Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of December 29, 2013(Revised 06-03-1997)

Swamaan / Swaroop / Anubhavi Moort Bano
December 29, 2013
हम अति-अति पदमगुणा महान भाग्यवान ज्ञानी तू आत्माएँ, सदा बाप की आज्ञा पर हर कदम रखनेवाले बाप के स्नेही और समीप आत्मायें, सदा मालिकपन के अचल आसन निवासी सो भविष्य सिंहासन निवासी श्रेष्ठ आत्माएँ, स्वयं शिव बाप से शिवजयन्ती मनानेवाले, सदा बाप के साथ-साथ मौज से मुहब्बत के झूले में झूलते हुए साथ चलने वाले, अपने पूर्वज स्वरूप की स्मृति द्वारा सर्व आत्माओं को शक्तिशाली बनानेवाले आधार, उद्धारमूर्त, सर्व शक्तियों रूपी किरणें चारों ओर फैलाने वाले मास्टर ज्ञान-सूर्य, ब्राह्मण सो देवता हैं...
We, the great knowledgeable multimillion times extremely fortunate souls, BapDada's companion children, Baba's close and loving children who follow Baba's directions and place our steps in the Father's footstep, the elevated souls who are constantly seated on the unshakeable seats of masters and thereby claiming a throne in the future, celebrating Shiv Jayanti with Father Shiva Himself, constantly swinging in the swing of pleasure with BapDada and who return home with the Father, the images of support and upliftment who make all souls powerful through our awareness of being ancestors, the master suns of knowledge who spread the rays of all powers everywhere, are Brahmins who are to be deities...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn from the Murli of December 29, 2013(Revised 06-03-1997)
Praise of Baba:
The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...
Children have made a promise: We will stay with You, we will return home with You - that is just to the incorporeal world! You knowledgeable children do not just receive some temporary fruit, but you claim the full inheritance from the Father and claim a full right to the inheritance.
On His own, without the children, the Father cannot do anything in this corporeal world. He first makes the children instruments and then He Himself becomes the Backbone. He remains combined and, as Karavanhar, inspires the children to do everything.
When people celebrate Shiv Jayanti, they offer one thing or another. They surrender themselves. BapDada does not look at the object, He does not look at the paper of the card or the letter, but He is looking at the love of the heart that is filled in that. That physical gift you give emerges in the subtle region, but that gift cannot be made to emerge in the incorporeal world. Only gifts of thoughts will reach there.
All of you have experienced that by your maintaining courage whenever it is needed, Baba definitely helps you. This is guaranteed. It has to be your courage and there will then be Baba's help. To be able to use all the powers at the right time, according to the time, is known as being a gyani and yogi soul.
BapDada has told you that He would then make a rosary of eight to ten strings. Therefore, you should not worry about this. Continue to make this thought of being in the rosary of 108 firm every now and again. Do not let it become slack. Continue to stamp the thought with determination. "Yes, I have to become part of this rosary, no matter what happens. My faith is unshakeable and unbreakable. Do not look at others, you will receive your number. This is Baba's guarantee. Do not step aside by thinking in this way. Do not let the thread of the rosary remain empty in between. If one bead were to be removed from in between or if a bead in the middle were to break, the garland would not be good. Do not do this. However, Baba guarantees that you will definitely come in the rosary. It is the people of the path of devotion who have created the rosary of 108. BapDada can increase it as much as He wants.
To think of anything impure or wasteful, to speak of anything impure or wasteful and to do anything impure or wasteful. To think, to speak and to do. A lot of time is wasted in this. There aren't as many sinful actions being performed. The number of wasteful actions being performed is greater.
All of you should constantly continue to swing in the swing of love and distance yourself from having to labour. When you continually swing in the swing of love, all labouring will finish. Do not keep thinking: I want to stop having to labour. I want to stop this. Simply sit in the swing of love and your labouring will automatically stop. Do not try to stop it, but try instead to sit and swing in the swings.
Shiv Jayanti means the jayanti of stopping all hard work. Simply remain seated under the canopy of protection. Brahmin life means to swing, not with Maya. Maya also makes you swing. Continue to swing in the swing of supersensuous joy, swing in the swing of happiness, swing in the swing of the experience of all powers. You have so many swings. Even the princes and princesses here do not have that many swings. Swing in whichever swing you want. One moment, swing in the swing of love, one moment, swing in the swing of bliss, one moment in the swing of knowledge. You have so many swings! Countless! So, do not come down from the swings.
What is the body said to be? Dust being turned to dust. The body is mud, Do not even put your feet in it. Even to have a thought means to put your feet in it. You should not have any body consciousness even in your thoughts. Think about it and remember how beloved you are. Who are you beloved of? Even in the golden age there won't be anyone dearly loved by God. You will be loved by the divine souls.
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: December 29, 2013 (Revised 06-03-1997)
बाबा की महिमा:
ज्ञान के सागर पतित पावन निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप... सर्वशक्तिमान...सत चित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगति दाता... नॉलेजफुल...
बच्चो का भी वायदा है साथ रहेंगे, साथ चलेंगे सिर्फ़ निराकारी दुनिया तक |ज्ञानी तू आत्मायें बच्चे थोड़ा सा अल्पकाल का फल नहीं पाते लेकिन बाप से पूरा वर्सा ले, वर्से के अधिकारी बन जाते हो |
अकेला बाप इस साकार दुनिया में सिवाए बच्चों के कोई भी कार्य कर नहीं सकता | पहले बच्चों को निमित्त बनाते फिर बैकबोन होकर वा कम्बाइन्ड होकर, करावनहार होकर निमित्त बच्चों से कार्य कराते हैं |
बापदादा चीज़ को नहीं देखते हैं, कागज़ के कार्ड को या पत्र को नहीं देखते हैं लेकिन उसमें समाये हुए दिल के स्नेह को देखते हैं | शिव जयन्ती अर्थात् कुछ कुछ अर्पण करते हैं | बलिहार जाते हैं | स्थूल गिफ्ट जो दी वह तो वतन में इमर्ज हो गई, लेकिन निराकारी दुनिए में तो यह गिफ्ट इमर्ज नहीं होगी | वहाँ तो संकल्प की गिफ्ट पहुँचती है |
सभी को अनुभव भी है कि हिम्मत रखने से बाप की मदद समय पर मिलती है और मिलनी ही है, गैरन्टी है | हिम्मत आपकी मदद बाप की | समय पर सब शक्तियां, समय प्रमाण यूज़ करना इसको कहा जाता है ज्ञानी तू आत्मा, योगी तू आत्मा |
बापदादा ने कहा कि बापदादा 8-10 लड़ों की माला बना देंगे, इसलिए आप यह चिन्ता नहीं करो | औरों को नहीं देखो, आपको नम्बर मिल ही जाना है, यह बाप की गैरन्टी है | बापदादा ने सोचा जब इतने 108 में आयेंगे, तो 108 की माला पाँच लड़ियों की बनानी पड़ेगी | लेकिन सिर्फ़ इस संकल्प को बीच-बीच में दृढ़ करते रहना |  दृढ़ता का ठप्पा लगाते रहना | हाँ मुझे आना ही है, कुछ भी हो जाए, मेरा निश्चय अटल है, अखण्ड है |  आप किनारा नहीं करना | माला के बीच में धागा खाली नहीं करना | एक दाना बीच से टूट जाए, निकल जाए तो माला अच्छी नहीं लगेगी | सिर्फ़ यह नहीं करना, बाकी बाबा की गैरन्टी है आप ज़रूर आयेंगे | यह तो भक्ति मार्ग वालों ने 108 की माला बना ली |
अशुभ वा व्यर्थ सोचना | अशुभ वा व्यर्थ बोलना और अशुभ वा व्यर्थ करना | सोचना, बोलना और करना इसमें टाइम वेस्ट बहुत होता है | अभी विकर्म कम होते हैं, व्यर्थ ज़्यादा होते हैं |
शिव जयन्ती अर्थात् बच्चों के मेहनत समाप्त की जयन्ती | बिल्कुल सभी मेहनत से दूर मुहब्बत के झूले में झूलते रहो | जब मुहब्बत के झूले में झूलते रहेंगे तो मेहनत समाप्त हो जायेगी | मेहनत को ख़त्म करें, ख़त्म करें नहीं सोचो | सिर्फ़ मुहब्बत के झूले में बैठ जाओ, मेहनत आपेही छूट जायेगी | छोड़ने की कोशिश नहीं करो, बैठने की, झूलने की कोशिश करो | छत्रछाया के अन्दर बैठे रहो | ब्राह्मण जीवन का अर्थ ही है झूलना, माया में नहीं | माया भी झुलाती है |
अभी अतीन्द्रिय सुख के झूले में झूलो, ख़ुशी के झूले में झूलो | शक्तियों की अनुभूतियों के झूले में झूलो | इतने झूले आपको मिले हैं जो यहाँ के प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज़ को भी नहीं होंगे | चाहे जिस झूले में झूलो | अभी प्रेम के झूले में झूलो, अभी आनंद के झूले में झूलो | अभी ज्ञान के झूले में झूलो | कितने झूले हैं! अनगिनत | तो झूले से उतरो नहीं |
मिट्टी में पाँव नहीं जाये |  संकल्प आना अर्थात् पाँव रखना | संकल्प में भी देह-भान नहीं आवे | सोचो, याद रखो कि हम कितने लाडले हैं, किसके लाडले हैं! सतयुग में भी परमात्म लाडले नहीं होंगे | दिव्य आत्माओं के लाडले होंगे |

29/12/13 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 06/03/97
The gift for Shiv Jayanti is to stop labouring and to swing in the swing of love.
Blessing: May you be an image of support and upliftment and make all souls powerful through your awareness of being an ancestor!
In the trunk of this world tree, you Brahmin souls who are to be deities are the ancestors of all. The basis for all actions, the basis of all codes of conduct, the basis of the customs and systems are you ancestor souls who are images of support and upliftment for all souls. It is through you, the trunk, that all souls receive the power of elevated thought and all powers. Everyone follows you. Therefore, understand yourselves to have such a huge responsibility. Create every thought and perform every deed with this understanding because the basis of the time and stage of the world is you ancestor souls.
Slogan: Those who spread the rays of all powers everywhere are master suns of knowledge.
29-12-13 प्रात:मुरली अव्यक्तबापदादा रिवाइज06-03-97 मधुवन
शिवजयन्तीकीगिफ्टमेहनत को छोड़मुहब्बतकेझूलेमेंझूलो
वरदान:- अपने पूर्वज स्वरूप की स्मृति द्वारा सर्व आत्माओं को शक्तिशाली बनाने वाले आधार, उद्धारमूर्त भव !
इस सृष्टि वृक्ष के मूल तना, सर्व के पूर्वज आप ब्राह्मण सो देवता हो | हर कर्म का आधार, कुल मर्यादाओं का आधार, रीति रस्म का आधार आप पूर्वज सर्व आत्माओं के आधार और उद्धारमूर्त हो | आप तना द्वारा ही सर्व आत्माओं को श्रेष्ठ संकल्पों की शक्ति वा सर्वशक्तियों की प्राप्ति होती है | आपको सब फ़ालो कर रहे हैं इसलिए इतनी बड़ी ज़िम्मेवारी समझते हुए हर संकल्प और कर्म करो क्योंकि आप पूर्वज आत्माओं के आधार पर ही सृष्टि का समय और स्थिति का आधार है |
स्लोगन:- जो सर्व शक्तियों रूपी किरणें चारों ओर फैलाते हैं वही मास्टर ज्ञान-सूर्य हैं |

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 29, 2013: Quiet

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 29, 2013: Quiet


Adelie Penguins Group Dive, Antarctic Peninsula

When the mind is quiet, its whole angle of vision changes. From pouncing on the problems, it begins to perceive the chances, the good things in life.
A Clean Heart
The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the
best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops
the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done
by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the
balance. So such a person brings happiness for himself and for others
through every action he performs.
Experiencing Perfection And Success In Role Playing (cont.)

Continuing from yesterday's message, if I'm able to protect and maintain my inner spiritual identity in each role that I play in the day, it's much easier for me to switchroles. I switch roles so many times even in one particular day. If I lose myself in a particular role, my mind and intellect tends to become limited and restricted to that role and I'm not able to see beyond the immediate needs of the role and I find it difficult to adapt to another role.
As a father, for example, I may also be called upon to play the different roles of husband or a Managing Director or a friend or a brother or a son or a son-in-law etc. Also many a times, for e.g. in the absence of the mother, I may have to play the role of the mother or in the absence of the Plant Manager in my company on a particular day, I may have to play his role, etc., both being roles that I do not normally play. I'll have a better chance of being able to fulfill all these roles if I don't get too caught up in any of the roles while playing them and remain in my spiritual consciousness while playing them. A spiritual consciousness will keep me detached.

Every role demands different positive personality traits or sanskarasto be put into practice. I need to be flexible and possess the ability to pick those personality traits from my complete spiritual store house of personality traits that I the soul possess inside me, that are best suited to the role and are required for that role at that particular moment, so that the role and the act is played accurately and perfectly to my satisfaction as well as the other's satisfaction. In a bodily, limited consciousness, I will not be able to that.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)
Soul Sustenance
Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations (Part 1)

There are periods of life in which it seems to us that there is someone or something who gets in the way of our path. Circumstances, instead of going in our favor, go against us. They are barriers that make it difficult for us to reach our objectives; they are interruptions that prevent us from feeling satisfied; they are situations that seem to reduce our feelings of success.

When we find ourselves with these scenes that appear to block our progress towards the aims and objectives that we have set out for ourselves, we tend to have negative thoughts; we feel anger and rage, or we feel sad and unenthusiastic, as if we don't have the strength to either overcome or transform the situation. Rather it is the situation that overcomes or overpowers us and leaves us exhausted. Some people are not prepared for this to happen and put all their strength into fighting the situation. They do so with feelings of anger, revenge and injustice. Often it becomes a process that wastes their energies and leaves them exhausted, without achieving a true solution.

It is possible to live through situations without them causing such an emotional energy loss. That does not mean that we become cold and insensitive to what happens around us. It is a question of living through situations without drowning into them. If we drown ourselves in them we won't be able to help others or ourselves. We will be lost, like the shipwrecked, at the mercy of the waves, the tides and the winds. We will have lost the control of the steering wheel of our ship – our life.

(To be continued tomorrow …)
Message for the day
Words that do not give courage are waste.
Expression: When someone is facing a problem, if the words are not those that give courage to the one facing the problem, then such words are wasted. There would be no use of speaking such words. In fact, to speak such words is to discourage the other person further. So when attention is paid to speak only those words that are for the benefit of all there is a positive and a powerful impact on others.

Experience: Even when I keep attention on a simple thing like speaking only positive words, or words that bring benefit to others, I find myself having only powerful thoughts and words. I am neither discouraged by others' behaviour nor will I ever discourage others. I continue to have faith in others and allow this faith to colour my words and actions. So I find that there is benefit in whatever I speak.


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