Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Amritology Point For December 31, 2014 (H&E)

For December 31, 2014

A Prosperous Soul in Conversation with the Jeweler

First Awareness

The moment I open my eyes, I realize: I am a soul. I descended from the Sweet Home of Light in order to give radiant light to the world.

Who am I?

I am a prosperous soul. In my treasure chests are jewels of knowledge, virtues, and powers.

To Whom do I Belong?

Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. I strike a bargain with you the Jeweler– the Ocean of Knowledge. You give me plateful of jewels of knowledge, virtues, and powers. I play with these jewels and am sustained by these jewels.
Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me. The more you apply these jewels in your activity, the more they increase. The most prosperous souls are the ones who remain busy with these jewels. Don’t waste your valuable time. Don’t see, listen to, think, or speak of anything else.

Receiving Inspirations

I take a moment to quiet my chattering mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of Silence. In this silence, I receive from Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for service.

Receiving a Blessing from Baba

I manifest my angelic form before sweet Baba in the subtle regions. With much love and powerful drishti, He gives me this blessing:
Your consciousness has become pristine and clean. It glistens with the light of truth and Baba’s love. The beauty of your purity is painting the portrait of a future beyond your wildest dreams.

Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15 minutes)

I bestow on the world the blessing described above. I take this blessing from Baba and gift it to the whole world through my pure thoughts. With my angelic costume, I circle the earth globe and give this blessing to all souls.

Before Going to Bed

I steady myself in the stage beyond sound. I mentally check: was I disobedient in anyway during the day? If so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb, mentally or physically, to any attractions, attachments, or selfish preferences? I chart my actions, and remove the impact of faulty actions with 30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a clean and clear heart.

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Amritology; Experiences of a Yogi

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For December 30th

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Hindi Soundtrack with Amrit Vela points - 60min

अमृत वेला के पॉइंट साज़ और आवाज़ से जुड़े ६० मिनट

(चौथा सप्ताह – 30-12-2014)

Spanish Soundtrack with Amrit Vela points - 60min

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एक संपन्न आत्मा की एक जौहरी से रूहरिहान

पहली स्मृति

आँख खुलते ही संकल्प करें कि मैं आत्मा हूँ। मैं इस धरा को प्रकाशमय करने के लिये स्वीट लाइट के होमसे अवतरित हुई हूँ।

मैं कौन हूँ ?

मैं एक संपन्न

आत्मा हूँ। मेरा खजाना ज्ञान, गुणों और शक्तियों के बहुमूल्य रत्‍नों से भरपूर है।

मैं किसकी हूँ ?

आत्मा की बाबा से रूहरिहान:

मीठे बाबा- गुडमॉर्निंग।बाबा! मै ने आप ज्ञानसागर जौहरी के साथ सौदा पक्का किया है।बाबा! आप मुझे थालियाँ भर-भरकर ज्ञान, गुण और शक्तियों के रत्न दे रहे हैं।इन रत्नों के साथ खेलते हुए मेरी पालना हो                                 रही है।

बाबा की आत्मा से रूहरिहान:

मीठे बच्चे! जागो! मेरे साथ बैठो। जितना-जितना तुम इन रत्‍नों को अपने कार्य-व्यवहार में इस्तेमाल करते जा रहे हो, उतने ही यह रत्न वृद्धि को पाते जा रहें हैं। जो आत्मायें इनरत्‍नों के साथ सदा व्यस्त रहती हैं वो ही सबसे ज्यादा संपन्न हैं। बच्चों! अपना बहुमूल्य समय व्यर्थ नहीं गवाँओं। किसी भी व्यर्थ बात को ना देखो, ना सुनो, ना सोचो, ना बोलो।


अपने मन को सर्व बातों से हटा कर बाबा में लगाऐं। बाबा है साइलेन्स का सागर। इस साइलेन्स में मैं बाबा से प्रेरणायुक्त और पवित्र सेवा के संकल्प ले रही हूँ।

बाबा से वरदान:

सूक्ष्म वतन में मीठे बाबा के सामने मेरा फरिश्ता स्वरूप साफ दिखाई दे रहा है। बहुत प्यार व शक्तिशाली दृष्टि से बाबा मुझे वरदान दे रहें हैं

तुम्हारी चेतना पवित्र और शुद्ध होती जा रही है। सत्यता के प्रकाश और बाबा के स्‍नेह से इसकी चमक बहुत बढ़ती जा रही है। तुम्हारी पवित्रता की सुंदरता से तुम्हारे भविष्य का एक ऐसा चित्र बन रहा है जो तुम्हारी कल्पना से भी परे है।

बेहद की सूक्ष्म सेवा: (आखिरी के पंद्रह मिनिट - प्रातः ४:४५ से ५:०० बजे तक)

बाबा द्वारा इस वरदान को अपने शुभ संकल्पों द्वारा, वरदाता बन, मैं पूरे विश्‍व को दान दे रही हूँ। अपनी फरिश्ता ड्रेस पहन कर मैं विश्‍व भ्रमण करते हुए सर्व आत्माओं को ये वरदान दे रही हूँ।

रात्रि सोने के पहले

आवाज़ की दुनिया के पार जा कर अपनी स्टेज को स्थिर बनाऐं। चेक करें की आज मैंने दिन भरमें किसी बात की अवज्ञा तो नहीं की? अगर हाँ तो बाबा को बताऐं। किसी के मोह या आकर्षण मे बुद्धि तो नही फंसी? अपने कर्मो का चार्ट बनाऐं। तीस मिनिट के योग द्वारा किसी भी गलत कर्म के प्रभाव से स्वयं को मुक्त करें। अपने दिल को साफ और हल्का कर के सोऐं।


Synopsis: Sakar Murli December 30, 2014 (H&E)

Audio MP3 English:

Synopsis: Sakar Murli December 30, 2014
1. Bharat is called the land of truth and the Father is also called the Truth. People say: Shiva is beyond the cycle of birth and death. So how can you celebrate His birthday? The Father comes and takes the support of this body. He definitely does need a mouth to speak and that is why the mouth of the cow is praised. This is a somewhat complicated secret.
2. In many places, on the day of the full moon, they read the story of becoming true Narayan. (Satya Narayan Katha) You understand that you are now truly studying with Baba how to change from a human being into Narayan. This is the study to become pure.
3. Here, both yoga and education can slip away very easily. Of these, yoga is more slippery. Knowledge stays in the intellect but remembrance is repeatedly forgotten. The knowledge of how you take 84 births remains in your intellects.
4. Little children have a right to this education too. Children have to be taught to have remembrance of Shiv Baba. The Father of souls is different from a father of bodies. Souls are incorporeal children and the Father too is incorporeal.
5. You are the children of Murlidhar and so you definitely have to become murlidhars. You could collect all of these points of knowledge and make a book of them. You all definitely have to become teachers and teach this knowledge to everyone. Other studies are for here (this world). This study is for the future new world where there is constant happiness. Knowledge cannot be learnt in one day. This is an eternally predestined (anaadi bana banaaya) and wonderful drama. We were yogis but then, whilst taking 84 births, we definitely had to become those who indulge in sensual pleasures.
6. Ravan is definitely a great enemy, but no one knows in what way he is everyone’s enemy. Ravan is nothing physical. They think that perhaps he is their enemy because he abducted Sita. There are twelve Ramas and Sitas. So, which of the Sitas was abducted? It must have been the one at the end.
Blessing: May you be an altruistic server (niswaarth sevadhaari) who does service while remaining free from any limited royal desires.
Father Brahma gave the proof of being free from any bondage of karma and being detached. Apart from having love for service, there were no other bondages. There are limited royal desires in service which bind you in the bondage of karmic accounts. True servers remain free from any karmic account of, for instance, bondage of the body, or bondage of bodily relations. In the same way, selfish motives in service is also a bondage. Be an altruistic server who is free from this bondage and any royal karmic accounts.
Points to churn from the blessing:
We, the Brahmin souls are the true holy swans ...with purity in everything, thought, words, deeds and relationships, we remain flawless in our body mind and heart and become making the Lord pleased with a clean mind and a clean heart, all our desires get fulfilled...
We do very fast service by serving the co-operative souls, preparing the land, and then sowing the seeds of the unlimited task... we have constant love and are lost in the love for service day and night... we give everyone their own duties and a chance to do service... by having our speaking, doing and way of inter acting equal, we are ignorant of the knowledge of all desires, experience the avyakt and the karmateet making our thinking, speaking and doing equal, we become complete, the same as the Father...
Instead of being the embodiments of questions (prashn) in all situations, we, the souls are the embodiments of attainments (prapti), changing nature (prakriti) and stopping distress (pareshaani)...we are close to the Father, and like the Father, we are complete and perfect... by being free from jealousy and from royal desires in a subtle form, by being beyond name, regard and honour, by being ignorant of all desires, we attain honour in the heart of BapDada, the Bestower...
Essence of Murli (H&E): December 29, 2014:
Essence: Sweet children, this study for becoming pure is easier than all other studies. Young ones, adults and the elderly can all study it. You simply have to know your 84 births.
Question: What should each of you, young and old, practice?
Answer: Each of you should practice speaking knowledge because you are the children of Murlidhar. If you do not speak knowledge, you are unable to claim a high status. Keep giving knowledge to someone or other and your mouth will open (you will gain the confidence to speak knowledge). Each one of you must become a teacher like the Father. You have to teach others what you study. Little children also have a right to this education. They too have a right to claim their inheritance from the unlimited Father.
Essence for dharna:
1. Churn this unlimited study that the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, teaches you every day. You must teach others what you are studying.
2. Understand very clearly how this unlimited drama is moving along and how it is an eternally predestined (anaadi bana banaaya) and wonderful drama. Then explain the secret of this to others.
Blessing: May you be an altruistic server (niswaarth sevadhaari) who does service while remaining free from any limited royal desires.
Slogan: Do not keep your promises in a file, but demonstrate it by becoming that final.

सार:- मीठे बच्चे- यह पावन बनने की पढ़ाई उन पढ़ाइयों से सहज है, इसे सच्चे,जवान, बूढ़े सब पढ़ सकते हैं, सिर्फ 84जन्मों को जानना है |”

प्रश्न:- हर एक छोटे वा बड़े को कौन-सी प्रैक्टिस जरूर करनी चाहिए?

उत्तर:- हर एक को मुरली चलाने की प्रैक्टिस जरूर करनी चाहिए क्योंकि तुम मुरलीधर के बच्चे हो । अगर मुरली नहीं चलाते हो तो ऊंच पद नहीं पा सकेंगे । किसी को सुनाते रहो तो मुख खुल जायेगा । तुम हर एक को बाप समान टीचर जरूर बनना है । जो पढ़ते हो वह पढ़ाना है । छोटे बच्चों को भी यह पढ़ाई पढ़ने का हक है । वह भी बेहद के बाप का वर्सा लेने के अधिकारी हैं ।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-

1. ज्ञान सागर बाप जो रोज बेहद की पढ़ाई पढ़ाते हैं, उस पर विचार सागर मंथन करना है । जो पढ़ा है वह दूसरों को भी जरूर पढ़ाना है ।

2. यह बेहद का ड्रामा कैसे चल रहा है, यह अनादि बना-बनाया वन्डरफुल ड्रामा है, इस राज को अच्छी रीति समझकर फिर समझाना है ।

वरदान:-हद की रॉयल इच्छाओं से मुक्त रह सेवा करने वाले निःस्वार्थ सेवाधारी भव !

जैसे ब्रह्मा बाप ने कर्म के बन्धन से मुक्त, न्यारे बनने का सबूत दिया । सिवाए सेवा के स्नेह के और कोई बन्धन नहीं । सेवा में जो हद की रायॅल इच्छायें होती हैं वह भी हिसाब-किताब के बन्धन में बांधती हैं, सच्चे सेवाधारी इस हिसाब-किताब से भी मुक्त रहते हैं । जैसे देह का बन्धन, देह के सम्बन्ध का बंधन है, ऐसे सेवा में स्वार्थ - यह भी बंधन है । इस बन्धन से वा रॉयल हिसाब-किताब से भी मुक्त निःस्वार्थ सेवाधारी बनो ।

स्लोगन:- वायदों को फाइल में नहीं रखो, फाइनल बनकर दिखाओ ।

Om shanti. The anniversary of Shiv Baba’s birth will soon be here. How are you going to tell others about it? You have to explain to others in the way that the Father explains to you. It is not that Baba has to teach everyone else just as He teaches you. Shiv Baba is teaching you. You know that He is teaching you through this body. You definitely celebrate the birth of Shiva. You also mention Shiva’s name. He is the incorporeal One. He is called Shiva. Those people say: Shiva is beyond the cycle of birth and death. So how can you celebrate His birthday? You understand how you have been celebrating it in different ways and how you will continue to celebrate it. Therefore, you have to explain this to them. The Father comes and takes the support of this body. He definitely does need a mouth to speak and that is why the mouth of the cow is praised. This is a somewhat complicated secret. You have to understand Shiv Baba’s occupation. You understand that our unlimited Father has come. Only from Him do we receive our unlimited inheritance. The people of Bharat definitely had an unlimited inheritance. No one else had this. Bharat is called the land of truth and the Father is also called the Truth. You should explain these things. Nevertheless, some don’t understand this as quickly as others do. Here, both yoga and education can slip away very easily. Of these, yoga is more slippery. Knowledge stays in the intellect but remembrance is repeatedly forgotten. The knowledge of how you take 84 births remains in your intellects. Those who have this knowledge are the ones whose intellects can understand that only those who come in the first number will take 84 births. Lakshmi and Narayan are said to be the first and most elevated deities. The story of changing from an ordinary human into Narayan is also very well known. In many places, on the day of the full moon, they read the story of becoming true Narayan. You understand that you are now truly studying with Baba how to change from a human being into Narayan. This is the study to become pure. It is also the easiest of all studies. You just have to understand the cycle of 84 births. This study is the same for everyone, young and old. Little children have a right to this education too. There is a lot of time for their parents to continue to teach them a little at a time. Children have to be taught to have remembrance of Shiv Baba. The Father of souls is different from a father of bodies. Souls are incorporeal children and the Father too is incorporeal. The intellects of you children know that that incorporeal Shiv Baba is your Father and that He is very tiny. You have to remember this well; you must not forget it. We souls are also as tiny as points. It is not that when you go up you will seem larger, and when you are down, you will appear smaller. No; it is always a point. When you go up above, it would be as though you can’t be seen because you are a point. How can you see a point? You children have to think about these things very deeply. I, this soul, came here from above to play my part through a body. Souls don’t decrease or increase in size. Their physical organs are at first small and then they grow larger. You now have to explain these things to others in the way that you have understood them. It is certain that you will teach this knowledge in the way that you studied it, numberwise. You all definitely have to become teachers and teach this knowledge to everyone. The Father has all this knowledge. He is the very tiny Supreme Soul. He always resides in the supreme abode. He only comes here once, at this confluence age. When people become very unhappy, they call out to the Father: Come and make us happy! You children now understand that you kept calling out: Baba, come and take us away from this impure world to the pure, new, happy world of the golden age. Show us the path to go there. It is only when He Himself comes that He can show you the path. He only comes when the world has to be transformed. This is a very simple matter to understand. Note down what Baba explains each day, so that you can also explain it in the same way. By practising in this way, your mouth will open (you will have the confidence to speak knowledge). You are the children of Murlidhar and so you definitely have to become murlidhars. By benefiting others in this way, you will claim a high status in the new world. Other studies are for here (this world). This study is for the future new world where there is constant happiness. The five vices that cause everyone distress do not exist there. Here, you are in Ravan’s kingdom which is a foreign kingdom. You are the ones who were in your kingdom at the beginning. You would call it the new world. Then Bharat is called the old world. It is said that Bharat exists in the new world. You wouldn’t say that the people of Islam and the Buddhists are in the new world; no. It is now in your intellects that the Father comes and awakens you children. Such is His part in the drama. He comes to change Bharat into heaven. Bharat, the first land, is called heaven. The lifespan of Bharat is limited. To say that it is hundreds of thousands of years makes it unlimited. Things of hundreds of thousands of years couldn’t be remembered by anyone’s intellect. Bharat used to be new; you would say that it is now old. Bharat is to become the new world again. You understand that you are now becoming the masters of the new world. The Father advises you souls to remember Him so that you become new and pure and that you will also receive new bodies. You souls and your bodies become totally satopradhan. You receive the kingdom for only happiness. This drama is eternally predestined. There is happiness and peace in the new world. There are no storms etc. there. In the unlimited world of peace, everyone is peaceful. Here, because there is peacelessness, everyone is peaceless. Everyone in the golden age is peaceful. This is a wonderful thing. This play is eternally predestined. This is an unlimited aspect. Engineering and barristery etc. that others study are limited. Your intellects now have unlimited knowledge. The Father only comes once and explains the secrets of this unlimited drama. You never heard before how this unlimited drama continues to be performed. You now understand how the golden and silver ages passed and how it was the kingdom of deities during that time. In the silver age it was the kingdom of Rama. All the other religions came later on. You know about all the religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Christians etc. They all came in the last 2500 years. The iron age lasts for 1250 years. Everything is accounted for. It is not that the world lasts 2500 years; no. Achcha, who else was there? You have to think about this. Before they came (the different religions), the deities were definitely there. They too were human beings, but they had divine virtues. The sun and the moon dynasties lasted for 2500 years. Everyone else came during the second half of the cycle. No one else can account for any more years. There are four parts: full, three quarters, half and a quarter; it is divided equally. The deities exist during the first half of the cycle. It is said that it was the sun-dynasty kingdom in the golden age and the moon-dynasty kingdom of Rama in the silver age. You can prove that those who come at the beginning of the golden age have the longest lifespan. The cycle is 5000 years, yet those people speak of 8.4 million species. They also say that this cycle lasts for hundreds of thousands of years. No one could accept that. The world population couldn’t be that large. Therefore, the Father sits here and explains: All of that is ignorance whereas this is knowledge. Where did this knowledge come from? No one knows that either. Only the one Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. He is the One who gives knowledge through this mouth. They speak of “The mouth of the cow”. This refers to all of you being adopted through this mother, this cow. It is very easy to explain this small matter. If you only explain for a day and then stop, their intellects become involved in other matters. Do school children only study for a day or do they study regularly1 Knowledge cannot be learnt in one day. The unlimited Father is teaching you, and so the study He teaches must also be unlimited. He gives you an unlimited kingdom. That unlimited kingdom existed in Bharat. Lakshmi and Narayan ruled that unlimited kingdom. No one else even dreams of these things, so they don’t even ask how they claimed their kingdom. Because they were yogi souls, they had a great deal of purity and their lifespan was therefore long. We too were yogis but then, whilst taking 84 births, we definitely had to become those who indulge in sensual pleasures. People don’t know that they too would have taken rebirth. They cannot be called a god or goddess. No one else who takes 84 births would go there before them. Those who rule at the beginning of the golden age are the ones who take 84 births. Then, others come down, numberwise. You souls become deities and then warriors as your celestial degrees continue to decrease. It has been remembered that those who were worthy of worship become worshippers. You change from being satopradhan to tamopradhan. Whilst taking rebirth you come down. Although all of this is very easy to remember, Maya is such that she makes you forget everything. You could collect all of these points of knowledge and make a book of them. However, none of this is going to remain; it is temporary. The Father did not recite any Gita. The Father is now explaining everything in the same way as He did in the previous cycle. All of those Vedas and scriptures etc. will be created later on. All of them, the whole lot, will be burnt when destruction takes place. There are no religious books in the golden and silver ages. They will be created again on the path of devotion. So many things are created on the path of devotion. They create an effigy of Ravan, but, because they don’t understand why, they are unable to explain anything. The Father explains why they create this effigy every year and burn it. Ravan is definitely a great enemy, but no one knows in what way he is everyone’s enemy. They think that perhaps he is their enemy because he abducted Sita. If he had abducted Rama’s Sita, he would have been a great bandit. When did he abduct her? Would you say, “At the start of the silver age or at the end of the silver age”? You have to think about these things. Could she have been abducted? Which Rama’s Sita was abducted? Was there a kingdom of Rama and Sita? Has there only been one Rama and Sita? This is just like a story in the scriptures! You have to think about which Sita it was. There are twelve Ramas and Sitas. So, which of the Sitas was abducted? It must have been the one at the end. You talk about the abduction of Rama’s Sita. There cannot have been the kingdom of only one within the kingdom of Rama. There must have been a dynasty. So, which number Sita was abducted? All of these matters have to be understood very well. You children can explain to anyone all of these secrets with great coolness. The Father explains that people have become so unhappy whilst stumbling along so much on the path of devotion. When they are in extreme unhappiness, they cry out: Baba, take me away from this sorrow! Ravan is nothing physical. If he were something, why do you kill your king every year? Ravan must have a wife too. They show Madodri as his wife. Have you ever seen anyone make an effigy of Madodri and burn that? Therefore, the Father sits here and explains: All of that is false Maya and false bodies. You are now sitting here to change from false humans into real deities. There is such a difference! There, you will always speak the truth. That is the land of truth whereas this is the land of falsehood in which everything people say is false. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
The spiritual children say namaste to the spiritual Father.
ओम् शान्ति |

अभी आती है शिवबाबा की जयन्ती । उस पर कैसे समझाना चाहिए? बाप ने तुमको समझाया है वैसे तुमको फिर औरों को समझाना है । ऐसे तो नहीं, बाबा जैसे तुमको पढ़ाता है वैसे बाबा को ही सबको पढ़ाना है । शिवबाबा ने तुमको पढ़ाया है, जानते हो इस शरीर द्वारा पढ़ाया है । बरोबर हम शिवबाबा की जयन्ती मनाते हैं । हम नाम भी शिव का लेते हैं, वह तो है ही निराकार । उनको शिव कहा जाता है । वो लोग कहते हैं-शिव तो जन्म-मरण रहित है । उनकी फिर जयन्ती कैसे होगी? यह तो तुम जानते हो कैसे नम्बरवार मनाते आते हैं । मनाते ही रहेंगे । तो उन्हों को समझाना पड़े । बाप आकर इस तन का आधार लेते हैं । मुख तो जरूर चाहिए, इसलिए गऊमुख की ही महिमा है । यह राज़ ज़रा पेंचीला है । शिवबाबा के आक्यूपेशन को समझना है । हमारा बेहद का बाप आया हुआ है, उनसे ही हमको बेहद का वर्सा मिलता है । बराबर भारत को बेहद का वर्सा था और किसको होता नहीं । भारत को ही सचखण्ड कहा जाता है और बाप को भी ट्रुथ कहा जाता है । तो यह बातें समझानी पड़ती हैं फिर कोई को जल्दी समझ में नहीं आता है । कोई झट समझ जाते । यह योग और एज्यूकेशन (पढ़ाई) दोनों खिसकने वाली चीजें हैं । उसमें भी योग जास्ती खिसकता है । नॉलेज तो बुद्धि में रहती ही है बाकी याद ही घड़ी-घड़ी भूलते हैं । नॉलेज तो तुम्हारी बुद्धि में हैं ही कि हम कैसे 84 जन्म लेते हैं,जिनको यह नॉलेज है वही बुद्धि से समझ सकते हैं कि जो पहले-पहले नम्बर में आते हैं वही 84 जन्म लेंगे । पहले ऊँच ते ऊँच लक्ष्मी-नारायण को कहेंगे । नर से नारायण बनने की कथा भी नामीग्रामी है । पूर्णमासी पर बहुत जगह सत्यनारायण की कथा चलती है । अभी तुम जानते हो हम सचमुच बाबा द्वारा नर से नारायण बनने की पढ़ाई पढ़ते हैं । यह है पावन बनने की पढ़ाई, और हैं भी सब पढ़ाईयों से बिल्कुल सहज । 84 जन्मों के चक्र को जानना है और फिर यह पढ़ाई सबके लिए एक ही है । बूढ़े, बच्चे, जवान जो भी हो सबके लिए एक ही पढ़ाई है । छोटे बच्चों को भी हक है । अगर माँ-बाप इन्हों को थोड़ा- थोड़ा सिखाते रहे तो टाइम तो बहुत पड़ा है । बच्चों को भी यह सिखाया जाता है कि शिवबाबा को याद करो । आत्मा और शरीर दोनों का बाप अलग- अलग है । आत्मा बच्चा भी निराकारी है तो बाप भी निराकारी है । यह भी तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि में है वह निराकार शिवबाबा हमारा बाप है, कितना छोटा है । यह अच्छी रीति याद रखना है । भूलना नहीं चाहिए । हम आत्मा भी बिन्दी मिसल छोटी हैं । ऐसे नहीं, ऊपर जायेंगे तो बड़ी दिखाई पड़ेगी, नीचे छोटी हो जायेगी । नहीं, वह तो है बिन्दी । ऊपर में जायेंगे तो तुमको जैसे देखने में भी नहीं आयेगी । बिन्दी है ना । बिन्दी क्या देखने में आयेगी । इन बातों पर बच्चों को अच्छी रीति विचार भी करना है । हम आत्मा ऊपर से आई हैं, शरीर से पार्ट बजाने । आत्मा घटती-बढ़ती नहीं है । आरगन्स पहले छोटे, पीछे बड़े होते हैं ।

अभी जैसे तुमने समझा है वैसे फिर औरों को समझाना है । यह तो जरूर है नम्बरवार जो जितना पढ़ा है उतना ही पढ़ाते हैं, सबको टीचर भी जरूर बनना है, सिखाने लिए । बाप में तो नॉलेज है, वह इतनी छोटी-सी परम आत्मा है, सदैव परमधाम में रहते हैं । यहाँ एक ही बार संगम पर आते हैं । बाप को पुकारते भी तब हैं जब बहुत दुःखी होते हैं । कहते हैं आकर हमको सुखी बनाओ । बच्चे अब जानते हैं हम पुकारते रहते हैं-बाबा, आकर हमको पतित दुनिया से नई सतयुगी सुखी पावन दुनिया में ले चलो अथवा वहॉ जाने का रास्ता बताओ । वह भी जब खुद आवे तब तो रास्ता बतावे । वह आयेंगे तब जब दुनिया को बदलना होगा । यह बड़ी सिम्पुल बातें हैं, नोट करना है । बाबा ने आज यह समझाया है, हम भी ऐसे समझाते हैं । ऐसी प्रैक्टिस करते-करते मुख खुल जायेगा । तुम मुरलीधर के बच्चे हो, तुम्हें मुरलीधर जरूर बनना है । जब औरों का कल्याण करेंगें तब तो नई दुनिया में ऊंच पद पायेंगे । वह पढ़ाई तो है यहाँ के लिए । यह है भविष्य नई दुनिया के लिए । वहाँ तो सदैव सुख ही सुख है । वहाँ 5विकार तंग करने वाले होते ही नहीं । यहाँ रावण राज्य अर्थात् पराये राज्य में हम हैं । तुम ही पहले अपने राज्य में थे । तुम कहेंगे नई दुनिया, फिर भारत को ही पुरानी दुनिया कहा जाता है । गायन भी है नई दुनिया में भारत..... ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे कि नई दुनिया में इस्लामी, बौद्धी । नहीं । अभी तुम्हारी बुद्धि में है बाप आकर हम बच्चों को जगाते हैं । ड्रामा में पार्ट ही उनका ऐसा है । भारत को ही आकर स्वर्ग बनाते हैं । भारत ही पहला देश है । भारत पहले देश को ही स्वर्ग कहा जाता है । भारत की आयु भी लिमिटेड है । लाखों वर्ष कहना यह तो अनलिमिटेड हो जाता है । लाखों वर्ष की कोई बात स्मृति में आ ही न सके । नया भारत था, अब पुराना भारत ही कहेंगे । भारत ही नई दुनिया होगी । तुम जानते हो हम अभी नई दुनिया के मालिक बन रहे हैं । बाप ने राय बताई है मुझे याद करो तो तुम्हारी आत्मा नई प्योर बन जायेगी फिर शरीर भी नया मिलेगा । आत्मा और शरीर दोनों सतोप्रधान बनते हैं । तुमको राज्य मिलता ही है सुख के लिए । यह भी ड्रामा अनादि बना हुआ है । नई दुनिया में सुख और शान्ति है । वहाँ कोई तूफान आदि नहीं होते । बेहद की शान्ति में सब शान्त हो जाते हैं । यहाँ है अशान्ति तो सब अशान्त है । सतयुग में सब शान्त होते हैं । वन्डरफुल बातें हैं ना । यह अनादि बना- बनाया खेल है । यह हैं बेहद की बातें । वह हद की बैरिस्टरी, इन्जीनियरी आदि पढ़ते हैं । अभी तुम्हारी बुद्धि में बेहद की नॉलेज है । एक ही बार बाप आकर बेहद ड्रामा का राज समझाते हैं । आगे तो यह नाम भी नहीं सुना था कि बेहद का ड्रामा कैसे चलता है । अभी समझते हो सतयुग-त्रेता जरूर वह पास्ट हो गया, उसमें इनका राज्य था । त्रेता में राम राज्य था, पीछे फिर और- और धर्म आये हैं । इस्लामी,बौद्धी, क्रिस्चियन.....सब धर्मों का पूरा मालूम है । यह सब 2500 वर्ष के अन्दर आये हैं । उसमें 1250 वर्ष कलियुग है । सब हिसाब है ना । ऐसे तो नहीं, सृष्टि की आयु ही 2500वर्ष है । नहीं । अच्छा,फिर और कौन था, विचार किया जाता है । इन्हों के आगे बरोबर देवी-देवता वह भी थे तो मनुष्य ही । परन्तु दैवीगुणों वाले थे । सूर्यवंशी-चन्द्रवंशी 2500 वर्ष में । बाकी आधा में वह सब थे । इससे जास्ती का तो कोई हिसाब-किताब निकल न सके । फुल, पौना, आधा, चौथा । चार हिस्सा हैं । कायदेसिर टुकड़ा-टुकड़ा करेंगे ना । आधा में तो यह है । कहते भी हैं सतयुग में सूर्यवंशी राज्य, त्रेता में चन्द्रवंशी रामराज्य - यह तुम सिद्ध कर बतलाते हो । तो जरूर सबसे बड़ी आयु उनकी होगी, जो पहले-पहले सतयुग में आते हैं । कल्प ही 5 हजार वर्ष का है । वो लोग 84 लाख योनियां कह देते हैं तो कल्प की आयु भी लाखों वर्ष कह देते । कोई माने भी नहीं । इतनी बड़ी दुनिया हो भी न सके । तो बाप बैठ समझाते हैं-वह सब हैं अज्ञान और यह है ज्ञान । ज्ञान कहाँ से आया - यह भी किसको पता नहीं है । ज्ञान का सागर तो एक ही बाप है, वही ज्ञान देते हैं मुख से । कहते हैं गऊमुख । इस गऊ माता से तुम सबको एडाप्ट करते हैं । यह थोड़ी-सी बातें समझाने में तो बहुत सहज है । एक रोज समझाकर फिर छोड़ देंगे तो बुद्धि फिर और- और बातों में लग जायेगी । स्कूल में एक दिन पढ़ा जाता है या रेग्युलर पढ़ना होता है! नॉलेज एक दिन में नहीं समझी जा सकती है । बेहद का बाप हमको पढ़ाते हैं तो जरूर बेहद की पढ़ाई होगी । बेहद का राज्य देते हैं । भारत में बेहद का राज्य था ना । यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण बेहद का राज्य करते थे । किसको यह बातें स्वप्न में भी नहीं है, जो पूछे कि इन्होंने राज्य कैसे लिया? उन्हों में प्योरिटी जास्ती थी, योगी हैं ना इसलिए आयु भी बड़ी होती है । हम ही योगी थे । फिर 84 जन्म ले भोगी भी जरूर बनना है । मनुष्य नहीं जानते कि यह भी जरूर पुनर्जन्म में आये होंगे । इन्हों को भगवान- भगवती नहीं कहा जाता । इनसे पहले तो कोई है नहीं जिसने 84 जन्म लिया हो । पहले-पहले जो सतयुग में राज्य करते हैं वही 84 जन्म लेते हैं फिर नम्बरवार नीचे आते हैं । हम आत्मा सो देवता बनेंगे फिर हम सो क्षत्रिय डिग्री कम होगी । गाया भी जाता हैं पूज्य सो पुजारी । सतोप्रधान से फिर तमोप्रधान बनते हैं । ऐसे पुनर्जन्म लेते-लेते नीचे चले जायेंगे । यह कितना सहज है । परन्तु माया ऐसी है जो सब बातें भुला देती है । यह सब प्याइंटस इकट्ठी कर किताब आदि बनायें,लेकिन वह तो कुछ रहेंगी नहीं । यह टैम्प्रेरी हैं ' बाप ने कोई गीता नहीं सुनाई थी । बाप तो जैसे अब समझा रहे हैं, ऐसे समझाया था । यह वेद-शास्त्र आदि सब बाद में बनते हैं । यह सब होल लॉट जो हैं, विनाश होगा तो यह सब जल जायेंगे । सतयुग-त्रेता में कोई पुस्तक होता नहीं फिर भक्ति मार्ग में बनते हैं । कितनी चीजें बनती हैं । रावण को भी बनाते हैं परन्तु बेसमझी से । कुछ भी बता नहीं सकते । बाप समझाते हैं यह हर वर्ष बनाते हैं और जलाते हैं, जरूर यह बड़ा दुश्मन है । परन्तु दुश्मन कैसे है, यह कोई नहीं जानते । वह समझते सीता चुरा ले गये इसलिए शायद दुश्मन हैं । राम की सीता को चुरा ले जावे तो बड़ा डाकू हुआ ना! कभी चोरी की! त्रेता में कहें वा त्रेता के अन्त में । इन बातों पर भी विचार किया जाता है । कभी चोरी होनी चाहिए! कौन से राम की सीता चोरी हुई? राम-सीता की भी राजधानी चली है क्या? एक ही राम-सीता चले आये हैं क्या? यह तो शास्त्रों में जैसे एक कहानी लिखी हुई है । विचार किया जाता है - कौन-सी सीता? 12 नम्बर होते हैं ना राम-सीता । तो कौन-सी सीता को चुराया? जरूर पिछाड़ी का होगा । यह जो कहते हैं राम की सीता चुराई गई । अब राम के राज्य में सारा समय एक का ही राज्य तो नहीं होगा । जरूर डिनायस्टी होगी । तो कौन-से नम्बर की सीता चुराई? यह सब बहुत समझने की बातें हैं । तुम बच्चे बड़ी शीतलता से किसी को भी यह सब राज़ समझा सकते हो ।

बाप समझाते हैं भक्ति मार्ग में मनुष्य कितना धक्का खाते-खाते दु :खी हो गये हैं । जब अति दु :खी होते हैं तब रडियां मारते हैं-बाबा इस दुःख से छुड़ाओ । रावण तो कोई चीज नहीं है ना । अगर है तो अपने राजा को फिर हर वर्ष मारते क्यों हैं! रावण की जरूर स्त्री भी होगी । मदोदरी दिखाते हैं । मदोदरी का बुत बनाकर जलायें, ऐसा कभी देखा नहीं है । तो बाप बैठ समझाते हैं यह है ही झूठी माया, झूठी काया... अभी तुम झूठे मनुष्य से सच्चे देवता बनने बैठे हो । फर्क तो हुआ ना! वहाँ तो सदैव सच बोलेंगे । वह है सचखण्ड । यह है झूठ खण्ड । तो झूठ ही बोलते रहते हैं । अच्छा!

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग । रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते ।

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 30, 2014: Walk in your own shoes

Daily Positive Thoughts: December 30, 2014: Walk in your own shoes

Paria Canyon -- Arizona and Utah, United States

Walk in your own shoes

Would you walk a mile in someone else's shoes
in order to understand them - where they're coming from and where they're going? But can we really understand others?

We can keep trying, but at the same time remember,
someone else's shoes will not always fit.

To understand others better, we have to understand ourselves and walk in our own shoes. Understand who we are, where we're coming from and where we're going.


Sometimes, while doing even a special task, our consciousness tends to
become ordinary because of negative feelings for the self or others.
Such thoughts make even a special task into an ordinary one. So what
has to be done in a beautiful way is done in a very ordinary way. So
there is a tendency to just perform action and finish the task at hand,
which does not bring specialty and accuracy as much as it should. We
need to understand that as is the consciousness, so is the feeling
behind the task, and therefore its quality. When we are able to start
each task with a special consciousness, like "I am victorious", or "I
am powerful" or "this task is for the benefit of all", we are able to
experience the specialty of doing the task. We are also able to
increase our state of self-respect, whatever the task or however simple
it maybe.

Self Respect

Self-respect depends on knowing who I am, knowing my eternal (ageless), spiritual self. When I have found that sense of spiritual identity, I feel I have a right to be here, to exist. Without the spiritual dimension, it is very difficult to really respect myself deeply. In this case, I base my respect on identifying with the superficial (artificial) aspects of my being: looks, gender, success, my life partner, my intelligence. With such artificial identification, I will never have a stable sense of self-respect, because people's opinions change. Today they love me, tomorrow they reject me. What is the result of depending on their opinions? I will end up fluctuating all the time - feeling positive when they say good things, and feeling down when they say negative things. To stay stable in my self-respect, I need to have a deeper understanding of my spiritual identity (the foundation of this being that I am a soul) and tap into those riches that are within me forever, waiting to blossom, like the flower from the seed.

As I become spiritually aware, those riches and resources start flowing out of me. The more stable I am in my self-respect and spirituality, the more I radiate what I truly am. I feel a deep sense of contentment and I am happy to be me, however I am. I accept myself as I am.

Soul Sustenance

Neutralizing Anger

What is a good neutralizer for anger? Peace you would say. It’s not only peace, but a combination of truth, peace and love, in equal amounts. Truth and peace are the two inner states, which never ever leave us. Both remain permanently within each one of us. We already know, inside our subconscious and sometimes even consciously, the truth about anger and we can call our inner peace whenever we want – it’s there to be used. But what happens in real life situations is that we lose awareness of what is true i.e. the truth that anger is harmful and the truth of 'who I am'. And we also forget the practice of peacefulness because some negative situation or experience temporarily blocks our access to the peace of our heart.

Peace is also deeply connected with love and we all have experienced many a times that it is impossible to feel loving and angry at the same time. Both cannot co-exist. In fact it is love that is the healing balm for our heart, that we our self have stabbed and wounded by indulging in many anger habits since we were young. But what happens is that we search for love and peace from the hearts of others. That means we have not yet realized that we already have what we search for, within our own hearts. To heal the wounds of anger, which can be in different forms like irritation, resentment, hatred, revenge, rage, etc., it is essential to rediscover the truth of who we are and the peace and love of what we are.

Message for the day

Simplicity is the promise of happiness.

Expression: The one who is simple is able to see through the complications of situations and people. He has the ability to only pick out what is useful and worthy from the expanse of all that is available. A simple person's words and actions are the ones that give happiness to those around.

Experience: When I am simple in my vision and attitude, I am able to remain happy, as I am free from the complications of all that is happening. My mind is not caught up with unnecessary things, and I am able to remain easy in the most difficult situations. This attitude of mine also helps in creating an environment of happiness where others too experience this happiness.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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