Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

21-05-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति “बापदादा” मधुबन

21-05-15 प्रातः मुरली ओम् शान्ति बापदादामधुबन

"मीठे बच्चे - ज्ञान की प्वाइंट्स को स्मृति में रखो तो खुशी रहेगीतुम अभी स्वर्ग के गेट पर खड़े हो,बाबा मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति की राह दिखा रहे हैं

प्रश्न:- अपने रजिस्टर को ठीक रखने के लिए कौन-सा अटेन्शन जरूर रखना है ?

उत्तर:- अटेन्शन रहे कि मन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणा किसी को भी दु:ख तो नहीं दियाअपना स्वभाव बड़ा फर्स्टक्लास,मीठा हो। माया नाक-कान पकड़कर ऐसा कोई कर्तव्य न करा दे जिससे किसी को दु:ख मिले। अगर दु:ख देंगे तो बहुत पश्चाताप् करना पड़ेगा। रजिस्टर खराब हो जायेगा।

गीतः नयन हीन को राह दिखाओ.............. 

ओम् शान्ति।

बाप बैठ बच्चों को समझाते हैं। रास्ता बहुत सहज समझाया जाता है फिर भी बच्चे ठोकरे खाते रहते हैं। यहाँ बैठे हैं तो समझते हैं हमको बाप पढ़ाते हैंशान्तिधाम जाने का रास्ता बताते हैं। बहुत सहज है। बाप कहते हैं दिन-रात जितना हो सके याद में रहो। वह भक्ति मार्ग की यात्रा टांगों की होती है। बहुत धक्के खाने पड़ते हैं। यहाँ तुम बैठे हुए भी याद की यात्रा पर हो। यह भी बाप ने समझाया है-दैवीगुण धारण करने हैं। शैतानी अवगुणों को खत्म करते जाओ। कोई भी शैतानी काम नहीं करोइससे विकर्म बन जाता है। बाप आये ही हैं तुम बच्चों को सदा सुखी बनाने। कोई बादशाह का बच्चा हो तो वह बाप को और राजाई को देख खुश होगा ना। भल राजाई है परन्तु फिर भी शरीर के रोग आदि तो होते ही हैं। यहाँ तुम बच्चों को निश्चय है कि शिवबाबा आया हुआ हैवह हमको पढ़ा रहे हैं। फिर हम स्वर्ग में जाकर राजाई करेंगे। वहाँ किसी प्रकार का दु:ख नहीं होगा। तुम्हारी बुद्धि में रचता और रचना के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान है। यह ज्ञान और कोई मनुष्य मात्र की बुद्धि में नहीं है। तुम बच्चे भी अभी समझते हो कि आगे हमारे में ज्ञान नहीं था। बाप को हम नहीं जानते थे। मनुष्य भक्ति को बहुत उत्तम समझते हैंअनेक प्रकार की भक्ति करते हैं। उनमें सब हैं स्थूल बातें। सूक्ष्म बात कोई भी है नहीं। अभी अमरनाथ की यात्रा पर स्थूल में जायेंगे ना। वहाँ भी है वह लिंग। किसके पास जाते हैं,मनुष्य कुछ भी नहीं जानते। अभी तुम बच्चे कहाँ भी धक्के खाने नहीं जायेंगे। तुम जानते हो हम पढ़ते ही हैं नई दुनिया के लिए। जहाँ यह वेद-शास्त्र आदि होते ही नहीं। सतयुग में भक्ति होती नहीं। वहाँ है ही सुख। जहाँ भक्ति है वहाँ दु:ख है। यह गोले का चित्र बड़ा अच्छा है। स्वर्ग का गेट इसमें बड़ा क्लीयर है। यह बुद्धि में रहना चाहिए। अभी हम स्वर्ग के गेट पर बैठे हैं। बहुत खुशी होनी चाहिए। ज्ञान की प्वाइंट्स को याद करते तुम बच्चे बहुत खुशी में रह सकते हो। जानते हो अभी हम स्वर्ग के गेट में जा रहे हैं। वहाँ बहुत थोड़े मनुष्य होते हैं। यहाँ कितने ढेर मनुष्य हैं। कितने धक्के खाते रहते हैं। दान-पुण्य करनासाधुओं के पिछाड़ी भटकना कितना है फिर भी पुकारते रहते हैं - हे प्रभू नैन हीन को राह दिखाओ...राह हमेशा मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति की चाहते हैं। यह पुरानी दु:ख की दुनिया हैसो भी तुम जानते हो। मनुष्यों को पता ही नहीं। कलियुग की आयु हजारों वर्ष कह देते हैं तो बिचारे अंधकार में हैं ना। तुम्हारे में भी नम्बरवार हैं जो जानते हैं बरोबर हमारा बाबा हमको राजयोग सिखला रहे हैं। जैसे बैरिस्टरी योगइन्जीनियरी योग होता है ना। पढ़ने वाले को टीचर की ही याद रहती है। बैरिस्टरी के ज्ञान से मनुष्य बैरिस्टर बन जायेगा। यह है राजयोग। हमारी बुद्धि का योग है परमपिता परमात्मा के साथ। इसमें तो खुशी का एकदम पारा चढ़ जाना चाहिए। बहुत मीठा बनना है। स्वभाव बड़ा फर्स्टक्लास होना चाहिए। कोई को भी दु:ख न मिले। चाहते भी हैं किसको दु:ख न देवें। परन्तु फिर भी माया नाक-कान से पकड़ भूल करा देती है। फिर अन्दर पछताते हैं-हमने नाहेक उनको दु:ख दिया। परन्तु रजिस्टर में तो खराबी आ गई ना। ऐसी कोशिश करनी चाहिए-किसको भी मन्सावाचाकर्मणा दु:ख न देवें। बाप आते ही हैं - हमको ऐसा देवता बनाने। यह कभी किसको दु:ख देते हैं क्यालौकिक टीचर पढ़ाते हैंदु:ख तो नहीं देते हैं ना। हाँबच्चे नहीं पढ़ते हैं तो कोई सजा आदि देते हैं। आजकल मारने का भी कायदा निकाल दिया है। तुम रूहानी टीचर होतुम्हारा काम है पढ़ाना और साथ-साथ मैनर्स सिखलाना। फिर पढ़ेंगे-लिखेंगे तो ऊंच पद पायेंगे। नहीं पढ़ेंगे तो फेल खुद होंगे। यह बाप भी रोज आकर पढ़ाते हैं,मैनर्स सिखलाते हैं। सिखलाने के लिए प्रदर्शनी आदि का प्रबन्ध रचते हैं। सब प्रदर्शनी और प्रोजेक्टर मांगते हैं। प्रोजेक्टर्स भी हजारों लेंगे। हर एक बात बाप बहुत ही सहज कर बतलाते हैं। अमरनाथ की भी सर्विस सहज है। चित्रों पर तुम समझा सकते हो। ज्ञान और भक्ति क्या हैज्ञान इस तरफभक्ति उस तरफ। उनसे स्वर्गउनसे नर्क - बिल्कुल क्लीयर है।

तुम बच्चे अभी जो पढ़ते हो यह बहुत सहज हैअच्छा पढ़ा भी लेते होपरन्तु याद की यात्रा कहाँ। यह है सारी बुद्धि की बात। हमको बाप को याद करना हैइसमें ही माया फथकाती है। एकदम योग तोड़ देती है। बाप कहते हैं तुम सब योग में बहुत कमजोर हो। अच्छे-अच्छे महारथी भी बहुत कमजोर हैं। समझते हैं इनमें यह ज्ञान बड़ा अच्छा है इसलिए महारथी हैं। बाबा कहते हैं घोड़ेसवार प्यादे हैं। महारथी वह जो याद में रहते हैं। उठते-बैठते याद में रहें तो विकर्म विनाश होंगेपावन होंगे। नहीं तो सजा भी खानी पड़ेगी और पद भी भ्रष्ट हो जायेगा इसलिए अपना चार्ट रखो तो तुमको मालूम पड़ेगाबाबा खुद बतलाते हैं मैं भी पुरूषार्थ करता हूँ। घड़ी-घड़ी बुद्धि और तरफ चली जाती है। बाबा के ऊपर तो बहुत फिकरात रहती है ना। तुम तीखे जा सकते हो। फिर साथ में अपनी चलन भी सुधारनी है। पवित्र बनकर और फिर विकार में गिरा तो की कमाई चट हो जायेगी। कोई पर क्रोध कियालून-पानी हुआ तो गोया असुर बन जाते हैं। अनेक प्रकार की माया आती है। सम्पूर्ण तो कोई बना नहीं है। बाबा पुरूषार्थ कराते रहते हैं। कुमारियों के लिए तो बहुत सहज हैइसमें अपनी मजबूती चाहिए। अन्दर की सच्चाई चाहिए। अगर अन्दर कोई के साथ दिल लगी हुई होगी तो फिर चल न सकें। कुमारियोंमाताओं को तो भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने की सर्विस में लग जाना चाहिए। इसमें है मेहनत। मेहनत बिगर कुछ भी मिलता नहीं। तुमको 21 जन्म के लिए राजाई मिलती है तो कितनी मेहनत करनी चाहिए। वो पढ़ाई भी बाबा इसलिए पढ़ने देते हैं - कहते हैं जब तक इसमें पक्के हो जाएं। ऐसा न हो फिर दोनों जहान से चला जाए। कोई के नाम-रूप में लटक मरते तो खत्म हो जाते हैं।

तकदीरवान बच्चे ही शरीर का भान भूल अपने को अशरीरी समझ बाप को याद करने का पुरूषार्थ कर सकते हैं। बाप रोज-रोज समझाते हैं-बच्चेतुम शरीर का भान छोड़ दो। हम अशरीरी आत्मा अब घर जाते हैंयह शरीर यहाँ छोड़ देना हैवो तब छोड़ेंगे जब निरन्तर बाप की याद में रह कर्मातीत हो जाए। इसमें बुद्धि की बात है परन्तु किसकी तकदीर में नहीं है तो तदबीर क्या करें। बुद्धि में यह रहना चाहिए कि हम अशरीरी आये थेफिर सुख के कर्म सम्बन्ध में बंधे फिर रावण राज्य में विकारी बंधन में फँसें। अब फिर बाप कहते हैं अशरीरी होकर जाना है। अपने को आत्मा समझ मुझे याद करो। आत्मा ही पतित बनी है। आत्मा कहती है हे पतित-पावन आओ। अभी तुमको पतित से पावन होने की युक्ति भी बतलाते रहते हैं। आत्मा है ही अविनाशी। तुम आत्मा यहाँ शरीर में आई हो पार्ट बजाने। यह भी अब बाप ने समझाया हैजिनको कल्प पहले समझाया है वही आते रहेंगे। अब बाप कहते हैं कलियुगी संबंध भूल जाओ। अब तो वापिस जाना हैयह दुनिया ही खत्म होनी है। इनमें कोई सार नहीं है तब तो धक्के खाते रहते हैं। भक्ति करते हैं भगवान से मिलने। समझते हैं भक्ति बड़ी अच्छी है। बहुत भक्ति करेंगे तो भगवान मिलेगा और सद्गति में ले जायेंगे। अभी तुम्हारी भक्ति पूरी होती है। तुम्हारे मुख से हे रामहे भगवानयह भक्ति के अक्षर भी न निकलें। यह बंद हो जाना चाहिए। बाप सिर्फ कहते हैं मुझे याद करो। यह दुनिया ही तमोप्रधान है। सतोप्रधान सतयुग में रहते हैं। सतयुग है चढ़ती कला फिर उतरती कला होती है।

त्रेता को भी वास्तव में स्वर्ग नहीं कहा जाता। स्वर्ग सिर्फ सतयुग को ही कहा जाता है। तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि में आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान है। आदि अर्थात् शुरूमध्य हाफ फिर अन्त। मध्य में रावण राज्य शुरू होता है। बाप भारत में ही आते हैं। भारत ही पतित और पावन बनता है। 84 जन्म भी भारतवासी लेते हैं। बाकी तो नम्बरवार धर्म वाले आते हैं। झाड़ वृद्धि को पाता है फिर उस समय ही आयेंगे। यह बातें और किसकी बुद्धि में नहीं होगी। तुम्हारे में भी सब धारण नहीं कर सकते हैं। यह 84 का चक्र बुद्धि में रहे तो भी खुशी में रहें। अब बाबा आया हुआ हैहमको ले जाने के लिए। सच्चा-सच्चा माशूक आया हुआ हैजिसको हम भक्ति मार्ग में बहुत याद करते थे वह आये हैं हम आत्माओं को वापिस ले जाने। मनुष्य मात्र यह नहीं जानते कि शान्ति भी किसको कहा जाता है। आत्मा तो है ही शान्त स्वरूप। यह आरगन्स मिलते हैं तब कर्म करना पड़ता है। बाप जो शान्ति का सागर हैवह सबको ले जाते हैं। तब सबको शान्ति मिलेगी। सतयुग में तुमको शान्ति भी हैसुख भी है। बाकी सब आत्मायें चली जायेंगी शान्तिधाम। बाप को ही शान्ति का सागर कहा जाता है। यह भी बहुत बच्चे भूल जाते हैं क्योंकि देह-अभिमान में रहते हैंदेही-अभिमानी होते नहीं। बाप शान्ति तो सबको देते हैं ना। चित्र में संगम पर जाकर दिखाओ। इस समय सब अशान्त हैं। सतयुग में तो इतने धर्म होंगे ही नहीं। सब शान्ति में चले जायेंगे। वहाँ दिल भर कर शान्ति मिलती है। तुमको राजाई में शान्ति भी हैसुख भी है। सतयुग में पवित्रतासुखशान्ति सब है तुमको।

मुक्तिधाम कहा जाता है स्वीट होम को। वहाँ पतित दु:खी होंगे नहीं। दु:-सुख की कोई बात नहीं। तो शान्ति का अर्थ नहीं समझते हैं। रानी के हार का मिसाल देते हैं ना। अब बाप कहते हैं शान्ति-सुख सब लो। आयुश्वान भव...... वहाँ कायदे अनुसार बच्चा भी होगा। बच्चा मिले उसके लिए कोई पुरूषार्थ नहीं करना पड़ता है। शरीर छोड़ने का टाइम होता है तो साक्षात्कार हो जाता है और शरीर खुशी से छोड़ देते हैं। जैसे बाबा को खुशी रहती है ना - शरीर छोड़कर हम यह बनूँगाअभी पढ़ रहा हूँ। तुम भी जानते हो हम सतयुग में जायेंगे। संगम पर ही तुम्हारी बुद्धि में यह रहता है। तो कितनी खुशी में रहना चाहिए। जितनी ऊंच पढ़ाई उतनी खुशी। हमको भगवान पढ़ाते हैं। एम आब्जेक्ट सामने है तो कितनी खुशी होनी चाहिए। परन्तु चलते-चलते गिर पड़ते हैं।

तुम्हारी सर्विस वृद्धि को तब पायेगी जब कुमारियाँ मैदान में आयेंगी। बाप कहते हैं आपस में एक तो लूनपानी मत बनो। जबकि जानते हो हम ऐसी दुनिया में जाते हैं जहाँ शेर-बकरी इकट्ठे जल पीते हैं,वहाँ तो हर एक चीज देखने से ही दिल खुश हो जाती है। नाम ही है स्वर्ग। तो कुमारियाँ लौकिक माँ-बाप को बोलें-अभी हम वहाँ जाने की तैयारी कर रहे हैंपवित्र तो जरूर बनना है। बाप कहते हैं काम महाशत्रु है। अब मैं योगिन बनी हूँ इसलिए पतित नहीं बन सकती। बात करने की खड़ाई चाहिए। ऐसी कुमारियाँ जब निकलेंगी फिर देखना कितना जल्दी सर्विस होती है। परन्तु चाहिए नष्टोमोहा। एक बार मर गई तो फिर याद क्यों आनी चाहिए। परन्तु बहुतों को घर कीबच्चों आदि की याद आती रहती है। फिर बाप के साथ योग कैसे लगेगा। इसमें तो यही बुद्धि में रहे कि हम बाबा के हैं। यह पुरानी दुनिया खत्म हुई पड़ी है। बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करो। अच्छा।

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) अपनी ऊंची तकदीर बनाने के लिए जितना हो सके - अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करना है। शरीर का भान बिल्कुल भूल जाएकिसी का भी नाम-रूप याद न आये - यह मेहनत करनी है।

2) अपनी चलन का चार्ट रखना है - कभी भी आसुरी चलन नहीं चलनी है। दिल की सच्चाई से नष्टोमोहा बन भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने की सर्विस में लग जाना है।

वरदान:- विश्व कल्याण के कार्य में सदा बिजी रहने वाले विश्व के आधारमूर्त भव

विश्व कल्याणकारी बच्चे स्वप्न में भी फ्री नहीं रह सकते। जो दिन रात सेवा में बिजी रहते हैं उन्हें स्वप्न में भी कई नई-नई बातेंसेवा के प्लैन व तरीके दिखाई देते हैं। वे सेवा में बिजी होने के कारण अपने पुरूषार्थ के व्यर्थ से और औरों के भी व्यर्थ से बचे रहते हैं। उनके सामने बेहद विश्व की आत्मायें सदा इमर्ज रहती हैं। उन्हें जरा भी अलबेलापन आ नहीं सकता। ऐसे सेवाधारी बच्चों को आधारमूर्त बनने का वरदान प्राप्त हो जाता है।

स्लोगन:- संगमयुग का एक-एक सेकण्ड वर्षों के समान है इसलिए अलबेलेपन में समय नहीं गंवाओ।


Daily Positive Thoughts: May 22, 2015: Faith in Life

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 22, 2015: Faith in Life

Faith in Life
To limit your faith to one set of beliefs or an institutional belief system is to commit intellectual suicide. We shut down the possibility of being enlightened and enriched by others' experiences, which may be derived from their beliefs. We build a barrier between ourselves and our fellow travellers and then feel threatened, even in small and subtle ways, by someone of a different faith. The deepest faith is the intuitive conviction that all is as it should be, despite appearances, and that every human being is intrinsically good, despite appearances. This reminds us to keep our minds open, not take the law into our own hands, and look out for the best in others, regardless of what they say or do. This is faith in life, not faith in a set of learned or inherited beliefs. Have you ever noticed how people don't go to war over their faith in life?
Humility enables people to realize their mistakes and correct
themselves. Real humility results in so much power of truth that we
don't need to say anything at all in words. The very power of our
inner state of being will make the other person realize the error of
their ways. While giving directions or corrections to someone, I need
to check my own attitude, reminding myself of the humility within and
only then say what I have to say. With humility my words will be for
their benefit and this will enable them to learn.
Experiencing Soul Consciousness

Read over the following words slowly and silently. Using the power of visualization, aim to experience them in your mind: I withdraw my attention away from the physical limbs and sense organs........ I focus on myself........ I am listening through these ears........ I am looking through these eyes........ This instrument of mine, the physical body, is a precious vehicle........ a valuable instrument, a medium........ But, that which is more valuable and more precious is the being (soul) making this instrument function........ Within this assembly of bones and muscles and amazing organs is a being of light........ In the centre of the forehead is a point of light ...... I am this being of light........ I the being of light express myself through this body........ But the body is not I........ I am light........ I spread rays of peace in all directions........ I become aware of the power within this point of light........ Within I the being of light is everything that I am and everything that I have........ Within my own being are my qualities, my powers, my talents........ In the awareness of who I am I radiate this light within........ and in the awareness of this inner light........ I hold my head held high in self-respect........
Soul Sustenance
Soul Power over Role Power (Part 3)
Continuing from yesterday’s message, the remaining components of soul power are: The power of good wishes, desires and feelings full of love for others, while coming in contact with them. These type of feelings will bring good wishes in return from the other to you, which will not only empower you, but will also assist your physical role on a subtle level. The power of complete purity and cleanliness in thoughts, words and actions - A state where one is not under the influence of vices like anger, ego, attachment, greed, hatred, jealousy etc. The 8 main powers - the power to tolerate, accommodate, face, pack up, discriminate (or discern), judge (or decide), withdraw and co-operate – their implementation on an internal and external level i.e. not only in words and actions, but also on a thought level. Where there is lack of any of the above powers inside me, there will definitely be waste and you will be weakened, which reduces the probability of success of your role. The power of truth or spiritual wisdom - A state where the self has deeply realized and understood eternal truths of the soul, the Supreme and the Law of Karma and has drawn immense amount of power and experience from that knowledge. The power of physical knowledge would fall under role power, which has been explained earlier. By focusing on each of the above components of soul power and those explained in yesterday’s message, by giving them more weightage and using them along with the components of the role, which were mentioned in the message before that, one can experience the desired success in any role in any sphere of life very easily without much effort.
Message for the day

To be free from waste questions is to save time.

Expression: When difficult situations come my way I usually have a lot of questions in my mind about it. I continue to ask myself why the situation has come and have no answers. These questions usually bring me no solution for the problems at hand but I continue to have waste thoughts. Experience: I need to understand the importance of the time that is in my hands. When I recognize the value of my time I will not waste time in unnecessary thoughts but will try to find a solution for the problem. If there is no solution for the problem I at least just stop thinking unnecessarily and just accept it.
In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 21, 2015: Self-Acceptance

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 21, 2015: Self-Acceptance


Self-Acceptance is an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate and support who you are right now, even those parts you'd like to change. Look at yourself in the mirror. Take a moment to love and accept the person you see looking back at you.


Humility brings learning. Where there is humility there is willingness
to learn. When humility is lacking, ego comes which doesn't let us
learn from all situations and people. The power of humility enables us
to learn and move forward. When I'm faced with criticism, I need to
see what I can learn from it, instead of feeling bad about it. Even
things that go wrong have something to teach me, if I am willing to
learn. With humility I continue to learn.

Negative Control And Positive Influence

The power of influence in relationships is extraordinary, but it practically disappears when we try to exercise control and force.

You can influence anyone positively in many ways: * encouraging, * sharing, * listening, * communicating in the right way. 
In negative control we generate stress, frustration and anger. In positive influence the energy flows in a relaxed way with harmony and is not threatening, respecting each one for their specialty and allowing each one to be as they are. In order to influence positively we need the power of discrimination and judgement in relation to what to say and what to do e.g. when you believe that the other person is the problem; generally the problem is not what others say or do, but rather how you perceive them. The way  that you judge is what creates your negative feelings about them. We have the choice to perceive others as a threat, as a problem, or as an opportunity; an opportunity for learning, for change, for dialogue and understanding. We can choose to have compassion (kindness); to feel that the other is a problem indicates a lack of compassion.


Soul Sustenance

Soul Power over Role Power (Part 2)

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the various components of soul power are: The power of inner silence or the silence of my mind - Silence is a power. The fewer the thoughts in my mind and the more powerful, positive, peaceful and focused they are, the more my mind will contribute to the success of the role on a subtle level. My silence is regularly tested when faced with negative situations or obstacles. The more successful I am in maintaining this stage in such situations, the more is my treasure of silence collected over a period of time and the more positive the influence of this silence will be on my physical role and the success of various tasks connected with the role. The power of inner and outer carefreeness, happiness and contentment - Happiness not only inside but also giving others an experience of the same through my face, my eyes, my words and actions full of lightness and enthusiasm, etc. while coming in contact with them. Ensuring I am content with myself and others and also others are content with me. Regular periods of discontentment or unhappiness either within me or in my relationships affect the success of my role adversely. In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain the remaining components that make up soul power. Message for the day

When there is determination in my thoughts, the clouds of negative situations will fade away.

Expression: There are a lot of negative situations that come my way, as I am moving along. During the difficult phase I tend to experience a lot of negativity within too, either in the form of fear, anger or pain. At that time the difficulty seems very big and seems to last forever. Experience: I need to recognize the fact that whatever difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds come at their time and fade away at their time too. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face the situation with ease.
In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris

Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli May 21, 2015

Om Shanti ! Sakar Murli May 21, 2015

Essence:   Sweet children, keep points of knowledge in your awareness and you will remain happy.  You are now standing at the gates to heaven. Baba is showing you the path to liberation and liberation-in-life.(mukti, jeewan mukti)

Question:   What must you pay attention to in order to keep your register good?

Answer: You must pay attention that you don't cause sorrow for anyone through your thoughts, words or deeds. Your nature should be first class and very sweet. Maya should not catch hold of you by your nose or ears in such a way that she makes you do wrong things or that you make someone experience sorrow. If you cause sorrow for anyone, you will have to repent a great deal and your register will be spoilt.

Song:         Show the path to the blind dear God!

Om shanti. The Father sits here and explains to you children. The path you are shown is very easy and yet you children continue to stumble along. Whilst sitting here, you understand that the Father is teaching you and showing you the path to the land of silence. This is very easy. The Father says: Stay in remembrance as much as possible, day and night. They stumble along by foot a great deal on those pilgrimages on the path of devotion.  Whilst sitting here, you are on the pilgrimage of remembrance.  The Father has also explained to you that you have to imbibe divine virtues and continue to finish devilish defects. Do not perform any devilish act, which would become a sin. The Father has come to make you children constantly happy. The child of an emperor would be happy seeing his father and his kingdom. Even though they have kingdoms, they still have physical illnesses. Here, you children have the faith that Shiv Baba has come and that He is teaching us. Then, we will go to heaven and rule there. There will not be any type of sorrow there. The knowledge of the  Creator and  the beginning, middle  and end  of creation  is in your  intellects. This knowledge is not in the intellects of any other human beings. You children now understand that you too did not have any of this knowledge previously. You did not know the Father. Devotion is considered to be very elevated and many different types of devotion are performed. There, everything is physical; there is nothing subtle there. The pilgrimage to Amarnath they go on is a physical pilgrimage. There is a lingam there too. People do not understand at all who it is they are going to. You children no longer go stumbling anywhere. You know that you are studying for the new world where there are no Vedas or scriptures etc. There is never any devotion in the golden age. There, there is only happiness. Where there is devotion, there is sorrow. This picture of the cycle is very good. The gates to heaven are very clear in that. Keep it in your intellects that you are now sitting at the gates to heaven.  There should be great happiness.  You children can remain very happy by remembering points of knowledge. You know that you are about to go through the gates to heaven. There are very few people there. Here, there are so many human beings. They continue to stumble so much. They give many donations and perform so much charity. They wander around so much following sages etc. and yet they continue to call out: O God, show the path to the blind! They always want to be shown the path to liberation and liberation-in-life. You know that this world is the old world of sorrow. However, only you know this. Those people do not know this. They say that the duration of the iron age is thousands of years. Therefore, those helpless people are in darkness, are they not? Amongst you, too, you understand numberwise that our Baba is teaching us Raja Yoga, just as they have yoga (connection) and remember the teacher who teaches them to become a barrister or an engineer. Someone becomes a barrister by studying the knowledge to become a barrister. This is Raja Yoga. Our intellects’ yoga is connected to the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Your mercury of happiness should rise very high through this. Become very sweet! Your nature should be very first class. No one should experience sorrow through you. Although you don't want to hurt anyone, Maya catches hold of you by your nose or ears and makes you make mistakes. Then you repent inside: I caused sorrow for that one without reason. However, your register would have been spoilt by then. You should try not to cause sorrow for anyone through your thoughts, words or deeds. The Father comes to make us into such deities. Do they cause anyone sorrow? A worldly teacher teaches you; he doesn’t make you unhappy, does he? Yes, if students don’t study, they have to be punished. Nowadays, beating anyone has been banned in schools. You are spiritual teachers and your duty is to educate them and also teach them good manners. If they study well, they will claim a high status. If they don’t study, they will fail. The Father too comes every day to educate you and teach you manners. Exhibitions etc. are held to teach others. Everyone asks for exhibitions and projectors. Thousands will buy these projectors. The Father tells you everything in a very easy way. To do service at Amarnath is also easy. You can explain what devotion is and what knowledge is by using the pictures.  On this side is knowledge and on the other side is devotion.  Through one, there is heaven and through the other, there is hell. This is very clear. What you children are now studying is very easy. You even teach others very well. However, where is your pilgrimage of remembrance? This is all a matter for the intellect. We do have to remember the Father and it is in this remembrance that Maya whips you. She breaks your intellects’ yoga completely. The Father says: All of you are very weak in yoga. Even very good maharathis are very weak.  Some think that so-and-so has very good knowledge and must therefore be a maharathi. Baba says: They are the cavalry and infantry. A maharathi is one who stays in remembrance. By staying in remembrance whilst doing everything, your sins will be absolved and you will become pure. Otherwise, punishment will have to be experienced and your status will be destroyed. Therefore, keep a chart for yourself so that you know what effort you are making. Baba himself says: I too am making effort. My intellect repeatedly goes in other directions. Baba has many concerns. You can go fast. As well as this, you also have to reform your behaviour. If, after becoming pure, you then indulge in vice, whatever you have earned will all be destroyed. When you become angry with someone or become like salt water, it means you have become devilish. Maya comes in many different forms. No one has become perfect as yet. Baba inspires you to make effort. It is very easy for you kumaris. You yourselves ought to be strong. There has to be honesty within you. If your heart is attached internally to someone else, you will not be able to continue here. Kumaris and mothers should engage themselves in the service of making Bharat into heaven. This does take effort. Nothing can be achieved without making effort. You are receiving a kingdom for 21 births. Therefore, you have to make so much effort. Baba allows you to continue with your worldly education until you become strong in this. It shouldn’t be that you lose out in both worlds. If you become trapped in someone’s name and form, you would be completely finished off. Only the fortunate children are able to make the effort to forget the consciousness of the body, to become bodiless and remember the Father. The Father explains every day: Children, forget the consciousness of your body. I, this bodiless soul, am now returning home. I have to shed this body here. Only when I constantly stay in remembrance of the Father and become karmateet can I then shed it. This is something for the intellect. However, if it is not in someone’s fortune, what effort would he make? It should remain in your intellect that you first came here bodiless, that you then became bound in karmic relationships of happiness and then became trapped in vicious bondages of the kingdom of Ravan. The Father says: You now have to return bodiless. Consider yourself to be a soul and remember Me. It is the soul that has become impure. The soul says: O Purifier, come! You are now being shown the way to change from impure to pure. Souls are imperishable. You souls came here and entered bodies in order to play your parts. The Father has now explained this to you. Those to whom this was explained a cycle ago will continue to come. The Father says: Now forget your iron-aged relationships. You now have to return home. This world is to be destroyed. There is no strength left in this world. This is why people are stumbling around so much. They perform devotion in order to meet God. They think that devotion is very good. They believe that by performing a lot of devotion, they will meet God and be taken into salvation. Your devotion has now come to an end. The devotional words “Oh Rama! Oh God!” should no longer emerge from your mouths. That should stop. The Father says: Simply remember Me! This world is tamopradhan. Those who are satopradhan live in the golden age. The golden age is in the stage of ascent. Then the stage starts to descend. In fact, even the silver age should not be called heaven. Only the golden age should be called heaven. The knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end is in the intellects of you children. The beginning means the start, the middle means halfway and then there is the end. The kingdom of Ravan begins halfway through. The Father only comes in Bharat. It is Bharat that becomes pure and impure.  It is the residents of Bharat who take 84 births. All those of other religions come numberwise. The tree continues to grow and they all come at their own time. These things are not in the intellect of anyone else. Among you too, not everyone is able to imbibe all of this. You would be able to remain happy even if you kept this cycle of 84 births in your intellect. Baba has now come to take us back home. The true Beloved has come. The One whom we were remembering so much on the path of devotion has now come to take us souls back home. People do not know what peace is. Souls are embodiments of peace. You receive these organs. Therefore, you have to act. The Father, who is the Ocean of Peace, takes everyone back home. Only then will everyone receive peace. In the golden age, you have peace as well as happiness.  All the rest of the souls will go back and stay in the land of silence. Only the Father is called the Ocean of Peace. Many children forget this because they remain body conscious and don’t become soul conscious. The Father gives everyone peace. Show them this confluence age in the picture. At this time, everyone is peaceless. In the golden age, there will be none of these many religions; they will all have gone back to the abode of peace. 

There, you receive peace to your heart’s content. In your kingdom, you have happiness as well as peace. In the golden age, you have purity, peace and happiness. The land of liberation is called the sweet home. There won’t be anyone impure or unhappy there. There is no question of happiness or sorrow there. People don’t understand the meaning of peace. The example of the queen’s necklace is given. The Father says: Now take peace and happiness; take everything. May you have a long life! Children there are born according to the system. Deities don’t have to make effort to have a child.  A soul has a vision that it is time to leave his body and he leaves his body in happiness. This Baba also has the happiness of shedding his body and then going and becoming that. At present, I am still studying. You know that you too will go to the golden age. It is only at the confluence age that all of this is in your intellects. Therefore, you should remain so happy. The higher the study, the greater the happiness. God is teaching us! Your aim and objective are in front of you. Therefore, there should be so much happiness. However, some fall while moving along. Service will grow when you kumaris come on to the field of service. The Father says: Firstly, do not become like salt water with one another since you know that you are going to the world where the lion and the lamb drink water from the same pool. There, your heart becomes happy at whatever you see. The very name is heaven. So, you kumaris should tell your physical parents: I am now making preparations to go there. Therefore, I definitely have to remain pure. The Father says: Lust is the greatest enemy. I have now become a yogi and I therefore cannot become impure. You need to be very strong to speak like this. You will see how fast service grows when such kumaris emerge. However, they ought to have conquered attachment. Since you have died, why should you remember anything? Many of you remember your home, your children etc. How can you then have yoga with the Father? It should remain in your intellects that you now belong to Baba. This old world is already finished. The Father says: Remember Me! Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1.      In order to make your fortune elevated, practise becoming bodiless as much as possible. Make complete effort to forget the consciousness of the body so that you don’t remember anyone’s name or form.

2.      Keep a chart of your behaviour. Never perform any devilish acts. Keep your heart honest, become a destroyer of attachment (nashtomoha) and remain busy in the service of making Bharat into heaven.


Blessing: May you be an image of support for the world (vishv ke aadhaar moort) who remains constantly busy in the task of world benefit (vishv kalyaan).

World benefactor children cannot remain free even in their dreams. Those who remain busy in service day and night also dream of new things and see plans and methods of service in them. Because of being busy in service, they remain protected from waste through their efforts and also from the waste of others. The unlimited souls of the world remain constantly emerged in front of them. They cannot have the slightest carelessness. Such serviceable children receive the blessing of being images of support.

Slogan: Each second of the confluence age is like years, therefore, do not  waste  your  time  in carelessness (albelepan).

* * * O M  S H A N T I * * *


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