Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: March 10, 2020: Contentment

Contemplation: March 10, 2020: Contentment

Image may contain: 1 person


The more positive the thoughts flowing through my mind, the more contented I will feel. It is easy to feel contented when we are praised and appreciated but to remain contented when we are being critised and rejected is the mark of real spiritual strength. The way to develop this level of strength is to learn about God's way of loving. Only when I am in deep contemplation can I see God showing me the kind of love I need to express so that I myself never reject or critise and always generate good wishes for others. Then I will feel satisfied no matter what life throws at me.

Real freedom

To the unenlightened, death comes but once a lifetime. To those who have chosen to become enlightened there are a thousand chosen deaths before it's time to leave the body and move on. This kind of death is the releasing off all our attachments, from false identity to opinions, from people to possessions. Cutting the subtle threads of attachment frees the spirit from fear, and when the time comes to move on, it's like 'shooting the breeze'. Dying alive is simply letting go of all you hold fast to in your mind. It doesn't actually mean losing anything, simply changing your relationship with the things in your life today. The greatest pleasure for every soul is the result of choosing the living death called detachment. Why? Because attachment is a form of slavery, and it all takes place in our own minds. And the result of detachment? Real freedom. 

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 3)

There is a difference between when we have established our own code of values or beliefs in life, and when we feel obliged (forced) to obey an imposed code of beliefs. It is important for us to accept on an inner level the code by which we think we should be guided and act. When we act out of obligation (compulsion), by following a code of beliefs or behaviors that we feel have been imposed but aren't accepted as our own, we should ask ourselves why we act out of obligation (compulsion), basing ourselves on a code we have not accepted. Are we perhaps afraid that, if we don't do it, we will feel guilty?

When we violate the codes of belonging to a group, family, social class or community, generally we feel guilty. If this guilt leads us to question ourselves about what is right for our conscience, we progress in our personal growth and improve our clarity. It is necessary to respect ourselves, being clear about what the beliefs are on which we base our life, think, feel and evaluate. This will help us to avoid the gap between what we should and what we want to do. Until the should and the want are joined, we leave an open space for guilt.

When we act according to how we feel we should, we will feel guilt for not doing what we want. While we act according to what we want, we will feel guilt for not doing what we should. When guilt warns us that there is something to check and correct within us and we are willing to see it, have a dialogue with the self and clarify, we are on the right path.  Sometimes guilt acts as an excuse for us to apologize without really taking on the responsibility for what happened; we pass on the responsibility to the established norms, norms that in this case we haven't accepted as our own. In any case, the solution to guilt is to take on self-responsibility.

Soul Sustenance

Temporary And Permanent Sources Of Peace

It’s a common notion (idea) to think of peace as being closely related to the beauty of nature - the play of waves on a beach, the blowing of wind through a forest, the soaring and swooping of gulls; in short, anything away from the rush and hurry of the city. Alternatively we associate peace with some physical form of relaxation like headphones plugged into soothing music, a hot bath after a hard day, a brisk walk in the park, etc. In meditation we realize peace to be our very essence (nature); we realize very quickly, trying to extract peace from the world around us or even from some physical sensations in our own bodies gives us only a temporary experience of it. 

Once we start meditating, we start to see physical relaxation as an escape from tension and not a solution for it; and the beautiful scenes of nature now no longer as sources radiating permanent peace. But in fact it is their mere absence of conflict, their harmony of colours, forms and sounds which appeal to us. There is something in each of us which cries out to be free from conflict. We discover that small voice or need is only our true nature demanding to be recognized. We realize that neither the body nor nature can give the peace that the soul was longing for, but it has to be tapped from within. Having found it, it remains constant, whether in the city or countryside, in comfort or discomfort. In the midst of noise and confusion, peace is really our own. 

Message for the day

To know the fruit of efforts will surely come is to remain happy and healthy.

Expression: To know that the fruit of my effort will eventually come one day is to understand the importance of making effort. Once there is this understanding, it becomes easy to continue making effort, which is like nourishment that keeps one happy. So effort is never stopped till what has to be achieved is achieved. 

Experience: Knowing that my effort will surely be fruitful makes me enjoy everything I do. It makes me remain happy, keeps me enthusiastic and free from tiredness, even when things are not going right for me. My mental happiness and well being thus keeps me healthy. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: March 09, 2020: Am I Happy?

Contemplation: March 09, 2020: Am I Happy?

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Am I Happy?

If there is any sadness I make a strong effort to be free of it quickly, otherwise it grows like a vine in the rainy season: by midday I will be confused; by evening a whole jungle of weak, wasteful and negative attitudes will have taken deep roots in my mind. The result equals chaos. Sometimes I reach a stage where the attitude is: "So what if I feel the blues today? It is my life; no one else will be affected". Firstly, the more I allow myself to experience sorrow, the less time I have available to be happy and contented. It sounds ridiculously obvious, but am I aware of the value of happiness? It is an extremely rare commodity, and the cost goes sky high. Secondly, is it my life? Yes, I am living it, but am I not a member of a family or a co-worker with others, and am I not part of society? If so, then every movement affects and is affected by those around me.

Loosen Up

Do you easily get uptight about things? Is it because you're trying to control everything? Is it because you take everything too seriously?

Loosen Up. Focus on the things that you can have an impact on and learn to accept everything else that's out of your control.

And lighten up. Smile more, laugh more and see the humour in life, instead of taking everything so seriously.

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 2)

If there are people or situations that lead you to fall over the same stone i.e. they lead you to make the same mistake, which was committed earlier, again, perhaps you will have to avoid them for a few days or a time, until you have strengthened yourself and have the inner security that they will not influence you. This is not running away; it is wise knowing your weaknesses and knowing that to get into similar situations with the same people is only to repeat the same errors and to worsen your wellbeing and that of the other. Trust in yourself. You can overcome these mistakes and stop making them. It is a question of loving yourself and living. Out of love, you stop hurting yourself and hurting the other.

Crying over past mistakes, you don't mend anything. Open yourself to forgiveness. Raise the level of your thoughts so that they don't keep you in a state of sadness and loss of hope. Don't allow your inner judge to sentence (punish) you each time that you act, since that way you won't feel free. Your judge that you carry within makes your life bitter; however, it is you that gives this judge the capacity to exist. If the inner judge is in harmony with our conscience, it is good, because it wants to protect us. On creating guilt it warns us that we have broken a rule of our code of beliefs, values or behaviors. It alerts us to the fact that we are acting against something important of ourselves. At those moments it helps us to observe and question what is real, true, important and even sacred in our life and for us.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

The Influence Of Your Thoughts, Intentions And Attitude On Your Destiny (Part 2)

We can define three basic types of actions: 

1. Actions which are impure, negative and unclear.
2. Actions which are pure, positive and clear.
3. Actions which are neutral. 

Impure actions are those that are influenced by negative intentions, anger, ego, bitterness, fear, rage, revenge, lust, attachment, dishonesty, greed, laziness, jealousy etc. Positive actions are influenced by good intentions and attitudes. They are actions ruled by kindness, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, humility, generosity, sweetness, empathy, trust, unity etc. Neutral actions are not dictated by a negative or positive consciousness and do not cause a negative or positive result. Everything remains as it was. If you do something with the intention of bringing benefit to someone but it does not give the result you desired, you will not receive a negative return, because your intention was good. However, if you carried out an action with the intention of hurting someone, with emotions of revenge, and that action did not hurt the other in the way that you wanted, you will still receive the return of the energy that you have radiated or thrown into the Universe. 

We have to pay, or, in other words, we have to reap what we have sown or have thrown into the Universe, through our actions, attitudes and intentions. This is called paying off karma. That is, we have to settle the accounts in order to clean the soul of the marks left on it by its negative actions or intentions. We also reap the fruits of the good seeds that we have planted. 

Message for the day

To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner.

Expression: The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning. 

Experience: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticized, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: March 08, 2020: Harmony

Contemplation: March 08, 2020: Harmony

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Mt. Monsanto, Portugal


All things have their time. All things have their answers. All things have their right to be. Accepting this reality, all things come into harmony.

See Humour in Life

Do you easily get uptight about things? Is it because you're trying to control everything? Is it because you take everything too seriously?

Loosen Up. Focus on the things that you can have an impact on and learn to accept everything else that's out of your control.

And lighten up. Smile more, laugh more and see the humour in life, instead of taking everything so seriously.

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 1)

When you free yourself of guilt, you live in peace within. You take on responsibility and stop sentencing (punishing) yourself internally with feelings of guilt. Taking on responsibility is constructive; it allows all your potential to remain awake and flow. You feel free and unburdened. When you get it wrong, you can find different methods to relieve yourself of the burden that it might imply. For example, being sorry for or feeling sad for something that you have done means that you are aware that you have acted against your own wellbeing or that of another. Realizing it is good; it is the base for any positive change. The important thing is not to sentence (punish) yourself. Learn the lesson. Say sorry, if it is the right thing. Put it right.

Remember that yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed. You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already happened and stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over and over again; doing that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed behind. Learn from the error and commit yourself to you and to your life, promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You will think about it before speaking or acting.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

The Influence Of Your Thoughts, Intentions And Attitude On Your Destiny (Part 1)

We constantly carry out actions on this world stage. Each and every action is always motivated by an intention, and has an attitude and behavior connected with it. According to the intention and the attitude with which you carry out a particular action, the action will return to you in a beneficial, negative or neutral way - the law says so.Nobody is above the natural laws of cause and effect. These laws function each time that you think, feel or act. For example, if you have a negative thought and you water it with your attention and develop it for an hour, or if you get up in the morning with negative thoughts and these thoughts remain in your consciousness for some time, this negativity will return to you. As a result, perhaps you feel depressed or angry, with a headache, a weakened immune system, little energy and you have a bad day. 

Your thoughts affect yourself, other people and matter. Thoughts also affect the environment. Children and animals pick up the vibrations of others; sometimes they go spontaneously to a stranger or at times keep a distance from someone who is known to them. Some pet owners do not trust a specific person if their pet, say a dog doesn't like the person or keeps a distance from him, because pets have higher perception powers.Being in harmony with someone's vibration means that you pick up the quality of their thoughts. A person with a good vibration thinks positively and carefully. On the other hand, a person with bad vibrations, perhaps, has a lot of anger, hatred, ego and laziness in their thoughts and attitude. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to be truly great. 

Expression: The one who is constantly in the stage of self-respect is constantly stable. And because of this stability he always has the right authority. This brings about right decisions too and he moves forward with ease facing all situations. 

Experience: When I am aware of my own specialities and work with them I inspire others too to recognize my positive qualities. I also never have ego but am able to remain humble. This humility enables me to win the respect of others too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: March 07, 2020: Do It Now

Contemplation: March 07, 2020: Do It Now

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Do It Now

The word 'later' proves weakness. Therefore, do not say, "I will do it later", but say, "I have to do it now."

One Direction

When water flows in one direction, it generates energy. 
The wind, when it blows in one direction, also generates energy. 
Sun rays, when focused, generate energy. 
In the same way, when we have an aim and objective, our actions become directed, focused. A current of consistent actions flowing in the direction of one's aim becomes increasingly powerful at each second. The intellectual capital invested in that will generate the dividends of increased happiness.

Living A Life In Supra-Consciousness (Part 3)

Living a life in supra-consciousness will give us the power to bring the aims and objectives in our respective fields, whether it be in the professional sector or on a family relationship level or in any extra-curricular activity like a hobby or a sport or on a social activity level like service to mankind or for achieving an objective for the physical body like overcoming a serious ailment (illness) or for some the purpose of earning wealth through different means. A higher spiritual consciousness or supra-consciousness is not only a powerful thought or the power of determination but also an inculcation of a particular virtue or power through self-assessment and nurturing the virtue or power through pure thoughts and feelings. It is an emerged consciousness for a purpose or as a natural nature characteristic focused towards the fulfillment of a significant aim in our life and is the opposite of sub-consciousness which is more of a hidden consciousness and a merged one, but equally important. The conscious mind is the average or the centre between the supra-conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind.

Also, the complete celibacy of the mind, which means a clean and clear transparent water like mind with no trace of anger, lust, jealousy, animosity (hatred), greed or ego; but on the other hand a mind in which the pure lotuses of positive qualities, personality specialties, talents and skills flourish - is a primary requirement for a supra-consciousness to do its work. Along with the requirement of a clean mind, the other potent (powerful) force for a supra-consciousness is the fuel of a powerful and clear connection with the Almighty Father or God, whose power is the highest and strongest in the world. This fuel lifts the consciousness to amazingly high levels and increases its capacity to the levels of God’s consciousness which can achieve success in the most difficult tasks that exist on the planet Earth. And a supra-consciousness is the key to injecting the energy of positivity into any task and contribute to its fulfillment. 

Soul Sustenance

Observing My Mind And Its Creation

Let us experience creating positive thoughts about ourselves and see how long we can maintain them. We must learn to become our own best friend. A positive thought is imagining oneself as a being of peace. Peace is considered as the power and original quality of human beings. 
In order to be able to concentrate, let's imagine a point of light, a small star like point of energy in the centre of the forehead... Let's focus our attention on this point and begin to create these thoughts: Who am I? Who am I really? 
I turn towards my inner self in order to know myself... I am going to observe the screen of my mind for a few moments... 
I become aware of the thoughts and images I see on the screen of my mind, but I do not let myself be influenced by them... I simply observe them, and I am gradually going to let them flow... I let go of them, I let them drift away... 

I create a space between me and my thoughts, between me and my stream of feelings... I feel at peace and calm, I can choose what I think... The feeling of being able to choose makes me feel stronger... 

I am strong, peaceful and calm... I am positive energy... I am a peaceful, calm being: peace is harmony and balance... 

Message for the day

Lightness comes when words are accurate.

Expression: Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Whatever has to be said is said to the point. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. They bring about the result needed accurately. 

Experience: When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: March 06, 2020: Less Is More

Contemplation: March 06, 2020: Less Is More

Image may contain: 1 person, nature

Less Is More

Fear less, hope more;
Eat less, chew more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Hate less, love more and all good things are yours.

Beware of over-share

We all enjoy a good conversation, when it's easy to share our opinions and experiences. But when we're too comfortable, it's too easy to blurt out too much information.

Now, there's a fine line between sharing just the right amount and over-sharing. Since the same lines don't fit every conversation, take a brief moment in every conversation to be clear about what's appropriate to share and what's not.

Enjoy relaxed conversations. Share, but beware of over-share.

Living A Life In Supra-Consciousness (Part 2)

Achievement is measured by many parameters in life. Successful people fulfill all these parameters in their respective fields to emerge as the special ones and not remain as the ordinary or the mundane. An architect thinks deeply to come up with the design of a new structure. The mind needs to be completely free from waste and negativity and completely silent and concentrated for the complete powers of the mind to be harnessed (used). A charismatic leader like Mahatma Gandhi took the vow of complete purity and ahimsa (or non-violence) which not only inspired others but also served as a power behind getting the country liberated from the British Empire. A living legend Pele, who passed through a poverty filled childhood in Brazil, surpassed all records and became known as the most amazing footballer of all times through the power of determination. Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity. Called the son of God, his secret was the power of love and capacity to tolerate, for which he is remembered by not only 200 crore plus Christians whose hearts are devoted to him, but revered (respected) by the complete world. King Vikramaditya, known for his wisdom, bravery and big-heartedness was the first king who started the worship of the bodiless Supreme godfather Shiva by building the first Jyotirlingam shrine out of the 12 existing Jyotirlingams in India - the Somnath temple in Gujarat, India. He was followed by millions all over India who not only worship Shiva but are an inspiration to many many people all over the world who worship God as non-physical or a subtle point of supreme energy, depicted in different religions in different ways. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and one of the oldest mathematicians of our times, led the way by inventing one of the most famous theorems of mathematics – the Pythagoras's theorem by diving into the depths of ancient Greek wisdom and reflecting internally.

All the above and many many more luminaries (celebrities) of different fields had a supra-consciousness, that something above the ordinary consciousnesswhich shaped their lives and their destiny and made them heroes remembered for their achievements.
(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

Entering into a Land of Forgiveness (Part 4)

The Land of Forgiveness cannot be created without the power of truth. While peace and love transform our emotions, we cannot forgive someone or not get angry at someone who has wronged us without rock solid self-esteem, which is the energy of truth in action. There are some who tolerate and forgive, but they give in to the pressure associated with it by indulging in occasional outbursts. Doing the same with pleasure and not with pressure requires regular inputs of true spiritual wisdom from the Supreme and their inculcation. Over a period of time, such an individual becomes filled with the power of truth and is able to withstand the pressures of coming into contact with a difficult personality. He is able to not only remain introverted while connecting with such a person but also radiate good wishes to the other person and smile softly in the process of doing the same. 

There are some common sayings in the everyday teachings of the Brahma Kumaris based on truth - the one who is truthful dances in joy, the boat of truth will rock (shake) but will not sink, the one who is truthful will emerge victorious – such a person, who is an ocean of truth, is the one who wears the different hearts of forgiveness (explained earlier) gracefully and is an instrument in creating a Land of Forgiveness and earns the sweet blessings of the Supreme Father.
Message for the day

To have attention to accumulate is to experience constant progress.

Expression: The one who has the attention to accumulate each and every moment makes sure that he uses well his treasures like thoughts, time etc. Then, there would never be anything waste or even ordinary. Instead each treasure would be used for the benefit of all. 

Experience: Having attention to accumulate makes me realize the importance of whatever I have. This makes me pay attention on even little things and I find myself benefitting from each moment and with each thing that happens. Thus I experience constant progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: March 05, 2020: Good Relationships

Contemplation: March 05, 2020: Good Relationships

Image may contain: 5 people
Good Relationships

In order to create good relationships... - with your mind, think about what you have to learn from others, - with your eyes, look into good qualities of others, - with your words, recognize, value and appreciate their accomplishments, - with your actions, cooperate and do something for others.

To say yes is to receive blessings and to ensure progress. 

Life brings certain situations that seem difficult and challenging. When such situations demand something from me (which I feel is beyond any capacity), there is a tendency to either say 'no' or to try and escape. On the other hand, when I say yes to the situation I will be able to discover skills and talents within me, that I never knew I had. I will thus be able to receive blessings from many. Today I will one thing that I have been avoiding to do. I will use all my skills and energies to make it happen. I will then automatically receive help and good wishes from others, which would help me further in succeeding.

Living A Life In Supra-Consciousness (Part 1)

Life with a higher consciousness starts with taking two primary steps - one is the complete purity or holistic celibacy of the mind and the other is a strong love filled connection with a spiritual power giving source. Both contribute equally in creating a mind-field in which strongly charged thoughts (thoughts charged with strength) can emerge which contribute to success in every sphere of karma or action.

Many historians have pondered (given a thought to) over the success of many important and high profile individuals down the history lane - not only what success they achieved and how they achieved it, but also the reasons behind their success. These individuals include kings and queens of a high caliber, with rich capabilities; also many sportsmen and women which the world remembers a lot; also high class politicians from different countries all across the globe who etched (wrote) their names on not only hearts of people whom they led but also people who saw them do that from a distance i.e. people from countries other than their native countries. Also let us not forget the success stories created by scientists and engineers who set an example by dedicating their lives to bringing new inventions to society on which the world is thriving till the present day. There were writers also of different natures who wrote tons of pages on different subjects and are followed by millions of people all over the world for their prowess (skills) with the simple pen. The world also saw artists in different spheres like music, theatre, painting, sculpture, architecture and photography, bringing the world to their feet with their creative spirit. What was the common Aha factor in the lives of all of them – mental strength and also a solitude or silence filled intellect. Today, we have all achieved success on a material level but forgotten the basics of a higher spiritual consciousness or supra-consciousness and how it can bring in our favour the tag (label) of so called successful people.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

Entering into a Land of Forgiveness (Part 3)

There is a saying in India that in a home where the fire of anger exists, pots of water also dry up. Anger is a name given to a large collection of desires that exist inside the human consciousness which prevent us from forgiving. Filling the emotions inside our mind with love and pacifying the emotions of subtle desires is the second step in creating an environment of forgiveness wherever we are. Imagine a world without the numerous desires that exist in our lives - I need, I want, I own, I expect, I am right, I envy – these are subtle fires that burn up the energy of pure soul-to-soul love, that exists inside us instinctively, because we are children of God, the Supreme Soul, who is an Ocean of love. 
So waking up in the morning and starting the day with a warm Good Morning to this Ocean of love and having a heart-to-heart conversation and a deep loveful communion with Him and filling myself with the deepest pure love existing in this complete Universe, is paving the way for my heart to be cleansed of the various ego-based emotions and for it to become moulded as a forgiving one, because the more I fill my heart with God’s love, the more I am enriched with soul-to-soul love and the more sweet and humble I become. And such a transformed me, then is able to win the hearts of each one and create an atmosphere of love and forgiveness around me, which is my vow (promise) to the Supreme.(To be continued tomorrow) 

Message for the day

Words filled with good wishes bring change in others.

Expression: When there are good wishes combined with the words that I speak, there is love. Whatever is spoken with love has its effect on others. Such words are free from all kind of negativity, so they naturally have a lot of power. Only such powerful words can bring about a change in others. 

Experience: When I speak with love and good wishes, I find that I am light, knowing that I have no selfishness in whatever I have said. The others too are able to immediately correct themselves. This also enables me to gain good wishes for having taken them a step forward. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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