied and on different levels. 

For example, when we are impressed by the other's position; it is fine to respect the authority and the position of the other, but when we allow their position to impress us, our ability to relate to the person in a smooth way is blocked. This can make it difficult for us to be the authority in our own life. Another example is when we are impressed by the achievements of the other and put them on a pedestal. We compare ourselves with him or her and have weak thoughts of ourselves, such as that we are not as good or effective as them, or we might feel jealousy or guilt. All of this acts as an obstacle on the path towards our own achievement. It is good to recognize and appreciate the achievements and skills of others, but when we allow them to impress us, in some way, we submit ourselves to their influence and we weaken our self-esteem and our respect towards ourselves. Without realizing, we use the other to fill a gap that we feel in ourselves. This will not always work. It will not strengthen us; rather it will create a dependency and dependencies weaken us. 

Message for the day

Set your mind on the seat of stability and you will never become upset.

Contemplation: In all that you do throughout the day, check if you are able to stabilize your mind wherever and in whatever thought you want at the right moment. If you are not able to you will find yourself getting upset. 

Application: Each morning create a positive thought for yourself. For example, tell yourself "I am the one who is in control of my mind and I can set it the way I want to." Now practice focusing on this one thought. Stabilize in this thought for some time. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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