Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 25, 2015: Introversion

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 25, 2015: Introversion


The ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into a state of peace and benevolence enables me to carry greater and greater loads without feeling the burden. When my inner landscape is full of beautiful thoughts, everything I do is a pleasure. Gently, I calm down chaotic situations and offer solace to troubled minds.


In life we get attracted and become attached to a particular object,
person, relationship or situation. Attachment seems to be the normal
state of our living experience. We seek it without a second thought.
Is attachment a desirable state? When a person develops a strong
attachment, he is likely to become sorrowful when the attachment is
broken or diminished. His emotional and mental state suffers. The
broken hearted, the vindictive behavior, the hatred, the jealousy and
sometimes suicides are the result of broken attachments. It is a risky
business to make the happiness of others our total happiness; to
experience the difficulties of others as our difficulties. We should
not build our life to such an extent around someone else's life or any
object so that when anything goes wrong we cannot function or we fall
apart. It is healthier, stronger and much more in wisdom to love
everything and everybody, play our roles and perform our duties to the
maximum with everybody and still remain detached. We will be able to
provide more help to others when we ourselves are strong from within.

Experiencing The Subtle Body Or Body Of Light (Meditation)

I feel comfortable... peaceful... I focus my eyes on a specific point and let them rest there... My hands are in my lap... I am aware of my breathing... I begin to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling... When I inhale, I imagine an energy filling my lungs that relaxes me... it makes me peaceful... it calms me... On letting go of the air, I feel that all the tension, worries, confusion... are leaving me... After some moments of deep breathing, I centre my attention on my feet, where I feel a gentle light energy... like a vibration that relaxes my feet... I mentally withdraw this energy that connects to my feet... I visualize how a white light goes slowly up my ankles... my legs... like a light current... I feel as if my feet, legs... were to disappear... become light... weightless... I carry on bringing my attention upwards, slowly through my body through    my pelvis, until my chest... I feel that current of warm white light running through this part of my body...

Now I look at my hands... I separate them... I move my fingers... I relax them, feeling how that white light withdraws, going up my arms... My arms relax... my hands... my arms are weightless... This gentle light energy now goes up my neck and envelops my face... Waves of light and peace run over my face... the muscles of my face are relaxed... I feel very light... a pleasant feeling of well being is filling my entire body... I experience a very deep peace within me... I concentrate this light energy at the centre of my forehead... I visualize this light energy as a star floating between my eyes... that radiates energy and light... I am live energy... I am light... my form is light... I am a being of light... I am free... different from my body... I feel incorporeal (non-physical)... beyond the awareness of my body... I feel at peace... free... completely free of the limitations of this body and the physical world... I am a being of peace... I radiate this energy of peace in the form of vibrations that spread outwards... to the place I am in... to my surroundings... and all the atmosphere becomes peaceful and calm. I enjoy this state of being light.

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Expressing Your Potential - Part 1

A free being is the one who recognizes their potential; they care for it, nourish it, use it and express it. It is an awakened being. It has stopped blaming, complaining and making excuses. It has taken on its full responsibility and has an attitude of gratitude at each moment. It is a relaxed being, but it does not get too comfortable in comfort zones or laziness. Out of peacefulness and spiritual strength, it rises above beliefs that limit their potential to grow and shine.

Its energy is full of love, courage and determination. It is a concentrated energy that governs their mind and emotions; it is not distracted by the unimportant, it does not lose sight of the important and does not allow itself to be trapped by anything or anybody. Therefore, their energy is fully centred and has great power. Not the false power that comes from stress, adrenaline, pride and ego, but rather the power that arises from a being whose conscience, decisions and actions are aligned. From a being that knows that nothing or nobody can prevent it from being free and express their full potential. A free mind is a mind without limits, open to everything and closed to nothing. It is a mind that clings on to nothing and, because of this, is relaxed with everything. A mind is closed because it gets stuck on something; it is blocked by fears or disturbed by worries. A person with a busy, closed and clinging mind will get disturbed, they will fluctuate, they will lose their emotional stability and they will be easily offended. This doesn't happen to a person with a free, open and relaxed mind because they never lose sight of the true meaning of who they are.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To search for solutions is to use resources for the right cause.

Expression: Usually a lot of energy and time is wasted to find the cause of something that goes wrong. But thinking about that only wastes the resources that could be used for finding solutions. So it is not necessary to understand the causes but to find solutions. So the one who understands this fact is able to make the best use of available resources to correct the situation.

Experience: Being focused on the solution rather than on the problem, I am able to use all my inner resources in the right way. I am free from complaints and am able to put in effort to do the best in the given situation. I am constantly happy and content because I know that there is a solution for every problem.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

24-04-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति “बापदादा” मधुबन

24-04-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति बापदादामधुबन


मीठे बच्चे - अपने ऊपर रहम करोबाप जो मत देते हैं उस पर चलो तो अपार खुशी रहेगीमाया के श्राप से बचे रहेंगे |” 

प्रश्न:- माया का श्राप क्यों लगता हैश्रापित आत्मा की गति क्या होगी?

उत्तर:-1. बाप और पढ़ाई का (ज्ञान रत्नों का) निरादर करने सेअपनी मत पर चलने से माया का श्राप लग जाता है2. आसुरी चलन हैदैवीगुण धारण नहीं करते तो अपने पर बेरहमी करते हैं। बुद्धि को ताला लग जाता है। वह बाप की दिल पर चढ़ नहीं सकते।

ओम् शान्ति।

रूहानी बच्चों को यह तो अब निश्चय है कि हमको आत्म-अभिमानी बनना है और बाप को याद करना है। माया रूपी रावण जो है वह श्रापितदुःखी बना देता है। श्राप अक्षर ही दुःख का हैवर्सा अक्षर सुख का है। जो बच्चे व़फादारफरमानबरदार हैंवह अच्छी रीति जानते हैं। जो नाफरमानबरदार हैवह बच्चा है नहीं। भल अपने को कुछ भी समझें परन्तु बाप की दिल पर चढ़ नहीं सकतेवर्सा पा नहीं सकते। जो माया के कहने पर चलते और बाप को याद भी नहीं करतेकिसको समझा नहीं सकते। गोया अपने को आपेही श्रापित करते हैं। बच्चे जानते हैं माया बड़ी जबरदस्त है। अगर बेहद के बाप की भी नहीं मानते हैं तो गोया माया की मानते हैं। माया के वश हो जाते हैं। कहावत है ना-प्रभू की आज्ञा सिर माथे। तो बाप कहते हैं बच्चेपुरुषार्थ कर बाप को याद करो तो माया की गोद से निकल प्रभू की गोद में आ जायेंगे। बाप तो बुद्धिवानों का बुद्धिवान है। बाप की नहीं मानेंगे तो बुद्धि को ताला लग जायेगा। ताला खोलने वाला एक ही बाप है। श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते तो उनका क्या हाल होगा। माया की मत पर कुछ भी पद पा नहीं सकेंगे। भल सुनते हैं परन्तु धारणा नहीं कर सकते हैंन करा सकते तो उसका क्या हाल होगा! बाप तो गरीब निवाज़ हैं। मनुष्य गरीबों को दान करते हैं तो बाप भी आकर कितना बेहद का दान करते हैं। अगर श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते तो एकदम बुद्धि को ताला लग जाता है। फिर क्या प्राप्ति करेंगे! श्रीमत पर चलने वाले ही बाप के बच्चे ठहरे। बाप तो रहमदिल है। समझते हैं बाहर जाते ही माया एकदम खत्म कर देगी। कोई आपघात करते हैं तो भी अपनी सत्यानाश करते हैं। बाप तो समझाते रहते हैं-अपने पर रहम करोश्रीमत पर चलोअपनी मत पर नहीं चलो। श्रीमत पर चलने से खुशी का पारा चढ़ेगा। लक्ष्मी-नारायण की शक्ल देखो कैसी खुशनुमः है। तो पुरुषार्थ कर ऐसा ऊंच पद पाना चाहिए ना। बाप अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्न देते हैं तो उनका निरादर क्यों करना चाहिए! रत्नों से झोली भरनी चाहिए। सुनते तो हैं परन्तु झोली नहीं भरते क्योंकि बाप को याद नहीं करते। आसुरी चलन चलते हैं। बाप बार-बार समझाते रहते हैं- अपने पर रहम करोदैवीगुण धारण करो। वह है ही आसुरी सप्रदाय। उनको बाप आकर परिस्तानी बनाते हैं। परिस्तान स्वर्ग को कहा जाता है। मनुष्य कितना धक्का खाते रहते हैं। सन्यासियों आदि के पास जाते हैंसमझते हैं मन को शान्ति मिलेगी। वास्तव में यह अक्षर ही रांग हैइनका कोई अर्थ नहीं। शान्ति तो आत्मा को चाहिए ना। आत्मा स्वयं शान्त स्वरूप है। ऐसे भी नहीं कहते कि आत्मा को कैसे शान्ति मिलेकहते हैं मन को शान्ति कैसे मिलेअब मन क्या हैबुद्धि क्या हैआत्मा क्या हैकुछ भी जानते नहीं। जो कुछ कहते अथवा करते हैं वह सब है भक्ति मार्ग। भक्ति मार्ग वाले सीढ़ी नीचे उतरते-उतरते तमोप्रधान बनते जाते हैं। भल किसको बहुत धनप्रापर्टी आदि है परन्तु हैं तो फिर भी रावण राज्य में ना।

तुम बच्चों को चित्रों पर समझाने की भी बहुत अच्छी प्रैक्टिस करनी है। बाप सब सेन्टर्स के बच्चों को समझाते रहते हैंनम्बरवार तो हैं ना। कई बच्चे राजाई पद पाने का पुरुषार्थ नहीं करते तो प्रजा में क्या जाकर बनेंगे! सर्विस नहीं करतेअपने पर तरस नहीं आता है कि हम क्या बनेंगे फिर समझा जाता है ड्रामा में इनका पार्ट इतना है। अपना कल्याण करने के लिए ज्ञान के साथ-साथ योग भी हो। योग में नहीं रहते तो कुछ भी कल्याण नहीं होता। योग बिगर पावन बन नहीं सकते। ज्ञान तो बहुत सहज है परन्तु अपना कल्याण भी करना है। योग में न रहने से कुछ भी कल्याण होता नहीं। योग बिगर पावन कैसे बनेंगेज्ञान अलग चीज़ हैयोग अलग चीज़ है। योग में बहुत कच्चे हैं। याद करने का अक्ल ही नहीं आता। तो याद बिगर विकर्म कैसे विनाश हों। फिर सजा बहुत खानी पड़ती हैबहुत पछताना पड़ता है। वह स्थूल कमाई नहीं करते तो कोई सजा नहीं खाते हैंइसमें तो पापों का बोझा सिर पर हैउसकी बहुत सजा खानी पड़े। बच्चे बनकर और बेअदब होते हैं तो बहुत सजा मिल जाती है। बाप तो कहते हैं-अपने पर रहम करोयोग में रहो। नहीं तो मुफ्त अपना घात करते हैं। जैसे कोई ऊपर से गिरता हैमरा नहीं तो हॉस्पिटल में पड़ा रहेगाचिल्लाता रहेगा। नाहेक अपने को धक्का दिया,मरा नहींबाकी क्या काम का रहा। यहाँ भी ऐसे है। चढ़ना है बहुत ऊंचा। श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते हैं तो गिर पड़ते हैं। आगे चल हर एक अपने पद को देख लेंगे कि हम क्या बनते हैंजो सर्विसएबुल,आज्ञाकारी होंगेवही ऊंच पद पायेंगे। नहीं तो दास-दासी आदि जाकर बनेंगे। फिर सजा भी बहुत कड़ी मिलेगी। उस समय दोनों जैसे धर्मराज का रूप बन जाते हैं। परन्तु बच्चे समझते नहीं हैं,भूलें करते रहते हैं। सजा तो यहाँ खानी पड़ेगी ना। जितना जो सर्विस करेंगेशोभेंगे। नहीं तो कोई काम के नहीं रहेंगे। बाप कहते हैं दूसरों का कल्याण नहीं कर सकते हो तो अपना कल्याण तो करो। बांधेलियाँ भी अपना कल्याण करती रहती हैं। बाप फिर भी बच्चों को कहते हैं खबरदार रहो। नाम-रूप में फँसने से माया बहुत धोखा देती है। कहते हैं बाबा फलानी को देखने से हमको खराब संकल्प चलते हैं। बाप समझाते हैं-कर्मेन्द्रियों से कभी भी खराब काम नहीं करना है। कोई भी गंदा आदमी जिसकी चलन ठीक न हो तो सेन्टर पर उनको आने नहीं देना है। स्कूल में कोई बदचलन चलते हैं तो बहुत मार खाते हैं। टीचर सबके आगे बतलाते हैंइसने ऐसे बदचलन की हैइसलिए इनको स्कूल से निकाला जाता है। तुम्हारे सेन्टर्स पर भी ऐसी गन्दी दृष्टि वाले आते हैंतो उनको भगा देना चाहिए। बाप कहते हैं कभी कुदृष्टि नहीं रहनी चाहिए। सर्विस नही करतेबाप को याद नहीं करते तो जरूर कुछ न कुछ गन्दगी है। जो अच्छी सर्विस करते हैंउनका नाम भी बाला होता है। थोड़ा भी संकल्प आयेकुदृष्टि जाये तो समझना चाहिए माया का वार होता है। एकदम छोड़ देना चाहिए। नहीं तो वृद्धि को पाए नुकसान कर देंगे। बाप को याद करेंगे तो बचते रहेंगे। बाबा सब बच्चों को सावधान करते हैं-खबरदार रहोकहाँ अपने कुल का नाम बदनाम नहीं करो। कोई गन्धर्वी विवाह कर इकट्ठे रहते हैं तो कितना नाम बाला करते हैंकोई फिर गन्दे बन पड़ते हैं। यहाँ तुम आये हो अपनी सद्गति करनेन कि बुरी गति करने। बुरे ते बुरा है कामफिर क्रोध। आते हैं बाप से वर्सा लेने लिए परन्तु माया वार कर श्राप दे देती है तो एकदम गिर पड़ते हैं। गोया अपने को श्राप दे देते हैं। तो बाप समझाते हैं बड़ी सम्भाल रखनी हैकोई ऐसा आये तो उनको एकदम रवाना कर देना चाहिए। दिखाते भी हैं ना-अमृत पीने आये फिर बाहर जाकर असुर बन गन्द किया। वह फिर यह ज्ञान सुना न सकें। ताला बंद हो जाता है। बाप कहते हैं अपनी सर्विस पर ही तत्पर रहना चाहिए। बाप की याद में रहते-रहते पिछाड़ी को चले जाना है घर। गीत भी है ना-रात के राही थक मत जाना....... आत्मा को घर जाना है। आत्मा ही राही है। आत्मा को रोज़ समझाया जाता है अब तुम शान्तिधाम जाने के राही हो। तो अब बाप कोघर को और वर्से को याद करते रहो। अपने को देखना है माया कहाँ धोखा तो नहीं देती हैमैं अपने बाप को याद करता हूँ?

ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप की तरफ ही दृष्टि रहे - यह है बहुत ऊंच पुरुषार्थ। बाप कहते हैं-बच्चेकुदृष्टि छोड़ दो। देह-अभिमान माना कुदृष्टिदेही-अभिमानी माना शुद्ध दृष्टि। तो बच्चों की दृष्टि बाप की तरफ रहनी चाहिए। वर्सा बहुत ऊंच है-विश्व की बादशाहीकम बात है! स्वप्न में भी किसको नहीं होगा कि पढ़ाई सेयोग से विश्व की बादशाही मिल सकती है। पढ़कर ऊंच पद पायेंगे तो बाप भी खुश होगा,टीचर भी खुश होगासतगुरू भी खुश होगा। याद करते रहेंगे तो बाप भी पुचकार देते रहेंगे। बाप कहते हैं-बच्चेयह खामियां निकाल दो। नहीं तो मुफ्त नाम बदनाम करेंगे। बाप तो विश्व का मालिक बनाते,सौभाग्य खोलते हैं। भारतवासी ही 100 प्रतिशत सौभाग्यशाली थे सो फिर 100 प्रतिशत दुर्भाग्यशाली बने हैं फिर तुमको सौभाग्यशाली बनाने के लिए पढ़ाया जाता है।

बाबा ने समझाया है धर्म के जो बड़े-बड़े हैंवह भी तुम्हारे पास आयेंगे। योग सीखकर जायेंगे। म्युज़ियम में जो टूरिस्ट आते हैंउनको भी तुम समझा सकते हो-अब स्वर्ग के गेट्स खुलने हैं। झाड़ पर समझाओदेखो तुम फलाने समय पर आते हो। भारतवासियों का पार्ट फलाने समय पर है। तुम यह नॉलेज सुनते हो फिर अपने देश में जाकर बताओ कि बाप को याद करो तो तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बन जायेंगे। योग के लिए तो वह चाहना रखते हैं। हठयोगीसन्यासी तो उन्हों को योग सिखला न सकें। तुम्हारी मिशन भी बाहर जायेगी। समझाने की बड़ी युक्ति चाहिए। धर्म के जो बड़े-बड़े हैं उन्हों को आना तो है। तुमसे कोई एक भी अच्छी रीति यह नॉलेज ले जाये तो एक से कितने ढेर समझ जायेंगे। एक की बुद्धि में आ गया तो फिर अखबारों आदि में भी डालेंगे। यह भी ड्रामा में नूँध है। नहीं तो बाप को याद करना कैसे सीखे। बाप का परिचय तो सबको मिलना है। कोई न कोई निकलेंगे। म्युज़ियम में बहुत पुरानी चीजें देखने जाते हैं। यहाँ फिर तुम्हारी पुरानी नॉलेज सुनेंगे। ढेर आयेंगे। उनसे कोई अच्छी रीति समझेंगे। यहाँ से ही दृष्टि मिलेगी या तो मिशन बाहर जायेगी। तुम कहेंगे बाप को याद करो तो अपने धर्म में ऊंच पद पायेंगे। पुनर्जन्म लेते-लेते सब नीचे आ गये हैं। नीचे उतरना माना तमोप्रधान बनना। पोप आदि ऐसे कह न सके कि बाप को याद करो। बाप को जानते ही नहीं। तुम्हारे पास बहुत अच्छी नॉलेज है। चित्र भी सुन्दर बनते रहते हैं। सुन्दर चीज़ होगी तो म्युजियम और ही सुन्दर होगा। बहुत आयेंगे देखने के लिए। जितने बड़े चित्र होंगे उतना अच्छी रीति समझा सकेंगे। शौक रहना चाहिए हम ऐसे समझायें। सदा तुम्हारी बुद्धि में रहे कि हम ब्राह्मण बने हैं तो जितनी सर्विस करेंगे उतना बहुत मान होगा। यहाँ भी मान तो वहाँ भी मान होगा। तुम पूज्य बनेंगे। यह ईश्वरीय नॉलेज धारण करनी है। बाप तो कहते हैं सर्विस पर दौड़ते रहो। बाप कहाँ भी सर्विस पर भेजेइसमें कल्याण है। सारा दिन बुद्धि में सर्विस के ख्याल चलने चाहिए। फॉरेनर्स को भी बाप का परिचय देना है। मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप को याद करोकोई भी देहधारी को गुरू नहीं बनाओ। सबका सद्गति दाता वह एक बाप है। अभी होलसेल मौत सामने खड़ा हैहोलसेल और रीटेल व्यापार होता है ना। बाप है होलसेलवर्सा भी होलसेल देते हैं। 21 जन्म के लिए विश्व की राजाई लो। मुख्य चित्र हैं ही त्रिमूर्तिगोलाझाड़सीढ़ीविराट रूप का चित्र और गीता का भगवान कौन?..... यह चित्र तो फर्स्ट क्लास हैइसमें बाप की महिमा पूरी है। बाप ने ही कृष्ण को ऐसा बनाया हैयह वर्सा गॉड फादर ने दिया। कलियुग में इतने ढेर मनुष्य हैं,सतयुग में थोड़े हैं। यह फेरघेर (अदली-बदली) किसने कीज़रा भी कोई नहीं जानते हैं। तो टूरिस्ट बहुत करके बड़े-बड़े शहरों में जाते हैं। वह भी आकर बाप का परिचय पायेंगे। प्वाइंट्स तो सर्विस की बहुत मिलती रहती हैं। विलायत में भी जाना है। एक तरफ तुम बाप का परिचय देते रहेंगेदूसरे तरफ मारामारी चलती रहेगी। सतयुग में थोड़े मनुष्य होंगे तो जरूर बाकी का विनाश होगा ना। वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी रिपीट होती है। जो हो गया वो फिर रिपीट होगा। परन्तु किसको समझाने का भी अक्ल चाहिए। अच्छा!

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) सदा एक बाप की तरफ ही दृष्टि रखनी है। देही-अभिमानी बनने का पुरुषार्थ कर माया के धोखे से बचना है। कभी कुदृष्टि रख अपने कुल का नाम बदनाम नहीं करना है।

2) सर्विस के लिए भाग दौड़ करते रहना है। सर्विसएबुल और आज्ञाकारी बनना है। अपना और दूसरों का कल्याण करना है। कोई भी बदचलन नहीं चलनी है।

वरदान:-निश्चय की अखण्ड रेखा द्वारा नम्बरवन भाग्य बनाने वाले विजय के तिलकधारी भव

जो निश्चयबुद्धि बच्चे हैं वह कभी कैसे वा ऐसे के विस्तार में नहीं जाते। उनके निश्चय की अटूट रेखा अन्य आत्माओं को भी स्पष्ट दिखाई देती है। उनके निश्चय के रेखा की लाइन बीच-बीच में खण्डित नहीं होती। ऐसी रेखा वाले के मस्तक में अर्थात् स्मृति में सदा विजय का तिलक नज़र आयेगा। वे जन्मते ही सेवा की जिम्मेवारी के ताजधारी होंगे। सदा ज्ञान रत्नों से खेलने वाले होंगे। सदा याद और खुशी के झूले में झूलते हुए जीवन बिताने वाले होंगे। यही है नम्बरवन भाग्य की रेखा।

स्लोगन:- बुद्धि रूपी कम्प्युटर में फुलस्टॉप की मात्रा आना माना प्रसन्नचित रहना।


Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli April 24, 2015

Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli April 24, 2015

Essence: Sweet children, have mercy for yourselves. Follow the directions that the Father gives you and you will have limitless happiness and you will be saved from Maya's curse.

Question: How do you become cursed by Maya? What is the state of a cursed soul (shraapit atma)?

Answer: 1) If you become disrespectful (niraadar) to the Father and disregard the study (the jewels of knowledge) and follow your own dictates, you become cursed by Maya. 2) If your behaviour is devilish and you don't imbibe divine virtues, you are being merciless towards yourself. A lock is then put on your intellect. Such children are not able to climb on to the Father's heart throne.

 Om shanti.

You spiritual children have the faith that you now have to become soul conscious and remember the Father. Maya, Ravan, curses you and makes you unhappy. "Curse" is a word of sorrow, and "inheritance" is one of happiness. The faithful and obedient children (wafaadaar, farmaanbardaar) understand this very well. Those who are disobedient are not the Father's children. No matter what they consider themselves to be, they are unable to climb on to the Father's heart throne; they are unable to claim an inheritance. Those who obey Maya and do not remember the Father are unable to explain to others; they curse themselves. You children know that Maya is very powerful. If you do not obey the unlimited Father, it means that you are obeying Maya; you become influenced by Maya. There is the saying: God's instructions are to be placed on your head and accepted with love. (prabhu ki agya sir maathe)This is why the Father says: Children, make effort to remember Me. Then you will be able to leave Maya's lap and come into God's lap. The Father is the Intellect of the Wise. If you do not listen to the Father, your intellect will become locked. Only the one Father can open that lock. What would the state be of those who do not follow shrimat? By following the dictates of Maya you will be unable to claim any status. Even though you listen to knowledge, you will neither be able to imbibe it yourself nor be able to inspire others to imbibe it. Therefore, what would your state become? The Father is the Lord of the Poor. People donate to the poor. The Father too comes and gives an unlimited donation. If you do not follow shrimat, your intellect becomes totally locked. What would you then attain? Only those who follow shrimat are the Father's children. The Father is merciful. He understands that, as soon as you leave here, Maya will completely finish you. Someone who commits suicide destroys himself. The Father explains: Have mercy for yourself. Follow shrimat, not your own dictates. By following shrimat, your mercury of happiness will rise. Look at the faces of Lakshmi and Narayan; they are so cheerful. Make effort to claim as high a status. The Father gives you the imperishable jewels of knowledge and so why should you disregard them? Fill your aprons with these jewels. Although you listen, some of you are unable to fill your apron because you do not remember the Father and your behaviour is devilish. The Father repeatedly explains to you: Have mercy for yourselves. Imbibe divine virtues. This is now the devilish community. The Father has come to change it into the land of angels. Heaven is the land of angels. People stumble around so much. They go to sannyasis etc. because they believe that they will receive peace of mind from them. In fact, these words are wrong; they have no meaning. It is the soul that wants peace. Souls themselves are the form of peace. They don't ask: How can the soul have peace? Instead, they ask: How can the mind have peace? However, they neither know what the mind and intellect are, nor what the soul is; they don't know anything. Whatever they do or say, it all belongs to the path of devotion. Those on the path of devotion continue to come down the ladder and continue to become tamopradhan. Although someone may have a lot of wealth and property etc; he is still now in the kingdom of Ravan. You children have to practise explaining very well using these pictures. The Father continues to explain to the children of all the centres. However, all are numberwise. Some children make no effort to claim the status of a king. So, what will they become among the subjects? They don't do service and don't have mercy for themselves to fix their status. It is then understood that their parts in the drama are only that much. In order to benefit yourself, as well as studying knowledge, you also have to have yoga. If you do not stay in yoga, there is no benefit. You cannot become pure without having yoga. This knowledge is very easy, but you also have to benefit yourself. By not staying in yoga, you are unable to benefit yourself at all. How can you become pure unless you have yoga? Knowledge is distinct from yoga. Many children are very weak in yoga. They don't have the sense to stay in remembrance. How can their sins be absolved without them having remembrance? A great deal of punishment will have to be experienced and there will also be a lot of repentance. Those who don't earn a physical income don't experience punishment for that, but there is a burden of sins on your heads in this. A lot of punishment has to be experienced for it. If, after becoming Baba's children, you are disrespectful, you receive a lot of punishment. The Father says: Have mercy for yourself and stay in yoga. Otherwise, you will commit suicide unnecessarily. It is just the same as when someone falls from a height and doesn't die but just lies in a hospital. He continues to cry. "I jumped off uselessly." He didn't die, and so of what use is he? It is the same here. You have to climb very high. If you do not follow shrimat, you fall. As you make progress, each one of you will be able to see what your status is and what you will become. Those who are serviceable and obedient claim a high status. Otherwise, they become maids and servants. Very severe punishment is received. At that time, both take the form of Dharamraj. However, some children understand nothing of this and continue to make mistakes. Punishment has to be experienced here. The more service you do, the more useful you are. Otherwise, you are of no use. The Father says: If you are unable to benefit others, at least benefit yourself! Even mothers in bondage continue to benefit themselves. Nevertheless, the Father tells you children to remain cautious. When you become trapped in someone's name and form, you are very much deceived by Maya. Some tell Baba that when they look at someone they have bad thoughts. The Father explains: Never perform bad acts through your physical organs. If a person with impure vision and of bad character comes to your centre, do not allow him to enter. If someone behaves badly at school, he is beaten a lot. The teacher would tell everyone how badly he behaved and that was why he was expelled from school. If anyone with evil vision comes to your centre, chase him away. The Father says: You must never have impure vision. If you don't do service and don't remember the Father, there must definitely be some impurity. The names of those who do service well are glorified. If you have even the slighest bad thought, or you look at someone in the slightest bad way, you should understand that you are being attacked by Maya. You should stop it completely. Otherwise, it will increase and cause a lot of damage. Remember the Father and you will remain safe. Baba cautions all the children: Be cautious that you do not defame the name of your clan. When some get married in name only and live together, they glorify Baba's name so much. However, others become dirty. You have come here to attain salvation, not to put yourself into a bad state. The worst vice of all is lust and next is anger. You come here to claim your inheritance from the Father, but, instead of that, Maya attacks you and you become cursed. You then fall completely. It means that you curse yourself. Therefore, the Father explains: You have to be very cautious. If any such person comes, send him away immediately. It is shown (in the scriptures) that some came to drink nectar, but, as soon as they left, they became devils and performed dirty acts. They cannot then speak about this knowledge to anyone. It is as though the locks on their intellects close. The Father says: Remain busy in service. By continually staying in remembrance of the Father, you will finally return home. There is the song: 0 traveller of the night, do not become weary! Souls have to go home. Souls are the travellers. You souls are told every day that you are the travellers who are now going to the land of silence. Therefore, continue to remember the Father, your home and your inheritance. Examine yourself to see whether Maya is deceiving you in any way. "Am I remembering My Father?" To keep your vision on the highest-on-high Father is the most elevated effort. The Father says: Children, stop having impure vision! Impure vision means body consciousness and pure vision means soul consciousness. Therefore, the vision of you children should be focused on the Father. Your inheritance is very elevated. The kingdom of the world is not a small thing! None of you would have even dreamt that you could claim the kingdom of the world through yoga and by studying. If you study well and claim a high status, the Father will be very pleased. The Teacher and the Satguru will also be very pleased. Continue to remember the Father, and the Father will continue to give you plenty of love. The Father says: Children, remove these weaknesses. Otherwise, you will defame My name uselessly. The Father is making you into the masters of the world. He is opening up your fortune. The people of Bharat alone were 100% fortunate and they then became 100% unfortunate. You are being taught once again in order to make you very fortunate. Baba has explained that all the great religious people will also come to you. They will learn yoga and leave. You can explain to the tourists who come to your museums that the gates of heaven are now opening. Explain the picture of the tree: Look, you come at such and such time, and the parts that the people of Bharat perform start at such and such time. Listen to this knowledge, then go back to your country and tell the people there to remember the Father and thereby become satopradhan from tamopradhan. They want to learn yoga. Hatha yogi sannyasis cannot teach them yoga. Your mission will go abroad. You need a very good method to explain to them. All the great religious people will have to come here one day. Even if one person understands this knowledge from you very clearly, very many will be able to understand it from that one. When it enters one person's intellect, he will print that in the newspapers etc. This too is fixed in the drama. Otherwise, how would they learn to remember the Father? Everyone has to receive the Father's introduction. Someone or other will emerge. People go to see ancient things in museums. They will come here to listen to your ancient knowledge. Many will come, and some of them will be able to understand everything very clearly. Everyone will receive drishti here. Or, this mission will go abroad. You will tell them: Remember the Father and you will claim a high status in your own religion. Whilst taking rebirth, everyone has come down. To come down means to become tamopradhan. The Pope etc. cannot say: Remember the Father. They do not even know the Father. You have very good knowledge. Beautiful pictures are continually being created. When there are beautiful things, the museum will become even more beautiful. Many will come to see it. The larger the pictures, the better they can be explained. You should be keen to explain in this way. Your intellects must always remember that, since you have become Brahmins, the more service you do, the more regard you will receive. You will receive regard here and there too. You will become worthy of being worshipped. You have to imbibe this Godly knowledge. The Father says: Run for service. There is benefit wherever the Father sends you for service. Your intellects should have thoughts of service all day. People abroad still have to be given the Father's introduction: Remember the most beloved Father. Never make a bodily being your guru. The Bestower of Salvation for all is the one Father. Wholesale death is now in front of you. There is wholesale business and retail business. The Father is the Wholesaler and He gives you your inheritance wholesale. He says: Take the kingdom of the world for 21 births. The main pictures are the Trimurti, the cycle, the tree, the ladder and the variety-form image. There is also the picture that explains who the God of the Gita is. That picture is first class. The full praise of the Father is in that picture. The Father made Krishna become like that. God, the Father, gave us that inheritance. In the iron age, there are so many people, whereas in the golden age, there are very few. Who made this change? No one knows this at all. Tourists mostly go to the big cities. They will come to you and take the Father's introduction. You receive very many good points for service. You also have to go to the foreign lands. On the one hand, you will continue to give the Father's introduction, and, on the other hand, there will be fighting and battling. In the golden age, there will be very few people. Therefore, all the rest would surely have been destroyed. World history and geography repeat. Whatever has happened will repeat, but someone has to have the wisdom to explain this. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning, from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

 1. Always keep your vision focused on the one Father. Make effort to remain soul conscious and protect yourself from Maya's deception. Never defame the name of your clan by having impure vision (kudrishti).

 2. Continue to run around for service. Remain serviceable and obedient (agyakaari) . Benefit yourself and others. Never behave badly.

Blessing: May you have a tilak of victory and make your fortune number one with you unbroken line of faith.

Children who have faith in the intellect never go into the expansion of 'Why?' or 'How?' Other souls are also clearly able to see the unbroken line of their faith. Their line of faith is not broken (khandit) anywhere. The tilaks of victory are visible on their foreheads, that is, in the awareness of children who have such a line. From birth, they would have the crown of responsibility of service. They would be constantly be playing with the jewels of knowledge. They would live their lives while constantly swinging in the swings of remembrance and service. This is the number one line of fortune.

Slogan: To have a full stop in the computer of the intellect means to be happy hearted.

* * *OM SHANTI***

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 24, 2015: Think Simply

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 24, 2015: Think Simply

Think Simply

With so many choices and decisions, so many demands from people and events, in our modern fast changing world, it's a real challenge to 'keep it simple'. Making it simple means making things easy and clear. The magic wand to wave over your life is 'planning and prioritising'. Make plans, long and short term and then prioritise. Then practise taking one thing at a time, so you can have one thought at a time, with some space before you have to have your next thought. But don't get attached to your plans or priorities. Be flexible (easy) and yet focused (clear) and in this way you can teach yourself to think simply and act simply. One thought at a time. At your own pace. In your own space. A simple life is a contented life.


Constant awareness of a positive thought enables me to maintain my own
inner positivity. The way to remain stable is to apply a full-stop.
When difficult situations come my way, it is very natural to have
questions and exclamations in the mind. It becomes very difficult to
apply a full-stop and finish the situation in my mind. Because of such
waste thoughts I am not able to experience stability in difficult
situations. I need to bring out in my mind one or the other positive
point about the situation. When I understand the meaning behind the
situation, I am able to accept it. This acceptance enables me to be
free from waste questions and negative thoughts and I am easily able
to apply a full-stop. This is what brings inner stability. (No
question-mark.... why me, when, how, who...?)

Negative Reactions To Negative Actions

We very commonly react negatively with anger to another person's anger filled words or actions, which we perceive to be unjustified or unreasonable. But this kind of action on our part, which we feel is our right and is a justified reaction or response, only adds to the negative energy already existing inside a particular situation, increasing the energy and making the situation even more complicated and difficult to resolve. Two negatives never make a positive, they make a higher negative, to which a very high positive has to be added (as compared to before) to bring the situation back to neutral or normal. Also, when you react, you are doing exactly what you believe the other person, the attacker, is doing - injuring someone on an emotional level, which is a form of subtle violence. 

Lastly and very importantly, the other person's negative and impulsive behavior, directed at you, portrays that at that particular moment he/she is experiencing an emptiness or void of wisdom, joy, peace, love and power, a void which he/she believes you have created and can only be re-filled by you. The anger filled action is a desire directed towards you, for this filling up. Hidden behind his/her anger is the feeling, "Because of this person, I have lost my happiness at this particular moment and he/she should give it back to me immediately", which means that the other person is lacking the realization that no other person is ever responsible for your happiness. You are, always. Instead of switching on the awareness of this spiritual fact and emerging the value of forgiveness inside yourself, forgiveness because the other person is lacking this wisdom at that moment of time, you react, which makes you similar to him possessing a similar belief, something which you will definitely not appreciate too much. But, what happens is that the emotional storm inside you at that moment hides your ability to see how you are yourself injuring your spiritual heart. While you are in that emotional state, there is no way you can heal the wounds of the other's heart i.e. correct the other person.

Soul Sustenance

Stress Management

Standing Back, Observing and Steering -

Standing Back : We can do this individually or as a team, when stressful situations occur. We may take a few minutes to stand back mentally and physically from the situation or scene.

Observing : The next step is to re-view the situation, as if we are an onlooker or a detached observer. Being as silent as possible, we can ask ourselves if the thoughts we are having are the ones we wish to keep, if they are going where we would choose them to.

Steering : In the resulting silence, it is possible to steer (change direction) our thinking to where we want it to be; perhaps to personal affirmations (positive thoughts) we use to calm us. The affirmations can be: 'I am aware of myself as calm and peaceful or, ….as happy and satisfied’, etc.

This technique changes our attitudes and feelings, which influences positively the situation as well as how others respond. 

Message for the day

To have a clear aim of where the action will lead is to be successful in everything.

Expression: Many a times it so happens that one acts immediately seeing a situation. But the one who is successful analyses the situation and predicts the outcome of the action that he performs and then acts keeping the end result in mind. Because of knowing the consequences of the actions before actually performing that action, he is able to continue putting in effort in spite of the challenges and difficulties. So he continues to give his best to the task.

Experience: When I am able to give time to myself to think before performing any action, I am able to take the opportunity to be clear in my thinking. The consequences of the action I wish to take are clear in my mind and so, the action taken to overcome the situation is right. Hence, I receive easy and sure success.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Vices to Virtues: 76: संस्कार परिवर्तन

Vices to Virtues: 76: संस्कार परिवर्तन

Bapdada has told us to cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left. Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga (Jwala swaroop) Let us work on one each day.

बापदादा ने कहा है के ज्वाला  मुखी  अग्नि  स्वरुप  योग  की  शक्ति  से  संस्कारों  का संस्कार करो ; सिर्फ मारना नहींलेकिन  जलाकर नाम रूप ख़त्म कर दो.... चेक और चेन्ज करना ... ज्वाला योग से अवगुण और पुराने संस्कार जला देना ...हररोज़ एक लेंगे और जला देंगे...

पुराने वा अवगुणो का अग्नि ....   #   ७६   लज्जा करना  - संकोच करना ........
..बदलकर....  मैं आत्मा  लाईट हाउस, माईट हाउस, पावर हाउस, शक्तिस्वरूप हूँ  ...

cremate our old sanskars:  76......... to feel shy, to hesitate.......... replace them with, ... I, the soul, the embodiment of power, am a light house, might house and a power house.....

Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar.... 76....lajja karna, sankoch karna...........badalkar.... mai atma, laait haaus, maait haaus, paavar haaus,  shakti swaroop hun.........

पुराने वा अवगुणो का अग्नि ....   #   ७६   लज्जा करना  - संकोच करना ........
..बदलकर....  मैं आत्मा  लाईट हाउस, माईट हाउस, पावर हाउस, शक्तिस्वरूप हूँ  ...

मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ ....... शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ .... समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ .....  सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ .... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ ..... मास्टर महाकाल हूँ ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड  हूँ  ........ अकालतक्खनशीन  हूँ ....अकालमूर्त हूँ ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम अथक और बीजरूप  हूँ ........ शक्तिमूर्त ..... संहारनीमूर्त ...... अलंकारीमूर्त ..... कल्याणीमूर्त हूँ ......शक्ति सेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ......  रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी ....  ज्वालास्वरूप .... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... लज्जा करना  - संकोच करना.................अवगुणों का आसुरी संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ ........ जला रही हूँ ...... भस्म कर रही हूँ ......  मैं आत्मा महारथी महावीर ........ लज्जा करना  - संकोच करना........................ के  मायावी संस्कार पर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ .......... मैं आत्मा, लाईट हाउस, माईट हाउस, पावर हाउस, शक्तिस्वरूप हूँ  ....  मैं देही -अभिमानी ..... आत्म-अभिमानी..... रूहानी अभिमानी .....परमात्म अभिमानी..... परमात्म ज्ञानी ..... परमात्म भाग्यवान..... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न  ..... सोला  कला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी .....मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम  ...... डबल अहिंसक  हूँ ..... डबल ताजधारी ..... विष्व  का मालिक हूँ ..... मैं आत्मा ताजधारी ..... तख़्तधारी ..... तिलकधारी ..... दिलतक्खनशीन  ..... डबललाइट ..... सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर ....... महाबली महाबलवान ..... बाहुबलि पहलवान ....... अष्ट भुजाधारी अष्ट शक्तिधारी   अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी शिवमई शक्ति हूँ .....

cremate our old sanskars:  76......... to feel shy, to hesitate.......... replace them with, ... I, the soul, the embodiment of power, am a light house, might house and a power house.....

I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a  special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of  feeling shy, hesitating.....I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of ... feeling shy, hesitating.............. I, the soul, the embodiment of power, am a light house, might house and a power house...I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an  extremely powerful and  an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv...

Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar.... 76....lajja karna, sankoch karna...........badalkar.... mai atma, laait haaus, maait haaus, paavar haaus,  shakti swaroop hun.........

mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun... .... lajja karna, sankoch karna.....avguno ka asuri sanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi mahavir .... lajja karna, sankoch mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun... mai atma, laait haaus, maait haaus, paavar haaus,  shakti swaroop hun.................mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti hun... 


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