Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: October 30, 2013

Happy Rama Ekadashi

Rama Ekadashi is considered as the beginning of Diwali.

Observing Ekadashi fast is considered to be one of the most important fast in ancient scriptures. Ekadashi fast inspire people to walk on the path of salvation and culture. Rama Ekadashi fast is one of Ekadashi fasts observed in Hindu culture. The fast of Rama Ekadashi is observed on Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha, Kartik Masa. On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshipped and reading Bhagwad Gita is considered to be auspicious.By observing this fast, all sins of a person are removed. This Ekadashi is also called Rambha Ekadashi.

There are certain rules regarding fasting on this day. For eg., one must strictly avoid eating grains and beans on Ekadasi. Fasting generally means completely abstaining from both food and drink. If this is difficult, one may eat a single nongrain meal once in the afternoon or in the evening.

According to scriptures, one who observes fasting on Ekadasi is freed from all kinds of reactions to sinful activities and advances in spiritual life. These sacred fasting days greatly help any sincere soul achieve, even within this present lifetime, liberation from the cycle of birth and death, it is said…therefore, Ekadasi gives one a real taste of renunciation, thus helping one give up trying to enjoy illusory sense gratification of this material world.

Both western and ayurvedic medicine recommend fasting to maintain and improve health. Indeed modern medial experts and ancient sages agree that fasting benefits one, both physically and mentally.

The basic principle is not just to fast, but to increase one’s faith and love for the Divine. The real reason for observing fasting on ekadasi is to minimize the demands of the body and to engage our time in the service of the Divine.

श्री महालक्ष्मी की विशेषता--Qualities of Goddess Laxmi

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano

October 30, 2013

हम आत्माएँ, रूहानी शान में रहकर, हद के मान शान से परे, समीप सम्बन्ध और सर्व प्राप्ति द्वारा सहजयोगी बनने वाले सर्व सिद्धि स्वरूप हैं...

We, the souls maintaining spiritual pride, with no desire for limited honour or respect, having a close relationship and all attainments, are easy yogis and embodiments of total success.

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn: October 30, 2013

Praise of the Father: Khuda...The Magician...the Authority...the Incorporeal One...the Ocean of Knowledge...the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...Rama...the Unlimited Father...the Purifier...Knowledge-full...Shiv Baba, the Creator of heaven...the Wonderful Father...Trimurti...

Knowledge: There is Godly magic in your flute. मुरली में जादू है खुदाई He alone is called the Magician. The Magician Himself comes and shows you His magic and grants you visions.

This is Rudra Shiv Baba's sacrificial fire of knowledge in which the horse is sacrificed for receiving a kingdom. रूद्र शिवबाबा का राजस्व अश्वमेध ज्ञान यज्ञ . You receive self-sovereignty from the unlimited Father and you therefore definitely have to study Raja Yoga.

Those who ascend taste the nectar of heaven, whereas those who fall are totally crushed to pieces. चढ़े तो चाखे वैकुण्ठ रस,गिरे तो चकनाचूर There is a lot of difference. If someone falls, he becomes a cremator whereas if he ascends, he becomes an emperor. गिरे तो एकदम चण्डाल, चढ़े तो एकदम बादशाह Everything depends on how you study.

Yoga: I am a soul, a child of God, I belong to the Father. By having a close relationship and all attainments, become an easy yogi, and constantly have the experience of being an embodiment of attainment in this intoxication. Remain stable in elevated zeal, enthusiasm and happiness and a constantly powerful stage and become embodiments of total success. Remember Shiv Baba and absolve your sins.

Dharna: You have to go from the world of thorns to the world of flowers. The features of all human beings are fixed in the drama for them to play their parts. These are deep matters. They have to be imbibed and explained accurately. There has to be the firm faith that He is our unlimited Father and that you have to claim your inheritance from Him. You must never miss out on making effort. Have faith in the intellect and definitely study. Never have any doubts about any situation. Victory is guaranteed when there is faith. Maintain spiritual pride and never have any desire for limited honour or respect.

Service: Only the children who have faith in their intellects are able to do service. Become a companion of the Father and a complete helper in establishing heaven. Become a true Brahmin who looks after the sacrificial fire. You have to understand the drama and the tree. Imbibe this in your intellect and then explain to others. You definitely have to explain the point of the two fathers. You have to give the proof of your service: Have leaflets printed, do a lot of service, and give Baba the news, for only then will you be able to climb onto the Father's heart.

Points of Self Respect: Brahmins...the unlimited children...Sitas...firm Brahmins... embodiment of total success...

ॐ शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!

विचार सागर मंथन: October 30, 2013

बाबा कीमहिमा : खुदा...जादूगर... अथॉरिटी बाप... निराकार... ज्ञान सागर... परमपिता परमात्मा... राम... बेहद का बाप... पतित-पावन... नॉलेजफुल... स्वर्ग का रचयिता शिवबाबा... वन्डरफुल बाप... त्रिमूर्ति...

ज्ञान : तेरीमुरलीमें जादू है खुदाई | जादूगर स्वयं आकर जादूगरी दिखलाते हैं, साक्षात्कार कराते हैं |

यह है रूद्र शिवबाबा का राजस्व अश्वमेध ज्ञान यज्ञ | बेहद के बाप से स्वराज्य मिलता है इसलिए राजयोग ज़रूर सीखना पड़े |

चढ़े तो चाखे वैकुण्ठ रस, गिरे तो चकनाचूर | फ़र्क तो बहुत है | गिरे तो एकदम चण्डाल, चढ़े तो एकदम बादशाह | सारा पढ़ाई पर मदार है |

योग : मैं आत्मा हूँ, मैं बाप का बच्चा हूँ , मैं हूँ ही बाप का | समीप सम्बन्ध और सर्व प्राप्ति द्वारा सहजयोगी बन, सदा इसी नशे में प्राप्ति स्वरूप अनुभव कर, सदा श्रेष्ठ उमंग-उत्साह और ख़ुशी में एकरस रह, सदा शक्तिशाली स्थति में रहकर सर्व सिद्धि स्वरूप बनना है |शिवबाबा को याद कर विकर्म विनाश करने हैं |

धारणा : कांटों से फूलों की दुनिया में जाना है | मनुष्यों के फीचर्स ड्रामा में नूंध हैं पार्ट बजाने के लिए | कितनी गुह्य बातें हैं जो धारण कर यथार्थ रीति समझाना है |

पहलेतो यह निश्चय पक्का रहना चाहिए कि यह हमारा बेहद का बाप है, उनसे वर्सा लेना है, पुरुषार्थ में कभी चूकना नहीं है | निश्चयबुद्धि बन पढ़ाई करनी है | कभी किसी भी बात में संशय नहीं उठाना है | निश्चय में ही विजय है | रूहानी शान में रहकर कभी हद के मान शान में नहीं आना है |

सेवा : निश्चय बुद्धि बच्चे ही सर्विस कर सकेंगे | बाप का साथी बन स्वर्ग की स्थापना में पूरा मददगार बनना है | यज्ञ की सम्भाल करने वाला पक्का ब्राह्मण बनना है |

ड्रामा और झाड़ को समझना है, बुद्धि में धारण करना है और दूसरों को समझाना है | दो बाप की प्वाइन्ट तो ज़रूर समझानी है | सर्विस का सबूत देना है | पर्चे छपवाकर खूब सर्विस करके समाचार देकर बाप की दिल पर चढ़ना है |

स्वमान : ब्राह्मण ब्राह्मणियां... बेहद के बच्चे... सीतायें... पक्का ब्राह्मण... सर्व सिद्धि स्वरूप...

Video of Murli Essence:

Song: Chalo chalen Maa Come mother, let us go. चलो चले माँ.......


Essence: Sweet children, never miss the study. There will be an interest in studying when there is unbroken faith in the Father who is teaching you. Only the children who have faith in their intellects are able to do service.

Question: On hearing what news of the children does BapDada become very pleased?

Answer: When children write their service news: “Baba, today I explained to so-and-so and gave him the introduction of the two fathers and did this type of service,”Baba becomes very pleased to read such letters. Baba’s stomach doesn't become full on receiving letters of just love and remembrance and your well-being. Baba is pleased to see His helper children. This is why you should do service and write that news to Baba.

Song: Come mother, let us go.
Essence for dharna:
1. Have faith in the intellect and definitely study. Never have any doubts about any situation. Victory is guaranteed when there is faith.
2. Become a companion of the Father and a complete helper in establishing heaven. Become a true Brahmin who looks after the sacrificial fire.
Blessing: May you be an embodiment of total success and become an easy yogi by having a close relationship and all attainments.

Children who constantly have a close relationship and also experience all attainments experience yoga easily. They always have the experience of belonging to the Father anyway. They do not need to be reminded of being a soul, a child of God, but, in this intoxication, they constantly experience themselves to be embodiments of attainments. They remain stable in elevated zeal, enthusiasm and happiness and a constantly powerful stage and they therefore become embodiments of total success.

Slogan: Those who maintain spiritual pride can never have any desire for limited honour or respect.


मुरली सार:- ``मीठे बच्चे - पढ़ाई कभी भी मिस नहीं करना, पढ़ाई का शौक तब रहेगा जब पढ़ाने वाले बाप में अटूट निश्चय होगा, निश्चय बुद्धि बच्चे ही सार्विस कर सकेंगे''

प्रश्न:- बापदादा को बच्चों की कौन-सी बात सुनकर बहुत खुशी होती है?

उत्तर:-जब बच्चे सार्विस समाचार का पत्र लिखते हैं - बाबा, आज हमने फलाने को समझाया, उसको दो बाप का परिचय दिया.... ऐसे-ऐसे सेवा की। तो बाबा उन पत्रों को पढ़कर बहुत खुश होते हैं। याद-प्यार वा खुश ख़ैराफत का पत्र लिखने से बाबा का पेट नहीं भरता। बाबा अपने मददगार बच्चों को देख खुश होते हैं इसलिए सर्विस करके समाचार लिखना है।

गीत:-चलो चले माँ......

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
निश्चय बुद्धि बन पढ़ाई करनी है। कभी भी किसी बात में संशय नहीं उठाना है। निश्चय में ही विजय है।
बाप का साथी बन स्वर्ग की स्थापना में पूरा मददगार बनना है। यज्ञ की सम्भाल करने वाला पक्का ब्राह्मण बनना है।

वरदान:-समीप सम्बन्ध और सर्व प्राप्ति द्वारा सहजयोगी बनने वाले सर्व सिद्धि स्वरूप भव

जो बच्चे सदा समीप सम्बन्ध में रहते हैं और सर्व प्राप्तियों का अनुभव करते हैं उन्हें सहजयोग का अनुभव होता है। वे सदा यही अनुभव करते कि मैं हूँ ही बाप का। उन्हें याद दिलाना नहीं पड़ता कि मैं आत्मा हूँ, मैं बाप का बच्चा हूँ। लेकिन सदा इसी नशे में प्राप्ति स्वरूप अनुभव करते, सदा श्रेष्ठ उमंग-उत्साह और खुशी में एकरस रहते, सदा शक्तिशाली स्थिति में रहते इसलिए सर्व सिद्धि स्वरूप बन जाते हैं।

स्लोगन:-रूहानी शान में रहने वाले कभी हद के मान शान में नहीं आ सकते।

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 30, 2013: Glasses of Seeing Only Specialties

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 30, 2013: Glasses of Seeing Only Specialties
Glasses of Seeing Only Specialties

Nowadays it is a fashion and also a compulsion to wear glasses. So wear the glasses of seeing only specialties. Nothing else should be visible. For instance, when you wear red glasses, even something green will appear to be red. So when coming into connection with everyone, adopt the vision of seeing only their specialties and you will become special.

To attain peace when something unfortunate happens, we have to open up
to the possibility that there may be benefit and good hidden in that
situation. Accept and learn, then your feelings will be positive and
you will find solutions. You will have transformed defeat into victory
In-Dependence; Swa-Rajya is our birthright.

Our mind appears to be dependent on people and situations for how it feels. We are living as victims and slaves to situations and people's behaviours. Are we really independent, or living a life of complete dependency, where a single word from a close one can leave us in pain for hours or even years. When there is an external stimulus, a situation or someone's words, we react automatically without being fully aware of the choices we have to respond or of the consequences of our reactions. We think on an autopilot and then blame others for how we feel.
Freedom is being capable of choosing our thoughts and feelings and responding in every situation without being conditioned by external factors or the negative tendencies of our personality.
In-Dependence means dependent only on the One Inside. Dependent on the qualities of the inner being, Soul, the qualities of love, peace, power and purity. The more we start using our qualities and strengths; we will experience liberation from hurt, anger and pain. The more we become In-Dependence, our dependence on outer situations and people will start reducing. We will become the master of our thoughts, feelings , emotions, words and actions. We will take complete responsibility of how we are feeling and not blame anyone for it. This is Swarajya, which means Swa (Self) par Rajya(ruler), ruler over the self, ruler over the mind and sense organs. Each of us has the power to experience this Swarajya.

Let's free ourselves from our old patterns of thinking and behaving, clean past hurt, resolve conflicts, let go of everything that we have held on to which only addicted us to pain.

Freedom is just one thought away. Let's create that thought today.
Soul Sustenance
Forms of Fear in Our Modern Lifestyle

Fear is a feeling that is generated by the lack of knowledge about a certain situation, place or person. In fear, one feels threatened by something real or imaginary.

Fear often shows itself in our lives in the form of stress, worries and anxiety. Stress is connected with feeling pressure, feeling pushed, forced, to meet deadlines, to do more. Having to produce more and more, and having to be better and better at it, generates tensions and worries that arise in the form of the fear of not being able to achieve those objectives or results on time. The materialistic values of achieving, obtaining, having, accumulating, and ambitions, competing and wanting to obtain a position, generate a lot of pressure and stress. When we are stressed, generally we are overcharged. We think, talk and react too much. All this affects the mind and body negatively. The worst thing is that it becomes a habit, often uncontrolled, so that the simple habit of stopping and relaxing is not considered a solution. Some even consider it to be a waste of time. You have to do more and more, without stopping.

We have taken on stressful attitudes as part of our daily life. When stress persists, corticoids appear, these are sometimes called the fear hormones. When released continuously, they affect our immune system, increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular complications and the risk of cancer.
Message for the day
Regard for others makes them our helpers.

Projection: Working with others we usually find ourselves expecting others to cooperate with us. And sometimes we are not able to get their cooperation. We are, then, disappointed and look for help from elsewhere or seek to change the place of work. But we find that it is just a temporary solution.

Solution: Each and every individual has a contribution to make for every task at hand. We need to give a chance and allow them to make their contribution. This is possible when we provide them with the right environment of love and regard. When we respect them for what they are, they will naturally continue to provide us support and help.

Points to Churn: October 29, 2013

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano 
October 29, 2013
मेरा तो एक सर्वोत्तम टीचर दूसरा न कोई- हम बुद्धि से हल्के रहकर बापकी पलकों पर बैठ साथ जानेवाले, विशेष आत्मा हैं...
Mine is the one most elevated Teacher and none other... By remaining light (halke) in our intellect, we the special souls, sit on the Father’s eyelids (palke) and go along with Him...

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: October 29, 2013
Praise of the Father: The Father and Mother from beyond this world...the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...the Liberator...the Guide...the Unlimited Father...the God Father... Bestower of Salvation for all...
Knowledge: It is sung; souls remained separated from the Supreme Soul for a long time..... The main three relationships are Father, Teacher and Satguru. Only through these is there benefit.
Mine is the one most elevated Teacher and none other... With this faith, study like the mother and father. The day of Prajapita Brahma is also the day of the Prajapita Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. The golden and silver ages are called the day and the copper and iron ages are called the night.
The Unlimited Father liberates you. Human beings are liberated. He comes to liberate you from sorrow and the bondage of Maya. Then, He is also the Guide. It is also mentioned in the Gita that He takes everyone back like a swarm of mosquitoes. Therefore destruction will definitely take place. It is also remembered that He inspires establishment through Brahma and destruction through Shankar. Then sustenance also takes place through the one who carried out establishment.
Yoga: Mine is one Shiv Baba. Pay full attention to this. The Father says: Remember Me and your sins will be absolved. Maya won't attack you then. Then, also remember your inheritance.
Break the bondages of the body away from your intellect. There is bondage in relationships of the body, therefore there is sorrow. Stay in the relationship of the soul and you will receive limitless happiness and remain in remembrance of the one Mother and Father.
Have the intoxication that you have stayed in remembrance of the Father every cycle, that you have become victorious over Maya, your enemy, and become like a diamond. God Himself is our Mother and Father. With this awareness and intoxication, you will receive courage.
Dharna: Make full efforts. Break the bondages of the body from the intellect and make your intellect light. Follow divine directions, become sixteen celestial degrees complete and remain constantly cheerful.
Have courage and fearlessly move forward. Take one step forward and have a right to many steps of co-operation. Continue to give the donation and blessing of this speciality to others, and become a special soul.

Service: With a good, shrewd intellect, remain on Godly service only. Do the Godly service, of making others vice less. Children who have courage definitely become victorious and they constantly remain engaged in Godly service. Once you belong to this Government, you have to engage yourself in God's service.
Understand knowledge and then explain to others. If you are unable to explain, it means you yourself haven't understood. Give the Father's introduction and connect their intellect's yoga to Him.
Points of Self Respect: the masters of the unlimited...special souls...
ॐ शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: October 29, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : पारलौकिक मात-पिता... परमपिता परमात्मा...सतगुरु ...सर्व का सद्गति दाता ...लिबरेटर ... गाइड... बेहद का बाप... गॉड फादर...
ज्ञान : आत्मायें परमात्मा अलग रहे बहुकाल... मुख्य हैं तीन सम्बन्ध – बाप, टीचर, सतगुरु | इनसे ही फ़ायदा है |
मेरा तो एक सर्वोत्तम टीचर दूसरा न कोई – इसी निश्चय से मात-पिता समान पढ़ाई पढ़नी है | प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा का दिन तो प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियों का भी दिन हुआ | दिन कहा जाता है सतयुग-त्रेता को | रात,द्वापर-कलियुग को |
बेहद का बाप लिबरेट करते हैं मनुष्यों को, लिबरेट किया जाता है दुःख से, माया के बन्धन से लिबरेट करने आते हैं | गीता में भी है मच्छरों सदृश्य वापिस ले जाते हैं तो ज़रूर विनाश भी होगा | यह तो गाया हुआ है ब्रह्मा द्वारा स्थापना, शंकर द्वारा विनाश कराते हैं | फिर जो स्थापना करते हैं उन द्वारा ही पालना भी होती है |
योग : मेरा तो एक शिवबाबा.......इसमें पूरा अटेन्शन देना है | बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश होंगे | माया का वार नहीं होगा | फिर वर्से को याद करो |
देह के बन्धन को बुद्धि से तोडना है | बाप का परिचय दे उनसे बुद्धियोग लगाना है | देह के सम्बन्धों में बन्धन है, इसलिए दुःख है, देहि के सम्बन्ध में रहो तो अथाह सुख मिल जायेगा |
नशा रहे कि कल्प-कल्प हम बाप की याद से माया दुश्मन पर विजयी बन हीरे जैसा बने हैं | खुद खुदा हमारा मात-पिता है, इसी स्मृति वा नशे से हिम्मत आ जायेगी |
धारणा : पुरुषार्थ में पूरा फालो करना है | देह के बन्धन को बुद्धि से तोड़ बुद्धि से हल्के बनना है | दैवी मत पर चल सोलह कला सम्पूर्ण और सदा हर्षित रहना है|
हिम्मत रखकर, निर्भय होकर आगे बढ़ना है | एक कदम आगे रख और अनेक कदम सहयोग के अधिकारी बन इसी विशेषता का औरों को भी दान और वरदान देकर विशेष आत्मा बनना है |
सेवा : शुरुड़ बुद्धि से ऑन गॉडली सर्विस ओनली करनी है | निर्विकारी बनाने की गॉडली सर्विस करनी है | हिम्मत रखने वाले बच्चे विजयी अवश्य बनते हैं और सदा गॉडली सर्विस पर ही तत्पर रहते हैं | इस गवर्मेन्ट के हो गये तो फिर ईश्वरीय सेवा करनी है |
ज्ञान समझकर औरों को समझाना है | समझा नहीं सकते हैं तो गोया कुछ नहीं समझा | बाप का परिचय दे उनसे बुद्धियोग लगाना है |
स्वमान : बेहद के मालिक... विशेष आत्मा ...

Video of Murli Essence:
Song: Tumhare bulane ko; तुम्हारे बुलाने को...The heart desires to call you...

Essence: Sweet children, there is bondage in relationships of the body, therefore there is sorrow. Stay in the relationship of the soul and you will receive limitless happiness and remain in remembrance of the one Mother and Father.

Question: Which intoxication should you maintain so that you have the courage to conquer Maya?

Answer: Have the intoxication that you have stayed in remembrance of the Father every cycle, that you have become victorious over Maya, your enemy, and become like a diamond. God Himself is our Mother and Father. With this awareness and intoxication, you will receive courage. Children who have courage definitely become victorious and they constantly remain engaged in Godly service.

Song: The heart desires to call out to You.
Essence for dharna:
1. Mine is the one most elevated Teacher and none other. With this faith, study like the mother and father. Follow them fully in your efforts.
2. Break the bondages of the body away from your intellect. Follow divine directions and remain constantly cheerful. Do God’s service.

Blessing: May you receive everyone’s co-operation and move forward with your speciality of courage and become a special soul.

Children who have courage and fearlessly move forward automatically receive the Father’s help. With your speciality of courage you receive everyone’s co-operation. With this one speciality, you automatically develop many other specialities. You take one step forward and have a right to many steps of co-operation. Continue to give the donation and blessing of this speciality to others, that is, use your speciality in service and you will become a special soul.

Slogan: Remain so light in your intellect that the Father sits you on His eyelids and takes you with Him.
मुरली सार:- ``मीठे बच्चे - देह के सम्बन्धों में बंधन है, इसलिए दु:ख है, देही के सम्बन्ध में रहो तो अथाह सुख मिल जायेगा, एक मात-पिता की याद रहेगी''

प्रश्न:-किस नशे में रहो तो माया पर जीत पाने की हिम्मत आ जायेगी?

उत्तर:-नशा रहे कि कल्प-कल्प हम बाप की याद से माया दुश्मन पर विजयी बन हीरे जैसा बने हैं। खुद खुदा हमारा मात-पिता है, इसी स्मृति वा नशे से हिम्मत आ जायेगी। हिम्मत रखने वाले बच्चे विजयी अवश्य बनते हैं और सदा गॉडली सार्विस पर ही तत्पर रहते हैं।

गीत:-तुम्हारे बुलाने को जी चाहता है.......

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
मेरा तो एक सर्वोत्तम टीचर दूसरा न कोई - इसी निश्चय से मात-पिता समान पढ़ाई पढ़नी है। पुरूषार्थ में पूरा फालो करना है।
देह के बंधन को बुद्धि से तोड़ना है। दैवी मत पर चल सदा हर्षित रहना है। ईश्वरीय सेवा करनी है।

वरदान:-एक हिम्मत की विशेषता द्वारा सर्व का सहयोग प्राप्त कर आगे बढ़ने वाली विशेष आत्मा भव

जो बच्चे हिम्मत रखकर, निर्भय होकर आगे बढ़ते हैं उन्हें बाप की मदद स्वत: मिलती है। हिम्मत की विशेषता से सर्व का सहयोग मिल जाता है। इसी एक विशेषता से अनेक विशेषतायें स्वत: आती जाती हैं। एक कदम आगे रखा और अनेक कदम सहयोग के अधिकारी बने। इसी विशेषता का औरों को भी दान और वरदान देते रहो अर्थात् विशेषता को सेवा में लगाओ तो विशेष आत्मा बन जायेंगे।

स्लोगन:-बुद्धि से इतने हल्के रहो जो बाप अपनी पलकों पर बिठाकर साथ ले जाये।


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