Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

16-04-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति “बापदादा” मधुबन

16-04-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति बापदादामधुबन


मीठे बच्चे - अपनी उन्नति के लिए रोज़ पोतामेल निकालोसारे दिन में चलन कैसी रहीचेक करो यज्ञ के प्रति ऑनेस्ट (ईमानदार) रहे?” 


प्रश्न:- किन बच्चों के प्रति बाप का बहुत रिगार्ड हैउस रिगार्ड की निशानी क्या है?


उत्तर:- जो बच्चे बाप के साथ सच्चेयज्ञ के प्रति ईमानदार हैंकुछ भी छिपाते नहीं हैंउन बच्चों प्रति बाप का बहुत रिगार्ड है। रिगार्ड होने के कारण पुचकार दे उठाते रहते हैं। सर्विस पर भी भेज देते हैं। बच्चों को सच सुनाकर श्रीमत लेने की अक्ल होनी चाहिए।


गीतः महफिल में जल उठी शमा........


ओम् शान्ति।

अब यह गीत तो हुआ रांग क्योंकि तुम शमा तो हो नहीं। आत्मा को वास्तव में शमा नहीं कहा जाता। भक्तों ने अनेक नाम रख दिये हैं। न जानने के कारण कहते भी हैं नेती नेतीहम नहीं जानतेनास्तिक हैं। फिर भी जो नाम आया वह कह देते। ब्रह्मशमाठिक्करभित्तर में भी परमात्मा कह देते क्योंकि भक्ति मार्ग में कोई भी बाप को यथार्थ रीति पहचान नहीं सकते। बाप को ही आकर अपना परिचय देना है। शास्त्र आदि कोई में भी बाप का परिचय नहीं है इसलिए उन्हों को नास्तिक कहा जाता है। अब बच्चों को बाप ने परिचय दिया हैपरन्तु अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करनाइसमें बहुत ही बुद्धि का काम है। इस समय हैं पत्थरबुद्धि। आत्मा में बुद्धि है। आरगन्स द्वारा पता पड़ता है आत्मा की बुद्धि पारस है या पत्थर हैसारा मदार आत्मा पर है। मनुष्य तो कह देते हैं आत्मा ही परमात्मा है। वह तो निर्लेप है इसलिए जो चाहो करते रहो। मनुष्य होकर बाप को ही नहीं जानते हैं। बाप कहते हैं माया रावण ने सबकी पत्थरबुद्धि बना दी है। दिन प्रतिदिन तमोप्रधान जास्ती होते जाते हैं। माया का बहुत जोर हैसुधरते ही नहीं। बच्चों को समझाया जाता है रात को सारे दिन का पोतामेल निकालो क्या कियाहमने भोजन देवताओं मिसल खायाचलन कायदेसिर चली या अनाड़ियों मिसलरोजाना अपना पोतामेल नहीं सम्भालेंगे तो तुम्हारी उन्नति कभी नहीं होगी। बहुतों को माया थप्पड़ मारती रहती है। लिखते हैं कि आज हमारा बुद्धियोग फलाने के नाम रूप में गयाआज यह पाप कर्म हुए। ऐसा सच लिखने वाला कोटों में कोई ही है। बाप कहते हैं मैं जो हूँजैसा हूँ मुझे बिल्कुल नहीं जानते। अपने को आत्मा समझ और बाप को याद करें तब कुछ बुद्धि में बैठे। बाप कहते हैं भल अच्छे अच्छे बच्चे हैं,बहुत अच्छा ज्ञान सुनाते हैंयोग कुछ नहीं। पहचान पूरी है नहींसमझ नहीं सकते इसलिए किसको समझा नहीं सकते। सारी दुनिया के मनुष्य मात्र रचता और रचना को बिल्कुल जानते नहीं तो गोया कुछ भी नहीं जानते। यह भी ड्रामा में नूँध है। फिर भी होगा। 5 हज़ार वर्ष बाद फिर यह समय आयेगा और मुझे आकर समझाना होगा। राजाई लेना कम बात नहीं है! बहुत मेहनत है। माया अच्छा ही वार करती हैबड़ी युद्ध चलती है। बॉक्सिंग होती है ना। बहुत होशियार जो होते हैंउनकी ही बॉक्सिंग होती है। फिर भी एक दो को बेहोश कर देते हैं ना। कहते हैं बाबा माया के बहुत तूफान आते हैंयह होता है। सो भी बहुत थोड़े सच लिखते हैं। बहुत हैं जो छिपा लेते हैं। समझ नहीं कि मुझे बाबा को कैसे सच सुनाना हैक्या श्रीमत लेनी हैवर्णन नहीं कर सकते। बाप जानते हैं माया बड़ी प्रबल है। सच बतलाने में बड़ी लज्जा आती हैउनसे कर्म ऐसे हो जाते हैं जो बताने में लज्जा आती है। बाप तो बहुत रिगार्ड दे उठाते हैं। यह बहुत अच्छा हैइनको आलराउन्ड सर्विस पर भेज दूँगा। बस देह अहंकार आयामाया का थप्पड़ खायायह गिरा। बाबा तो उठाने लिए महिमा भी करते हैं। पुचकार दे उठाऊंगा। तुम तो बहुत अच्छे हो। स्थूल सेवा में भी अच्छे हो। परन्तु यथार्थ रीति बैठ बताते हैं कि मंजिल बहुत भारी है। देह और देह के सम्बन्ध को छोड़ अपने को अशरीरी आत्मा समझना यह पुरूषार्थ करना बुद्धि का काम है। सब पुरूषार्थी हैं। कितनी बड़ी राजाई स्थापन हो रही है। बाप के सब बच्चे भी हैंस्टूडेन्ट भी हैं तो फालोअर्स भी हैं। यह सारी दुनिया का बाप है। सभी उस एक को बुलाते हैं। वह आकर बच्चों को समझाते रहते हैं। फिर भी इतना रिगार्ड थोड़ेही रहता है। बड़े बड़े आदमी आते हैंकितना रिगार्ड से उनकी सम्भाल करते हैं। कितना भभका रहता है। इस समय तो हैं सब पतित। परन्तु अपने को समझते थोड़ेही हैं। माया ने बिल्कुल ही तुच्छ बुद्धि बना दिया है। कह देते सतयुग की आयु इतनी लम्बी है तो बाप कहते हैं 100 प्रतिशत बेसमझ हुए ना। मनुष्य होकर और क्या काम करते रहते हैं। 5 हज़ार वर्ष की बात को लाखों वर्ष कह देते हैं! यह भी बाप आकर समझाते हैं। 5 हज़ार वर्ष पहले इन लक्ष्मी नारायण का राज्य था। यह दैवीगुण वाले मनुष्य थे इसलिए उनको देवताआसुरी गुण वाले को असुर कहा जाता है। असुर और देवता में रात दिन का फ़र्क है। कितना मारामारी झगड़ा लगा पड़ा है। खूब तैयारियाँ होती रहती हैं। इस यज्ञ में सारी दुनिया स्वाहा होनी है। इनके लिए यह सब तैयारियाँ चाहिए ना। बाम्ब्स निकले सो निकले फिर बन्द थोड़ेही हो सकते। थोड़े समय के अन्दर सबके पास ढेर हो जायेंगे क्योंकि विनाश तो फटाफट होना चाहिए ना। फिर हॉस्पिटल आदि थोड़ेही रहेगी। किसको पता भी नहीं पड़ेगा। मासी का घर थोड़ेही है। विनाश साक्षात्कार कोई पाई पैसे की बात नहीं है। सारी दुनिया की आग देख सकेंगे! साक्षात्कार होता है सिर्फ आग ही आग लगी हुई है। सारी दुनिया खत्म होनी है। कितनी बड़ी दुनिया है। आकाश तो नहीं जलेगा। इनके अन्दर जो कुछ हैसब विनाश होना है। सतयुग और कलियुग में रात दिन का फर्क है। कितने ढेर मनुष्य हैंजानवर हैंकितनी सामग्री है। यह भी बच्चों की बुद्धि में मुश्किल बैठता है। विचार करो 5 हज़ार वर्ष की बात है। देवी देवताओं का राज्य था ना! कितने थोड़े मनुष्य थे। अब कितने मनुष्य हैं। अभी है कलियुगइनका जरूर विनाश होना है।

अब बाप आत्माओं को कहते हैं मामेकम् याद करो। यह भी समझ से याद करना है। ऐसे ही शिव शिव तो बहुत कहते रहते हैं। छोटे बच्चे भी कह देते परन्तु बुद्धि में समझ कुछ नहीं। अनुभव से नहीं कहते कि वह बिन्दी है। हम भी इतनी छोटी बिन्दी हैं। ऐसे समझ से याद करना है। पहले तो मैं आत्मा हूँ यह पक्का करो फिर बाप का परिचय बुद्धि में अच्छी रीति धारण करो। अन्तर्मुखी बच्चे ही अच्छी रीति समझ सकते हैं कि हम आत्मा बिन्दी हैं। हमारी आत्मा को अभी नॉलेज मिल रही है कि हमारे में 84 जन्मों का पार्ट कैसे भरा हुआ हैफिर कैसे आत्मा सतोप्रधान बनती है। यह सब बड़ी अन्तर्मुख हो समझने की बातें हैं। इसमें ही टाइम लगता है। बच्चे जानते हैं हमारा यह अन्तिम जन्म है। अभी हम जाते हैं घर। यह बुद्धि में पक्का होना चाहिए कि हम आत्मा हैं। शरीर का भान कम हो तब बातचीत करने में सुधार हो। नहीं तो चलन बिल्कुल ही बदतर हो जाती है क्योंकि शरीर से अलग होते नहीं। देह अभिमान में आकर कुछ न कुछ कह देते हैं। यज्ञ से तो बड़े ऑनेस्ट चाहिए। अभी तो बहुत अलबेले हैं। खानपानवातावरण कुछ सुधारा नहीं है। अभी तो बहुत टाइम चाहिए। सर्विसएबुल बच्चों को ही बाबा याद करते हैंपद भी वही पा सकेंगे। ऐसे ही अपने को सिर्फ खुश करनावह तो चना चबाना है। इसमें बड़ी अन्तर्मुखता चाहिए। समझाने की भी युक्ति चाहिए। प्रदर्शनी में कोई समझते थोड़ेही हैं। सिर्फ कह देते कि आपकी बातें ठीक हैं। यहाँ भी नम्बरवार हैं। निश्चय है हम बच्चे बने हैंबाप से स्वर्ग का वर्सा मिलता है। अगर हम बाप की पूरी सर्विस करते रहेंगे तो हमारा तो यही धंधा है। सारा दिन विचार सागर मंथन होता रहेगा। यह बाबा भी विचार सागर मंथन करता होगा ना। नहीं तो यह पद कैसे पायेगा! बच्चों को दोनों इकट्ठा समझाते रहते हैं। दो इंजन मिली हैं क्योंकि चढ़ाई बड़ी है ना। पहाड़ी पर जाते हैं तो गाड़ी को दो इंजन लगाते हैं। कभी कभी चलते चलते गाड़ी खड़ी हो जाती है तो खिसक कर नीचे चले आते हैं। हमारे बच्चों का भी ऐसे हैं। चढ़ते चढ़तेमेहनत करते करते फिर चढ़ाई चढ़ नहीं सकते। माया का ग्रहण वा तूफान लगता है तो एकदम नीचे गिरकर पुर्जा पुर्जा हो जाते हैं। थोड़ी ही सर्विस की तो अहंकार आ जाता हैगिर पड़ते हैं। समझते नहीं कि बाप हैसाथ में धर्मराज भी है। अगर कुछ ऐसा करते हैं तो हमारे ऊपर बहुत भारी दण्ड पड़ता है। इससे तो बाहर में रहें वह अच्छा है। बाप का बनकर और वर्सा लेनामासी का घर नहीं हैं। बाप का बनकर और फिर ऐसा कुछ करते हैं तो नाम बदनाम कर देते हैं। बहुत चोट लग जाती है। वारिस बनना कोई मासी का घर थोड़ेही है। प्रजा में कोई इतने साहूकार बनते हैंबात मत पूछो। अज्ञानकाल में कोई अच्छे होते हैंकोई कैसे! नालायक बच्चे को तो कह देंगे हमारे सामने से हट जाओ। यहाँ एक दो बच्चे की तो बात नहीं। यहाँ माया बड़ी जबरदस्त है। इसमें बच्चों को बहुत अन्तर्मुख होना हैतब तुम किसको समझा सकेंगे। तुम्हारे पर बलिहार जायेंगे और फिर बहुत पछतायेंगे हम बाप के लिए इतनी गाली देते आये। सर्वव्यापी कहना या अपने को ईश्वर कहनाउन्हों के लिए सज़ा कम थोड़ेही है। ऐसेही थोड़ेही चले जायेंगे। उन्हों के लिए तो और ही मुसीबत है। जब समय आयेगा तो बाप इन सबसे हिसाब लेंगे। कयामत के समय सबका हिसाब किताब चुक्तू होता है नाइसमें बड़ी विशालबुद्धि चाहिए।

मनुष्य तो देखो किस किस को पीस प्राइज़ देते रहते हैं। अब वास्तव में पीस करने वाला तो एक है ना। बच्चों को लिखना चाहिए दुनिया में प्योरिटी पीस प्रासपर्टी भगवान की श्रीमत पर स्थापन हो रही है। श्रीमत तो मशहूर है। श्रीमत भगवत गीता शास्त्र को कितना रिगार्ड देते हैं। कोई ने किसके शास्त्र वा मन्दिर को कुछ किया तो कितना लड़ पड़ते हैं। अभी तुम जानते हो यह सारी दुनिया ही जलकर भस्म हो जायेगी। यह मन्दिर मस्जिद आदि को जलाते रहेंगे। ये सब होने के पहले पवित्र होना है। यह ओना लगा रहे। घरबार भी सम्भालना है। यहाँ आते तो ढेर के ढेर हैं। यहाँ बकरियों मुआ]िफक तो नहीं रखना है ना क्योंकि यह तो अमूल्य जीवन हैइनको तो बहुत सम्भाल से रखना है। बच्चों आदि को ले आना यह बन्द कर देना होगा। इतने बच्चों को कहाँ बैठ सम्भालेंगे। बच्चों को छुट्टियाँ मिली तो समझते हैं और कहाँ जायेंचलो मधुबन में बाबा के पास जाते हैं। यह तो जैसे धर्मशाला हो जाए। फिर युनिवर्सिटी कैसे हुई! बाबा जांच कर रहे हैं फिर कब आर्डर कर देंगे बच्चे कोई भी न ले आये। यह बन्धन भी कम हो जायेंगे। माताओं पर तरस पड़ता है। यह भी बच्चे जानते हैं शिवबाबा तो है गुप्त। इनका भी किसको रिगार्ड थोड़ेही है। समझते हैं हमारा तो शिवबाबा से कनेक्शन है। इतना भी समझते नहीं शिवबाबा ही तो इन द्वारा समझाते हैं ना। माया नाक से पकड़ उल्टा काम कराती रहती हैछोड़ती ही नहीं। राजधानी में तो सब चाहिए ना। यह सब पिछाड़ी में साक्षात्कार होंगे। सजाओं के भी साक्षात्कार होंगे। बच्चों को पहले भी यह सब साक्षात्कार हुए हैं। फिर भी कोई कोई पाप करना छोड़ते नहीं। कई बच्चों ने जैसे गांठ बांध ली है कि हमको तो बनना ही थर्ड क्लास हैइसलिए पाप करना छोड़ते ही नहीं। और ही अच्छी रीति अपनी सजायें तैयार कर रहे हैं। समझाना तो पड़ता है ना। यह गांठ नहीं बांधो कि हमको तो थर्ड क्लास ही बनना है। अभी गांठ बांधो कि हमको ऐसा लक्ष्मी नारायण बनना है। कोई तो अच्छी गांठ बांधते हैंचार्ट लिखते हैं आज के दिन हमने कुछ किया तो नहीं! ऐसे चार्ट भी बहुत रखते थेवह आज हैं नहीं। माया बहुत पछाड़ती है। आधाकल्प मैं सुख देता हूँ तो आधाकल्प फिर माया दुःख देती है। अच्छा।


मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते।


धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) अन्तर्मुखी बनकर शरीर के भान से परे रहने का अभ्यास करना हैखान पानचाल चलन सुधारना है सिर्फ अपने को खुश करके अलबेला नहीं होना है।

2) चढ़ाई बहुत ऊंची हैइसलिए बहुत बहुत खबरदार होकर चलना है। कोई भी कर्म सम्भालकर करना है। अहंकार में नहीं आना है। उल्टा कर्म करके सजायें नहीं तैयार करनी है। गांठ बांधनी है कि हमें इन लक्ष्मी नारायण जैसा बनना ही है।

वरदान:- सम्पन्नता द्वारा सन्तुष्टता का अनुभव करने वाले सदा हर्षितविजयी भव! 

जो सर्व खजानों से सम्पन्न है वही सदा सन्तुष्ट है। सन्तुष्टता अर्थात् सम्पन्नता। जैसे बाप सम्पन्न है इसलिए महिमा में सागर शब्द कहते हैंऐसे आप बच्चे भी मास्टर सागर अर्थात् सम्पन्न बनो तो सदा खुशी में नाचते रहेंगे। अन्दर खुशी के सिवाए और कुछ आ नहीं सकता। स्वयं सम्पन्न होने के कारण किसी से भी तंग नहीं होंगे। किसी भी प्रकार की उलझन या विघ्न एक खेल अनुभव होगा,समस्या मनोरंजन का साधन बन जायेगी। निश्चयबुद्धि होने के कारण सदा हर्षित और विजयी होंगे।

स्लोगन:- नाज़ुक परिस्थितियों से घबराओ नहींउनसे पाठ पढ़कर स्वयं को परिपक्व बनाओ।


Om Shanti ! Happy Satguruvaar! Sakar Murli April 16, 2015

Om Shanti ! Happy Satguruvaar! Sakar Murli April 16, 2015


Essence: Sweet children, keep a daily chart of your progress (unnati) and see what your behaviour (chalan) was like throughout the day. Check whether you remained honest with the yagya.

Question: For which children does the Father have a lot of regard? What is the sign of that regard?

Answer: The Father has a lot of regard for the children who are honest with the Father, those who are true to the yagya and don't hide anything. Because He has regard for them, He gives them a lot of love and uplifts them. He also sends them on service. Children should have the wisdom to tell the truth and take shrimat.

Song: The Flame has ignited in the gathering and the moths surrender to the Flame. Mehefil me jal uthi shama parvane ke liye... महफिल में जल उठी शमा...


Om shanti.

This song is wrong because you are not moths. In fact, souls cannot be called moths. Devotees have given many different names. Because they don't know, they say: "Neti, neti" (neither this nor that); they are atheists. Nevertheless, they give whatever names enter their minds. They give names such as Brahm, moth, etc. They even say that the Supreme Soul is in the pebbles and stones. Because no one on the path of devotion recognises the Father accurately, the Father has to come Himself and give His own introduction. The Father's introduction is not in the scriptures etc. Therefore, they are called atheists. The Father has now given His introduction to you children. However, it is a great task for the intellect to consider oneself to be a soul and remember the Father. At present, everyone has a stone intellect. The intellect is in the soul. It is understood from a soul's organs (senses) whether that soul's intellect is divine or stone. Everything depends on the soul. People say that the soul is the Supreme Soul and that, because souls are immune to the effect of action, they can do whatever they want. Although they are human beings, they don't know the Father. The Father says: Maya, Ravan, has turned their intellects to stone. Day by day, they are continuing to become more and more tamopradhan. There is a lot of force of Maya and so they don't even reform themselves. You children have been told to write your chart at night of what you did during the whole day. Did I eat food like the deities do? Was my behaviour lawful, or was it like that of a foolish person? If you don't check your chart daily, you will never be able to make progress. Maya continues to slap many children. Some write: Today, my intellect's yoga went to the name and form of so-and-so. Today, I committed this sin. Only a handful out of many write their charts this honestly. The Father says: No one knows Me as I am or what I am at all. Only when you consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father will something sit in the intellect. The Father says: Although there are many good children who explain knowledge very well, they don't have yoga. Because they don't have full recognition and are unable to understand, they are unable to explain it to others. People of the whole world don't know the Creator or creation at all. Therefore, they don't know anything. This too is fixed in the drama, and it will happen again. In 5000 years time, this age will come again, and I will have to come again to explain to you. It is not a small thing to claim a kingdom! It does take a lot of effort. Maya attacks you very much; a great battle takes place. There is boxing. Only those who are very clever engage in boxing. They make one another unconscious. Some say: Baba, there are many storms of Maya, and such-and-such happens. There are very few who write the truth; there are many who hide things. They don't understand how to tell Baba the truth or what shrimat they should take. They are unable to speak about it. The Father knows that Maya is very powerful. They are too ashamed to speak the truth. They perform such acts that they are too ashamed to speak about them. The Father gives a lot of regard and uplifts you. This one is very good; I will send this one somewhere for all-round service. That's it! They become arrogant and experience a slap from Maya and then fall. Of course, Baba praises you in order to uplift you. He gives you a lot of love and uplifts you: You are very good. The physical service you do is also very good. However, He tells you correctly that the destination is very high. The effort of renouncing one's body and the relationships of one's body and of considering oneself to be a soul is the work of the intellect. All of you are effort-makers. Such a huge kingdom is being established! All of you are the Father's children, students and followers. That One is the Father of the whole world. Everyone calls out to that One. He comes and continues to explain to you children. In spite of that, there isn't that much regard! When important people come, they are looked after with so much regard. There is so much pomp. At present, everyone is impure but no one considers himself to be impure. Maya has totally degraded their intellects. They say that the duration of the golden age is so many years! Therefore, the Father says: They are 100% senseless. Even though they are humans, just look at what they do! They say of something that is only 5000 years that it is hundreds of thousands of years. The Father comes and explains this: The kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan existed 5000 years ago. They were human beings with divine virtues. That is why they are called deities. Those with devilish traits are called devils. There is the difference of day and night between deities and devils. There is now so much fighting and violence. All the preparations for war continue to be made. The whole world has to be sacrificed into this sacrificial fire. Therefore, everything is being prepared for this. Such bombs have been invented. They can't stop manufacturing them now. Within a short time, everyone will have many of them because destruction has to take place very quickly. No hospitals etc. will remain at that time. No one will know anything. It will not be like going to your aunty's home! To have visions of destruction isn't a matter of a few pennies. You'll be able to see the whole world on fire. You will have visions of how there is just fire everywhere. The whole world has to be destroyed. It is such a huge world! The sky won't be set on fire; everything under the sky will be destroyed. There is the difference of day and night between the golden age and the iron age. Here, there are so many human beings and animals and things. This too sits in the children's intellects with great difficulty. Just think about it. It is a matter of 5000 years. There used to be the kingdom of deities. There were very few people. Now, there are so many people. It is now the iron age. It will definitely be destroyed. The Father says to you souls: Now, constantly remember Me alone! He has to be remembered with understanding. There are many who simply continue to say, "Shiva, Shiva." Even little children say that, although their intellects have no understanding of Him. They don't say it with the realisation that He is a point of light. We too are such tiny points. You have to remember Him with this understanding. First of all, make this firm: I am a soul. Then, instil the Father's introduction in your intellects very well. Only introverted children can understand this very well: I, the soul, am a point. I, the soul, am now receiving this knowledge of how a part is recorded in me, the soul, for 84 births and how the soul is again becoming satopradhan. Only when you become introverted can you understand these matters. It takes time for this. You children know that this is your last birth. We are now about to return home. It should be firm in the intellect that you are a soul. Only when the awareness of the body is reduced can your behaviour and words be reformed. Otherwise, because you don't become detached from your body, your behaviour becomes even worse. By becoming body conscious you say something or other. There has to be great honesty in the yagya. At the moment you are very careless. You haven't changed your food, drink or atmosphere etc. A lot of time is still needed. Baba remembers the serviceable children. They are the ones who claim a status. Simply to please yourself about what you do is like chewing roasted chick peas. You need to be introverted in this. You need tact when you explain to others. No one understands at the exhibitions. They simply say that what you say is right. Here, too, it is numberwise. You have the faith that you have become the Father's children and that you receive the inheritance of heaven from the Father. Your only business is to continue to do the Father's service fully. Then, you would be churning the ocean of knowledge throughout the day. This Baba must also be churning the ocean of knowledge. How else could he claim a status? Both together continue to explain to you children. Because it is a steep climb, you have been given two engines. When a train is climbing a mountain, it has two engines. Sometimes, the train stops moving forward and even slips back. It is the same with My children. Whilst climbing and making effort, they stop; they are unable to climb any more. They experience an eclipse or storm of Maya. Then, they totally fall and break into pieces. When some do just a little service they become arrogant and fall. They don't understand that Dharamraj is with the Father. If they perform any such acts, great punishment has to be experienced. It is better that they go and live outside. To belong to the Father and claim your inheritance is not like going to your aunty's home! If, after belonging to the Father, you perform such acts, you defame His name. You would then be hurt very badly. To become an heir is not like going to your aunty's home! Of the subjects, some become so wealthy, don't even ask! On the path of ignorance too, some are good, and some are not so good. Parents tell their unworthy children not even to stand in front of them. Here, it is not just a question of one or two children. Here, Maya is very powerful. Therefore, you children have to become very introverted. Only then will you be able to explain to anyone. They will then be ready to sacrifice themselves to you. They will repent a great deal because they have been insulting the Father so much. The punishment for someone who calls God omnipresent or who says that he himself is God is not small. They cannot return just like that! For them it is even more of a problem. When the time comes, the Father will ask for their accounts. At the time of judgement, everyone's accounts have to be settled. A very broad, unlimited intellect is needed to understand this. Just look at people; they give peace prizes to all sorts! In fact, there is only the One who can bring about peace. You children should write: Purity, peace and prosperity are being established in the world according to God's shrimat. Shrimat is very well known. People give so much regard to the scripture Shrimad Bhagawad Gita. When someone does something to another one's scripture or temple, fighting breaks out. You now know that this whole world will burn and be destroyed. Those temples, mosques etc. will continue to be burnt. However, before all of that happens, you have to become pure! You should have this concern. You also have to look after your household. Many people come here. Here, you can't all just live like goats, because this life is an invaluable life. It has to be looked after very well. Bringing young children here will have to be stopped. How can someone here sit and also look after all your children? When children have holidays, some think: Where else can we go? Let's go to Baba in Madhuban. This then becomes like a dharamshala (rest place for pilgrims). Therefore, how could it be a university? Baba is observing now and He will issue an order at some point that no one will be allowed to bring children here. That bondage will also be lessened. There is a feeling of mercy for the mothers. You children know that Shiv Baba is incognito. Some have no regard for this one. They believe that they have a connection with Shiv Baba. They don't even understand that Shiv Baba has to explain through this one. Maya catches hold of some by their nose and makes them perform wrong acts. She doesn't let go. In a kingdom, all are needed. You will have all these visions at the end. You will also have visions of punishment. Even though some children also had these visions before, they don't stop committing sin. It's as though they have tied a knot to become third class. Therefore, they don't stop committing sin. In fact, they are making very good preparations for their own punishment. It has to be explained to them: Do not tie a knot that you have to become third class. Now tie a knot for becoming Lakshmi or Narayan. Some tie a knot very well and also write up their chart daily: Did I do anything wrong today? Many used to write such charts. However, they are no longer here. Maya made them fall right down. I give you happiness for half a cycle and Maya causes you sorrow for half a cycle. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna: 1. Become introverted and practise staying beyond the consciousness of the body. Reform your food, drink, activity and behaviour. Don't simply be happy with what you are doing and become careless. 2. This climb is very steep. Therefore, be very cautious as you move along. Perform every act with great caution. Do not become arrogant. Do not prepare your own punishment by performing wrong acts. Tie a knot for definitely becoming like Lakshmi and Narayan.

Blessing: May you be constantly cheerful and victorious and experience contentment through being full (santusht ta  sampannta).

Only those who are full of all treasures are constantly content. Contentment means fullness. Just as the Father is full and this is why the word "Ocean" is used in His praise, similarly, you children have to become master oceans too, that is, you have to become full and you will then constantly continue to dance in happiness. Inside you, there cannot be anything but happiness. Because of being full yourself, you cannot be distressed by anyone. You will experience any type of confusion or obstacle to be a game. Problems will become a means of entertainment. Because of having faith in the intellect, you will be constantly cheerful and victorious.

Slogan: Do not be afraid of adverse, delicate situations (paristhiti) Learn a lesson (paath)  from them and make yourself strong (paripakv).


Daily Positive Thoughts: April 16, 2015: Full of Drama

A pod of 9 dolphins surfing a wave behind a stand-up paddle boarder - talk about an experience ! Elouera Beach, Cronulla, Sydney, Australia

Full of Drama

Take life as it is, full of drama and adventure.  Experience the fun and the excitement, if not, it'll turn into melodrama!

So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, add the ingredient of humour and go from feeling heavy to being light.

Lighten up and you'll lighten up the situation; going from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.

Wasteful Thoughts

By having the sanskars or personality of wasteful thoughts, you
increased the duration of a situation. When you have wasteful
thoughts, you understand that they are wasteful, but just as there is
great force of a river or an ocean, so the flow of wasteful thoughts
is so fast that they pull you. No matter how much you try to stop
them, they still continue to flow. You understand and you also think
that it is not right; you understand that it causes a great loss, but
you still continue to allow them to flow. What is the reason for this?
The lack of the power to transformation.

The Filtration Process In The Soul

The mind and its creation i.e. thoughts, in these times, in most people, are controlled by three main factors:
i. their habits or sanskaras
ii. their past experiences, and
iii. information which they are exposed to and which they imbibe.

The intellect is like a filter which has the function of discriminating, of judging the thoughts and deciding which ones to put into practice and which ones not to, basically filtering them. Presently the filter of the intellect has become weakened, confused and unsure; it has become blocked by many incorrect beliefs, due to which this filtration does not take place properly - as a result many wrong thoughts get converted into actions. A lot of times during the day, thoughts become actions so fast, that the filter of the intellect does not even come into play i.e. thoughts become actions bypassing the filter.

The beliefs that we have today are related to our cultural, physical, social, religious, political identity associated with our age, gender, occupation, wealth, role etc. of our body. Beliefs connected to materialism, to having rather than being, are living based on the perception of the sense organs, and not on the intuition and the wisdom of the spirit. There are beliefs that block you, or brake you, others break you, they bring about fears in you and a limited perception of reality and of yourself. However much you try to generate positive thoughts, if you do not change these beliefs, their influence on the intellect will be so strong that it is almost impossible to maintain a positive state of mind. Even if you experience it, it will be short-lived and temporary.

Soul Sustenance

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God - Part 1

There are some universally accepted characteristics of God:

He is the creator and the one who sustains and takes care of the entire world population.
He is the Highest of Highest.
He is the Supreme Father.
He is non-physical.
He is omnipotent (one with unlimited power).
He is a living being.
He is all-loving and possesses complete knowledge.
He is unchangeable.
He is one and He is light.
He is perfect in values and morals.
He is absolutely just.
He is the Supreme Benefactor (the one who brings benefit to everyone).
He is the savior of souls.
He is the purifier.
He is mysterious in His ways.

Even in those religions that believe in and worship many Gods, there is one God who stands above the others. Then there are other faiths who believe God to be one single Supreme Being. Traditions, sacred texts, monuments, sayings and rituals all over the world, point to the existence of and belief in one knowledgeful, all-powerful and merciful being or soul. That being is universally called out to and recognized as the remover of sorrow, the giver of happiness and the savior of the sinful.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To be a master means to win over habits

Expression: Normally habits rule over the person and there is the inability to be a master over them. But to be a master is not to get influenced negatively by the habits but to be a stronger influence. The one who is a master never reacts to situations, but is able to respond to situations positively. Such a person is free from negativity in words and actions.

Experience: When there is inner silence I am able to overcome the negative influence of my habits. Inner silence comes with an experience of positivity. With practice I experience detachment from the situations and am able to feel the inner powers which frees me from the negativity of the situation too. So there is victory over the habit.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli April 15, 2015

Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli April 15, 2015

Essence: Sweet children, the Father's shrimat makes you constantly happy. Therefore, renounce the directions of bodily beings (mat of dehdhaari) and only follow the elevated directions (shrimat) of the one Father.

Question: Which children's intellects have not yet stopped wandering?

Answer: The intellects of those who don't have faith in the directions of the highest-on-high Father, that is, in the Father's directions, have not yet stopped wandering. Because of not having full faith in the Father, they keep a foot on each side. As well as following the Father's directions, they also continue to perform devotion and bathe in the Ganges etc. What will become the state of such children? It is because they do not follow shrimat completely that they continue to stumble.

Song: Take us away from this land of sin to a world of rest and paap ki duniya se...

Om shanti.

You children heard this song of the devotees. You no longer sing this. You know that you have found the highest-on-high Father. He alone is the Highest on High. All human beings are at present in their most degraded stage. The highest-on-high human beings were those deities in Bharat. Their praise is of being full of all virtues etc. People don't know who made those deities so elevated. They have now become totally impure. The Father is the Highest on High. Sages and holy men etc. all pray to Him. Human beings have been wandering after such sages for half a cycle. You know that the Father has now come. We are now to go back to the Father. By giving us His shrimat, He makes us most elevated and constantly happy. It was by following the directions of Ravan that you became those with the most degraded intellects. You must now no longer follow anyone else's directions. You have called out to Me, the Purifier Father. So, why do you chase after those who drown you? Why do you renounce the directions of the One and continue to stumble along after many others? Many children listen to this knowledge and then also go and bathe in the Ganges or go to gurus etc. The Father says: That Ganges is not the Purifier. In spite of that, if you follow human dictates and go and bathe there, then the Father would say: You do not have faith in the directions of the highest-on-high Father! On the one side, there are God's directions, and on the other side, there are devilish directions. What would become of such people? If you keep a foot in each boat you would be torn apart. They do not have full faith in the Father. They say: Baba, I belong to You and will become elevated by following Your shrimat. Every step we take has to be according to the directions of the highest-on-high Father. Only the Father will make you into the masters of the land of silence and the land of happiness. Therefore, the Father says: The one whose body I have entered had 12 gurus but he still became tamopradhan. There wasn't any benefit in following them. When he found the Father, he renounced them all. When he found the highest-on-high Father, the Father said: Hear no evil! See no evil! Human beings are now totally impure and have tamopradhan intellects. There are also many here who are unable to follow shrimat. They don't have enough strength. Maya continues to make them stumble. Ravan is the enemy, whereas Rama is your Friend. Some call Him Rama and some call Him Shiva. His real name is Shiv Baba. I do not take rebirth. According to the drama, My name is Shiva. People have become confused because ten different names have been given to the One. They gave whatever names entered their minds. My real name is Shiva. I enter this body, I do not enter Krishna etc. People think that Vishnu resides in the subtle region. In fact, he is the dual-form that represents the family path. However, there isn't anyone with four arms. Four arms symbolise family life, whereas two arms symbolise the path of isolation. The Father establishes the religion of the family path. Sannyasis belong to the path of isolation. Those who belong to the family path become impure from pure. Therefore, in order to support the world, it is the part of sannyasis to become pure. There are hundreds of thousands and millions of them. When a mela takes place many go there. They do not prepare their own food; they live on the sustenance they receive from householders. They have renounced action, so where would they get their food from? So, they eat what householders give them. Householders believe that those are their donations. This one too was an impure worshipper. He is now becoming pure by following shrimat. He is making effort to claim his inheritance from the Father. This is why you are told to follow the father. Maya makes you fall in every respect. It is because of body consciousness that people make mistakes, whether they are poor or wealthy. You should at least make effort to break body consciousness! For the body consciousness to break is great effort. The Father says: Consider yourselves to be souls and play your parts through your bodies. Why do you become body conscious? According to the drama, you had to become body conscious. At this time you have become completely body conscious. The Father says: You are souls. It is the soul that does everything. When a soul leaves his body, if that body were then cut, would there be any sound? No. It is the soul that says: Do not hurt my body. Souls are imperishable, whereas bodies are perishable. Consider yourself to be  a soul and remember Me, the Father. Renounce body consciousness. To the extent that you children become soul conscious, accordingly you will continue to become healthy and free from disease. Through this power of yoga you become free from disease for 21 births. The more soul conscious you become, the higher the status you will claim. You will also be liberated from punishment; otherwise, there will have to be a great deal of punishment. Therefore, you have to become very soul conscious. Many do not have the fortune of receiving this knowledge. How could someone become a deity unless he came into your clan, unless he became a Brahmin, that is, a mouth-born child of Brahma? Many come here and they then write, saying "Baba, Baba" just for the sake of saying it. They just write one or two letters and then disappear. They too will go to heaven, but amongst the subjects. Many subjects are created. Later on, when there is a lot of sorrow, many will come running. Many centres will open and the sound will spread that God has come. You children still lack becoming soul conscious. There is still a great deal of body consciousness. If, at the end, there is any body consciousness, your status too will be reduced. You will then become maids and servants. There are many maids and servants, numberwise. The kings are given maids in the dowry. The wealthy subjects are not given them. Some children have seen (in visions) how many maids and servants Radhe brought with her in her dowry. As you progress you will have many visions. It is better to be a wealthy subject than an ordinary maid. The word "maid" is bad; it is still better to become a wealthy subject. When you belong to the Father, Maya offers you greater hospitality. She becomes more powerful and fights with those who are powerful. Then, because of body consciousness, you turn your face away from Shiv Baba; you stop remembering Baba. You have time to eat, and yet you don't have time to remember the Father who makes you into a master of the world! Many good children forget Shiv Baba and become body conscious. Should you not even remember the Father and write a letter to the One who has given you the donation of life? However, don't even ask! Maya catches hold of you by the nose and leads you away. By following shrimat at every step, you receive an income of multimillions at every step. You become wealthy to such an extent that your wealth is uncountable. You receive wealth, prosperity, land, everything. Copper, iron, bronze etc. do not exist there. There are only gold coins there. Even the buildings are made of gold. So, what would you lack? This is the corrupt kingdom. As are the rulers, so are the subjects. In the golden age, as are the rulers, so the subjects: all are elevated. However, this doesn't sit in the intellects of human beings; they are tamopradhan. The Father explains: You used to be like that. This one was also like that. I have now come to make you into deities. Even then, you do not become that. You continue to fight among yourselves. "I am very good. I am this. I am that." None of them understands that they are in hell. We are in the extreme depths of hell. You children know this, numberwise, according to the effort you make. Human beings are now in extreme hell. They live in worry day and night. On the path of knowledge, those who do not serve to make others like themselves and who worry about "mine and yours" are the ones who are ill and diseased. To remember anyone but the Father is adulterated remembrance. The Father says: Do not listen to anyone else! Listen to Me alone! Remember Me alone! There is no benefit in remembering human beings. It is better to remember deities. The Father asks: Why do you bow your heads? When you are coming to this Baba, remember Shiv Baba and then come here. When you do not remember Shiv Baba, it is as though you are committing sin. Baba says: First of all, make a promise to become pure. Remember Shiv Baba! There are many precautions to take. Scarcely any of you are able to understand this. They do not even have enough wisdom to know how to behave towards the Father. A lot of effort is needed in this. To become a bead of the rosary is not like going to your aunty's home! The main thing is to remember the Father. Are you not able to remember the Father? There has to be so much service and remembrance of the Father. Baba tells you to keep a daily chart. The children who think about benefiting themselves will continue to take precautions in every way; their food and drink will be very pure. Baba explains so much for the benefit of the children. You have to take all kinds of precautions. Check that your food and drink are not impure and that you are not greedy. Maya will make you do wrong things until you reach your karmateet stage. There is still time for that. You will come to know later on that destruction is in front of you. Fire will spread. You will see how bombs fall. Rivers of blood will flow in Bharat. Elsewhere, they will destroy one another with bombs. There will also be natural calamities. The greatest difficulties will be in Bharat. Keep an eye on yourself to see what service you are doing. How many are you making equal to yourself, from an ordinary human into Narayan? Many are trapped in devotion so much. They think: What can these daughters teach us? They don't understand that it is God, the Father, who is teaching them. Because they have a little education or they have wealth, they start arguing with you. They lose their honour. Those who defame the Satguru cannot claim a high status. They will then claim a status worth pennies. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

 1. Renounce all worries of "mine and yours" and serve to make others similar to yourselves. Only listen to the one Father. Only remember the one Father. Do not allow your remembrance to become adulterated (vybhichaari).

2. In order to benefit yourself, take great precautions (parhej) about your food and drink. Check: Am I being greedy? Is Maya making me do wrong things?

Blessing: May you be detached from all, loving and free from attachment (nirmohi) by keeping the company of the true Companion (sachche saathi ka saath)

Every day at amrit vela, take the happiness of all relationships from BapDada and donate it to others. Become one who has a right to all kinds of happiness and enable others to become the same. No matter what the task is, do not remember your physical companions, but first remember the Father because the Father is the true Friend. When you take the company of the true Companion, you will easily be able to be detached from all and remain loving. Those who remember the one Father in all relationships in every task easily become free from attachment. They do not have any attachment, that is, they do not have any subservience towards anyone and this is why they are not defeated by Maya.

Slogan: In order to see and know Maya, become trikaldarshi (knower of three aspects of time) and trinetri (one with the third eye) for only then will you become victorious.

* * *OM SHANTI***


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