Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: December 02, 2013

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: December 02, 2013
Praise of the Father: the Benefactor...the unlimited Father...the Bestower of Salvation for all...the Purifier...the Creator of the World...the Ocean of Knowledge...the Knowledge-full Father...the Bestower of Fortune...
Knowledge: The Father says: I cannot be found through gurus etc., the Vedas and scriptures or by doing penance and tapasya. I come at My own time when the night has to be made into the day, that is, when the innumerable religions have to be destroyed and the one religion established. Only when the world cycle ends can I establish heaven. Then the sovereignty begins straightaway.
This is the field of action, the stage, where we souls adopt bodies and play our parts. We each have to play a part for 84 births. This is the living drama. Study the intense study through which all your desires are fulfilled. Through this study, you go to the land of Paradise.

Yoga: The Father’s orders are: Remember Me and remember your inheritance. Manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. By remembering the Father, your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. Practise being soul conscious.
The unlimited Father says to everyone: Renounce your body and all bodily relations. This knowledge is for those of all religions. All have to renounce their bodies, consider themselves to be bodiless and remember the Father. The more you stay in remembrance and imbibe knowledge, the higher the status you will claim. Make the Father, the Bestower of Fortune, belong to you through all relationships and you will become full of all attainments.
Dharna: The Father is the Benefactor in every situation. Therefore, don’t make any excuses about not following the directions you are given but constantly continue to follow shrimat. Consider there to be benefit in everything that the Father tells you and continue to move along with firm faith in the intellect. Never allow doubts to come. Understand shrimat accurately. You definitely need to study the murli. You definitely have to go to a centre.
There we were worthy of worship whereas here there are worshippers. I, the soul, was worthy of worship and I, the soul, am a worshipper. I, the soul, am a gyani soul. I, the soul, am a worshipper soul. Become worthy-of-worship from worshippers.

Service: You have to go to the cremation grounds too and do service there. There should constantly be the sparkle of peace, happiness and joy in your features and you will then be able to do elevated service. No matter how unhappy or peace lesssouls may be, when they see your features, they will make their future elevated.
Points of Self Respect: Brahma Kumars and Kumaris...Brahmins...the children of the Creator of the World...the masters of the world...the ones with broad and unlimited intellect...Knowledge-full souls... elevated servers... angels...
विचारसागरमंथन:December 02, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : कल्याणकारी ...बेहद का बाप... सर्व का सद्गति-दाता... पतित-पावन... विश्व के रचयिता... ज्ञान का सागर... नॉलेजफुल बाप... भाग्यविधाता बाप...
ज्ञान : बाप कहते हैं गुरु-गोसांई वेद-शास्त्र जप-तप आदि से मैं नहीं मिलता हूँ | मैं तो अपने समय पर आता हूँ, जब रात से दिन बनाना है अथवा अनेक धर्मों का विनाश कर एक धर्म की स्थापना करनी है | जब सृष्टि चक्र पूरा हो तब तो मैं स्वर्ग की स्थापना करूँ | झट बादशाही शुरू होती है |
यह है कर्मक्षेत्र, स्टेज, जहाँ हम आत्मायें शरीर धारण कर पार्ट बजाती हैं | 84 जन्मों का पार्ट बजाना है | यह भी चैतन्य ड्रामा है | नौधा पढ़ाईसे तुम्हारी सब मनोकामनाएँ पूरी हो जाती हैं| इस पढ़ाईसे तुमवैकुण्ठपुरी मेंचले जातेहो |

योग : बाप का फ़रमान है मुझे यादकरो और वर्से को याद करो| मनमनाभव और मध्याजी भव| बापको यादकरने से अन्त मतिसो गतिहो जायेगी| आत्म-अभिमानी रहने का अभ्यास करनाहै |
बेहद का बाप सबकेलिए कहतेहैं देहसहित देहके सब सम्बन्धों को छोड़ो | यह ज्ञान हर एक धर्मवाले के लिए है| सब देहके धर्मछोड़ अपनेको अशरीरीसमझ, बापको यादकरो | जितनायाद करेंगे,ज्ञान की धारणा करेंगेउतना ऊँचपद पाएंगे| भाग्यविधाता बापको अपनासर्व सम्बन्धी बना लो तो सर्वप्राप्तियों से सम्पन्न बन जायेंगे |
धारणा : बाप हर बात मेंकल्याणकारी है इसलिए जो डायरेक्शन मिलतेहैं उसमेंआनाकानी कर श्रीमतपर सदाचलते रहो |बापकी हर बात मेंकल्याण है,यह समझनिश्चयबुद्धि होकरचलना है,कभी भी संशय मेंनहीं आनाहै | श्रीमतको यथार्थरीति समझनाहै | ड्रामामें हर एक्टर का अनादि पार्टहै इसलिएसाक्षी हो देखने का अभ्यास करनाहै | मुरलीज़रूर पढ़नीचाहिए | सेन्टरज़रूर जानाहै |
हम आत्मासो पूज्य,फिर हम आत्मा सो पुजारी | हम सो ज्ञानीतू आत्मा,हम आत्मापुजारी तू आत्मा | पुजारी से पूज्या बनना है |
सेवा : शमशान मेंभी जाकरसर्विस करनाहै | आपकेफ़ीचर्स मेंसदा सुखकी, शान्तिकी, ख़ुशीकी झलकहो तो श्रेष्ठ सेवाकर सकेंगे| आपके फ़ीचर्सको देखकरकैसी भी दुःखी अशान्त,परेशान आत्माअपना श्रेष्ठ फ्युचर बनालेगी |
स्वमान : ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियों... ब्राह्मण... विश्व के रचयिता बापके बच्चे... विश्व का मालिक... विशाल बुद्धि... ज्ञानी तू आत्मा ...श्रेष्ठ सेवाधारी... फरिश्ता स्वरूप...

Video of Murli Essence:
Essence: Sweet children, the Father is the Benefactor in every situation. Therefore, don’t make any excuses about not following the directionsyou are given but constantly continue to follow shrimat.
Question: What is the difference between the attainments of intense devotion and those of intense study?
Answer: Through intense devotion, you just receive visions. For instance, devotees of Shri Krishna might have visions of Shri Krishna and perform dances, but they don’t go to the land of Paradise or the land of Shri Krishna. You children study the intense study through which all your desires are fulfilled. Through this study, you go to the land of Paradise.
Song: If not today, tomorrow the clouds will disperse. O wandering traveller of the night, it is now morning. Let’s go home...
Essence for Dharna:
1. Consider there to be benefit in everything that the Father tells you and continue to move along with firm faith in the intellect. Never allow doubts to come. Understand shrimat accurately.
2. Practise being soul conscious. Each actor has an eternal part in the drama. Therefore, practice seeing it as a detached observer.
Blessing: May you be an elevated server who makes the future of many elevated on the basis of your features.
You serve through words according to your capacity and according to the time, but your future angelic form of the confluence age should be visible through your features and you will then be able to serve easily. Just as your non-living images are doing service through the features to this day, in the same way, there should constantly be the sparkle of peace, happiness and joy in yourfeatures and you will then be able to do elevated service. No matter how unhappy or peaceless souls may be, when they see your features, they will make their future elevated.
Slogan: Make the Father, the Bestower of Fortune, belong to you through all relationships and you will become full of all attainments
सार:- मीठे बच्चे बाप हर बात में कल्याणकारी है इसलिए जो डायरेक्शन मिलते हैं उसमें आनाकानी कर श्रीमत पर सदा चलते रहो

प्रश्न:- नौधा भक्ति और नौधा पढ़ाई दोनों से जो प्राप्तियाँ होती हैं, उसमें क्या अन्तर है?

उत्तर:- नौधा भक्ति से सिर्फ़ साक्षात्कार होता है, जैसे श्रीकृष्ण के भक्त होंगे तो उन्हें श्रीकृष्ण का साक्षात्कार होगा, रास आदि करेंगे लेकिन वे कोई वैकुण्ठपुरी वा श्रीकृष्णपुरी में नहीं जाते | तुम बच्चे नौधा पढ़ाई पढ़ते हो जिससे तुम्हारी सब मनोकामनाएँ पूरी हो जाती हैं | इस पढ़ाई से तुम वैकुण्ठपुरी में चले जाते हो |

गीत:- आज नहीं तो कल....
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1. बाप की हर बात में कल्याण है, यह समझ निश्चयबुद्धि होकर चलना है, कभी भी संशय में नहीं आना है | श्रीमत को यथार्थ रीति समझना है |
2. आत्म-अभिमानी रहने का अभ्यास करना है | ड्रामा में हर एक्टर का अनादि पार्ट है इसलिए साक्षी हो देखने का अभ्यास करना है |
वरदान:- अपने फीचर द्वारा अनेकों का फ्युचर श्रेष्ठ बनाने वाले श्रेष्ठ सेवाधारी भव
बोलने की सेवा तो यथाशक्ति समय प्रमाण करते ही हो लेकिन संगमयुग का जो फ्युचर फरिश्ता स्वरूप है, वह आपके फीचर्स से दिखाई दे तब सहज सेवा कर सकते हो | जैसे जड़ चित्र फ़ीचर्स द्वारा अन्तिम जन्म तक सेवा कर रहे हैं ऐसे आपके फ़ीचर्स में सदा सुख की, शान्ति की, ख़ुशी की झलक हो तो श्रेष्ठ सेवा कर सकेंगे | आपके फ़ीचर्स को देखकर कैसी भी दुःखी अशान्त, परेशान आत्मा अपना श्रेष्ठ फ्युचर बना लेगी |
स्लोगन:- भाग्यविधाता बाप को अपना सर्व सम्बन्धी बना लो तो सर्व प्राप्तियों से सम्पन्न बन जायेंगे |

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 02, 2013: Cheerfulness

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 02, 2013: Cheerfulness
Artist: Alois Hans Schramm

Cheerfulness keeps up the spirit of the one who possesses it and brings a smile to the lips of others.
Godly light
Other recipients:
Knowing the self and knowing God brings light into the darkness, and brings love back into our lives whereby we can reach out to others. The world will change when we are able to share this Godly light and this endless love. When I know myself I can
Knowing the self and knowing God brings light into the darkness, and
brings love back into our lives whereby we can reach out to others. The
world will change when we are able to share this Godly light and this
endless love. When I know myself I can really meet others. My vision
will not be disturbed by our differences but I will recognise the same
essence in others.
Overcome Feelings Of Revenge By Changing Your Belief System (cont.)

The urge for revenge and the false taste of victory or happiness related to it can only end when the belief, that others are responsible for what you feel, is seen as a false one. Only when you take full responsibility for whatever thoughts and feelings you create will it be possible to end the anger and the hatred that seeks revenge.
When someone hurts me, I create a negative image of myself and the other person in my mind's eye, in different ways. I see myself and the other in a negative light, myself as a victim and the other person as a victimizer. I need to stop doing that and see myself and the other in a positive light, in the same light as before, irrespective of the negativity that the other has radiated to me.
When we do that, we will stop pointing the finger at others for whatever hurt we may feel. Only when it is fully seen and accepted that someone can hurt or harm my vehicle, the physical body, but not me, the controller or driver of the vehicle, will rage and the desire for revenge stop existing inside my consciousness.

When I start seeing the person who has committed some negative action which is projected towards me, with an innocent, unbiased, untarnished vision, hatred will be transformed into love and compassion for both, me and the other person. Then it will be possible to be totally free of all judgment, criticism and any desire to seek justice and take pleasure and experience victory when justice is delivered.
Only then will it be possible to rediscover true happiness in life, because as long as there is even the slightest trace of an urge to seek revenge for what someone has done to me, and the desire to experience the false happiness which is experienced when such revenge is delivered; both of which, the happiness and the revenge, are forms of subtle violence; true everlasting and deep peace, contentment and happiness can never be experienced.

Soul Sustenance

Positive Thinking

The sun is a suitable image for positive thinking. The visualization described below uses a sunlit landscape as a comparison for the four levels of thoughts we create (positive, necessary, waste and negative). It can be used to increase your percentage of positive thoughts everyday.

1. Visualize a beautiful valley with a lake, forested foothills and high mountains rising up into the clouds. This is the landscape of your mind.

2. Your position in this landscape and the form in which you are displayed depends on the quality of your thoughts. Are you a fish swimming in the muddy depths of the lake (negative thoughts)? Are you a frog jumping back and forth from the shore to the lake (wasteful thoughts)? A human, wandering into the forest to gather food and build a shelter (necessary thoughts)? Or the sun, which sustains (nourishes) all life on earth (positive thoughts)?
Message for the day

Where there is humility, there is benefit to many.

Projection: Just as the tree laden with fruit bows down, the one who is full is the one who is humble. Such a person can bring benefit to all those around. Humility makes us a giver in all situations, also making it easy for others to take what we have to offer.

Solution: In all my interactions with others, It is more important to see what I can give them, instead of just expecting from them. Then, even when I have to follow others' directions there would be no difficulty. Humility helps me to bow very easily.


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