Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: September 25, 2013 : Creative Life

Daily Positive Thoughts: September 25, 2013 : Creative Life
Woman in Hat and Fur Collar-Picasso 1937

Creative Life
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

One of the most difficult things to do is letting go of your ego. And
yet, it is very simple, easy and effortless and one of the most
powerful things you can do. And yet, when you do it you give up the
need and the desire for power. When you can bring yourself to get
beyond your own ego, you raise yourself to a whole new level of
awareness, experience and effectiveness. When you can think, live and
act unconstrained by the limitations of your ego, the possibilities are
truly endless. Your worries, your fears, your doubts, anxieties,
disappointments and hesitation to move forward are all sustained by
your ego. Imagine the power of leaving all those limitations behind.
Spend a few minutes, a few hours, or an entire day unconcerned about
what others will think, or what's in it for you, or whether something
offends you or not. Feel the freedom, delight in the ability to
accomplish, and explore possibilities that you may never before have
even known about.
The Power To Tolerate

Visualize a tree with lots of fruits hanging from its branches. When I throw a stone at it, what does it do? It bends its branches low and offers its sweet fruit to me. I enjoy eating the fruit, which gives me inner satisfaction. What happens as a result? My respect for the tree increases.

This is a beautiful image of the power of tolerance and I have lots to learn from it. It shows me that if I want to imbibe the characteristics of the tree, I must become full of the fruits of the spiritual attainments from the Supreme Soul. When I am filled internally with fruits like joy, love, wisdom, beauty and peace through spiritual knowledge and meditation; even when the stones of difficult circumstances come my way I'll still be able to respond positively and creatively, with courage and humility. If I'm empty, the stones will injure me, and I'll react with anger or fear or ego or some other negative emotion.

Also, although many stones have injured me in the past, I must remove any hurt in my heart, which may have developed as a result of injuries experienced from them, when I did not have the Supreme Soul with me. These will prevent me from sharing the unlimited fruit made possible by the company of the Supreme.

Real tolerance means tolerating with pleasure and not with stress. It does not just mean putting up with a difficult situation, and at the same time counting how many times I have had to tolerate it. Tolerance means that no matter what stones come my way, I realize completely that those throwing them are souls not full of attainments, and so my duty is to continue to share my internal attainments with them.

(To be continued tomorrow .....)
Soul Sustenance

Meditation For Overcoming Fear (Part 2)

This meditation commentary is a continuation of yesterday’s message.

Create the following thoughts:

I continue to go forward... I only observe feeling who I am... I am a being of light... a peaceful being... like a small candle that lights up a dark room I radiate light and remove the darkness inside. Conscious of who I am... I imagine that I am in the presence of a generous Being of Light that radiates infinite love, peace and happiness... It is a powerful ocean of love that can dissolve all my fears, the pain and suffering that there is inside my soul...

I open my heart... and mentally I say: "here are my fears... They are yours... They are no longer useful to me... I hand them over to you... I absorb your light... I absorb your love and let it reach each dark corner of my inner self... I feel how your powerful light, full of love, touches my fears... they dissolve and I am freed... I let go of all worries... The weaknesses and problems no longer have power over me... I feel that the Supreme Being is with me... that He accepts me as I am... He comforts me... I feel safe... at peace... in an immense peace... and free of worries..."

I enjoy this present moment in His company and I share this peace and love with the world.

Message for the day

To have cooperation, love and mercy is to be a giver.

Projection: When we see others' weaknesses all we can have generally are negative thoughts about them. We can, then, no longer help the other person in any way as such negative thoughts only further strengthen the others' negativity.

Solution: Instead of reacting with negativity, we need to have mercy for the ones who are in the control of their own weakness and see if we can help them in any way. And the only way we can encourage the others to change is with love.

Points to Churn: September 24, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan:  Swaroop Bano

September 24, 2013


हम दिल की सफाई से साहेब को राज़ी रख ने वाली आत्माएँ,   अपनी स्वस्थिति की शक्ति से परिस्थिति को बदल परेशान न होने वाले, जादूगर हैं...



We, the souls who please the Lord, with a clean heart and change adverse situations with the power of our own original stage, are magicians who do not get distressed...


'पितृ पक्ष श्राद्ध का महात्म्य'---Spiritual Significance Of Shraddh



Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!                                     



Points to Churn: September 24, 2013


Praise of the Father: Shiva, the Bestower of Liberation...Master Almighty Authority...Rudra...the Father and the Mother...the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...the Ocean of Knowledge...the World Almighty Authority...the Incorporeal One...Knowledge-full...Blissful...the Merciful  One... the unlimited Sarvodaya (the One who bestows unlimited mercy on all)... the One who reforms that which has become spoilt... Karankaravanhar...the Magician...the One free from Bondages...



Knowledge:  God, the Authority, is the only One who reforms that which has become spoilt. He establishes the sacrificial fire. There is the rosary of eight, then 108 and then 16,108. They are the ones who help Baba. Those who help a great deal would be close. We are the first ones who worship. We were worthy of being worshipped and we then became worshippers. We are now once again becoming ­ worthy of being worshipped.



Yoga:  You simply have to remember the Father. It is very easy for children to remember their father. Soon after a child takes birth, he learns to say “Baba and Mama”. So, you have become children of Baba and Mama. You also say “You are the Mother and the Father”. By forgetting the Father they become dirty. The Father gives you many methods through which you can constantly stay in remembrance. It is through remembrance that you will become conquerors of sinful actions. By becoming body conscious, your yoga will break, so be soul conscious.



Dharna:  If you make a mistake, do not hide it from the Father. Make your heart clean inside and out and thereby please the Lord, your Father. In order to be protected from being eclipsed by Maya, tell the Father everything with honesty. When your heart is clean, your elevated desires will be fulfilled.


Continue to follow shrimat. You cannot become a deity without becoming pure. You have to transform from being like monkeys, to be worthy of being seated in the alcove of a temple.


Become complete conquerors of attachment and don’t be pulled in the slightest way to any bodily beings. Make full effort to break body consciousness. You are now making effort to be threaded close to Rudra in the rosary. Do not consider yourselves to be very clever.



Service:  You have to help the Father change Bharat from a shell to a diamond, to change this land of sorrow into the land of happiness, and to change the old into the new.



Points of Self Respect:  Prajapita Brahma Kumars and Kumaris...the masters of the world...the elevated magicians...


शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!


विचार सागर मंथन: September 24, 2013


बाबा की महिमा : सद्गति दाता शिव... सर्वशक्तिमान... रूद्र... मात-पिता... परमपिता परमात्मा...ज्ञान का सागर...वर्ल्ड आलमाइटी अथॉरिटी...निराकार... नॉलेजफुल... ब्लिसफुल... रहमदिल... बेहद का सर्वोदया... बिगड़ी को बनने वाला बाप... करनकरावनहार... जादूगर... निर्बन्धन...


ज्ञान :  बिगड़ी को बनाने वाला एक ही भगवान् अथॉरिटी है | रूद्र यज्ञ रचते हैं | पहले हैं आठ की माला फिर है 108 की और 16108 की | सालिग्राम ने मदद की है, जो मदद बहुत करेंगे वही नज़दीक वाले होंगे | पूजा करने वाले भी पहले हम ही थे, हम ही पूज्य थे फिर हम ही पुजारी बने हैं फिर पूज्य बनते हैं |



योग :  सिर्फ बाप को याद करना है | बच्चे के लिए बाप को याद करना बहुत सहज है, जन्मते ही बाबा-मम्मा कहना सीख जाते हैं | तो तुम भी बाबा-मम्मा के बच्चे बने हो | बाप बच्चों को निरन्तर याद करने के लिए कितनी युक्तियां बतलाते हैं | याद से ही विकर्माजीत बनेंगे | देह-अभिमानी बनने से योग टूट पड़ता है, इसलिए देही-अभिमानी बनो |


धारणा :  कोई भी भूल हो तो बाप से कभी छिपाना नहीं चाहिए | अन्दर-बाहर दिल की सफाई से साहेब बाप को राज़ी रखना है | माया के ग्रहण से बचने के लिए बाप को सच्चाई से सब सुनाना है | साफ़ दिल है तो ऊँची मुराद हासिल होती है | 


श्रीमत लेते रहना है | पवित्र बनने बिगर देवता बन नहीं सकते | बन्दर मिसल से  मन्दिर लायक बनना हैं |  नष्टोमोहा पूरा बनना है | जरा भी किसी देहधारी में राग नहीं रखनी है | देह-अभिमान को तोड़ने का पूरा-पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है | तुम पुरुषार्थ करते हो रूद्र माला में नज़दीक पिरो जायें | अपने को मिया मिट्ठू नहीं समझना है |



सेवा : भारत को कौड़ी से हीरा, दुःखधाम से सुखधाम, पुराने को नया बनाने में  बाप को मदद करनी है |


स्वमान  : प्रजापिता ब्रह्मकुमार और कुमारियों... विश्व के मालिक... श्रेष्ठ जादूगर...



Video of Murli Essence:


Song: Bholenath se nirala koi aur nahi... भोलेनाथ से निराला...No one is unique like the Innocent Lord …





Essence: Sweet children, if you make a mistake, do not hide it from the Father. By Continuing to hide It you will hide yourself.


Question: On what basis does the Father, who reforms that which has become spoilt, reform everything ?


Answer: On the basis of purity. You children know the Father comes to reform that which has been spoilt. There are many quarrels over purity. Innocent ones have to tolerate being assaulted. You cannot become a deity without becoming pure. In order to change Bharat from a shell to a diamond, to change this land of sorrow into the land of happiness, to change the old into the new, you definitely have to become pure. You children help the Father in this respect. This is why, along With the Father, you children are also worshipped.


Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.


Essence for dharna:

1. Make your heart clean inside and out and thereby please the Lord, your Father. In order to be protected from being eclipsed by Maya, tell the Father everything with honesty.

2. Become complete conquerors of attachment and don’t be pulled in the slightest way to any bodily beings. Make full effort to break body consciousness.


Blessing: May you be an elevated magician who ties in bondage with the magic of love the One Who is free from bondage..


You children are even greater magicians than the Father. You have such magic of love that you tie in bondage the One Who is free from bondage. The Father too cannot think of anyone except you children. He constantly remembers you children. You call the Father to eat with you so many times. When you eat, walk around or sleep, you do that with the Father. Whenever you do any work, you say: It is Your work. You make us do it and we just use our hands as instruments. Then you give the burden of those actions to the Father and so you are elevated magicians, are you not?


Slogan:  Those who change adverse situations with the power of their own original stage can never be distressed.






सार:-  “मीठे बच्चे – कोई भी भूल हो तो बाप से छिपाओ मत, अगर छिपायेंगे तो छिपाते-छिपाते स्वयं भी छिप जायेंगे”


प्रश्न:-      बिगड़ी को बनाने वाले बाप तुम बच्चों की बिगड़ी किस आधार पर बनाते हैं?


उत्तर:- पवित्रता के आधार पर | तुम बच्चे जानते हो जब बाप बिगड़ी को सुधारने आते हैं तो इस पवित्रता पर ही अनेक झगड़े होते हैं | अबलाओं को सितम सहन करने पड़ते | पवित्र बनने बिगर देवता बन नहीं सकते | भारत को कौड़ी से हीरा, दुःखधाम से सुखधाम, पुराने को नया बनाने के लिए पवित्र जरुर बनना पड़े | तुम बच्चे इसी बात की मदद बाप को करते हो इसलिए बाप के साथ-साथ तुम्हारी भी पूजा होती है |


गीत:- भोलेनाथ से निराला....


धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1)      अन्दर-बाहर दिल की सफाई से साहेब बाप को राज़ी रखना है | माया के ग्रहण से बचने के लिए बाप को सच्चाई से सब सुनाना है |

2)      नष्टोमोहा पूरा बनना है | जरा भी किसी देहधारी में राग नहीं रखनी है | देह-अभिमान को तोड़ने का पूरा-पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है |


वरदान:-   स्नेह के जादू द्वारा निर्बन्धन को भी बन्धन में बांधने वाले श्रेष्ठ जादूगर भव


बाप से भी बड़े जादूगर आप बच्चे हो | ऐसा स्नेह का जादू आपके पास है जो निर्बन्धन को भी बन्धन में बांध देते हो | बाप को भी बच्चों के सिवाए कुछ सूझता नहीं | निरन्तर बच्चों को ही याद करते हैं | कितने बार तो बाप को भोजन पर बुलाते हो, खाते हो, चलते हो, सोते हो तो भी बाप साथ है | कोई कर्म करते हो तो कहते हो कि काम आपका है, कराओ आप निमित्त हाथ हम चलाते हैं | फिर कर्म का बोझ भी बाप को दे देते हो तो श्रेष्ठ जादूगर हुए ना |


स्लोगन:- अपनी स्वस्थिति की शक्ति से परिस्थिति को बदलने वाले कभी परेशान नहीं हो सकते |



Daily Positive Thoughts: September 24, 2013 : Humility

Daily Positive Thoughts:  September 24, 2013 : Humility

Real humility is rare because to have it you have to want nothing, yet when you have it you get everything.
The Difference of "i"
There is only the difference of the letter "i" between the words
'bliss' and 'bless'. When we stay in bliss then we naturally
draw the blessings of others. We don't need to ask for the blessings,
they just come. However, if our nature is even slightly sensitive we
will either clash with others or get caught up in them. Clashing and
getting caught makes the soul distressed and tired. Become free of
these and you will feel that your hands are no longer tied and so you
can give. Those who are free can become 'phool' (flowers). When we
are not free we either prick others or we get pricked by others.

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas (cont.)

The attachment or detachment to one's ideas not only comes into play while giving an idea or opinion, but even when accepting or receiving or listening to an idea from another person from the group. The more the attachment to one's own ideas, the more will be the tendency to resist or reject the other's idea. A particular person, with the objective or resisting or rejecting the idea:
* might try to do the same through different means like putting up a seemingly valid or even an invalid objection to the idea in front of the whole group which may seem very reasonable to the group and may be taken or accepted by the group or the person objecting may try to ensure that happens or
* he/she may quietly disassociate from the group if the group begins showing interest in the idea (sometimes the influence of the position of the person is such that this kind of disassociation very easily manages to reduce the energy of interest of the group in the new idea) or also
* might present a new idea to the group, which manages to divert the attention of the group, etc.

Sometimes the person rejecting the idea is aware of the fact that he/she is rejecting the idea because of the inner attachment to his ideas, but will not admit it in front of others and sometimes he/she might not even be slightly aware of the fact; the attachment is too subtle to realize. Others might realize their attachment, but they might not themselves. And if someone to point out their inner attachment, they might even react, because where there is attachment, there is fear that the other's idea will be accepted and yours will not. Attachment to one's ideas fills the energy of 'I am right' in any situation. Overcoming all sorts of attachment to ones ideas is one of the foremost steps that we can take to bring about harmony in all types of relationships.
Soul Sustenance

Meditation For Overcoming Fear (Part 1)

Breathe deeply. You should say to yourself "relax, calm yourself". Repeat until you are peaceful and centered. Become serene and feel a sensation of peace and wellbeing. Maintain this serenity on breathing. Free yourself of worries on breathing out. Now slowly create the following thoughts:

I sit comfortably like an observer in silence... I let go of every-thing around me... objects, people, responsibilities, places... I focus my mind on the present moment... I let the serenity... the peacefulness... envelop me... In this calm I can see the dark corners of my inner self... Like shadows, I can see the fears, anxieties, guilt, unhappiness, weaknesses that lie hidden there... Fear has poisoned my being; it has stolen my peace, my happiness and my self-respect...

I accept that there is fear within me... I observe it and I realize that I am not that fear... I am not that weakness... it is not real, it is a shadow... I focus now on what is real: it is love... it is peace... it is wellbeing... it is the purity of the soul, what is real, authentic and true... I only have to access these original qualities and allow these energies to heal and strengthen my soul... To do this, I continue to observe calmly... with patience... I do not allow my mind to judge, or analyze what is happening to me... everything that has happened to me forms part of the past... I have learned from my mistakes... I forgive myself... I forgive others...

This meditation commentary will be continued tomorrow:
Message for the day

When there is equality in what we understand, desire and do, there is success.

Projection: We usually recognise the need to bring about a change in ourselves from the signals we get from different situations. We also feel strongly that we have to change, but most times we find ourselves not taking into action and our change is limited only to understanding and having a desire.

Solution: As soon as we understand that we have to change, we have to work at bringing about a change in ourselves immediately. We need to tell ourselves that there is no better time than now when we can bring about a change. We, then, find ourselves successful in all we do.


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