Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: September 02, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
September 02, 2013
हम ब्राह्मण कुल भूषण आत्माएँ, मुरली सुनने और सुनाने वाले, सदा संतुष्ट और सदा खुश रहने वाले, खुशनसीब मुरलीधर हैं...
We, the fortunate souls, the decorations of the Brahmin clan who listen to and relate the murli, are constantly content and happy murlidhars...
Hum Brahman kul bhooshanatmaayen, murli sun ne aur sunaanewale, sada santusht aur sada khush rahnewale, khushnaseeb murlidhar hain...

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: September 02, 2013
Praise of the Father: Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva... Flame... Salutations to Shiva...Purifier... Husband of all husbands... Abhokta (beyond experiencing anything)... IncorporealOne... Businessman...
Knowledge Points: The Father says: I have to enter this body of the one who was the sun-dynasty Shri Narayan at the beginning and I make him that again.
This study is that of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. He teaches us Raja Yoga through Brahma and makes us into the masters of heaven.
The Father says: I only come in order to make you children pure from impure because Ravan has conquered you, made you like shells and bankrupt. Bharat is now bankrupt and I am now making you solvent.
You will reap your reward there for the effort you make here.
Yoga Points:
Who are you? A soul. Souls are images of light. Some come and belong to the Father and sacrifice themselves while alive. When a soul leaves their body, it is as though the whole world is dead for them. The Father now tells you: Consider yourself to be a soul. Remember Baba. While remaining in the body, break your connections with everyone and make effort to become bodiless. Make your intellect forget everything of the world. Once you renounce body consciousness you are dead to the world and the world is dead for you.
Dharna Points: Only those who remain constantly content and happy have the fortune of happiness and are intense effort-makers.
Remain free from your bodily relations. There shouldn't be the awareness, even in your dreams: "I am a man, this one is a woman." The combined form is of the self and the Father.
You understand that you are becoming elevated and that you mustn't do anything sinful. There should be fear of committing sin. You have to gain victory over Ravan.
If you cannot go to a centre, you can ask for the murlis to be sent to you and read them. Murlis are studied for knowledge to be imbibed. Do not sulk with the Father and stop studying.You can claim a royal status by listening to the murli.
Service Points: You children should have an interest in becoming a murlidhar (one who relates the murli). You have to listen to it and relate it to others. You have to show the results.
Continue to remember the Father and continue to remind others of the Father. Give your news to the Father so that He knows. Proof of service is definitely needed.
The tape recorders also become murlidhars; they are able to relate the murli accurately. In order to benefit others, you could give them a tape recording machine. If many people listen to the tape recorder, the one who gave it will receive a lot of fruit. By your giving this first-class donation, many can receive benefit for 21 births. To purchase a tape recorder and donate it or to purchase a building and donate it is very good service. The building would remain yours, but you would receive the fruit of its use.
Points of Self Respect: murlidhar... fortunate... masters of heaven... decorations of the brahmin clan...courageous and victorious soul...

शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!


विचार सागर मंथन: September 02, 2013



बाबा की महिमा : परमपिता परमात्मा शिव...शमा... शिवाए नमः... पतियों का पति... अभोक्ता... निराकार... सेन्सिबुल सौदागर...



ज्ञान :  भारत अविनाशी बाप का अविनाशी बर्थ प्लेस है | तुमको राजयोग सिखलाने के लिए बाप ने शरीर धारण किया है l यह है अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्न, पढाई है | ब्रह्मा द्वारा राजयोग सिखाकर हमको बैकुण्ठ का मालिक बनाते हैं l



बाप कहते हैं मैं आता ही हूँ तुम बच्चों को पतित से पावन बनाने क्योंकि रावण ने तुम्हारे ऊपर जीत पहन ली है l अब फिर उस पर जीत पानी है l रावण तुमको कौड़ी जैसा बनाकर देवाला निकल देते हैं l फिर तुमको सालवेन्ट बनाता हूँ l यहाँ के पुरुषार्थ की प्रालब्ध तुम पाते हो |



योग :  बाप कहते हैंअपने को आत्मा समझो l बाप को याद करते रहो l हम तो बाप के हैं l शरीर का भान मिटा देना है l मनुष्य मरते हैं तो देह सहित सब कुछ भूल जाते हैं l

शरीर में होते सबसे तैलुक (नाता) तोड़ अशरीरी बनने का पुरुषार्थ करना है l बुद्धि से सब कुछ भूल जाना है l




धारणा :  मुरली सुननी पढ़नी हैधारण करने के लिए l बाप समझाते हैंतुमको बहुत मीठा बनना है, कोई को दुःखी मत करो l अन्त में तुम बच्चे बहुत मीठा, बाप जैसे बन जायेंगे l रूठकर वर्सा पाने को छोड़ना नहीं हैं l पुरुषार्थ करना है l सदा संतुष्ट और सदा खुश रहने वाले ही खुशनसीब, तीव्र पुरुषार्थी हैं l



पवित्र प्रवृत्ति का पार्ट बजाना है तो देह के संबंधों से निवृत्त रहो l मैं पुरुष हूँ, यह स्त्री हैयह भान स्वप्न मैं भी नहीं आना चाहिए l आत्मा भाई-भाई है तो स्त्री पुरुष कहाँ से आये l युगल तो आप और बाप हो l  कम्बाइन्ड रूप में आप और बाप |



सेवा : मुरली सुनकर औरों को सुनाना है l  पुरुषार्थ कर सर्विस का सबूत देना है l आप समान बनाकर दिखाओ |  बाप की याद औरों को दिलाते रहो l


टेप्स भी मुरलीधर बनती हैं l यह एक्यूरेट मुरली सुना सकती है l औरों के कल्याण के लिए टेप रिकॉर्ड मशीन लेखर देनी चाहिए l इतने सब सुनेंगे तो उन सबका फल देने वाले को बहुत मिलेगा l यह तो फर्स्टक्लास दान करना है, जिससे 21 जन्मों के लिये बहुतों का कल्याण होता है l टेप रिकॉर्ड लेकर देना वा मकान लेकर देना अच्छी सर्विस है l मकान फिर भी तुम्हारा ही रहेगा, उसका फल तुमको मिलेगा l


स्वमान  : मुरलीधर ...बख्तावर... बैकुण्ठ का मालिक... ब्राह्मण कुल भूषणों... हिम्मतवान विजयी आत्मा...

Video of Murli Essence:
Song: Mehefil me jal uthi shama parvane ke liye... महफिल में जल उठी शमा... The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths.
Essence: Sweet children, the Father has come into the gathering of the iron age. This is a huge gathering. In this gathering you moths sacrifice yourselves to the Flame and become pure.

Question: What is the reason why even now the efforts of some children are as slow as an ant?

Answer: Some children have the habit of sulking. They sulk with the Father and stop studying. Then, Maya catches hold of them by their nose or ears. This is why there is no progress in their effort. It remains at the pace of an ant. You children should have an interest in becoming a murlidhar (one who relates the murli). You have to listen to it and relate it to others. You have to show the results. The children who miss the murli and have no value for this study can never become fortunate.

Song: The Flame has ignited in the gathering of the moths.
Essence for dharna:
1. While remaining in the body, break your connections with everyone and make effort to become bodiless. Make your intellect forget everything of the world.
2. Make effort and give the proof of your service. Listen to the murli and also study it so that you can imbibe it. You mustn’t allow it to go in one ear and out of the other.
Blessing: May you be free from bodily relations by remaining combined with the one Father while living with your family.
If you want to play the part of a pure householder while living with your family, then remain free from your bodily relations. There shouldn’t be the awareness, even in your dreams:“I am a man, this one is a woman.” Since souls are brothers, how can there be man and woman? The combined form is of the self and the Father. The other relationship is just in name only, for the sake of service, but in the combined form there is the self and the Father. Continue to move along with this understanding and you will be said to be a courageous and victorious soul.

Slogan: Only those who remain constantly content and happy have the fortune of happiness and are intense effort-makers.
मुरली सार:- ``मीठे बच्चे - बाप आये हैं कलियुग की महिफल में, यह बहुत बड़ी महफ़िल है, इस महफ़िल में तुम परवाने शमा पर फ़िदा हो पावन बनते हो''

प्रश्न:- यदि
बच्चों का पुरूषार्थ अब तक भी चींटी मार्ग का है तो उसका कारण क्या?

बच्चों में रूठने की आदत है, बाप से रूठकर पढ़ाई छोड़ देते हैं तो माया नाक-कान से पकड़ लेती है इसलिए पुरूषार्थ आगे नहीं बढ़ता। चींटी मार्ग का ही रह जाता है। बच्चों को मुरलीधर बनने का शौक चाहिए। सुनकर औरों को सुनाना है। रिज़ल्ट देनी है। जो बच्चे मुरली मिस करते हैं, जिन्हें पढ़ाई का कदर नहीं, वह कभी बख्तावर नहीं बन सकते।

में जल उठी शमा......

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1) शरीर
में होते सबसे तैलुक (नाता) तोड़ अशरीरी बनने का पुरूषार्थ करना है। बुद्धि से सब कुछ भूल जाना है।
पुरूषार्थ कर सार्विस का सबूत देना है। मुरली सुननी पढ़नी है - धारण करने के लिए। एक कान से सुन दूसरे से निकालना नहीं है।

में रहते एक बाप के साथ कम्बाइन्ड रहने वाले देह के संबंधों से निवृत्त भव
प्रवृत्ति में अगर पवित्र प्रवृत्ति का पार्ट बजाना है तो देह के संबंधों से निव्रृत रहो। मैं पुरूष हूँ, यह स्त्री है-यह भान स्वप्न में भी नहीं आना चाहिए। आत्मा भाई-भाई है तो स्त्री पुरूष कहाँ से आये। युगल तो आप और बाप हो। यह तो निमित्त मात्र सेवा अर्थ है, बाकी कम्बाइन्ड रूप में आप और बाप हो। ऐसा समझकर चलो तब कहेंगे हिम्मतवान विजयी आत्मा।

सन्तुष्ट और सदा खुश रहने वाले ही खुशनसीब, तीव्र पुरूषार्थी हैं।

Daily Positive Thoughts: September 02, 2013: Responsibility

Daily Positive Thoughts: September 02, 2013: Responsibility
''Living Water'' by Howard Lyon
Let me take responsibility for myself and not have expectations of others.
As you do, so you become
Every action that you perform is recorded in you, the soul. These imprints ultimately mould your character and destiny. When you understand this principle, you will pay more attention to bringing you best to everything you do.
The Law of Focus and Attention (cont.)

Yesterday we had explained the Law of Focus and Attention. Today we continue to explain the same:

If our attention is focused on people's defects and weaknesses, we transmit energy to these aspects and strengthen these weaknesses in the other person and in ourselves. If, on the other hand, our attention is directed at the positive aspects of others, we reinforce these qualities and virtues and help this person express them, which is also beneficial to us.

Our personality is made up of a series of values, beliefs and habits. If we wish to transfer our energy to new and positive aspects of ourselves, we must choose the personality traits that we want to emerge from us, focusing our time and energy on them and, in this way, this virtue, value or quality will manifest itself in our life.

Soul Sustenance
Resisting False Attractions In Actions

All that glitters (shines) is not gold. Life presents you with many illusionary scenes, scenes in which what may be visible may not be the truth. These scenes cause desires to be born inside you to achieve something unnecessary for your prosperity or other types of fulfillments. These can be illusions that make you believe that you will gain something from a situation or person, without the same being true. Thus, you waste time going down a path that not only leads you to disappointment; but you also waste the resource of your thoughts and energy and as a result you tire yourself out emotionally and mentally.

If the intellect is polluted, you make incorrect judgments and are easily deceived by situations or people. Thus, you will make incorrect choices, dishonest or illogical decisions. You will justify dishonesty and improper actions and you will be incapable of differentiating between the real and the imaginary.A person with a pure, clear, clean and powerful intellect will act with honesty and sincerity. When your intellect is polluted, you may act against your own conscience or against your better judgment; you also may be insensitive. A person with a doubtful intellect will always justify a dishonest act. Meditation is the process of purifying and cleaning the intellect, because in meditation we connect with the purest intellect, the intellect of the Supreme Soul or God. Meditation is also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of your conscience. Being awake means to realize, and being strong means to act according to what you have realized.
Message for the day

To recognize the uniqueness of one's own role is to be free from negativity.

Projection: When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role. We begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us lose all our enthusiasm. We, then, make no effort to better our role.

Solution: We need to recognize the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes us free from negativity.


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