Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 14, 2017: Like a Star

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 14, 2017: Like a Star

Like A Star

At the end of the day, on the wings of your thoughts, go beyond the cares and troubles of the world. Remove your mind from everything and everyone, and become blissfully detached, like a star. Like a star, be free to radiate light, for your essence is light and peace. Enjoy the simplicity of the night sky, the peace. And then, when you want to, you can shoot down to earth.

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 3)

A personality of giving comes natural to some people and for some it is the most difficult thing to do. There are people who live only for others. Every single moment they give to others what they require. It’s not about only donating wealth and clothes or food for that matter. That is a different subject of service. We will not discuss that in this message. But here we talk about giving love and happiness to each and everyone you meet. It can become the most beautiful intention of your life. Love in the form of sweet words and warm gestures that make people happy. Even if you have a problem in your life which you are facing since a few days, keep giving during that time. It will ease your problems. You can actually spend many years of your life serving each one with these two qualities – love and happiness.
Also, other qualities which people would like from you are peace and power. Today, the world is lacking these two qualities immensely. Peace in every individual’s life can be given to them by remaining silent yourself. Silence does not mean talking less only but also remaining free of any unnecessary thoughts which are not important at a particular point of time i.e. they are irrelevant. Such a person with fewer number of thoughts will automatically transmit the energy of peace to others. Also, people today are lacking emotional strength and they weaken under life’s pressures very easily. Are you ready to be the one who can stand as a pillar of strength for others by being powerful yourself? So take up this responsibility and deepen your spiritual personality i.e. make yourself full of spiritual treasures. Become a giver.

We know gratitude is important, so here are three steps to integrate gratitude.

Firstly, look up, look around & notice the beauty surrounding you.
Secondly, sincerely appreciate the people you interact with, friends, colleagues, the cashier...
Thirdly, at the end of the day, look back at the day & note what went well, what you learnt & what you enjoyed.

Do this & you'll find more things to be grateful for!

Message for the day

To move forward is to be on a pilgrimage. 
Thought to Ponder: When someone goes on a pilgrimage, there is only one thought of moving forward. Our life, too is a pilgrimage of experiencing progress in all we do. When something uncomfortable comes up, my vision needs to be fixed only on the goal and nothing else. 

Point to Practice: Today I will create an aim for myself of something I want to achieve. This could be even a short term goal or even imbibing a quality in myself. Every time I am faced with any difficult situation, I will focus my energies on achieving my goal instead of wasting time and energy worrying over what is wrong. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 13, 2017: Connecting With Others

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 13, 2017: Connecting With Others

Artist: Kagaya Yutaka born in 1968 in Saitama, is a Japanese digital artist

Connecting With Others

We are normally kind to people who are kind to us. But when someone is not behaving well, we tend to change our attitude, response and behaviour toward that person. We wait for the other person to change before changing ourselves. So we do not find change in others or in ourselves.
When I see others’ inner qualities I connect to them more easily. I will not be dependent on another person’s behaviour for my own growth today. I will see each person’s positive aspects and take them within myself. In this way I will become richer with each interaction.

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 2)

A different set of personalities or natures of all the people you meet will always be there and the adjustment of natures with them is what will always be required. Suppose there is an acquaintance of yours who is a little egoistic and at times she can be difficult to please. You give a lot of love and regard to her but she never seems to return it. Such a person can be difficult to interact with and she also may be conditional. She may make the relationship with you dependent on the type of behavior you may show to her. Suppose one day you praise her, she will be very good to you. On another day, you point out her mistake and she will show a different behavior. In the same way suppose you have a close associate who loves people giving him admiration and a lot of remarks about his personality and wealth. One day, someone does not do that and instead praises someone else in front of him, he would feel insulted. This is the way some people will be. They are not givers but they always want something or the other from the other on an emotional level or even on the level of words and actions.

Also, the method of becoming a giver and not someone who is always asking for love and respect from others is to start filling oneself with those treasures first, by connecting with a Higher Source or God, who is full of those treasures Himself and that too permanently. Do you know that God never, even for a second, asks for treasures from any human being? He has only one intention - to fill others with everything good he possesses. He possesses every virtue that will ever be seen in any human being – He is an Ocean of all those virtues. We need to train ourselves to make our personality like God’s by having a deep relationship with Him though a medium of remembrance.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Value yourself and then value others.

Comparing yourself to others is not helpful. It can make you feel better than or less than someone else.

But if self-improvement is what you're looking for, then use your comparison habit for a positive effect.

How? Notice the special quality that the other person has and then enhance that quality within yourself. As a result, rather than feeling discouraged, you'll take encouragement from others.

Message for the day

The nourishment of happiness brings health.

Thought to Ponder: The one who always gets the nourishment of happiness, has a happy and healthy life. Every aspect of life is filled with good things. There is enthusiasm and energy for making use of the resources in the best way. There is the power to overcome physical ailments too. Without happiness, life becomes dull and boring and there is no energy to do anything.
Point to Practice: Today I will be happy. Even if things go wrong, I will not worry about it today. I will do all I have to do, but with the consciousness of being happy all the time. This will ensure that I remain healthy in the mind, and therefore the body too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: February12, 2017: On Becoming Tolerant

Daily Positive Thoughts: February12, 2017: On Becoming Tolerant

Artist: Odysseas Oikonomou, Greek painter, born in 1967 in Albania

On Becoming Tolerant

When someone disbelieves us, we usually argue back and try to prove our point. Yet we find that the more we talk, the less people listen. Unable to convince them, we end up frustrated.
Instead, when someone challenges the truth of my words, I should think about whether they might be right. Rather than stubbornly clinging to my point of view, I could embrace this as an opportunity to learn. Even if I am correct in my thinking, if I become able to understand someone else's point of view without getting angry or refusing to listen, I become tolerant.

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why is it so difficult to forgive someone who has wronged you in any way? There are people who do not seem to bother about the hurt and pain that they may seem to receive from people around them. After all pain is our response to people and pain is not given by others to us. Then there are people who can carry the memories of a negative incident for a complete lifetime so much that it can affect their physical health and moods to a very large extent. Is it not easy to forgive and forget? Or is it for some the most difficult thing to achieve? Why the difference?

There was once a shopkeeper in a little village of Southern India who used to sell coconuts to people. Once while selling his product to a rich trader, he was asked by the trader – Can you lend me a few coconuts for a day? I will return them to you in the evening. The shopkeeper replied – I can sell the coconuts to you at a lower rate if you wish but I cannot lend them to you. The trader needed the coconuts just for a function as decoration. In the same manner, at times we are like this shopkeeper. We indulge in trade in our relationships. We want something in return for everything we give. We want love in return of love. We want happiness when we give happiness to someone. When this does not happen we are hurt and cannot forget what happened. Also, another energy that we often transmit to others is one of begging. We beg for peace, love and joy all the time. What that means is we are always asking for positivity from others, which will not always come. Suppose you are a part of a group of friends with different personalities and a lot of positive and negative characteristics which everyone possesses. Do you always get what you expect from each one? No. So how does one handle this?

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Thinking too much is like eating too much.

The heaviness makes it impossible to think effectively. Here are a few tips to keep your mind vibrant and full of energy:

Diet. Avoid pessimistic and cynical thinking. Feed the mind light and healthy thoughts.

Exercise. Stimulate the mind with different and interesting ideas and concepts.

Rest. Every now and then, pause and let your mind digest everything it has taken in.

Message for the day

The power of transformation brings all attainments.  

Thought to Ponder: When there is the ability to transform negative into positive, and waste into useful in a second there is the ability to be useful for the self and others. There would not be just complaints against the situation, but the best would be made out of all situations and move on to the aim set out. 

Point to Practice: When I am able to use the power of transformation to finish negative and waste, I am able to experience being free from obstacles. So I am able to experience contentment under all circumstances for having made the best use of everything available. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 11, 2017: Miss Nothing

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 11, 2017: Miss Nothing

Artist: Maxfield Parrish

Miss Nothing

Being enlightened means being self-aware. Awareness of yourself means you don't miss anything inside. You are aware of things like the quality of your thoughts and feelings, of how you sometimes give your power to others, and how your self-esteem occasionally fluctuates. You don't miss anything because you know that knowing yourself is vital to being comfortable with yourself. Are you comfortable with yourself? No! Then be with yourself, talk to yourself, listen to yourself today. Take a few moments out and have a meeting with yourself. Put yourself in your diary. Put yourself at the top of your to list. And write next to it, 'being with myself'. Miss nothing in yourself.

Living A Life Rich With Relationships (Part 6)

A life full of relationships will make your life a smooth ride and not a difficult journey and a tiring one. We all know that relationships are valuable and precious and we need to take care of them so that they help us at all times and at every step. Distance in relationships at times causes situations to seem bigger than what they are. Love in relationships is the basis of a life full of strength and power. They say a person with spiritual strength can overcome difficult situations but the spiritual strength comes very largely with the love not only experienced from human beings but also from God. The one who is close to God is able to defend himself against negative attitudes, words and actions of others which very commonly come to test us in our lives. Also the one with the power of the non-physical love of God is able to remain stable when the physical body creates problems and is not the way it should be. Some people are able to remain stable and happy in a challenging illness much more than others because they are always under God’s canopy of protection which is full of love. Also, the person who is always holding the hand of God at every step is able to cross all problems of wealth and the role in personal and professional life and other challenges in family and at the workplace with the power of his or her relationship with God. There are people who have lost their complete wealth in difficult financial situations of the world but came back with their faith and love for God in a big way and recovered their lost fortunes and damaged roles in the financial sphere of life.

Lastly, if there is one relationship which is equal to all the relationships with others in your life put together or even higher, it is your relationship with God. A beautiful relationship with God makes all the other relationships beautiful and that in turn makes life full of joy and happiness and a beautiful obstacle-free existence. Relationships are thus the primary wealth of our lives and the key to a content mind, illness-free body and a successful personal and professional role.

Needs of the Needy

Everyone thinks they need to get something. But the truth is we don't need anything. We already have what we need. Trouble arises when we think we have to keep what we receive. It's the keeping that sustains our neediness. But whatever comes to us is not for keeping, it is for giving. And when you give, you get. Deep down we all know this eternal truth. It's one of those cast iron laws of the universe. But we are conditioned to think the opposite. No wonder there is a poverty of faith. Not religious faith, but the faith that the universe will bring us whatever we need, at the right moment in the right way. So start today -- give, give, give - time, energy, assistance, care, co-operation. On how many levels do you see the opportunity to give? It's good to be a just do it person. Even better to be a 'just give it person'. And the paradox will make itself known - when you give you will realize you already have everything you need. 


Message for the day

To be free from guilt means to ensure quick and easy progress. 

Thought to Ponder: Blaming oneself for all that happens and taking the mind to extreme levels of guilt takes one to a sense of unworthiness. Such a person loses the strength and is unable to look for solutions in difficult situations. Hence there is nothing new that can be thought of, and the situation doesn't get any better. 

Point to Practice: When I continue to blame myself, I believe that I deserve neither happiness nor love and that the sorrow that I am experiencing is a deserved punishment. So I lose all enthusiasm to improve the situation and have no awareness of the treasures that I have. So I experience no progress in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 10, 2017: Anger

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 10, 2017: Anger


Anger causes a lot of damage. When someone gets angry, that anger also creates anger in others. It takes two hands to clap. Therefore, if someone gets angry shower that one with flowers.

Living A Life Rich With Relationships (Part 5)

Life without relationships is like living without strength. People who are loved a lot by others will be stronger and they will be able to cross different situations with this power. They say love can move mountains. That can be further expanded to say love from different relationships can change the circumstances of your life from negative to positive. It’s as if relationships are a treasure and the richer we are with the treasure the more strength we have inside us. We can also challenge the world and say that when the world is with us, we will never drown deep in any situation, however demanding it may be. It’s as if so many people are holding your hand and helping you cross different types of situations which otherwise would not have been easy to cross without the power of their blessings.

So never ever feel you are alone. This will make you susceptible to different types of situations of all types much more than if you were accompanied by many like-minded people in your life journey. People carry positive energy inside them which helps you remain stable when you are with them at every step in your life. Life throws different types of challenges at us and they can unsettle you. But people whom we love, help us in overcoming these challenges sometimes directly with their physical help and sometimes on a non-physical level through the power of love and support on a mental level. It is different when we do not have real life tests and we do not realize the importance of our close loved ones at that time. Its only when we are tested when we realize the same. Take the example of a difficult physical illness. Knowing that you have a test paper of life that is in front of you is the first step of realization. Take two people with the same illness. The one with thousands of people’s love in his heart will at times emerge victorious sooner than the other one who has lesser love in her life but access to more and better medical facilities. That is why it is said - blessings make you fly. Fly above what? Difficult situations and problems. And blessings from whom? Your loved ones.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Bring Light

When things are tough or when you're dealing with a difficult person; no matter how dark a moment it is, try to bring light.

Connect to your inner light, be illuminated and illuminate the moment. It may be your presence, words, humour or an attitude of genuine interest.

Message for the day

The ones who see specialities become special. 

Thought to Ponder: To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him. 

Point to Practice: When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 09, 2017: Forgiveness

Daily Positive Thoughts: February 09, 2017: Forgiveness


Forgiveness frees the self and others from the prison of the past.

Living A Life Rich With Relationships (Part 4)

Dealing with people in the right manner requires giving attention to the self at every step. E.g. if you have to interact with others in a company meeting, you will look after your external appearance and the way you look and keep yourself tidy before beginning it. At the same time, you need to look at your internal self and how tidy it is and see whether you are looking your best in terms of qualities and powers and also check whether you are spiritually empowered enough to face the situation. It’s not just about the physical appearance but also about remaining focused and stable and performing the right actions which make you worthy of praise and respect in your family and at your workplace. They say a good personality makes all the difference. Change that to – a good person makes all the difference. So personality is important but person is even more important. Role is important but soul is more important. The shirt is important but character is more important. That will make relationships work. Why are some relationships not working today? The reason is simple. Less attention on the inner self and more attention on the outer self.

Also, whenever you talk to someone, ensure that the words are not only smart but also soft. Also, check that they are not only full of energy but also enthusiasm. Bring power in your words but also peace. Make them sweet and not only sharp. Also, check your words and see that are not only full of authority but also loveful. Also do not forget to make your words full of respect and not ego. This way people will appreciate you not only for how you present yourself physically but they will also be impressed by your spiritual self. A life rich with relationships will happen when you remain polished in not only everything you do but also in how you do it and what is the energy of your actions on a subtle level.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Self-discipline is the glue that enables you to stick with what you're doing, be consistent & facilitate what needs to happen.

Discipline doesn't have to be hard or harsh. Actually, it involves love for your goal & commitment to what you really want. Then it becomes much easier to avoid instant gratification &, instead, to go for your goal.

Message for the day

To have an elevated consciousness is to fly across obstacles. 

Thought to Ponder: When we are low, we have to struggle and fight with each and every obstacle. On the other hand, when we are able to fly with an elevated thought, we are able to fly across all obstacles easily. Because of being in a higher position, obstacles look very small and we are able to influence them positively. 

Point to Practice: Today I will not be afraid of obstacles but will find a means to fly up above. That means, a simple thought like "I have the power to overcome this situation" or "Success is my birthright" would help me maintain my confidence and self-respect. This will give me the power to deal with even a big situation. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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