Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Essence of Murli (H&E) : June 04, 2014:

Essence of Murli (H&E) : June 04, 2014:

Essence: Sweet children, do not waste your time chasing after a handful of chick peas (things worth nothing). Now become the Father's helpers andglorify the Father's name. (Especially for the Kumaris)

Question: What indicates that you are moving forwardon this path of knowledge?

Answer: The childrenwho always remember the land of peace and the land of happiness and whose intellects do notwander anywhere at the time of remembrance, those whodon'thave wastefulthoughts in their intellects, whose intellects are concentrated, who don't nod off and whosemercury of happinessis high prove that they are moving forward on this path of knowledge.

Essence for dharna:

1.Give up the handful of chick peas and make full effort to claim the sovereignty of the world from the Father. Do not be afraid of anything. Becomefearless and remain free from bondages. Use your time in a worthwhile way, in earning a true income.

2.Forget this landof sorrow and remember Shivalaya, that is, the land of peace and the land of happiness. Recognise the obstaclesof Maya and remain cautiousof them.

Blessing: May you be a great sou l who attains the sustenance of blessings from God in this Brahmin life.

In this Brahmin life you receive blessings from God and also the divine famil y. Thisshort age is for attaining all attainments forall time. On the basis of their every elevated action and elevated thought, theFather Himself continues to give blessings from His heart at every moment to every Brahmin child. However, the basis of claiming all theseblessings is the balance of remembrance and service. Know this importance and become a great soul.

Slogan:To be generous hearted and distribute the gift of virtues and powers through your face and behaviour is to have good wishes and pure feelings.

सार:-मीठे बच्चे अब चने मुट्ठी के पीछे अपना समय बरबाद नहीं करो, अब बाप के मददगार बन बाप का नाम बाला करो” (विशेष कुमारियों प्रति)

प्रश्न:- इस ज्ञान मार्ग में तुम्हारे कदम आगे बढ़ रहे हैं, उसकी निशानी क्या है?

उत्तर:- जिन बच्चों को शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम सदा याद रहता है | याद के समय बुद्धि कहाँ पर भी भटकती नहीं है, बुद्धि में व्यर्थ के ख्यालात नहीं आते, बुद्धि एकाग्र है, झुटका नहीं खाते, ख़ुशी का पारा चढ़ा हुआ है तो इससे सिद्ध है कि कदम आगे बढ़ रहे हैं |

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. चने मुट्ठी छोड़ बाप से विश्व की बादशाही लेने का पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है | किसी भी बात में डरना नहीं है, निडर बन बन्धनों से मुक्त होना है | अपना समय सच्ची कमाई में सफ़ल करना है |

2. इस दुःखधाम को भूल शिवालय अर्थात् शान्तिधाम, सुखधाम को याद करना है | माया के विघ्नों को जान उनसे सावधान रहना है |

वरदान:- इस ब्राह्मण जीवन में परमात्म आशीर्वाद की पालना प्राप्त करने वाली महान आत्मा भव

इस ब्राह्मण जीवन में परमात्म-आशीर्वादें और ब्राह्मण परिवार की आशीर्वादें प्राप्त होती हैं | यह छोटा सा युग सर्व प्राप्तियां और सदाकाल की प्राप्तियां करने का युग है | स्वयं बाप हर श्रेष्ठ कर्म, श्रेष्ठ संकल्प के आधार पर हर ब्राह्मण बच्चे हो हर समय दिल से आशीर्वाद देते रहते हैं |लेकिन यह सर्व आशीर्वाद लेने का आधार याद और सेवा का बैलेन्स है | इस महत्व को जान महान आत्मा बनो |

स्लोगन:- फ़्राकदिल बन चेहरे और चलन से गुण व शक्तियों की गिफ्ट बाँटना ही शुभ भावना, शुभ कामना है |

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 04, 2014: An Angel

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 04, 2014: An Angel

Artist Dona Gelsinger

An Angel

Acceptance gives me the experience of being like an angel: never judging, never criticizing and never worrying.

Unique Capabilities

Each and every human being has capabilities, which are special and
unique. To be aware of one's own specialties is to contribute them
to every task. Such a person is able to cooperate under all
circumstances and with all people. There are no conditions attached to
the contribution of these resources. When I contribute to every task
with my own specialties I have double satisfaction. I have the
satisfaction of having contributed something and I am also free from
expectations from others

Turning Qualities Into Powers

An important aspect of God or the Supreme Being, remembered throughout history in all cultures and traditions, has been the concept of God being an Almighty Authority. The interpretation of this concept has been varied, however:
Some have conceived a God who is fearsome and revengeful and one who punishes. That is very different from the experience of God, in meditation, as a gentle, benevolent (generous), merciful parent; as a teacher of absolute spiritual wisdom or knowledge, but a wisdom that has total humility, and is free from the demands of ego.

Yet, it is also the experience of the soul that God is the Almighty Authority, the source of all power and strength. When I meditate and connect with the Supreme, I experience a state of truth in which the combination of all the original qualities of the soul -- peace, love, purity, wisdom and happiness -- fills me with a positive power -- a power that overcomes negativity in myself and others, so that those I am connected with become better able to experience their own truth. This power also extends to my physical surroundings, transforming the atmosphere around me.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Freedom From The Dependency On The New (Part 2)

In the market, there always appears the novelty (newness) of the same product wrapped differently. There always seems to be a new soft drink, a new kind of chocolate, but they are really the same products as always. The only thing that changes is the packaging and their image. Some children, whenever they go to the market, want the new kinds of biscuits, pastries, etc. They always want new things that then stay in the fridge. We encourage this by telling little children that happiness is stimulation, the new is stimulating, and comes from the outside or you get it from the outside. We create an addiction to the new; in this case, to the newness of the packaging. What kind of newness is that!

When, in order to be happy, you need to go shopping, you try to fill yourself with something that isn't you. You try to find wholeness by filling your life with material things. A soul who is spiritually awake knows that they are already complete and they do not need to depend on the purchase of something new regularly for feeling full internally. The only effort is in remembering and reconnecting with their whole self, their complete self; reconnecting with their inner treasures of spiritual wisdom, virtues and powers.

Message for the day

To celebrate means to finish all trace of the old.

Expression: We find that whenever there is an occasion, we are full of zeal and enthusiasm for that day. However this doesn't continue for long and we find ourselves getting caught with our old nature. We then give the excuse to ourselves saying, 'this is how I am, and this is my nature' etc. Once we start working with our old nature we cannot be enthusiastic anymore.

Experience: Each new festival is an occasion for us to finish something of the old. We only need to take a determined thought to remove something of our old nature. We no longer need to give excuses, but make the firm promise to ourselves to transform. Our zeal and enthusiasm will then never lessen and we will continue to celebrate with constant enthusiasm.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Essence of Murli (H&E) : June 03, 2014:

Essence of Murli (H&E) : June 03, 2014:


Essence: Sweet  children, the main service  is to stay  in remembrance of the Father and  to remind  others. You can give anyone the Father's introduction and benefit them.


Question:                                                                                                           Which one small  habit can make you very disobedient  in a big way?   What is the method  to be saved from that?


Answer: If someone has the habit of stealing something and concealing it, that is very big disobedience.  It is said: Those who steal a straw can even steal a hundred thousand.  If someone is hungry and, due to greed, takes something  and eats it without first asking permission,  to steal  in that way is a very bad habit.  In order to become free from  that habit, become a trustee,  like Father Brahma.   lf you have such habits, tell the Father about them honestly.



Essence for dharna:


I. Together with physical  service,  you  also  have to do subtle  service  and  the main service.    Give everyone   the   Father's  introduction.    Bring   benefit   to  souls.      Stay   on   the  pilgrimage   of remembrance.

This is real service.  Remain busy in this service.  Do not waste your time.


2.      Become  sensible and  gain  victory  over  the  evil spirits  of the five  vices.   Remove  the habits of stealing and telling lies.  Do not take back whatever you have donated.



Blessing:   May you be a greatly chari table soul who quenches the thirst and satisfies  those who are thirsty for the nectar of knowledge.


To quench the thirst of a thirsty person is a great act of charity.   Just as someone  who doesn't get water  is thirsty  for water, in the same  way, when souls  do not receive the nectar  of knowledge, they are desperate  with sorrow  and peacelessness.  Therefore, give them the nectar of knowledge and become those who quench their thirst.  Just as you make time to eat your meals because that is necessary,  in the same  way,  it is essential   to carry  out  this act of  charity.  Therefore, take this chance and make time and you will then be said to be a greatly charitable soul.


Slogan:  Put a full stop  to the past and move forward  with  courage  and you  will continue  to receive  the Father's help.


सार:- मीठे बच्चे सबसे मूल सेवा है बाप की याद में रहना और दूसरों को याद दिलाना, तुम किसी को भी बाप का परिचय दे उनका कल्याण कर सकते हो”

प्रश्न:-   कौन-सी एक छोटी-सी आदत भी बहुत बड़ी अवज्ञा करा देती है? उससे बचने की युक्ति क्या है?

उत्तर:- अगर किसी में कुछ छिपाने की वा चोरी करने की आदत है तो भी बहुत बड़ी अवज्ञा हो जाती है | कहा जाता है – कख का चोर सो लख का चोर | लोभ के वश भूख लगी तो छिपाकर बिना पूछे खा लेना, चोरी कर लेना – यह बहुत खराब आदत है | इस आदत से बचने के लिए ब्रह्मा बाप समान ट्रस्टी बनो | जो भी ऐसी आदते हैं, वह बाप को सच-सच सुना दो |


धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-


1.   स्थूल सेवा के साथ-साथ सूक्ष्म और मूल सेवा भी करनी है | सबको बाप का परिचय देना, आत्माओं का कल्याण करना, याद की यात्रा में रहना यह है सच्ची सेवा | इसी सेवा में बिज़ी रहना है, अपना समय वेस्ट नहीं करना है |


2.   सेन्सीबुल बन 5 विकारों रूपी भूतों पर विजय प्राप्त करनी है | चोरी वा झूठ बोलने की आदत निकाल देनी है | दान में दी हुई चीज़ वापस नहीं लेनी है |


वरदान:- ज्ञान अमृत से प्यासी आत्माओं की प्यास बुझाकर तृप्त करने वाली महान पुण्य आत्मा भव


किसी प्यासे की प्यास बुझाना यह महान पुण्य है | जैसे पानी न मिले तो प्यास से तड़फते हैं ऐसे ज्ञान अमृत न मिलने से आत्मायें दुःख अशान्ति में तड़फ रही हैं तो उनको ज्ञान अमृत देकर प्यास बुझाने वाले बनो | जैसे भोजन खाने के लिए फुर्सत निकालते हो क्योंकि आवश्यक है, ऐसे यह पुण्य का कार्य करना भी आवश्यक है इसलिए यह चान्स लेना है, समय निकालना है – तब कहेंगे महान पुण्य आत्मा |

स्लोगन:-  बीती को बिन्दी लगाकर हिम्मत से आगे बढ़ो तो बाप की मदद मिलती रहेगी |

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 03, 2014: Heart's Attitude

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 03, 2014: Heart's Attitude

Heart's Attitude

It is not the body's posture but the heart's attitude that counts when we meditate.

Discover the Joy

To be happy means not to be influenced with the external stimulus for
the internal state of happiness, but to discover the joy within. So the
one who is constantly in touch with the internal state of happiness is
able to express this happiness. The one who is free from internal
dis-ease is the one who is free from disease. I am able to enjoy the
beauty of everything when I am able to maintain my own inner state of
happiness. My body, mind, relationships, everything is healthy because
of this internal state of mind. I am able to enjoy everything I do too
and experience constant progress and success.

Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past (continued)

Correction - Memories inside the soul are like imprints or impressions on the soul. Some impressions are deep, some are not. Negative past experiences leave very deep negative impressions or scars on the soul, which sometimes take a lot of time to heal and sometime an entire lifetime can be sent without them getting healed. Negative past experience imprints and negative emotions like anger, hatred, attachment etc. are closely linked. So, correcting the self or incorporating positive sanskars fills the spiritual self with positive impressions. This, over a period of time, nullifies the effect of these negative impressions and as a result, the related negative memories.

Donation - Donation can be simply defined as the distribution of the invisible attainments one has experienced through spiritual self transformation, to others. It helps one receive blessings or positive energy of those whom we donate to and gives life a focused positive purpose, both of which help us immensely in forgetting our past. People who live only for themselves will find it more difficult to forget their past as compared to ones who spend a lot of time for others. Giving happiness to others helps us in forgetting our griefs.

Interaction - The more we interact with and remain in the company of positive minded people and have positive conversations with them, we give and receive positive energy and the more our past gets erased from my consciousness. Spirituality teaches us to look inwards and experience introvertness, which we haven't experienced for a long time. At the same time, spirituality also teaches us to keep a balance between looking inwards and outwards. Composed and balanced extrovertness and healthy, happy relationships with virtuous people help us remain more in a present consciousness, not giving the mind to drift too much into the past.

Soul Sustenance

Freedom from the Dependency on the New (Part 1)

One of the dependencies that the consumer society promotes is dependency on the new. You have a car but today a new, better one is coming out. You have a mobile but the new one on the market today has more features and yours is now obsolete. The same thing happens to the television, MP3 players, DVD players, etc. Today you have some clothes but tomorrow the fashion will be different. We find the need to fill ourselves with more and more. This way an addiction to the new is generated. We get bored quickly and we need something apparently new and different all the time.

Some people need to buy new clothes all the time because it makes them feel better; they ‘feel’ the newness, is this normal or is it actually an addiction to the new out of boredom, is it discomfort with oneself and the inner need to impress and please others that sometimes some people seem to possess. It is actually living in the superficiality of the pair of jeans or the saree, not in the inner essence of being or soul. It is to use time to distract oneself and not to construct creatively. It’s not as if buying new stuff or going shopping is wrong but when it becomes a dependency, when it becomes a source of boosting your self esteem, that’s a sign that you are going wrong.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day

The one who has the power of realization is the one who can bring transformation.

Expression: When something goes wrong we immediately begin to look for excuses why that mistake happened. This finishes our power of realization and we will not be able to recognise our own mistake. Then we will not be able to work at improving ourselves and we will not be able to bring any transformation.

Experience: Instead of looking for excuses for what happened, we need to take the opportunity to check within ourselves and see our own mistake. When we recognize our mistake, however small it may be, we will be able to work on it. Only when we are able to realize our own mistake, will we be able to bring about transformation in ourselves.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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