Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 23, 2017: Unique Gifts

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 23, 2017: Unique Gifts



Unique Gifts

Becoming aware of own gifts and those of others fills life with beauty. When I am aware of others' unique gifts, I can encourage them to develop them. Using my own gifts enriches others as well as myself. At times of need, I am able to draw on these qualities.

The Physical And The Non-Physical

In life many happenings cannot be explained only in material or physical terms. At certain points of crisis (negative) or inspiration (positive), there are deep emotional and spiritual experiences which separate us from the world around. We look inwards at such times; we look into religious or philosophical books, into rituals or symbols, in order to understand these experiences.

We are subject to a continuous commentary on life around us from our own thoughts, feelings and deductions.  These faculties of thinking and forming ideas, desiring and deciding (and all the different aspects which constitute our individual personality) are non-physical, yet nevertheless real – we cannot deny their existence. Indeed, anything perceivable to us comes from two sources; that which is detected by the physical senses and that which arises from impressions recorded on these subtle (non-physical) faculties (mentioned above). The things that we can see, taste, hear, smell and feel, as well as the body itself are formed of matter. But the subtle faculties of mind, intellect and personality make up what we call consciousness.

True respect does not come from what we do,

as much as how well we do it. 

This means we are shown respect according to the virtues and qualities revealed through our behaviour.

Message for the day

When promise is combined with determination, there is transformation. 

Thought to Ponder: When there is a desire for transformation, we make promises. But such promises are usually momentary are forgotten as time goes by. But when the promise is combined with determination, we are able to remind ourselves again and again of the promise made. We need to ensure promises are not forgotten. Only then will there be transformation. 

Point to Practice: Today I will take up something that I want to change in myself. I will keep reminding of this again and again. And I will not give up till I achieve it. For this to happen, I will also make a checklist that will remind me of this change that I have promised to myself. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 22, 2017: Generosity

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 22, 2017: Generosity



Do not hide the treasures in your heart in fear that they will be stolen - instead share them and find they multiply.

The Soul World Or Incorporeal World

The Soul World, which is the sixth element, is filled with golden-red, divine light (experienced during meditation). Over there, the conscient (living entities), the souls, have neither bodies of matter nor bodies of light. There exists neither thought, word nor action; just complete stillness, silence and peace. Just as this world occupies a tiny part of this physical universe, so too the souls occupy just a tiny portion of this infinite world. This is the highest region, the original home of souls and the Supreme Soul, God. This is the region which human beings, irrespective of culture or religion, have tried to reach in thoughts, prayers, etc. It is called by various names in various religions - Heaven, Nirvana, Shantidham, Paramdham, Brahmand, etc. Before I came to this earth, I was there with all other souls, brothers. The experience of complete and utter peace, purity and silence is there in my sweet home. There the soul is untouched by matter. Souls reside there as star-like points of light. They remain dormant, with their roles in the physical world latent (hidden) within them. The roles emerge when they the souls appear on earth, the world stage.

The souls stay in the soul world in well-defined groups. They descend onto this earth in a certain chronological order, according to the quality of sanskaras. At the apex of this configuration of souls is the Supreme Soul, whom the other souls call God, Allah, Jehovah, etc. Beneath him the souls are positioned number wise according to their degree of similarity to the Supreme. Depending on the quality and the part the soul has to play, it emerges in the human world, taking the body of a developing baby in a mother's womb. It then continues through the cycle of birth and rebirth according to the role that it has. When the parts are over, souls again return to this world of light, peace, liberation and complete purity. The deep rest the soul has had in the home has such an effect on it that even though it forgets the details about that world, there is always a desire to search for that peace and silence when it becomes lost and confused in the world of matter. In that supreme region only, souls remain in their completely original, natural state, which can be experienced through Rajyoga meditation.

Quality of Actions

Success means to reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that pure actions happen naturally. 

Pure actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy, sweet fruit. 

'As you sow. so shall you reap.' 

Concern for the quality of my actions today ensures the Success of my tomorrow.

Message for the day

To be a light house is to show others the right path. 

Thought to Ponder: A light house is one that is stable even in the worst o storms. When I am able to have this quality of stability, I will be able to show others the right path in all kinds of circumstances. The negativity of the situation may trouble or affect others, but I continue to provide the right direction to all. 

Point to Practice: Today I will give hope to someone who is hopeless. I will provide support, direction or encouragement to help this person move forward. I will also ensure that I am moving forward too, learning from all situations. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 21, 2017: Life

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 21, 2017: Life



Learning and teaching are players in the same game. If either one stops everything becomes heavy and ceases to be fun. Learning is the reward for respecting life and teaching is the fruit of experiencing life.

Three Components Of Change

In order to bring about a fundamental (major) change, three elements need to exist simultaneously:

Focus: A clear sense of purpose in life and clear goals to guide your life's activities.

Will: The motivation and enthusiasm to introduce and sustain the actions.

Capabilities: The skills and abilities to fulfill your purpose and goals.

But where do you start? There is definitely a right place to begin and that is with your focus. Why? Because if your focus is powerful and based on a very deep sense of your inner most purpose in life, then that will provide you with the will power you need to keep going. Then if you have a clear driving focus in life and lots of will power to back it up, you will soon develop the skills and capabilities you need to make it happen. You may not have them yourself, but your enthusiasm and passion will certainly inspire others who do have them to join you.


The foundation of all spiritual growth and personal development is the awakening of self-awareness. Most people however are not yet self-aware, and the majority of those, are not aware that they are not aware. Self-awareness is easy and begins with simply taking a mental step back, and observing your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions. Whenever you do you learn about our self and the basis of personal change and growth is always learning. Step back, what do you see, what enters your awareness? What does it tell you? What does it show you about yourself? Don't judge it, just see it. Don't run away from what you see, just watch it. Accept it. Allow whatever is happening within your thoughts and feelings just to be. And suddenly you will find that inner peace which surpasseth all pleasure.

Message for the day

The art of giving happiness lies in being happy. 

Thought to Ponder: If I am not happy with something or someone and I am not able to resolve it, I will not be able to give happiness to others too. If I am bringing about a change in myself for someone and am not happy about it, I will not be able to make a difference. Whatever I do for others, I need to do it with happiness. 

Point to Practice: Today I will make a small change in myself or my life style for giving happiness to someone important in my life. This could be something that they have always been expecting, but it need not be anything big. But, while I am making this change, I need to first ensure I am not bothered or am not feeling heavy about it. When I do it with love, it will give me power and positivity.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 20, 2017: Fill the Gap

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 20, 2017: Fill the Gap

Gaiola Bridge, Naples, Italy

Fill the Gap

If anyone has any weakness, make it your duty to fill that gap. To speak about someone's weakness is not greatness. The greatness lies in removing that weakness.

Ruling The Kingdom Of The Mind (Part 3)

Rulers have ruled over different territories all across the globe since thousands of years. There was a time when rulers headed the complete world, a time when there was no trace of sorrow or hatred or injustice or disharmony in their kingdom. We know these rulers as devis and devtas or also gods and goddesses today. What was the secret of their success? They possessed, apart from the skills to rule, all the powers to succeed. So what is the secret of success for the spiritual king, which is me? I enhance my spiritual powers and make them a part of my personality trait set. How? The examples of thought suggestions which we explained in yesterday’s message – their practice. Thought suggestions coloured with the seven primary virtues – peace, love, joy, purity, bliss, power and truth. We have explained four virtue types in yesterday’s message.  Our readers could give a thought to the remaining three.

These virtue coloured thoughts, when repeatedly brought into my conscious canvas every day, seep inside me and colour my sub-conscious canvas, which then fills me, the spiritual king’s personality, with those seven virtues. Virtues in turn cause the creation and increase of spiritual powers inside me which in turn makes me mighty or strong, a king with the eight primary spiritual powers - the power to withdraw, the power to pack up, the power to tolerate, the power to accommodate, the power to face, the power to discriminate, the power to judge and the power to co-operate. Such a power-filled king is then obeyed by his ministers - the thoughts, feelings and emotions and his people - the attitudes, expressions, words and actions and all of them learn to respond to the outsiders i.e. external situations, in tune with their king’s personality i.e. in tune with the seven primary virtues and the eight primary powers. As the king, so his ministers. As the ministers, so his people – resulting in a harmony, love and joy filled atmosphere in the complete kingdom. Such an order filled kingdom is a kingdom of high self-esteem, and is respected by other spiritual kings it associates with every day because the kings who come in close connection with such a kingdom experience these virtues and powers from the kingdom and its people i.e. my complete self.

Feel Stuffy?

All the unnecessary, repetitive thoughts that linger around in our minds create a stuffy atmosphere and affect how we feel.

Next time your mind feels stuffy, filter out any negativity or unwanted thoughts. Remove all the contaminants from your mind, just like an air purifier.

Now you can think fresh thoughts, feel good and breathe easy! 

Message for the day

As is our attitude towards others, so is the quality of interactions. 

Thought to Ponder: Our attitude towards others influences our interaction with them. A negative attitude towards another person not only makes me behave negatively. It also makes the other person use that quality again and again when in interaction with us. We actually become a reminder to the other person about his own negativity. For example, if I continue to believe that someone is lazy and we keep expressing that, that person will only remember their laziness when they see us, and use it too.

Point to Practice: Today I will remind one person of some quality that I see in him. I will praise or use this quality of the person at least 3 times. Thus, I will be able to become a reminder for them, of their own specialty. This will encourage them to use this quality at least when they are interacting with us. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 19, 2017: Still Waters

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 19, 2017: Still Waters

Still Waters

A life of turbulence and noise may seem desirable to one who leads it, but wisdom is a pearl found only in still waters.

Ruling The Kingdom Of The Mind (Part 2)

Am I a weak king or a mighty (strong) one? This is a question that each one of us needs to ask ourselves at the end of each day. Every night, call upon your ministers – the thoughts, feelings and emotions in your kingdom court and have a heart-to-heart conversation with them regarding the kingdom and its people, which are your attitudes, expressions, words and actions. A court is also held to check the daily report of the behavior of the ministers. As the ministers of a kingdom, so its people (as mentioned above). To keep the kingdom in order, an able (talented) king will train the ministers and its people to react correctly to topsy-turvy situations which the kingdom is exposed to every day, which causes instability in the kingdom. This ability is the power of the king in action.
To train the ministers to respond correctly, a powerful king will, at the start of the day and at regular intervals in the day, give thoughts of power to the mind such as – I am an ocean of success or I possess the all powerful driving force of motivation or I can destroy obstacles that try to obstruct my path coupled with thoughts of peace such as - I shall not react angrily, but maintain my calm or I shall not look at others’ actions but keep my focus on my stable stage or I shall keep a relationship of outer detachment to external situations as well as inner detachment to internal pressures coupled with thoughts of love such as – I am an overflowing source of good wishes or I will be forgetful of others' mistakes or I shall absorb others' virtues and fill others with virtues coupled with thoughts of joy such as I will remain light and give others the same experience or I shall spread the wings of enthusiasm and fly high or I shall gift a smile and a greeting to everyone. These types of thought suggestions will in turn positively influence the feelings and emotions, the ministers of my kingdom and my attitudes, expressions, words and actions, the people of my kingdom. How? We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message.

Of course, people matter. But do they know that?

Whether it's your partner, boss, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, put extra effort into letting them know they matter.
Why? Because it makes a difference and it matters, to them and to you.

It doesn't need to be long and drawn out, it could simply be a 'Thank you, I really appreciate that' or 'Thank you, that was really thoughtful.' 

Message for the day

The biggest help for the self is to forgive.

Thought to Ponder: When I carry negative experiences, I am not able help myself be light, easy and natural. There is a feeling of bondage and discomfort. But, when I learn the art of forgiveness, I am able to free myself from this bondage. I experience inner freedom and lightness and I am able to make the right judgement too, in future interactions. 

Point to Practice: Today I will forgive someone whom I was not able to forgive all this while. I will not forgive because he needs forgiveness, but because I want to be free. Forgiveness is possible when I understand that everyone has a unique role to play on this world stage. I cannot expect another person to act or behave or think like me, because his role is different and unique. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: March 18, 2017: Communication

Artist: Gustave Leonhard Jonghe 1829-1893


The one who knows the art of connecting to others is successful. When someone is not behaving well, we tend to alter our attitude, response and behavior toward that person. We wait for the other person to change, before changing ourselves. When I know the art of perceiving others' specialities and connecting to them, I will always be successful. I am then not dependent on the other person's behavior for my own growth. I am able to see each person's positive aspects and absorb them in myself too. Then I become richer with every interaction.

Ruling The Kingdom Of The Mind (Part 1)

Have you ever looked inside the inner kingdom of your mind where your thoughts, feelings and emotions are your ministers? Is it a kingdom of law or anarchy (lawlessness)? Do you ever wonder – Ah, I wish there would be more order and less chaos in my kingdom! So what stops you from creating a kingdom of law and order? Is it external situations or is it your internal reactions to these situations? Just for one day, perform this little exercise, check that out of the tens of thousands of thoughts and feelings you create in a day, how many are your own creation and how many are responses to external events. If they are your own positive creation or if they are responses to events, but correct ones, then be proud that your ministers are obeying you. Do you realize that the time when these thoughts and feelings are the wrong type of reactions on your part and not your original correct creations, is the time when these ministers are wicked and disobeying you.

A kingdom where the ministers disobey the king (that is you) repeatedly, is a kingdom, the atmosphere of which is lacking in harmony, love and joy, which in our case is our mind. It is a kingdom which is not respected by its people, who work under the ministers of thoughts and feelings, the people being your attitudes, expressions, words and actions, who further disintegrate and go their incorrect way following the orders of their seniors – the thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is a kingdom where the king has to bow down in front of the outsiders, the neighbours, which in this case is the external situations and other spiritual kings like me, involved in these situations. Also, it is a kingdom which is lacking in stability and susceptible (vulnerable) to attacks by the neighbours repeatedly.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Boring Conversations?

What do you do when you find yourself in a boring conversation? Make a quick exit? You have to respect your time, so try to remove yourself from the conversation as politely as you can.

Remember, not all conversations are going to be amusing or stimulating. And just because something doesn't interest you, that doesn't mean it's boring!

Even if it is boring, you can still try to be more engaged in the conversation; ask questions, listen or contribute. Or just try to find something you can take away from the conversation.

Message for the day

True cooperation is to have good wishes for even the one who harms. 
Thought to Ponder: Everyone needs the cooperation of good wishes to overcome their weaknesses. Good wishes makes them realize their own true worth and empower them to bring about a change. So, even for the one who harms, I need to have a feeling of mercy and good wishes and not hatred. This will help them at every step.

Point to Practice: Today I will think of one person who has not been good to me. I will work on my thoughts in such a way that I will have good wishes for this person. I will do something to have a thought of good wish for this person. The little help that I offer in this way will return back to me too in the form of good wishes and blessings. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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